For more on Ozempic, check out my new book, OZEMPIC: Risks, Benefits, and Natural Alternatives to GLP-1 Weight-Loss Drugs, available as an ebook, audiobook, and softcover: (currently on sale for 20% off)
I've been on Mounjaro since September 2022. I started at 391 lbs and am now down to 251 lbs. Continued loss is slow-going, but I'm still at it. This has been a life-changing drug for me. Yes, I'm still morbidly obese - but life at 251 lbs is a heck of a lot better than life at 391. I've had surgery and tried every diet out there, including WFPB. The meds help make healthy eating more sustainable and effective. It is not an either/or situation for me. It's an "every tool in the toolbox" kind of thing. Thank you for covering the cost and greed. I hope that these drugs will be more accessible to every person who wants to experience the benefits. And yes, just like any other medication for chronic disease, you have to stay on it or the symptoms and disease progression returns. I don't know why that's such a crazy concept for people when it comes to these drugs.
@@danielleroberts8252 same here. I’ve tried everything. To act like we really know what contributes to weight loss or gain is an arrogant sin. I’m very disciplined as others I know are who struggled for years to lose weight these drugs made it possible. These drugs have the potential to save people and tons of money due to the weight loss effects.
Same, went from 118 kg to 100 kg in 1 year. My body is already fighting back hard by down regulating activity, but I am hopefully able to counteract that in spring.
@@Typhoonbladefist About a year and a half of WFPB, mainly during Covid. I lost weight but gained it back. I have Acromegaly, so my main goal with WFPB was to lower IGF-1 levels, which it did. Unfortunately, it was unsustainable and expensive to continue with the amount of cooking/ food prep I was doing, and it was also really difficult for social and family situations - especially in Texas. I also just couldn’t absorb the amount of protein I needed and was getting weaker over time. I’m thinking that has to do with the RNY I had in 2013. Protein can be a struggle for me, even on a SAD diet. So, that was my WFPB journey, and I don’t see myself going back to it completely, but I do incorporate more healthy foods into my diet and some good WFPB recipes I picked up during that time.
The whole system is corrupt. I've never had a weight problem, but I can empathize with people that do. They've been preyed upon by so many industries. I've often been asked by women how i stay slim, and even though I believe my weight is somewhat genetic, I've been eating plant based for 20 yrs, so I tell them that, hoping to influence them.
yeah, it's so disgusting. First the food industry targets them to get them addicted and thus making them sick. Then the pharma industry targets them to make them "better". In the end they paid a lot of money (or even indebted themselves) to have a worse quality of life and shorter life span. It's like having a nail stuck in your foot and instead of pulling it out you put a patch on it and prescribe pain killers. The system is rigged against them. Food and cooking education (see Japan schools) and regulations to push back against industry (e.g. like no ads for junk food, no candy ads targeting children, the supermarket soda aisle can't be larger than the produce aisle etc.) is the only way out. But for that to happen people in power would actually need to have a conscience or the common people would have to rise up and demand it. But why would you want to get rid of your dealer if you're addicted?
I quit it because it made me extremely exhausted and depressed and I didn’t lose weight. When I went off my blood sugar went higher than it was before I took it. That required that I try another GLP-1 which I had take at the lowest possible dose for glucose control only.
I read a post of a patient who said his GLP1 drug is working, he's lost weight, but it took away his pleasure for food. He still eats, not as much, but without any pleasure anymore, and he misses that. This is why I say there's a strong psychological/ emotional component to the disorder of obesity.
You're right. If a person is so used to the high-calorie stuff and/or isn't an adventurous eater it can be hard. It takes time for your tastes to adjust and it takes more time and effort to cook from scratch and make food you do enjoy that's better for you.
My dad was on ozempic, had insurance so he wasn't paying out of pocket, but he quit taking the drug as well. Wanna know why? Because he just plain liked to eat, and ozempic made him eat less, and get nauseous when he would eat so you know what he did? He just pushed through even though the drugs made him feel full and nauseous! I'd wager that all of these obese people chasing weight loss short-cuts and miracle drugs need to stop looking at their love-handles and start looking inward into the reasons why eating makes them feel good in the first place and get therapy to resolve those issues; no different than treating alcoholism. Course I tell my dad this and he agrees and continues to eat. What are you gonna do when people say they wanna change but don't take REAL steps to do it /shrug
I think you have strong emotions you want to take out on “all of these obese people”, which I think is misplaced. Most fat people aren’t self-destructive but just cannot lose weight while trying to, for multiple reasons including genetics and food environment, along with a degree of personal responsibility.
