TEDxRamallah - Huwaida Arraf هويدا عراف - Humanity Has No Nationality

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Huwaida Arraf is a Palestinian lawyer with American and Israeli citizenship. In 2001 Huwaida co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Huwaida is co-author of "Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine, and the International Solidarity Movement." She taught in a human rights law clinic at Al-Quds University in a, the first legal clinic in the Arab World. She was one of the initiators and organizers of a delegation of American lawyers to Gaza in February 2009, and co-edited the report on their findings. Huwaida is currently the Chairperson of the Free Gaza Movement. Since August 2008, she has led 5 successful sea voyages to the Gaza Strip. She was one of the primary organizers of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, traveling with it when it was lethally attacked by Israeli forces on 31 May 2010.
    تحمل المحامية الفلسطينية هويدا عراف الجنسيتين الأميركية والإسرائيلية. وقد ساهمت في العام 2001 في تأسيس "حركة التضامن الدولي" التي تم ترشيحها مرتين لنيل جائزة نوبل للسلام. كما شاركت في تأليف كتاب ‫"السلام تحت النار : إسرائيل وفلسطين وحركة التضامن الدولي‫." وفي سنة 2009 قامت بالتدريس في عيادة قانونية لحقوق الإنسان في جامعة القدس في القدس، وهي أول عيادة قانونية في العالم العربي. وكانت قد بادرت مع مجموعة من الأشخاص في تنظيم انتقال وفد من المحامين الأميركيين إلى غزة في فبراير/شباط 2009، فأخذت على عاتقها تحرير تقرير تقصي الحقائق الذي يعرض النتائج التي توصلوا إليها. ترأس هويدا في الوقت الراهن حركة غزة الحرة‫، وقد قادت منذ أغسطس/آب 2008 خمس رحلات بحرية ناجحة إلى القطاع. هذا بالإضافة إلى كونها أحد المنظمين الرئيسين لأسطول الحرية الذي هدف إلى فك الحصار عن غزة وكانت على متنه حين تعرض إلى هجوم مميت من قبل القوات الإسرائيلية في 31 مايو‫/أيار 2010.
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    عن تيد أكس
    أكس= حدث مستقل منظم ذاتياً
    يشكل تيد أكس رام الله عبارة عن برنامج محلي، ينظمه أفراد يؤمنون بأن الأفكار تستحق الإنتشار لأنها تساهم في جمع الناس فيتشاركون تجربة من وحي تجارب تيد. تبث المؤتمرات المنظمة من قبل تيد أكس خطابات تيد على أشرطة الفيديو كما وتعتمد على الخطابات الحية التي يلقيها المتحدثون فتنشط النقاشات العميقة وتشتد الروابط الإنسانية والفكرية في المجموعة الواحدة. وقد صمم البرنامج تحديداً لتحفيز الأفراد كما المنظمات والمجتمعات على تنشيط الحوار. يزود مؤتمر تيد برنامج تيد أكس بالتوجيهات العامة، إلا أن تنظيم مناسبات تيد أكس الفردية يتم بشكل ذاتي.* لذلك تعرف هذه النشاطات المحلية والمنظمة ذاتياً بتيد أكس حيث تصبح أكس عبارة عن حدث مستقل منظم ذاتياً.
    *خاضع لبعض الأنظمة والقواني

Комментарии • 59

  • @lianasafi5035
    @lianasafi5035 10 лет назад +15

    Long Live Palestine.

    • @rachel36ify
      @rachel36ify 7 лет назад

      .................in Jordan (where it belongs)

  • @duniyaabuayash5565
    @duniyaabuayash5565 4 года назад +2

    "I am home".. That hit me...

  • @thesabature3121
    @thesabature3121 7 лет назад +5

    Correction :
    the whole Palestine is occupied since 1948

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад +1

    @earthwormjah I agree with you that there should be dialogue between the two people and I believe in many different capacities and on many levels but to seek equality, justice and human rights not to provide cover for more colonizing or merely "contain" what is considered a problem. I hope for both people the best, but reconciliation between both people will happen when justice is served and when people are treated equally and their rights and the sanctity of their lives protected!

  • @selfyeshua
    @selfyeshua 13 лет назад +1

    Humanity Has No Nationality only "the philistines" have a nationality

  • @farahastan
    @farahastan 13 лет назад

    what was the name of the song he liked?

  • @sallyray515
    @sallyray515 7 лет назад +1

    who killed vittorio? I could not understand.

