bros content be bipolar. one second its to do w youtube unsolved mystery to some random minecraft nerd stuff. and then trolling scammers. his content goes in many places lmfao
Regarding ideas on what to do with this minecraft computer: I think trolling a tech support scammer or someone similar by screen-sharing this and acting as if it was the actual PC screen would be funny :)
So just to be clear: There is no way the Minecraft computer is running a full windows build with all the drivers... It has to bee a remote access to a real Windows maschine - What is still really good! (Or am I missing something?)
you are correct, and I agree that by itself is highly impressive. I think the redstone is just transforming IO (in particular the display) to minecraft blocks.
Yeah your right. This will also require a mod (Commandblocks/Datapacks can't connect to the internet). There is nothing "redstone computer", not even "minecraft computer" about this. It's just a display and a mod.
Yeah, the fact that he uses a second keyboard is a dead give away that he is using a second computer that it's being displayed in minecraft... And all the Redstone is just for show
the good thing about this is that if there's something you don't want people to see it's automatically censored. I mean things you *do* want people to see are also censored, but better safe than sorry I guess?
"Oh hey man, you wanna play something later?" "Yeah sure, what do you want to play?" "Minecraft." "Alright, what do you want to play in Minecraft? I'll pull up my Minecraft comput-" "what"
There is unfortunately no way for a strictly Minecraft computer to run things like Windows, via the internet. The circuitry is most certain able to do something, but not that. (I know others have pointed this out, but I think more people should know)
Dallas, there are many qualities I like about you. But one of my favorites is how your voice always sounds sarcastic even when you're not. It only works for you.
Suggestion: Download and try to run the world of the Minecraft computer, run on the Minecraft computer inside of Minecraft. ...if this somehow works, see how many layers deep you can go before everything breaks lol
its not a real computer. just a mod connecting to another computer and casting the screen. the redstone is just to show off. if you wanna see a real computer look at MPU8
@@emm1757 hey, what even is a computer? Something that just computes, or can also execute? If it's the first one, abacuses are computer. No criticism, just a thought i had while reading this.
this makes more sense than what i thought it was going to be; a whole OS written for Computercraft (the computer block you used.) with a GUI instead of just a terminal... 200$ for that would have been WAY under payed!
@@MemzDev i know hence the comment, i made it concerning the perspective i had from the title versus after i saw it confirming i was wrong in my guess from the title.
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8. also he paid someone else to make it
Press x to doubt. I honestly find all of this hard to belive. 1.if this pc in minecraft is just showing a real pc's screen then why does it has the "graphic card" and memorily? 2. To program that computer thw space that the computer is using should be at least 2-3 times bigger... No wait... I think i got it. The real computer is sharing screen in the minecraft world and the commands block decides what block is best to rapresent that pixel. But then what is all that Redstone for?
Not sure since he didn’t share the details. But stuff like this is already common and open source. Whoever “made” it for him just tweaked some stuff. Overall it’s not a computer In minecraft like you said. It’s just using a program from his laptop to display his screen in minecraft. It’s not too difficult with some general programming experience.
What is fuckton in your pocket pocket with your name code 👩💻 code for the sun earth moon 🌙 and the ways to go and do stuff with and the stuff other than your love and your love to be happy with your life love and happiness to be with your family and your family your loving loving each other loving loving and caring and loving each other and
@@buddybrax yeah, but even if it's a copied and modified design i think that an explanation video made by him _or_ the guy that he paid to do it would be nice. And for the programming i guess sharing the screen wouldn't be too difficult but the algorithm that decides what block is best for the pixel all programmed in command blocks must have been a nightmare to create
It’s so funny how the creator of the computer actually put in the time to create (or paste?) this giant useless blob of redstone below the screen to make it look better
Stop right there! Do not respond to @ruinsfnbr as this is a bot. I do not know why the hell RUclips isn’t doing anything about this but whatever you do don’t reply. It’s just trying to get attention.
Trust me, nobody would take 200 to build a whole computer in Minecraft. I think it's a stolen world (from another mc computer video that makes downloads FREE), or the redstone is just to look impressive but is running a lot of command blocks instead. very cool video though
The computer isn't inside Minecraft at all... it's a Virtual Machine or "VM" running as another program, and all Minecraft is doing is displaying the output for that virtual computer through a mod
For those unaware, all Minecraft is doing is displaying a remote screen of a VM or "Virtual Machine" running Windows. This is definitely a cool mod, but the redstone is only for show.
