Absolutely a 2. It is never, ever okay for one child to be hurting another child without any consequences. Roa's safety and health always comes first and you guys took the right steps!! Don't feel like you 'overreacted' because the two of you did not! It's good to see her being happy being surrounded by those whom she loves, keep up your guys great parenting work!! Roa is a strong one!
Roa is such a gentle soul to not even cry or fight back after getting hit like that. I hope his parents apologize and Roa recovers quickly. Her temperament and kindness is a reflection of just how well Joon and Linda care for her and teach her from right and wrong. 로아 화이팅 💖
63세 남자입니다. 아이들 25년간 가르쳤고 딸 2 키웠습니다. 로아가 어린이집에서 맞고도 씩씩해서 보기 좋습니다. 그런데 로아에게 어린이집 말고 퇴원 후, 또는 주말에 같이 놀 친구가 필요해 보입니다. 부모 말고 또래친구는 어린이집에서도 같이 있으면 서로 힘이 됩니다. 로아 어머니가 어린이집 선생님과 상의해서 같은 어린이집 아이 한 두명을 알아보고 어머니들끼리 먼저 친해지고 아이들이 친해지게 하면 서로 의지도 되고 한국말도 빨리 틔일것 같습니다. 국제커플이 저에게는 정말 신기하기도 하고 놀랍습니다. 응원합니다.
I went through the same emotions when you described your situation. As a former developmental child behavioral psychologist, I greatly appreciate that you allowed yourself to go through the emotions and then let reason reign. The fact of the matter is that the kids are too young to truly understand reprimand. Instead, they understand basic reasoning. To say this is to communicate that kids on both sides need to be talked to--teach your daughter to firmly say no and report this to a teacher. You should then tell her how proud you are of her for not hitting back. The other child's parents need to talk to their child. I'm not going to pretend to know their situation, but if they allow their son to get away with this without talking to him it may happen again. This is where teaching your daughter how to respond is important. It's admirable that you asked the other child's parents to watch the CCTV... And you should follow up with them and ask if they did so. No--children aren't violent as they grow up, they just learn what is socially acceptable within their own family. While the child may not have directly learned this from his parents, they allow it to continue. Imagine if micro aggressions are allowed within the family unit (open handed slapping family during tantrums/aggressive outbursts/etc.), they will be perpetuated continually because they are tolerated at home. I used to teach children that their actions have consequences--other children will not play with mean kids. I would first comfort the hurt child and tell them to find new friends until their original friend learned how to play nicely, that this is never ok to tolerate. Parents and other teachers would scoff at the adult way I spoke to these kids, but I was given 9 children with various social or developmental issues that were model students after only a month!!!! let the other children help regulate this, but the teacher should also work to ensure each child is talked to about their actions. Sending you comfort during this trying time!!
Hey, daycare educator here! Unfortunately these tiny humans are still learning to communicate and express their feelings in appropriate ways. Sometimes they hit or throw things, and injuries do happen. One day Roa might even get frustrated and hurt another child, and these children shouldn't be judged harshly because it's all new to them. That being said, especially with injuries around the eye, it's good to see a doctor! As much as you probably didn't want to go back to the hospital after spending the morning there, it was probably a good call. Roa doesn't seem too upset by the encounter at daycare and hopefully it won't happen again. Please understand that the teachers really do their best to help children work through disagreements appropriately, but with more children than teachers it's not always possible to be involved all the time. You two are great parents, and your love and respect for Roa are obvious! Stay awesome.
I went to pick up my daughter earlier at daycare once, and witnessed a boy beating her in her tummy, she was laying on the floor, not screaming nor crying, just enduring. No teacher, no supervisor arround. I screamed so hard toward that boy for him to let go of her. Days after, I was called by the direction, they promised to keep better eye on the children but suggested also that I was maybe a bit "overreacting"...? Like I was supposed to let my child get beaten? Fights among children are due to happen but adults should take full responsibility, be it teachers or parents. I support you and your decisions always, Kwon fam. You know best for your baby.
Ваши переживания понятны,видно,по родителям ,что им грустно ,из-за этой ситуации. Легче было бы если Те родители извинились .Всё правильно сказал Джун, нужно учить детей. ❤❤❤.Роя радость папы и мамы. И наша радость ❤❤❤❤❤❤
En effet, c’est important de savoir si cet enfant s’est déjà montré agressif avec d’autres camarades de la crèche. J’ai été très touchée par la réaction des parents de Roa, soucieux du bien être de leur fille mais sans réaction intempestive, plutôt dans la compréhension et recherche de solution. Roa est entourée de tant d’affection de ses parents qu’elle se développe bien et est très équilibrée.
Жаль, что это произошло с Роа! Мальчик мог видеть такое дома. Надо поговорить с родителями, чтобы подобное больше не повторилось. Как бы они себя вели, если Роа ударила мальчика!?! Думаю, они бы не оставили эту ситуацию и предприняли действия.😮😢 А Роа молодец! Позитивный ребёнок! Здоровья и счастья ей!😘
Ihr, als Eltern, habt sehr gut reagiert. Gegen gewalt muss man so früh wie es geht reagieren. Alles Gute fur Eure liebe Familie und viel Gesundheit ❤❤❤
Вы очень любящие и заботливые родители!!! 👍 Меня, как и вас, очень обеспркоила эта ситуация, дети не должны быть такими агрессивными. Роа, всё будет хорошо!!!! 💝
Roa is your baby and always will be. As parents, we should do whatever we can to protect our babies. My son was bullied in elementary school and it got worse in middle school....it got to the point of him getting a death threat. We worked with the school to stop the bully. My son was still left with emotional scars from his experiences. He is now 18 and doing well. Never doubt yourselves as parents....protect your sweet little girl.
