Thank you Joe for trying to save that poor cat! It was so sad that she went through so many horrible experiences she had. People don’t realize what their dogs running loose can do to other animals smaller than them. What that poor cat went through so many😢 times times.
RIP mama kitty and yr kittens. I adopt you and kittens. Run happily in Heaven thank you kind man. Take care and continue to rescuing any stray cats that crossed yr path. Blessings
Joe never ever forget her. You must always keep her memory alive. This one weighs heavy on my heart. People PLEASE don't ever let any cat get to this again. Save as many as possible ❤
I'm still in tears! Thanks for trying to save this brave momma and her kittens. At least she had someone who cared for her and did their best to save her and her kittens. Gid bless you for your kindness! Rest in peace Momma and kittens. You are in Heaven now. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️😭😭😭
Saddest story ever😢Never seen before.Joe, God placed this mama kitty in your path to take care of.And you with all heart❤ God given strength and resources to do so.May God bless you and give you more for saving,mama kitty who didn't die out in the and did not die and was loved and cared for in her last days here on earth😢❤
боже мой. я плачу, я не могу смириться с этой потерей. эти угасшие жизни не заслужили ухода. если что и примиряет меня с этой трагедией, так это то, что бедная мама не была одинока в своей последней борьбе, и она это чувствовала.
I couldn't move while watching this, only my tears running down my face. This mother cat was incredible. Her love for her unborn kittens was indescribable. Life is so unfair that it takes this mother cat and her kittens away from earth. Thank you Joe and your brother for trying to save her. You didn't even have a chance to name her in order to remember her for her bravery and her short life. Rip lovely girl. Even though you don't have a name, we will still keep you in our memory.
@KarinaArklie j'ai eu beaucoup de peine pour la pauvre chatte et cet homme au bon coeur qui a tout fait et dépensé beaucoup d'argent pour la sauver. Pauvre lui. J'ai repensé encore et je crois que le vétérinaire aurait dû interrompre la grossesse au moment où il a su qu'un bébé était mort et l'autre n'allait pas survivre. La chatte était en train de s'empoisonner et elle a dû accoucher en plus! Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'a pas agi. En plus, elle allait mieux avant qu'un des bébés meurent. Pour une fois qu'elle recevait de l'aide et des soins, elle a été bien malchanceuse et son bienfaiteur aussi. J'y ai beaucoup pensé. J'espère ne pas ajouter à votre tristesse. Je me console en me disant que la chatte est devenue l'amie éternelle de ce monsieur. Ils se retrouveront. En attendant, au jardin merveilleux, les animaux retrouvent leur santé et leur jeunesse.💖✨️
Как всё это печально!!! Сердце не выдерживает!! Сколько горя на земле, ! За что так страдают животные!!!??? Кто их так бездушно бросает??? 😭😭😭😢😢😢🐱🐱🐱🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈⬛
Jesteś kochanym człowiekiem. Robiłeś co tylko w Twej mocy aby ocalić te biedne istoty. One już są po tej lepszej stronie życia. A dzięki Tobie, nie była osamotniona w tym bólu. Czuła Twoją obecność i wiedziała, że o nią walczysz. Oby los odpłacił Ci samym dobrem za Twoje wielkie serce.
Me hizo llorar 😭 pobrecita cuánto sufrió, deseo que cuando esté en el cielo Dios le dé mucho amor a ella y a sus bebés❤ Gracias infinitas por haberla ayudado y darle un poco de amor y atención 🙏
This is heart breaking to watch. I was willing the mother cat to live. It is evident that she has been fighting a long time to save her kittens. She has been attacked multiple times by dogs and this explains why she initially resisted attempts to take her to the hospital. She did not know that your intentions were good, all she knew at that moment of crisis is that she was treated badly by humans, dogs and God knows how many other hardships she had endured. so at that crucial moment in her eyes you and your brother were the enemy. Thank you, Joe and brother, you fought with all your might to save her and although in the end her physical strength could not match her mental strength, you should take comfort from the fact that you did all you could to ensure that she received medical care towards the end of her life and she and her babies received a decent burial and not left to rot in the streets. Sleep well mummy cat and babies. You fought the good fight. Thank you, Joe.
Pobrecita mamá y sus gatitos tanto sufrimiento si fue por los perros oh manos criminales Dios sabe que pasó gracias 🙏 gracias por ayudarla que Dios le de descanso eterno a ella y sus bebés gatitos amo a los gatitos
Животные не переносят, когда их новорожденных детёнышей кто то трогает, животные запахами руководствуются, они не понимают благости намерений, когда человек вмешивается в их сокровенное. Это мои наблюдения по жизни.
