Superman: The Animated Series from the 1990s is largely considered to be one of the definitive takes on the Man of Steel. The animated series effectively catches the sense of awe and wonder that is essential to Superman's character.
It is also massively overlooked because it's sandwiched between Batman The Animated Series and Batman Beyond but it's still one of the better incarnations of Superman.
this song gives you hope that heroes are out there . while the Batman TAS theme gives me the feeling that in the dark streets theres always somebody watching you a silent guardian
There is something about Tim Daly's characterization of the Man of Steel in Superman: The Animated Series that hits all the right marks. He does not make his voice any lower or higher when he goes from Clark Kent to Superman. It remains steady for most of the time. Yet Tim Daly shows grief and anger when necessary.
From his blue uniform to his flowing red cape to the "S" shield on his chest, Superman is one of the most immediately recognizable and beloved DC Super Heroes of all time.
Superman: The Animated Series features great voice acting, familiar and beloved characters. The show brings a bright color palette with the hope and optimism that Superman is so famous for.
One of the more interesting behind the scenes features of Superman: The Animated Series is that the voice actors behind Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent, Mike Farrell and Shelley Fabares were married in real life.
The duality of Superman builds up the hero as a symbol of hope. Superman can choose to be anything or anyone he wants, so he decides to fight for truth and justice as a caped hero and an honest reporter on the streets of Metropolis. The story of Superman is one of the American dream, and comics and movies alike have played up the unrelenting wholesome, and hopeful nature of Clark Kent. In some tales, he may be a savior of the universe, but the hero was born in a small town Kansas, and that continues to define him.
R.I.P. Shirley Walker (1945-2006) Composer On Batman Mask Of The Phantasm Batman:The Animated Series The New Batman/Superman Adventures and Superman:The Animated Series DC Universe and Warner Bros Will Always Miss Her And Remember Her 😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭😭😢😭😢😢😢
Superman:The Animated Series Celebrates it's 25th Anniversary Which Came Out On The Same Year As Space Jam and Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame which 1996 was a great year For The Late Tony Jay
Superman is the all-time greatest superhero, the ultimate symbol of hope and one of the most powerful beings in the comic book genre. As one of the original characters in the medium, he is the prototype for what every superhero should be, the role model everyone tries to live up to and follow.
Dana Delany's Lois Lane voice was everything that fans of the comic books loved about the character. Her Lois Lane was snappy, tenacious and fearless, doing anything to get to the bottom of a story. She was especially based on the version of Lois Lane from the Golden Age of Comics, which gave her a biting competitive edge against Clark Kent. Her voice was eventually gave way to respect the mild-mannered yokel from Kansas. The way in which Lois Lane came to life concerning Superman and romantically admired him was quite palpable through Dana Delany's voice, even a strong reporter had been swept off her literally by her Man of Steel.
Superman: The Animated Series shares the moral themes of responsibility, sacrifice, friendship, peaceful resolution, and never giving up despite the odds.
Superman is a legend who started in the cornfields of Kansas. Young Clark Kent realized he was different from the other children and went to his parents. They revealed the truth to him that they found him crash landed in a rocket and that he should his powers to help others, just like they taught him to. Clark Kent's ever-increasing power meant that his responsibility increased until it encompassed the whole Earth. Superman's entire life since learning the truth about himself has been about using his powers to help everyone who cannot help themselves. The Kents taught him that was what people did: those who had the most were obliged to help those who had the least. He has taken that to heart and become the greatest hero the universe ever saw.
Superman is perhaps the most significant force for good in the DC Universe. His ideals of truth, justice and a better world ring through all of his actions, big and small. He is the living representation of hope and inspire others to be their best selves.
Superman is one of the most noble of all of the heroes who most wholeheartedly takes on the duty of protecting the weak because of his innate nobility and his tremendous physical strength.
Superman landed in the right place at the right time and was given the best life imaginable. He learned his lessons from the greatest people, teachings that made him the man he is today.
Superman: The Animated Series feels like part of a bigger universe from the start. Seeing heroes in a world where Superman and Batman existed set the stage for what would become Justice League, which makes the legacy of Superman: The Animated Series even more impressive. The DC Universe connections were a highlight of the show, but the way Superman: The Animated Series treated Clark Kent and Superman was incredible.