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah When a relationship of oppressor and oppressed is established, not only the oppressed are dehumanized by the acts of the oppressor, but also the oppressor is dehumanized in effect. The only way to get out of this situation is by humanizing both sides and thats the fight of the oppressed. Palestinians are demanding equal rights, justice and freedom and hopefully in their success they'll humanize both sides. That is something to can hopefully bring about a better future for both!!

    • @rachel36ify
      @rachel36ify 7 лет назад

      Expel the "oppressed".
      Jordanians belong in Jordan !

  • @acajudi100
    @acajudi100 9 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much!
    Google: Judi Grace StoryCorps.

  • @duniyaabuayash5565
    @duniyaabuayash5565 4 года назад

    RIP Vitorio.. 💔💔

  • @musicalman1995
    @musicalman1995 5 лет назад

    He was kidnapped by one of your own. You didn’t even mention that.

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah "Resistance" is not a euphemism for terrorism. Any people have the right to resist occupation and colonial domination according to Geneva Convention. Arrigoni was in solidarity of the Palestinian people. The details of his death are clear and the Palestinians know who they need to resist. The perpetrators were caught and the resistance of the occupation continues. Blurring the lines between the Palestinian resistance and some salafi group is wrong and factually incorrect

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад +1

    @earthwormjah WoW!! So calling for equality and universal human rights for all is the same as calling for the destruction of Israel?!

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah Yes, state terrorism! State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by governments. Of course they'd use their military and other security establishments. There's an abundance of examples for those who care to look. Massacres of 48 and the Lebanon massacres. Let us not forget Gaza, 2008. Extrajudicial assassinations such as the one that took place in Dubai.
    You can look up list of UN resolutions directly critical of Israel. B'tselem is a good source too!

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @Haseeb2 I urge you not to generalize. A small group doesn't stand for the palestinian society and obviously they are against the palestinian cause in their behavior as they harmed palestinians by their criminal acts for goals that only interest them. Vittorio was as much a palestinian to palestinians as they are and they have lost one of their own. And please remember that the palestinian cause is much bigger than their unforgivable mistakes.

  • @thesabature3121
    @thesabature3121 7 лет назад

    لما الحدث في رام الله
    ليش بتحكي بالانجليزي ؟

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah Af for Vittorio, I have no idea why you insist to ridicule the person! I see no reason for that especially that he passed away. If you have something to say just say it without being disrespectful and cruel.

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico I'm sure you thought that made sense, but all you did was called the Israeli military "state terrorists". I assume you were inferring that a country with a military that uses said military is thus using "state terrorism, but you provide no proof of such. You just strung a bunch of big words together, and assumed I'd be impressed. I'll ask you again: are you Israeli or Palestinian?

  • @mikenogozones
    @mikenogozones 4 года назад

    Who kidnapped and executed Vittorio? They need to be called out.

  • @barakk4884
    @barakk4884 4 года назад

    06:00 irony at its best

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah I'm against the killing of civilians. Palestinians in general fight for freedom, justice and equality and some of them use tactics that I'm strongly against! There is a shift in strategy that I'm seeing by those who used to practice such tactics and the other overwhelming majority are doing a formidable effort to advance their cause in the peaceable means they are used to!
    I think people in top ranks in Israel would disagree with you on the ISM and BDS

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah "complaining about all the naughty things Israel does" I encourage you not to use such distasteful commentary. Calling Injustice injustice where one finds it is simply the right thing to do.
    As in for a solution for the conflict, I think there should be ethical decolonizing of historic Palestine. All people there should be equal and refugees have to be able to go back home. How will that take form? I don't know. These are basic human rights and I'm all for them.

  • @nadajouni
    @nadajouni 11 лет назад

    onadeekom, ahmad kaa'bour

  • @Dolce81Vita
    @Dolce81Vita 11 лет назад +3


  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah "The U.N has passed more resolutions against Israel than all the other nations on earth combined" It did! and only someone who doesn't want to acknowledge what's happening would ignore the significance of such a record.
    I'm not ducking any questions. I'm ignoring your question because my nationality doesn't inform my views and wouldn't explain anything! Palestine has become the symbol of struggle of our time because of the injustice they are subject to and for a long time now!

