im 50/50 on nolan. when he's great, he's really great. memento and insomnia are awesome, ditto tdk and first half of begins. but then he wrote some of the most ridiculous idiotic story in interstellar and prestige and that pointless backward movie. and i still do not care for inception. for a film about dream, it is so rigid and strict about rules. if i want to see films about dream, i'll go watch a fellini or gilliam's brazil.
just Nolan
I don’t get it
im 50/50 on nolan. when he's great, he's really great. memento and insomnia are awesome, ditto tdk and first half of begins. but then he wrote some of the most ridiculous idiotic story in interstellar and prestige and that pointless backward movie. and i still do not care for inception. for a film about dream, it is so rigid and strict about rules. if i want to see films about dream, i'll go watch a fellini or gilliam's brazil.