Yo this is actually tilting me because when I play with aa bound to left click I can no longer place wards on smart cast or ping my gold or items or even ping enemy missing etc... wtf do u guys change ur shit too?
you auto attack in between the Q's so you use left click then quickly right click to anim cancel to move to another spot. So Q -> left click -> Right Click [ REPEAT]
@The Frog King No left click after Q for your AA then right click to cancel AA animation. BTW it's not your the Q animation you're interupting rather it's the AA before another Q. That's what takes time.
I highly suggest to listen to the slashes of the sword - if you do it right, it suppose to sound like slish-slash, slish-slash, slash-lash-lush (ignore the poor deminstration and get the idea)
well in fact you must (yeh "MUST" otherwise it would be impossible)watch video with 0.25x speed to learn the order of Q AA and move (it's so funny he seems like he is on weed or something). but still if you ignore how less he explains for us newbies, he gives good hint.(general riven main hints i mean)
You’re the type of guy that expects everything spoon fed to them. He gave you a plethora of information for Riven so take the initiative to break it down yourself (slow down the video, experiment yourself). There was a lot of lesser known things in the end you should be grateful for
@@ltsdeshawn Dude why would anyone ever watch a tutorial video otherwise? People search tutorials for quick answers to their questions not for some cryptic BS. Your comment is so flawed on so many different levels that I just think you are a troll and I lost the game because I answered.
3:55 the fast q combo is easier near the wall because the wall doesn't have a moveable area. basicly the hall has the hitbox and the area behind it it filler, you can click on it as much as you want put you won't move towards it. meaning the missclicks you make behind the target don't do anything, they don't fuck up your Q's and AA. its harder with a target thats loose because you have to hit their hitbox precisely or you'll move your character, which requires more practise and pacing. i've been trying it out today and i can see how the fast combo works its pretty fun to do. if you're having trouble performing the combo even against the wall, try pacing in your head as if you're repeating dance moves (or just hear Jhin's voice in your head) and actively go One.. Two.. Three.. repeat. start slow untill you learn how to cancel your AA with your Q effectively ,with the movement in between, the trick here is to press the move command when your Q animation goes off. the milisecond you've pressed it move back over and press left mouse click for the AA then Q again to cancel your AA rinse and repeat until you've done the basic combo without fail once, then slowly try to get consistent with it and keep it up. its really not that hard but it has a specific rythm that you have to get used to and the tricky part here is how slower you try to do the combo the harder it will be as the better you cancel the smoother the combo.
I don't think you mentioned it but I heard you press Q twice each time you wanted to use it, does this help with lining up the timings of using right-click to cancel the Q?
Thank you so much for this video! Just spent an hour in practice tool and now I can do it just about 98% of the time off the wall! Will absolutely keep practicing, thanks a lot!
Just an interesting fact, if you practice you can see the total dmg on the dummy of both combo is constant/same, but the DPS of fast q is higher than the normal combo b/c it's FAST q = more damage in a shorter amount of time. So watch out for the numbers to see if you have it down or need more practice :D
Hey if you're still intrested in learning this there is a lot easier way. Use "toogle attack champion only" and just click behind someone and click A after evry Q. That is how i play at least
@@magieenvtuber9783 well sorry i just saw your comment (why I'm talking like i made this video?) but "champion only" only guarantee that you won't lose a 1v1 with 20 hp cause you miss clicked a minion, still you (basically I) have to learn the combo.
@@ike9108 yeah, but if you use "auto attack on move" while in attack only champ mode you don't have to be moving mouse from ground on enemy and again on ground and again on enemy. You just spam right click behind someone and press A between clicks behind someone
No one ever mentions that you a-move directly on a target, lmao. Took me some time of wondering why tf sometimes my AA comes out real fast and sometimes takes forever, but at least I can brag that I noticed it myself now
i used to not be able to do it but now i can do it. my main tip is to keep your cursor on the target when using q. By doing this, riven will q in place instead of q'ing through the target.
this character is so different from every other champ. tried to get into this but the need to move to reset is too strange for me also being mindful of which way you're facing. too many unique mechanics for me to wrap my head around
Thanks for the guide, i will now practice what i just saw. As a sidenote, it would have been much easier to understand if u put some visuals in the Video. To be exact, which button to press in which order for the fast Q combo as it was hard to understand for me as a non native english speaker. Everything else was explained good.
