HOT OFF THE PRESS 2025!! Would you like to try the world’s first Earthship biotecture LLM for all your Sustainable building and living questions ? I have spent the past 12 months creating this and it is absolutely ready to test ! If you would like to learn more in a very informal and fun way, this is no ordinary LLM!! Please go to the link below and try it ! There is no subscriptions. It’s simply $1 to try it and you can have many chats. Please share any feedback here! Much appreciated OR if you prefer you can read the Earthship Bible Book @ OH and ONE MORE THING!
I'm planning on trying to build an Earth Ship home this year. I'm also trying to learn everything I can before I get started. I'm almost 60 and I am a widow living alone. I've always wanted to do this. After battling cancer the few years I finally feel ready to get my dream started 🙂
I love the concept of earthships. Honestly, if I had the money, It's something I'd definitely consider doing. There are a couple of issues that many of the videos extolling their virtues don't touch on, which can make them expensive. 1. They need land - you need sufficient space to build the earth berm behind the tyre wall, and space for the black water runoff/filtration (often done by planting reed beds or similar that thrive on poo). Land, depending on where you live, can also be difficult to come by, and expensive to purchase. 2. Orientation - for best results and efficiency, in the Northern hemisphere, they really need to be facing South (or as close as possible), in order for the solar panels and windows/thermal mass to be at their most efficient. So you also need to be picky on the land you select, to ensure that you can have the earthship windows facing South. Flip all of that for the Southern hemisphere 3. Materials - Depending on where you live, the materials you'll need for the interior plaster may well differ. We know that the polished mud style plaster the earthships in New Mexico use works perfectly in the hot and dry environment of the desert, but using the same methods for colder, wetter climes might not work so well. So you'll need to adapt the general concept to your own environmental requirements. 4. Off grid stuff - So, the water reclamation is easy in a reasonably wet place. You just need big butts (and I cannot lie, I've been waiting to do that pun since I started writing this!). However, solar panels, batteries, inverters and the other associated microcontrollers are *not* cheap, especially if they're new. Also worth bearing in mind that if you do get them second hand, there is an absolute guarantee that they will be less efficient, as the materials in the panels degrades over time, and battery charge capabilities drop over time also. With that said, second hand car batteries are actually not a bad shout (so long as you can get them cheap), as they still should retain ~80% of their original capacity after 5 - 10 years, so they're still viable for passive storage. 5. Local rules - In the UK, it is illegal to work on the main junction box of a home unless you're a licenced electrician. I imagine there are rules like that for most countries. So while you can DIY some or even most things, there will be certain aspects of the technical build that you will have to hire a tradesperson for. I'd go with the main junction box, solar panel wiring, water filtration and grey/black water systems as an absolute minimum for outside help, personally! Some of the above may not be applicable in some places, so YMMV. Other people have already mentioned the other potential construction costs, so I won't labour the point (I'll get my coat). If you have the help of either a helpful community or willing army of volunteers, then this can drop considerably. Personally, unless I was doing something for them in return, I'd feel a bit like I was taking advantage, though
The real secret is to get well meaning college kids to pay you for the "opportunity" to "intern" for you and pound dirt into tires for a week straight.
haha.yes thats true.. that is one way.. some people really dont like that, and call it slave labour.. personally. ive worked with 100's if not 1000s of international people teaching them how to build.. they never paid a cent and learned so much.. wow they were good times!
One of the most common misconceptions about Tyres is that they off gas or somehow can contaminate the soil. This is simply untrue and he is why. Tires do not significantly offgas when used in Earthships - Tires are made of vulcanized rubber, a stable material that does not readily break down or release gases at ambient temperatures. - The offgassing that does occur happens primarily when tires are new. Earthships use old, discarded tires that have already finished most of their offgassing. - Offgassing of tires requires high heat, UV exposure, and an oxygenated environment. When packed with rammed earth and covered by plaster, tires in Earthship walls are not exposed to any of these offgassing triggers. Tires are sealed and do not touch habitable spaces - Earthship tires are completely encased in a thick layer of rammed earth and sealed with plaster. Even if minor offgassing occurred, the gases could not enter the living space. - The tire walls are further separated from the interior by a vapor barrier and additional thermal mass on the interior walls. There is no air exchange between the tire walls and indoor air. Tires do not contaminate the soil - Earthships employ a thermal wrap which completely separates the tire walls from surrounding soil. The tires do not contact soil and cannot leach compounds into it. - Furthermore, the rammed earth that fills the tire voids is brought in from offsite - it is not native soil that could grow plants. - In designs without a thermal wrap, the compressed earth inside and covering the tires creates an nearly anaerobic environment that inhibits breakdown of the rubber and potential contamination. Real-world evidence shows no hazards from tire offgassing - Earthships have now been occupied for decades. No ill health effects linked to tire offgassing have been documented among Earthship residents. - Air quality tests done inside Earthships have not found elevated levels of any compounds associated with tire offgassing. - Animals frequently live in and around tire walls with no apparent negative health impacts, further demonstrating the lack of hazardous offgassing. In summary, when used properly in Earthship construction, discarded tires pose no risk of problematic offgassing or soil contamination. The tires are sealed, protected from environmental factors that cause offgassing, and isolated from direct contact with habitable spaces and plantable soil. Decades of empirical evidence living in and testing Earthships confirms their safety regarding tire offgassing.
That is incorrect there are many peer reviewed studies on what happens to tyres when burried especially in wet climates. I certainly don't use in our allotments and would want to live with 1000s of them in a wall of my house.
@@richardblack6569 I’m afraid you’re completely wrong Richard because Tyres used with earthships Do not come into direct contact with the ground at all. They are completely sealed within a waterproof membrane and much more besides so really I don’t know whether you’ve ever seen attire fire but they are seriously bad.
18 дней назад
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor ... nope, u can not totally seal off the tyres unless sealed in a thick plastic with ALL seams sealed. ... and tyres do degrade, have u never seen how older tires have cracks, that's because the oils in the rubber slowly leach out. ... as a kid mounted thousands of tires and they stink, old tires not so much because some of the gases and oils have leached off. ... however once u remove the tire from the rim u smell the chemicals and oil on the inside which were not exposed and have not leached off. ... so all this leaching will go into the soil and into ur well water ... when removing an old cracked tire, that gives of little smell ... to say tires r safe to the environment is like saying asphalt is safe. ... people do not stop and think, ... when asphalt is layed down it is black, but over time turns grey because the oils leach out, ... asphalt results in trillions o gallons of oil into the water table. .... there is also the flaw in ur roof vents. ... they open up exposing the opening to the elements, the top should be sloping down at the opening end/side ... should open up from an angle so when wide open re 45 degrees from level so rain or snow slip off
I don’t think you’re listening properly. How a tire is gonna leach if they are sealed within a airtight waterproof membrane.? it’s called EPDM it’s the same stuff we used to line ponds, which keeps water in for a very, very long time
@@lizastrawn6150 yes that’s a great end to your question. You are missing all of the most important details. It’s mostly in the video though but not all of it. It’s very quick and very easy relative to just about anything else and the tire work is usually done within a month and then you get to the real work which is roofing and finishing. Cost is up to u! Ive built for 5,000 usd a tiny home and also a palace foe 150k
There is really no alternative that you can use that would offer the same performance, strength durability, and life long performance that a tire wall can offer.. concrete walls are extremely brittle and susceptible to cracking, leaks not to mention their environmental credentials cost of purchase and transport, and then high skill needed to make these things whereas tire walls are almost free are much stronger , perform better, last forever and can be built with all the materials and dirt you have on site and honestly that’s just to get you started. There’s a lot more I could say.
The Earthship is a good example of sustainable building. I do balk at the tire pounded workload. Could thermal mass be made from rammed earth or hay bale?
Thanks for your comment. You know it’s one of the most common things that people say is about the tyre pounding … but when you’ve actually built an Earthship you’ll find out. It is the quickest easiest and most fun part of the entire process! once you get to the roof and to the finishing things really start to take a lot more time and become much more complicated. I’ve put a roof on two Earthship’s with the team of 15 volunteers working half days in very easy situation and we’ve done that in two weeks for a tiny home… and then we should remember that because of the way Earthship’s work it will also heat and cool yourself forever with no bills or maintenance which is why I often say every tire pounded today is wood You don’t have to chop tomorrow or a job you don’t have to go to. To answer your question, very simply.. no , nothing else compares to a tire wall in any respect
I've been a fan of Earthships since the mid-90's. The simplicity of design and eco considerations make for a compelling story. The one thing I continue to struggle with is one of cost. If materials are so cheap, why are Earthships in remote areas of Taos so expensive??
@@elj3ff358 it’s a great question. The bottom line is it’s an approach and the way that Mike does. Things is for a generational long insane build that suits his location. Also most of his systems by now are really easily replaced by far cheaper water filters In India, I built for $10,000 small home simply by just doing it with local materials, which is what Mike always wants to see The bottom line is almost nobody ever goes and does it themselves what they do it’s called Mike and when they do that, that’s what happens because he can only come for a couple of weeks and he has to bring all his stuff with him and systems that He’s already tried and tested. He doesn’t have time to start reinventing things I’m one of the few who’ve done that and lead entire builds single-handedly and can attest to the fact that it really is absolutely dirty if you want it to be
18 дней назад+1
... the tires also limit the thermal mass transfer of the surrounding soil as they insulate against any thermal transition from or to surrounding earth mass
I appreciate your comment, but you don’t seem to understand how it works. And it’s a bit hard to explain here in a comment! Ties are in fact, one of the best at managing thermal transition ! Stone for example it’s terrible because it transitions the thermal energy far too quickly and therefore stone houses heat up too fast and get very cold in winter very quickly with a massive fire or heating system Once you understand how good Tyres are, you will also understand why Michael Reynolds said even if you gave him $30 million to invent the best brick he would invent attire I’m not sure if you watch the whole video but please watch from 10 minutes onwards because there’s quite a good section there. That will explain why we use Tyres. It’s not really intuitive and it’s worth a look
Im building my own here in El paso, Canutillo. All by hand of course, all tires I get from the dumps, landfills, and from the road or freinds. This is the future. It dose not need to be fancy… Oh Im also doing Earthmlunds intergarating wood sticks as well, like Native American Earth mounds. Sounds familiar huh?
