MEaning: How to Get Your Feelings Hurt Less

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • From birth, we have been absorbing information, trained, programmed, taught, and conditioned to think, feel, respond, and participate in a particular way.
    Each person does this uniquely. Individually. It is the SELF.
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    From this, we operate from MEaning.
    MEaning is the value, weight, sensitivity, reaction, and more that I bring to my world, consciously or unconsciously.
    Someone says, “I love squash casserole!” They have placed MEaning on it.
    Someone else (Paul Evans), “Squash casserole is the worst!!” I have placed MEaning on it.
    Now, let’s get more personal than squash.
    Someone says something that hurts your feelings. Who is at fault?
    “That person, of course, said it!! And it hurt!”
    It only hurt because you gave the words their MEaning. Then, held the feeling with MEaning. Then you created a narrative about the person with MEaning. Possibly, you called a group of friends to tell them what that MEant to you.
    MEanwhile - another person may have been completely unaffected.
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