So you left click to a target. If you hit the target once, press the first q. When you pressed Q, you want to right click on the ground. Then immediately left click on the target. Press another Q and repeat the process.
if you slow it down you can actually see that its aa q move aa q move and not aa q aa move q aa move. so basically you shorten the delay between q and aa, not the other way round
I'm new to Riven! When exactly should I move after pressing Q? Immediately press the ground after I press Q or wait a bit for the animation to be half way done?
You can use the movementcommand right after you did press Q. The only thing important is to have your cursor on the target the moment you press Q if you dont want to dash through it. Than it goes like: Autoattack -> Q -> Movementcommand repeat. You are shortening your AA animation by starting your Q animation an shortening your Q animation with the MC into AA reset.
man i was playing riven, forgetting about the left click setting, using A to do the same so hard now its so much easier man ty so much love ur content for years bro!
Davey can you like give me a chain command on how to do the q combo fast, like so far the Only thing I understood was you press q> auto> click away > q> auto> click away > q> auto. I'm pretty sure this is wrong and I tried watching in 0.25 speed and get I can't see what is happening, and what steps you do it in, please can you explain it further
idk if anyone else does it like this, but I like to listen to the sound effects to see if I am doing it right. So it goes auto-attack sound effect q sound effect. This helps me find out if I missed a AA or not. So if I hear a q sound effect but no aa I know I messed something up
Hey Davey just wondering when your doing this combo your using the left click setting that you turned on then clicking away from the dummy correct? Also if your fighting in a minion wave if you left click a minion by mistake would you end up auto attacking the minion or would it drag you away from the champion you're trying to combo?
Now, So much respect to the Riven mains. I just got the Dawn Bringer Riven skin from the box. So of course, I am like oh yeaha she is going to be my main now. Little did I know.... her mechanics are on another level. I am going to keep at it because I will feel so accomplished when I do master her. So, when I lose 40 min ranked games at least I can tell myself, oh yeaha I didn't just waste 40 minutes of my life for nothing. Thanks for the video @Draveyx3
I put attack move on mb1 now when I hover map or sumthin I start walkin to where I was hovering. Where on keybinds can I change the button where im hovering map
once I was using left click to attack, it was pretty good not only for Riven but for ADCs, but I had an issue... I like to click on the map to move the camera to a certain spot, imagine if the anemy is fighting my jungle at his blue and I want to see the fight, when I click there I endup moving to there and then I have to get back to my champion and click to come back to my lane, and when I want to use the alerts when I use the left click I can't.
i cannot figure out how you do it so quickly no matter how many times I do it and I dunno what im doing wrong ;~; i've tried doing Q-left click- right click and Q-right click- left click and I still dont see how you do it so quickly, I think im just now doing it fast enough?
I remember an old video of boxbox doing a mini tutorial in-game (no practice tool yet) about wall hops. He said, if you hover the mouse on a target, you can't wall hop. He showed this using the jungle camps. Then, somewhere in the future, he was asked again to do a tutorial in-game about wall hops. He did. The way he explained things was the same as I remembered in the older video. But, to his surprise, Riven did a wall hop even hovering over a target. Boxbox was so surprised and happy saying that it's going to be easier to do wall hops I remembered all this during your explanation. Also, i like how your videos are very informative and easy to understand. Keep up the good work!
So I don't have to use Attack move (left click after changing settings) when doing the Riven Combo? I wish he would say it more detailed for complete beginners like "Right click target, Q, right click anywhere away from target, right click target, Q, right click anywhere away from target" Do I use normal move or attack move during Q?
you make the animation of the q quiker with moving comand and instantly afterwards attackmove on target or ground afte that you cast q too cance the autoattack move ... idk if its metters but if you closer the distence with your attackmove its faster .. feels like imo (like cait headshots) fast q is basicly the perfect timing of canceling the auto with the q
I don't know if I'm doing it correctly. The main thing I have trouble with is the second Auto Attack because I cancel it too fast. I also don't know if it's okay to get my third Auto Attack after my 3rd Q, because getting it before my 3rd Q is really difficult.
