hallo, Schneider here, Well, sad Christmas for me - after I realise half of my team just died on A, I though its already ower. After the devstrike on the Alsace, I smellt a chance, after devstriked Kreml, I was pretty confident about dealing with the DM, but than once, dispersion said no... Marry Christmas to you guys and thx Pasch for the vid. ✌😢
GG GJ m8! Latitude here! ;) yO Quacken got away! I was rly hoping you would get all of them at the end! Nice play! I will see if I will implement your build in my Gk! Nice! Happy Christmas holidays! m8 ;)
I once managed to one-hit a russian cruiser (I don't know wich one it was anymore, it happened nearly a year ago) in my Nagato with a triple citadel hit.
well, I am considering to make shortclips of these devstrikes for my memory aswell. I made only few until now, so some more I can add thx this game: ruclips.net/p/PL1LSu_dxVq7gKQKMOnsKdOvwc7cA_R02l and yes, its me, Schneider 😉
Ah, thanks a lot show your captain skills and ship equipment. It was harder to drive GK than driving Bismarck, so I asked this to your former GK video. now.. I have to go practice! lol
cheers bro, its my usual praxis to send also my build to man, that is doing vid from my replay 😉 but as I said / wrote - in my build. Its not for everybody. If you are not so good in brawling, go for tankbuild instead.
@@AdalbertSchneider_ I used tank build and set the main battery before, but it was a bit vague. and this setting would have raised the Soviet or Japanese battleship tree. I wanted to take full advantage of the secondary battery and armor that are the hallmarks of the German battleship. Like this video, it is necessary to cultivate situational judgment ability while making good use of island terrain. Anyway, thanks to your video, I could learn more. :)
@@Grosser_Kurfuerst well, if you wanna see my previos GK games, you can find them here: ruclips.net/p/PL1LSu_dxVq7iql5QtUwfeuuilAUWuF4B7 especialy this particular one ( without fireprevention, but AFT ) was good example of everythink - sometimes good accuracy at long and midrange, poor at supercloserange, with secondaries just "outsecondaried" Massachusets so easy, that I had to laugh ( cause of the raw dmg ) and at the end, were fortunate ending aswell ruclips.net/video/EKVJI2EadKs/видео.html
Ja, dort hat etwas falsch gelaufen - die türme drehen nicht so schnell wie gewollt, und dann - aufpraler und nur 9k oder so ? fux that. Das hat mich zu viel HPs gekostet...
well, it was sort of desperation move. you see the time, you see your only 1 teammate ( 500hp Friesland ) who was not interested to park behind some island and kill 370hp Alaska and in general to do anythink more... you know, that Yama & Z52 are in division, so the DD will torp you either and he was healthy... There was nothink that I could do, I only hoped to devstrike the DM aswell ( in CBs, even with old dispersion possible in 2/3 times ) and than to deal with Yami, if he will not kill me with superstructure hits. But as I checked them after the game, they were not potatos, that would alow me that... I was just outplayed by better and healthier enemies, with more guns... 👍✌
bro, you got it ! 🤣 Ehrlich zu sein, Der Salem war auch pro... Und die Buffalo am anfang, tja keine worte. Aber hier siehst du, das manche gefächte sind entschieden in 5 minuten ( lemmings an A..., Shima im B kaputt durch Z52+DM ), usw. Da konte ich nicht zaubern 😢
well, after devstriked 2 BBs, adrenalin was too high by me. And still, they head too big DPM and HP advantage, not to mention Z52 lurking somewhere around. Thats why I decided to stay in movement and trying to deal with the owerhelming enemy that way. I was sentenced to failure. And they executed me. What annoyed me the most, was the last salvo on DM. Even with old GK, in CBs, DMs in this kind of situation were devstrike for me. (mostly) not this time... but yeah, today, I would act otherway ( from behind of the DM ) after 15:57 - to turn left...