I loved watching Roa and Joon talk about the ice cream, this scene really showed us her level of understanding a little better. I can’t wait to watch her grow & learn more :’)
Roa is a tough cookie. It hurts mom and dad more than it does her. She's definitely made of sturdiness and very resilient. Hopefully, both children have learned valuable lessons about how to properly treat each other. Kudos to Roa for doing the right thing. She's been raised well.
KwonFam! ❤ … “Appa” you bring tears to my eyes. You are such a caring and loving father! You can see the love for your daughter. If only we could have more loving parents like you and your beautiful wife in this world! We wouldn’t be where we are now! Keep doing what you’re doing! Don’t let the negativity or stress of others affect you. I wish you a beautiful life. 🙏🏼
일단 로아가 크게 안다친게 다행이고.. 두분다 얼마나 놀랬을까 싶네요 2살아이들이 뭘 알고 그랬겠습니까만은 남자아이는 부모와 선생님의 훈육이 필요하다고 봅니다.. 뭐 그렇다고 벌을 주라는게 아니라.. 해선 안될 행동이 무엇인지 정확히 알고 있게 교육시켜야한다는겁니다.. 그리고 같은 상황일때 어떻게 행동해야하는지도 알려줘야죠... 아이들은 백지와 같습니다.. 어른들이 좋은 길로 인도하면 그대로 따라오죠... 어른들의 책임이 큽니다.. 모두가 노력해야할듯싶네요... 두분다 놀란가슴 쓸어내리시고 평안을 되찾으시길 ㅎㅎㅎ 로아는 몇일 지나면 기억도 못할거에요 ㅎㅎ 너무 걱정마시구요 ㅎㅎ
I really did not get what decision you made. Things like this will happen in school & even in home if she had siblings. Just so she knows to always tell the teacher if something is wrong & the other child should have had some kind of discipline. That’s how kids learn. One suggestion I made before & am going to make again is about her speech. As long as you offer her things before she can ask her speech has no room to grow. Please encourage her by asking “ what do you want” or “ what do you mean”. Stuff like to encourage to speak words . My daughter is an only child & I made the same mistake with her until a therapist suggested I stop offering her things & encourage her to say what she wants & it helped. You two are lovely parents.
Number 2. You had every right to be upset that this happened to Roa. I don’t think you over reacted at all because it involved Roa’s eyes. You’re both doing a wonderful job raising Roa and ignore whatever people might say. She’s an intelligent, strong and beautiful little girl and I know you both are so proud of her❤
Eu fico admirada com o amor, a proteção e o cuidado que vocês têm com a filha ❤. Vocês são pais maravilhosos🌟. Roa cresce em um lar privilegiado, saudável, de muito amor, carinho, empatia, educação e diálogo. Roa teve sorte em tê-los como papais . Ela será um ser humano incrível!!! 🦋💞💖👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Deus abençoe e ilumine sempre sua família 🙌🏻🙏🏻.
Roa es una niña muy dulce y bien educada, los niños y niñas son un reflejo del ambiente en el hogar y la relación entre sus padres y de estos con sus hijos. Vayan ustedes a saber cómo es el ambiente en esa casa y que le ha tocado vivir a ese pequeño... Esta experiencia es una lección para ustedes y la misma Roa...no todos los niños con los que se encuentre en la escuela a donde vaya...serán iguales a ella.
Joon você é um pai maravilhoso, fofo e justo. Gostei da sua atitude, é isso mesmo, nessa idade a educação vem primeiro de casa, a partir do momento que a criança deixa o brinquedo no cesta, a outra criança tem todo o direito de brincar com ele. Você e Linda agiram corretamente. Parabéns vocês tem dado uma educação maravilhosa e correta para Roá. Que ótimo que ela no outro dia foi para creche, isso é muito importante e bom para Roá...Amo vocês família abençoada. 🙏❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏💋💋💋🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
super 2 저도 비슷한 일을 겪었었어요. 그전에는 친구끼리 투닥거리다 상처나는 경우는 가끔 있었는데 그건 당연히 그냥 넘어갔죠. 장난치다보면 그럴수 있잖아요. 근데 하루는 선생님 따님처럼 일방적으로 맞아서 눈도 부었고 얼굴에 약간의 생채기도 났지요. 근데 저의 경우는 원장님과 담당선생님이 집에 와서 관리소홀에 따른 폭행에 대해 사과하면서 재발방지를 약속했고, 폭행 어린이 부모님이 사죄 전화를 해서 그냥 넘어간 적이 있었어요. 어쨋건 제 생각은 일방적인 폭행에 대해서는 단호하고 강한 대처가 필요합니다. 한국에서는 그래야되요.
Gute Besserung für eure kleine Roa!❤ Sie ist so ein bezauberndes Mädchen und ich finde ihr macht das toll! Sie kann froh sein, so eine liebevolle Familie zu haben. :) Wünsche euch alles Gute! Ich schaue eure Videos gern und meine Tochter auch.😊 LG aus Deutschland
You have every right to be concerned if this is an isolated incident then it’s not too bad all children at that age are still learning right from wrong . They are still learning social skills,sharing and problem solving as long as the day care treated it the right way I’m sure everyone will recover nicely. As long as everyone remembers they are little children and positive reinforcement is the best medicine
That’s so normal reaction from parents.Am so proud of Roa bec she is so adorable and mature as a baby.well disciplined as i can see based from all ur videos.