Superman: The Animated Series is a part of the beloved DC Animated Universe, introducing the franchise's version of the Man of Steel. Often considered to be one of DC's greatest animated series of all time, Superman: The Animated Series ran for three seasons, tying into other DC Animated Universe shows and eventually leading into the Justice League animated series and Justice League Unlimited.
R.I.P. Tony Jay (1933-2006) Voice of Sul-Van from Superman:The Animated Series and yes Judge Frollo from Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame an amazing and chilling performance singing Hellfire 1996 was a great year for him
Superman: The Animated Series had been a good while since the Man of Steel had a noteworthy animated adaptation. In 1996, DC Comics and Warner Bros. decided Superman would be the second hero to enter the DC Animated Universe. Running for three seasons, Superman: The Animated Series was met with universal praise, laying the groundwork for many great shows to follow.
Superman is Earth's greatest and most powerful hero. He is a good, loyal and honorable alien who came to the planet, deemed himself its protector and he will fight to protect those he loves.
Tim Daly gives a fantastic performance voicing the Man of Steel. He brings a lot of compassion and humanity to the role that helps ground a character with so many fantastical abilities. Tim Daly uses to differentiate his Clark Kent and Superman and sell the double identity.
Superman: The Animated Series is one of the best interpretations of Superman and his lore, as well as one of the best shows in the DC Animated Universe.
Supergirl rarely needs to show how smart she is, but she can understand concepts that would perplex even the smartest humans. Supergirl has it all, combining brains and brawn.
Superman: The Animated Series has complex story arcs, a stellar voice cast, classic villains, tons of comic book Easter eggs and great action sequences.
Superman: The Animated Series captures everything audiences love about the character. Superman might have all this power, but his heart is incredibly human, and the beauty of the cartoon is how his sheer presence changes the people around him and improves the world.
Superman: The Animated Series still stands as one of the best animated shows featuring Superman, with many compelling storylines and a strong emphasis on morality that gave the series an enduring appeal.
The essential figure that truly symbolizes the superhero, there was never any doubt that fans would show Superman love. Having proven his capacity to stand for truth, justice and the American way, Superman has spent decades proving himself a caring and compassionate figure time and time again.
Nicholle Tom allows Supergirl to shine with her own light, even as a secondary character. The voice of Nicholle Tom showcases the playful streak of Supergirl that fans love.
We share a precious gift. We are all of us privileged to live a life that has been touched by Superman. The Man of Steel possessed many extraordinary gifts and he shared them with us freely. None of these gifts were more remarkable than his ability to discern what needed to be done, and his unfailing courage in doing it, whatever the personal cost. Let us all strive to accept his gift and pass it along, as an ongoing tribute to Kal-El of Krypton: the immigrant from the stars who taught us all how to be heroes.
Superman: The Animated Series takes the cake as the highest-rated among animated Superman television shows in part likely to its interconnectivity and inclusion of characters from throughout the DC Comics universe.
Having proven his capacity to stand for truth, justice and the American way, Superman has spent decades proving himself a caring and compassionate figure time and time again.
Clark Kent as a regular human would have limits that Superman does not. Clark Kent can do anything to help others, in and out of the costume. He does not have to be scared of anything, allowing him to face anything without fear in order to save the day and make people's lives better.
Superman astonishes the world with wondrous feats of flight and strength and courage, but behind his heroic acts, he is an immigrant from another world who fights to protect his adopted planet.
While he would leave the role, Tim Daly has returned to the role in several animated movies. Each time, Tim Daly brings a humble and down-to-earth performance to the character that makes his Superman very likable. Yet Tim Daly perfectly brings the same amount of intensity and emotional depth that Batman: The Animated Series brought to Batman.
Superman: The Animated Series features what is one of the best takes on the Man of Steel in any media, including comics and live-action movies. The fighting scenes were dynamic and entertaining, and Superman's villains stole the show.
Superman: The Animated Series is a superb showcase of Superman characters and stories, with Tim Daly providing vocal duties for the titular superhero in the world.
Always someone willing to see the good in people, Superman wants nothing more than to see the people of Earth safe and happy. Despite having the power to save countless lives with a flick of his hand, he talks people off of ledges, befriends photographers, and is an excellent and compassionate superhero.
The widely beloved animated series introduced many young fans to the titular character and has become the definitive version for them. With three seasons consisting of 54 episodes in total, the series had a lot of time to flesh out both Clark Kent and Superman, perhaps more than any other interpretation. The show tackles a lot of massive Superman stories, from the destruction of Krypton to a battle with Darkseid and even a crossover with Kevin Conroy's Batman.