Wow, major hi-five! It’s so rare. I hear this very happy for you. You’re doing it the right way so many people just call Mike and then complain that it cost a fortune and that’s really not the right way to go for most people. It can be done like this And it’s so much more fun. Have a blast. Sounds like you are Vibing.🫡
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor vibing for sure bro. Imagine what we could build, with humans rewilding earth and less industrial machines. Feeding organic communites instead of corporations. Upcycling and regnerating. Ill be uploading my journey soon. Stay tuned! ✌🏾🌱🎶
My best advice would be that you would get some help from someone like myself or anyone with true experience in adapting earth ships to different climates to come up with a suitable design.. And then, as far as the labour goes, it’s really one of these things that depends because there’s so many options really depending on your budget and whether or not you want to have a hand in managing the work .. If you’ve got the head for it, then you can employ any labour because there’s no skill needed. I have built earth ships with children age 6, and even a very old 76 year old American woman who was very weak with Lyme disease and she was even more than happy to find her own way to fill tires, which she did literally sitting on the tire and just using a small, normal hammer and a mallet If you’re not sure about all this, then the best thing is to hire someone to manage the project after you have a design, but it’s really based on your budget.
Not sure I would use tyres though, I know nothing about building , but if a fire was to break out tyres burn for days and are toxic…. Curious minds want to know…… ice concept though…the earth part, keeping warm in winter, cool in summer…specially Australian summers 😓 I like that idea
Please watch the video in full and you will discover that the best way to stop Tyres burning is to use them in Earthship walls. They can and will only burn when they are left in piles in the sun. When used in walls they have so much dirt in them all the heat gets transferred to that dirt and then it’s plastered so it’s not even possible for a fire because there’s no oxygen there. Tile walls are earthquake, proof and fireproof. This is something that has been documented and shown many times.
In the tropics it is cheaper as there's no winter, and no need for that level of insulation. This concept is great for lots of other places, this video must be the first in the list of anyone researching the concept.
Yes! Its actually one of the best ways to do it long term! Better use rocks more than soil.. i see it often on some islands.. i dont see how it would effect sensitive sea life
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Sunken ships also make for great reefs. There have been a fair number of old ships deliberately scuttled to act as reef building material. Obviously they're drained of fuel and harmful materials are removed first
I really like the idea of earth ships, but without extensive testing I'll never be convinced the tires don't off gas into the home. Very cool idea and I've followed them from the sidelines for years.
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor phew!! I appreciate it, because sometimes I can be easily swayed😄 Hit enter too soon. Seriously though, I really like the idea, and an earth sheltered home is one of my dream homes. If I ever hit that lottery 😄
@@samuelboucher1454 I mean as the tires slowly degrade underground, I don't want to find out the chemicals leaching into the air of my home have been slowly killing me. We already have far too many things doing that, that I don't need to take that chance as well😄 A couple hundred old tires as your walls aren't a small thing, even if they are covered in earth. And it may not actually be a problem, but it will take a lot to convince me otherwise.
@@samuelboucher1454 yes, exactly.. bearing in mind ive lived in one for 12 years. and im quite sensitive.. truth is, when i go to any normal place, or dare to paint or varnish wood, its much worse! earthships vent so well that EVEN if there was anything significant left to off gass, that somehow made it through the sealed plastered walls, with stabalised temps and no sun, then that would just go out the window.
Here is a list of states and countries that have gained approval! In the UK i led the first ever build, Earthship Brighton.. it Gained many awards also: United States New Mexico: The birthplace of Earthships, where they are most commonly built and accepted. 35 States: Earthship projects have been initiated in numerous states, demonstrating a growing acceptance of this sustainable housing model23. California, Colorado, and Texas: These states are also notable for their Earthship communities and projects5. Countries with Approved Earthships United States: Particularly in New Mexico, Texas, California, and several other states. Canada Australia: Approved in states including New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, and South Australia. United Kingdom: Notable projects in Scotland and Brighton. Belgium Netherlands South Africa: The first Earthship was built near Hermanus. India: Projects on Andaman Islands. Puerto Rico Philippines Malawi Sierra Leone Eswatini (Swaziland) Cambodia Argentina Bolivia Belize China Czech Republic This list reflects a growing global interest in sustainable living through Earthship architecture, which utilizes recycled materials and renewable energy sources to create self-sufficient homes.
THere is a LOT more info in the book Earthship Bible That also has transcripts and more on this.. But each location is different and Earthships are versatile and adaptaable to most situations..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor then how is David Attenborough not in the credits? Because its probably an AI fake of David Attenborough which means your whole video is probably AI generated
Simple answer no tyres are not toxic for us when used in this way.. i’m not quite sure what you’re referring to when you talk about a mud flood but earth ships are the most Armageddon proof homes we could possibly build there is no mud flood that is going to cause any problem if it’s been done properly they are completely sealed waterproof and airtight
It’s good you’re thinking like that but honestly, it’s such a non-issue and it’s the first thing that everybody comments on.. I guess you have to go inside an Earthship to understand this .. the truth is that the chemicals that come from a new carpet or sofa or even painting your walls are actually toxic, whereas all discarded tires filled with dirt and then sealed with various layers means there is no chance of anything significant happening from the Tyres The good news is people have been living in Earthship since 1980 and I have lived in 1 for 12 years full-time .. I’ve never been more healthy or happy or comfortable than I have been in an Earthship..
Very nice, wish I lived in one but I'm not wealthy enough. Earthships are very expensive to build due to the labor costs. Even if the bottles, tires, and lumber are free, the amount of labor required is a deal killer by itself. Also when you consider that 70% of builders would rather be unemployed and homeless for life than to build something novel and unique, well good luck unless you have the ability to build it yourself.
thanks! well.. i guess it depends how u do it, and where you are .. i built a few in india, one was a tiny home done on just 4,000 USD in two weeks.. and we built that with just volunteers who were keen to learn. . but the standard global model isnt cheap.. but there are other ways!
The secret to earthships success is location. High desert is best with cool nights, lots of sun, and very low humidity. Don't try this in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi or any other place with warm nights and high humidity.
Thanks for your comment.. it’s true that There are many earth ships that have not been adapted Well to humid climate. But your comment isn’t really appropriate or correct.. We still need to do work on adapting to tropical climates and that is something I am doing and will be testing. I hope soon.
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor My comment is both appropriate and correct. Earth ships are not appropriate for high humidity climates. If you try, you will be fighting the basic design the whole time when there are much more appropriate building methods available.
@@chapter4travels well I appreciate that’s your opinion, but you’re just wrong. It’s very easy to do if you know what you’re doing ..unfortunately until now most people who do this have done it with the wrong people with the wrong design. I have a design that I’m fairly certain. It’s not going to be a problem with humidity because it’s been well designed for very humid and even tropical climates and I hope within the next year or two I’m going to build it and test it so people can start to evolve earth ships for these climates properly It’s not that hard with the right design!
@@chapter4travels all you have to do is do it properly whatever you say about alternatives you could probably do with an Earthship because the issue isn’t with the walls is it when it comes to humidity? It’s the ventilation it’s the greenhouse. It’s the separation of the greenhouse from the living space it’s the use of appropriate technology when needed such as fans which can be very low powered and useful way to drive out humidity alongside other elements.. When you ditch the use of earth, rammed Tyres , you lose a long list of benefits that really are not even related to humidity.. It’s true that the design needs to be significantly modified from its current global model state to really work and it’s also true that Michael Reynolds has not the time to do such things because he doesn’t need to. He doesn’t live in the tropics and he’s waiting for the others to do that work and slowly, and surely it is happening ..
Some of the principles are great like leveraging solar gain, air-earth exchange geothermal, grey water recycling, etc. But if cans and old tires in a landfill are a problem for the environment and human health, how is it suddenly a great idea to simply put the landfill material in your house? Encasing the tires in dirt and/or concrete doesn’t stop decay. Have there been any objective, independent air quality studies done on earthships? Earthships also suffer from excessive humidity and mold. Has that issue been remedied yet? Thanks!
Hey there Tim! thanks for your question. It’s a very good one and I’d like to respond as best I can … First, let's talk about the scale of the problem. In 2016, a massive tire fire broke out in Seseña, Spain, involving an estimated 5 to 6 million illegally dumped tires. The blaze was so intense that it could be seen from space and required the evacuation of nearly 10,000 people. Firefighters struggled to contain the inferno, which raged for days and released toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Another shocking example is the Sulaibiya tire graveyard in Kuwait, considered one of the largest tire dumping sites in the world with over 7 million tires covering more than 1 square kilometer. These incidents highlight the extreme difficulty in extinguishing large-scale tire fires and the significant environmental and health hazards they pose. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, approximately 1 billion tires reach the end of their useful lives every year worldwide, with many ending up in landfills or illegal dumping sites. It's a mind-boggling number that underscores the urgency of finding sustainable solutions. Now, let's talk about how Earthships offer a compelling alternative. Numerous credible studies have concluded that the off-gassing from tires used in Earthships is barely detectable, even when the tires are not covered by render or other layers. The way tires are utilized in Earthships actually contributes to their preservation and prevents them from deteriorating. By completely encasing them in thermal mass, the tires are shielded from exposure to air, light, and UV rays, rendering them stable and safe within the walls. Moreover, the use of tires in Earthships represents a decentralized approach to tire disposal. Unlike the enormous piles of tires concentrated in landfills, Earthships distribute the tires and contain them, significantly reducing their impact on the soil and the risk of large-scale fires. The thermal mass surrounding the tires acts as a protective barrier, "entombing" them and enhancing the fire-resistant properties of the structure. While some individuals have encountered issues with humidity and mold in their Earthships, these challenges can be overcome through proper design and ventilation. It all comes down to effectively controlling moisture levels. the scientific evidence supports the safety and stability of tires used in Earthships. By repurposing these materials in an intelligent and decentralized manner, we are not only creating sustainable and resilient homes but also contributing to the solution of the global tire waste crisis. However, it is crucial that we continue to explore and implement a multi-faceted approach to address this pressing issue, including effective recycling and repurposing strategies, stricter regulations on tire disposal, and raising awareness about the environmental and health risks associated with tire stockpiles. Also, it’s worth mentioning I lived in an Earthship for 12 years in a very damp monsoon climate and I’ve never been as comfortable and healthy and strong … and I had also stayed in several other homes in the same location, including eartbag home a Stonehouse a cob house and nothing compares to what Earthship can deliver even without heating!