@@zobayer1 yeah, the salvo on the JB was the most disapointing salvo of the game. Pointblank, against FR turtleback, GK can devstrike JB with easy. I slightly fuxed up by prepairing the turrets to be in the right angle ( not as fast turning, as you would need for these kind of manevers ) on him, but that was cause of the Venezia - didnt expect him there broadsided, waiting for my 12x420mm APs :D If I would managed to have ( not devstrike but ) atleast decent salvo on him, I would be much healthier for my last engagement...
I like that build. I’d be really tempted to change one of the 4 pointers for advanced firing training. I like long range secondaries and also fuck CVs just a little bit harder
you say ? :D OK, check the dispersion of the secondaries: proships.ru/stat/ships/3143/ As you can see, with the standard secondary dispersion formula, they rarely hit somethink abow 8km... Thats why I decided to go with only the 8,5km range setup. I was running AFT for a while, but switched to FP, cause of more tankiness while supercloserange and too much HE spam. Worth it.
I think yes, It was already after that. But tbh, the dispersion wasnt that bad even before in these kind of situations. Tbf, I didnt even mentioned the dmg output, until I died ( yes, after my mistake - after sinking Kremlin, I should go left behind the island... ) But the game was lost after 5 min, as my potatoes died in A. If you want, you can see my first ever video about GK with complex comentary here: ruclips.net/video/BMVdfDzGZxY/видео.html& - sorry for 720p only and bad sound of my microphone - I am not typical youtuber / streamer :P I did it, cause many ppl dont know some thinks and are misunderstanding the ship and gameplay in her.
well, times when I was running max sec. build are ower. Long time ower. With GK you have very good main guns, and if you are playing this game some longer time, you know, that even with manual secondaries and needed modules, their accuracy is not good enough at 8+km range, if they are not the improwed ones of Massa,Georgia or Ohio. Other BBs have only "normal" dispersion formula and she is not good enough to boost them so much. Here you can see diagram of GK secundary accuracy: proships.ru/stat/ships/3143/
@@AdalbertSchneider_ But unlike Mass, Georgia or Ohio your armour is great at close range. I'll take my full secondary specced GK up against any one of those quite happily. They may be secondary ships but they aren't brawlers like the GK.
@@eldridgep2 true. And every hightier BB has many 32mm parts and only lower than 32 is the 19mm superstructure. In that point, Massa & CO are even in disadvantage ( with or without IFHE ) they can do raw dmg only there, but thx their improwed dispersion, they are dealing not enough dmg - cause secondaries are aimed at watterline amidship..... And every BBs hull is imune to their shells. So it can look nice and the hit counter is rising up, but the dmg-output is laughable, if you in (especialy GER BB) are less angled - presenting more broadside, so they are hiting the wrong spots 😜 And GER BBs with IFHE are pening their whole hull.... 😎
@@AdalbertSchneider_ you summed it up nicely. If we're thinking about efficiency, secondary builds are by far the most pointless of all. Besides, you literally need to invest 3x 4points offensive skills to make them viable. While CE and FP gives you almost 20% more survivability. I see so many players over extending cause they had a secondary build. Although, it's more problematic in our "tryhard" server, if you know which one it is. But hey, fireworks are fun!!!
@@zobayer1 yeah, its the most hardcore and HE spam server - the EU, sadly. But dont take me wrong, as KOTS showed, you cannt say anymore ( if even back in time was also questionable ) the best one. I will alway run my "in some way hybrid secondary build". CE I was running back in times, when there was less CVs, nowadays pointless. And while I prefer maximum close-quarter build ( as you could see, most of my engagements were in very close range ) the manual secs+IFHE is a must for me. And to withstand the pressure, I went for FP... so build is OK - pretty strong for my purposses. There are ppl ( 90% ) that would prefer more tanky builds, cause they are fighting more at midrange and their secondaries wouldnt do as much job, as my did. And I can understand it. Eitherway, thx for nice conversation, wish you GL in your games in 2020 ! ✌
Sameer Kharade there all amazing you will love every ship it didn’t even feel like a grind for me until t9 Bismarck is still my favourite ship in the game
Warum zeigst du soviel Breitseite? Gibts da bei Deutschen Schlachtschiffen nen Unterschied? Hab keine Deutschen gespielt. Würde mich mal interessieren Schön gespielt 😉
Help me understand this.. Manual Secondaries: I thought you had to hit “ctrl” and “right mouse button click” click on your target for them to work. Otherwise, your secondaries won’t fire on anything. Here, I see the player not do any of that. Why is this?