@@tsgn-m1p they have proven that genetics accounts for like 5 to 10% of it. And yes, not having access to healthy food is a problem, but it still means that if you ate less of it, you would be thin. It's thermodynamics/science.
@@Brinaweenahwoo How would he fare in the polls? We won't know until weeeee… put it to the test. (I'll get my coat.) Srsly though, a candidate who relies solely on scientifically, verifiable evidence… he'll get eaten alive by the main parties. Sheeyit, look at what they did to Dr. Fauci. 😯!
Title: "Why do most users quit...?" Last words of the video: "... which we'll cover next." Nice one, Dr. G! I recommend adding a "ri..." and a pause before "next" to make even more nerve racking and making people think you'll say "right now". Next time try to say "which we'll cover".
I was on WFPB during the pandemic. Lost 45 pounds. But I was also counting calories. I was perfect during that time. No sugar, nothing bad. The thing is I did start gaining back when I stopped counting calories but I was still eating only healthy food, just more of it. To lose weight I can only have between 1000-1200 calories. I think some people are just that way. I’m short, I have a super slow metabolism. I think I have undiagnosed thyroid problems but all my thyroid numbers are within “normal” range. But I do have hashimoto’s (autoimmune, immune system attacks thyroid). My doctor said I will need thyroid medication eventually just don’t have low enough numbers yet but I don’t think it’s performing at optimum levels. So many, including dr Gregor just act like, eat perfectly WFPB, as much as you want and you’ll magically be at a good weight. That would work with a person who is in an optimal environment (no chemical exposure) with no underlying health issues. Unfortunately that’s not the world we live in. It’s not so simple as just eat perfectly never making a mistake WFPB. If it doesn’t work for someone you say they didn’t do it right. My mistake may have been counting calories from the get go slowing down my metabolism. But I don’t know. There is definitely value in eating WFPB and I do believe it’s the healthiest way to eat and I try to 99 percent of the time.
Woher kommt denn dieser Preis? Meine Apotheke zeigt andere Preise an. Zumal wahrscheinlich kaum jemand die höchste Dosis braucht. Sprich, Wegovy ist deutlich günstiger in Deutschland.
Yes, he's very good at engagement baiting for his own content. Not to knock the hustle, it's fine. Being an effective science communicator is a rare talent.
I had eyesight change, was tired often. But, what made me quit after 6 months was a night of drinking I landed in the hospital for extreme dehydration. It made me not want to consume anything, including water. Wasn’t an option for me.
I already know what the next vidoe is going to be about. I'm a statistic -- I lost a bunch if weight but quit after a few months because i couldn't handle the side effects. Since then ive regained it all and more. One more testimony that the only way to keep it off is to change to a wfpb lifestyle.
I was on Ozempic a couple of years ago and within 4 months i went from 255lb down to 195lb with no side effects. That was great except with the donut hole in my insurance it was going to cost me $900/mo out of pocket, so I went off the drug and within 4 months was back up to 135lbs. I am on it again, but this time I am having several unpleasant side effects like, gas, sulfurous burps, and diarrhea for several days after my dose. I am cutting down my dose, but I am concerned about needing to be on this drug forever. I wish there was some way to stimulate my body into creating more glp1.
To quote Michael Pollan; ""Eat whole food. Not too much. Mostly plants." If most American would just stop stuffing their gullets Ozempic and the other drugs would have no market.
I am down 40lbs. I do ADF (Alternate day fasting). Not only am I not out of pocket the crazy prices for these drugs but I have cut my food bill in half! Fasting produces autophagy which rids your body of damaged cells. I wish I had discovered this centuries old method of healthy living 40 years ago.
Seems very expensive in the no. 1 obease country. Someone at work is on it and it's A$250 per month. Interestingly said didn't know if it's working after 2 months but better than going to the gym lol.
