If I could, I would've pushed the like button several times - very informative, efficient and straight to the point. I'm Swedish and I prefer the straight forward approach. In some cultures people are too fond of the sound of their own voice and no matter how much knowledge they have, I find it unbearable. So thanks!
If you want to mix fish with African Cichlids, the best thing to do is to mix a schooling or shoaling fish with them. I've had success with Tiger Barbs, just as the talker suggested. They are a shoaling fish that tend to hang together, and a large body of such fish tends to intimidate the Cichlids, and they leave them alone. Mixing American and African Cichlids, is usually, a No No. And he's absolutely right about having more fish in the tank. The best thing I ever did, in my African Cichlid aquarium, was to add more fish. When I had only 4 Mbunas, in the same tank, the aggression level was through the roof. But, when I added 5 more Cichlids to that same aquarium, and eventually ended up with 10 of them, the aggression significantly diminished. When there are too many of them, they can't single out just 1 fish. With 10 of them, in the same tank, they still chase each other, but they do not and can not single out just 1, as I already pointed out.
I want to add one point that is often overlooked. Adding two african cichlids to less aggressive tankmates who have established social behavior is a LOT more likely to work than adding a less aggressive fish to a tank of cichlids.
My mixed tank has 35 cichlids of mixed type ,pearl gouramis and dwarf gouramis ,parrot fish,skirted tetras,bleeding heart tetras, green barbs,plattys and swordtails and bala sharks.. all been living happy together for over a year
Just added some spotted silver dollars to my community cichlid tank. Seem to be going well apart from my rainbow shark chasing and nibbling on them. But this video really helped out thanks alot. Your a champion 👌
Like the video says, if you put them together when they are young you will have a higher success rate. I've mixed Piranas (5) with convicts (2), oscars (2), red devils (2), pike, catfish, algae eater, alligator gar, texas cichlid and green terrors in a 125g tank with success. The convicts, oscars and red devils all successfully had babies. I moved them out of the tank once they started swimming around though. I have no problems mixing fish and have been quite successful at it. Who cares what others think! Thanks for providing some good ideas on different species to mix in the tank. I do like variety.
My cichlids are around 3-4 inches long and have had them for a few years now, my corydoras were introduced to them a year or two after having them and maybe 5 years later they are still going. The cichlids really don't pay any mind to them, though they absolutely love my pleco
It all depends on cichlid behaviour, bumble bee cichlids will kill most other fish but I’ve had my ghost knife fish in with my African cichlids for over a year and they thrive together
I have cichlids with crayfish and vampire crabs and they are awesome I'm looking to try and add some shrimps and I also have a common pleco and a clown pleco...looking for a sunrise pleco...
I have a Malawi eye biter , with an angelfish , 2 geophagus altifrons and a bosmani rainbow fish they get along great I also keep my water moderately hard for my Malawi cichlid ... always better to keep a soft water fish in hard water then a hard water fish in soft water because the hard water fish requires more minerals when the soft water fish uses less minerals in the water . Harder water keeps ph stable to
RT sharks get big and aggressive with Africans (as they do with any medium sized fish). I've tried it a few times. The shark can't do much damage but when the cichlid retaliates it can get messy. Big barbs are best imo.
If you add fish in young age and similar size can normaly work.Fish that are good tank mates for my african cichlids that really worked for me: silver dollars,gouramis but not dwarf,silver sharks,monodactylus sebae,orange finned loaches,algae eaters,tiger barbs,jack dempseys,surinam geophagus.You also need luck and it has to do with how many africans you got in the tank.Aulonocaras-peacocks can tolerate easier other fish but mbunas are more aggressive and territorial!!
knowing this mix had the potential to NOT work i tried it anyway and have had great luck all in a 100 gal. i have 4 skirt tetras, a silver dollar, 6 corys, a common pleco in with a livingstonii, dragon blood trio, ngara flametail trio, imperial tigress, red empress and azureus. cichlids did go in fairly young and are all 4+ inches now
I have a yellow lab a solid blue mbuna 4 buenos Aires tetras a 3 inch bichir and a 2 inch jewel cichlid and a bristle nose pleco in a 20 gallon long and its working fine the africans are little agressive with territory sometimes but overall its a complete success
I have angel and ghost knife with cichlids and they are fine, it’s trial and error guys can mix what you want! I’ve been told I can mix fish with what already got but I didn’t listen and did it and it was all okay. The more you have in your tank the better cause it takes the aggression out of the tank
Throw a slider into any aggressive tank and you’ll find you know have a community tank. Anytime there is a bigger predator in a tank the rest of the tank behaves.. I have cichlids of all types with Dani’s, Neons, guppies of all types.. rainbow sharks, Bala sharks, I even have rosy reds in there that survived and grew up lol.. they all get along and play nice together or else the big guy up top comes down and eats them. The guppies are more prone to eating their own fry then having them eaten by the cichlids lol.. tetras are out of place though as my tank is set up for the rest with moderate hardness and medium high PH but I love how they all school together and they are really more a feeder fish as my turtles love them..
Warning: I've have an african cichild that try to over take the turtles...they killed him and caused a right mess of the tank, killing my filter...granted I still have cichlids and others with my turtles as they tend not to care about earing the live fish but they aren't afraid to kill anything that steps out of line...it's a fine balance but it's mostly worked so far.
I have angels and cichlids in the same tank and they get along well appart from the angels lay eggs they push the cichlids away but no physical contact
Our red tail and loach got killed in my cichlid tank, so I decided to just stick to cichlids, just a bit of info it can happen, it all depends on the temperament of the individual fish 🐠
A friend of mine though Gourami and Cichlids would look great together. The visual appeal only lasted about ten minutes before it got ugly. Six new cichlids were added to a tank with twenty Gourami. Only eight survived by the end of the day and had to be separated. Don’t mix Gourami and Cichlids.