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Thanks for the quick response. I’m not sure an illegal tire dump in Spain catching fire is relevant to my questions. Nor is the massive Kuwait disposal site. We already agree that dumping tires isn’t great (yet an inevitable byproduct of driving) and obviously burning them is a terrible idea - intentional or not. Perhaps a case could be made for spreading out tire pollution rather than concentrating it. Citations of independent studies would be more persuasive than emotional appeals or anecdotes that putting them inside a home is a healthy alternative. An earthship style home could easily be built without the tires - using earth bags (or super-/hyperadobe), stabilized earth, or compressed earth blocks to achieve the same thermal mass effect. Again with the humidity/mold issue, anecdotes are interesting but they are rarely representative and don’t address the issue. Have people figured out solutions for air flow or humidity/mold mitigation?
@@timmbot6082 well I think you better watch the video again?. I don’t know what else to say. That’s the thing I would just be repeating myself but one quote I really like to share is from Michael Reynolds whereby he said “if you gave me $50 million to invent the best brick the best building block that I could I would probably invent a tire” and the reason he said that is for 100 reasons … so it’s a bit hard to answer your question that’s the thing and actually that’s why I made this video which is probably one of the ones that covers most of the reasoning so if that doesn’t answer your question, then I’m afraid I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that or perhaps you could give me a very specific question cause I feel like it’s answered between the video and my last comment, thanks and but just to clarify, there is no issue with toxicity and Tyres when they are situated in an Earthship home. It has been tested in many ways. Tyres actually do not even touch the soil or ground in anyway when they’re built properly, they are contained within the thermal wrap so even that is a major improvement not to mention that they don’t require any concrete foundation and of course yes they are safely preserved when they are built as a home rather than as they are in Kuwait, for example which is essentially a natural disaster waiting to happen…
@AlexEarthshipLeeor it's a gun range made out of vegetation. You see them a lot in Arizona. Basically recycle that's good for the environment made into blocks with sand pressed around it.
Well, it’s been a long time since I was on a gun range! ;) although I used to live in America and I would’ve quite appreciated a natural gun range that didn’t involve killing animals!
@AlexEarthshipLeeor well luckily I've never been on a gun range that involved killing animals. The fact they make them out of recycle trash these days is amazing.
Just looked up the cost on your website. 600k???? Affordable? Gtfoh what a scam. After seeing this video then seeing your real pricing, I will be sure to call you out on any videos or websites I find.
lol. no idea what you are talking about? im a private citixzen, non commercial..ive been building for free for 20 years in India.. tiny earthships i have built in two weeks for 5,000 USD! .. maybe u saw something else?
it does seem that way,,.. and it can be also.. but this is the kind of work that literally anyone with zero experience or skill can do.. so u can actually get the cheapest labour and make it a fun experience .. note also that with a nice team and a resonable size, you are DONE in just a few weeks.. in the end the tyre work is the easiest, cheapest and quickest part my friend.. its when u hit the roof that things start to get intersting.. and expensive!
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor I'm well aware of the numerous benefits to this style of home and applaud them all. The cost to achieve it can't be ignored, however. As I plan for a build in the next couple of years, I want to incorporate aspects of this. Particularly important are super-effeiciencies realized from rammed earth.
@@Oldguard_8 the cost to achieve it, is up to you! YES, if you want to call MIke in and do a mike style global model then it will cost a lot BUT I never did that and thats what mike has been waiting for most of his career.. to see people run with this and adapt it to their own needs ive done a tiny house in two weeks with just vounteers on a 4,000 USD budget for example..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor I've been a huge fan of the concepts for years. I dread stretching every possible dollar just to live in a cookie-cutter 'hood and still hear my neighbors having a convo in their yard, and seeing my utility bills climb ahead of inflation. To that end, stretching every possible dollar for energy efficiency and doing as much of the manual labor for a build is where I've migrated, SIRE wall or earth-block seems to be where I'm landing.
Much as I love the earthship concept... For one, even if you gave me 30 million dollars, I could not find a more labor intensive way to build a wall than ramming earth into tires--no my back cannot survive it. For two, if everyone lived in earthships, the sprawl would already cover the continent--cities achieve their ecological efficiency and keep people from wasting land by stacking homes vertically. Some earthship principles can be applied, but no apartment is much like an earthship.
Appreciate it may seem like that especially if you watch some people do this, but I have built a tiny home in two weeks with a handful of volunteers using various different techniques. It really was very easy… we didn’t have to dig and mix concrete for a foundation. We didn’t have to find the right kind of soil. We didn’t have to mix soil with water like you do with cob, which is really hard work and takes forever… And in just two weeks we had a house .. and don’t forget as I like to say every tire pounded today is Wood You don’t have to chop tomorrow because Earthship run bill free which means you don’t have to work to pay to live forever Here’s a video I made showing one way to pound attire. You barely need to stand up. You don’t really need even a big sledgehammer and it takes about 15 minutes.видео.htmlsi=sf9SdzQ0hz0wkBqV
Your theory of earthships wasting land is false, all you have to do is calculated land needed to produce the resources (food, utilities etc.) of the average city dweller. Most living in earthships have these resources on site there by eliminating much or all of the need of those external inputs.
Thanks for your comment. You know that are really easy ways to pound tires. In fact I’ve worked with a 75-year-old Canadian lady with Lyme disease and she found a way to do it quite easily. You really don’t have to use a huge heavy hammer and hit hard the whole time.! Also, I don’t know whether you know, but outside of cities most of this planet is completely uninhabited. The only reason these places are usually not developed is because of the cost to bring infrastructure. With Earthship’s all of that is removed, which is what makes them so compelling as a viable option to build in rural areas
The cost of building is cheap IF you pack your tires yourself or get free labor to do it for you. IF you can't do that then that will be the highest cost of your build. Depending on the size of your place you would be looking at $30,000-$100,000 in labor costs. Did you steal David Attenborough voice??
Thats right! Or u can move to a country where it’s cheaper to build an employee labor like I did. I moved to India and the labor. There is really really cheap even when you pay them fair wage.! And to answer your question, I cloned David’s voice yes I suppose you could call that stealing, but I’m not really sure how you can steal a sound
I like the idea of Earthships, but the people promoting these things exaggerate too much. Earthships will NOT solve the housing crisis because most people live in cities where you cannot have easy access to a south exposure with plenty of land. And that is just the beginning. That said, I like the idea of using the thermal mass around a home to moderate the outside temperatures. I would not use tires as the base of the walls, however.
thats true, as long as most people want to be in the cities, Earthships will never solve the criiss.. BUT, .. anyone who does want to exit, can do so and live a nice peaceful life if they like!.. maybe one day also cities will lose their charm.. if they havent already in many places..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Yes, and actually, I'm hoping to buy about 6 acres of land in the next few years. I want to build something that is a cross between an Earthship and a barndominium (or shop house). I think the Earthship has a few design flaws. One is that the south-facing windows are tilted, which I believe puts a strain on them and reduces their lifespan. In my version, I'll just make them vertical. Also, instead of using packed tires, I would opt for a stonewall. I'm interested in experimenting with "Sand batteries" and could potentially incorporate something like that in the project.
Thanks for your comment and feedback I’m going to be very fussy on the wording because I’m trying to educate here so let me just respond It’s not really correct to say it’s a design flaw because the sloped windows were created and used in Taos New Mexico, and in that location it’s worth the effort because of the very extreme winters that they have …and I’ve been there in a very mild winter night and it was absolutely freezing cold outside But I might add too warm inside with no heating in the front door wide open.. Every Earthship that’s made will always be adapted according to the location the materials that we have and the desires of the person making it . one of the joys of earth ships is it adaptability and flexibility when I built my first Earthship in India, I more or less threw away the books, even though I understood them I didn’t use most of the approaches and just did it the way that I needed to do to make things work So you’re quite right though in what you say in terms of it being much more difficult also with leaking and indeed the strength and many people these days and have done for a long time use pure vertical windows and I also agree I quite like it..