Superman: The Animated Series paid homage to the classic roots of Superman while modernizing the stories, and was not afraid to challenge its audience with dark imagery and bittersweet endings.
In most continuities, Superman is loved and respected the world around. This stands to reason as he depends his efforts to bring peace and tranquility to the entire planet. His home may be the United States of America, but he brings the values of mutual compassion, respect, understanding and collaboration to countries all over the globe.
Superman: The Animated Series is one of the best Superman animated shows, showcasing a perfect balance between the symbol of hope and action hero aspects of the character.
Thanks to his heroic exploits, Superman becomes a popular figure for the entire world all around. The majority of the superhero community admire and look up to him, and other cities like having him visit from time to time.
Tim Daly struck a balance between projecting an average Joe and an inspirational hero in the Man of Steel. Superman still carries the values of his heartland upbringing with him as he has moved away from being seen as an American hero and has become more of a global figure for good.
Superman deserves more credit for taking on the near impossible task of trying to defend the planet. His ambitious actions have convinced billions of people that he is a strong and noble leader.
Superman is effectively the birthplace of superhero comics. His story is a distinctly American tale, as the ultimate immigrant sent from the stars, landing in Kansas and being raised as a wholesome middle American by his parents, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent. Clark Kent is the personification of the American dream as well as a tale of being humble, a man with the power to destroy a planet who chooses to live as an average man.
As a native of Smallville, a young Clark Kent would adopt these values as his own, especially as his parents were farmers and people of a good conscience, who raised him with the best values and ideals America had to offer.
Sent from the stars as the story of the ultimate immigrant, Superman had to balance a sense of not belonging with the values instilled in him by his honest, hard-working parents. Superman is simply a force for the American perspective of truth and justice as seen through the eyes of a hopeful, small-town boy scout.
Superman: The Animated Series was crafted as a Superman cartoon aimed at younger audiences. Compared to previous Superman cartoons or the Super Friends series, Superman: The Animated Series is still a mature take on the character. Adult audiences will recognize classic Superman tropes and notice how Superman: The Animated Series flips them. Clark Kent, his supporting characters, and his menacing and deep villains are all well-written.
Superman was ready to take hard-hitting villains all on. Superman: The Animated Series provides layered and intimidating versions of Superman's fiercest enemies.
Superman represents the American Dream, that anybody can come to the United States and achieve greatness and can become as much a citizen as anyone born here. If America really wants to have a hero that represents itself, or the best ideal of what it wants to be, a character like Superman which embodies the immigrant experience is the perfect fit.
Superman is the ultimate role model, especially since his whole fight is about ensuring the freedom for all people. The world is his purview, and he will stop at nothing to secure it.
Superman: The Animated Series was another landmark and critically acclaimed take on one of DC's most timeless heroes. Superman: The Animated Series was lauded for highlighting the most beloved characteristics of the Man of Steel's source material.
Rogues pushed the Man of Steel to his absolute limits. As fun as it was to watch the hero punch bad guys, this animated series really shone when it focused on his inner conflicts and societal issues that powers alone could not solve.
Superman: The Animated Series explored his origins, his first interactions with kryptonite, and his earliest encounters with some of DC's greatest villains. Superman is one of the most powerful DC heroes, so naturally, the universe's strongest villains rise to challenge him. Over three seasons, Superman battled villains on Earth and enemies from the cosmos.
This 90s animated series on the Last Son of Krypton had the daunting task of updating the mythology for a whole new generation because complex story arcs and a stellar voice cast of actors thankfully succeeded in making the actual version of the character for many.
One of the best aspects of the series was its introduction of Superman's villains. With so many prior Superman animated projects to draw on, the 1990s series was replete with everything that makes Superman great.
What makes Superman so cool is because he is a classic hero who saves lives and fights for truth, justice and a better tomorrow when no road is too far or a challenge too great.
Superman exists to enshrine the noblest parts of the human spirit, and freedom is foremost among them. For him, no matter if someone does not look him or live like him; they all deserve freedom and he will fight for that. He sets an example for the world to follow.
Geographically located in the middle of the United States of America, Kansas is the epitome of the American heartland. With its rural and bucolic setting, peppered with farmlands, wheat fields and small towns, Kansas symbolizes the American values of hard work, community and honest living.