Здравствуйте,дорогие Джун,Линда,Роа! Так радостно вас видеть снова!🤗🙏🏻💖По ситуации в садике,я думаю,вы все правильно сделали,как и нужно родителям. Хорошо.что есть камера и можно посмотреть,что произошло на самом деле. Вы очень любящие,чуткие,справедливые и,конечно,надо сразу решить конфликт,чтобы другие родители уже правильно отреагировали и воспитывали своего сына дабы не было больше таких поступков.🙏🏻Роа чудесная,нежная девочка и как он мог ее обидеть!🙁Уверена,что все будет хорошо,выздоравливайте. Берегите друг друга! Всего вам самого доброго,от всей души!🙏🏻💖💐
우선 로아 부모님의 현명한 대처에 박수를 보냅니다~ 요즘 대부분의 부모들은 아이를 한명 많아야 두명 정도 낳으니까 정말 귀하게 키우겠죠~ 전 올해 우리 예전 나이로는 환갑인데도 딸하나를 낳아 키웠으니 로아 부모님이 로아를 얼마나 귀하게 여길지 잘압니다~ 그런데도 감정적으로 처신하지 않고 이성적으로 잘처리하신 걸 보고 역시 제가 그동안 영상으로 보고 느낀 것이 맞구나~하고 참 좋았습니다~ 걸음마도 못뗀 아이가 아니면 정말 나쁜 행동이라고 부모가 잘 타이르고 가르친다면 그런 폭력적인 행동은 고치거나 아예 처음부터 그런 행동을 안할텐데 자기 자식이 너무 귀하고 예뻐 어떤 행동을 해도 오냐 오냐 하고 잘했다고 한다면 그 아이는 클수록 더 자신의 행동이 나쁜 것인줄 모르고 더 심한 행동울 할겁니다~ 또 무관심도 문제고요~ 살기 바빠서 부모가 어린이집에 아이를 맡겼다 집에 데려다 피곤하다거나 바쁘다는 이유로 아이를 가르치지 않고 방치하는 경우도 아이가 비뚤어지게 클수도 있는데 알아서 잘크겠지 하는 부모들도 있는 걸 보면 살기 바쁘고 힘들다는 이유만으로 그런 부모를 이해하기는 어렵습니다~ 로아를 때린 아이의 부모가 누군지는 몰라도 정말 자기 자식을 위한다면 꼭 아이의 이런 행동은 고쳐줘야 그 아이도 부모도 훗날 후회를 하지 않을 것 같네요~ 그런 걸 보면 로아 부모님들은 바쁜 생활중에도 로아에게 줄수있는 사랑을 다주어 키우셔서 그런지 로아가 아주 바르게 잘크고 있어서 그져 이렇게 영상으로 보고 있는 저도 행복합니다~❤❤❤
Mis queridos, les felicito por como han llevado este tema tan delicado, que por desgracia hoy en día ningún padre está libre de sufrir por las agresiones de y hacia nuestros hijos...como tu bien lo dices debemos desde muy pequeñitos mostrarle y enseñarles a nuestros niños que todo tipo de violencia es negativo para desarrollarnos y vincularnos a medida que crecemos en sociedad y convivir con respeto , solidaridad, y mucha empatia con el mundo en el que viviremos y nos desarrollaremos como adultos😊
You definitely did NOT overreact. I would be so upset, not even at the boy, but at the parents for not apologizing on his behalf and teaching him what he did that was wrong. I hope Roa recovers quickly
2. you did the right thing, joon and linda. i hope the boy's parents will learn from this and he will not hurt other children. i am glad that roa had fun at daycare center the next day! sending my love :)
Boa tarde Roa e seu pai , desejo a vcs uma semana feliz e que Roa siga sua vida, cheia de carinho, amor, esperança, s vida é bela, apenas temos que saber vive-la. Brasil.❤❤❤❤
Sou mãe de 4 filhos. Conflitos na escola eventualmente acontecerá. Foi importante vocês verificarem o que aconteceu. Para meninas, quando Roa fizer quatro anos, é importante colocar numa arte marcial. Na minha casa, os filhos e filhas lutam jiu-jítsu brasileiro. Eu fico muito tranquila. Saber se defender é muito importante. E sim, o importante é saber que apesar do incidente, ela está feliz na escola. Vocês estão indo muito bem. 🤗
As a fellow mother of a 2 yo daughter, i would be mad as heck if that happened to my girl. I totally get how you reacted and its a good step to bring her to the hospital. At least roa is as strong as a tiger cause look how she's playing and smiling. Tiny tiger ❤❤
But in India now very strict rules for day care centre and other centres . Indian mostly don’t do this type of thing but if some kid do this with any kid her parent 1st who slap her own child and give him 24 hour lesson. Mostly in India we afraid from our parents because if they love blindly then also beat and scold us openly on our faults . 😂😂 Now also our schools are very strict against this type of situation and behaviour they immediately called that’s child parents for informing about what wrong he did to others .. But one thing whole world facing child abuse mentally and physically even in India some case like this raised. Now we have to teach our kids in a righteous way that they never do this to others and they never face & any how they face then how to deal with this situation. Mostly parents not connected with their child and if they don’t share things with each others then we don’t know about our own children what and which situation he or she faces. Girls abuse comes but boys abuse never comes and then normally they ignored because that’s a boy abuse. … Government should have to make policies and review time to time and ensure the safety of children.
Милая Роа,наверное было больно😢.Но что поделаешь это дети.Еще сколько будет набитых шишек и синяков пока они вырастут.Боже сохрани нашу Роа здоровой и невредимой🙌🙏🤲
As a parent, I can totally understand being protective of your child and wanting to communicate with the parents of the other child to ensure they're aware of the situation. I think making a video on RUclips discussing the other parents on a public forum that they could potentially see one day (and where viewers of your channel can also criticize them in the comments) is going too far. We don't know what's going on in another family's home and it feels unfair to publicly make assumptions and share judgements about them.