Also, it’s really important for you to understand that by changing to stone from tires means that you lose nearly all of the benefits of an Earthship. There are so many that I wrote 99 reasons why earth ships are awesome and most of them depend on having Tyres.. I’ll try and find you a link but I’ve made a RUclips video that goes through all the reasons why we use Tyres I think it’s worth you watching because you might be surprised and it might help you make a more informed decision
You will understand when you see how much text there is below why I have to make these videos and write a book because this section I’m gonna just copy for you as a kind of gift for everyone really just so you can see here are 27 Reasons why we want to use Tyres.. I could sum it up with one famous quote from Mike who once said “if you gave me $50 million to find the best building brick I would invent a tire “ The Tyre A Building Block for the Ages When it comes to sustainable construction, the humble car tyre reigns supreme as the ultimate building block. Its versatility, durability, and thermal mass properties make it an unparalleled choice for creating structures that are not only environmentally friendly but also built to stand the test of time. And perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of using tyres in construction is the sheer flexibility they offer in terms of the materials that can be used to fill them. Unlike traditional building methods that rely on specific types of soil or carefully engineered concrete mixes, tyres can be filled with an astonishing array of materials. From sand and gravel to rocks, bricks, and even recycled tiles, almost any non-degradable substance can be used to create a solid, stable tyre wall. This adaptability is a game-changer in the world of sustainable construction, as it allows Earthships to be built in virtually any location, using locally sourced materials that might otherwise be considered waste. The process of pounding earth (or any other suitable material) into a tyre is a simple yet effective way to create a building block that is both strong and thermally efficient. As the material is compacted into the tyre, it forms a dense, solid mass that can withstand the forces of nature and provide excellent insulation. The tyre itself acts as a natural form of reinforcement, containing the compacted material and eliminating the need for additional support structures. This flexibility in material choice is particularly valuable in regions where traditional building materials may be scarce or prohibitively expensive. By using tyres and locally available fill materials, communities can construct durable, sustainable homes and buildings that are tailored to their specific needs and resources. This not only reduces the environmental impact of construction but also empowers people to take control of their built environment and create structures that are truly reflective of their local context. Moreover, the use of non-degradable fill materials in tyre walls contributes to the incredible longevity and resilience of Earthships. While traditional building materials like wood and concrete may deteriorate over time due to moisture, pests, or other environmental factors, the contents of a well-sealed tyre wall remain stable and intact for centuries. This means that Earthships not only provide a comfortable, energy-efficient living space in the present but also a durable, low-maintenance home that can be passed down through generations. In a world where sustainability, adaptability, and resilience are increasingly important, the tyre stands out as a building block that embodies all of these qualities. Its ability to accommodate a wide range of fill materials makes it a truly universal solution for sustainable construction, applicable in any context and adaptable to any challenge. As we look to the future and seek ways to build homes and communities that can withstand the tests of time and climate, the humble tyre will undoubtedly play a central role, offering a foundation for the ages. Why Tires are the Ultimate Building Block Tyres are indigenous to the entire planet, making them readily available in most locations worldwide. Using tyres in construction helps address the global waste problem by repurposing a problematic waste material that would otherwise end up in landfills or illegal dumps. Tyres make the perfect building brick, being earthquake resistant and lasting for thousands of years when used in Earthship walls. tyre walls provide the foundation, load-bearing walls, heating and cooling system, and protection from the elements all in one. Tyres are fireproof when packed with earth, making Earthships highly resistant to fire damage. Tyre walls do not require a concrete foundation due to their monolithic nature and ability to "float" on the bearing capacity of the soil. Tyres are a low-tech building material that requires minimal training and equipment to use in construction. Tyre walls have a high thermal mass, allowing them to store temperature and regulate the interior climate of an Earthship. When plastered over, tyre walls create a thick, dense mass that facilitates the passage and storage of temperature, acting like a "battery" for temperature. The thermal mass of tyre walls, combined with the insulation of the earth berm, allows Earthships to maintain stable indoor temperatures year-round with little to no additional heating or cooling. Tyre walls are resilient and can withstand severe weather events like hurricanes and earthquakes due to their flexible, shock-absorbing nature. Tyres are termite and bug proof due to the dense packing of the soil and the presence of steel belts, creating an inhospitable environment for pests. Even after decades of searching, Mike Reynolds has not found a more effective, affordable, and universally applicable building material than tyres. As he states, "If somebody gave me 30 million dollars and said: 'Develop the best form... develop the best building material you can find' I'd probably invent a tyre.” Versatility in construction: Tyres can be pounded using various methods, making the process adaptable to different skill levels and physical abilities. From young children to elderly individuals, anyone can participate in tyre pounding, either standing up, sitting down, or using different tools like large hammers, small hammers, feet, or even fingers. Accessibility of materials: Any type of soil, including sand, can be used to fill tyres, making it easy to source materials locally and reducing the need for transportation. Simplicity of the process: Pounding tyres is a straightforward task that can be easily learned and executed, even by people with no prior construction experience. Minimal site preparation: tyre walls can be built on uneven terrain with minimal leveling required, as each tyre can be adjusted individually to create a level surface. Flexibility in design: tyre walls can be modified or rearranged during the construction process, allowing for adaptability and customization of the design as needed. Movability: If necessary, tyre walls and foundations can be moved during construction, providing a level of flexibility and adaptability, allowing for last minute changes. Empowerment of communities: The simplicity and accessibility of tyre construction can empower communities to build their own homes and structures, promoting self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on external resources. Promotion of teamwork: tyre pounding can be a communal activity that encourages collaboration, fosters a sense of community, and strengthens social bonds among participants. Therapeutic benefits: The physical act of pounding tyres can serve as a form of stress relief and provide a sense of accomplishment, contributing to the overall well-being of those involved in the construction process. Cost-effectiveness: By using locally sourced materials and minimizing the need for specialized equipment or skills, tyre construction can significantly reduce the overall cost of building, making it an economically viable option for many. Adaptability to various climates: tyre walls can be built in a wide range of climates, from hot and arid to cold and wet, as the thermal mass properties of the tyres help regulate interior temperatures and provide insulation. Longevity and low maintenance: When properly constructed and maintained, tyre walls can last for decades or even centuries, requiring minimal upkeep and repairs over time. Tyre walls are incredibly strong, able to withstand impacts that would easily destroy traditional brick or concrete walls. Please read the Earthship Bible Book and then make your decision 🙏✨🍀
Absolutely right! Glad u paid such close attention! Anything else to say?
18 дней назад
... solar is inefficient (limited by days of sunshine and especially with the chemtrails), wind is a joke (only produce in a narrow wind speed band, too little and nothing, too much and the clutch disengages. ... best way for power 24/7 with no need for batteries is mini water turbines
Incorrect. If you choose to work with Michael Reynolds, and copy his approach and the way he does things then they may well cost more to build although of course a lifetime with no utility bills is a whole Nother story… But more importantly, it’s very easy to build on a shoestring budget if you do it without using the biotech company . I’ve personally built two tiny earth ships on budgets of just $3000. I worked with the lowest skill labor that I lead and directed. I invited people to come and learn whilst working for free and I used local materials and adapted all of the systems to use locally sourced systems such as simple water filters are easily available today rather than the entire water organizing module that costs alone many thousands of dollars if you just buy it.
18 дней назад
... lol, the plaster, unless it is fiberglass or the like will NEVER seal off the tires. ... it may slow the leaching down but will never stop/seal them as u claim. ... u can seal the plaster with expoxy paint but that too off gases for YEARS
I’m not really sure if you understand the whole principle. Tyres do not touch the ground or soil directly. They are sealed by essentially something equivalent to a pond liner and you can be sure there’s nothing going through it. As far as offgassing goes, this has been tested so many times, it’s not an issue with old used tires end of story.
18 дней назад
... far better to just use 1/4 radius of a giant culvert. ... they r made to withstand a great deal of load, ... if u want more height at rear of building build a small concrete 'pony wall' ... far quicker, and, how many people can get enough people to help pack tires, which is heavy labor.... would take a person YEARS to pack enough tires by themselves, or, cost a fortune to hire people to help. ... ya, u get suckers to help u in the gize that they r learning how to build and underground house, and stupid enough to pay u for the ;course'
I reckon you should try the Earthship LLM so you can understand everything you said is just not right at all.. you call me a sucker but I never did any workshop or any of Mike’s courses. I built it using my brains because it’s quite easy if you think about it properly and understand biotecture. You call me a sucker. I spent the last 12 years living in a home that has given me everything I need to live and I have had virtually zero bills or maintenance. I could go on
Would you like to try the world’s first Earthship biotecture LLM for all your Sustainable building and living questions ?
I have spent the past 12 months creating this and it is absolutely ready to test ! If you would like to learn more in a very informal and fun way, this is no ordinary LLM!!
Please go to the link below and try it ! There is no subscriptions. It’s simply $1 to try it and you can have many chats.
Please share any feedback here! Much appreciated
OR if you prefer you can read the Earthship Bible Book @
I'm planning on trying to build an Earth Ship home this year. I'm also trying to learn everything I can before I get started. I'm almost 60 and I am a widow living alone. I've always wanted to do this. After battling cancer the few years I finally feel ready to get my dream started 🙂
Wow! U got this! Wishing u the best!
Try the earthship LLM for good advice :)
I love the concept of earthships. Honestly, if I had the money, It's something I'd definitely consider doing.
There are a couple of issues that many of the videos extolling their virtues don't touch on, which can make them expensive.
1. They need land - you need sufficient space to build the earth berm behind the tyre wall, and space for the black water runoff/filtration (often done by planting reed beds or similar that thrive on poo). Land, depending on where you live, can also be difficult to come by, and expensive to purchase.
2. Orientation - for best results and efficiency, in the Northern hemisphere, they really need to be facing South (or as close as possible), in order for the solar panels and windows/thermal mass to be at their most efficient. So you also need to be picky on the land you select, to ensure that you can have the earthship windows facing South. Flip all of that for the Southern hemisphere
3. Materials - Depending on where you live, the materials you'll need for the interior plaster may well differ. We know that the polished mud style plaster the earthships in New Mexico use works perfectly in the hot and dry environment of the desert, but using the same methods for colder, wetter climes might not work so well. So you'll need to adapt the general concept to your own environmental requirements.