What I did to learn it was divide it in steps and practice then as I managed to do the step fast consistently. First, auto(aa) and cancel the animatiom with Q, without cancelling the damage. Second, do aa Q move aa. When you can do it fast without mistakes, do aa q move aa q move aa. Finally, add the third Q and a last move aa. This final step requires special attention because the timing for last Q is slightly different.
@@HarryPotter-kb7we ohh this is so helpful bro! Ill try to do this in practice tool. Hope i can get better, thank you for your time responding to my comment. Appreciate that a lot
What about the attack move (default hotkey ‘A’) for the auto attack, instead of clicking the champ. I’ve noticed you sometimes auto a minion in your videos, the attack move should solve that. But will it help the combo?
So like, why does clicking try to move my character now? Spawning dummies / using the practice tool UI does move commands, along with clicking around the map. Is there any way to avoid that with the auto-attack move on?
Well u made the setting to the left button but u didn't use it a single time, i mean i didn't see the cursor clicking red, only blue that means u using right click. What is the left button for then cuz it not cancelling any q animation
I don't get how I know if I am successful or not. You know what I mean? So it's Q => right click to animation cancel => left klick with AA bind => repeat. Am I right?
3:57 I can prove it: Fast Q combo will fail if you miss click, making Riven dashing through the target, in this case, the animation will go from start to end and u can't cancel the animation.
I don't get it if you left click right after your q it should cancel the q animation? Because if that's the case it doesn't work for me. Is it because i can't reach 144 fps?
i like doing it with right clicks and i do see the benefit of this setting. but sometimes when i use this method i dash through the target even if i dont want to. while the right click can be missed i have way bigger success with the right click method over this one. but might just be because im used to the normal method.
Wait what, I thought it was Q move AA... This is really confusing why does mechanic like this exist I don't even understand, couldn't Riot just made Q animation faster instead of this hack?
@@TheChodex Well I just didnt understould it ( for 5 years) but i just tested it, you indeed move after your Q to kind of cancel the Q animation by walking away then quickly AA, fucking hard to do.
Hello, I want to add a question. I think this is doable without side-stepping? Can any1 give me feedback on this? I have "Player Attack Move Click" binded on "D" and I just rotata Q-D-Q-D-Q-D-Q-D and it looks faster than just pressing Q.
But when I can do in the practice tool It doesn t mean I can do it in game, right? I mean in game the enemy can move and there could be more "chaos", so my question is: is it more difficult in game? Thanks and sorry for my English
Mouse in the edge to move in one of four directions, Space to move it on your character and "Y" (as well as holding Space) to lock it on your character. Also, some people (like me) just bind WASD on camera move (I like it that way since I started playing this genre)
Have you noticed After preseason came out, riven q movement has been Very buggy around minions? It’s been happening 10 times more often then last season
I have watched every single one of these Riven animation cancel videos over the years and NONE of them explain it to me efficiently. I guess the next time I get the urge to try it again I find one that I understand. The clicking behind the champ is what I mainly don't get.
Noob question here, but both this video and my parcticetool experience shows that Fast Q Combo's DPS is lower than the regular AA >Q, so why is it good to me if i lower my DPS?
@Daveyx3 I have seen ur build and i would like to ask, if against some matchups like yassuo where its very useful to take tabis, can you switch the cdr boots for tabis and take the cdr extra rune stats?
I d say that if you start off learning this, you should try to always click behind the enemy champ before autoattacking again, because you re still gonna make micromovements and its gonna be easier to stick to the enemy :P
So you press left button to AA then Q then right button to move and then left button for the AA. But your curser doesn't have to be on the champ/dummy. Another tip is for pracise is that you take PTA as Rune so you always know if you hit all 3 AAs or not.
Am i doing it wrong if my riven is moving constantly? i know i need ti work on my speed but my riven is kinda bopin around the target while yours is crips and standing in one spot.
I'm a Challenger Riven main, For tips and guides and more, Sub to my channel today!