Red stone wouldn’t even do anything to the screen because it’s made of actual blocks and not lanterns this computer is literally impossible without mods
@@therealnumber7 that’s true but there aren’t any command blocks there and if this computer was real it would be a lot more famous because the best computer in Minecraft can only handle very simple games like snake and pong and even that’s impressive
@@kyros2714 You really believe that this man, who has absolutely no knowledge in coding or redstone or technical minecraft in general could pull this off?
There is a mod that does this exact same thing, but much more detailed, faster and on a smaller computer. There are videos of people playing Doom on it. The mod is called VM Computers, although you can also just search up 'computer mod' and it should be the first result anyway.
its pretty obvious that he's *already* using a mod (probably the exact one you mentioned) because redstone computers are nowhere near powerful enough to do this sort of stuff.
@@skmgeek The mod isn't a redstone computer, it is basically a 1 block computer with a customizable pc (you can add RAM, Graphics Cards, etc) that, just like in this video, allow for an existing computer to be used within Minecraft. I reccomend you check it out, because it is pretty interesting.
@@blockocraft1920 yes I've literally used that mod. I thought you were talking about a different one. still, he was using a plugin/mod to just stream his computer screen into the game. it's basically just a glorified video player. Fundy actually made something suspiciously similar to what he demonstrates in the video, so either way he definitely got scammed out of his money.
@@TheoKregaard I mean he’s clearly right though. This is just a mod. With this much redstone and whatever you couldn’t even make anything *close* to a functioning version of Windows 11 in vanilla, unmodded minecraft.
As much as I hate to say this it is fake, the redstone probably does not server any purpose. It is probably an virtual machine that runs on his computer, and via script like datapack or external one it broadcasts the screen of the VM to Minecraft like you can see. Cool video still. Just note that Fundy did something similar without all that "redstone computer"
Its a mod 100% . Minecraft redstone is not able to connect thru a network in any way. This is most likely a server side plugin that just replaces the blocks
The pixels were changed by always active command blocks and files in the mod that chose which blocks to place for each pixel when it has different colour values. Unfortunately this means all of the redstone was there for show and to make it seem more impressive. Still, it was a good video
Fun fact: If you code an OS, give the computer enough storage and computing power, you can theoretically make a minecraft computer run minecraft without any "cheats", and you also wouldnt be able to get a virus, because there would be no virus coded in redstone
1) You would need to have an insanely large amount of memory 2) It would crash your game anyways 3) It can't connect to the internet 4) Even if you bypassed everything before, redstone runs way to slow to simulate an actually functioning computer
Nice decorations u downloaded there, Would be cooler if you actually made an 8086 compatible cpu in Minecraft… but I guess that would not generate the most views and revenue
dude its not a computer.its just copying your screen to mc and all of the redstone part has no function because redstone cant see your computer inputs!
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8
@@teamok1025 It takes your Screen, searches the minecraft block with the closest color to the pixel on your Screen and places the block in minecraft. The redstone and command blocks are completely useless
Next make a Minecraft computer on the second computer and then play Minecraft on a computer in minecraft, in minecraft. Very inception but also much funi
Humanity has come far. From the first fire... to the moon landing... and the first smartphone. but none of us... have yet achieved rick-rolling youtube from a minecraft computer playing minecraft. - - - - *U N T I L N O W*
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8
not that hard with a bit of programming knowledge. Make a mod to read some block data and display the blocks, write a small script to record the screen, read pixel data, and convert it to minecraft blocks, and to send it into the mod.
@@Cledwyn-E or MAYBE he just used an already existing mod that converts your computer screen into minecraft blocks (but this one's worse than others that exist, so maybe he's an idiot that paid someone to make something that already exists, but worse), because that computer can't acess the internet
this is fake. while the redstone is a functional computer, it is entirely turned of and just decorative at this point. the screen works with some kind of mod and would still work just as well without any of the redstone being there
this comment was posted from a minecraft computer
wait what
Fattest w ever
Maybe reality is just in a super advanced Minecraft computer
oh hi didnt expect u here lol
pixel art got nothing on pixel computer
I ruined your 69 likes
this shouldnt even be called a minecraft computer, its just a screensharing thing in minecraft
I love how we went from "I almost got abducted" to him playing minecraft.
bros content be bipolar. one second its to do w youtube unsolved mystery to some random minecraft nerd stuff. and then trolling scammers. his content goes in many places lmfao
@@devz4201 lol frr
Yeah lmao
@@devz4201 gotta make that cash lmfao
Regarding ideas on what to do with this minecraft computer: I think trolling a tech support scammer or someone similar by screen-sharing this and acting as if it was the actual PC screen would be funny :)
Yes he needs to do this
That is a brilliant idea. I hope he reads that comment
@@justoneguy9549 yeah
@@justoneguy9549 looks like he did - thanks for the upvotes everyone!