4. Off grid stuff - So, the water reclamation is easy in a reasonably wet place. You just need big butts (and I cannot lie, I've been waiting to do that pun since I started writing this!). However, solar panels, batteries, inverters and the other associated microcontrollers are *not* cheap, especially if they're new. Also worth bearing in mind that if you do get them second hand, there is an absolute guarantee that they will be less efficient, as the materials in the panels degrades over time, and battery charge capabilities drop over time also. With that said, second hand car batteries are actually not a bad shout (so long as you can get them cheap), as they still should retain ~80% of their original capacity after 5 - 10 years, so they're still viable for passive storage.
5. Local rules - In the UK, it is illegal to work on the main junction box of a home unless you're a licenced electrician. I imagine there are rules like that for most countries. So while you can DIY some or even most things, there will be certain aspects of the technical build that you will have to hire a tradesperson for. I'd go with the main junction box, solar panel wiring, water filtration and grey/black water systems as an absolute minimum for outside help, personally!
Some of the above may not be applicable in some places, so YMMV.
Other people have already mentioned the other potential construction costs, so I won't labour the point (I'll get my coat). If you have the help of either a helpful community or willing army of volunteers, then this can drop considerably. Personally, unless I was doing something for them in return, I'd feel a bit like I was taking advantage, though
Excellent video! Well done.
Thank u 🙏
Oh wow ! I've made a video of one the first french earthships !
Thank you for this great content !
@@larchipellereplay thank u larch 🙏✨💚
Thank u!
The real secret is to get well meaning college kids to pay you for the "opportunity" to "intern" for you and pound dirt into tires for a week straight.
haha.yes thats true.. that is one way.. some people really dont like that, and call it slave labour.. personally. ive worked with 100's if not 1000s of international people teaching them how to build.. they never paid a cent and learned so much.. wow they were good times!
One of the most common misconceptions about Tyres is that they off gas or somehow can contaminate the soil. This is simply untrue and he is why.
Tires do not significantly offgas when used in Earthships
- Tires are made of vulcanized rubber, a stable material that does not readily break down or release gases at ambient temperatures.
- The offgassing that does occur happens primarily when tires are new. Earthships use old, discarded tires that have already finished most of their offgassing.
- Offgassing of tires requires high heat, UV exposure, and an oxygenated environment. When packed with rammed earth and covered by plaster, tires in Earthship walls are not exposed to any of these offgassing triggers.
Tires are sealed and do not touch habitable spaces
- Earthship tires are completely encased in a thick layer of rammed earth and sealed with plaster. Even if minor offgassing occurred, the gases could not enter the living space.
- The tire walls are further separated from the interior by a vapor barrier and additional thermal mass on the interior walls. There is no air exchange between the tire walls and indoor air.
Tires do not contaminate the soil
- Earthships employ a thermal wrap which completely separates the tire walls from surrounding soil. The tires do not contact soil and cannot leach compounds into it.
- Furthermore, the rammed earth that fills the tire voids is brought in from offsite - it is not native soil that could grow plants.
- In designs without a thermal wrap, the compressed earth inside and covering the tires creates an nearly anaerobic environment that inhibits breakdown of the rubber and potential contamination.
Real-world evidence shows no hazards from tire offgassing
- Earthships have now been occupied for decades. No ill health effects linked to tire offgassing have been documented among Earthship residents.
- Air quality tests done inside Earthships have not found elevated levels of any compounds associated with tire offgassing.
- Animals frequently live in and around tire walls with no apparent negative health impacts, further demonstrating the lack of hazardous offgassing.
In summary, when used properly in Earthship construction, discarded tires pose no risk of problematic offgassing or soil contamination. The tires are sealed, protected from environmental factors that cause offgassing, and isolated from direct contact with habitable spaces and plantable soil. Decades of empirical evidence living in and testing Earthships confirms their safety regarding tire offgassing.
That is incorrect there are many peer reviewed studies on what happens to tyres when burried especially in wet climates. I certainly don't use in our allotments and would want to live with 1000s of them in a wall of my house.
@@richardblack6569 I’m afraid you’re completely wrong Richard because Tyres used with earthships Do not come into direct contact with the ground at all. They are completely sealed within a waterproof
membrane and much more besides so really I don’t know whether you’ve ever seen attire fire but they are seriously bad.
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor ... nope, u can not totally seal off the tyres unless sealed in a thick plastic with ALL seams sealed.
... and tyres do degrade, have u never seen how older tires have cracks, that's because the oils in the rubber slowly leach out.
... as a kid mounted thousands of tires and they stink, old tires not so much because some of the gases and oils have leached off.
... however once u remove the tire from the rim u smell the chemicals and oil on the inside which were not exposed and have not leached off.
... so all this leaching will go into the soil and into ur well water
... when removing an old cracked tire, that gives of little smell
... to say tires r safe to the environment is like saying asphalt is safe.
... people do not stop and think,
... when asphalt is layed down it is black, but over time turns grey because the oils leach out,
... asphalt results in trillions o gallons of oil into the water table.
.... there is also the flaw in ur roof vents.
... they open up exposing the opening to the elements, the top should be sloping down at the opening end/side
... should open up from an angle so when wide open re 45 degrees from level so rain or snow slip off
I don’t think you’re listening properly. How a tire is gonna leach if they are sealed within a airtight waterproof membrane.? it’s called EPDM it’s the same stuff we used to line ponds, which keeps water in for a very, very long time
How are the vent pipes kept dry from condensation?
They are sloped down away from the home.. so any water will run out
filling up those tires a bit labor intensive, and this does not seem inexpensive to build, what am I missing?
@@lizastrawn6150 yes that’s a great end to your question. You are missing all of the most important details. It’s mostly in the video though but not all of it. It’s very quick and very easy relative to just about anything else and the tire work is usually done within a month and then you get to the real work which is roofing and finishing.
Cost is up to u! Ive built for 5,000 usd a tiny home and also a palace foe 150k
Could concrete forms be a faster option to retaining the back wall?
There is really no alternative that you can use that would offer the same performance, strength durability, and life long performance that a tire wall can offer..
concrete walls are extremely brittle and susceptible to cracking, leaks not to mention their environmental credentials cost of purchase and transport, and then high skill needed to make these things
whereas tire walls are almost free are much stronger , perform better, last forever and can be built with all the materials and dirt you have on site and honestly that’s just to get you started. There’s a lot more I could say.
The Earthship is a good example of sustainable building.
I do balk at the tire pounded workload.
Could thermal mass be made from rammed earth or hay bale?
Thanks for your comment. You know it’s one of the most common things that people say is about the tyre pounding … but when you’ve actually built an Earthship you’ll find out. It is the quickest easiest and most fun part of the entire process!
once you get to the roof and to the finishing things really start to take a lot more time and become much more complicated. I’ve put a roof on two Earthship’s with the team of 15 volunteers working half days in very easy situation and we’ve done that in two weeks for a tiny home…
and then we should remember that because of the way Earthship’s work it will also heat and cool yourself forever with no bills or maintenance which is why I often say every tire pounded today is wood You don’t have to chop tomorrow or a job you don’t have to go to.
To answer your question, very simply.. no , nothing else compares to a tire wall in any respect
Rhanks for excellent compilation
I've been a fan of Earthships since the mid-90's. The simplicity of design and eco considerations make for a compelling story. The one thing I continue to struggle with is one of cost. If materials are so cheap, why are Earthships in remote areas of Taos so expensive??
@@elj3ff358 it’s a great question. The bottom line is it’s an approach and the way that Mike does. Things is for a generational long insane build that suits his location. Also most of his systems by now are really easily replaced by far cheaper water filters
In India, I built for $10,000 small home simply by just doing it with local materials, which is what Mike always wants to see
The bottom line is almost nobody ever goes and does it themselves what they do it’s called Mike and when they do that, that’s what happens because he can only come for a couple of weeks and he has to bring all his stuff with him and systems that He’s already tried and tested. He doesn’t have time to start reinventing things
I’m one of the few who’ve done that and lead entire builds single-handedly and can attest to the fact that it really is absolutely dirty if you want it to be
... the tires also limit the thermal mass transfer of the surrounding soil as they insulate against any thermal transition from or to surrounding earth mass
I appreciate your comment, but you don’t seem to understand how it works. And it’s a bit hard to explain here in a comment!
Ties are in fact, one of the best at managing thermal transition ! Stone for example it’s terrible because it transitions the thermal energy far too quickly and therefore stone houses heat up too fast and get very cold in winter very quickly with a massive fire or heating system
Once you understand how good Tyres are, you will also understand why Michael Reynolds said even if you gave him $30 million to invent the best brick he would invent attire
I’m not sure if you watch the whole video but please watch from 10 minutes onwards because there’s quite a good section there. That will explain why we use Tyres. It’s not really intuitive and it’s worth a look
Im building my own here in El paso, Canutillo. All by hand of course, all tires I get from the dumps, landfills, and from the road or freinds.
This is the future. It dose not need to be fancy… Oh Im also doing Earthmlunds intergarating wood sticks as well, like Native American Earth mounds. Sounds familiar huh?
Wow, major hi-five! It’s so rare. I hear this very happy for you. You’re doing it the right way
so many people just call Mike and then complain that it cost a fortune and that’s really not the right way to go for most people. It can be done like this And it’s so much more fun. Have a blast. Sounds like you are Vibing.🫡
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor vibing for sure bro. Imagine what we could build, with humans rewilding earth and less industrial machines.
Feeding organic communites instead of corporations. Upcycling and regnerating.
Ill be uploading my journey soon. Stay tuned! ✌🏾🌱🎶
Yes! Ive been imagining it for quite some time. ✨😜
How to find people that can do this for me. After becoming physically challenged I couldn’t do this. I n ed h open!!
My best advice would be that you would get some help from someone like myself or anyone with true experience in adapting earth ships to different climates to come up with a suitable design..
And then, as far as the labour goes, it’s really one of these things that depends because there’s so many options really depending on your budget and whether or not you want to have a hand in managing the work ..