Lois Lane is a great hero in her right, and her entire existence is all about the freedom to speak truth to power. As a reporter for the Daily Planet and an author, Lois Lane has devoted her life to holding the powerful accountable for their indiscretions and lies.
Tim Daly delivers the Superman/Clark Kent performance perfectly, and the villains are all updated wonderfully. Clancy Brown is often listed as a top-tier version of Lex Luthor. The show even created a couple of villains who would become comic book mainstays: Mercy Graves and Livewire. Many would agree that any person who praises Batman: The Animated Series should watch Superman: The Animated Series.
Superman is the hero who everyone follows and he is a shining example of what humanity can be, taught by the Kents to be the gold standard. Superman is an inspiration because he believes in the good of the people around him.
Few DC Animated Universe series have as many hard-hitting villains as this show did. The Man of Steel was fortunately ready to take them all on. The show provided layered and intimidating versions of the Blue Boy Scout's fiercest foes, rogues like Metallo, Brainiac and Darkseid push Superman to his absolute limits. As fun as it was to watch the hero punch bad guys, it really shone when it focused on his inner conflicts and societal issues that powers alone could not solve. This animated series notably brought in other heroes for memorable team-up stories. Whether Superman is in a team-up or literally flying solo, his adventures always have a hopeful and optimistic tone, his uplifting series deserves to be considered as a classic.
Opting for a design style that favors simplicity and angular edges over the moody detail of Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series latched onto Superman's finest qualities in a way that has seemed to elude filmmakers since 1978.
Superman: The Animated Series had big shows to fill as the next show of the DC Animated Universe after the critically acclaimed Batman animated series. Largely inspired by John Byrne's post Crisis Superman comics, the Superman animated series depicted a relatable Clark Kent who had to struggle to perform his most impressive feats as Superman. Although the show did take liberties with the characterization of the Big Blue Boy Scout, its phenomenal score, voice cast, and art style make its consensus as one of Superman's best adaptations well-deserved.
Stories have showcased the invaluable and irreplaceable role that Superman takes on in the DC Universe, rallying the older generation of superheroes to come out of retirement to set better examples for younger, more violent heroes.
During its era, Superman: The Animated Series was one of the best cartoons on television. This version of Clark Kent, voiced by Tim Daly, is more modern and much more serious. The show was noted for its relatable themes, award-winning sound, and the plot's closeness to the comics.
Superman is a role model to other DC heroes for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest reasons has always been compassion. The Kents taught their adopted son to always care about everyone from the time he was young. Superman cherished that lesson, and it fueled his heroic mission.
Superman: The Animated Series from the 1990s is largely considered to be one of the definitive takes on the Man of Steel. The animated series effectively catches the sense of awe and wonder that is essential to Superman's character.
It is also massively overlooked because it's sandwiched between Batman The Animated Series and Batman Beyond but it's still one of the better incarnations of Superman.
this song gives you hope that heroes are out there . while the Batman TAS theme gives me the feeling that in the dark streets theres always somebody watching you a silent guardian
Yet, life still sucks buddy.
@@justarandomdude.9285 yes it does man . yes it does
Look Life straight into its eyes after everything you went through and ask if that's the best they got.
@@jasoethesentienteyeshapedg4847 that's badass man
There is something about Tim Daly's characterization of the Man of Steel in Superman: The Animated Series that hits all the right marks. He does not make his voice any lower or higher when he goes from Clark Kent to Superman. It remains steady for most of the time. Yet Tim Daly shows grief and anger when necessary.
Listened to this while reading “Superman smashes the Klan” some days are just perfect.
From his blue uniform to his flowing red cape to the "S" shield on his chest, Superman is one of the most immediately recognizable and beloved DC Super Heroes of all time.
Superman: The Animated Series features great voice acting, familiar and beloved characters. The show brings a bright color palette with the hope and optimism that Superman is so famous for.
One of the more interesting behind the scenes features of Superman: The Animated Series is that the voice actors behind Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent, Mike Farrell and Shelley Fabares were married in real life.
We love Superman so his strength, his passion and his ability to instill hope in those who need it the most.