@@irina_wtvr let's gooo he read it
So just to be clear: There is no way the Minecraft computer is running a full windows build with all the drivers... It has to bee a remote access to a real Windows maschine - What is still really good! (Or am I missing something?)
you are correct, and I agree that by itself is highly impressive. I think the redstone is just transforming IO (in particular the display) to minecraft blocks.
Yeah your right. This will also require a mod (Commandblocks/Datapacks can't connect to the internet). There is nothing "redstone computer", not even "minecraft computer" about this. It's just a display and a mod.
This is just lame
(i mean the "computer")
Yeah, the fact that he uses a second keyboard is a dead give away that he is using a second computer that it's being displayed in minecraft... And all the Redstone is just for show
@@sutsuj6437 MPU8 is a real mc computer, and its faster too
the good thing about this is that if there's something you don't want people to see it's automatically censored. I mean things you *do* want people to see are also censored, but better safe than sorry I guess?
"Oh hey man, you wanna play something later?"
"Yeah sure, what do you want to play?"
"Alright, what do you want to play in Minecraft? I'll pull up my Minecraft comput-"
this is just another computer screencasted to minecraft. the redstone dosent even do anything, its just for show.
@@emm1757 uhhh the comment wasn't about this tho
There is unfortunately no way for a strictly Minecraft computer to run things like Windows, via the internet. The circuitry is most certain able to do something, but not that. (I know others have pointed this out, but I think more people should know)
Dallas, there are many qualities I like about you. But one of my favorites is how your voice always sounds sarcastic even when you're not. It only works for you.
Stop simping
@@napioor no
@@violetheise4717 good choice
@@napioor jealous much
Yeah and i love how you believe his content is somehow real to you
Suggestion: Download and try to run the world of the Minecraft computer, run on the Minecraft computer inside of Minecraft.
...if this somehow works, see how many layers deep you can go before everything breaks lol
That's what I was thinking lol
Oh god no
its not a real computer. just a mod connecting to another computer and casting the screen. the redstone is just to show off. if you wanna see a real computer look at MPU8
@@emm1757 ++
@@emm1757 hey, what even is a computer?
Something that just computes, or can also execute?
If it's the first one, abacuses are computer.
No criticism, just a thought i had while reading this.
this makes more sense than what i thought it was going to be; a whole OS written for Computercraft (the computer block you used.) with a GUI instead of just a terminal... 200$ for that would have been WAY under payed!
It's connected to a virtual machine on his main pc he literally said that
@@MemzDev i know hence the comment, i made it concerning the perspective i had from the title versus after i saw it confirming i was wrong in my guess from the title.
it doesn't use computercraft
@@quinnroberts4853 exactly what i said.
Tekkit 4 days ago: i almost got abducted
Tekkit now: i built a minecraft computer
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8. also he paid someone else to make it
@@emm1757 screansharing a computer using a computer i guess counts as a computer
Not really a "joke" when hundreds of thousands of people watch it intending to learn something is it?
Stop spamming
Keep spamming
Stop spamming
Keep spamming but stop
Press x to doubt.
I honestly find all of this hard to belive.
1.if this pc in minecraft is just showing a real pc's screen then why does it has the "graphic card" and memorily?
2. To program that computer thw space that the computer is using should be at least 2-3 times bigger...
No wait... I think i got it.
The real computer is sharing screen in the minecraft world and the commands block decides what block is best to rapresent that pixel.
But then what is all that Redstone for?
Not sure since he didn’t share the details. But stuff like this is already common and open source.
Whoever “made” it for him just tweaked some stuff.
Overall it’s not a computer In minecraft like you said. It’s just using a program from his laptop to display his screen in minecraft.
It’s not too difficult with some general programming experience.
