North St. Paul City Council Meeting - 08/20/24

  • Опубликовано: 19 авг 2024
  • I. Call to Order
    II. Pledge of Allegiance
    III. Roll Call
    Council Member Cole
    Council Member Schweer
    Council Member Wong
    Council Member Nordby
    Mayor Monge
    IV. Adopt Agenda
    V. Presentations
    VI. Consent Agenda
    A. July 16, 2024 workshop minutes
    B. July 16, 2024 city council minutes
    C. July 30, 2024 special city council minutes
    D. General Claims $1,704,164.00
    E. HRA Claims $24,191.61
    F. Approve Ordinance No. 832 Amending the Fee Schedule for Special Event
    Permit Fees
    G. Approve Acceptance of a Donation of a Memorial Picnic Table and Plaque at
    Casey Lake Park
    H. Resolution Accepting Donations - July 2024
    I. Application for a Special Event Permit for the North St. Paul Business
    Association on September 19, 2024.
    J. Application for a Special Event Permit and a Temporary Liquor License
    Extension of Premises for American Legion Club 39 on August 24, 2024.
    K. Arts and Culture Commission Appointment for Raquel Soto
    L. July Building Permit Report - Informational
    Page 2 of 2
    North St. Paul City Council Regular Meeting Agenda - AMENDED
    VII. Meeting Open to the Public
    This Open Forum is an opportunity for persons to address the City Council. A
    completed public comment form should be presented to the Assistant to City Manager
    prior to the meeting. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person. While the City
    Council may ask clarifying questions of the speaker, no formal action by the City
    Council or discussion will be held on these items.
    VIII. Public Hearings
    A. Vacate Public Easements at 2329 17th Ave East
    IX. City Business Action Items & Recommendations
    A. Authorize the Issuance of an RFP for a Community Multicultural Outreach
    Center Feasibility Study
    B. Approve Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Special Infill Housing at 2007 6th
    Street North
    C. Approve Lot Setback Variance Request at 2007 6th Street North
    D. Approve Updated Fence Ordinance
    X. Reports of City Manager & Departments
    XI. Reports of Council Commissions & Committees
    XII. General Business
    XIII. Adjournment

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