Du hast doch gesehen wie er spielt. Solange devensiv und auf Range gespielt wie es geht, dann aber auch mal rein ins getümmel und Gegnerische Knoten aufgedröselt. Wenn man dabei noch ETWAS Unterstützung bekommt (wie bei "C"), dann geht sowas. Fehlt selbige wie am Schluss, dann frisst man leider Schaden. Leider gibt es kaum noch Teamwork und viel zu viele stellen sich im Pulk hinter dieselbe Insel (siehe die gesammelte Unfähig zu anfang bei "A"). Viele Wissen nicht wie die Spielmechanik an sich funktioniert und was sie mit ihrem Schiffen wirklich machen können und was nicht. Anwinkeln? AP oder HE? Wo schieße ich bei welchem Schiff wohin? WANN schieße ich und wann lasse ich es lieber bleiben? Wann bin ich aufgedeckt? Die meisten haben nichtmal Ahunung von diesen Grundlegenden Dingen und dann kommt eben sowas bei rum. Auf der einen seite Massensterben wie die Lemminge (wobei die Gegner auch nicht viel besser waren), auf der anderen Seite kann ein "normal guter" Spieler das natürlich ausnutzen und ordentlich Schaden raushauen, wurde in dem Vid ja gerade gezeigt. Hmm, vielleicht sollte ich WoWS doch mal wieder entstauben.... war ja nicht alles schlecht und wenn Robben kloppen inzwischen auch auf T10 geht kann es doch eigentlich nur Lustig werden :-D
@@_Briegel Tja, Ich spiele seit drei Jahren dieses Game, kenne ein paar wichtige Grundregeln, aber besitze einfach nicht dieses Gespür wie so manch einer aus meinem Clan. Deswegen bin Ich dort auch nur ein mittelmäßiger Spieler, obwohl unser Clan (OESK) nur in der Sturmliga sich behaupten kann. Und das, obwohl da einige wirkliche "Könner" dabei sind. (Ich gehöre nicht zu dieser Kategorie)
@@sucherso-sein6769 "Mittelmäßig" ist doch deutlich besser wie das was ich heute erleben durfte (ja, ich hab mal wieder WoWS gespielt). Obwohl ich nach über einem Jahr Pause eigentlich keine Ahnung vom Game mehr hatte (Verflixt, wie schalte ich den Gegner nochmal gleich auf? Und auf welchem Button lag nochmal der Aufklärer und die Reparatur?), konnte ich mich meist in der oberen Hälfte des Rankings platzieren (wovon meine DD Runden meist unter den besten 3 waren, und das bei doch Arg geänderten Karten). Das hätte so auf keinen Fall sein dürfen, als Wiedereinsteiger am ersten Tag nach solanger Pause hätte ich für jeden eigentlich nur ein Opfer sein dürfen. Aber nein, da stürmen BB mit Vollgas nach vorne, CA und CC sitzen hinter der Insel und zwar so das sie überhaupt nicht schießen können und meine DD Kollegen meiden jedes Cap trotz bestem Tarnwert in der Runde. Da werden Torpteppiche aus der zweiten und dritten Reihe geschossen, oder Ami-BB ballern mit HE auf Breitseite stehende andere BB. Und das alles in T8 bis T10.... ehrlich, mir fehlen die Worte. Also, wenn du "mittelmäßig" bist, dann bist du bei solchen Spielern immer noch ein Gott, stell dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel. Es kann nicht jede Runde ideal laufen, aber es gibt dafür ja auch die wirklich tollen bei denen man sich einfach nur Wundert warum schon das dritte Schiff direkt Breitseite zeigt wenn du die Rohre gerade voll hast. Oder es in einer Runde, obwohl du nur "ungefähr" draufgehalten hast, Reihenweise Zitas für dich gibt. Einfach solche Runden in erinnerung behalten und die Ferien-Lemminge (die anscheinend mal wieder spielen), ausblenden. In diesem Sinne, ein Frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr. Ich Verabschiede mich mal zur Familienfeier ;-)
This video needs commentary. Secondary build with the player not using "manual secondary". It's just an example of the changes made by WG on main guns. :)
bro, I was using manual secondaries, otherwise you wouldnt see them shooting 😎 Its old bug on replay, that if you are recording video from your replay, you dont see your cursor / mouse... You can only guess, which target I marked in which moment...