► Twitch.TV/Daveyx3
Can you show us pls season 10 urgot matchup it will be a great thing if you did cause he heals to much early and tanky as fck
Daveyx3 i see a grandmaster border tho
Hey, how do u play with the left click attack move all the time? Because u cant left click anything without cancelling ur recall and everything else
Justin Homer Simpson Gaethje u need to get used to it
It comes naturally after some time trust me
Yo this is actually tilting me because when I play with aa bound to left click I can no longer place wards on smart cast or ping my gold or items or even ping enemy missing etc... wtf do u guys change ur shit too?
are you aware that you explained what the left click is for, but you didn't explain HOW to use it in the combo?
you auto attack in between the Q's so you use left click then quickly right click to anim cancel to move to another spot. So Q -> left click -> Right Click [ REPEAT]
@@Gridblue Q AA is similar to Zed E AA.
@@bernardok zed has no mechanics though, so not a good example.
@The Frog King No left click after Q for your AA then right click to cancel AA animation. BTW it's not your the Q animation you're interupting rather it's the AA before another Q. That's what takes time.
@The Frog King yep, this is the way to do it. Cancel auto with q then click to cancel q animation
I highly suggest to listen to the slashes of the sword - if you do it right, it suppose to sound like slish-slash, slish-slash, slash-lash-lush (ignore the poor deminstration and get the idea)
then what abobut the slasehs?
"Ok so do these keybindings and then do this" *takkakakakaktaktaktkatkatkaktaktaktakt* "See easy" Like worst explanation ever.
well in fact you must (yeh "MUST" otherwise it would be impossible)watch video with 0.25x speed to learn the order of Q AA and move (it's so funny he seems like he is on weed or something). but still if you ignore how less he explains for us newbies, he gives good hint.(general riven main hints i mean)
You’re the type of guy that expects everything spoon fed to them. He gave you a plethora of information for Riven so take the initiative to break it down yourself (slow down the video, experiment yourself). There was a lot of lesser known things in the end you should be grateful for
@@ltsdeshawn Dude why would anyone ever watch a tutorial video otherwise? People search tutorials for quick answers to their questions not for some cryptic BS.
Your comment is so flawed on so many different levels that I just think you are a troll and I lost the game because I answered.
@@ltsdeshawn Its a tutorial, you shouldn't have to slow the video down.
3:55 the fast q combo is easier near the wall because the wall doesn't have a moveable area. basicly the hall has the hitbox and the area behind it it filler, you can click on it as much as you want put you won't move towards it. meaning the missclicks you make behind the target don't do anything, they don't fuck up your Q's and AA. its harder with a target thats loose because you have to hit their hitbox precisely or you'll move your character, which requires more practise and pacing. i've been trying it out today and i can see how the fast combo works its pretty fun to do. if you're having trouble performing the combo even against the wall, try pacing in your head as if you're repeating dance moves (or just hear Jhin's voice in your head) and actively go One.. Two.. Three.. repeat. start slow untill you learn how to cancel your AA with your Q effectively ,with the movement in between, the trick here is to press the move command when your Q animation goes off. the milisecond you've pressed it move back over and press left mouse click for the AA then Q again to cancel your AA rinse and repeat until you've done the basic combo without fail once, then slowly try to get consistent with it and keep it up. its really not that hard but it has a specific rythm that you have to get used to and the tricky part here is how slower you try to do the combo the harder it will be as the better you cancel the smoother the combo.
«Very easy combo actually»
I don't think you mentioned it but I heard you press Q twice each time you wanted to use it, does this help with lining up the timings of using right-click to cancel the Q?
Thank you so much for this video! Just spent an hour in practice tool and now I can do it just about 98% of the time off the wall!
Will absolutely keep practicing, thanks a lot!
Just an interesting fact, if you practice you can see the total dmg on the dummy of both combo is constant/same, but the DPS of fast q is higher than the normal combo b/c it's FAST q = more damage in a shorter amount of time. So watch out for the numbers to see if you have it down or need more practice :D
When u know how to do this but u still cant do this xD
Practice! Thats key
@@Daveyx3 u didnt explain the use of the left click
Hey if you're still intrested in learning this there is a lot easier way. Use "toogle attack champion only" and just click behind someone and click A after evry Q. That is how i play at least
@@magieenvtuber9783 well sorry i just saw your comment (why I'm talking like i made this video?) but "champion only" only guarantee that you won't lose a 1v1 with 20 hp cause you miss clicked a minion, still you (basically I) have to learn the combo.