That is so sad! Joe is a kind hearted young man and honorable giving this kitty a pleading chance of life and giving her the most comfort he was able in her last moments of life. If this little thing had been rescued earlier her and her kittens lives could have been spared. God Bless you and know these kitties are with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Terimakasih banyak telah menyelamatkan hewan malang ini,tak terbayang betapa menderitanya dia ketika diserang oleh anjing,sekali lg terima kasih utk kebaikan hati anda,smga tuhan membalas budi baik anda
Even though this turned out sadly, your loving actions and sincere wish to help were not wasted. Every kind act has value. Bless you all for your efforts.
You did what you can to save this precious angel and her babies. At least she knows tht you helped her. You have a heart of gold and thank you for all tht you do. May God bless you with good health and wealth. Blessings.
This broke my heart!!!! 💔 I kind of wished that the vet would have helped her over the rainbow ridge so that she wouldn't have had to suffer the agony she went through. But she and her babies are in Heaven and experiencing the greatest love of their Creator.
Realmente que penurias habra pasado este angelito estando preñada, se me rompe el corazon💔💔💔 al ver en ese estado al angelito y sus bebes, gracias a la persona que estubo hasta el final luchando esta batalla para sobrevivir, pero lamentable se fue, descanza en paz pequeña tu tus bebes💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
This is heart breaking I am in tears watching this. It’s such a tragedy she fought so hard. Thank you for finding her and helping her. RIP sweet mummy and baby kitties now out of pain and now over rainbow bridge😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤
잘가라 엄마냥이야... 그래도 아가들과 함께 가는 길이라 외롭지는 않을거라고 믿을게... 부처님 말씀 중에 이리 급히 가는 것도 빨리 업보 씻는 과정이라고 하시니... 너무 슬퍼하지 않을게... 하늘나라 가서 아가들과 행복하기만 해라... 엄마냥과 아가들 함께 잘 보내 주신 집사님, 정말 정말 감사드립니다... 엄마냥도 말을 못했어도 정말 감사하며 아가들과 함께 떠났을거라고 믿어요... 오늘은 왜 이렇게 슬픈 아가들만 만나는지...
Bless you Joe for your tireless work to rescue this mother cat who had such a hard life living outdoors, trying to survive to deliver her kittens. It was a very sad ending. I only wish the vet had brought the one living kitten to the mother to sniff and touch it though it was not healthy. It might have given the mother cat enough energy & will to live. May they rest in peace together 4ever, and may you be repaid 100 times over for your kindness, Joe ❤😢🙏
What an ugly world that poor little cat had to live in & endure such atrocities. So sad. I don't even want to watch any more kitty videos now 😢 THIS was the saddest story ever. Thank you Joe for trying so hard & caring.
Merci à cet homme de tout avoir tenté pour sauver cette pauvre chatte. Si seulement elle n'avait pas été enceinte, elle aurait eu plus de chances de survivre. Elle n'avait plus de forces. C'est d'une grande tristesse.💐
Yes I agree… If she weren’t pregnant she may have been able to out run her attacker!!!.. Dogs are so vicious at times, especially to other animals!!.. They run deer down to the point of exhaustion and then kill them!!!..
You tried to save him, but unfortunately it went for the worst. It is good that you have done your best. Hai cercato di salvarlo, ma purtroppo è andato per il peggio. E' un bene che tu abbia fatto del tuo meglio.
Thank You for the Kindess and Compassion You gave to this lovely brave Cat and Her Kittens.You are a Hero and an Inspiration to Others and You remind Us of the good in People.Thanks too for the other good People who Comment hete and they wise and comforting Words.Together those who care for Animals We can continue to make a difference.Sending Love and Thanks.
Слёзы душат . Мне очень жаль маму кошку , которая не познала любви человека . Котора была вынуждена страдать всю свою короткую жизнь. Сколько таких несчастных зверюшек умирает на улице никому ненужные 😢. Если бы люди были добры, не было бы несчастных животных . Благодарю душевных мужчин, пытающихся спасти маму кошку . Всех Вам благ !
Ma non ti sei accorta che tutta la famiglia è morta, la mamma coraggio e i suoi gattini? 😢😢😢😢😢😢 C'è solo da disperarsi e pregare che certamente lassù in paradiso adesso correranno e saranno per sempre felici perché la vita è stata spietata con loro 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
В чём спасение? В чём доброта? Ветеринар видел и понимал, что каждая минута приносит ей адские муки. Зачем они истязали её целых 9 дней? Усыпить было бы гуманнее. Они все просто садисты. Боже, что ей пришлось пережить, бедная, бедная кошка... Человек может попросить эвтаназию, животные лишены этого. По воле людей они вынуждены умирать мучительно долго, чтобы ещё и стать персонажем душераздирающего сюжета, выложенного на обозрение. Зачем?!! Люди, будьте добрее.
Thank you giving this poor kitty perhaps the only love and care she had ever known ❤❤❤❤❤❤ In spite of all her pain, she knew she was surrounded by love and care and wanted desperately to live to deliver and care for her babies. ❤❤❤❤
She tried so hard… She wanted so badly to care for them as she struggled to reach for them, she just didn’t even have the strength to hold herself up!!!.. She had no use of her hind quarters and giving birth on top of her own pain!!