bro, GK was never bad at closerange. Now, with the slightly improwed dispersion formula it became even better especialy in this kind of situations. Yeah, I was also not sure, if it will be enough, thx God, it was 😎 Sadly, later on the DM adrenalin in me caused slightly missaiming ( if you check it - you see I aimed slightly left and not death-center ) and the dispersion also let me down for once. But in general, you can have really nice salvos at mid to closerange in general. The rest is on RNG. Cheers, Schneider ✌
Every single high tier bb can DS a full hp Kremlin pretty easily, you just need his broadside. Twannie did a session of several Krem vs GK 1v1s, and GK won every time. Cause what are citadels lol.
@@zobayer1 I mean, best example: ruclips.net/video/3LHEky4tqh8/видео.html This vid will have fk-ton of views and I hope, it will not be the reason for WG to reconsider the latest GK buff. As I wrote my concern in Flolos chat at about 40:14 in that video and he read it and answered me ( maximum sarcasm by both of us, cause we know eachother for so long... ) 😎
Yamato gun Sound. With Yamato Gun Sound you can do anything.
hallo, Schneider here,
Well, sad Christmas for me - after I realise half of my team just died on A, I though its already ower. After the devstrike on the Alsace, I smellt a chance, after devstriked Kreml, I was pretty confident about dealing with the DM, but than once, dispersion said no...
Marry Christmas to you guys and thx Pasch for the vid. ✌😢
@Luigie B yeah... 🤔
F, gg's
GG GJ m8! Latitude here! ;) yO Quacken got away! I was rly hoping you would get all of them at the end! Nice play! I will see if I will implement your build in my Gk! Nice! Happy Christmas holidays! m8 ;)
Not ur fault. A lot of ur team members were somewhat trash.
Nice match. Subbed your channel. I'm close to getting my legendary for my GK. Are you still using IHFE after the change?
second salvo of game, 40 k to that poor cruiser.. lol . And the DD played like a champ, most of game with no Hp..
I once managed to one-hit a russian cruiser (I don't know wich one it was anymore, it happened nearly a year ago) in my Nagato with a triple citadel hit.
Thanks for that, was fun to watch. WP to the freisland too, great support considering the HP.
That dev strike on Kremlin was beautiful to behold.
well, I am considering to make shortclips of these devstrikes for my memory aswell. I made only few until now, so some more I can add thx this game: ruclips.net/p/PL1LSu_dxVq7gKQKMOnsKdOvwc7cA_R02l and yes, its me, Schneider 😉
Feel the power of the fatherland
He has Adalbert Schneider for the gunnercommand, what do you expect? A. Schneider was so the gunnercommandor of the mighty Bismarckl.
Ah, thanks a lot show your captain skills and ship equipment.
It was harder to drive GK than driving Bismarck, so I asked this to your former GK video.
now.. I have to go practice! lol
cheers bro, its my usual praxis to send also my build to man, that is doing vid from my replay 😉
but as I said / wrote - in my build. Its not for everybody. If you are not so good in brawling, go for tankbuild instead.
@@AdalbertSchneider_ I used tank build and set the main battery before, but it was a bit vague.
and this setting would have raised the Soviet or Japanese battleship tree.
I wanted to take full advantage of the secondary battery and armor that are the hallmarks of the German battleship.
Like this video, it is necessary to cultivate situational judgment ability while making good use of island terrain.
