Do people who don't hear the gospel go to HELL?

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @martonio3303
    @martonio3303 Год назад +419

    Regardless of what happens, thank God that He has saved me, a terrible sinner, from the wrath that I deserve

    • @seraph3244
      @seraph3244 8 месяцев назад +9

      Realest comment ever. Amen ❤️✝️

    • @Kooczsi
      @Kooczsi 7 месяцев назад +1

      why do you deserve wrath for sinning?

    • @DAATChannel
      @DAATChannel 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@Kooczsi you don’t and that’s why god gave Jesus. I don’t think anyone who sins with only one human being who didn’t even live a full life living sinless.

    • @martonio3303
      @martonio3303 6 месяцев назад +8

      @@Kooczsi each sin is a breaking of the law of God, and thankfully forgiveness was extended to me through Jesus

      @JURASSICLEGO777 6 месяцев назад +3

      Same, amen.

  • @jesusislifeministries3859
    @jesusislifeministries3859 Год назад +945

    This is most certainly an answered prayer, for I have watched almost all the other videos about “Those who have never heard” on RUclips. Thank you for allowing God to work through you. Please be encouraged to continue to proclaim the Gospel!

    • @lactovacilo793
      @lactovacilo793 Год назад +12

      amen God is doing a good work in this channel, all glory to the Holy Spirit, who did this! 🕊🔥🙌🙏✝️❤️

    • @jeusmarcomascarina4102
      @jeusmarcomascarina4102 Год назад +3

      Most Christians should understand that Catholic , Jews, and orthodox should not be converted. What they should do is study and reach those who are not. Because good acts past through nation not testimony.

    • @jeusmarcomascarina4102
      @jeusmarcomascarina4102 Год назад

      We know that we praise the same God if our values are the same from God. Despite of different culture.

    • @misses1768
      @misses1768 Год назад

      Jesus is King! 👑🩵💕🦋💕🩵
      Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Repent and believe in him as your Lord and Savior and you will be saved! God bless! 🩵💕🦋💕🩵
      💕🌸🌺Romans 10:9-11 KJV 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 🌺🌸💕❤❤❤

    • @productamadeus8745
      @productamadeus8745 Год назад

      And it’s a wrong answer. I’m not saying it’s not a FAIR answer considering how we as humans see fairness. Nobody wants Jesus. Whether they hear about Him or not. We are born sinful and God Hating. You being able to believe in Jesus is a Work of the Holy Spirit. He saves all those who’s names were written in the Lambs book of life since the beginning of time. There is no way you have an all powerful Sovereign that lives outside of time and space -and He would be “winging” any of this. Gods Devine Right to Elect will not be hindered.

  • @sequel04
    @sequel04 Год назад +904

    I believe that God will do everything to save anyone, even those who never heard the Gospel. Some may be sent to tell the Gospel to them, or by having this thought that this is not all to life and that there is greater purpose, but I know that God will be just to all and even thought it's a great thought, I rest in the truth that He has given all a fair chance to eternal life.

    • @ItIsTheLordWhoKeepsme
      @ItIsTheLordWhoKeepsme Год назад +48

      He is good and His mercy is forever

    • @STAYDIVINE1111
      @STAYDIVINE1111 Год назад +20

      "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
      ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
      ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @ChristAlways
      @ChristAlways Год назад +14

      God knows the fate of everyone, he gives a sign and message to all, but many are born as unclean vessels, and God already knows they will not turn to him, so he gives them over to delusion, God knew everything before it began.

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 Год назад

      You believe it, because you red it, and don't remember where. Mt. 12:31-32
      Mk. 3:28
      Lk. 12:10? maybe 10:12?

    • @randomphantom3976
      @randomphantom3976 Год назад

      @@eltonron1558 1st Peter 3:18-20 actually. It says directly that after Jesus died, he preached to the spirits in prison from the times before Jesus was on earth (it only mentions directly about the people who were around in the time of Noah, but I don't see why God would speak only to them and not all the others who died before Jesus was born).

  • @slfjdiejd
    @slfjdiejd 11 месяцев назад +230

    I just pray for all those who have yet to hear the gospel and for all who aren't Christians, that they may believe and be saved. Amen.

    • @joey.99
      @joey.99 11 месяцев назад +7

      Religion propaganda

    • @joey.99
      @joey.99 11 месяцев назад +7

      What a loving God. Someone that will send you to eternal punishment for not worshipping him

    • @Fish_tank75
      @Fish_tank75 11 месяцев назад +29

      @@joey.99 “for the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23
      We as humans are inherently sinful, while our God is a loving God he is a just one as well
      We deserve to go to hell for our sin but God’s love provides a way for us to be with him through his son Jesus Christ I hope you will let him into your heart have a great day

    • @LordiValimartti
      @LordiValimartti 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@joey.99 🤓

    • @joey.99
      @joey.99 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@Fish_tank75 I don't let things in my heart besides blood to keep my organs alive. I use my brain to make choices and to form my beliefs, not my heart

  • @FallenderStern
    @FallenderStern 3 месяца назад +193

    I asked God's son "how much do you love us" and he replied, "this much," and stretched his arms on the cross and died for me. When you carry a Bible, the Devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses? When he sees you reading it, he faints? When he sees you living it, he flees? And just when you're about to copy and paste this, he will try to discourage you. I am a follower of the lord Christ I have made the commitment. I am saved through him. If God is welcomed into your house, copy this onto your profile if you believe in the lord put this into, your profile. DON'T IGNORE THIS BECAUSE IN THE BIBLE IT SAYS: if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, you can copy this and put all of it in, God will smile at you

  • @IAmRoviii
    @IAmRoviii Год назад +397

    "For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law" Romans 2:12

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад +27

      “Perish” means to be lost, not burn forever in a doom realm. Paul is explaining how people who live by the law will be judged by it, and those who believe in Jesus will not be judged because the real God does not judge.

    • @FidgeMonergism
      @FidgeMonergism Год назад +21

      Jesus is God the Father is God the Holy Spirit is God… the Bible clearly teaches this and that He is the judge and justifier of His elect. Christian’s are judged and then justified by Christ.

    • @captaincommando9839
      @captaincommando9839 Год назад +2

      Galatians 3:21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.
      3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

    • @captaincommando9839
      @captaincommando9839 Год назад +8

      Galatians 3:6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
      3:7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
      3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
      3:9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
      3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
      3:11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

    • @captaincommando9839
      @captaincommando9839 Год назад +6

      Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
      2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
      2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
      3:9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
      3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
      3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
      3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
      3:23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
      3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
      3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
      3:26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
      3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
      3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

  • @thetrynes
    @thetrynes Год назад +1082

    Amen, and may everyone everywhere have a blessed day!!! Praise Yahweh!!!

    • @petros8478
      @petros8478 Год назад +34

      If your a christian_you need to repent of your sins PLZ

    • @Doom0728
      @Doom0728 Год назад +2

      @@petros8478 Don’t wanna.

    • @brayanxd4547
      @brayanxd4547 Год назад +63

      @@Doom0728 That's your decision, to pick or not the graceful pardon of God.

    • @Doom0728
      @Doom0728 Год назад +6

      Oh yes because it’s TOTALLY a decision whether or not I’m gullible enough to be convinced something is true therefore heaven, or not; therefore hell…

    • @brayanxd4547
      @brayanxd4547 Год назад +71

      @@Doom0728 You do not choose if you go to heaven or hell. EVERYONE is going to hell, because everyone sinned. BUT Jesus, by dying for us, gave us the grace, and every soul that believes that He died for us will be saved, and will flee from the path that ends up in hell.

  • @petermacquarrie8977
    @petermacquarrie8977 Год назад +180

    I think what gets people into trouble is when they turn their backs on God. I know people who refuse to hear the truth and fully and completely reject God.

    • @AmyMichelleMosier
      @AmyMichelleMosier Год назад +13

      That sounds like blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which is unforgivable.

    • @kevinerose
      @kevinerose Год назад +40

      @@AmyMichelleMosier I feel that is just doubt. To me, I think blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is when a person knows the truth and understands the ways of God but refuse truth and teach others to be enemies of God. The person knows what they are talking about but still declared hate of God and seeks to spread that hate to others. Those that refuse to hear the truth may later turn and desire truth at some point. And then they can be saved. That is my opinion.