It is great to be concerned and protective...but...these are little children and not gangsters. As long as you choose to put your little one in a daycare/pre-school, you must remain realistic about these growing pains that happen in a larger community than your lovely home. These are the learning and development years. These children do not need to see anger but correction tempered with love and kindness. That is the main job of a parent...to parent, guide and teach. Make sure the school has communicated to the little boys' parents so that they can work more closely with their son. This happens in every generation, past, present, and future. Humans have to learn how to communicate 😊 With your love, she with recover nicely and be an example to others as she grows up.❤
Ciao un abbraccio a Roa ,e vero hai bambini bisogna educare che è sbagliato colpire gli altri ,soprattutto insegnare a condividere i giochi e voi state facendo un ottimo lavoro con la vostra bambina ❤❤ un bacione grande dal Italia
I understand how you feel my daughter was hit at school by a couple of girls and the three of them hit her very hard that I had to go to the police. I always taught my daughter not to hit kids at school but from then on I told her to defend herself. Hope Roa recuperates soon. ❤
Schön, dass Roa kein Trauma davon getragen hat und noch gerne in die Kita geht. Als Eltern habt ihr richtig gehandelt. Die Reaktion der Eltern des Jungen kann ich nicht verstehen. Ja Kinder streiten - das ist normal. Aber ein Kleinkind was mit der Faust ins Gesicht schlägt ist nicht normal. Man muss ihm zeigen was er mit seiner Kraft bei anderen anrichtet. Es sollte ihm leid tun. Wie geht es bei der Familie zu Hause zu? Schlagen da evtl die Geschwister oder die Eltern. Diese Reaktion ist schon heftig. Der Junge schien es aber ganz normal zu finden. Ich hoffe Roa geht es bald besser
Discipline starts at home. As parents we need to teach our kids what’s right and wrong and to share. I totally agree with you.
Absolutely a 2. It is never, ever okay for one child to be hurting another child without any consequences. Roa's safety and health always comes first and you guys took the right steps!! Don't feel like you 'overreacted' because the two of you did not! It's good to see her being happy being surrounded by those whom she loves, keep up your guys great parenting work!! Roa is a strong one!
하아..... 아니 저렇게 이쁜 얼굴에 상처 내놓으면 어떠겠요ㅠㅠ 보통 저렇게 다치고 오면 상대편엄마가 사과전화 오는데 ㅠㅠ 진심으로 저도 화가 많이 납니다 ㅠㅠ
Roa is such a gentle soul to not even cry or fight back after getting hit like that. I hope his parents apologize and Roa recovers quickly. Her temperament and kindness is a reflection of just how well Joon and Linda care for her and teach her from right and wrong. 로아 화이팅 💖
63세 남자입니다. 아이들 25년간 가르쳤고 딸 2 키웠습니다.
로아가 어린이집에서 맞고도 씩씩해서 보기 좋습니다.
그런데 로아에게 어린이집 말고 퇴원 후, 또는 주말에 같이 놀 친구가 필요해 보입니다.
부모 말고 또래친구는 어린이집에서도 같이 있으면 서로 힘이 됩니다.
로아 어머니가 어린이집 선생님과 상의해서 같은 어린이집 아이 한 두명을
알아보고 어머니들끼리 먼저 친해지고 아이들이 친해지게 하면 서로 의지도 되고
한국말도 빨리 틔일것 같습니다.
국제커플이 저에게는 정말 신기하기도 하고 놀랍습니다.
I went through the same emotions when you described your situation. As a former developmental child behavioral psychologist, I greatly appreciate that you allowed yourself to go through the emotions and then let reason reign. The fact of the matter is that the kids are too young to truly understand reprimand. Instead, they understand basic reasoning. To say this is to communicate that kids on both sides need to be talked to--teach your daughter to firmly say no and report this to a teacher. You should then tell her how proud you are of her for not hitting back.
The other child's parents need to talk to their child. I'm not going to pretend to know their situation, but if they allow their son to get away with this without talking to him it may happen again. This is where teaching your daughter how to respond is important. It's admirable that you asked the other child's parents to watch the CCTV... And you should follow up with them and ask if they did so. No--children aren't violent as they grow up, they just learn what is socially acceptable within their own family. While the child may not have directly learned this from his parents, they allow it to continue. Imagine if micro aggressions are allowed within the family unit (open handed slapping family during tantrums/aggressive outbursts/etc.), they will be perpetuated continually because they are tolerated at home.
I used to teach children that their actions have consequences--other children will not play with mean kids. I would first comfort the hurt child and tell them to find new friends until their original friend learned how to play nicely, that this is never ok to tolerate. Parents and other teachers would scoff at the adult way I spoke to these kids, but I was given 9 children with various social or developmental issues that were model students after only a month!!!! let the other children help regulate this, but the teacher should also work to ensure each child is talked to about their actions. Sending you comfort during this trying time!!
You are a very, very, very good father, the mather also!
Hey, daycare educator here! Unfortunately these tiny humans are still learning to communicate and express their feelings in appropriate ways. Sometimes they hit or throw things, and injuries do happen. One day Roa might even get frustrated and hurt another child, and these children shouldn't be judged harshly because it's all new to them.
That being said, especially with injuries around the eye, it's good to see a doctor! As much as you probably didn't want to go back to the hospital after spending the morning there, it was probably a good call. Roa doesn't seem too upset by the encounter at daycare and hopefully it won't happen again. Please understand that the teachers really do their best to help children work through disagreements appropriately, but with more children than teachers it's not always possible to be involved all the time.
You two are great parents, and your love and respect for Roa are obvious! Stay awesome.
눈 주위 위험한데..흉없이 잘 아물기를 기도할께요
She's so adorable... I can watch her my whole life🥹🥹
로아하고 아빠의 대화가 너무너무 사랑스러워요, 엄마가 샘을 낼것 같습니다. 구독하고 갑니다
Este papai apaixonado pela sua linda filhinha
I went to pick up my daughter earlier at daycare once, and witnessed a boy beating her in her tummy, she was laying on the floor, not screaming nor crying, just enduring. No teacher, no supervisor arround. I screamed so hard toward that boy for him to let go of her. Days after, I was called by the direction, they promised to keep better eye on the children but suggested also that I was maybe a bit "overreacting"...? Like I was supposed to let my child get beaten?