Dio mio che storia triste!! Grazie infinite caro joe,hai fatto tutto il possibile per mamma gatta e i suoi gattini,sei un ragazzo adorabile !!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Невозможно какая история как больно плачу я своих любимцев хоронила проститься не могла плакала и плакала держала на руках и невозможно принять их гибель они ведь яать нашей жизни часть семьи тяжело когда уходят в мир иной
Ağlayarak izledim. Sizin Altın bir KALBİNİZ var. O kediyi ve yavrularını kurtardığınız için Allah sizden bin kere razı olsun. Cennetin en güzel köşesi sizin olsun.❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Спасибо Вам, люди с большим сердцем ❤! Вы сделали всё, что смогли, пусть души бедных котиков станут Вашими Ангелами -Хранителями 🙏! ... А котейкам сейчас хорошо,они дома,на радуге, все здоровые,веселые и с благодарностью смотрят на Вас...
So sad it breaks my heart and my tears burst out and I know how this cat feels ....surely she feels sad and cries inside even she can't talk. I am one of cat lovers. Deeply sad hurt watching this. I doas this cat find her happiness good health and under ALMIGHTY GREAT's protection Aamiin Yarabbal Alamin
I just read the 1st few comments..I just cannot watch this. It will break me. I just wanted to say thank you so much for showing this poor little girl and her kittens love and compassion.❤ God bless. 🙏
Nie widziałam bardziej wzruszającej historii.Ileż te biedne zwierzęta cierpią.❤❤❤ Łamie serce. Kotku, w innym świecie bądź szczęśliwy. Dzielna mamusiu.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I cried and am still crying as I type this……..Joe, thank you so much for trying so hard to save her and her Kittens. She mustered all her strength to give birth and after seeing them die, she gave up. It shows what resilience she has to live and for her Kittens to live so she could be their Mother. They all are at the Rainbow Bridge in Heaven, forever young and healthy and playing together. She knew you tried to save her and help her. May God bless you for your kind heart✝️😇
And they say don't judge a country will I'm gonna judge this cause the people that have animals should take care of all there animals and not mistreat them by throwing them out to defend for themselves 😢😢😢😢rest in peace momma and babies you all are in God's hands ✋️ now where you will be safe from humans 🙏 😢😢😢😢
彼女の「赤ちゃんを産む迄は絶対に死なない」と言う強い意志に心が張り裂けそうでした。Joeさんに会えなかったら、彼女もお腹の赤ちゃんも他の動物に食べられていたかもしれません。「必死に生きる」と言う事をもっと考えてみます。彼女達はきっと思っています。「Thank you Joe.」 親子達のご冥福をお祈りします。
Joe, my brother you did your absolute best!!!.. I know you are heartbroken and only time will heal your heart.. Momma held on to give birth and at least she had your love and compassion instead of dying alone out in a field exposed to God only knows what!!!… This has been a difficult watch for me and I’m sure for many… She knew you were trying to help her and it’s the most love she has probably ever received… God Bless you and one day you will see Momma & Kittens in Heaven.❤
Honor and respect for trying to save mother cat and her babies. I do wonder why the veterinarien did not lay the living baby near mama cat even the baby did not survive. You can see she desperately try to reach her living baby.
Non riusciva più ad avvicinarsi all'ultimo nato ma ancora vivo ci ha provato ma era troppo stremata non aveva più alcuna forza 😭😭😭😭😭 perché non le avete messo il piccolo accanto a lei nell'ultimo momento se ne sarebbe andata più in pace, non avete avuto questo ultimo gesto d'amore. 😢😢😢😢😢😢non dimenticherò mai questa povera gatta, non potrò mai dimenticare questa storia finché sarò viva questa gatta martoriata dall'incredibile coraggio . Questa vita breve , questo immenso alito di vita che non voleva spegnersi 😮😮😮😮😮😮 e che si è lasciata morire quando i suoi cuccioli nascevano morti! Che cosa sono gli animali, cosa è stata questa mamma gatta , non riesco a frenare le lacrime, proprio non riesco . Tu mamma gatta e voi piccoli siate felici in Paradiso e vivete lì tutta la vita che non vi è stata concessa sulla terra 💔💔💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
C'est terriblement déchirant ! Non seulement la minette s'est battue pour la vie de ses chatons ainsi que la sienne ! Il y a des chiens qui sont vraiment des monstres ! Comment peuvent-ils agresser des minous et minettes qui plus est enceinte ! Je remercie de tout cœur Joe et son frère ainsi que l'équipe de vétérinaires pour avoir tout leur possible pour les sauver !❤❤❤❤❤ Qu'ils reposent en paix !