Bariatric surgery in Mexico is less than $10,000, even after travel and lodging. Until GLP-1s cost less than $500 per year, it's probably not worth it relative to surgery.
They work in many different ways on a hormonal level. Effective because many obese people have hormones that dont work properly. Yes, the drug reduces appetite. It makes a person feel full quickly and for longer. It works on the brain, reducing cravings. For t2 diabetics they lower blood sugars which also reduces cravings. Obesity isn't just - oh, they have no self control. It's more complicated than that. That's actually why these drugs don't work the same on everyone.
There is something else going on: for me it controls my appetite, but it’s enabled my body to lose weight at a much smaller calorie deficit than I could without it. That means I’m not suffering from hair loss, low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, etc. while I’m steadily continuing to lose weight. Weight loss in the past for me was always accompanied by awful negative effects, which I don’t have to struggle from with this medication. There’s a lot we don’t know about how it works, but speaking from someone for whom it’s been absolutely life-changing and positive, I can confirm it’s not just suppressing my appetite. It’s effecting my hormones, my inflammation, my whole body is calm and willing to release extra body fat in ways it has NEVER done before.
@CampMelp This is really interesting. I also don't understand those negative symptoms from losing weight without this new drug. If you don't mind my asking, has your diet changed, or are you eating the same foods as before?
If one is going to paid $1000's for weight lost medication and if the side effects are bad. Then may a gastric sleeve surgery might a better alternative which I got back in 2017 is address my constant hunger drive which I am glad I did or might have been 600 lbs.
Buying back stock is simply cashing your investors out. I buy stock so I can make money later. A company that has no dividends can only return money to shareholders by buybacks
@@tonymcnamara9368 which makes sense because there was a shortage here for a while of the medication for pre-diabetics and diabetics due to people purchasing for weight loss!
Ozempic is prescribed for T2 Diabetes in the US and Wegovy is for weight loss. Same drug (Semaglutide) but different name and higher dose for weight loss, I believe.
"Brutal side effects" Next video in this series is going to be a cracker. With us all knowing that switching to an unprocessed plant based diet as a way to lose weight has a whole host of beneficial side effects. When done right (vitamin B12 and plenty of variety).
I was so sick all the time and did not lose much weight and didn't have a dramatic drop in a1c. After going wfpb and stopping the drug I felt fantastic. Clean from the inside, if that makes sense. Lost a ton of weight, stopped or reduced every med I was on, improved all disease markers and blew my endocrinologist out of the water. Never going back.
Hi, it's getting very bad to never get the answer expected from the video title. I mean : hello, why don't you answer any question in any video ? well, because you make 10 video to never answer anything...
But he did answer at the end - it's because of the side effects. In the next video he will talk about the side effects. Dividing up the topic into shorter videos may be frustrating for people who want everything at once, but it makes it easier for the information to be found by topic. Also most people have very short attention spans and won't sit through a video that's 30-60 minutes long.
People should learn that they can lose weight sustainably without the drugs but it takes getting used to being uncomfortable. Being hungry for a few hours a day is uncomfortable, doing high intensity exercise is uncomfortable, discipline in general is uncomfortable. However, none of this is nearly as uncomfortable as the feeling of letting down the person staring at you in the mirror.
WHAT? Going hungry is NOT necessary for losing weight. I lost 27 pounds from March to September of 2020 WITHOUT starving myself, and I've kept the majority of the weight off through each winter ever since. What's my secret? I ditched the junk foods and restaurant foods from the spring of 2020 into the fall of 2022 and have made only a very limited return to them since. Yes, an ultra-healthy diet works wonders at enhancing summer weight loss AND reducing winter weight gain. My motivation was NOT my weight, my figure, or my blood cholesterol. Due to the pandemic (which is still raging, unfortunately), I figure I need as much immune system support and anti-inflammatory support as possible. If a high-fiber Mediterranean/DASH/MIND diet were the norm, the obesity rate would be so much lower, and the population would be so much healthier. Being ravenously hungry is counterproductive. I know from past experience that this makes deep-fried foods and other nutritional train wrecks more appealing.