    • @genrejj
      @genrejj Год назад +7

      @@kevinerose you're absolutely right

    • @thetrynes
      @thetrynes Год назад

      @kevinerose That's... what the initial poster said already, though...

    • @Eric-ej3oy
      @Eric-ej3oy 9 месяцев назад

      But ppl really haven't heard the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Islam is the truth, Judaism is the truth, Christianity is the truth, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism etc are all true. So pick one and you have the truth. This also is to say that there are many Gods. Will the real God please stand up. But not all stand at the same time. Money is most ppl gods. Money talks.

  • @ashsslittleworld
    @ashsslittleworld Год назад +127

    when I was a baby follower, I used to say that I will fully believe and share when I SEE Him. one day I was in a boat and were where about to go through rapids, I had my phone on me so I was scared I would tip over and ruin it, I had the urge to pray for it, and I did. everyone around me tipped over but I didn't. it may have been small, but it changed my life.

    • @peter25681
      @peter25681 Год назад +10

      Remember, only those who have needed miracles in their life, can appreciate other miracles. Think of the Hebrews in the Wilderness! Cooling cloud by day; heating fire at night; a rock mountain that followed them providing waters for millions, and their herds; 10 miracles which brought the world's superpower to its knees; etc. It did not change them, most perished still in the Wilderness, could not enter the promised land. They could not embrace these miracles and change their hearts.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад

      Ah, yes, sure. God prevented your phone from falling into water. How nice of him. Good that he intervenes with the real world for such trivialities, instead of saving a couple starving children, or some with cancer, or heck, some being rapes by catholic priests right now.
      If such a god existed, it would utterly disgust me. Even if i could believe in such a being, it would not be worth worshipping.

    • @plantboy6249
      @plantboy6249 Год назад +1

      That doesn't really seem like evidence for an almighty creator does it?

    • @gregferguson9647
      @gregferguson9647 Год назад

      ​@@plantboy6249do you have any answered prayers?

    • @sunkisses_
      @sunkisses_ Год назад +3

      @@plantboy6249read the last sentence 🤦 so ignorant

  • @GladysAiyedun
    @GladysAiyedun Год назад +61

    I am so very blessed, i am from Nigeria and i believe that even though some people or place have not been reached with the gospel God in his mercy still reaches out to them in his own way, so you are very right 👍, thank you for this information i love you in Jesus mighty name amen.

    • @remijoel1448
      @remijoel1448 Год назад +3

      It's there in the Bible that in the last day, God will make sure all creatures hear the gospel

    • @Kingofthenet2
      @Kingofthenet2 Год назад +1


  • @tinebino
    @tinebino Год назад +273

    I cant tell you enough how much i enjoy those videos, the telling of the story and the drawings.. just adoreable

    • @misses1768
      @misses1768 Год назад +12

      ❤ Jesus is King! 👑🩵💕🦋💕🩵
      Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Repent and believe in him as your Lord and Savior and you will be saved! God bless! 🩵💕🦋💕🩵
      💕🌸🌺Romans 10:9-11 KJV 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 🌺🌸💕

    • @KristopherUrsachi
      @KristopherUrsachi Год назад

      ​@@misses1768Now someone does this in the right place!

    • @heyer777
      @heyer777 10 месяцев назад

      *adorable 🤓

    • @paulgomez381
      @paulgomez381 9 месяцев назад

      very bad explanation regarding this issue

    • @GoddestPitcher
      @GoddestPitcher 6 месяцев назад +1

      Eye agree HIS-STORY

  • @Saks_Fifth
    @Saks_Fifth Год назад +143

    I didn’t have anyone evangelize or preach to me So #1 is factual, the conversation I had with God started with me randomly questioning Folklore because I couldn’t fathom the idea that we just came up with Gods and stuff like that and that it’s called Folklore because it’s stories long forgotten. Which made me question how many gods exist and how their had to be a God who made them.
    Then I started having existential crisis questions (that God graciously answered)
    Which eventually lead me to asking the question that made him pull me in. “Did God abandon us? Or did we abandon God”

    • @Oozy9Millimeetah
      @Oozy9Millimeetah Год назад +16

      ‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭KJV‬
      [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding.
      So many people for some reason think that they can figure it out by thinking..

    • @Saks_Fifth
      @Saks_Fifth Год назад

      @@Oozy9Millimeetah “Then I started having Existential Crisis questions (That God graciously answered)”
      Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
      Seek and you shall find. I was seeking and I found him, I was asking and it was given to me, I was knocking and he answered.
      “Which lead me to asking the question that made HIM PULL ME IN.”
      If I have no other source other than to lean on my own understanding then what else can I do? How would I have been able to lean on the LORD if I haven’t yet come into his presence?
      If you take time to understand what I said After God pulled me in I realized I only found him because he was answering the questions I was asking myself. (Which is me leaning on him after growing in my relationship)
      That verse is for people that try to interpret scripture in their own understanding instead of asking the Holy Spirit for revelation and to help you understand. It’s also for worldly wisdom and for the prideful who believe then cannot be taught anything, if for those who are wise in their own eyes.

    • @CristOportunidad
      @CristOportunidad Год назад +10

      What a powerful testimoy! That last question is something we must all ask at some point in our lives. The answer to it changes lives. Thanks for sharing!

    • @InvasionAnimation
      @InvasionAnimation Год назад +2

      Did you grow up in a religious community though

    • @Saks_Fifth
      @Saks_Fifth Год назад +5

      @@InvasionAnimation Eh, when I a little kid like 4 I went to church with my grandma, but never really stayed long, cause life honestly started hitting at 5
      And my mom took us back to Miami, tbh I can’t really even remember much of my childhood outside of certain events.
      But from 5-23 I didn’t go to church, didn’t talk about God or Christ, was willfully living a sinful life while at the same time always questioning life as well cause I knew we weren’t living right (Mankind) so I ended up developing a nihilistic point of view with life and just felt like everything was meaningless.
      Sometimes people would talk about God but it’d be shallow stuff like “I believe in God” but they never brought up Christ or anything important of the Gospel but I’d just think “That’s Good for them”
      I did go to church at 30th AG in the Army but that was just so I could skip out on training or whatever so I’d just sleep during the sermons. Was once even handed a Bible before I left for the Army but I honestly forgot all about it. (I ended up leaving it at a friends house, I know cause we ended up finding Christ at the same time)
      But honestly God was most likely calling me from Back then and I was ignoring it due to ignorance and then he spoke to me in a way I’d understand.

  • @bryanmontello5702
    @bryanmontello5702 Год назад +66

    You are very good at this 😮 I don't normally listen to much about God I'm Christian and I know I sin daily 😢 you have brought me closer ty

  • @benhantafla1189
    @benhantafla1189 8 месяцев назад +15

    GOD IS SO GOOD to me!!!! The devil has me blinded so that I can’t see it and I’m also missing joy, peace, love in my life Please PRAY for me Brothers and Sisters In Christ. Thank you GOD Bless you

  • @davl9923
    @davl9923 Год назад +65

    Im currently in a hard emotional situation. But these videos are amazing. Thank You...

    • @michellethiesen7972
      @michellethiesen7972 Год назад +12

      I hope things get better for you. I don't know your situation but I've gotten through a lot of bad situations myself. It will get better, just remember that you are loved no matter what. I will be praying for you.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад +1

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 Год назад +51

    Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ, or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience, those also may achieve eternal salvation.

    • @Theresia66
      @Theresia66 Год назад

      How about the people who did hear the gospel, but didn't understand/believe it, yet still strive to seek god and follow their concience?

    • @aussierob7177
      @aussierob7177 Год назад

      They will also be saved.@@Theresia66

    • @laviniagracesebastian3449
      @laviniagracesebastian3449 Год назад +3

      What's the bible verse

    • @aussierob7177
      @aussierob7177 Год назад

      There is no Bible verse.@@laviniagracesebastian3449

    • @douglasmcnay644
      @douglasmcnay644 Год назад +6

      Romans 3 specifically states that there are none who seek for God. Romans 8 speaks about how men are at enmity with God, unable to subject themselves to God's law. So we must ask the natural questions: 1) What is the Holy Spirit, through Paul, trying to communicate with these passages? 2) Why, if these statements are true, do we find people "seeking" in the church?