@@ike9108 yeah, but if you use "auto attack on move" while in attack only champ mode you don't have to be moving mouse from ground on enemy and again on ground and again on enemy. You just spam right click behind someone and press A between clicks behind someone
thank you! Most of riven guides don't say anything about that bottom :c By the way, If my fs are fixed con 60.. can i still do the combo?
let me explain it. aa(directly on the target)then q then move and u repeat this...Its quite ez if u grasp it.Learned it in 20min
No one ever mentions that you a-move directly on a target, lmao. Took me some time of wondering why tf sometimes my AA comes out real fast and sometimes takes forever, but at least I can brag that I noticed it myself now
He doesnt know how to explain it well
Definitely if you sleep on it you will master it.
Is it possible to do this just as fast with the right click?
AA -> Q to cancel animation -> AA -> right click on ground to cancel animation -> AA -> Q
i used to not be able to do it but now i can do it.
my main tip is to keep your cursor on the target when using q. By doing this, riven will q in place instead of q'ing through the target.
Nick what if u wanna dodge skillshors
just too be clear all those clicking off and random like he says is not neccesairly if u just wanna smack dps?
this character is so different from every other champ. tried to get into this but the need to move to reset is too strange for me also being mindful of which way you're facing. too many unique mechanics for me to wrap my head around
Thanks for the guide, i will now practice what i just saw. As a sidenote, it would have been much easier to understand if u put some visuals in the Video. To be exact, which button to press in which order for the fast Q combo as it was hard to understand for me as a non native english speaker. Everything else was explained good.
so if I put the left click attack option on I cant use my pings anymore. How do I fix this?
Does he click right and then left or does double click to do the fast q combo?
So you left click to a target. If you hit the target once, press the first q. When you pressed Q, you want to right click on the ground. Then immediately left click on the target. Press another Q and repeat the process.
if you slow it down you can actually see that its aa q move aa q move and not aa q aa move q aa move. so basically you shorten the delay between q and aa, not the other way round
I'm new to Riven! When exactly should I move after pressing Q? Immediately press the ground after I press Q or wait a bit for the animation to be half way done?
You can use the movementcommand right after you did press Q. The only thing important is to have your cursor on the target the moment you press Q if you dont want to dash through it. Than it goes like: Autoattack -> Q -> Movementcommand repeat. You are shortening your AA animation by starting your Q animation an shortening your Q animation with the MC into AA reset.
@@Onarutz this comment was so helpful
hi!!! ty, can i cancel with key? like the adc kitting?
davey teaches riven fast q like jiraya teaches rasengan to naruto
Thank you so much. 😄
Davey can you make a toplane guide?(like warding,roaming etc.)
Are you the real xin zhao?
@@sebastianmanterfield3132 yes he is the real xin zhao lmao
@@xaniyat9491 Are you the real Xaniyat?
@@tahmkenchusta5852 no
man i was playing riven, forgetting about the left click setting, using A to do the same so hard now its so much easier man ty so much love ur content for years bro!
Strangely enough, this hurt my fingers as much as Lee Sin's ghost kick does.
Best fast q combo guide out there hands down ty mate !
How do you click on the map to see something if you use your left click to move?
are we attacking with both right and left click or just the left click?
tbh i need to see your mouse hand
only left click the right click is a move button only when you enable the key binding
Davey can you like give me a chain command on how to do the q combo fast, like so far the Only thing I understood was you press q> auto> click away > q> auto> click away > q> auto. I'm pretty sure this is wrong and I tried watching in 0.25 speed and get I can't see what is happening, and what steps you do it in, please can you explain it further
q > left click > right click away > LEFT CLICK > q > left click > right click away > LEFT CLICK
@@dshizznitrb3 no its aa -> q -> click away, 3times and u end with aa
@@dshizznitrb3 bro u are writing such bullshit hahahah
@@itzsam510 why A? it's not mentioned in video.
idk if anyone else does it like this, but I like to listen to the sound effects to see if I am doing it right. So it goes auto-attack sound effect q sound effect. This helps me find out if I missed a AA or not. So if I hear a q sound effect but no aa I know I messed something up
Hey Davey just wondering when your doing this combo your using the left click setting that you turned on then clicking away from the dummy correct? Also if your fighting in a minion wave if you left click a minion by mistake would you end up auto attacking the minion or would it drag you away from the champion you're trying to combo?