Anyway, thanks to your video, I could learn more. :)
@@Grosser_Kurfuerst well, if you wanna see my previos GK games, you can find them here: ruclips.net/p/PL1LSu_dxVq7iql5QtUwfeuuilAUWuF4B7 especialy this particular one ( without fireprevention, but AFT ) was good example of everythink - sometimes good accuracy at long and midrange, poor at supercloserange, with secondaries just "outsecondaried" Massachusets so easy, that I had to laugh ( cause of the raw dmg ) and at the end, were fortunate ending aswell ruclips.net/video/EKVJI2EadKs/видео.html
@@AdalbertSchneider_ Wow... thanks a lot!
I'll stay up all night watching this video
thank you who send video, for showing skill set
yo, Schneider here ;) Its my usual stuff - to send build aswell to guys, that wanna show my game.
Commentary sounds brilliant in German.
You killed Bugs Bunny! You monster! :)
Oh fux, I just relised. And only as I rewatched my gamplay 3 times, I realised, that I detonated him. So he got atleast some flags 😜✌
@@AdalbertSchneider_ LOLOLOL
hätte es noch reisen können, wenn er den drive bei an der Jean bart nicht verkackt hätte. Aber trotzdem Hammer Runde!
Ja, dort hat etwas falsch gelaufen - die türme drehen nicht so schnell wie gewollt, und dann - aufpraler und nur 9k oder so ? fux that. Das hat mich zu viel HPs gekostet...
@@AdalbertSchneider_ jo, trotzdem mega geile Runde, Respekt :)
@@FloridaWhiteX danke sehr ✌😎
team not found
Yea, that last fuck up was sad.
well, it was sort of desperation move. you see the time, you see your only 1 teammate ( 500hp Friesland ) who was not interested to park behind some island and kill 370hp Alaska and in general to do anythink more... you know, that Yama & Z52 are in division, so the DD will torp you either and he was healthy... There was nothink that I could do, I only hoped to devstrike the DM aswell ( in CBs, even with old dispersion possible in 2/3 times ) and than to deal with Yami, if he will not kill me with superstructure hits. But as I checked them after the game, they were not potatos, that would alow me that... I was just outplayed by better and healthier enemies, with more guns... 👍✌
Nice citadels on Kremlin!
Alsace OWNED!
Friesland ist der beste Spieler! Solche Kameraden will man am besten selbst versenken.
bro, you got it ! 🤣 Ehrlich zu sein, Der Salem war auch pro... Und die Buffalo am anfang, tja keine worte. Aber hier siehst du, das manche gefächte sind entschieden in 5 minuten ( lemmings an A..., Shima im B kaputt durch Z52+DM ), usw. Da konte ich nicht zaubern 😢
Lol, 6 cits on that Kreml
should have stopped at 16:55 then kill off the yamato right ahead, b4 engaging the other 2.
well, after devstriked 2 BBs, adrenalin was too high by me. And still, they head too big DPM and HP advantage, not to mention Z52 lurking somewhere around. Thats why I decided to stay in movement and trying to deal with the owerhelming enemy that way. I was sentenced to failure. And they executed me. What annoyed me the most, was the last salvo on DM. Even with old GK, in CBs, DMs in this kind of situation were devstrike for me. (mostly) not this time... but yeah, today, I would act otherway ( from behind of the DM ) after 15:57 - to turn left...
@@AdalbertSchneider_ yah i guessed it's the adrenalin too. other than the final rush it's good game thou. esp the first kill was lol.
I also think that would not change much. However I was surprised that you did not devastate the JB on your first salvo. You shot far back.
@@zobayer1 yeah, the salvo on the JB was the most disapointing salvo of the game. Pointblank, against FR turtleback, GK can devstrike JB with easy. I slightly fuxed up by prepairing the turrets to be in the right angle ( not as fast turning, as you would need for these kind of manevers ) on him, but that was cause of the Venezia - didnt expect him there broadsided, waiting for my 12x420mm APs :D If I would managed to have ( not devstrike but ) atleast decent salvo on him, I would be much healthier for my last engagement...
What button did u press to see a semi bird scenery before second salvo
Der Blapenstien
Nice battle, I love my GK too,
Look like the dispersion buff is going well...
