If You Want PEACE.... Prepare For WAR : Legiones Gloriae Epic Roman Orchestral Music

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Step into the grandeur of ancient Rome with "Legiones Gloriae" by OLYMPUS, an epic Roman orchestral motivational classical music composition. This majestic piece immerses you in the world of Roman legions, with powerful orchestration, triumphant brass, and sweeping strings that evoke the glory and might of the Roman Empire. Perfect for motivational videos, epic soundtracks, and historical documentaries, "Legiones Gloriae" captures the essence of Roman valor and ambition.
    OLYMPUS's masterful arrangement combines dramatic melodies and intricate orchestration, creating an inspiring and cinematic soundscape that brings the spirit of ancient Rome to life. Whether you're seeking powerful background music for a project or need an epic composition to elevate your spirit, "Legiones Gloriae" offers an unforgettable orchestral experience. Let the epic orchestration and emotional depth of this piece inspire you to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.
    Experience the grandeur of Roman classical music with "Legiones Gloriae" and let its inspiring melodies and powerful orchestration motivate your journey towards success and resilience.
    #OrchestralMusic #MotivationalMusic #ClassicalMusic #epicmusic
    #romans #epicmusicbattle
    Latin Lyrics:
    In campis stridentibus, ubi umbrae ludunt,
    Gladii micantes sub aurora fulgent.
    Miles fortis stat, invictus et audax,
    In furore pugnae, pro Roma et pax.
    Gloria Romam vocat, clamor altus crescit,
    Sanguis hostium cadit, terrae rubescit.
    Animae ferventes, vires durae stant,
    Imperium aeternum, ut nox longa manet.
    Proelium gloriae, cives nunc clamant,
    In corde ignis ardet, victoria vibrat.
    Legiones gloriae, numquam cedent,
    Per ardua surgent, ad astra pervenient.
    Fulmina coruscant, in oculis micant,
    Inimicos frangunt, spiritus triumphat.
    Clangor tubarum, signum belli dat,
    Animus invictus, nihil umquam stat.
    Lacrimae cadunt, super terram victis,
    Spes victoriae, in corde firmatur.
    Virtus in victoria, semper praestatur,
    Pro patria et honore, miles non cedit.
    Senatus applaudit, Deus nos spectat,
    Mars nos ducit, ab alto nos iuvat.
    Vita nostra pendet, in manibus fati,
    Sed virtute et gloria, nos semper manebimus.
    English Lyrics:
    In the creaking plains, where the shadows play,
    The swords glittered under the dawn.
    A strong soldier stands, unconquered and bold,
    In the fury of battle, for Rome and peace.
    Glory calls to Rome, the cry rises high,
    The blood of the enemy falls, the earth reddens.
    Souls are fervent, strength is hard,
    The kingdom is eternal, as the night remains long.
    The battle of glory, the citizens now cry,
    A fire burns in the heart, victory vibrates.
    The legions of glory will never yield
    They will rise through the steep, they will reach the stars.
    Lightning flashes, flashes in the eyes,
    Enemies are crushed, the spirit triumphs.
    The sound of trumpets gives the signal of war,
    An unconquered spirit, nothing ever stands still.
    Tears fall, defeated on earth
    The hope of victory is established in the heart.
    Strength in victory is always guaranteed.
    For country and honor, the soldier does not give up.
    The senate applauds, God looks upon us
    Mars guides us, helps us from above.
    Our life hangs in the hands of fate
    But with power and glory, we will always remain.

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