Thanks so much for saving this cute adorable sweet smart beautiful pregnant cat thanks so much you have saved so many cat families and kittens thanks so much you are an hero thanks so much thanks hope you have a good great awesome amazing fabulous day thank you so much for saving this cute adorable sweet kind smart pregnant cat thanks you so much you are an hero bless you all i support you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Air mata saya deras mengalir menyaksikan kisah ini. Sungguh perjuangan seorang ibu. Saya mempunyai 25 kucing rescue dengan berbagai kondisi jadi hati saya sangat sedih. Anak malang itu sudah tidak sakit lagi. Dia sudah berlari dibalik pelangi bersama semua anak2nya...terimakasih untuk anda yang begitu perduli terhadap makhluk lemah itu. Semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan anda
💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Dios bendiga a éstos jóvenes por rescatar a ésta inocente, gracias por sus esfuerzos y deseos de salvarla a ella y a sus gatitos pero a veces tenemos que aceptar que podemos causarles más sufrimiento al aferrarnos a la idea de que sobrevivan sin considerar que cuando pasan por situaciones tan horribles como las de ésta mamá los hacemos sufrir más de lo que ya están sufriendo.... A veces es más humano optar por la eutanasia....
Omg I was in tears what an awful life she had and yet she tried to stay alive to give birth to her babies and after all that she lost them and died herself , thank you for trying to save her and at least her and her babies did not die alone 😰😰😰
Thank you Joe for trying to save that poor cat! It was so sad that she went through so many horrible experiences she had. People don’t realize what their dogs running loose can do to other animals smaller than them. What that poor cat went through so many😢 times times.
RIP mama kitty and yr kittens. I adopt you and kittens. Run happily in Heaven
thank you kind man. Take care and continue to rescuing any stray cats that crossed yr path. Blessings
Joe never ever forget her. You must always keep her memory alive. This one weighs heavy on my heart. People PLEASE don't ever let any cat get to this again. Save as many as possible ❤
Вот на таких людях еще и держится этот мир! Огромное спасибо вам добрый Человек! Да воздаст вам Всевышний Благом! ❤😥🐾🐈⬛🐾
Ke schifo!io nn amo i miei simili anke x.questo motivo...😢😢😢
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
@@lucy19567.Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Постановочные видео
Ази.аты сами у.вечат живот.ных, по.том "спа.сают" их на ка.меру за ва.ши благодар.ности и ла.йки.
I'm still in tears! Thanks for trying to save this brave momma and her kittens. At least she had someone who cared for her and did their best to save her and her kittens. Gid bless you for your kindness! Rest in peace Momma and kittens. You are in Heaven now. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️😭😭😭
Мне разбило сердце история 💔💔💔💔
Мама кошечка не смогла пережить операцию и потерю малышей......
Вам спасибо за попытку спасти 👨🦱❤🐅🙏🙏🙏
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Можно было сделать кесарево.
Saddest story ever😢Never seen before.Joe, God placed this mama kitty in your path to take care of.And you with all heart❤ God given strength and resources to do so.May God bless you and give you more for saving,mama kitty who didn't die out in the and did not die and was loved and cared for in her last days here on earth😢❤
Маленькие, покойтесь спокойно. Самое главное вы, с мамой на радуге.
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
боже мой. я плачу, я не могу смириться с этой потерей. эти угасшие жизни не заслужили ухода. если что и примиряет меня с этой трагедией, так это то, что бедная мама не была одинока в своей последней борьбе, и она это чувствовала.
Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
I couldn't move while watching this, only my tears running down my face. This mother cat was incredible. Her love for her unborn kittens was indescribable. Life is so unfair that it takes this mother cat and her kittens away from earth. Thank you Joe and your brother for trying to save her. You didn't even have a chance to name her in order to remember her for her bravery and her short life. Rip lovely girl. Even though you don't have a name, we will still keep you in our memory.
Thank You for saying so beautifully the way We feel too.
I'm still crying watching this, this poor little cat has been through so much suffering. ❤ 😭 ❤ ❤
@KarinaArklie j'ai eu beaucoup de peine pour la pauvre chatte et cet homme au bon coeur qui a tout fait et dépensé beaucoup d'argent pour la sauver. Pauvre lui. J'ai repensé encore et je crois que le vétérinaire aurait dû interrompre la grossesse au moment où il a su qu'un bébé était mort et l'autre n'allait pas survivre. La chatte était en train de s'empoisonner et elle a dû accoucher en plus! Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'a pas agi. En plus, elle allait mieux avant qu'un des bébés meurent. Pour une fois qu'elle recevait de l'aide et des soins, elle a été bien malchanceuse et son bienfaiteur aussi. J'y ai beaucoup pensé. J'espère ne pas ajouter à votre tristesse. Je me console en me disant que la chatte est devenue l'amie éternelle de ce monsieur. Ils se retrouveront. En attendant, au jardin merveilleux, les animaux retrouvent leur santé et leur jeunesse.💖✨️
RIP with heavens angels and her and protected.