The duality of Superman builds up the hero as a symbol of hope. Superman can choose to be anything or anyone he wants, so he decides to fight for truth and justice as a caped hero and an honest reporter on the streets of Metropolis. The story of Superman is one of the American dream, and comics and movies alike have played up the unrelenting wholesome, and hopeful nature of Clark Kent. In some tales, he may be a savior of the universe, but the hero was born in a small town Kansas, and that continues to define him.
This theme feels like someone is coming , some unstoppable force, justice and the last hope 💥
Perfect when reading John Byrne's Superman.
25th Anniversary of Superman: The Animated Series (1996-2021)
Yep. Feels weird.
God I love this show so much, it gives me full nostalgia and child like love of why I love superman
R.I.P. Shirley Walker (1945-2006) Composer On Batman Mask Of The Phantasm Batman:The Animated Series The New Batman/Superman Adventures and Superman:The Animated Series DC Universe and Warner Bros Will Always Miss Her And Remember Her 😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭😭😢😭😢😢😢
Superman:The Animated Series Celebrates it's 25th Anniversary Which Came Out On The Same Year As Space Jam and Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame which 1996 was a great year For The Late Tony Jay
Happy 25th Anniversary Of Superman:The Animated Series (1996-2021)
Superman is the all-time greatest superhero, the ultimate symbol of hope and one of the most powerful beings in the comic book genre. As one of the original characters in the medium, he is the prototype for what every superhero should be, the role model everyone tries to live up to and follow.
Dana Delany's Lois Lane voice was everything that fans of the comic books loved about the character. Her Lois Lane was snappy, tenacious and fearless, doing anything to get to the bottom of a story. She was especially based on the version of Lois Lane from the Golden Age of Comics, which gave her a biting competitive edge against Clark Kent. Her voice was eventually gave way to respect the mild-mannered yokel from Kansas. The way in which Lois Lane came to life concerning Superman and romantically admired him was quite palpable through Dana Delany's voice, even a strong reporter had been swept off her literally by her Man of Steel.
Listening to this always makes me feel good
Superman: The Animated Series shares the moral themes of responsibility, sacrifice, friendship, peaceful resolution, and never giving up despite the odds.
Superman is a legend who started in the cornfields of Kansas. Young Clark Kent realized he was different from the other children and went to his parents. They revealed the truth to him that they found him crash landed in a rocket and that he should his powers to help others, just like they taught him to. Clark Kent's ever-increasing power meant that his responsibility increased until it encompassed the whole Earth.
Superman's entire life since learning the truth about himself has been about using his powers to help everyone who cannot help themselves. The Kents taught him that was what people did: those who had the most were obliged to help those who had the least. He has taken that to heart and become the greatest hero the universe ever saw.
Superman is perhaps the most significant force for good in the DC Universe. His ideals of truth, justice and a better world ring through all of his actions, big and small. He is the living representation of hope and inspire others to be their best selves.
Superman is one of the most noble of all of the heroes who most wholeheartedly takes on the duty of protecting the weak because of his innate nobility and his tremendous physical strength.
Superman landed in the right place at the right time and was given the best life imaginable. He learned his lessons from the greatest people, teachings that made him the man he is today.
Superman: The Animated Series is among the most widely appreciated projects featuring the Man of Steel.
Superman: The Animated Series received critical acclaim for its art deco-inspired animation, mature and complex storytelling, and top-tier voice cast.
Superman: The Animated Series feels like part of a bigger universe from the start. Seeing heroes in a world where Superman and Batman existed set the stage for what would become Justice League, which makes the legacy of Superman: The Animated Series even more impressive. The DC Universe connections were a highlight of the show, but the way Superman: The Animated Series treated Clark Kent and Superman was incredible.
Superman: The Animated Series is a part of the beloved DC Animated Universe, introducing the franchise's version of the Man of Steel. Often considered to be one of DC's greatest animated series of all time, Superman: The Animated Series ran for three seasons, tying into other DC Animated Universe shows and eventually leading into the Justice League animated series and Justice League Unlimited.
R.I.P. Tony Jay (1933-2006) Voice of Sul-Van from Superman:The Animated Series and yes Judge Frollo from Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame an amazing and chilling performance singing Hellfire 1996 was a great year for him
Superman: The Animated Series had been a good while since the Man of Steel had a noteworthy animated adaptation.
In 1996, DC Comics and Warner Bros. decided Superman would be the second hero to enter the DC Animated Universe. Running for three seasons, Superman: The Animated Series was met with universal praise, laying the groundwork for many great shows to follow.