If you’ve got the head for it, then you can employ any labour because there’s no skill needed. I have built earth ships with children age 6, and even a very old 76 year old American woman who was very weak with Lyme disease and she was even more than happy to find her own way to fill tires, which she did literally sitting on the tire and just using a small, normal hammer and a mallet
If you’re not sure about all this, then the best thing is to hire someone to manage the project after you have a design, but it’s really based on your budget.
@@Yael97149 thank you so much for the gift. That’s really beautiful and actually my very first as I only recently got monetized. 🙏✨🌈
Resources are not "scarce". Other than that, good video!
Not sure I would use tyres though, I know nothing about building , but if a fire was to break out tyres burn for days and are toxic…. Curious minds want to know…… ice concept though…the earth part, keeping warm in winter, cool in summer…specially Australian summers 😓 I like that idea
Please watch the video in full and you will discover that the best way to stop Tyres burning is to use them in Earthship walls. They can and will only burn when they are left in piles in the sun.
When used in walls they have so much dirt in them all the heat gets transferred to that dirt and then it’s plastered so it’s not even possible for a fire because there’s no oxygen there. Tile walls are earthquake, proof and fireproof. This is something that has been documented and shown many times.
The Earthship song is a musical instruction for construction. Very fun.
City lots, unfortunately, aren't conducive for a proper earthship.
Yes! Cities in general aren’t really conducive for a Earthship. They really are something made for people who want to live anywhere but the city.
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor please visit anytime for a little country style hospitality while taking in the city.
You'd be surprised
Earthship homes need to be advertised, worldwide .
Im trying Robin find m trying 🌈🌀😊
In the tropics it is cheaper as there's no winter, and no need for that level of insulation. This concept is great for lots of other places, this video must be the first in the list of anyone researching the concept.
Can this be used to help shore up islands that are eroding or will it damage sensitive corals and other sea life?
Yes! Its actually one of the best ways to do it long term! Better use rocks more than soil.. i see it often on some islands.. i dont see how it would effect sensitive sea life
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Sunken ships also make for great reefs. There have been a fair number of old ships deliberately scuttled to act as reef building material. Obviously they're drained of fuel and harmful materials are removed first
@@UncleGrinder why no? ive seen it work very well in many places, long term and cheap also!.. they can also be used to stop stone walls from subsiding
Green erath concept very great job
Nandri! ❤ thank u 🙏 is a good home to grow vegetable’s 😂 xx
I really like the idea of earth ships, but without extensive testing I'll never be convinced the tires don't off gas into the home.
Very cool idea and I've followed them from the sidelines for years.
ok well.. then i wont try to convince u!
What do you mean that the tires 'off gas into the home'?
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor phew!! I appreciate it, because sometimes I can be easily swayed😄
Hit enter too soon.
Seriously though, I really like the idea, and an earth sheltered home is one of my dream homes.
If I ever hit that lottery 😄
@@samuelboucher1454 I mean as the tires slowly degrade underground, I don't want to find out the chemicals leaching into the air of my home have been slowly killing me.
We already have far too many things doing that, that I don't need to take that chance as well😄
A couple hundred old tires as your walls aren't a small thing, even if they are covered in earth.
And it may not actually be a problem, but it will take a lot to convince me otherwise.
@@samuelboucher1454 yes, exactly.. bearing in mind ive lived in one for 12 years. and im quite sensitive.. truth is, when i go to any normal place, or dare to paint or varnish wood, its much worse!
earthships vent so well that EVEN if there was anything significant left to off gass, that somehow made it through the sealed plastered walls, with stabalised temps and no sun, then that would just go out the window.
Yes yes 🙌🏽
Ai Attenborough doesn't seem to explain how you get this to pass any local building standards.
well, earthships have already done that in most countries and USA states.. Earthship FLorida is one.. example
Here is a list of states and countries that have gained approval!
In the UK i led the first ever build, Earthship Brighton.. it Gained many awards also:
United States
New Mexico: The birthplace of Earthships, where they are most commonly built and accepted.
35 States: Earthship projects have been initiated in numerous states, demonstrating a growing acceptance of this sustainable housing model23.
California, Colorado, and Texas: These states are also notable for their Earthship communities and projects5.
Countries with Approved Earthships
United States: Particularly in New Mexico, Texas, California, and several other states.
Australia: Approved in states including New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, and South Australia.
United Kingdom: Notable projects in Scotland and Brighton.
South Africa: The first Earthship was built near Hermanus.
India: Projects on Andaman Islands.
Puerto Rico
Sierra Leone
Eswatini (Swaziland)
Czech Republic
This list reflects a growing global interest in sustainable living through Earthship architecture, which utilizes recycled materials and renewable energy sources to create self-sufficient homes.
THere is a LOT more info in the book Earthship Bible That also has transcripts and more on this.. But each location is different and Earthships are versatile and adaptaable to most situations..
LEARN MORE: Read the Earthship Bible Book @
Is this an AI voice of David Attenborough??
Hey owen! Yes u got it ✨
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor then how is David Attenborough not in the credits? Because its probably an AI fake of David Attenborough which means your whole video is probably AI generated
Well how is it legal with them charging for property costs
@@fitivalevalejeddyjrmaile1556 what do u mean? Who is them? What property costs?
Srry but this ain’t doing **** when a mud flood hits. And aren’t tires highly toxic for us?
Simple answer no tyres are not toxic for us when used in this way.. i’m not quite sure what you’re referring to when you talk about a mud flood but earth ships are the most Armageddon proof homes we could possibly build there is no mud flood that is going to cause any problem if it’s been done properly they are completely sealed waterproof and airtight
@ that helps. Thanks. Just thinking of great grand kids if that rubber leaches
It’s good you’re thinking like that but honestly, it’s such a non-issue and it’s the first thing that everybody comments on..
I guess you have to go inside an Earthship to understand this .. the truth is that the chemicals that come from a new carpet or sofa or even painting your walls are actually toxic, whereas all discarded tires filled with dirt and then sealed with various layers means there is no chance of anything significant happening from the Tyres
The good news is people have been living in Earthship since 1980 and I have lived in 1 for 12 years full-time .. I’ve never been more healthy or happy or comfortable than I have been in an Earthship..
Very nice, wish I lived in one but I'm not wealthy enough. Earthships are very expensive to build due to the labor costs. Even if the bottles, tires, and lumber are free, the amount of labor required is a deal killer by itself. Also when you consider that 70% of builders would rather be unemployed and homeless for life than to build something novel and unique, well good luck unless you have the ability to build it yourself.
thanks! well.. i guess it depends how u do it, and where you are .. i built a few in india, one was a tiny home done on just 4,000 USD in two weeks.. and we built that with just volunteers who were keen to learn. . but the standard global model isnt cheap.. but there are other ways!
The secret to earthships success is location. High desert is best with cool nights, lots of sun, and very low humidity. Don't try this in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi or any other place with warm nights and high humidity.
Thanks for your comment.. it’s true that There are many earth ships that have not been adapted Well to humid climate. But your comment isn’t really appropriate or correct..
We still need to do work on adapting to tropical climates and that is something I am doing and will be testing. I hope soon.
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor My comment is both appropriate and correct. Earth ships are not appropriate for high humidity climates. If you try, you will be fighting the basic design the whole time when there are much more appropriate building methods available.
@@chapter4travels well I appreciate that’s your opinion, but you’re just wrong. It’s very easy to do if you know what you’re doing ..unfortunately until now most people who do this have done it with the wrong people with the wrong design.
I have a design that I’m fairly certain. It’s not going to be a problem with humidity because it’s been well designed for very humid and even tropical climates and I hope within the next year or two I’m going to build it and test it so people can start to evolve earth ships for these climates properly
It’s not that hard with the right design!
@@chapter4travels all you have to do is do it properly whatever you say about alternatives you could probably do with an Earthship because the issue isn’t with the walls is it when it comes to humidity? It’s the ventilation it’s the greenhouse. It’s the separation of the greenhouse from the living space it’s the use of appropriate technology when needed such as fans which can be very low powered and useful way to drive out humidity alongside other elements..
When you ditch the use of earth, rammed Tyres , you lose a long list of benefits that really are not even related to humidity.. It’s true that the design needs to be significantly modified from its current global model state to really work and it’s also true that Michael Reynolds has not the time to do such things because he doesn’t need to. He doesn’t live in the tropics and he’s waiting for the others to do that work and slowly, and surely it is happening ..
Where ever the next mudflood won’t hit or will be lower
Some of the principles are great like leveraging solar gain, air-earth exchange geothermal, grey water recycling, etc. But if cans and old tires in a landfill are a problem for the environment and human health, how is it suddenly a great idea to simply put the landfill material in your house? Encasing the tires in dirt and/or concrete doesn’t stop decay. Have there been any objective, independent air quality studies done on earthships? Earthships also suffer from excessive humidity and mold. Has that issue been remedied yet? Thanks!
Hey there Tim! thanks for your question. It’s a very good one and I’d like to respond as best I can …
First, let's talk about the scale of the problem. In 2016, a massive tire fire broke out in Seseña, Spain, involving an estimated 5 to 6 million illegally dumped tires.
The blaze was so intense that it could be seen from space and required the evacuation of nearly 10,000 people. Firefighters struggled to contain the inferno, which raged for days and released toxic fumes into the atmosphere.
Another shocking example is the Sulaibiya tire graveyard in Kuwait, considered one of the largest tire dumping sites in the world with over 7 million tires covering more than 1 square kilometer.
These incidents highlight the extreme difficulty in extinguishing large-scale tire fires and the significant environmental and health hazards they pose.
According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, approximately 1 billion tires reach the end of their useful lives every year worldwide, with many ending up in landfills or illegal dumping sites. It's a mind-boggling number that underscores the urgency of finding sustainable solutions.
