You have quite a store of 505 parts there Charles! Making the torque tube into an oil bath is a very clever idea but doesn't the toothed part of the tailshaft sit on the diff side of the seal, and if so how does it get oil from the oil in the torque tube? Also can you explain or add a picture to the video showing how you cut the gearbox end of the tailshaft to allow it to get more oil from the gearbox? Would a few tiny holes drilled into the shaft end also work, without affecting the strength of the shaft?
You have quite a store of 505 parts there Charles! Making the torque tube into an oil bath is a very clever idea but doesn't the toothed part of the tailshaft sit on the diff side of the seal, and if so how does it get oil from the oil in the torque tube? Also can you explain or add a picture to the video showing how you cut the gearbox end of the tailshaft to allow it to get more oil from the gearbox? Would a few tiny holes drilled into the shaft end also work, without affecting the strength of the shaft?
I have to make a nother video on it . Keep well.