T a r g e t. C h a m p i o n s. O n l y
So much respect to the Riven mains.
I just got the Dawn Bringer Riven skin from the box. So of course, I am like oh yeaha she is going to be my main now.
Little did I know.... her mechanics are on another level.
I am going to keep at it because I will feel so accomplished when I do master her. So, when I lose 40 min ranked games at least I can tell myself, oh yeaha I didn't just waste 40 minutes of my life for nothing.
Thanks for the video @Draveyx3
How did it go to main her? Did you climb?
I hate the fact that I know what I'm seeing and hes teaching me how to do it but its frustrating that I cant land the timing
try to actively pace in your head, start slow, one (AA) two(Q) three(MoveCommand) and once you've gotten it get consistent, then speed it up.
You deserve more subcribers man.
Thanks man :-)
I put attack move on mb1 now when I hover map or sumthin I start walkin to where I was hovering. Where on keybinds can I change the button where im hovering map
interface, disable movement when clicking on minimap
i cant ping when i bound my autoattack setting i cant either press from the minimap cus champion starts moving, what should i do pls help
Unclick the option in settings
This is my problem to. It really messes up my game
Just Get used to hold Shift whenever you look at the map or buy without moving.
You said both mouse buttons are nessecary, but what for is that left click when u didn't used it even once?
key bind for left click is for auto attacks he said it clearly in the vid, you just weren't listening
once I was using left click to attack, it was pretty good not only for Riven but for ADCs, but I had an issue... I like to click on the map to move the camera to a certain spot, imagine if the anemy is fighting my jungle at his blue and I want to see the fight, when I click there I endup moving to there and then I have to get back to my champion and click to come back to my lane, and when I want to use the alerts when I use the left click I can't.
You can click on minimap with shift without moving your champion :D
i cannot figure out how you do it so quickly no matter how many times I do it and I dunno what im doing wrong ;~; i've tried doing Q-left click- right click and Q-right click- left click and I still dont see how you do it so quickly, I think im just now doing it fast enough?
my question isssssss .. how do u spawn a dummy with this setting .. every time i try to spawn it my champion moves and nothing sapwns .
yep. same xD or try placing a ward
@@janniko.3232 Smart cast wards, u can also hold shift to make ur left click be just a regular left click (good for checking map for example)
@@adambenko4789 ahhh thanks :D
I remember an old video of boxbox doing a mini tutorial in-game (no practice tool yet) about wall hops. He said, if you hover the mouse on a target, you can't wall hop. He showed this using the jungle camps. Then, somewhere in the future, he was asked again to do a tutorial in-game about wall hops. He did. The way he explained things was the same as I remembered in the older video. But, to his surprise, Riven did a wall hop even hovering over a target. Boxbox was so surprised and happy saying that it's going to be easier to do wall hops
I remembered all this during your explanation. Also, i like how your videos are very informative and easy to understand. Keep up the good work!
So I don't have to use Attack move (left click after changing settings) when doing the Riven Combo?
I wish he would say it more detailed for complete beginners like "Right click target, Q, right click anywhere away from target, right click target, Q, right click anywhere away from target"
Do I use normal move or attack move during Q?
you make the animation of the q quiker with moving comand and instantly afterwards attackmove on target or ground afte that you cast q too cance the autoattack move ... idk if its metters but if you closer the distence with your attackmove its faster .. feels like imo (like cait headshots) fast q is basicly the perfect timing of canceling the auto with the q
thx for all the guides i now know a ton of riven combos and practice them every day
I can't use the AA setting on the left mause button. is that a problem?
does the targeting of a ward also make you jump over the wall easier ?