  • @genevievehoskins6829
    @genevievehoskins6829 Год назад +40

    5:30 I totally agree with this theory. My mom was Wiccan and she worshipped God and His creations on earth. She was a Christlike woman, and when she was passing away she asked for last rites. Wiccans don't have last rites but Christians do. I think she saw Jesus in her final days. Or if not her final days then definitely in Heaven. And I know shes in Heaven because she and the Holy Spirit have sent me signs and dreams telling me that she is okay. For example, on the day she died the gloomy sky parted like curtains and there was the brightest rainbow I'd ever seen. My godsister who lived several states away also saw a bright rainbow at the same time I did. God is good ❤

    • @pinkdollangel
      @pinkdollangel 8 месяцев назад +4

      So beautiful 😍😍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🫶🏽

    • @vysteria_
      @vysteria_ 6 месяцев назад +4

      Beautiful. My grandmother never heard about Jesus herself but she had faith. I’ve seen dreams of Christ with her as well. ❤️

  • @Work_N_Extras
    @Work_N_Extras 6 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you. I had a brother who died at the age of 7 days. I don't still feel sad, so don't worry, but I had a mild worry about where he is now. I always believed god accepted him, but this video helped me believe it stronger. Amen.

  • @ard7929
    @ard7929 Год назад +36

    I dont usually comment but God used you for my brother. My brother was telling me that he had doubts and this was one question that he wanted to have someone explain it to him. We literally talked about this and I didnt even pray about it. Just told him that God would provide an answer if he wanted. This happened today aswell.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @jpbernier4196
    @jpbernier4196 Год назад +18

    Those shrouded by darkness, in their heart, can't see the light. But those who can love and forgive can see the light and obtain eternal peace.

  • @_MaKeR_21
    @_MaKeR_21 Год назад +84

    I love your teachings, these questions were on my heart all day and then you go and post this video. I was literally wondering how would one go spread the gospel in a cannibal village without being used as dinner and the language barrier. Thank you so much❤

    • @AllenGrimm1145
      @AllenGrimm1145 Год назад +3

      Cannibalism is often sensationalized; in truth, no known society has ever randomly killed and eaten people that just came by in peace. Unless they were on the absolute brink of starvation, or they saw you as an enemy worthy of death for other reasons, you would be in no danger of getting eaten.
      The language barrier is definitely a real problem though!

    • @jasenhaynes8164
      @jasenhaynes8164 Год назад


    • @peter25681
      @peter25681 Год назад

      Don't worry about the far distant cannibals, when most of our churches are only making their members twice the child of hell - with their hard heart, preaching

    • @jedwright238
      @jedwright238 11 месяцев назад

      you should read dream child. the guy was a missionary to cannibals' with a language barrier. its a very inspiring book

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @Arc618
    @Arc618 Год назад +57

    Again, amazing video on a topic that I have long wondered myself. I definitely agree with most of your points here. For the open ended points, your insight and invitation to conversation is just as dope. Keep it up man and God bless you all! Commenting audience included 🙏🏾

    • @petros8478
      @petros8478 Год назад +3

      if your a christian- you need to repent of your sins PLZ

    • @peter25681
      @peter25681 Год назад +3

      @@petros8478 WE who are still written in the Lamb's Book of Life, thank you for your message, even if delivered with less than good intent.

    • @plantboy6249
      @plantboy6249 Год назад

      @@petros8478 If you wish to speak English in a proper manner learn the difference between you're and your.

    • @petros8478
      @petros8478 Год назад +1


    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад +1

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @danielwarren1507
    @danielwarren1507 Год назад +51

    Really good stuff Bro! God bless and thank you for allowing God to work through you.

  • @getcrazed2000
    @getcrazed2000 7 месяцев назад +4

    This question was tearing me to shreds. Thank you so much. None of the other videos or articles did it for me.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @tinapiemmm
    @tinapiemmm Год назад +21

    hallelujah~~~ praise be to my Lord, Saviour and Prince of Peace JESUS Christ 💙
    thank you for this video dear sir 😇🥰

  • @DennisVSyoutube
    @DennisVSyoutube Год назад +15

    I appreciate this video. It's a difficult question and you answered authentically. Praise God that he is more just, merciful and loving than we could ever be.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @charissandlovu-wg2lp
    @charissandlovu-wg2lp 6 месяцев назад +4

    This man literally answers all my questions❤
    God bless him for sharing so many messages😊

  • @James-Cole7
    @James-Cole7 Год назад +60

    Thank you so much for making these videos. May God continue to bless you with knowledge and spiritual wisdom to continue to share His Word.🙏

    • @petros8478
      @petros8478 Год назад +4

      if your a christian you need to repent of your sins PLZ.

    • @kazumakiryu157
      @kazumakiryu157 Год назад

      ​@@petros8478if you're a Christian haven't you already repented?

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @Toonlya
    @Toonlya Год назад +15

    I predicted that something would question me about what happens if people don't know the word of God, or never heard of God but this is an amazing video!
    Whenever I see your videos, it helps me think about how God is faithful and the many ways he is capable of doing the work he provides and is still here to this day to give us education and his wordings around and preach and show us where the way to go.
    And blessed are those who still help other people who don't know the word of God but still, helping the poor and the needy, and for those who are lost.
    there's still hope and faith around where God has plans for everyone to be redeemed and rejuvenated.
    And I Believe depends on everyone or some the majority who want to hear the word of god.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @Pickle_Style-22
    @Pickle_Style-22 8 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks for this video, I always wondered what happens to someone if they don’t believe in Jesus themselves or hear the gospel and this video helped me understand.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @ChanelleAbalovi
    @ChanelleAbalovi Год назад +12

    This actually makes sense now that you think about it.🤯
    Praise God❤🛐

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @brianlynch4656
    @brianlynch4656 Год назад +8

    An excellent job on explaining a complex issue. The Father is sovereign and He is the one to bestow grace and mercy upon whom He chooses

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @uptowngirlup3191
    @uptowngirlup3191 Год назад +8

    I love this channel it helps better understand the word of God and even leads me to keep coming back to watch Praise God for he deserve the glory

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @llamatown8160
    @llamatown8160 10 месяцев назад +3

    1 Peter 4:6 "For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit." (KJV)
    I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and it amazes me how often this chapter in the bible is overlooked. This earthly life isn't all there is! Everyone will have the chance to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, whether it's in this life or the next. God's plan of salvation has answers to every question regarding the afterlife and the premortal existence.
    God bless you all!

  • @Favvlatina
    @Favvlatina Год назад +4

    thank you so much for this, I've been asking people left and right about this question for so long. I believe God speaks to people and reveals himself to people whose ears have never heard His wonderful name!

    • @aprozsolt8046
      @aprozsolt8046 9 месяцев назад

      If Jesus is the only way that means Jesus is the only way. If you believe you live, if you don't you not. Simple is that and this is christal clear. Only Jesus.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      @@aprozsolt8046 Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @jesusreturning3003
    @jesusreturning3003 Год назад +15

    This is so true, and God can also reveal himself and Or Jesus in dreams, visions, or some kind of supernatural experience. Also through people, nature, material or in their spirit when God is speaking to them. Great video :)
    Your also correct that God will only Judge you for what you know, it dont matter if you know the WHOLE bible (Etc..), if you only heard the name Jesus and what He did for you, and you got saved and passed on, that is all you will be judged on, and that is all God needed to reveal to you in that moment while you had breath in your lungs. Not everyone will know or understand the bible all at once, and there are people around the world that have only been given the New testament, and economic version of the bible, or pocket size bibles where they only have a couple of books in them. It doesnt matter to God, He just cares if you acknowledge him, then He will reveal Christ, then if your blessed, you will have some written material about Jesus, you will only be Judged by what you knew about God and his laws.. plus even if you didnt have a bible, God speaks to our conscious, so we can know what is right or wrong and try to follow the better path, and if you make a mistake, you get back up and try again, and keep praying for clarity, that is all God requires from you is to Try and to Seek him, and He will lead you, He will help you, He will grow you, He will take you from glory to glory, strength to Strength, faith to faith... everything begins with a seed in the ground, and God waters that seed, and it takes time to grow, so let us be patient with ourselves and with others who do not know God yet or are New in the walk :-))) Amen
    Ps: Jesus is coming soon people...
    For those who do not know, We are living in the book of Revelation, and the 2nd seal has broken, the Seal of WAR, please get right with God while you can, seek Jesus, follow him, and dont take theMARK... talk to him, He will guide you in all your ways :)

  • @daruscole1586
    @daruscole1586 Год назад +4

    Praise God for that simple fact that I mentioned in the previous comment as it is something we may not always think of or remember.