I'll go along with the 'uncomfortable' but take some issue with the specifics. Being hungry is not a requirement and is actually counter-productive, IME. I was on Trulicity for T2D. I lost some weight, about 20 pounds and I did 'diet' and was hungry at times. Then I read How Not to Die. Went WFPB overnight. I ate to satiety at every meal, snacked if I felt like it (rarely-the servings/sizes in the Daily Dozen was more food than I could eat) and only paid attention to nuts, seeds and oils. The only exercise I did was one of those under-desk pedal things-no high intensity. None of that was a struggle. Then I stopped the drug and several others and lost more weight than I care to say and improved all markers for my conditions. I'll agree with the discipline based on what others have told me. I'm the outlier in that I never really missed the SAD CRAP food but I like everything and I'm a really good cook. I enjoyed the pedal thing. To me, discipline is doing something you'd rather not or avoiding something you like for a long-term benefit. I've had many people ask me how I lost all that weight and when I basically said 'went vegan' their interest evaporated instantly. For them it would likely be significantly uncomfortable. I think the hunger/HI exercise arguments are counter to Dr. G's stance. Agree with your last statement wholeheartedly.
@@robertusga The subject is weight loss, not high blood pressure or cancer. However my question is did these other conditions arise out of constantly taking the easy path as well? How many hours per week is this highly medicated person exercising vs. watching tv, how often is this person consuming preservatives, emulsifiers, food coloring, "natural" & artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, industrial oils, flour, sugar and fried foods?
@@Joseph1NJ And yet, sometimes it is just willpower. Not to say that some don't have other issues but sometimes it comes down to just really liking cheeseburgers.
What do you know about Bernie Sanders? Calling people ad hominem names without addressing the actual issue void of any relevant fact whatsoever is a MAGA tactic. Although everyone's welcome here, this probably is the wrong channel for you.
"Caveman says socalisim bad, republicans good cause the talking-box says so". Ask him what socialism is and he'll start talking about Hillary emails, Benghazi, Hunter Biden laptops, Kamala laughs or Obama tan suits. Brain rot in full effect
For more on Ozempic, check out my new book, OZEMPIC: Risks, Benefits, and Natural Alternatives to GLP-1 Weight-Loss Drugs, available as an ebook, audiobook, and softcover: (currently on sale for 20% off)
I've been on Mounjaro since September 2022. I started at 391 lbs and am now down to 251 lbs. Continued loss is slow-going, but I'm still at it. This has been a life-changing drug for me. Yes, I'm still morbidly obese - but life at 251 lbs is a heck of a lot better than life at 391. I've had surgery and tried every diet out there, including WFPB. The meds help make healthy eating more sustainable and effective. It is not an either/or situation for me. It's an "every tool in the toolbox" kind of thing. Thank you for covering the cost and greed. I hope that these drugs will be more accessible to every person who wants to experience the benefits. And yes, just like any other medication for chronic disease, you have to stay on it or the symptoms and disease progression returns. I don't know why that's such a crazy concept for people when it comes to these drugs.
Did you use dr. Greger's app - "Dr. Greger's daily dozen app"?
How long were you on a WFPB diet? What caused you to stop?
@@danielleroberts8252 same here. I’ve tried everything. To act like we really know what contributes to weight loss or gain is an arrogant sin. I’m very disciplined as others I know are who struggled for years to lose weight these drugs made it possible. These drugs have the potential to save people and tons of money due to the weight loss effects.
Same, went from 118 kg to 100 kg in 1 year. My body is already fighting back hard by down regulating activity, but I am hopefully able to counteract that in spring.
@@Typhoonbladefist About a year and a half of WFPB, mainly during Covid. I lost weight but gained it back. I have Acromegaly, so my main goal with WFPB was to lower IGF-1 levels, which it did. Unfortunately, it was unsustainable and expensive to continue with the amount of cooking/ food prep I was doing, and it was also really difficult for social and family situations - especially in Texas. I also just couldn’t absorb the amount of protein I needed and was getting weaker over time. I’m thinking that has to do with the RNY I had in 2013. Protein can be a struggle for me, even on a SAD diet. So, that was my WFPB journey, and I don’t see myself going back to it completely, but I do incorporate more healthy foods into my diet and some good WFPB recipes I picked up during that time.