I don't know if I'm doing it correctly. The main thing I have trouble with is the second Auto Attack because I cancel it too fast. I also don't know if it's okay to get my third Auto Attack after my 3rd Q, because getting it before my 3rd Q is really difficult.
Omg its soo hard and even harder with left key...is it possible to do more detailed and very slow example?i really need to learn this!
What I did to learn it was divide it in steps and practice then as I managed to do the step fast consistently. First, auto(aa) and cancel the animatiom with Q, without cancelling the damage. Second, do aa Q move aa. When you can do it fast without mistakes, do aa q move aa q move aa. Finally, add the third Q and a last move aa. This final step requires special attention because the timing for last Q is slightly different.
@@HarryPotter-kb7we ohh this is so helpful bro! Ill try to do this in practice tool. Hope i can get better, thank you for your time responding to my comment. Appreciate that a lot
@@HarryPotter-kb7we Can't you just AA with right click?
I don't seem to understand what left click is used for
cannot click on map if u have it on left mouse button, cant use wards and cant ping
Your 10000th fast Q combo guide
And still very hard for people lol
Its an updated guide for season 10
I cant use leftclick for aa, I way too often out of habit leftclick randomly when i dont even want to aa
You can bind it to a keyboard button, but it's not that easy coz you have to press that button that often
ok so do you click somewhere else after clicking q or after AAing.
after q
What about the attack move (default hotkey ‘A’) for the auto attack, instead of clicking the champ. I’ve noticed you sometimes auto a minion in your videos, the attack move should solve that. But will it help the combo?
Daniel Rodriguez Yes been doing it for years, its just as good and doesn’t give you the troubles of not managing to click on the map
But have it on attack target closest to Where you clicked and not closest to you, Very important
So like, why does clicking try to move my character now? Spawning dummies / using the practice tool UI does move commands, along with clicking around the map. Is there any way to avoid that with the auto-attack move on?
and when i use AA setting i can't move the cam like i want heeeeeelp
best riven guide again ♥♥
How can i use my ward,click on mini map or things like that when i enable attack with left click ?
I just hold down the shift and click the map or the ward for me
@@meereh6740 thank you im gonna try it !
@@NSTC-HOLLOW I stoped using the left click cus it was so annoying to keep pressing shift
Well u made the setting to the left button but u didn't use it a single time, i mean i didn't see the cursor clicking red, only blue that means u using right click. What is the left button for then cuz it not cancelling any q animation
or u doin right click on the ground and left on the champ?
i cant bind my auto attack to left mouse button for some reason even though i have to same settings as you in the video
Try to unbdind the attack move key and set it on another key in the SECOND binding - then it should work
ok when we enable Blind Aouto Attack to Right click
how we can even place wards?
i pres 4 button to ward and right click or left click not place wards
it even sais it if u hover the option... u gotta press shift to use the shop and place stuff.. unless you smartcast it
Does using the S key work? For example: Q-S-Auto-Q-S-Auto
I don't get how I know if I am successful or not. You know what I mean? So it's Q => right click to animation cancel => left klick with AA bind => repeat. Am I right?
Auto attack first
The sound is different, if u cancel the animation, you delete the last part. Try it, you can understand the difference by listening carefully
@@jeorgecloenyvalentino7597 you right 👉
Timing and sound. Youll know the more you practice
Right click and then left click ?
Hey great vid! I'm a new Riven and I'm glad to see using the champion shard was worth it
Is it possible to do this with like 200-300 ms? Just wanna see if I just need to get good or my wifi's just really bad.
3:57 I can prove it:
Fast Q combo will fail if you miss click, making Riven dashing through the target, in this case, the animation will go from start to end and u can't cancel the animation.
But, going through is really important against some champions like Illaoi. Or if you want to chase and get lvl 1 kill. Or dodge skillshot.
I don't get it if you left click right after your q it should cancel the q animation? Because if that's the case it doesn't work for me. Is it because i can't reach 144 fps?
i like doing it with right clicks and i do see the benefit of this setting. but sometimes when i use this method i dash through the target even if i dont want to. while the right click can be missed i have way bigger success with the right click method over this one. but might just be because im used to the normal method.
so its: Q AA move AA Q AA move AA Q AA ??
or is it Q AA move Q AA move Q AA ??
