Is there a "best" IDE for Python development?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • In this video I discuss the topic of is there a best IDE for Python. I also talk about why you should experiment and choose your own tools, and how to handle recommendations from articles and videos.

Комментарии • 3

  • @joeking5211
    @joeking5211 Год назад +1

    Jeepers it's me again, the 4th coincidence of finding this in this order. I guess you have already seen my previous comments so I won't rant on again, but this almost answered some of the points I made. You touched on the firing up a project with these venv things, but still not clear if a python installation has to be done per project for this and why a so called venv is needed as any other language that I have 'played' with in the past you would just create a folder/directory and put in the bits you will need specifically for that project, so there must be something ultra special about python venv's that I am clearly missing ?, and understand that these venv's have to be enabled/disabled, well, completely at a loss there if the point is just to keep a project and it's dependencies etc to itself, then I would have thought it only needs it's own directory, I am clearly missing something badly here, then what happens if you have a bit code like someone's Hello World prog and you need to use it yourself and have to expand it with libs etc and keep it a self contained project, how do you get that going in pycharm, or any other python IDE for that matter if you have to enable/disable venv's what happens if you forget do you completely mess up your installed python, there is so much ambiguity around this and I can find nothing on YT that clearly explains this to get started in the right direction. I must say 'I' can't, find any, but with so much out there I for sure could have missed them but as you know YT is just a bottomless ocean and it's luck that you find the good one's much like I found yours. Oh and just thought that at 16:52 you showed all the project dependencies ?, how did you do that, so much I need to know to this so called easy to learn language python of to correct start, I guess being the professional you are you smiling to yourself at my ignorance to all this and remembering the early years and how you can feel out on the boat without the paddle, when you look around and everyone else seems to have no issues and the complex starts to kick in, very near that giving up stages now, but you are keep the torch lit for me so far, yet again many thanks for another totally on topic video to where I am in the que to getting up and running, would be so grateful for you thought on the above and also for my thought/comments I left in your other 3 videos. Again many thks and kind rgds.

    • @josys363
      @josys363  Год назад

      Joe, You do not have to do a Python installation for each project. So, let's say you just installed Pyhon on your computer. Does not matter if it's Windows/Mac/Linux. When you create a project in PyCharm, PyCharm can create a virtual environment for you, which is going to be a copy of the base Python install. We do this because for each project we generally are going to be installing and using 3rd party libraries in our projects. If I'm doing a Qt project and need PySide I would install PySide in that virtual environment using PyCharm. In another project I may not need Qt so I just install the 3rd party libraries I need there. This works out really well if you are going to package your software to distribute. If I installed every 3rd party library I needed in the base Python install, I would have to package all that even though many of them may not be needed. So each project with a virtual environment starts out with a clean Python copy, and then I install what I need on top of that.

    • @BenDover-pq8xj
      @BenDover-pq8xj Год назад

      @@josys363 Hi Jason, yep all points noted, many many thks. Well, nearly a week gone by now since I first spotted your marvellous video and I've be at this through the day and till the very early hours, every day even as I type now. Not sure if you have seen the Qt web site of late, they say that it changes regularly, well I have no idea with the plethora of options on its menu with absolutely nothing with the word python on it, so really stumped. Had tried to install on a test machine with only Qt6, it seems to also insist to add a thing called Qt Studio, which I believe that is not needed for your tutorial, and when I click ok to install my test machine it choked on it requiring a massive amount of disk space that was not available. I thought Qt6 is basically just a GUI library i thought, if it takes this sort of space i guess I am doing something completely amiss here. There also seems to be multiple versions that seem to clash, as in the online installer wants to put v10.0.? and the other creator file wants 9.0.? , this is foolish to get a new user started using a product, there are also no coherent videos on the installation from all the example videos on their site. I have got a half cocked copy somehow on a PC but I have been through these so many times now that I really can remember what method was used. I got PyCharm community Ed installed, nowhere is the Qt designer seen in in it menu, double clicking a .ui file does absolutely nothing, so without driving myself into the ground I must give up after the weekend. When you have a superb tutorial video to follow like yours its really is embarrassing that it's taking this long to actually get a Hello World snip working all because of the block in setting up of the tools. I cannot commend your videos enough., and thank you for your efforts. However with almost a completely wasted week I am just going to assume that this why Qt is not so much used apps as I don't see how anyone can get off the ground to get into it, i think for wonderful GUI library, they really are surely foolish to themselves not to make this a little more plug & play, or at least some video tutorials to get rolling. I would be eternally grateful if you do have tips/tricks to overcome this as time is really running thin for me now, and it would criminal to waste all the effort so far. I for sure envy you with you breeze way ao knocking out your apps. Just as bit of my history I've use Borland ( Now Embarcadaro ) C++ Builder since it was released way back when, though I have not used it for a few years the cost now is not affordable and the main reason for take the route with your video was the cross platform use, for Linux really, so I am not a beginner at GUI's, Borland was fight, and that's why I feel something really gone wrong here. Thks again and back to hacking for another n hours. Kind Rgds.