Thank you Dr. Geger! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The whole system is corrupt. I've never had a weight problem, but I can empathize with people that do. They've been preyed upon by so many industries. I've often been asked by women how i stay slim, and even though I believe my weight is somewhat genetic, I've been eating plant based for 20 yrs, so I tell them that, hoping to influence them.
yeah, it's so disgusting. First the food industry targets them to get them addicted and thus making them sick. Then the pharma industry targets them to make them "better". In the end they paid a lot of money (or even indebted themselves) to have a worse quality of life and shorter life span. It's like having a nail stuck in your foot and instead of pulling it out you put a patch on it and prescribe pain killers. The system is rigged against them. Food and cooking education (see Japan schools) and regulations to push back against industry (e.g. like no ads for junk food, no candy ads targeting children, the supermarket soda aisle can't be larger than the produce aisle etc.) is the only way out. But for that to happen people in power would actually need to have a conscience or the common people would have to rise up and demand it. But why would you want to get rid of your dealer if you're addicted?
I quit it because it made me extremely exhausted and depressed and I didn’t lose weight. When I went off my blood sugar went higher than it was before I took it. That required that I try another GLP-1 which I had take at the lowest possible dose for glucose control only.
I read a post of a patient who said his GLP1 drug is working, he's lost weight, but it took away his pleasure for food. He still eats, not as much, but without any pleasure anymore, and he misses that. This is why I say there's a strong psychological/ emotional component to the disorder of obesity.
You're right. If a person is so used to the high-calorie stuff and/or isn't an adventurous eater it can be hard. It takes time for your tastes to adjust and it takes more time and effort to cook from scratch and make food you do enjoy that's better for you.
I have been on it for 8 months and have lost 60 lbs, I love it!
My dad was on ozempic, had insurance so he wasn't paying out of pocket, but he quit taking the drug as well. Wanna know why? Because he just plain liked to eat, and ozempic made him eat less, and get nauseous when he would eat so you know what he did? He just pushed through even though the drugs made him feel full and nauseous! I'd wager that all of these obese people chasing weight loss short-cuts and miracle drugs need to stop looking at their love-handles and start looking inward into the reasons why eating makes them feel good in the first place and get therapy to resolve those issues; no different than treating alcoholism. Course I tell my dad this and he agrees and continues to eat. What are you gonna do when people say they wanna change but don't take REAL steps to do it /shrug
Goodness, yes.
I think you have strong emotions you want to take out on “all of these obese people”, which I think is misplaced. Most fat people aren’t self-destructive but just cannot lose weight while trying to, for multiple reasons including genetics and food environment, along with a degree of personal responsibility.
All the Dominos pizza ads on RUclips aren’t helping. It’s like showing someone trying to quit smoking a cigarette ad.
@@Typhoonbladefist True. You just have to tell yourself they're peddling death.
@@tsgn-m1p they have proven that genetics accounts for like 5 to 10% of it. And yes, not having access to healthy food is a problem, but it still means that if you ate less of it, you would be thin. It's thermodynamics/science.
I'm seven years vegan and I've dropped from 13st and creeping up, to 10st sometimes 9st 12. I'm convinced it was lifestyle.
Dr. Greger for President 2028
He's going to have a hard time getting sponsorship from food companies.
Maybe that's how it should be.
I'd vote for him 😊❤🥦
How would he fare in the polls?
We won't know until weeeee… put it to the test.
(I'll get my coat.)
Srsly though, a candidate who relies solely on scientifically, verifiable evidence… he'll get eaten alive by the main parties.
Sheeyit, look at what they did to Dr. Fauci.
I was saying that for 2025, so hell yeah❣️✌️🙂👌
Title: "Why do most users quit...?"
Last words of the video: "... which we'll cover next."
Nice one, Dr. G! I recommend adding a "ri..." and a pause before "next" to make even more nerve racking and making people think you'll say "right now". Next time try to say "which we'll cover".
3:57 Wow. Just, wow.