Now, let's talk about how Earthships offer a compelling alternative. Numerous credible studies have concluded that the off-gassing from tires used in Earthships is barely detectable, even when the tires are not covered by render or other layers.
The way tires are utilized in Earthships actually contributes to their preservation and prevents them from deteriorating. By completely encasing them in thermal mass, the tires are shielded from exposure to air, light, and UV rays, rendering them stable and safe within the walls.
Moreover, the use of tires in Earthships represents a decentralized approach to tire disposal. Unlike the enormous piles of tires concentrated in landfills, Earthships distribute the tires and contain them, significantly reducing their impact on the soil and the risk of large-scale fires. The thermal mass surrounding the tires acts as a protective barrier, "entombing" them and enhancing the fire-resistant properties of the structure.
While some individuals have encountered issues with humidity and mold in their Earthships, these challenges can be overcome through proper design and ventilation. It all comes down to effectively controlling moisture levels.
the scientific evidence supports the safety and stability of tires used in Earthships. By repurposing these materials in an intelligent and decentralized manner, we are not only creating sustainable and resilient homes but also contributing to the solution of the global tire waste crisis. However, it is crucial that we continue to explore and implement a multi-faceted approach to address this pressing issue, including effective recycling and repurposing strategies, stricter regulations on tire disposal, and raising awareness about the environmental and health risks associated with tire stockpiles.
Also, it’s worth mentioning I lived in an Earthship for 12 years in a very damp monsoon climate and I’ve never been as comfortable and healthy and strong …
and I had also stayed in several other homes in the same location, including eartbag home a Stonehouse a cob house and nothing compares to what Earthship can deliver even without heating!
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Thanks for the quick response. I’m not sure an illegal tire dump in Spain catching fire is relevant to my questions. Nor is the massive Kuwait disposal site. We already agree that dumping tires isn’t great (yet an inevitable byproduct of driving) and obviously burning them is a terrible idea - intentional or not. Perhaps a case could be made for spreading out tire pollution rather than concentrating it. Citations of independent studies would be more persuasive than emotional appeals or anecdotes that putting them inside a home is a healthy alternative. An earthship style home could easily be built without the tires - using earth bags (or super-/hyperadobe), stabilized earth, or compressed earth blocks to achieve the same thermal mass effect.
Again with the humidity/mold issue, anecdotes are interesting but they are rarely representative and don’t address the issue. Have people figured out solutions for air flow or humidity/mold mitigation?
@@timmbot6082 well I think you better watch the video again?. I don’t know what else to say.
That’s the thing I would just be repeating myself but one quote I really like to share is from Michael Reynolds whereby he said
“if you gave me $50 million to invent the best brick the best building block that I could I would probably invent a tire”
and the reason he said that is for 100 reasons … so it’s a bit hard to answer your question that’s the thing and actually that’s why I made this video which is probably one of the ones that covers most of the reasoning so if that doesn’t answer your question, then I’m afraid I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that or perhaps you could give me a very specific question cause I feel like it’s answered between the video and my last comment, thanks
and but just to clarify, there is no issue with toxicity and Tyres when they are situated in an Earthship home. It has been tested in many ways. Tyres actually do not even touch the soil or ground in anyway when they’re built properly, they are contained within the thermal wrap so even that is a major improvement not to mention that they don’t require any concrete foundation and of course yes they are safely preserved when they are built as a home rather than as they are in Kuwait, for example which is essentially a natural disaster waiting to happen…
Not gonna lie. At first I thought this was a video on building a vegitation gun range.
Lolz! What is a vegetation gun range?
@AlexEarthshipLeeor it's a gun range made out of vegetation. You see them a lot in Arizona. Basically recycle that's good for the environment made into blocks with sand pressed around it.
@AlexEarthshipLeeor you can find videos on houses but, don't know what a recycle gun range is?
Well, it’s been a long time since I was on a gun range! ;) although I used to live in America and I would’ve quite appreciated a natural gun range that didn’t involve killing animals!
@AlexEarthshipLeeor well luckily I've never been on a gun range that involved killing animals. The fact they make them out of recycle trash these days is amazing.
Just looked up the cost on your website. 600k???? Affordable? Gtfoh what a scam. After seeing this video then seeing your real pricing, I will be sure to call you out on any videos or websites I find.
lol. no idea what you are talking about? im a private citixzen, non commercial..ive been building for free for 20 years in India.. tiny earthships i have built in two weeks for 5,000 USD! .. maybe u saw something else?
It’s best method in helping Mother Earth from pollution by building using recycled and reuse
Can't have that ......people might be free.....we can't have that🙄
I am sorry, I have to ask, is the narration an AI clone of Sir David? cheers Timmo
Yes Timmo yes
Dig a hole - fill with water 🎉
I think I need you to explain this comment no idea what you’re trying to say
It appears cheap, but the sheer number of hours to pound dirt into tires, the labor cost, are quite high.
it does seem that way,,.. and it can be also.. but this is the kind of work that literally anyone with zero experience or skill can do.. so u can actually get the cheapest labour and make it a fun experience .. note also that with a nice team and a resonable size, you are DONE in just a few weeks.. in the end the tyre work is the easiest, cheapest and quickest part my friend.. its when u hit the roof that things start to get intersting.. and expensive!
oh yes, also dont forget.. this. is your heating system for life, no bills, no power, no chopping wood, no gas, no maintenace..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor I'm well aware of the numerous benefits to this style of home and applaud them all. The cost to achieve it can't be ignored, however. As I plan for a build in the next couple of years, I want to incorporate aspects of this. Particularly important are super-effeiciencies realized from rammed earth.
@@Oldguard_8 the cost to achieve it, is up to you! YES, if you want to call MIke in and do a mike style global model then it will cost a lot
I never did that
and thats what mike has been waiting for most of his career.. to see people run with this and adapt it to their own needs
ive done a tiny house in two weeks with just vounteers on a 4,000 USD budget for example..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor I've been a huge fan of the concepts for years. I dread stretching every possible dollar just to live in a cookie-cutter 'hood and still hear my neighbors having a convo in their yard, and seeing my utility bills climb ahead of inflation. To that end, stretching every possible dollar for energy efficiency and doing as much of the manual labor for a build is where I've migrated, SIRE wall or earth-block seems to be where I'm landing.
I'm literally watching this because they know how to place an apostrophe.
Wow! Good to know how important my grammar is!
The Earthship at Karuna is a great success. After seeing it many people have wanted to build one.
Live long and prosper ✨
Much as I love the earthship concept... For one, even if you gave me 30 million dollars, I could not find a more labor intensive way to build a wall than ramming earth into tires--no my back cannot survive it. For two, if everyone lived in earthships, the sprawl would already cover the continent--cities achieve their ecological efficiency and keep people from wasting land by stacking homes vertically. Some earthship principles can be applied, but no apartment is much like an earthship.
Appreciate it may seem like that especially if you watch some people do this, but I have built a tiny home in two weeks with a handful of volunteers using various different techniques. It really was very easy… we didn’t have to dig and mix concrete for a foundation. We didn’t have to find the right kind of soil. We didn’t have to mix soil with water like you do with cob, which is really hard work and takes forever…
And in just two weeks we had a house .. and don’t forget as I like to say every tire pounded today is Wood You don’t have to chop tomorrow because Earthship run bill free which means you don’t have to work to pay to live forever
Here’s a video I made showing one way to pound attire. You barely need to stand up. You don’t really need even a big sledgehammer and it takes about 15 minutes.видео.htmlsi=sf9SdzQ0hz0wkBqV
Your theory of earthships wasting land is false, all you have to do is calculated land needed to produce the resources (food, utilities etc.) of the average city dweller. Most living in earthships have these resources on site there by eliminating much or all of the need of those external inputs.
Stay in the city
Use a concrete vibrator instead of beating the s*** out of it
Thanks for your comment. You know that are really easy ways to pound tires. In fact I’ve worked with a 75-year-old Canadian lady with Lyme disease and she found a way to do it quite easily. You really don’t have to use a huge heavy hammer and hit hard the whole time.!
Also, I don’t know whether you know, but outside of cities most of this planet is completely uninhabited. The only reason these places are usually not developed is because of the cost to bring infrastructure.
With Earthship’s all of that is removed, which is what makes them so compelling as a viable option to build in rural areas
The cost of building is cheap IF you pack your tires yourself or get free labor to do it for you. IF you can't do that then that will be the highest cost of your build. Depending on the size of your place you would be looking at $30,000-$100,000 in labor costs.
Did you steal David Attenborough voice??
Thats right! Or u can move to a country where it’s cheaper to build an employee labor like I did. I moved to India and the labor. There is really really cheap even when you pay them fair wage.!
And to answer your question, I cloned David’s voice yes I suppose you could call that stealing, but I’m not really sure how you can steal a sound
I like the idea of Earthships, but the people promoting these things exaggerate too much. Earthships will NOT solve the housing crisis because most people live in cities where you cannot have easy access to a south exposure with plenty of land. And that is just the beginning.
That said, I like the idea of using the thermal mass around a home to moderate the outside temperatures. I would not use tires as the base of the walls, however.
thats true, as long as most people want to be in the cities, Earthships will never solve the criiss.. BUT, .. anyone who does want to exit, can do so and live a nice peaceful life if they like!.. maybe one day also cities will lose their charm.. if they havent already in many places..
@@AlexEarthshipLeeor Yes, and actually, I'm hoping to buy about 6 acres of land in the next few years. I want to build something that is a cross between an Earthship and a barndominium (or shop house).
I think the Earthship has a few design flaws. One is that the south-facing windows are tilted, which I believe puts a strain on them and reduces their lifespan. In my version, I'll just make them vertical. Also, instead of using packed tires, I would opt for a stonewall. I'm interested in experimenting with "Sand batteries" and could potentially incorporate something like that in the project.