Fights among children are due to happen but adults should take full responsibility, be it teachers or parents. I support you and your decisions always, Kwon fam. You know best for your baby.
Exactly this! Kids should be taught to not be aggressive
애들은 싸우면서 크긴 크는데, 상처가 있으면 마음이 아프지요.😊❤😊
Ваши переживания понятны,видно,по родителям ,что им грустно ,из-за этой ситуации. Легче было бы если Те родители извинились .Всё правильно сказал Джун, нужно учить детей. ❤❤❤.Роя радость папы и мамы. И наша радость ❤❤❤❤❤❤
언제나 사랑스런 로아! 장모님 반응이 재밌네요..
로아 아빠의 대응 당연하다고 봅니다.
부모들의 교육이 참중요한거 같아요
힘들 내시길..
우선 그아이가 처음인지 확인하시고 처음이 아니면 자료보관 하세요 반복적이면 부모교육 문제입니다 cctv 보관하세요 그래야 반대 부모도 교육에 신경 씁니다 자기자식이 맞고오면 애들이 그럴수있지 말 못합니다 걱정과 사과과 먼저줘
Μην το αφήσετε έτσι
Να το πείτε στην δασκάλα
Το παιδί αυτό θα χτυπήσει Κ αλλά παιδιά
En effet, c’est important de savoir si cet enfant s’est déjà montré agressif avec d’autres camarades de la crèche.
J’ai été très touchée par la réaction des parents de Roa, soucieux du bien être de leur fille mais sans réaction intempestive, plutôt dans la compréhension et recherche de solution.
Roa est entourée de tant d’affection de ses parents qu’elle se développe bien et est très équilibrée.
Жаль, что это произошло с Роа!
Мальчик мог видеть такое дома. Надо поговорить с родителями, чтобы подобное больше не повторилось. Как бы они себя вели, если Роа ударила мальчика!?! Думаю, они бы не оставили эту ситуацию и предприняли действия.😮😢
А Роа молодец! Позитивный ребёнок! Здоровья и счастья ей!😘
큰일날뻔 했네요
이만하기 다행입니다
로아 놀랐을수도 있 습니다 위로 해주셔요
폭력은 절대 안됩니다
생각대로 하셔요
Ihr, als Eltern, habt sehr gut reagiert. Gegen gewalt muss man so früh wie es geht reagieren. Alles Gute fur Eure liebe Familie und viel Gesundheit ❤❤❤
Вы очень любящие и заботливые родители!!! 👍 Меня, как и вас, очень обеспркоила эта ситуация, дети не должны быть такими агрессивными. Роа, всё будет хорошо!!!! 💝
로아가 정말 많이 커네요 귀엽기도 하고 엄마얼굴이라서 더욱더 예쁜것같아요 어쩌나 다쳐서 큰일날뻔했네요 부모들이 걱정을 많이 했었겠네요 부디 조심하고 예쁘게 지내라 로아 화이팅
Roa is your baby and always will be. As parents, we should do whatever we can to protect our babies. My son was bullied in elementary school and it got worse in middle school....it got to the point of him getting a death threat. We worked with the school to stop the bully. My son was still left with emotional scars from his experiences. He is now 18 and doing well. Never doubt yourselves as parents....protect your sweet little girl.
❤ 사랑스러운 로아 패밀리 , 새해 건강, 복많이 받으세요 😁
I loved watching Roa and Joon talk about the ice cream, this scene really showed us her level of understanding a little better. I can’t wait to watch her grow & learn more :’)
자식키우는 부모라면 충분히 이해할것입니다. 저같아도 엄청 화가났을거에요.. 다 알아듣습니다. 부모님들이 반드시 훈육을 해야 할것입니다..
Roa is a tough cookie. It hurts mom and dad more than it does her. She's definitely made of sturdiness and very resilient. Hopefully, both children have learned valuable lessons about how to properly treat each other. Kudos to Roa for doing the right thing. She's been raised well.
로아가 그래도 웃고 있으니 씩씩하네~ 로아는 크면 훌륭한 사람이 될거야~❤❤❤❤
어허~~~상대방 부모랑 같이 상담을 해야겠군....어른싸움이 아니라 자기 아이를 책임감 있게 키워야지~일단 잘하셨네요~상대방 부모도 카메라 보고 하신것에대해~잘 대처를 하셨습니다~
KwonFam! ❤ … “Appa” you bring tears to my eyes. You are such a caring and loving father! You can see the love for your daughter. If only we could have more loving parents like you and your beautiful wife in this world! We wouldn’t be where we are now! Keep doing what you’re doing! Don’t let the negativity or stress of others affect you. I wish you a beautiful life. 🙏🏼
일단 로아가 크게 안다친게 다행이고.. 두분다 얼마나 놀랬을까 싶네요
2살아이들이 뭘 알고 그랬겠습니까만은 남자아이는 부모와 선생님의 훈육이 필요하다고 봅니다..
뭐 그렇다고 벌을 주라는게 아니라.. 해선 안될 행동이 무엇인지 정확히 알고 있게 교육시켜야한다는겁니다..
그리고 같은 상황일때 어떻게 행동해야하는지도 알려줘야죠...
아이들은 백지와 같습니다.. 어른들이 좋은 길로 인도하면 그대로 따라오죠...
어른들의 책임이 큽니다.. 모두가 노력해야할듯싶네요...
