Cool video. Can you do a replica bag part 2 with anxing market and yisen markets. They are in sanyuanli just 5 mins away from qianse. Your first replica video was a success :) thanks ❤️
@@ZAMOF oh they did it because you wrote it in your caption fake market. Don’t do that. RUclips will flag it. Don’t use words as fake/replica/copy ❤️ Cheers
I took the Pearl river cruise twice. If we can travel to Guangzhou again, I will do it again.
Yes, feels fantastic. The route between the tallest towers
no music please but awesome beautiful video
Thanks for watching
There is no information about cruise tiket,time,nothing
Different cruise has different prices. So you need to book online or buy directly there.
Cool video. Can you do a replica bag part 2 with anxing market and yisen markets. They are in sanyuanli just 5 mins away from qianse. Your first replica video was a success :) thanks ❤️
I was planning to do that, but unfortunately, my first video is removed by RUclips! so I cannot do it again.
@@ZAMOF oh they did it because you wrote it in your caption fake market. Don’t do that. RUclips will flag it. Don’t use words as fake/replica/copy ❤️
@@sarahahmed1281 otherwise how to explain what is the content !! 😁
If you say guanzhou wholesale market I am sure people will click. Just a advice. I saw other you tubers are doing it. Don’t mind. Tc
@@sarahahmed1281 Thank you 😊