Superman is Earth's greatest and most powerful hero. He is a good, loyal and honorable alien who came to the planet, deemed himself its protector and he will fight to protect those he loves.
Tim Daly gives a fantastic performance voicing the Man of Steel. He brings a lot of compassion and humanity to the role that helps ground a character with so many fantastical abilities. Tim Daly uses to differentiate his Clark Kent and Superman and sell the double identity.
Superman: The Animated Series is one of the best interpretations of Superman and his lore, as well as one of the best shows in the DC Animated Universe.
Supergirl rarely needs to show how smart she is, but she can understand concepts that would perplex even the smartest humans. Supergirl has it all, combining brains and brawn.
Superman endlessly inspires people, his example spurring the rest of the Justice League to push on until they have won.
Superman: The Animated Series has complex story arcs, a stellar voice cast, classic villains, tons of comic book Easter eggs and great action sequences.
Superman: The Animated Series captures everything audiences love about the character. Superman might have all this power, but his heart is incredibly human, and the beauty of the cartoon is how his sheer presence changes the people around him and improves the world.
Superman's otherworldly abilities and a strong sense of justice make him a beacon of hope for all humanity.
Superman: The Animated Series still stands as one of the best animated shows featuring Superman, with many compelling storylines and a strong emphasis on morality that gave the series an enduring appeal.
The essential figure that truly symbolizes the superhero, there was never any doubt that fans would show Superman love. Having proven his capacity to stand for truth, justice and the American way, Superman has spent decades proving himself a caring and compassionate figure time and time again.
Nicholle Tom allows Supergirl to shine with her own light, even as a secondary character. The voice of Nicholle Tom showcases the playful streak of Supergirl that fans love.
We share a precious gift. We are all of us privileged to live a life that has been touched by Superman. The Man of Steel possessed many extraordinary gifts and he shared them with us freely. None of these gifts were more remarkable than his ability to discern what needed to be done, and his unfailing courage in doing it, whatever the personal cost. Let us all strive to accept his gift and pass it along, as an ongoing tribute to Kal-El of Krypton: the immigrant from the stars who taught us all how to be heroes.
Superman: The Animated Series is one of the best adaptations of Superman and helped to solidify his status as a beloved and iconic superhero.
Superman: The Animated Series takes the cake as the highest-rated among animated Superman television shows in part likely to its interconnectivity and inclusion of characters from throughout the DC Comics universe.
Having proven his capacity to stand for truth, justice and the American way, Superman has spent decades proving himself a caring and compassionate figure time and time again.
Clark Kent as a regular human would have limits that Superman does not. Clark Kent can do anything to help others, in and out of the costume. He does not have to be scared of anything, allowing him to face anything without fear in order to save the day and make people's lives better.
Superman astonishes the world with wondrous feats of flight and strength and courage, but behind his heroic acts, he is an immigrant from another world who fights to protect his adopted planet.
Superman is exceptionally kindhearted, possessing a strong sense of justice, honor, empathy, honesty, patriotism and innate selfless benevolence.
While he would leave the role, Tim Daly has returned to the role in several animated movies. Each time, Tim Daly brings a humble and down-to-earth performance to the character that makes his Superman very likable. Yet Tim Daly perfectly brings the same amount of intensity and emotional depth that Batman: The Animated Series brought to Batman.
Superman: The Animated Series features what is one of the best takes on the Man of Steel in any media, including comics and live-action movies. The fighting scenes were dynamic and entertaining, and Superman's villains stole the show.
Superman: The Animated Series is a superb showcase of Superman characters and stories, with Tim Daly providing vocal duties for the titular superhero in the world.
Always someone willing to see the good in people, Superman wants nothing more than to see the people of Earth safe and happy. Despite having the power to save countless lives with a flick of his hand, he talks people off of ledges, befriends photographers, and is an excellent and compassionate superhero.
The widely beloved animated series introduced many young fans to the titular character and has become the definitive version for them. With three seasons consisting of 54 episodes in total, the series had a lot of time to flesh out both Clark Kent and Superman, perhaps more than any other interpretation. The show tackles a lot of massive Superman stories, from the destruction of Krypton to a battle with Darkseid and even a crossover with Kevin Conroy's Batman.
Superman: The Animated Series paid homage to the classic roots of Superman while modernizing the stories, and was not afraid to challenge its audience with dark imagery and bittersweet endings.