  • @starstarlingstarlingation
    @starstarlingstarlingation 9 месяцев назад +3

    Tysm for all these videos, I've been sinning alot now and luckily i found your channel and now i know many things i didn't know before, and sin a lot less now!! pls keep up the work and never give up❤ god bless yall 🫶🫶

  • @FromBeautycameaSpear
    @FromBeautycameaSpear 11 месяцев назад +5

    9:26 That Jesus loves you always hits hard☺️☺️

    • @EddieNarrea
      @EddieNarrea 3 месяца назад

      True. God bless ✝️💖

  • @paigestrecker6739
    @paigestrecker6739 11 месяцев назад +8

    I have a RLY hard time making and keeping friends but I’m praying for confidence and reassurance and all that so I can share the gospel with friends so they can hear it.

    • @prophecybydefault4708
      @prophecybydefault4708 11 месяцев назад +1

      as bad as it sounds, it comes down to how you look and act.
      You need to be presentable for people to want to stay around you.
      God will help you with things outside of your control, but he isn't a fix everything button.
      There are some things you have to work on yourself.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Share the gospel even if they aren’t friends.

  • @jey2275
    @jey2275 Год назад +12

    May God bless you abundantly , You are doing a great work for our Appa's Kingdom. May You be rewarded in heaven and earth , your works are an inspiration for me and helped me move closer to God.

    • @Oozy9Millimeetah
      @Oozy9Millimeetah Год назад +1

      Appa 😂

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @vancejohnson2447
    @vancejohnson2447 Год назад +8

    Thanks for this great message, the only thing you missed is if they believe in false gods who created all things, and where those who believe in others gods are going. No one’s perfect but I appreciate your channel Man of God

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @genrejj
    @genrejj Год назад +12

    Thank you Teacher. I love you and your videos and its always a pleasure to watch, God bless you always.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @DecepticonLeader1
    @DecepticonLeader1 18 дней назад

    thank you lord for giving opportunity to people who have never heard the gospel🙏

  • @laobaixing2012
    @laobaixing2012 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for posting this video. I already knew this and this just confirms it. I do worry (grieve) about the people of N Korea, yet creation screams there is a God who cares for His creation. God, please give the people a deeper revelation of who You are.

  • @gbadebo_arts
    @gbadebo_arts Год назад +68

    Wow plz tell me how can I grow in confidence and stop living a nervous life.

    • @alaitz_drummer
      @alaitz_drummer Год назад +24

      Read more the Bible and pray more. Appart for everything that apparts you from God and have a closer relationship with Jesus. I think this will be enough. ;) With all my love, blessings to your life. I pray Jesus to help you having a closer relation with you 🥰

    • @gbadebo_arts
      @gbadebo_arts Год назад +4

      @@alaitz_drummer am lucky to find a good person like you I promise you from today all ur doings will be successful u will be great in life is pray for you I'm Jesus name also are you a Christian

    • @Savedsmile
      @Savedsmile Год назад +1

      ​@@gbadebo_artsI am! Do you know about the tribulations?

    • @alaitz_drummer
      @alaitz_drummer Год назад +4

      Amen! Thank you very much, yes, of course 'm christian. I love Jesus, I live to Jesus and I will die with Jesus in my life. He's the best way. Bless u@@gbadebo_arts

    • @gbadebo_arts
      @gbadebo_arts Год назад

      That's great

  • @CDRSavage
    @CDRSavage Год назад +12

    I’m in an Eschatology class at my college right now and we were just talking about this. I believe this video is spot on! Amen Brother!

    • @thunderbird1921
      @thunderbird1921 Год назад +1

      It's a very interesting discussion. I personally wonder if some of these "never hearers" meet Jesus at the judgement and are given a choice to accept Him as Lord or not. If they say yes, perhaps that saves them. If NOT, however, if they keep believing in their false gods or simply refuse to repent/submit, then they are sadly judged and thrown into Hell similar to other unbelievers. It's unfortunate, but I definitely feel there would be many pagans in history (and now) among others who would scoff at Jesus even with Him on the throne in glory in front of them. "Who are you? You're not the god I serve." At that point, they will have mocked God and His plan for salvation, in doing so having sealed their own damnation. There's a reason C.S. Lewis called pride "The Great Sin". It's possibly the oldest and most dangerous sin man can ever commit.

    • @CDRSavage
      @CDRSavage Год назад

      @@thunderbird1921 that’s a thought that I’ve been pondering too. I’m not orthodox but some of my friends who are orthodox tell me that that’s more or less what they believe.
      God doesn’t judge you for a sin you do not commit and there are areas of the world that the gospel will not be spread to in our lifetimes so I kind of like that theological theory.

    • @matthewrease2376
      @matthewrease2376 Год назад

      ​@@thunderbird1921no, they will not be given that choice after death. And even if they were, they would still not choose him. No one in an unregenerate state will ever choose God, this is basic Biblical doctrine. You need to touch up my friend.

    • @plantboy6249
      @plantboy6249 Год назад

      @@matthewrease2376 Many would choose the Christian God if there was evidence for his existence friend.

    • @matthewrease2376
      @matthewrease2376 Год назад

      @@plantboy6249 my dude. When you look at a building, do you say "There's no builder, no one built this. I won't believe unless you show me evidence!"? No, of course not, because you recognize the absurdity of that statement. The building is evidence of the builder, like a painting is evidence of a painter, like creation is evidence of a creator.
      You want more evidence than even that? I can give you a short essay on it.

  • @alaitz_drummer
    @alaitz_drummer Год назад +13

    Jesus will come when we have all received this seed (I believe that almost everyone has received it) now we only have to wait for Dad to arrive yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you, Father.
    Thanks for your videos. Blessings from Spain. This is my favorite YouTUBE channel.
    PD: We have to spread the gospel...

    • @petros8478
      @petros8478 Год назад +3

      Repent of your sins PLZ

    • @JesusIsKing844
      @JesusIsKing844 Год назад +1

      @@petros8478I don’t see the sin you are talking about.

    • @sonniepronounceds-au-ni9287
      @sonniepronounceds-au-ni9287 Год назад +1

      ​@@JesusIsKing844I think he is referring to the weird way he called Jesus, "daddy", which could be taken in an inappropriate context given the way it was said. I too was uncomfortable reading it.

    • @sonniepronounceds-au-ni9287
      @sonniepronounceds-au-ni9287 Год назад

      ​@@JesusIsKing844Even ignoring the perverted way the term was distorted in modern society to come off that way in that context, it's still very weird. The only people who really get away with calling anyone "daddy" as an adult are women talking to their biological father in a very informal family setting or when they want something. It's weird to be that informal referring to the creator of the universe who deserves more respect than we could ever offer any human. You wouldn't introduce your own father to your friends as "daddy" as a grown adult, so why would you refer to God as "daddy" when talking about him online to strangers?

    • @Psawyer555
      @Psawyer555 Год назад +1

      @@sonniepronounceds-au-ni9287what if this person is naive and innocent and meant nothing bad? Many adults still think like a child in this world because they have brain damage or autism

  • @MatthewSmith-to1hz
    @MatthewSmith-to1hz 6 месяцев назад +2

    That was honestly a great explanation.
    As a christian Im often ask about this, and I had no answer for them.
    Now I do.

  • @corrine2731
    @corrine2731 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this! The answer #4 solves my puzzle on this, Amen🙏🏻
    Truly I believe it explains all 😇, our Father is full of wisdom and perfect

  • @caleb_allison
    @caleb_allison Год назад +4

    This is excellent. Thank you so much for sharing and keep on walking in these good works the Lord has prepared for you!