Господи , я так плакала , зачем и посмотрела.
😭😭😭😭Боже столько боли перенесла кошечка. Как жаль её 😢
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
May God please bless this entire cat family up in heaven.
Animals don’t go to Heaven.
Как всё это печально!!! Сердце не выдерживает!! Сколько горя на земле, ! За что так страдают животные!!!???
Кто их так бездушно бросает??? 😭😭😭😢😢😢🐱🐱🐱🐈⬛🐈⬛🐈⬛
고양이가 불쌍 하네요 제왕절개 하지 왜어미 고양이를고생 시킵니까 결국 인간 때문에 비참하게 죽어가는고양이 영상을 왜 올려서 가슴 아프게 하나요
고양이를 두번 죽이나
Душераздирающая история 😢 мягких облачков мамочке-кошке и её котятам🙏🏼😪❤️
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Joe, your a good man and in the end this cat knew what love was thanks to you... RIP LITTLE MOMMA. ❤❤❤❤
Jesteś kochanym człowiekiem. Robiłeś co tylko w Twej mocy aby ocalić te biedne istoty. One już są po tej lepszej stronie życia. A dzięki Tobie, nie była osamotniona w tym bólu. Czuła Twoją obecność i wiedziała, że o nią walczysz. Oby los odpłacił Ci samym dobrem za Twoje wielkie serce.
So sad, thanks for all you do for strays.
Me hizo llorar 😭 pobrecita cuánto sufrió, deseo que cuando esté en el cielo Dios le dé mucho amor a ella y a sus bebés❤ Gracias infinitas por haberla ayudado y darle un poco de amor y atención 🙏
Thank you, Joe. Parents and children will be happy in heaven.
This is heart breaking to watch. I was willing the mother cat to live. It is evident that she has been fighting a long time to save her kittens. She has been attacked multiple times by dogs and this explains why she initially resisted attempts to take her to the hospital. She did not know that your intentions were good, all she knew at that moment of crisis is that she was treated badly by humans, dogs and God knows how many other hardships she had endured. so at that crucial moment in her eyes you and your brother were the enemy. Thank you, Joe and brother, you fought with all your might to save her and although in the end her physical strength could not match her mental strength, you should take comfort from the fact that you did all you could to ensure that she received medical care towards the end of her life and she and her babies received a decent burial and not left to rot in the streets. Sleep well mummy cat and babies. You fought the good fight. Thank you, Joe.
Pobrecita mamá y sus gatitos tanto sufrimiento si fue por los perros oh manos criminales Dios sabe que pasó gracias 🙏 gracias por ayudarla que Dios le de descanso eterno a ella y sus bebés gatitos amo a los gatitos
Животные не переносят, когда их новорожденных детёнышей кто то трогает, животные запахами руководствуются, они не понимают благости намерений, когда человек вмешивается в их сокровенное. Это мои наблюдения по жизни.
يبدو أنها حالة إغتصاب لأن الطبيب أشار إلى أن أعضائها التناسلية ممزّقة وليس مجرّد عضّات كلاب🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Dear GOD, please bless this good man's kind Heart ❤️!!🙏👍
That is so sad! Joe is a kind hearted young man and honorable giving this kitty a pleading chance of life and giving her the most comfort he was able in her last moments of life. If this little thing had been rescued earlier her and her kittens lives could have been spared. God Bless you and know these kitties are with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Terimakasih banyak telah menyelamatkan hewan malang ini,tak terbayang betapa menderitanya dia ketika diserang oleh anjing,sekali lg terima kasih utk kebaikan hati anda,smga tuhan membalas budi baik anda
Poor baby girl who knows what she went through out there all alone all of those days 😢😢😢😢
Even though this turned out sadly, your loving actions and sincere wish to help were not wasted. Every kind act has value. Bless you all for your efforts.
the mother cat is so great! we all need to respect all living being
You did the best you could for this poor kitty. Thank you.
😢That was a very sad story. The poor,innocent creature suffered alot 😢. Thank you for helping her.😢
You did what you can to save this precious angel and her babies. At least she knows tht you helped her. You have a heart of gold and thank you for all tht you do. May God bless you with good health and wealth. Blessings.
This broke my heart!!!! 💔 I kind of wished that the vet would have helped her over the rainbow ridge so that she wouldn't have had to suffer the agony she went through. But she and her babies are in Heaven and experiencing the greatest love of their Creator.
Realmente que penurias habra pasado este angelito estando preñada, se me rompe el corazon💔💔💔 al ver en ese estado al angelito y sus bebes, gracias a la persona que estubo hasta el final luchando esta batalla para sobrevivir, pero lamentable se fue, descanza en paz pequeña tu tus bebes💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
Bardzo smutna historia , żegnajcie koteczki ❤
What a sad story and what a kind young man.