Yeah the redstone is bs, thats someone elses computer
What is fuckton in your pocket pocket with your name code 👩💻 code for the sun earth moon 🌙 and the ways to go and do stuff with and the stuff other than your love and your love to be happy with your life love and happiness to be with your family and your family your loving loving each other loving loving and caring and loving each other and
@@buddybrax yeah, but even if it's a copied and modified design i think that an explanation video made by him _or_ the guy that he paid to do it would be nice.
And for the programming i guess sharing the screen wouldn't be too difficult but the algorithm that decides what block is best for the pixel all programmed in command blocks must have been a nightmare to create
@@jetpond7904 kerbal r u good?
It’s so funny how the creator of the computer actually put in the time to create (or paste?) this giant useless blob of redstone below the screen to make it look better
I guess I can kiss goodbye to audio
The best part of this video is the audio.
my content is beter becuase i make quality vid
@@ruinsfnbr776 U only have one vid?
So it wasn't only me that didn't have any audio at first?
Stop right there! Do not respond to @ruinsfnbr as this is a bot. I do not know why the hell RUclips isn’t doing anything about this but whatever you do don’t reply. It’s just trying to get attention.
Huh? It’s just normal audio
Trust me, nobody would take 200 to build a whole computer in Minecraft. I think it's a stolen world (from another mc computer video that makes downloads FREE), or the redstone is just to look impressive but is running a lot of command blocks instead.
very cool video though
The computer isn't inside Minecraft at all... it's a Virtual Machine or "VM" running as another program, and all Minecraft is doing is displaying the output for that virtual computer through a mod
@@AWG4321 figured that much. Technically not a "computer in Minecraft" but more of "computer displayed in Minecraft"
Yes it’s most likely just run on a bunch of command blocks
@@snowsheep7661 No, i think that would be impossible. Has to be a mod
@@fhudufin Similar to SethBling's phone probably
For those unaware, all Minecraft is doing is displaying a remote screen of a VM or "Virtual Machine" running Windows. This is definitely a cool mod, but the redstone is only for show.
Dallas: "Alright what are we going to do today?"
Me: "Uh , take over the world?"
Dallas: "No, we're making a video within Minecraft."
Also Dallas: “we’ll Rick roll you at the end lolz”
But the real question is…
Can it run Doom?
Wrong. I guess you mean Crysis...
Yes it can
Well yeah. It just records the laptop screen and displays it. It can “run” anything.
Of course a virtual machine can run Doom.
TheTekkitRealm be gettin paid these months
no stream tap to retry, looks like it ain’t working fam
Yeah I got it too.
The confidence in your voice is truly amazing
my content is beter
@@ruinsfnbr776 just 🛑
@@ruinsfnbr776 u have one vid
Don’t pay attention to this lame bot. He is trying to get a reaction
@@thatonerandompianodude right
Next video:Making call of duty with a Samsung fridge
Red stone wouldn’t even do anything to the screen because it’s made of actual blocks and not lanterns this computer is literally impossible without mods
what about /setblock ?
@@therealnumber7 that’s true but there aren’t any command blocks there and if this computer was real it would be a lot more famous because the best computer in Minecraft can only handle very simple games like snake and pong and even that’s impressive
@@fishjigs6720 ooohh i didnt take the time to look at it
He scripts these btw.
RUclips's biggest con artist.
I’m glad you’re still alive :)
the fact that this is crazier than almost being abducted...
Wtf do u mean?
@@eymenthug watch his last video, he said people broke into one of his apartments thinking he was in and stuff
@@Melissaa6287 oh i see now
@@eymenthug ya, scary stuff. Glad he’s okay
With all the exposed videos going around, its hard to believe that you accomplished this..
How is hard to believe that?
@@kyros2714 You, for one second, thought this was legit?
@@LineOfThy well yeah, people have been doing this for years. And at much harder levels, all he is doing is streaming a another computer to this one
@@kyros2714 You really believe that this man, who has absolutely no knowledge in coding or redstone or technical minecraft in general could pull this off?
@@LineOfThy well yeah, he said he had someone else do it and all that redstone I'm the pc is for show
That's .... very impressive. I wish I had those type of skills.
get ratio kid my vid is beter than this
It’s some general programming it’s not a real computer. It just records the laptop screen and displays it in the map.
yeah it's "just" that
@@askapel9886 yup. You just take samples of pixels in a loop and then take simillar color block and put it. No magic here
he didn’t even make it, ttr isn’t very impressive tbh. most of his videos are staged
4:49 he said subscribe and the subscribe button lit up on my phone
There is a mod that does this exact same thing, but much more detailed, faster and on a smaller computer. There are videos of people playing Doom on it. The mod is called VM Computers, although you can also just search up 'computer mod' and it should be the first result anyway.
its pretty obvious that he's *already* using a mod (probably the exact one you mentioned) because redstone computers are nowhere near powerful enough to do this sort of stuff.