  • @daruscole1586
    @daruscole1586 Год назад +3

    A very important and emotional question. We also must realize that God knows how a person w o u l d respond if they heard the Gospel even before they are born as He is All Knowing!

  • @maksimusoyan4550
    @maksimusoyan4550 Год назад +3

    Amen and may God bless you all Amen ☦️❤️✝️

  • @tiktokscringe460
    @tiktokscringe460 Год назад +2

    Every knee shou bow and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is lord😊

  • @ivan5692
    @ivan5692 8 месяцев назад +2

    Quoting Job: "I know my redeemer lives". He said there thousands of years before Christ and believed it even though he never heard about Jesus, this is true faith!

  • @itstoasty7089
    @itstoasty7089 Год назад +12

    I know I’m saved but we should be aware of God’s holiness and word. Even though we are saved, we are still going to be judged.
    God is going to judge me on my sins I struggled to fight and am still fighting. I’m afraid of that 😭

    • @SkegeeAce
      @SkegeeAce Год назад +7

      1 John 4:18 reads, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”
      The ultimate punishment or fear is separation from God. Thankfully, for those who believe in Jesus, that fear has passed.

    • @itstoasty7089
      @itstoasty7089 Год назад

      @@SkegeeAce We’re still going to be judged on what we did. And according to Jesus, how we live here will determine what we received in heaven. God is just, remember?

    • @SkegeeAce
      @SkegeeAce Год назад +2

      @@itstoasty7089 Yes, but what is there to *fear*? We will be blessed to just be a doorkeeper in the house of our God, let alone to gain entry as sons and daughters. He will wipe every tear from our eyes and we shall enjoy Him forever.

    • @abbycrown
      @abbycrown Год назад

      @@itstoasty7089 ““Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭5‬:‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬
      “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid (or God has not given us the spirit of fear), but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
      ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV

    • @itstoasty7089
      @itstoasty7089 Год назад +5

      @@SkegeeAce You’re right, I haven’t thought of it that way….thank you so much my sister.
      I’m still want to rack up a good resume for our Lord, he’s gonna go over it.

  • @fullback5486
    @fullback5486 Год назад +5

    This is an interesting topic to cover up! Nice mate!

  • @Xristoforos41493
    @Xristoforos41493 Год назад +6

    As long as you live by the commandments, you’re good. They’re inherently positive human virtues that naturally come out in good natured humans.

    • @АлексейМомот-щ7о
      @АлексейМомот-щ7о 8 месяцев назад +3

      If human nature is sin how the commandments are inherently in human nature?

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

    • @Xristoforos41493
      @Xristoforos41493 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@АлексейМомот-щ7о Do you believe it’s wrong to steal, murder, cheat, lie, etc?

    • @Xristoforos41493
      @Xristoforos41493 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@honestfriend767 No argument here, I believe that as well. I’m not saying you literally need to know the commandments, I’m saying good natured people tend to align with them naturally. Maybe not 100%, but most people would agree with what they say.

  • @Ezlolbozo
    @Ezlolbozo 11 месяцев назад

    What is a gospel?

    • @jbrd7668
      @jbrd7668 11 месяцев назад

      The word gospel means “good news,” which is the message of forgiveness for sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. God is Merciful, but also Just. Jesus paying the price is the way God shows mercy, but also justice. Everyone comes short of the glory of God, and we can never be good enough. The good news is that God forgives us, and we can accept God's payment.

    • @joey.99
      @joey.99 11 месяцев назад

      ​@jbrd7668 this story gives me cultish vibes

    • @jbrd7668
      @jbrd7668 11 месяцев назад

      @@joey.99 Classical Morality has often been described as the finding of a Golden Mean or Happy Medium between two extremes. For example; we find this concept in Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and again in St. Thomas Aquinas, that virtue is the mean between two extremes. I am not trying to debate or anything; I just want to present some information clearly.

    • @joey.99
      @joey.99 11 месяцев назад

      @@jbrd7668 why are you talking about classical morality

    • @jbrd7668
      @jbrd7668 11 месяцев назад

      @@joey.99 I probably misinterpreted your statement about "cultish vibes". I associate cuttlefish with deceit and hiding one's true nature. I went in the direction of talking about classical morality to bring up the concept of pure/unrestrained "virtues" being "vices" if they are not balanced with the direction.

  • @thebatman2405
    @thebatman2405 Год назад +9

    Continue your ministry man!

  • @chocokii
    @chocokii Год назад +6

    Thank you for making this video! ❤

  • @nmbr1son64
    @nmbr1son64 Год назад +4

    Thought 2: God guided Cornelius the Gentile to Peter to hear the gospel message in Acts 10. Those that follow God's direction will receive greater revelation.

  • @mrgray3443
    @mrgray3443 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for making your decision and being obedient you have helped me alot .❤
    Jesus is king

  • @TonyaPerry
    @TonyaPerry 8 дней назад

    Thank you so much for this video. The Lord lead me right to it, right on time. ❤ keep going brother! Glad I found your channel.

  • @chamalanar5334
    @chamalanar5334 Год назад +10

    Brothers in Christ can u please make a video on repture . Among the Christian there are some who believe in rapture and some who don't believe in Rapture. Thank u

  • @LukeBowman08
    @LukeBowman08 Год назад +21

    Hell is a freely chosen identity on something other than God. If these people truly seek God, they will find Him (like in Acts 10).

    • @matthewrease2376
      @matthewrease2376 Год назад +1

      Yep. The problem is that no one seeks for God. Man in his natural state hates God. That's why we must first be regenerated by the spirit. And the means God uses to accomplish that (with his elect), is the hearing of the gospel.

    • @matthewrease2376
      @matthewrease2376 Год назад +1

      ​​@@forbes7410this is 100% false, and a heretical view. Christ did not pay for the sins of everyone, he paid for the sins of HIS OWN who were given to him by the Father. Nowhere in Scripture supports what you just said. This is modern American gospel nonsense, I pray you do not harden your heart but see the truth. Read God's word, these things are not hidden, unless we have a darkened mind.

    • @LukeBowman08
      @LukeBowman08 Год назад +1

      @@matthewrease2376 im gonna take a wild guess here and say you your a 5 point "Calvinist"

    • @LukeBowman08
      @LukeBowman08 Год назад

      @@matthewrease2376 and yeah i agree, "no one seeks God..." -Romans 3. But God can still draw us by His Spirit even if we haven't intellectually heard the Gospel like in Acts 10 and Hebrews 11.

    • @matthewrease2376
      @matthewrease2376 Год назад

      @@LukeBowman08 perhaps, though I'm more inclined to interpret Acts 10 as someone who still knew about Christ, or found out.
      Also, in the Old Testament "angel of God/Yahweh" occasionally referred to the preincarnate Christ. And while that probably isn't the case here, as I'm not aware of Christ being presented in that way in the NT after his ascention, it's still interesting to note.
      It's an interesting conversation to say the least though, and I wish the video leaned more in this direction, as I still find no credibility to the idea that someone in a remote uncontacted tribe would be saved. Especially since visions are prophetic (which as an aside, should mean they're included in Scripture), and we see prophecy no longer being given after the first century. This makes Acts 10 a particularly special case as well, as we can't really see it happening today, not 1:1 anyway.

  • @Cataclyscerator
    @Cataclyscerator Год назад +4

    0:42 THIS is what all people should know!

  • @hervinquintanilla5112
    @hervinquintanilla5112 12 дней назад

    Yes, Amen! In His Absolutely Perfect Name, Absolutely Everybody is going to Continue on The Word of Beloved Lord, Dad Jesus, God Almighty! 😁🩶💯🙏😇

  • @Blundabus1337
    @Blundabus1337 10 месяцев назад

    Respect to this channel for answering the hard Christianity questons.

  • @SOSA1beast
    @SOSA1beast Год назад +19

    I would say that , that everyone is guilty of sin
    And the punishment for sins is hell
    The only way for someone to not go to hell is if the trust in God to save them .