This is heart breaking I am in tears watching this. It’s such a tragedy she fought so hard. Thank you for finding her and helping her. RIP sweet mummy and baby kitties now out of pain and now over rainbow bridge😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤
잘가라 엄마냥이야... 그래도 아가들과 함께 가는 길이라 외롭지는 않을거라고 믿을게...
부처님 말씀 중에 이리 급히 가는 것도 빨리 업보 씻는 과정이라고 하시니... 너무 슬퍼하지 않을게...
하늘나라 가서 아가들과 행복하기만 해라... 엄마냥과 아가들 함께 잘 보내 주신 집사님, 정말 정말 감사드립니다...
엄마냥도 말을 못했어도 정말 감사하며 아가들과 함께 떠났을거라고 믿어요... 오늘은 왜 이렇게 슬픈 아가들만 만나는지...
Bless you Joe for your tireless work to rescue this mother cat who had such a hard life living outdoors, trying to survive to deliver her kittens. It was a very sad ending. I only wish the vet had brought the one living kitten to the mother to sniff and touch it though it was not healthy. It might have given the mother cat enough energy & will to live. May they rest in peace together 4ever, and may you be repaid 100 times over for your kindness, Joe ❤😢🙏
Yes I think Momma wanted to see her kitten that was alive… I think it would have given her a reason to hold on!!!❤❤❤❤😢
What an ugly world that poor little cat had to live in & endure such atrocities. So sad. I don't even want to watch any more kitty videos now 😢
THIS was the saddest story ever.
Thank you Joe for trying so hard & caring.
Merci à cet homme de tout avoir tenté pour sauver cette pauvre chatte. Si seulement elle n'avait pas été enceinte, elle aurait eu plus de chances de survivre. Elle n'avait plus de forces. C'est d'une grande tristesse.💐
Yes I agree… If she weren’t pregnant she may have been able to out run her attacker!!!.. Dogs are so vicious at times, especially to other animals!!.. They run deer down to the point of exhaustion and then kill them!!!..
@pmatusco0725 les chiens devaient être affamés, pauvre eux.🥲
Мягких облачков кошечке и котятам ... Низкий поклон и благодарность Джо , за доброе сердце
Thank you for your kindness. The precious Mother and her babies are now at peace. God bless you.
I know that it was not easy but you both managed to get her.Have a blessed and safe weekend 🙏
Спасибо, Джо, вы герой, а мама кошка и её дети уже на небесах вместе, слава Богу, что им уже не больно❤
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
You tried to save him, but unfortunately it went for the worst. It is good that you have done your best.
Hai cercato di salvarlo, ma purtroppo è andato per il peggio. E' un bene che tu abbia fatto del tuo meglio.
Joe is a very brave and more than that a caring young man. He didn’t turn away when she didn’t melt in his embrace. Top notch!
What a heartbreaking story - none were saved.
Que desgarradora historia, los animalitos de la calle sufren mucho. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Пошли всевышний удачи и благополучия добрым, неравнодушным людям, которые любят и помогают братьям нашим меньшим!
I burst into tears while watching.😢😢😢😮😮
cried watching the video God Bless you"ll dear for taking all efforts to save her.but its Gods will at the end
So sad😢😢But thank you for helping.
Thank You for the Kindess and Compassion You gave to this lovely brave Cat and Her Kittens.You are a Hero and an Inspiration to Others and You remind Us of the good in People.Thanks too for the other good People who Comment hete and they wise and comforting Words.Together those who care for Animals We can continue to make a difference.Sending Love and Thanks.
Слёзы душат . Мне очень жаль маму кошку , которая не познала любви человека . Котора была вынуждена страдать всю свою короткую жизнь. Сколько таких несчастных зверюшек умирает на улице никому ненужные 😢. Если бы люди были добры, не было бы несчастных животных . Благодарю душевных мужчин, пытающихся спасти маму кошку . Всех Вам благ !
Царствие Небесное кошечке,и котяткам,теперь крошки и мамочка в Раю.
Это очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Many thanks to all for your efforts to save Mamma cat and kittens.
God bless all
A sad story but bless you for trying to assist this poor cat and her babies….thank you
Благодарю🙏🏻 Добрых Людей за спасение Котика❤️🐾🐈⬛🐾😥😥
Благодарю🙏🏻 всех Добрых Людей за из доброту!
Будьте Здоровы и Счастливы!!!🫶🏻
Ma non ti sei accorta che tutta la famiglia è morta, la mamma coraggio e i suoi gattini? 😢😢😢😢😢😢 C'è solo da disperarsi e pregare che certamente lassù in paradiso adesso correranno e saranno per sempre felici perché la vita è stata spietata con loro 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
В чём спасение? В чём доброта? Ветеринар видел и понимал, что каждая минута приносит ей адские муки. Зачем они истязали её целых 9 дней? Усыпить было бы гуманнее. Они все просто садисты. Боже, что ей пришлось пережить, бедная, бедная кошка... Человек может попросить эвтаназию, животные лишены этого. По воле людей они вынуждены умирать мучительно долго, чтобы ещё и стать персонажем душераздирающего сюжета, выложенного на обозрение. Зачем?!! Люди, будьте добрее.