Wait what, I thought it was Q move AA... This is really confusing why does mechanic like this exist I don't even understand, couldn't Riot just made Q animation faster instead of this hack?
@@TheChodex Well I just didnt understould it ( for 5 years) but i just tested it, you indeed move after your Q to kind of cancel the Q animation by walking away then quickly AA, fucking hard to do.
Hello, I want to add a question. I think this is doable without side-stepping? Can any1 give me feedback on this? I have "Player Attack Move Click" binded on "D" and I just rotata Q-D-Q-D-Q-D-Q-D and it looks faster than just pressing Q.
But when I can do in the practice tool It doesn t mean I can do it in game, right? I mean in game the enemy can move and there could be more "chaos", so my question is: is it more difficult in game? Thanks and sorry for my English
obviously its harder in game
Hello. I am wondering about the problem, which is how to use the double cast combo(Q + W) without using E. hope you help me
great video, bro, new sub!
will the q over wall work with plants or bomb?
Wait i never knew those walljumps with having your mouse on champs. I litterly thought you should not have your mouse on targets
It used to be like that(if you targeted a unit riven couldn't jump), but seems like they changed it
Well explained bro!! Thanks so much
I slow mo the vid literally took me 5 min to do the combo ill practoce more thanks man.
How you look around minimap while left click is attack
@@ilerium7517 THANKYOU MUCH SIR
@@chebmaster1791 YOU ARE WELCOME MY FRIEND
But how do you move the camera?
Mouse in the edge to move in one of four directions, Space to move it on your character and "Y" (as well as holding Space) to lock it on your character. Also, some people (like me) just bind WASD on camera move (I like it that way since I started playing this genre)
Have you noticed After preseason came out, riven q movement has been Very buggy around minions? It’s been happening 10 times more often then last season
Didnt really notice a difference
I have watched every single one of these Riven animation cancel videos over the years and NONE of them explain it to me efficiently. I guess the next time I get the urge to try it again I find one that I understand. The clicking behind the champ is what I mainly don't get.
so the fast Q combo just lets you keep attacking a lot longer?
Nope, it cancels your aa animation, which let you feel like you’re just spamming Q, but in between there are the powered up aa
why do you press Q twice for every Q you do?
for anyone confused, left click to auto, Q, right click to move Loop
Thanks. His explanation was a little off I feel like.
dude thank you so much i was lookinf for a new^toplaner and i found them
hey man can you explain this a little better you are explaining some things but not others am i canceling
my q? like why is it a faster suto?
when to click right click and when to click left click?
left + q + right away .. repeat
When i left click it highlights orange not blue?
can i use attack move?
So, if i Q then i AA then move Q AA?
Thx for this video with air you i could have never learned riven. Greetings from germany
Noob question here, but both this video and my parcticetool experience shows that Fast Q Combo's DPS is lower than the regular AA >Q, so why is it good to me if i lower my DPS?
youre doing it too slow
So what’s the sequence guys?
@Daveyx3 I have seen ur build and i would like to ask, if against some matchups like yassuo where its very useful to take tabis, can you switch the cdr boots for tabis and take the cdr extra rune stats?
Yes totally and its yasuo with one S and im sure u already know it and it's just a misstype ^^
I d say that if you start off learning this, you should try to always click behind the enemy champ before autoattacking again, because you re still gonna make micromovements and its gonna be easier to stick to the enemy :P
which pc do you have specs?
So I need to press the right and left button simultaneously or I can just press that left button with is now bound to that attack champion thingy?
So you press left button to AA then Q then right button to move and then left button for the AA. But your curser doesn't have to be on the champ/dummy.
Another tip is for pracise is that you take PTA as Rune so you always know if you hit all 3 AAs or not.
Am i doing it wrong if my riven is moving constantly? i know i need ti work on my speed but my riven is kinda bopin around the target while yours is crips and standing in one spot.
Having same problem
@@PinkyyRust so from my riven main friend said no its not ok for us to be moving because then we are going slower than the normal combo.
How do I ping???
q > left click > right click away > LEFT CLICK > q > left click > right click away > LEFT CLICK