    • @iLikeDEERz
      @iLikeDEERz Год назад +8

      If they trust and put their faith in Jesus that he died for their sins, and live a faithful life then yes, they will go to heaven :D

    • @captainkrajick
      @captainkrajick Год назад +4

      Amen. The only way to Heaven is the trust in the blood of Jesus alone, not their works.

    • @Doom0728
      @Doom0728 Год назад

      Why is everyone guilty of sin?
      What exactly have I ever done to God?

    • @aperson.7738
      @aperson.7738 Год назад +7

      ⁠@@Doom0728Well, have you ever lied? Even as a child? Have you ever looked upon someone with lustful intent that isn’t your wife/husband, that is adultery of the heart. Have you ever hit or punched someone outside of self defence? Have you ever used the Lord’s name in vain, such as “oh my goodness” without the goodness? That’s blasphemy.
      All of them are sins which will hurt the relationship between you and God, therefore we must repent of our sins so that they may be forgiven, God will forgive all sins no matter how bad you might think they are if you truly seek forgiveness.

    • @abbycrown
      @abbycrown Год назад +3

      @@Doom0728😂 “All have sinned and fallen short…”. You’ve lied? Stolen something? Looked with lust? Been envious or coveted something that wasn’t yours? Have you been angry without good cause? Have you ever hated anyone?
      Saying yes to any of these makes you a sinner, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE on earth. These actions separate us from God, so Jesus came to fix that separation. He came to reconcile man to God, so we could live in His presence forever. Choosing to reject Jesus would be a clear statement that you don’t want to be in God’s presence, so you choose where God is NOT. Which is hell.

  • @ajmittendorf
    @ajmittendorf Год назад +10

    Your "thought #2" is sound theology. It's called "progressive revelation." Christ's earthly mission was even revealed to Adam and Eve by the skins God used to cover them, in place of the fig leaves. They were able to believe this very fundamental image of salvation through Christ even though it was incomplete. It was ALWAYS faith in Christ and his work that saved and saves.

  • @WillySalami
    @WillySalami 5 месяцев назад +4

    "God is just and perfect" -> Yeah, condemning someone to eternal suffering just because he/she didn't just say yes to a dogmatic creed and way of life with no proof nor hesitation seems just.

    • @galaxyplayz9680
      @galaxyplayz9680 4 месяца назад +1

      The proof is the Bible, the proof is the conversations you have with Him (if you’ve even tried), the proof is in having faith in what He told us. He let you live in His creation, don’t get ungrateful.

    • @WillySalami
      @WillySalami 4 месяца назад +3

      @@galaxyplayz9680 The proof is a book that even I could write and which contradicts itself several times, the proof is you using your mind and schizophrenia, the proof is believing what someone told you because he told you.
      That's what I've heard.

  • @benhantafla1189
    @benhantafla1189 8 месяцев назад

    I’m ADDICTED to your channel PRAISE GOD!!!! ❤️🙏

  • @KingDragon75LMC
    @KingDragon75LMC Год назад +2

    This is My most favorite video because your voice is so smooth while your talking and the amazing music ooow it's so smooth I love it so much please do more like this video.

  • @whateverokand4603
    @whateverokand4603 Год назад +3

    In an ideal world. Wouldn’t it be better for no one to hear the gospel or Jesus so that they can go to heaven based on their actions and not a belief?

    • @whateverokand4603
      @whateverokand4603 Год назад

      It sounds like its against gods will but even so. This is just a thought tho. Not something I’ve put too much brainpower into

    • @BullwhipBobbyLove
      @BullwhipBobbyLove Год назад

      If we were judged based on our actions, we would all be condemned. Everyone lies, looks with lust, etc. Redemption through repentance. The belief is the most important part. If you truly believe, you truly repent. This is why we are not meant to be the judges of our fellow man; we can interpret actions because they play out physically while repentance plays out spiritually. I hope that helps with your thoughts!

  • @balderdash14
    @balderdash14 Год назад +10

    This question always feels like a cop out for people who don't want to listen to the gospel. You'll be talking to a non believer and they randomly pull this question out to take the pressure off themselves if they feel convicted

    • @wolfsbanealphas617
      @wolfsbanealphas617 11 месяцев назад +2

      Every knee will bow and CONFESS with their mouth that Jesus Christ is lord

    • @gibbobux1033
      @gibbobux1033 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@wolfsbanealphas617... No. Wishful thinking won't change anything.

    • @hecticfunentertainment9373
      @hecticfunentertainment9373 7 месяцев назад

      not completely. Even as a Christian I worry about this. But i look that it is up to me to share then

  • @strengthenfaith
    @strengthenfaith Год назад +8

    To all who come across this message, may your families be blessed with health, happiness, and peace. May your financial prosperity exceed your expectations, and may your desires be fulfilled. Feel free to respond with 'Amen' to open the door to God's abundant blessings. When we place our trust in Him and remain steadfast in our faith, He provides for all our need 😇

  • @KenFreedom777
    @KenFreedom777 Год назад +2

    Great explanation 💯
    Glory to the
    LORD GOD Almigthy! 🙏🕊

  • @AlstonMurray2005
    @AlstonMurray2005 Год назад

    Praise God that we all here have had an opportunity to know God and His only Son Jesus Christ!

  • @ajmittendorf
    @ajmittendorf Год назад +5

    There is one other point that you left out: While those who never hear of Jesus are, in fact, condemned to hell, there are at least two degrees of hell: One lesser hell for those who died without Jesus but never heard of him, and a greater hell for those who actually reject the revelation of Jesus given to them. Jesus says, "It will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of Judgement than for this generation."
    Besides, if those who have never heard of Jesus didn't go to hell when they died, then preaching the gospel of Jesus would be a ludicrous command. It would be better to leave those folks in darkness and ignorance so that they go to heaven when they die than to preach the gospel and take the risk of them rejecting it only to be condemned. But since they will stand condemned, Jesus WISELY commands us to preach the Good News to give these folks a way out of the eternal punishment for which they are already headed.

    • @TEB0H0
      @TEB0H0 Год назад

      Thank you brother... Our brother, must remove this video and consult his pastor next time

    • @fancyphantom8103
      @fancyphantom8103 Год назад

      That's not biblical but whatever.

    • @brawlstarssponsorships
      @brawlstarssponsorships Год назад

      What's not Biblical?@@fancyphantom8103

    • @ajmittendorf
      @ajmittendorf Год назад

      @@fancyphantom8103 I think I supported my point from Scripture well enough.

    • @ajmittendorf
      @ajmittendorf Год назад

      @@TEB0H0 Are you talking to me? If so, I think you may not have understood me very well. I think that the person who made this video is right on par with the Bible. He just left out one point that, if I had made the video, I would have included. That's all. He is on solid, Scriptural ground.

  • @joesimthy3779
    @joesimthy3779 Год назад +4

    I have a question. I just watched your video about if people have freewill and ive never heard from anyone before that God can both choose some to go to Heaven while still giving the others a way to be saved. It was super refreshing to here and has made me feel alot better. I was just wondering what you think about the verses Romans 9:18-23. There are so many verses to help each side of the argument but i dont see these brought up much

    • @GennyMura0224
      @GennyMura0224 Год назад

      Good question. Are “all” of us chosen by God? Or are just some of us chosen like Jacob and Moses for special purposes? If so, how can God be fair if he “selects” group of people beforehand? Thank you for sharing your thoughts in advance.

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 Год назад

      Where did you get the idea that you have free will?

    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 Год назад

      ​@freshliving4199 Because the Bible, and Jesus, constantly tell us to make choices (fear God, follow God, believe in God, love your neighbor, do this, do that...) those seem like choices to me. Also the fact that we are accountable for every choice we make refers to free will.

    • @captaincommando9839
      @captaincommando9839 Год назад +1

      John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  • @BenMan8881
    @BenMan8881 Год назад +6

    you said that God has written his law in our hearts and gives regular proof of his existence... But I guess the question now becomes: What about those that lived/live in cultures or societies that basically say and have them believe "Yeah, all those messages and proof that their is a higher power? That's from Thor/Zeus/Izanagi/Buddha."
    To deny that there were cultures that existed outside the Bible's influence and reach would be ignorant. The people of Japan were isolationist until 1853, and they believed in Buddhism. North Korea, at present, is so oppressive about religion that a toddler was reportedly sentenced for life in their prison for their parents having the Bible, while many others are taught to believe the Kim Jung Un is their god. There's an entire island off the coast of... I believe Indonesia, that has natives hostile enough to throw spears and shoot arrows at any ship that gets too close. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
    God basically said of the Ten Commandments, I am the only real God and all other gods are false. If this is written in our hearts... what happens to those that were in an environment that basically told them: "The only god(s) are these god(s) here, not that Jewish/Christian God."?