It's so hard to see and not get emotional 😭😭😭😭
I am so sorry Joe.Just heartbreaking.You have a good heart and dont forget it.Bless you and may God be with you.
Que gran tristeza, lo lamento mucho. Lamentablemente muchas gatas pasan por esto
So sad, I'm 😭😭😭😭 but you did your best to save her and her babies thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you giving this poor kitty perhaps the only love and care she had ever known ❤❤❤❤❤❤ In spite of all her pain, she knew she was surrounded by love and care and wanted desperately to live to deliver and care for her babies. ❤❤❤❤
She tried so hard… She wanted so badly to care for them as she struggled to reach for them, she just didn’t even have the strength to hold herself up!!!.. She had no use of her hind quarters and giving birth on top of her own pain!!
Dio mio che storia triste!! Grazie infinite caro joe,hai fatto tutto il possibile per mamma gatta e i suoi gattini,sei un ragazzo adorabile !!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for your kindness!
Oh my gosh that is so sad poor baby I'm glad you were able to get her and her Babies to a safe place.
Парни настоящие герои😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤
Peleo como una guerra digna de ser una madre y será un angel en donde quiera que esté sufrio mucho pero se ganó el cielo 😢❤
Смотрю и плачу.Благодарна человеку который сделал все что мог для спасения этой мужественной кошечки 😢😢😢❤❤❤
Невозможно какая история как больно плачу я своих любимцев хоронила проститься не могла плакала и плакала держала на руках и невозможно принять их гибель они ведь яать нашей жизни часть семьи тяжело когда уходят в мир иной
Это очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Ağlayarak izledim. Sizin Altın bir KALBİNİZ var. O kediyi ve yavrularını kurtardığınız için Allah sizden bin kere razı olsun. Cennetin en güzel köşesi sizin olsun.❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you for expressing this as beautifully as possible. I join you in everything you said. Thank you.
Its so so sad...thank you for all your efforts to save this brave mama cat and her babies. Unfortunately it was beyond help.RIP mama and babies.
Спасибо Вам, люди с большим сердцем ❤!
Вы сделали всё, что смогли, пусть души бедных котиков станут Вашими Ангелами -Хранителями 🙏!
... А котейкам сейчас хорошо,они дома,на радуге, все здоровые,веселые и с благодарностью смотрят на Вас...
Спасибо огромное за спасение животных,хотя и запоздалое с трагическим концом....😢😢😢
Мягких вам облачков, бедные котики😢
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
Такая история,я прослезилась.Спасибо Джо за его любовь к этой кошке и заботу,очень жаль,что все так завершилось.
My eyes are full of tears watching this.Poor kittens and mama cat. Thank you to try saving them.
МОЛОДЦЫ! Храни вас Бог!
Очередная азиатская постановка. Азиаты вам еще не такое кино покажут! Сами увечат животных, потом "спасают" на камеру.
I'm crying because I would think that she will be saved, her and her kittens. It's heartbreaking. They don't sufffer now. 💔💔💔Rest in peace 🌟
So sad it breaks my heart and my tears burst out and I know how this cat feels ....surely she feels sad and cries inside even she can't talk. I am one of cat lovers. Deeply sad hurt watching this.
I doas this cat find her happiness good health and under ALMIGHTY GREAT's protection
Aamiin Yarabbal Alamin
I am crying so strong for this little mother cat and her kittens 💔😢😭😭😭 But now, they are together in the cat's paradise ❤❤❤❤
Сижу смотрю и плачу,на руках моя девятилетняя кошка Мила,как же жалко всех животных..
I just read the 1st few comments..I just cannot watch this. It will break me. I just wanted to say thank you so much for showing this poor little girl and her kittens love and compassion.❤
God bless. 🙏
Какая любовь? Над кошкой ветеринар издевался , заставив её рожать после наркоза операции и антибиотиков. 6 дней мучали кошку!
I'm sorry, I only know English.
