Healing is God's will for every sick person

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • How can people who are sick and in need of healing be completely sure that God is not the one making them sick and in fact God really wants them to be well and wants to use His power to heal them.
    There is only one way to be fully convinced.It is by looking at Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry. Jesus Christ Himself said '' anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father'' (John 14.9) That means Jesus was and is the perfect picture of God the father. All that He did on earth is the perfect expression of God's will. Acts 10.38 says '' God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power and He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him'' Jesus never turned away anyone who came to him for healing.He healed them all.That must be God's will then for every sick person.God is good and He wants all who are sick to be healed.The problem is not on God's side.The problem is on the side of human beings and ignorance of God's will concerning sickness is the greatest obstacle that people face when it comes to receiving healing from God.Watch this video for more clarity concerning receiving healing from God .

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