@@skmgeek yeah bruh this video is so stupid
@@skmgeek The mod isn't a redstone computer, it is basically a 1 block computer with a customizable pc (you can add RAM, Graphics Cards, etc) that, just like in this video, allow for an existing computer to be used within Minecraft. I reccomend you check it out, because it is pretty interesting.
@@blockocraft1920 yes I've literally used that mod. I thought you were talking about a different one. still, he was using a plugin/mod to just stream his computer screen into the game. it's basically just a glorified video player. Fundy actually made something suspiciously similar to what he demonstrates in the video, so either way he definitely got scammed out of his money.
@@skmgeek ok
Now hire someone to make a Minecraft computer inside the Minecraft computer inside Minecraft inside your computer.
My screen says “No stream Tap to retry” idk why.
Edit: It’s Working Now!
Mine too
How did u manage to make it work
Me too
I want to watch the video so badd
you have to open this video on the web in desktop mode
Technically you can't hire a slave.
Is the video not supposed to have sound?
Yeah theres no sound
theres sound for me
there is sound
I don't hear anything either.
“I didn’t pass high school.”
And yet here you are making videos on a channel with 1.7 million subscribers.
This fucks my mind so hard, I can’t even begin to imagine how this works
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all
@@emm1757 I would appreciate if you stopped typing the same comment over and over. :)
@@TheoKregaard I mean he’s clearly right though. This is just a mod. With this much redstone and whatever you couldn’t even make anything *close* to a functioning version of Windows 11 in vanilla, unmodded minecraft.
The whole sentence "I hired a slave" is an oxymoron.
"why is everything so hard?"
me: "i feel ya bro"
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all
@@emm1757 bro is spam botting
As much as I hate to say this it is fake, the redstone probably does not server any purpose. It is probably an virtual machine that runs on his computer, and via script like datapack or external one it broadcasts the screen of the VM to Minecraft like you can see. Cool video still. Just note that Fundy did something similar without all that "redstone computer"
Idk whether to believe if it's something you actually made or a mod. I can't trust you anymore.
mod most likely
Its a mod 100% . Minecraft redstone is not able to connect thru a network in any way. This is most likely a server side plugin that just replaces the blocks
Now you have to download a computer mod on a minecraft computer on a real computer
The pixels were changed by always active command blocks and files in the mod that chose which blocks to place for each pixel when it has different colour values. Unfortunately this means all of the redstone was there for show and to make it seem more impressive. Still, it was a good video
i've only seen someone order a real pizza in minecraft before.
Next video: Tricking a scammer on a Minecraft computer
Seems legit
1080p: no
80p: yes
Feel bad, forgetting to record with audio
Restart video
Just wait until nasa sends people to mars by using computers running Minecraft
0:01 video starts here
Thank you so much 🙏🏽
Next : beat minecraft using a minecraft computer
The real question is...
Where is the audio
Its on a disc in minecraft go find it
Dallas: Minecraft in minecraft
now picture in that Minecraft with another Minecraft in it.
I love how perfect the audio is
I love how he's both saying that "it's fully in the game" and "it's extremely reliant on the real world" at the exact same time.
I don't hear anything and I have my volume on
Thats a yt glitch
Ill just wait for the reupload
Fun fact: If you code an OS, give the computer enough storage and computing power, you can theoretically make a minecraft computer run minecraft without any "cheats", and you also wouldnt be able to get a virus, because there would be no virus coded in redstone
There is sadly a pretty low limit for the amount of RAM and storage you can put on a Minecraft computer
1) You would need to have an insanely large amount of memory
2) It would crash your game anyways
3) It can't connect to the internet
4) Even if you bypassed everything before, redstone runs way to slow to simulate an actually functioning computer
Literally the timeline of electronic devices starting over again but in minecraft
is it me or is there no sound??
No sound
Nice decorations u downloaded there, Would be cooler if you actually made an 8086 compatible cpu in Minecraft… but I guess that would not generate the most views and revenue
Am I the only one that can’t watch the video it says: No stream, tap to try again.