    • @brawlstarssponsorships
      @brawlstarssponsorships Год назад

      And Jesus also told us to preach the Gospel. The idea here is that God's punishment is unfair if someone never had the chance to hear it... But the Bible says God is just, so I think it's as simple as yes, they would go to hell. We need to put our feelings aside for just a little bit sometimes.

    • @simeonyves5940
      @simeonyves5940 Год назад

      They go to Hell. No Excuses. The Scripture is Gravely Clear on that. God is Merciful yes, but *He* Sets the Terms for that Mercy, not us! and God is also Just and Wrathful, He did *Not* spare Sodom.
      Those Elected will come to Faith in Christ, those Unelected will go to Hell. It is that Simple. Scripture is as clear as Daylight on that.
      Repent and Believe the Gospel, for Jesus Christ is your only Hope, so Repent and Believe the Gospel, I beg of you in Love!

    • @BenMan8881
      @BenMan8881 Год назад

      @@simeonyves5940 then that doesn't really seem like "perfectly just" to me. After all, that'd be like handing someone the rules to a game in an envelope, telling them they can't open it before the game begins, then handing them to a coach that you know will grab the rules and throw them out the window, handing the player their own rules for the player to follow before the game begins. By this logic, you have to punish the player as well as the coach when the player did a fantastic job with what he was given. He broke many rules, but he didn't know that.
      I hope and believe that, using this analogy, God would punish the coach not the player because when all the signs God shows are there, but explained in their set of rules as something different. One MIGHT hear the correct rules, but how are they supposed to know that the rules are true if they are similar to rules given by this false coach.
      I hope and pray that, on Judgment Day, people that God put into situations where hearing His Word would be almost impossible to impossible, he'll not condemn them.

    • @tobiassednef4977
      @tobiassednef4977 Год назад

      @@BenMan8881 I agree with you here. I would say that if God's revelation through creation was stronger across every nation in a Romans 1 way, then each there would be less paganism across the world. So many of those cultures did in fact recognize the divine power of creation, but attributed them to their own Gods. I'm sure revelation through creation reveals a divine will, but it doesn't directly lead to an understanding of, "Ah, it must have been made by the One True God!"
      I know that God desires all men to be saved, and that if there were those that did not recieve an adequate revelation to have truly honored God, God will provide a just and gracious way in which they may have a way to obtain salvation.

    • @simeonyves5940
      @simeonyves5940 Год назад

      @@tobiassednef4977 Paganism is Rampant because the Vast Majority of Mankind is elected for Destruction! Christ is very clear in the Gospels, the Flock is Small!
      Yes, all things Proclaim the Glory of God, all things Prove His Existence, and they do so to show Peoples need for Christ to save them, In God's Love and Mercy, from the Wrath and Justice that God has against the Breakers of His Law, against Sinners, against the Entire of Humanity, for *all have Sinned* !
      Man has no Excuse, God *no Longer* Winks at Ignorance, He has Provided Christ, there is no Excuse, and there is no mercy for Ignorance. Do the Government of a Hostile Enemy Nation spare the American Teenager for Photographing, in Ignorance, their International Airport, not knowing that to do so is to be classed as a Spy and bring down the Death Penalty upon Yourself? NO! they Deal with him under their Law Regardless! or they would be Unjust! . Same with God! He will deal with Unbelievers according to His Law! or He will be Unjust, and God is *never* Unjust, for God is pure Light, and there is no Darkness in Him!
      Unbelievers will be Judged under the 613 Laws of Moses, and they will be Found Guilty of all! there is only one way to be Absolved, and that is Christ, who Nailed the Law to His Cross and took it utterly out of the Way! Either Christ Propitiates for a Man's Sins on the Cross and washes them Clean, all their Sins washed away for all Eternity in His Holy and Divine Blood, along with the Laws of Moses, with Grace to Cover any Accidental Breach of the 10 Commandments, or that Man goes to Hell!
      If God wants a Person to be Saved, He will Provide a way for them to receive the Gospel! He sends Missionaries into the Darkest Jungles of Peru, He sends Evangelists to share the word (look how often some Paganistic Person has been walking along the Prom at Huntingdon, Literally (by walking straight into him!) bumped into Ray Comfort, who has evangelized to them, Exposing their Lost State through the 10 Commandments, leading to them Giving their Lives to Christ that very same Day! and it is Marvelous!) He will, if necessary, even Shipwreck one of His Sheep (same as He did with the Apostle Paul) to get them to the Island that Elect Person lives on! God will Literally move Heaven and Earth to get the Gospel to His Elect and chosen People!
      No. God has Provided only *One* way to Heaven, and that is Christ, Crucified and Risen, Christ is the way, the truth and the Life, and no man may come unto the Father but by Him, the way is Narrow and few men find it, there is no other name under Heaven by which man must be Saved. It is Christ alone!
      Those who Die without Christ will go to Hell, Period! there is no Salvation for them, because Christ Crucified and Risen is the only way to be Saved.
      No ifs, no Buts, Sola Christo! Christ Alone! without Christ Crucified and Risen, there is *No way* to be Saved, there is only Hell. The Bible is Gravely Clear on this! Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone!, and Anything that Goes against Scripture, such as Universalism, is to be *Thrown unto a Dunghill and Abhorred as an Insult unto God!* because it is a *Damnable Heresy* , because it goes against the Scripture, God's Holy, Written, Immutable and Divine word!
      Any "gospel" that Denies Christ, Crucified and Risen, and Christ Alone as the *only* way to be Saved is False and will cast you into Hell, as you will be found Accursed for Dying while holding to a false gospel! You must *reject* any false hope of Universalism, Accept that Atonement is *Limited* to the Sheep of Christ, and that only the Sheep will be Saved, Christ did not come for the Goats!
      Limited Atonement is a *Vital* Part of the Gospel of Grace.
      You must Repent and Believe the Gospel. For in so doing, You will Receive the Righteousness and the Perfect Record of Christ, Your Sins, all of them! Past, Present, Future, will be Transferred to Christ on the Cross and His Righteousness will be Given You as a White Robe! You will be Saved Eternally! and Heaven will welcome You in Jubilation!
      So Please, Repent and Believe the Gospel! I beg of You in Love.

  • @thelostnoob67
    @thelostnoob67 Год назад

    my dad always told me one thing, God will find all people, he wont let anyone leave earth without hearing his name.

  • @pnutbteronbwlz9799
    @pnutbteronbwlz9799 Год назад +2

    Your point number two about being saved and not knowing Jesus’ name, also seems to be expressed in Romans 2 that you referenced in thought 1. People will be judged by their hearts and thoughts as they deserve or don’t deserve.
    Great video btw!

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum Год назад

      *"People will be judged by their hearts and thoughts...."* ✴ _As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:_ (Romans 3: 10)

    • @princekievargas220
      @princekievargas220 Год назад

      Their are some tribe are unapproachable up until now.
      So many people on those tribe generations and this is best example of God Judgement Fair and Right

  • @danielwarren1507
    @danielwarren1507 Год назад +3


  • @GreatTrollger
    @GreatTrollger 2 месяца назад +3

    4:55 Yes, Romans 2:12-16: All who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged in accordance with the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God’s sight but the doers of the law who will be justified. When gentiles, who do not possess the law, by nature do what the law requires, these, though not having the law, are a law to themselves. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, as their own conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts will accuse or perhaps excuse them on the day when, according to my gospel, God through Christ Jesus judges the secret thoughts of all. Acts 17:23-25: For as I went through the city and looked carefully at the objects of your worship, I found among them an altar with the inscription, ‘To an unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mortals life and breath and all things.

  • @briankelso7315
    @briankelso7315 Год назад +6

    My advice is when editing your material, anytime you use the terms such as “my thinking, I believe, my thoughts” get rid of it. God holds teachers to a higher standard - James 3:1. My opinion, yours, and others doesn’t matter - only God’s Word matters.