두분다 놀란가슴 쓸어내리시고 평안을 되찾으시길 ㅎㅎㅎ 로아는 몇일 지나면 기억도 못할거에요 ㅎㅎ
너무 걱정마시구요 ㅎㅎ
I really did not get what decision you made. Things like this will happen in school & even in home if she had siblings. Just so she knows to always tell the teacher if something is wrong & the other child should have had some kind of discipline. That’s how kids learn. One suggestion I made before & am going to make again is about her speech. As long as you offer her things before she can ask her speech has no room to grow. Please encourage her by asking “ what do you want” or “ what do you mean”. Stuff like to encourage to speak words . My daughter is an only child & I made the same mistake with her until a therapist suggested I stop offering her things & encourage her to say what she wants & it helped. You two are lovely parents.
Gute Besserung Roa 🍀❣️
다시보니 너무 화가나고
눈밑에 상처
너무 화가나고 슬퍼요
로아 놀랐을것 같아요
로아 잘회복 바랍니다
제일 예쁜 아기 로아
I'm sorry this happened to Roa
She is a wonderful girl
Hope she and Linda feel better soon
Lots of love 🇳🇴🇬🇧
I was worried since it has been a bit long from your last video. Glad that everyone is doing alright. Hope Roa and Linda are recovering well.
ㅠㅠ너무 아픈 것을 견디고 울지 않는 로아님한테,제가 미안하다고 사과하고 싶은 마음이 되었네요ㅠ로아님의 부모님이 말하는 것도 많이 이해가 갑니다.교육은 인생에 있어서 역시 제일 중요한 것입니다!
마음이 찡하네요
Number 2. You had every right to be upset that this happened to Roa. I don’t think you over reacted at all because it involved Roa’s eyes. You’re both doing a wonderful job raising Roa and ignore whatever people might say. She’s an intelligent, strong and beautiful little girl and I know you both are so proud of her❤
Eu fico admirada com o amor, a proteção e o cuidado que vocês têm com a filha ❤. Vocês são pais maravilhosos🌟. Roa cresce em um lar privilegiado, saudável, de muito amor, carinho, empatia, educação e diálogo. Roa teve sorte em tê-los como papais . Ela será um ser humano incrível!!! 🦋💞💖👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Deus abençoe e ilumine sempre sua família 🙌🏻🙏🏻.
2, ihr habt nicht überreagiert.
Gute Besserung an die Kleine!!!😊
Roa has such loving parents. She has grown so much already
Bravo parents de roa vous êtes si attentionnés roa est magnifique et très intelligente.
Roa es una niña muy dulce y bien educada, los niños y niñas son un reflejo del ambiente en el hogar y la relación entre sus padres y de estos con sus hijos. Vayan ustedes a saber cómo es el ambiente en esa casa y que le ha tocado vivir a ese pequeño... Esta experiencia es una lección para ustedes y la misma Roa...no todos los niños con los que se encuentre en la escuela a donde vaya...serán iguales a ella.
엄청 속상하셨을듯ㅠㅠ
아들도 얼굴에 상처나서오면 눈돌아가는데ㅠ
요즘은 부모들이 개념이 없으니 자식들도 따라 가는것같아요
항상 응원합니다~~
어떠한 경우에도 폭력은 안됩니다 😊
나이와 상관없이 😊
2. Saludos y Feliz Año 2024 desde Panamá. Actuaron como padres preocupados por su hija. Gracias a Dios la princesa Roa esta bien. ❤😊
Joon você é um pai maravilhoso, fofo e justo. Gostei da sua atitude, é isso mesmo, nessa idade a educação vem primeiro de casa, a partir do momento que a criança deixa o brinquedo no cesta, a outra criança tem todo o direito de brincar com ele. Você e Linda agiram corretamente. Parabéns vocês tem dado uma educação maravilhosa e correta para Roá. Que ótimo que ela no outro dia foi para creche, isso é muito importante e bom para Roá...Amo vocês família abençoada. 🙏❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏💋💋💋🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
많이 놀라셨겠네요 다행히 큰 부상이 아니어서 천만 다행입니다
super 2
저도 비슷한 일을 겪었었어요. 그전에는 친구끼리 투닥거리다 상처나는 경우는 가끔 있었는데 그건 당연히 그냥 넘어갔죠. 장난치다보면 그럴수 있잖아요. 근데 하루는 선생님 따님처럼 일방적으로 맞아서 눈도 부었고 얼굴에 약간의 생채기도 났지요. 근데 저의 경우는 원장님과 담당선생님이 집에 와서 관리소홀에 따른 폭행에 대해 사과하면서 재발방지를 약속했고, 폭행 어린이 부모님이 사죄 전화를 해서 그냥 넘어간 적이 있었어요.
어쨋건 제 생각은 일방적인 폭행에 대해서는 단호하고 강한 대처가 필요합니다. 한국에서는 그래야되요.
로아 곰돌이 추리닝 귀여워 미쵸ㅠㅠ 아무리 아이들이라도 아버님의 대처가 정말 잘하셨다고 보고 마인드 또한 훌륭하세요!!
Roa tem uns pais que ama e luta por ela 😊meus parabéns papais logo logo roa vai estar boa e feliz beijinhos no coração ❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷
Gute Besserung für eure kleine Roa!❤ Sie ist so ein bezauberndes Mädchen und ich finde ihr macht das toll! Sie kann froh sein, so eine liebevolle Familie zu haben. :) Wünsche euch alles Gute! Ich schaue eure Videos gern und meine Tochter auch.😊 LG aus Deutschland
1:35 Roa is listening, she knows her mother sadness. What a smart princess.
Join and Linda, you handled the situation just fine and your view point on parenting is good. I look forward to more of your videos.