I was on WFPB during the pandemic. Lost 45 pounds. But I was also counting calories. I was perfect during that time. No sugar, nothing bad. The thing is I did start gaining back when I stopped counting calories but I was still eating only healthy food, just more of it. To lose weight I can only have between 1000-1200 calories. I think some people are just that way. I’m short, I have a super slow metabolism. I think I have undiagnosed thyroid problems but all my thyroid numbers are within “normal” range. But I do have hashimoto’s (autoimmune, immune system attacks thyroid). My doctor said I will need thyroid medication eventually just don’t have low enough numbers yet but I don’t think it’s performing at optimum levels. So many, including dr Gregor just act like, eat perfectly WFPB, as much as you want and you’ll magically be at a good weight. That would work with a person who is in an optimal environment (no chemical exposure) with no underlying health issues. Unfortunately that’s not the world we live in. It’s not so simple as just eat perfectly never making a mistake WFPB. If it doesn’t work for someone you say they didn’t do it right. My mistake may have been counting calories from the get go slowing down my metabolism. But I don’t know. There is definitely value in eating WFPB and I do believe it’s the healthiest way to eat and I try to 99 percent of the time.
Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany. Wegovvy is around 450 USD per Month in Germany.
Woher kommt denn dieser Preis? Meine Apotheke zeigt andere Preise an. Zumal wahrscheinlich kaum jemand die höchste Dosis braucht. Sprich, Wegovy ist deutlich günstiger in Deutschland.
Thank you!
Thanks! 💜🤩
Dr. Greger, you always get me with these cliff-hangers! "We'll find out...... Next!"
Yes, he's very good at engagement baiting for his own content. Not to knock the hustle, it's fine. Being an effective science communicator is a rare talent.
@@kenhaze5230I think it is more because the average UnitedStater can't be expected to watch a video more than about 5 minutes long.
Now compounded semaglutide costs $250-$300 per month, it got cheaper, same as liraglutide and tirzepatide
I had eyesight change, was tired often. But, what made me quit after 6 months was a night of drinking I landed in the hospital for extreme dehydration. It made me not want to consume anything, including water. Wasn’t an option for me.
I love this channel!
USA prices are insane. Here in Latvia month dose costs around 100 Euros
that is because our medical system is jacked up, based on profits over health.
In Ontario, Wegovy costs abiut US$300 per month
I already know what the next vidoe is going to be about. I'm a statistic -- I lost a bunch if weight but quit after a few months because i couldn't handle the side effects. Since then ive regained it all and more. One more testimony that the only way to keep it off is to change to a wfpb lifestyle.
I was on Ozempic a couple of years ago and within 4 months i went from 255lb down to 195lb with no side effects. That was great except with the donut hole in my insurance it was going to cost me $900/mo out of pocket, so I went off the drug and within 4 months was back up to 135lbs. I am on it again, but this time I am having several unpleasant side effects like, gas, sulfurous burps, and diarrhea for several days after my dose. I am cutting down my dose, but I am concerned about needing to be on this drug forever. I wish there was some way to stimulate my body into creating more glp1.
If only there was a book called _"How Not to Diet,"_ The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss, or something like that...
@@macrumpton hun did u mean (on the 8th line) that u wereBACK UP TO 235?
Click 1:00 for Greger saying 'based'
"Perpetuity" of the prevailing cost implies generics and production scale aren't things.
To quote Michael Pollan; ""Eat whole food. Not too much. Mostly plants." If most American would just stop stuffing their gullets Ozempic and the other drugs would have no market.
Boss man. Fasting is the only way to lose weight… I lost 40 pounds drug free.
that is what I have doing lately. fasting and food reduction.
I am down 40lbs. I do ADF (Alternate day fasting). Not only am I not out of pocket the crazy prices for these drugs but I have cut my food bill in half! Fasting produces autophagy which rids your body of damaged cells. I wish I had discovered this centuries old method of healthy living 40 years ago.
As someone who has used fasting+walking to lose a lot of weight, I'll tell you it's NOT the only way.
Seems very expensive in the no. 1 obease country. Someone at work is on it and it's A$250 per month. Interestingly said didn't know if it's working after 2 months but better than going to the gym lol.
Bariatric surgery in Mexico is less than $10,000, even after travel and lodging.