Thank you and God bless 🙏 you Joe,for the beautiful goodbye to mama kitty and her babies 😢
Nie widziałam bardziej wzruszającej historii.Ileż te biedne zwierzęta cierpią.❤❤❤ Łamie serce. Kotku, w innym świecie bądź szczęśliwy. Dzielna mamusiu.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Спасибо огромное за спасение, низкий вам поклон поклон.❤❤❤
I cried and am still crying as I type this……..Joe, thank you so much for trying so hard to save her and her Kittens. She mustered all her strength to give birth and after seeing them die, she gave up. It shows what resilience she has to live and for her Kittens to live so she could be their Mother. They all are at the Rainbow Bridge in Heaven, forever young and healthy and playing together. She knew you tried to save her and help her. May God bless you for your kind heart✝️😇
Terima kasih joe....sudah berusaha menyelamatkan ibu kucing dan anaknya walaupun harus kehilangan 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Gratidão por resgatar e cuidar dela. Que a mãe gata e os filhotes sejam felizes. Que Deus abençoe. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
And they say don't judge a country will I'm gonna judge this cause the people that have animals should take care of all there animals and not mistreat them by throwing them out to defend for themselves 😢😢😢😢rest in peace momma and babies you all are in God's hands ✋️ now where you will be safe from humans 🙏 😢😢😢😢
彼女の「赤ちゃんを産む迄は絶対に死なない」と言う強い意志に心が張り裂けそうでした。Joeさんに会えなかったら、彼女もお腹の赤ちゃんも他の動物に食べられていたかもしれません。「必死に生きる」と言う事をもっと考えてみます。彼女達はきっと思っています。「Thank you Joe.」
I'm crying .. lacrimosa..
Rest in peace sweet little heart poor Mother ++++
RIP all Cats Family
RIP on the Heaven Maedows ++++
Pobresita mí ángel divina!!yo estaría igual al perder mis hijitos,creo para una mamá ya no hay más nada.😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Joe, my brother you did your absolute best!!!.. I know you are heartbroken and only time will heal your heart.. Momma held on to give birth and at least she had your love and compassion instead of dying alone out in a field exposed to God only knows what!!!… This has been a difficult watch for me and I’m sure for many… She knew you were trying to help her and it’s the most love she has probably ever received… God Bless you and one day you will see Momma & Kittens in Heaven.❤
Honor and respect for trying to save mother cat and her babies. I do wonder why the veterinarien did not lay the living baby near mama cat even the baby did not survive. You can see she desperately try to reach her living baby.
Non riusciva più ad avvicinarsi all'ultimo nato ma ancora vivo ci ha provato ma era troppo stremata non aveva più alcuna forza 😭😭😭😭😭 perché non le avete messo il piccolo accanto a lei nell'ultimo momento se ne sarebbe andata più in pace, non avete avuto questo ultimo gesto d'amore. 😢😢😢😢😢😢non dimenticherò mai questa povera gatta, non potrò mai dimenticare questa storia finché sarò viva questa gatta martoriata dall'incredibile coraggio . Questa vita breve , questo immenso alito di vita che non voleva spegnersi 😮😮😮😮😮😮 e che si è lasciata morire quando i suoi cuccioli nascevano morti! Che cosa sono gli animali, cosa è stata questa mamma gatta , non riesco a frenare le lacrime, proprio non riesco . Tu mamma gatta e voi piccoli siate felici in Paradiso e vivete lì tutta la vita che non vi è stata concessa sulla terra 💔💔💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
C'est terriblement déchirant ! Non seulement la minette s'est battue pour la vie de ses chatons ainsi que la sienne !
Il y a des chiens qui sont vraiment des monstres ! Comment peuvent-ils agresser des minous et minettes qui plus est enceinte ! Je remercie de tout cœur Joe et son frère ainsi que l'équipe de vétérinaires pour avoir tout leur possible pour les sauver !❤❤❤❤❤ Qu'ils reposent en paix !
Thanks so much for saving this cute adorable sweet smart beautiful pregnant cat thanks so much you have saved so many cat families and kittens thanks so much you are an hero thanks so much thanks hope you have a good great awesome amazing fabulous day thank you so much for saving this cute adorable sweet kind smart pregnant cat thanks you so much you are an hero bless you all i support you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
She died! She was not saved.
@@JakeMissy-cr4oj oh
Thank you for kindness to beautiful mama cat .
Air mata saya deras mengalir menyaksikan kisah ini. Sungguh perjuangan seorang ibu. Saya mempunyai 25 kucing rescue dengan berbagai kondisi jadi hati saya sangat sedih. Anak malang itu sudah tidak sakit lagi. Dia sudah berlari dibalik pelangi bersama semua anak2nya...terimakasih untuk anda yang begitu perduli terhadap makhluk lemah itu. Semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan anda
😢 Սիրուն, քաղցր բալիկ , ես քեզ սիրում եմ, ամեն ինչ լավ կլինի 🐈⬛♥️♥️♥️
💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Dios bendiga a éstos jóvenes por rescatar a ésta inocente, gracias por sus esfuerzos y deseos de salvarla a ella y a sus gatitos pero a veces tenemos que aceptar que podemos causarles más sufrimiento al aferrarnos a la idea de que sobrevivan sin considerar que cuando pasan por situaciones tan horribles como las de ésta mamá los hacemos sufrir más de lo que ya están sufriendo.... A veces es más humano optar por la eutanasia....
Omg I was in tears what an awful life she had and yet she tried to stay alive to give birth to her babies and after all that she lost them and died herself , thank you for trying to save her and at least her and her babies did not die alone 😰😰😰