Muy linda roa y muy bien como su papá la incentiva hay que seguir 😊
Number 2, definitely appropriate response and you dealt with Toa and the other parents very well, such great parents you both are ❤❤❤❤
마음 추스리셔,
이쁜 로아~^^ 건강하게 자라거라
You have every right to be concerned if this is an isolated incident then it’s not too bad all children at that age are still learning right from wrong . They are still learning social skills,sharing and problem solving as long as the day care treated it the right way I’m sure everyone will recover nicely. As long as everyone remembers they are little children and positive reinforcement is the best medicine
That’s so normal reaction from parents.Am so proud of Roa bec she is so adorable and mature as a baby.well disciplined as i can see based from all ur videos.
Es tan hermosa Roa.Bendiciones para está hermosa familia, desde 🇺🇾 Uruguay
Rodzice musza nauczyc. Dzieci ze Take nie wolno. robic. Co bedzie Jak bedzie duzy to bedzie bil inne dzieci w szkole.💞
You did the right thing- after all our children are dependent on us,we have to protect them.Hope Roa recovers soon.❤❤❤❤
2. Luckily the eye of Roa Wasn't seriously injured but correct confront with child parents.
Beautiful feeling Roa and Joon.
우리 애기공주가 엄청엄청 컸습니다 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Здравствуйте,дорогие Джун,Линда,Роа! Так радостно вас видеть снова!🤗🙏🏻💖По ситуации в садике,я думаю,вы все правильно сделали,как и нужно родителям. Хорошо.что есть камера и можно посмотреть,что произошло на самом деле. Вы очень любящие,чуткие,справедливые и,конечно,надо сразу решить конфликт,чтобы другие родители уже правильно отреагировали и воспитывали своего сына дабы не было больше таких поступков.🙏🏻Роа чудесная,нежная девочка и как он мог ее обидеть!🙁Уверена,что все будет хорошо,выздоравливайте. Берегите друг друга! Всего вам самого доброго,от всей души!🙏🏻💖💐
S novim 2024 godot was , jelaju wam schastia I dobrogo zdorovia ! 🎉😊
I have worked in several daycares in Denmark and unfortunately these things happen everyday. I hope you all will be okay.
Beterschap Roa,
Leuk met papa spelen en worden leren...❤
Bebé inteligente ela vai falar a seu tempo ela percebe tudo e tem uns pais carinhosos e muito atentos.Qualquer dia fala muito 😂😂❤
로아많이놀랐겠다 맞습니다 어릴수록잘가르처야죠 힘이통한다는걸알게되면 누가제지하지않는한 같은행동을할겁니다 속상해하며 생각하고고심하는거보니 로아와한발한발배워가며 부모의길을걷는듯하여 뿌뜻하고또한안쓰럽습니다 화이팅하세요
우선 로아 부모님의 현명한 대처에 박수를 보냅니다~
요즘 대부분의 부모들은 아이를 한명 많아야 두명 정도 낳으니까 정말 귀하게 키우겠죠~
전 올해 우리 예전 나이로는 환갑인데도 딸하나를 낳아 키웠으니 로아 부모님이 로아를 얼마나 귀하게 여길지 잘압니다~
그런데도 감정적으로 처신하지 않고 이성적으로 잘처리하신 걸 보고 역시 제가 그동안 영상으로 보고 느낀 것이 맞구나~하고 참 좋았습니다~
걸음마도 못뗀 아이가 아니면 정말 나쁜 행동이라고 부모가 잘 타이르고 가르친다면 그런 폭력적인 행동은 고치거나 아예 처음부터 그런 행동을 안할텐데 자기 자식이 너무 귀하고 예뻐 어떤 행동을 해도 오냐 오냐 하고 잘했다고 한다면 그 아이는 클수록 더 자신의 행동이 나쁜 것인줄 모르고 더 심한 행동울 할겁니다~
또 무관심도 문제고요~
살기 바빠서 부모가 어린이집에 아이를 맡겼다 집에 데려다 피곤하다거나 바쁘다는 이유로 아이를 가르치지 않고 방치하는 경우도 아이가 비뚤어지게 클수도 있는데 알아서 잘크겠지 하는 부모들도 있는 걸 보면 살기 바쁘고 힘들다는 이유만으로 그런 부모를 이해하기는 어렵습니다~
로아를 때린 아이의 부모가 누군지는 몰라도 정말 자기 자식을 위한다면 꼭 아이의 이런 행동은 고쳐줘야 그 아이도 부모도 훗날 후회를 하지 않을 것 같네요~
그런 걸 보면 로아 부모님들은 바쁜 생활중에도 로아에게 줄수있는 사랑을 다주어 키우셔서 그런지 로아가 아주 바르게 잘크고 있어서 그져 이렇게 영상으로 보고 있는 저도 행복합니다~❤❤❤
Mis queridos, les felicito por como han llevado este tema tan delicado, que por desgracia hoy en día ningún padre está libre de sufrir por las agresiones de y hacia nuestros hijos...como tu bien lo dices debemos desde muy pequeñitos mostrarle y enseñarles a nuestros niños que todo tipo de violencia es negativo para desarrollarnos y vincularnos a medida que crecemos en sociedad y convivir con respeto , solidaridad, y mucha empatia con el mundo en el que viviremos y nos desarrollaremos como adultos😊
로아가 최우선입니다 로아는 심성고운 천사에요 매일 좋을순없지만 로아의 미소가 늘 함께 하기를 바랍니다 엄빠님들도 속상하지마시고 지혜롭게 풀어가세요 화이팅 로아 화이팅❤❤❤
Bisogna anche capire che non tutti i bimbi sono fortunati come Roa che hanno due genitori attenti come voi💗
You definitely did NOT overreact.
I would be so upset, not even at the boy, but at the parents for not apologizing on his behalf and teaching him what he did that was wrong.