In most continuities, Superman is loved and respected the world around. This stands to reason as he depends his efforts to bring peace and tranquility to the entire planet. His home may be the United States of America, but he brings the values of mutual compassion, respect, understanding and collaboration to countries all over the globe.
Superman: The Animated Series is one of the best Superman animated shows, showcasing a perfect balance between the symbol of hope and action hero aspects of the character.
Superman: The Animated Series was praised for its dedication to Superman's vast source material and broader audience appeal.
Thanks to his heroic exploits, Superman becomes a popular figure for the entire world all around. The majority of the superhero community admire and look up to him, and other cities like having him visit from time to time.
Superman bears an unrelenting sense of responsibility for defending the world's innocence even at the cost of himself.
Thanks to numerous films, television series, thousands of comic books and extensive merchandising, Superman is the definitive superhero.
Superman is a brave and kindhearted hero with a strong sense of justice, morality and righteousness.
Superman first finds his strength as a child before eventually becoming an extremely powerful hero of Earth.
Superman is always in the forefront of every battle, setting an example and inspiring his teammates.
Tim Daly struck a balance between projecting an average Joe and an inspirational hero in the Man of Steel. Superman still carries the values of his heartland upbringing with him as he has moved away from being seen as an American hero and has become more of a global figure for good.
The success of Superman: The Animated Series pave the way for Justice League Unlimited, which brought an edge to the former Super Friends.
nostalgia man i was 5 when i was enjoying this masterpiece every evening after school i love superman
2:01 - 2:08
“Try pointing your arms straight ahead! Like Superman!” - Hogarth Hughes, The Iron Giant
Many fans would still stand behind Superman because he does seem to want the best for everyone.
Superman deserves more credit for taking on the near impossible task of trying to defend the planet. His ambitious actions have convinced billions of people that he is a strong and noble leader.
Superman: The Animated Series defined the DC Animated Universe and paved the way for the original and iconic Justice League animated series.
Superman is effectively the birthplace of superhero comics. His story is a distinctly American tale, as the ultimate immigrant sent from the stars, landing in Kansas and being raised as a wholesome middle American by his parents, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent. Clark Kent is the personification of the American dream as well as a tale of being humble, a man with the power to destroy a planet who chooses to live as an average man.
As a native of Smallville, a young Clark Kent would adopt these values as his own, especially as his parents were farmers and people of a good conscience, who raised him with the best values and ideals America had to offer.
Superman is all about saving everyone he can and will fight against any odds to do so, proving that he is the greatest hero of them all.
Sent from the stars as the story of the ultimate immigrant, Superman had to balance a sense of not belonging with the values instilled in him by his honest, hard-working parents. Superman is simply a force for the American perspective of truth and justice as seen through the eyes of a hopeful, small-town boy scout.
Superman: The Animated Series was crafted as a Superman cartoon aimed at younger audiences. Compared to previous Superman cartoons or the Super Friends series, Superman: The Animated Series is still a mature take on the character. Adult audiences will recognize classic Superman tropes and notice how Superman: The Animated Series flips them. Clark Kent, his supporting characters, and his menacing and deep villains are all well-written.
Superman will always do the right thing and will give his life to save humanity.
Superman was ready to take hard-hitting villains all on. Superman: The Animated Series provides layered and intimidating versions of Superman's fiercest enemies.
Superman's greatest strength is his optimism and belief that people and things could get better.
Superman represents the American Dream, that anybody can come to the United States and achieve greatness and can become as much a citizen as anyone born here. If America really wants to have a hero that represents itself, or the best ideal of what it wants to be, a character like Superman which embodies the immigrant experience is the perfect fit.
Superman is the ultimate role model, especially since his whole fight is about ensuring the freedom for all people. The world is his purview, and he will stop at nothing to secure it.
Superman: The Animated Series was another landmark and critically acclaimed take on one of DC's most timeless heroes. Superman: The Animated Series was lauded for highlighting the most beloved characteristics of the Man of Steel's source material.
Rogues pushed the Man of Steel to his absolute limits. As fun as it was to watch the hero punch bad guys, this animated series really shone when it focused on his inner conflicts and societal issues that powers alone could not solve.