    • @Zancarius
      @Zancarius Год назад

      There's a plethora of academic literature in biblical studies that is at least this speculative. Does that mean it isn't worth anything? I don't think so.
      So while I see where you're coming from (this video definitely encroaches into speculation) the author at least makes this known. As such, I'm not sure qualifying speculative analysis, correctly and conspicuously, runs afoul of the higher standards for teachers; at the very least, this should probably be weighed against "didaskalos" in James 3:1 which is the Greek equivalent for rabbi and suggests mastery. Speculation suggests an absence of mastery, and who holds mastery when certain questions come up that are edge cases in the text? Only God.
      However, I think scripture does have some insight here. Two examples that come to mind that support the idea presented in point #2, that people can still be "saved" with incomplete knowledge but only believe, are Naaman the leper and the Widow of Zarephath. Jesus supports this in Luke 4:25-27-and there is a reason the scribes and Pharisees lost their minds. These two were gentiles. The point is that the Abrahamic covenant wasn't nullified by the Law. They simply had to believe.

    • @briankelso7315
      @briankelso7315 Год назад

      The topic is Salvation, not something that moves towards speculation like Prophecy. His Thought #1 nullifies Romans 10:13-15. Yet at the end he suggests sharing our faith - why then? This is a rambling about the most important subject for humanity - Eternal Life. Study The Great White Throne judgment of Rev 20:11-15 in context with the rest of scripture. Just advice - all need to be Bereans.@@Zancarius

  • @emmanuelkaira38
    @emmanuelkaira38 Год назад +1

    This is the most excellent explanation I have heard. Keep up the good works of the Lord

  • @wanniesup
    @wanniesup 4 месяца назад +1

    jesus loves us all ty for this

  • @AggoKarmaGaming
    @AggoKarmaGaming Год назад +4

    This video is not good, and I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that you thought this was good or people thought that this was a good video explaining the problem of non belief. I and many others have heard the word of the Bible and still don’t believe for one reason or another, I know what would convince me, and if it’s the case that god wants everyone to know the truth and be saved, then he should reveal himself in a way that’s convincing like when he parts the red seas and descends mana from the sky for the Israelites and not have to rely on the anonymous maniscripts from fallible human beings that contradict each other.

  • @56pjr
    @56pjr Год назад +10

    There is a simple answer. YES, they go to Hell for their own sins.

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад +1

      Hell doesn’t exist. You’re continuing to give them more reasons not to believe in God.

    • @Republican_Banana
      @Republican_Banana Год назад +7

      ​@@jacksonrelaxin3425Hell does exist. The lake of fire in revelations

    • @jaedon_1k
      @jaedon_1k Год назад +4

      ​@jacksonrelaxin3425 And that's exactly what the enemy wants you to believe bro

    • @Republican_Banana
      @Republican_Banana Год назад

      @@jaedon_1k it what God wants us to believe. That's why it's in the Bible. Why would the unrighteous get a resurrection otherwise?

    • @jacksonrelaxin3425
      @jacksonrelaxin3425 Год назад

      @@Republican_Banana is it hell or the lake of fire? Pick one. Jesus never talked about hell. You're using a faulty translation designed to manipulate and scare people. I grew up in the cult. Don't lecture me.

  • @darthbahnsen3832
    @darthbahnsen3832 Год назад +3

    Some real mental gymnastics to justify the skydaddy here.

    • @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG
      @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG Год назад +4

      The issue is more that the Greek has been mistranslated. A lot of these Christians don't even realize that the term "eternal punishment" is illogical for us because we are not eternal. Re interpreting the Greek and extinguishing annihilation ism leads to the beautiful and coherent doctrine of universal reconciliation.

    • @darthbahnsen3832
      @darthbahnsen3832 Год назад +2

      @@EmeraldPixelGamingEPG just funny god could have delivered his message in such a way that no translation would be neccesary. He could've done it any way he wanted, if god were real. But instead, he sits by and watches every terrible thing witnessed by anyone alive now and chooses to do nothing. Either it's a truly faith-based religion (which totally contradicts paul) or it's all just fairy tales to keep armies manned and people content with dying young.

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum Год назад +2

      Understand that to those who have had the supernatural experience known as the spiritual "new birth," Christianity is logical and rational. It isn't logical and rational to those who have not had that experience. I get that. So, while you may see yourself as more enlightened than believers, you are holding forth on a subject that you not only do not understand, you cannot understand. That is not a knock on your intelligence, your morals or your motives. It is just a fact.
      (P. S. You and I probably agree that so-called Christians say and do some very dumb things. Sadly, most who call themselves Christians are uninformed, misinformed or simply irrational and illogical.)

    • @darthbahnsen3832
      @darthbahnsen3832 Год назад +2

      @@IsaacNussbaum thank you for the respectful reply!!
      If this reality were synthetic, IE simulation/matrix/dream/boltzman brain/god=deciever entitity/cartesian scenario of the week/etc etc, you could still have 'supernatural experience.' Jesus could drop down theough my ceiling right now and tell me every thing I've ever thought, but that still doesn't rule out that this isn't really jesus or that I'm not dreaming/stroking out or that I'm in a simulation or random coagulation of particles. There's no way to know, let alone understand for any of us yet. Still so many questions that we can't even being to answer. it would seem to me much, much more progress has come from moving away from 'gods' rather than toward them. By my lights, theists are just all suffering from dunning-kruger en masse, whether willingly or unwillingly. Again, thank you and much respect to you.

    • @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG
      @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG 11 месяцев назад

      @@darthbahnsen3832 Why do terrible things happen?

  • @DaveRoddy-m6r
    @DaveRoddy-m6r 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wonderful! Thank you for this video and all these other great videos. One of the best channels made.
    I love you, god bless!

  • @darielbaez948
    @darielbaez948 10 месяцев назад

    My mind is a lot more open when the Bible says that God will judge us according to our works. I like these conversations.

  • @S0ulsinner
    @S0ulsinner Год назад +7

    Spoiler alert: hell doesn’t exist. Just saved yall some time

  • @matianuclaudiu3201
    @matianuclaudiu3201 Год назад +4

    nobody goes to hell it doesn't exist

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum Год назад

      That truth should be shouted loud, clear, and often from every pulpit around the world.

    • @IsaacNussbaum
      @IsaacNussbaum 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@matianuclaudiu3201 I'm not sure why you are quarrelling with me, Matianu. My last post was in agreement with you. I know from the Bible that nobody goes to hell and that hell, as hell is commonly understood, does not exist.

    • @matianuclaudiu3201
      @matianuclaudiu3201 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@IsaacNussbaum my bad

  • @barone6327
    @barone6327 2 месяца назад +1

    I thank God for saving me✝♥

  • @TheSoitenly
    @TheSoitenly 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for making this video, I have tried several times to tell people this, but this puts it in much simpler terms. God bless your efforts.

    • @honestfriend767
      @honestfriend767 6 месяцев назад

      Who evangelized to Abraham? Who evangelized to balaam? If there was someone who would believe if they heard. Jesus the savior will appear to them. God doesn’t need us to go an evangelize. God doesn’t need anyone to save those He has called to Himself. He asks us to be willing vessels that He will use to save people, not because He needs us. When your kids help you with work do you need their help or do you want them there? He just wants to spend time with us.

  • @GalaxyCatPlays
    @GalaxyCatPlays 9 месяцев назад +1

    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.- Marthew 7:7

  • @baronghede2365
    @baronghede2365 8 месяцев назад

    Hello everyone I grew up in a Baptist Christian family and have since left Christianity and am now a practitioner of vodoun but love all faiths, Blessed Be.

    • @susanlonghurst
      @susanlonghurst 8 месяцев назад +3

      Please don't give up on Christ baronghede. He loves you and died for you. Not all faiths lead in the same direction. Salvation is only through Jesus. Please don't risk your eternal destiny. Ask Jesus to forgive you and be safe in His love. It may have been that you grew up in an unnecessarily strict Church. It might be worth finding one that preaches salvation by grace through faith but lets people make up their own minds on disputable matters. God bless.