To be fair, in the real world, the germans were known for their marksmanship with ships. Plus german bbs in game have had REALLY bad dispersion
That Kremlin..
I like that build. I’d be really tempted to change one of the 4 pointers for advanced firing training. I like long range secondaries and also fuck CVs just a little bit harder
Some people are so fortunate, it seems that the RNG does not affect them 🤨
If you go with a SECONDARY BUILD you FINISH IT you dont leave anything just like you LEAVING THE 11km secondary RANGE PANZERCNACKER
I mean panzerknacker sorry
you say ? :D OK, check the dispersion of the secondaries: proships.ru/stat/ships/3143/
As you can see, with the standard secondary dispersion formula, they rarely hit somethink abow 8km...
Thats why I decided to go with only the 8,5km range setup. I was running AFT for a while, but switched to FP, cause of more tankiness while supercloserange and too much HE spam. Worth it.
@@nikolapashaliev1452 but it was me. Read my other comments
3 teammate exploded in 3 mins....
Hey, nice video/replay! Is this post the German BB accuracy buff?
I think yes, It was already after that. But tbh, the dispersion wasnt that bad even before in these kind of situations.
Tbf, I didnt even mentioned the dmg output, until I died ( yes, after my mistake - after sinking Kremlin, I should go left behind the island... )
But the game was lost after 5 min, as my potatoes died in A. If you want, you can see my first ever video about GK with complex comentary here:
ruclips.net/video/BMVdfDzGZxY/видео.html& - sorry for 720p only and bad sound of my microphone - I am not typical youtuber / streamer :P I did it, cause many ppl dont know some thinks and are misunderstanding the ship and gameplay in her.
Hello GK 8,5km firing range ?
well, times when I was running max sec. build are ower. Long time ower. With GK you have very good main guns, and if you are playing this game some longer time, you know, that even with manual secondaries and needed modules, their accuracy is not good enough at 8+km range, if they are not the improwed ones of Massa,Georgia or Ohio. Other BBs have only "normal" dispersion formula and she is not good enough to boost them so much. Here you can see diagram of GK secundary accuracy: proships.ru/stat/ships/3143/
@@AdalbertSchneider_ But unlike Mass, Georgia or Ohio your armour is great at close range. I'll take my full secondary specced GK up against any one of those quite happily. They may be secondary ships but they aren't brawlers like the GK.
@@eldridgep2 true. And every hightier BB has many 32mm parts and only lower than 32 is the 19mm superstructure. In that point, Massa & CO are even in disadvantage ( with or without IFHE ) they can do raw dmg only there, but thx their improwed dispersion, they are dealing not enough dmg - cause secondaries are aimed at watterline amidship..... And every BBs hull is imune to their shells. So it can look nice and the hit counter is rising up, but the dmg-output is laughable, if you in (especialy GER BB) are less angled - presenting more broadside, so they are hiting the wrong spots 😜 And GER BBs with IFHE are pening their whole hull.... 😎
@@AdalbertSchneider_ you summed it up nicely. If we're thinking about efficiency, secondary builds are by far the most pointless of all. Besides, you literally need to invest 3x 4points offensive skills to make them viable. While CE and FP gives you almost 20% more survivability.
I see so many players over extending cause they had a secondary build. Although, it's more problematic in our "tryhard" server, if you know which one it is.
But hey, fireworks are fun!!!
@@zobayer1 yeah, its the most hardcore and HE spam server - the EU, sadly. But dont take me wrong, as KOTS showed, you cannt say anymore ( if even back in time was also questionable ) the best one. I will alway run my "in some way hybrid secondary build". CE I was running back in times, when there was less CVs, nowadays pointless. And while I prefer maximum close-quarter build ( as you could see, most of my engagements were in very close range ) the manual secs+IFHE is a must for me. And to withstand the pressure, I went for FP... so build is OK - pretty strong for my purposses. There are ppl ( 90% ) that would prefer more tanky builds, cause they are fighting more at midrange and their secondaries wouldnt do as much job, as my did. And I can understand it. Eitherway, thx for nice conversation, wish you GL in your games in 2020 ! ✌
how do I set my thing up so that the team lineup is like yous?