Thanks for your comment and feedback I’m going to be very fussy on the wording because I’m trying to educate here so let me just respond
It’s not really correct to say it’s a design flaw because the sloped windows were created and used in Taos New Mexico, and in that location it’s worth the effort because of the very extreme winters that they have
…and I’ve been there in a very mild winter night and it was absolutely freezing cold outside But I might add too warm inside with no heating in the front door wide open..
Every Earthship that’s made will always be adapted according to the location the materials that we have and the desires of the person making it .
one of the joys of earth ships is it adaptability and flexibility when I built my first Earthship in India, I more or less threw away the books, even though I understood them I didn’t use most of the approaches and just did it the way that I needed to do to make things work
So you’re quite right though in what you say in terms of it being much more difficult also with leaking and indeed the strength and many people these days and have done for a long time use pure vertical windows and I also agree I quite like it..
Also, it’s really important for you to understand that by changing to stone from tires means that you lose nearly all of the benefits of an Earthship. There are so many that I wrote 99 reasons why earth ships are awesome and most of them depend on having Tyres..
I’ll try and find you a link but I’ve made a RUclips video that goes through all the reasons why we use Tyres I think it’s worth you watching because you might be surprised and it might help you make a more informed decision
You will understand when you see how much text there is below why I have to make these videos and write a book because this section I’m gonna just copy for you as a kind of gift for everyone really just so you can see here are 27 Reasons why we want to use Tyres..
I could sum it up with one famous quote from Mike who once said
“if you gave me $50 million to find the best building brick I would invent a tire “
The Tyre A Building Block for the Ages
When it comes to sustainable construction, the humble car tyre reigns supreme as the ultimate building block. Its versatility, durability, and thermal mass properties make it an unparalleled choice for creating structures that are not only environmentally friendly but also built to stand the test of time.
And perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of using tyres in construction is the sheer flexibility they offer in terms of the materials that can be used to fill them.
Unlike traditional building methods that rely on specific types of soil or carefully engineered concrete mixes, tyres can be filled with an astonishing array of materials. From sand and gravel to rocks, bricks, and even recycled tiles, almost any non-degradable substance can be used to create a solid, stable tyre wall.
This adaptability is a game-changer in the world of sustainable construction, as it allows Earthships to be built in virtually any location, using locally sourced materials that might otherwise be considered waste.
The process of pounding earth (or any other suitable material) into a tyre is a simple yet effective way to create a building block that is both strong and thermally efficient. As the material is compacted into the tyre, it forms a dense, solid mass that can withstand the forces of nature and provide excellent insulation.
The tyre itself acts as a natural form of reinforcement, containing the compacted material and eliminating the need for additional support structures.
This flexibility in material choice is particularly valuable in regions where traditional building materials may be scarce or prohibitively expensive.
By using tyres and locally available fill materials, communities can construct durable, sustainable homes and buildings that are tailored to their specific needs and resources.
This not only reduces the environmental impact of construction but also empowers people to take control of their built environment and create structures that are truly reflective of their local context.
Moreover, the use of non-degradable fill materials in tyre walls contributes to the incredible longevity and resilience of Earthships.
While traditional building materials like wood and concrete may deteriorate over time due to moisture, pests, or other environmental factors, the contents of a well-sealed tyre wall remain stable and intact for centuries.
This means that Earthships not only provide a comfortable, energy-efficient living space in the present but also a durable, low-maintenance home that can be passed down through generations.
In a world where sustainability, adaptability, and resilience are increasingly important, the tyre stands out as a building block that embodies all of these qualities. Its ability to accommodate a wide range of fill materials makes it a truly universal solution for sustainable construction, applicable in any context and adaptable to any challenge.
As we look to the future and seek ways to build homes and communities that can withstand the tests of time and climate, the humble tyre will undoubtedly play a central role, offering a foundation for the ages.
Why Tires are the Ultimate Building Block
Tyres are indigenous to the entire planet, making them readily available in most locations worldwide.
Using tyres in construction helps address the global waste problem by repurposing a problematic waste material that would otherwise end up in landfills or illegal dumps.
Tyres make the perfect building brick, being earthquake resistant and lasting for thousands of years when used in Earthship walls.
tyre walls provide the foundation, load-bearing walls, heating and cooling system, and protection from the elements all in one.
Tyres are fireproof when packed with earth, making Earthships highly resistant to fire damage.
Tyre walls do not require a concrete foundation due to their monolithic nature and ability to "float" on the bearing capacity of the soil.
Tyres are a low-tech building material that requires minimal training and equipment to use in construction.
Tyre walls have a high thermal mass, allowing them to store temperature and regulate the interior climate of an Earthship.
When plastered over, tyre walls create a thick, dense mass that facilitates the passage and storage of temperature, acting like a "battery" for temperature.
The thermal mass of tyre walls, combined with the insulation of the earth berm, allows Earthships to maintain stable indoor temperatures year-round with little to no additional heating or cooling.
Tyre walls are resilient and can withstand severe weather events like hurricanes and earthquakes due to their flexible, shock-absorbing nature.
Tyres are termite and bug proof due to the dense packing of the soil and the presence of steel belts, creating an inhospitable environment for pests.
Even after decades of searching, Mike Reynolds has not found a more effective, affordable, and universally applicable building material than tyres. As he states, "If somebody gave me 30 million dollars and said: 'Develop the best form... develop the best building material you can find' I'd probably invent a tyre.”
Versatility in construction: Tyres can be pounded using various methods, making the process adaptable to different skill levels and physical abilities.
From young children to elderly individuals, anyone can participate in tyre pounding, either standing up, sitting down, or using different tools like large hammers, small hammers, feet, or even fingers.
Accessibility of materials: Any type of soil, including sand, can be used to fill tyres, making it easy to source materials locally and reducing the need for transportation.
Simplicity of the process: Pounding tyres is a straightforward task that can be easily learned and executed, even by people with no prior construction experience.
Minimal site preparation: tyre walls can be built on uneven terrain with minimal leveling required, as each tyre can be adjusted individually to create a level surface.
Flexibility in design: tyre walls can be modified or rearranged during the construction process, allowing for adaptability and customization of the design as needed.
Movability: If necessary, tyre walls and foundations can be moved during construction, providing a level of flexibility and adaptability, allowing for last minute changes.
Empowerment of communities: The simplicity and accessibility of tyre construction can empower communities to build their own homes and structures, promoting self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on external resources.
Promotion of teamwork: tyre pounding can be a communal activity that encourages collaboration, fosters a sense of community, and strengthens social bonds among participants.
Therapeutic benefits: The physical act of pounding tyres can serve as a form of stress relief and provide a sense of accomplishment, contributing to the overall well-being of those involved in the construction process.
Cost-effectiveness: By using locally sourced materials and minimizing the need for specialized equipment or skills, tyre construction can significantly reduce the overall cost of building, making it an economically viable option for many.
Adaptability to various climates: tyre walls can be built in a wide range of climates, from hot and arid to cold and wet, as the thermal mass properties of the tyres help regulate interior temperatures and provide insulation.
Longevity and low maintenance:
When properly constructed and maintained, tyre walls can last for decades or even centuries, requiring minimal upkeep and repairs over time.
Tyre walls are incredibly strong, able to withstand impacts that would easily destroy traditional brick or concrete walls.
Please read the Earthship Bible Book and then make your decision 🙏✨🍀
tires are ubiquitous not indigenous...
Absolutely right! Glad u paid such close attention! Anything else to say?
... solar is inefficient (limited by days of sunshine and especially with the chemtrails), wind is a joke (only produce in a narrow wind speed band, too little and nothing, too much and the clutch disengages.
... best way for power 24/7 with no need for batteries is mini water turbines
Lol! Ill stick with solar my friend! I’ve tried hydro power. Complete nightmare
Yes if ur american! Tyres is how we british spell it
They cost more to build...
Incorrect. If you choose to work with Michael Reynolds, and copy his approach and the way he does things then they may well cost more to build although of course a lifetime with no utility bills is a whole Nother story…
But more importantly, it’s very easy to build on a shoestring budget if you do it without using the biotech company . I’ve personally built two tiny earth ships on budgets of just $3000. I worked with the lowest skill labor that I lead and directed. I invited people to come and learn whilst working for free and I used local materials and adapted all of the systems to use locally sourced systems such as simple water filters are easily available today rather than the entire water organizing module that costs alone many thousands of dollars if you just buy it.
... lol, the plaster, unless it is fiberglass or the like will NEVER seal off the tires.
... it may slow the leaching down but will never stop/seal them as u claim.
... u can seal the plaster with expoxy paint but that too off gases for YEARS
I’m not really sure if you understand the whole principle. Tyres do not touch the ground or soil directly. They are sealed by essentially something equivalent to a pond liner and you can be sure there’s nothing going through it.
As far as offgassing goes, this has been tested so many times, it’s not an issue with old used tires end of story.
... far better to just use 1/4 radius of a giant culvert.
... they r made to withstand a great deal of load,
... if u want more height at rear of building build a small concrete 'pony wall'
... far quicker, and, how many people can get enough people to help pack tires, which is heavy labor.... would take a person YEARS to pack enough tires by themselves, or, cost a fortune to hire people to help.
... ya, u get suckers to help u in the gize that they r learning how to build and underground house, and stupid enough to pay u for the ;course'
I reckon you should try the Earthship LLM so you can understand everything you said is just not right at all..
you call me a sucker but I never did any workshop or any of Mike’s courses. I built it using my brains because it’s quite easy if you think about it properly and understand biotecture.
You call me a sucker. I spent the last 12 years living in a home that has given me everything I need to live and I have had virtually zero bills or maintenance.
I could go on
Totally doable if you know 30 hippies. Sounds like you ripped that voice.
lolZ! quite funny comment.. and.. u dont have to know them.. before they come anyways.. that voice oh yes.. hes does it well .. better than i can!