Until GLP-1s cost less than $500 per year, it's probably not worth it relative to surgery.
The non-reversability of many surgeries carries a non-monetary cost.
@Elbrasch That utopia of actuarial science sounds nice.
I'm not in the audience for these drugs, but I am curious... Do these drugs only reduce appetite or do they also affect metabolism?
Just appetite. He covered it in a previous video in this series.
@@eatplantsloveanimals Thanks.
They work in many different ways on a hormonal level. Effective because many obese people have hormones that dont work properly. Yes, the drug reduces appetite. It makes a person feel full quickly and for longer. It works on the brain, reducing cravings. For t2 diabetics they lower blood sugars which also reduces cravings.
Obesity isn't just - oh, they have no self control. It's more complicated than that.
That's actually why these drugs don't work the same on everyone.
There is something else going on: for me it controls my appetite, but it’s enabled my body to lose weight at a much smaller calorie deficit than I could without it.
That means I’m not suffering from hair loss, low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, etc. while I’m steadily continuing to lose weight.
Weight loss in the past for me was always accompanied by awful negative effects, which I don’t have to struggle from with this medication.
There’s a lot we don’t know about how it works, but speaking from someone for whom it’s been absolutely life-changing and positive, I can confirm it’s not just suppressing my appetite. It’s effecting my hormones, my inflammation, my whole body is calm and willing to release extra body fat in ways it has NEVER done before.
@CampMelp This is really interesting. I also don't understand those negative symptoms from losing weight without this new drug. If you don't mind my asking, has your diet changed, or are you eating the same foods as before?
Muscle depleting drug and doctors tell us muscle is super important?
If one is going to paid $1000's for weight lost medication and if the side effects are bad. Then may a gastric sleeve surgery might a better alternative which I got back in 2017 is address my constant hunger drive which I am glad I did or might have been 600 lbs.
Buying back stock is simply cashing your investors out. I buy stock so I can make money later. A company that has no dividends can only return money to shareholders by buybacks
3:25 Okay can we talk about how wild it is that China is just right behind the US for drug prices. How is that possible?
Glad the whole food plant based adagium still stands
Novo Nordisk stock is -19% the past year
I think that’s the month, not YTD.
Ozempic is illegal to prescribe for weight loss in the UK.
Ozempic is only available on prescription for people who are pre Diabetic.
@@tonymcnamara9368 which makes sense because there was a shortage here for a while of the medication for pre-diabetics and diabetics due to people purchasing for weight loss!
Ozempic is prescribed for T2 Diabetes in the US and Wegovy is for weight loss. Same drug (Semaglutide) but different name and higher dose for weight loss, I believe.
Berberine + mostly plant based whole foods. Natural and effective.
"Brutal side effects" Next video in this series is going to be a cracker.
With us all knowing that switching to an unprocessed plant based diet as a way to lose weight has a whole host of beneficial side effects. When done right (vitamin B12 and plenty of variety).
I was so sick all the time and did not lose much weight and didn't have a dramatic drop in a1c. After going wfpb and stopping the drug I felt fantastic. Clean from the inside, if that makes sense. Lost a ton of weight, stopped or reduced every med I was on, improved all disease markers and blew my endocrinologist out of the water. Never going back.
Most users quit GLP-1 drugs, but do most Ozempic users quit Ozempic? 🤷♂️
@ Ok, thanks. I only ask because I’ve seen 2 reports now saying that Ozempic is the exception to this whole thing, so it made me question.
I see the fake concern trolls have already made it to this video.
What does "fake concern troll" mean to you? Disagreeing with the presenter?
Big pharma: more. MORE! Democrats and republicans alike with hands out: of course, anything you want. Anything.
Hi, it's getting very bad to never get the answer expected from the video title. I mean : hello, why don't you answer any question in any video ? well, because you make 10 video to never answer anything...
But he did answer at the end - it's because of the side effects. In the next video he will talk about the side effects. Dividing up the topic into shorter videos may be frustrating for people who want everything at once, but it makes it easier for the information to be found by topic. Also most people have very short attention spans and won't sit through a video that's 30-60 minutes long.