How to do a IFHE build in gk coz I cant take ifhe pliz tell me which captain has it pliz
AdalbertSchneider dich hatte ich vorhin in einer Runde haha
😉 Tja, ich bin täglich am Meer
Awesome video. A suggestion, less zoom in - back. Thanks.
So many bad plays, but good dmg. Thanks for sharing.
What happened Kremlin ? o-o
Thx kristoph columbus
Damn. I'm grinding German battleships, currently on Tier V. Long way to go to Tier X.
tier VIII rules! tier IX is terrible, tier X is just big target
Save your free xp now so you can go past the shit show t9 but honestly Bismarck is my favorite ship you’ll enjoy it
@@winneracc I'm looking forward to T8 as well! Got Bayern a week ago, loving it so far.
Sameer Kharade there all amazing you will love every ship it didn’t even feel like a grind for me until t9 Bismarck is still my favourite ship in the game
Warum zeigst du soviel Breitseite? Gibts da bei Deutschen Schlachtschiffen nen Unterschied? Hab keine Deutschen gespielt. Würde mich mal interessieren
Schön gespielt 😉
Play the Bismarck next
Help me understand this..
Manual Secondaries: I thought you had to hit “ctrl” and “right mouse button click” click on your target for them to work. Otherwise, your secondaries won’t fire on anything. Here, I see the player not do any of that. Why is this?
Maybe because he didn't spec into manual sec.
guys omg, its replay bug - it doesnt show your cursor / mouse. I selected every target needed, but you cannt see it in the replay. 🤷♂️
@@ResistLight you saw my build at the start, read second comment.
Kristof Kolumbus, hahah, *slaps forehead*
you mean Großes-BATTLESHIP?
Unlucky kremlin
Ich lebe mit meiner Kurfürst nie so lange ....... (schnüff)
Du hast doch gesehen wie er spielt. Solange devensiv und auf Range gespielt wie es geht, dann aber auch mal rein ins getümmel und Gegnerische Knoten aufgedröselt. Wenn man dabei noch ETWAS Unterstützung bekommt (wie bei "C"), dann geht sowas. Fehlt selbige wie am Schluss, dann frisst man leider Schaden.
Leider gibt es kaum noch Teamwork und viel zu viele stellen sich im Pulk hinter dieselbe Insel (siehe die gesammelte Unfähig zu anfang bei "A"). Viele Wissen nicht wie die Spielmechanik an sich funktioniert und was sie mit ihrem Schiffen wirklich machen können und was nicht. Anwinkeln? AP oder HE? Wo schieße ich bei welchem Schiff wohin? WANN schieße ich und wann lasse ich es lieber bleiben? Wann bin ich aufgedeckt? Die meisten haben nichtmal Ahunung von diesen Grundlegenden Dingen und dann kommt eben sowas bei rum. Auf der einen seite Massensterben wie die Lemminge (wobei die Gegner auch nicht viel besser waren), auf der anderen Seite kann ein "normal guter" Spieler das natürlich ausnutzen und ordentlich Schaden raushauen, wurde in dem Vid ja gerade gezeigt.
Hmm, vielleicht sollte ich WoWS doch mal wieder entstauben.... war ja nicht alles schlecht und wenn Robben kloppen inzwischen auch auf T10 geht kann es doch eigentlich nur Lustig werden :-D
@@_Briegel Tja, Ich spiele seit drei Jahren dieses Game, kenne ein paar wichtige Grundregeln, aber besitze einfach nicht dieses Gespür wie so manch einer aus meinem Clan. Deswegen bin Ich dort auch nur ein mittelmäßiger Spieler, obwohl unser Clan (OESK) nur in der Sturmliga sich behaupten kann. Und das, obwohl da einige wirkliche "Könner" dabei sind. (Ich gehöre nicht zu dieser Kategorie)
@@sucherso-sein6769 "Mittelmäßig" ist doch deutlich besser wie das was ich heute erleben durfte (ja, ich hab mal wieder WoWS gespielt). Obwohl ich nach über einem Jahr Pause eigentlich keine Ahnung vom Game mehr hatte (Verflixt, wie schalte ich den Gegner nochmal gleich auf? Und auf welchem Button lag nochmal der Aufklärer und die Reparatur?), konnte ich mich meist in der oberen Hälfte des Rankings platzieren (wovon meine DD Runden meist unter den besten 3 waren, und das bei doch Arg geänderten Karten).
