Séance de brossage au soleil ....quoi de plus cool ....c'est le printemps....Maru n'oublie pas de boire....la coquette Hana est très soucieuse de sa toilette ...c'est une Lady....Miri plus intéressée à grimper pour rencontrer ses amis oiseaux... l'insouciance de la jeunesse ....😊😊😊💋💋💋💞💞💞👄👄👄
Questi gatti sono molto fortunati. Grazie per prendertene cura con tanto amore. Sono bellissimi! Io guardo sempre i tuoi video da anni! Grazie per condividere
I love how much you love your babies. It warms my heart on this cold rainy day here in NJ, USA! ❤🐾❤ Maru has always been my favorite internet kitty and since you've gotten Hana & Miri, I've grown to love them just as much!! ❤
Maru is such a sweet little Baby while he is letting his parent brush him. Hana got over stimulated and nerves activated. Miri likes a little brushing but not much.
These cats are living the best lives of all possible cats. Giving pleasure to cats is a sure way to give pleasure to yourself. Calming and satisfying for all, including viewers! But Maru gets the best, slow brushing; she brushes Hana and Miri much faster.
So cute the three cats know their ranking well. Hana took over Miri's mouse game and Miri although looking sad knows that she is the youngest so gotta let big sis have the mouse 9:38
We can probably all agree across the entire world that Maru is always worthy of a fine brushing in the warmth of sunlight, he has certainly earned the privilege of such luxurious treatment. 😻
1:50 生まれ変わったらこの姿になりたい
With the excellent care Maru gets I bet he'll break longevity records for Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Good day to be a cat.
三人とも、近くでじっくり見て無かったようで、色々と発見出来て楽しかったです❤️💕 まるちゃんって、凄く毛がふさふさと柔らかそう‼️みりちゃんの背中に白い毛が有る‼️ はなちゃんは、口の近くの周りが黒くて可愛い‼️ みんな広いお庭で自由に出来て幸せですね🍀💞☺️
Such a nice day❤
まるさんのブラッシングはやりがえありますね😂 気持ち良さそう😊 💙
はなさん お腹はいや…(うちの子もお腹のブラッシングはダメ 女の子だからかも)💗
日差し温かい中ブラッシングされる3人それぞれ過ごして楽しそう。まるさんのうどん職猫も健在! 🐱🐱🐱☀️🌸
Maru videos are always great. I was in the mood for a nice, long relaxing video, and this was perfect.
Séance de brossage au soleil ....quoi de plus cool ....c'est le printemps....Maru n'oublie pas de boire....la coquette Hana est très soucieuse de sa toilette ...c'est une Lady....Miri plus intéressée à grimper pour rencontrer ses amis oiseaux...
l'insouciance de la jeunesse ....😊😊😊💋💋💋💞💞💞👄👄👄
So peaceful
J'adore entendre le bruit de la brosse brushing
Miri Hana' et Maru' sont captivants
Je les aime beaucoup
Votre amie' de France Peggy
Maru: I feel like I'm in heaven now, this is great
I love how Maru just melts when he is brushed.
Cleaning, preening, playing, climbing, and getting brushed! A fabulous morning for mom and the cats!🥰♥️♥️♥️
Ohh my gosh I've been waiting a long time to see Maru&Hana&Miri all sleeping, almost, cuddled up together.
Questi gatti sono molto fortunati. Grazie per prendertene cura con tanto amore. Sono bellissimi! Io guardo sempre i tuoi video da anni! Grazie per condividere
3 Little huggy bears , so sweet , they deserve it !!!! 😻😻😻
I love how Hana holds her backleg so she can easier wash ❤
Cats have it good look at em having a relaxing time I wish I was them
How lovely to see Maru, Hana, and Miri enjoying a day basking, being brushed and playing in the sun! 😸😻😺
I love how much you love your babies. It warms my heart on this cold rainy day here in NJ, USA! ❤🐾❤ Maru has always been my favorite internet kitty and since you've gotten Hana & Miri, I've grown to love them just as much!! ❤
Thanks to technology advances, these uniquely precious moments can be cherished for ever 😻😻😻
Nothing like some good warm sun and some attention from mommy. All tuckered out. What a precious video.
I agree.
1:47 the face of true happiness 😻 so much belly floof!
I love Maru
Maru is such a sweet little Baby while he is letting his parent brush him. Hana got over stimulated and nerves activated. Miri likes a little brushing but not much.
Maru on a comfy carpet, in a warm ray of sun, 😻☀️enjoying adorably mummy's brushing, spread good vibes of hapyness and serenity!
Oh la belle vie ! 😸🥰
Hanna is definitely in a mood. Must be spring 🌼
Maru enjoys the brushing
The best cat care in the world from the best momma cat that ever existed.
PS. Miri chan is so cute!
Maru is sweet Baby ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Such a lovely day spent together 😊
Cats love this. Maru is so fluffy and cute.
それぞれに 春のおとずれを 楽しんでるようで なんだか ほっこりします😊
Nice garden for them to play and sun .🐾🐾😺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍🙏
まるさん、日向のブラッシングが気持ち良さそう‼️ はなさんはも途中までブラッシング気持ち良さそうだったのに、自分で毛繕いの方が良くなった? みりちゃんは気持ちよくて爪研ぎも始まりましたね❤️ みんな思い思いに春の日差しを満喫してましたね‼️💕
I really like to watch these right after a long day at work. Makes my day so much better 🥰
Maru is living his best life!! "Mom you missed a spot!!!" 😺😻
Ah, relaxing for kitties and humans. Thank you.
Also, Hana and MIRI have beautiful eyes that sparkle in the sun 🥰
I love how the cats have their own couch outside
まるさんの水分補給 やっぱかわいい♡♡"(∩>ω
Miri definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. 😂
The sound of Maru being brushed is very relaxing 😌
So true. And so is his purring.
Thank you for saving this beautiful for baby kittens.
All 3 cats are Mother's precious treasures!
I ❤these peaceful, playful days🐾🥰
Ok is Miri a spider cat. She is always climbing stuff.
I love the way cats' eyes look in the sunlight (in our house we call them "sunshine eyes". Maru's are so captivating 😻
Хана всегда рядом с Мару!🤗😺
Hana was feeling very full of herself!
A lovely lazy day, doing lazy day fun. This is what kitties do best.
Aww here 's Hana. and MIRI all three fur babies are so cute
Maru&Hana&Miri enjoyed a beautiful, sunny, spring day in the backyard.
大袈裟かもしれないけど、サムネのまるの表情は、人間の寝顔みたいだなぁ 本当に幸せそうだ
The new paved area makes a wonderful area for basking, brushing and playing
These cats are living the best lives of all possible cats. Giving pleasure to cats is a sure way to give pleasure to yourself. Calming and satisfying for all, including viewers! But Maru gets the best, slow brushing; she brushes Hana and Miri much faster.
Ha😂. You have good eyes. Mom definitely loves Maru more.
Oh, what a day of love and joy for Maru, Hana, Miri and Mugumogu ❤!
8:09 so adorable 😍😍
Btw, Hana is a bit fierce today... 👿😳
I love Maru playing ❤😂❤
ブラッシング嫌がる猫が多い中 まるさんはやはり別格
So cute the three cats know their ranking well. Hana took over Miri's mouse game and Miri although looking sad knows that she is the youngest so gotta let big sis have the mouse 9:38
Hana prefers her own grooming today!
Such a beautiful boy!
Cat's living their best lives!
We can probably all agree across the entire world that Maru is always worthy of a fine brushing in the warmth of sunlight, he has certainly earned the privilege of such luxurious treatment. 😻