People should learn that they can lose weight sustainably without the drugs but it takes getting used to being uncomfortable. Being hungry for a few hours a day is uncomfortable, doing high intensity exercise is uncomfortable, discipline in general is uncomfortable. However, none of this is nearly as uncomfortable as the feeling of letting down the person staring at you in the mirror.
WHAT? Going hungry is NOT necessary for losing weight. I lost 27 pounds from March to September of 2020 WITHOUT starving myself, and I've kept the majority of the weight off through each winter ever since.
What's my secret? I ditched the junk foods and restaurant foods from the spring of 2020 into the fall of 2022 and have made only a very limited return to them since. Yes, an ultra-healthy diet works wonders at enhancing summer weight loss AND reducing winter weight gain. My motivation was NOT my weight, my figure, or my blood cholesterol. Due to the pandemic (which is still raging, unfortunately), I figure I need as much immune system support and anti-inflammatory support as possible.
If a high-fiber Mediterranean/DASH/MIND diet were the norm, the obesity rate would be so much lower, and the population would be so much healthier.
Being ravenously hungry is counterproductive. I know from past experience that this makes deep-fried foods and other nutritional train wrecks more appealing.
I'll go along with the 'uncomfortable' but take some issue with the specifics. Being hungry is not a requirement and is actually counter-productive, IME. I was on Trulicity for T2D. I lost some weight, about 20 pounds and I did 'diet' and was hungry at times. Then I read How Not to Die. Went WFPB overnight. I ate to satiety at every meal, snacked if I felt like it (rarely-the servings/sizes in the Daily Dozen was more food than I could eat) and only paid attention to nuts, seeds and oils. The only exercise I did was one of those under-desk pedal things-no high intensity. None of that was a struggle. Then I stopped the drug and several others and lost more weight than I care to say and improved all markers for my conditions.
I'll agree with the discipline based on what others have told me. I'm the outlier in that I never really missed the SAD CRAP food but I like everything and I'm a really good cook. I enjoyed the pedal thing. To me, discipline is doing something you'd rather not or avoiding something you like for a long-term benefit. I've had many people ask me how I lost all that weight and when I basically said 'went vegan' their interest evaporated instantly. For them it would likely be significantly uncomfortable.
I think the hunger/HI exercise arguments are counter to Dr. G's stance.
Agree with your last statement wholeheartedly.
Are you saying the same thing when withholding meds for high blood pressure or cancer? Just tough it out buddy!
@@robertusga The subject is weight loss, not high blood pressure or cancer. However my question is did these other conditions arise out of constantly taking the easy path as well? How many hours per week is this highly medicated person exercising vs. watching tv, how often is this person consuming preservatives, emulsifiers, food coloring, "natural" & artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, industrial oils, flour, sugar and fried foods?
@legendarygigolo823 The subject is obesity, a chronic disease requiring chronic treatment. Just like genetically high blood pressure.
All this because we can't exercise our willpower
That's just apathetic. Obesity is a complex neurological and physiological disorder. It's not just "willpower."
@@Joseph1NJ And GLP-1 agonists are in any case extremely effective antidiabetic agents. Obesity treatment is a bonus.
@@kenhaze5230 True.
@@kenhaze5230 Not universally. For me, wfpb gave far better results than all the drugs combined.
@@Joseph1NJ And yet, sometimes it is just willpower. Not to say that some don't have other issues but sometimes it comes down to just really liking cheeseburgers.
What does Bernie Sanders know about pharma? He's a socialist. It's better to quote knowledgeable people.
What do you know about Bernie Sanders? Calling people ad hominem names without addressing the actual issue void of any relevant fact whatsoever is a MAGA tactic. Although everyone's welcome here, this probably is the wrong channel for you.
Yes lets hear from the healthcare CEOs.
@@kukensson he knows more than you'd ever know about this subject matter. And, unlike you, he has a heart.
Take that MAGA crap elsewhere.
"Caveman says socalisim bad, republicans good cause the talking-box says so". Ask him what socialism is and he'll start talking about Hillary emails, Benghazi, Hunter Biden laptops, Kamala laughs or Obama tan suits. Brain rot in full effect
Because they get complacent and fall into the trap of thinking they don't need the drugs any more to stay lean.