Superman: The Animated Series explored his origins, his first interactions with kryptonite, and his earliest encounters with some of DC's greatest villains. Superman is one of the most powerful DC heroes, so naturally, the universe's strongest villains rise to challenge him. Over three seasons, Superman battled villains on Earth and enemies from the cosmos.
Superman: The Animated Series is a celebration of the DC Universe and a perfect take on the Big Blue Boy Scout.
This 90s animated series on the Last Son of Krypton had the daunting task of updating the mythology for a whole new generation because complex story arcs and a stellar voice cast of actors thankfully succeeded in making the actual version of the character for many.
One of the best aspects of the series was its introduction of Superman's villains. With so many prior Superman animated projects to draw on, the 1990s series was replete with everything that makes Superman great.
Superman has thwarted the greatest villains imaginable and made a difference in every battle he has been in.
What makes Superman so cool is because he is a classic hero who saves lives and fights for truth, justice and a better tomorrow when no road is too far or a challenge too great.
Lex Luthor's greed makes Superman's charity more pronounced, revealing how good the Man of Steel truly is at his core.
Superman exists to enshrine the noblest parts of the human spirit, and freedom is foremost among them. For him, no matter if someone does not look him or live like him; they all deserve freedom and he will fight for that. He sets an example for the world to follow.
Superman has become the most well-known superhero on the planet, a piece of modern mythology that stretches back to heroes.
Geographically located in the middle of the United States of America, Kansas is the epitome of the American heartland. With its rural and bucolic setting, peppered with farmlands, wheat fields and small towns, Kansas symbolizes the American values of hard work, community and honest living.
Tony Jay
Born:February 2,1933
Passed Away:August 13,2006
Voiced Sul-Van Superman
Who also Voiced Judge Frollo in Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Lois Lane is a great hero in her right, and her entire existence is all about the freedom to speak truth to power. As a reporter for the Daily Planet and an author, Lois Lane has devoted her life to holding the powerful accountable for their indiscretions and lies.
Tim Daly delivers the Superman/Clark Kent performance perfectly, and the villains are all updated wonderfully. Clancy Brown is often listed as a top-tier version of Lex Luthor. The show even created a couple of villains who would become comic book mainstays: Mercy Graves and Livewire. Many would agree that any person who praises Batman: The Animated Series should watch Superman: The Animated Series.
Superman is still portrayed as a man whose compassion for others is his main driving force no matter what.
Superman is the hero who everyone follows and he is a shining example of what humanity can be, taught by the Kents to be the gold standard. Superman is an inspiration because he believes in the good of the people around him.
Few DC Animated Universe series have as many hard-hitting villains as this show did. The Man of Steel was fortunately ready to take them all on. The show provided layered and intimidating versions of the Blue Boy Scout's fiercest foes, rogues like Metallo, Brainiac and Darkseid push Superman to his absolute limits. As fun as it was to watch the hero punch bad guys, it really shone when it focused on his inner conflicts and societal issues that powers alone could not solve. This animated series notably brought in other heroes for memorable team-up stories. Whether Superman is in a team-up or literally flying solo, his adventures always have a hopeful and optimistic tone, his uplifting series deserves to be considered as a classic.
Opting for a design style that favors simplicity and angular edges over the moody detail of Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series latched onto Superman's finest qualities in a way that has seemed to elude filmmakers since 1978.
Superman is the one who always stands up for others, the one who solves every crisis and the one who never fails.
Superman: The Animated Series had big shows to fill as the next show of the DC Animated Universe after the critically acclaimed Batman animated series. Largely inspired by John Byrne's post Crisis Superman comics, the Superman animated series depicted a relatable Clark Kent who had to struggle to perform his most impressive feats as Superman. Although the show did take liberties with the characterization of the Big Blue Boy Scout, its phenomenal score, voice cast, and art style make its consensus as one of Superman's best adaptations well-deserved.
Stories have showcased the invaluable and irreplaceable role that Superman takes on in the DC Universe, rallying the older generation of superheroes to come out of retirement to set better examples for younger, more violent heroes.
During its era, Superman: The Animated Series was one of the best cartoons on television. This version of Clark Kent, voiced by Tim Daly, is more modern and much more serious. The show was noted for its relatable themes, award-winning sound, and the plot's closeness to the comics.
Superman is a role model to other DC heroes for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest reasons has always been compassion. The Kents taught their adopted son to always care about everyone from the time he was young. Superman cherished that lesson, and it fueled his heroic mission.