  • @sarahdnadav
    @sarahdnadav 13 лет назад

    TEDx Ramallah and Cognitive Dissonance on jpost blog

  • @oswaldohenriquez7419
    @oswaldohenriquez7419 Год назад

    her Italian friend ( Vittorio)was assassinated by the Palestinians themselves that this radical woman and that same Italian friend( Vittorio)defended in Gaza because this Italian was an infidel by those same Palestinians he was fighting to "liberate". Palestinians are expected to share civility with Israel, I don't think so. I'm sure these Islamic Palestinians would give this radical woman a good beating for being an emancipated woman.

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico The U.N has passed more resolutions against Israel than all the other nations on earth combined, so I tend to question their credibility. I'll ask you again, since you seem to keep ducking the question: are you Israel or Palestinian? And since you seem to be pretty good at complaining about all the naughty things Israel does, whats your solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    Oh man, I got a good laugh out of this one. Poor Huwaida, can't blame those naughty Zionists for this one, can you!

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico So where were you a refugee then? I've mentioned the violence inflicted on Palestinian terrorists quite a few times, I believe i referred to it as war, which seems to be a common practice in the world. Tell me, without qualifying it with statements about how awful you think the Israelis are, do you support Palestinian terrorism? Yes or no? As for the I.S.M and B.D.S, i think you are greatly inflating their effects on Israel. Israel has a booming economy that has not been harmed by

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah I'm against fundamentalism any where it may be! I hope jews and palestinian both muslims and christians a good life! they all deserve it and not anything less. Israel has its fare share of fundamentalists and Palestinians obviously have Hamas. Those groups will have to change and are continuously changing, there is nothing static about them. When both communities seek human rights, equality and justice, all fundamentalists will have to change programs and some will become obsolete!

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @Haseeb2 hehehe.. "He was putting his life on the line for the Palestinians and he was killed by them?" it would be accurate to exclude the perpetrators from the whole of society and point to them directly. They were some fundamentalist Salafi group who were seeking some goals of their own, namely to free a terrorist leader imprisoned I guess by Hamas. They are far from the palestinian cause. Those who lost Vittorio are the palestinians and the Arrigoni family.

  • @FA8T
    @FA8T 12 лет назад +1

    @farahastan unadeekum

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @earthwormjah "We" whom?! The idea that criticism of Israel has to come out of hatred is simply idiotic.
    State terrorism is what Israel does! It's pretty obvious except for those who don't want to see it. Israel is pretty much the last settler colonial enterprise active today and is holding the longest occupation of other people in modern history. It's not a matter of hatred. It's a matter of fact. Maintaing that status requires a lot of terrorism!

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico Are you seriously suggesting that a state with some sort of Hamas/Hezbollah fundamentalist dictatorship governance in which Jews will most likely be deported or much worse is somehow synonymous with equality and universal human rights?

  • @mimad7822
    @mimad7822 7 лет назад +1

    When you're trying to make a point, you need to be emotionally stable and have a steady voice. All you hear is emotion and heavy breathing. It's not the place for it. Make your point strong but without the uncontrolled rage.

  • @dailymotico
    @dailymotico 13 лет назад

    @politicalworldsnews Half a nation held in captivity and the other half in exile and you have the nerve for such ridicule and shameless excuses. It's those who mirror Israeli brutality that did this unforgivable crime.

  • @serg441
    @serg441 6 лет назад +1

    "unarmed demonstrators" bs

  • @dkfkdkf
    @dkfkdkf 11 лет назад +2


  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico any middling boycotts a few hippies in Europe have organized, and as for the I.S.M, they are a minor annoyance who, when I last checked, barely managed to send a small yacht partway to Gaza before being intercepted. At some point the Israel haters will have to realize that the only way out of all this is a negotiated settlement (no pun intended).

  • @musicalman1995
    @musicalman1995 8 лет назад +1

    "Unarmed protestors"

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico It does matter if you are Israeli or Palestinian. If you are not Israeli, you have no personal stake in the conflict. Its not your family and your home on the line. Hell, you probably haven't been in a rocket attack or almost been blown up in a suicide bombing (I have experienced both). As for "Palestine has become the symbol of struggle for our time", that is so goofy and idiotic that I don't think it really merits a reply.

  • @earthwormjah
    @earthwormjah 13 лет назад

    @dailymotico And, having essentially advocated for a perpetual conflict, you will whine and complain when the Israelis cause collateral damage, which, in my understanding of history, tends to happen in almost all wars, but which people who hate Israel tend to posit as germane to the Israeli military. I support a negotiated two state solution, but as long as our enemies advocate our destruction we'll keep our magazines loaded and a round in the chamber.