Das hätte so auf keinen Fall sein dürfen, als Wiedereinsteiger am ersten Tag nach solanger Pause hätte ich für jeden eigentlich nur ein Opfer sein dürfen. Aber nein, da stürmen BB mit Vollgas nach vorne, CA und CC sitzen hinter der Insel und zwar so das sie überhaupt nicht schießen können und meine DD Kollegen meiden jedes Cap trotz bestem Tarnwert in der Runde. Da werden Torpteppiche aus der zweiten und dritten Reihe geschossen, oder Ami-BB ballern mit HE auf Breitseite stehende andere BB. Und das alles in T8 bis T10.... ehrlich, mir fehlen die Worte.
Also, wenn du "mittelmäßig" bist, dann bist du bei solchen Spielern immer noch ein Gott, stell dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel. Es kann nicht jede Runde ideal laufen, aber es gibt dafür ja auch die wirklich tollen bei denen man sich einfach nur Wundert warum schon das dritte Schiff direkt Breitseite zeigt wenn du die Rohre gerade voll hast. Oder es in einer Runde, obwohl du nur "ungefähr" draufgehalten hast, Reihenweise Zitas für dich gibt. Einfach solche Runden in erinnerung behalten und die Ferien-Lemminge (die anscheinend mal wieder spielen), ausblenden.
In diesem Sinne, ein Frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr. Ich Verabschiede mich mal zur Familienfeier ;-)
@@_Briegel Frohe Weihnachten (Lächel,Freu)
This video needs commentary. Secondary build with the player not using "manual secondary". It's just an example of the changes made by WG on main guns. :)
bro, I was using manual secondaries, otherwise you wouldnt see them shooting 😎 Its old bug on replay, that if you are recording video from your replay, you dont see your cursor / mouse... You can only guess, which target I marked in which moment...
@@AdalbertSchneider_ I am not surprised that something WG has built does not work as intended lol gg
Awesome Game !
Wenn ich den Haufen unfähigkeit bei "A" sehe, dann weiß ich wieder warum ich nach über drei Jahren mit dem Game aufgehört habe!
Carry harder!
thx bro 😒
Don't see why you didnt go over a million on that battle.
not only credits, but also base XPs were too low. Dont know why - maybe too few targets shot. cause I havent meet much more of them... ✌
Max 12,3km lvl up ?
6 citadels on KREMLIN out of 9 projectiles fired??? What cheats do you use? My GK cannot hit a barn shooting from inside the barn!
bro, GK was never bad at closerange. Now, with the slightly improwed dispersion formula it became even better especialy in this kind of situations. Yeah, I was also not sure, if it will be enough, thx God, it was 😎 Sadly, later on the DM adrenalin in me caused slightly missaiming ( if you check it - you see I aimed slightly left and not death-center ) and the dispersion also let me down for once. But in general, you can have really nice salvos at mid to closerange in general. The rest is on RNG. Cheers, Schneider ✌
Every single high tier bb can DS a full hp Kremlin pretty easily, you just need his broadside.
Twannie did a session of several Krem vs GK 1v1s, and GK won every time. Cause what are citadels lol.
@@zobayer1 I mean, best example: ruclips.net/video/3LHEky4tqh8/видео.html This vid will have fk-ton of views and I hope, it will not be the reason for WG to reconsider the latest GK buff. As I wrote my concern in Flolos chat at about 40:14 in that video and he read it and answered me ( maximum sarcasm by both of us, cause we know eachother for so long... ) 😎
Kremlin is full of citadels. Almost all T10BBs can devastate a Kremlin at close quarters broadside.
Pfff it was a loss... Shame...
You play good but the others so...