No you’re not :(
The Redstone shouldn't be needed because you are probably using a mod to show a computer screen in Minecraft.
The redstone literally has no purpose. The fiverr guy scammed you.
no he knew alright
Is it just me or is the audio gone
Not just u ;-;
I can't hear anything either
same thing
Now I want to see someone actually building a working computer inside of the Minecraft computer, going even deeper.
I feel like him making it for $200 for you was waaay too low
Actually it's way too high. Redstone part is a decoy. The plugin/mod is just sharing screen from 2nd computer. That's it. Def. not worth 200$
@@kochamkaliszanayeah you can probably find it for free somewhere
This is not Redstone, the Redstone is for show. It is command blocks...
dude its not a computer.its just copying your screen to mc and all of the redstone part has no function
because redstone cant see your computer inputs!
Order a pizza with the computer
0:29 YouTume????
Just one water bucket from the top and it's done..
The person that made this has to be the smartest person to ever live
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8
@@emm1757 oh
Whats an screencasting mod
Never heard of it
@@teamok1025 It takes your Screen, searches the minecraft block with the closest color to the pixel on your Screen and places the block in minecraft. The redstone and command blocks are completely useless
@@TheStegosaurus_ so it used world edit or something similar?
Can't wait for "trolling scammers but i'm actually just playing Minecraft"
Finally I can get in some practice on lip reading
New Craigslist idea. "Selling PC. In Minecraft"
Is it just me or can nobody hear him
No sound fore either
*Hear *
the sound went *adios*
Is it just me or the video does have audio?
yeah i dont think it does
I dosnt ;-;
Next make a Minecraft computer on the second computer and then play Minecraft on a computer in minecraft, in minecraft. Very inception but also much funi
edit: it seems to be fixxed now
i can hear the audio?
Bro what he said at 4:37 hilarious
Lmao ikr, that part totally killed me 🤣😂😭
Not really a "joke" when hundreds of thousands of people are watching expecting to learn something, is it?
What they can learn?
How to use a minecraft redstone computer?
@@hamburger9157 this is a stupid copy and pasted comment. I've seen it on separate videos.
@@Treiden21 k
Imagine beating minecraft in a computer in minecraft....
Well i guess Minecraft computer can't handle OpenAL
Playing minecraft in minecraft in minecraft in minecraft…….
Humanity has come far.
From the first fire...
to the moon landing...
and the first smartphone.
but none of us...
have yet achieved rick-rolling youtube from a minecraft computer playing minecraft.
*U N T I L N O W*
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all. if you wanna see a real mc computer look at MPU8
The hampster who was running the minecraft computer forgot to add audio
Bruh it's just a screen and a mod.
literally the redstone computer does nothing but look pretty
IKR this video is so dumb
Bro literally is almost getting abducted and playing Minecraft so chill
is it just me or theres no sound
Me too
you need to play minecraft on a minecraft computer, the twist is the minecraft computer was actually in minecraft in a minecraft computer
Now the good question… how difficult was it
Not that hard he just paid someone 200 us dollars.
@@Cledwyn-E o
not that hard with a bit of programming knowledge. Make a mod to read some block data and display the blocks, write a small script to record the screen, read pixel data, and convert it to minecraft blocks, and to send it into the mod.
@@Cledwyn-E or MAYBE he just used an already existing mod that converts your computer screen into minecraft blocks (but this one's worse than others that exist, so maybe he's an idiot that paid someone to make something that already exists, but worse), because that computer can't acess the internet
@@williambgaming where can I get one?
youtuber:why do you take so long to edit? editor:using minecraft computer
Hey man great video and high quality content, keep it up!
its not even a real minecraft computer. its just a screencasting mod. the redstone does nothing at all
@@emm1757 it was entertaining.
Sorry to break it to you, but it's not really high quality. His videos are mostly staged or stolen
Rest in peace tekkitrealm you will be missed i always found your videos entertaining 😭😭😭
The shit you talking about
You can't stage someone like this lmao unless you meant the pay someone to make it
@@Asm0sday this is a test comment on censorship
Apperently there certain word that banned from comment section and i wanna see if it still block
this is fake. while the redstone is a functional computer, it is entirely turned of and just decorative at this point. the screen works with some kind of mod and would still work just as well without any of the redstone being there