I hope Roa recovers quickly
2 - Çok üzüldüm 😢 Geçmiş olsun Roa'mıza 🙏🥺❤️
2. you did the right thing, joon and linda. i hope the boy's parents will learn from this and he will not hurt other children. i am glad that roa had fun at daycare center the next day! sending my love :)
Boa tarde Roa e seu pai , desejo a vcs uma semana feliz e que Roa siga sua vida, cheia de carinho, amor, esperança, s vida é bela, apenas temos que saber vive-la. Brasil.❤❤❤❤
Роа растет счастливым ребенком у таких прекрасных родителей!!!! 🥰😊👍🌼
It’s definitely a 2 you guys did the right thing had her checked out to make sure no damage was done
Sou mãe de 4 filhos. Conflitos na escola eventualmente acontecerá. Foi importante vocês verificarem o que aconteceu. Para meninas, quando Roa fizer quatro anos, é importante colocar numa arte marcial. Na minha casa, os filhos e filhas lutam jiu-jítsu brasileiro. Eu fico muito tranquila. Saber se defender é muito importante. E sim, o importante é saber que apesar do incidente, ela está feliz na escola. Vocês estão indo muito bem. 🤗
Tadinha dela vcs são demais como pai e mãe ❤❤❤
Roa's Grandmother is so funny!!!😂😂😂 I wish Roa the best of recovery 🙏
Feliz 2024, que bueno que el ojo de Roa esté bien ahora. Actuaron como padres responsables y preocupados por su hija.
roa is smart don't worry she is lovely
As a fellow mother of a 2 yo daughter, i would be mad as heck if that happened to my girl. I totally get how you reacted and its a good step to bring her to the hospital. At least roa is as strong as a tiger cause look how she's playing and smiling. Tiny tiger ❤❤
But in India now very strict rules for day care centre and other centres . Indian mostly don’t do this type of thing but if some kid do this with any kid her parent 1st who slap her own child and give him 24 hour lesson.
Mostly in India we afraid from our parents because if they love blindly then also beat and scold us openly on our faults . 😂😂
Now also our schools are very strict against this type of situation and behaviour they immediately called that’s child parents for informing about what wrong he did to others ..
But one thing whole world facing child abuse mentally and physically even in India some case like this raised. Now we have to teach our kids in a righteous way that they never do this to others and they never face & any how they face then how to deal with this situation.
Mostly parents not connected with their child and if they don’t share things with each others then we don’t know about our own children what and which situation he or she faces.
Girls abuse comes but boys abuse never comes and then normally they ignored because that’s a boy abuse. …
Government should have to make policies and review time to time and ensure the safety of children.
Our sweet Roa 😢. I’m glad her eye recovered. You are great parents.
Милая Роа,наверное было больно😢.Но что поделаешь это дети.Еще сколько будет набитых шишек и синяков пока они вырастут.Боже сохрани нашу Роа здоровой и невредимой🙌🙏🤲
고의거나 장난이거나 상대방 부모에게 사과을 받아야한다 생각하네요
As a parent, I can totally understand being protective of your child and wanting to communicate with the parents of the other child to ensure they're aware of the situation. I think making a video on RUclips discussing the other parents on a public forum that they could potentially see one day (and where viewers of your channel can also criticize them in the comments) is going too far. We don't know what's going on in another family's home and it feels unfair to publicly make assumptions and share judgements about them.
애들 교육은 가정교육 부터라는 걸 잘 보여주는 영상이네요 로아 큰일 날뻔 했네요 흉터 없이 잘 낫기를
Драгоценная малышка Роа, Линда , выздоравливайте и будьте счастливы🥰🌸💜👍, конечно, родители мальчика обязаны научить его, что девочек бить нельзя…..
다른국제부부 같은또래아이는 2개언어를 잘 하는던데 .. 제개인적인 생각은 엄마가 햔국어독일어를 같이 사용하니깐 더 헷갈려하는거 같아요 아빠는 한국어 엄마는 독일어 이렇게 독립적인 언어를 쓰는게 맞는거 같아요~
It is great to be concerned and protective...but...these are little children and not gangsters. As long as you choose to put your little one in a daycare/pre-school, you must remain realistic about these growing pains that happen in a larger community than your lovely home. These are the learning and development years. These children do not need to see anger but correction tempered with love and kindness. That is the main job of a parent...to parent, guide and teach. Make sure the school has communicated to the little boys' parents so that they can work more closely with their son. This happens in every generation, past, present, and future. Humans have to learn how to communicate 😊 With your love, she with recover nicely and be an example to others as she grows up.❤
Ciao un abbraccio a Roa ,e vero hai bambini bisogna educare che è sbagliato colpire gli altri ,soprattutto insegnare a condividere i giochi e voi state facendo un ottimo lavoro con la vostra bambina ❤❤ un bacione grande dal Italia
Роа очень выросла. Ее поведение стало более степенным и глазки умные ❤
I understand how you feel my daughter was hit at school by a couple of girls and the three of them hit her very hard that I had to go to the police. I always taught my daughter not to hit kids at school but from then on I told her to defend herself. Hope Roa recuperates soon. ❤
Schön, dass Roa kein Trauma davon getragen hat und noch gerne in die Kita geht. Als Eltern habt ihr richtig gehandelt. Die Reaktion der Eltern des Jungen kann ich nicht verstehen. Ja Kinder streiten - das ist normal. Aber ein Kleinkind was mit der Faust ins Gesicht schlägt ist nicht normal. Man muss ihm zeigen was er mit seiner Kraft bei anderen anrichtet. Es sollte ihm leid tun. Wie geht es bei der Familie zu Hause zu? Schlagen da evtl die Geschwister oder die Eltern. Diese Reaktion ist schon heftig. Der Junge schien es aber ganz normal zu finden. Ich hoffe Roa geht es bald besser
2 . En la forma que le pegó ese niño a Roa estuvo muy mal. Ustedes son unos excelentes padres, y Roa es una preciosa princesa 😊.