@@cyanblue5888 Man that sucks. Angels are so pretty but some cichlids are just mean. I usually don’t add new cichlids unless it’s a group. They tend to b less aggressive when there are many other fish around. Bigger tanks are always good too. I usually stick to five gallons per cichlid in tanks 30 gallons or more.
I have a african cichlid tank all are quite small about 2-3 inches and I was wondering if there is any oddball fish which could go in there like maybe 1 spiky eel or one African knifefish
Hi their , I have Angel's with my mbuna its weird but it does work for me ! The parameters are smack in the middle and have bin fin for a year . Prob not a good idea but they bin together since babies
Ty so vm!!! I was wondering about the cichalid and the pleco cuz I've often seen the cichalid nipping at the pleco he is a healthy sized tank so I didnt pay it much nevermind lol I was thinking swordfish and the such but I'm taking those goldfish out rite now it helps to explain his apparent anxiety ur advice has been exactly wat I was looking for
I have a bristlenose pleco and Featherfin catfish with my cichlids. I worry they dont get enough food as the cichlids are voracious eaters. What can i do to make sure they get food without overfeeding the tank?
I recently brought some cichlids not sure what they are but there yellow and blue I have there all nearly full size I have a red tail in the tank to start with will that be fine
I wasn't around in my home.. I came back and see my lichis are dead and everybodys feeding on them.. There are 2 peacocks 2 dolphins and 2 similar cichlids on whom I have doubts.. Do you think it's them??
I put 5 silver shark in my 350 gallon aquarium and my BABIES ripped his eyes out fins off gills off everything sometimes these beautiful devils can be surprising.
I had two Pakistani loaches on my 500 liter tank. They were still small, but they were so devilish that I had to sell them away. The would go and pick all the other fishes gills. Even my big Angel fishes were bothered about those loaches. Besides, I have successfully mixed many of the fishes you said is not good idea.
Hi Paul, bought 3 more cichlids from Majestic and now its 12 large cichlids in mine 305 ltrs tank running on 2 Fluval Canister one being 205 and 1 405 with total filteration 1660 ltrs per hour. How many Cichlids could I stock on this?
Hey I was wondering if someone can help me out I’ve had my tank set up for a while I have 5 cherry barbs, 3 snails,6 electric blue rams and 1 Agassiz's Cichlid and it’s been working out pretty well I know yellow labs are normally aggressive because my dad used to breed them but I wanted to add 1 I believe it’s a male a bit smaller then my rams and I noticed it’s trying to attack the other fish and snails should I be concerned and give him back to a local fish store or should I just keep an eye on him?
My setup I'm thinking is 8 boesemani rainbow fish, 2 Bolivian rams and a cat fish. I would like 2 African Cichlids (a peaceful species of them) to finish off the whole thing. Would this be a poor decision? It's a 55 gallon btw .
@@MajesticAquariumsTV haha yes things have a changed a lot since I made this comment. Realised this wouldn't work. I now have a 80 gallon tank, and am planning to put in 7-8 Boesemani rainbowfish, 8-9 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 8-9 red harlequin rasboras and a catfish of around 5-6 inches. Reckon this is a good setup?
Might get a lot of hate for this but I have 1 Malawi with oscars jack dempsy ghost knife silver sharks angels etc they all get along very well been with each other for2 years now😏😏
We have an Oscar and blood parrots in a tank full of African Cichlids. Oscar is older than the rest therefore much larger. He's kind of the game warden/boss. When the others get territorial, Oscar puts them in their place. No bites. He just swims towards them, and they calm down. It works.
Hey buddy.... I have 70litre(24inch×12x15) tank...and 3 1inch cichlids ...planning to place 2 small parrot , 1 betta ,2/4 guppies...will it be a good idea?
agree with you with pretty much everything except banded leporinus are true terrors especially once they are full grown been in the hobby for years and those guys are real bastards seen so many in the hobby slowly kill everything in the tank and peaople would always be wanting to return them they look cute when they are young steer clear
i have 25 kenyi cichlids which are quite small together since birth, Will it get along if i upgrade them to a bigger tank once they are fully grown? will they fight with each other?
cichlids for the most part won't bother crayfish or plecos just saying. I keep those about 10 cichlid, 2 crayfish, 1 pleco, all get along. adding clown soon, doubt they will fight
Please review PH requirements. The vast majority of African cichlids require hard alkaline water. Compromising the water parameters for softer water fish and African cichlids is not beneficial to either’s health.
If I could, I would've pushed the like button several times - very informative, efficient and straight to the point. I'm Swedish and I prefer the straight forward approach. In some cultures people are too fond of the sound of their own voice and no matter how much knowledge they have, I find it unbearable. So thanks!
Crossway !!! :D. Is that urs ?
If you want to mix fish with African Cichlids, the best thing to do is to mix a schooling or shoaling fish with them.
I've had success with Tiger Barbs, just as the talker suggested. They are a shoaling fish that tend to hang together, and a large body of such fish tends to intimidate the Cichlids, and they leave them alone.
Mixing American and African Cichlids, is usually, a No No. And he's absolutely right about having more fish in the tank. The best thing I ever did, in my African Cichlid aquarium, was to add more fish. When I had only 4 Mbunas, in the same tank, the aggression level was through the roof. But, when I added 5 more Cichlids to that same aquarium, and eventually ended up with 10 of them, the aggression significantly diminished. When there are too many of them, they can't single out just 1 fish. With 10 of them, in the same tank, they still chase each other, but they do not and can not single out just 1, as I already pointed out.
I want to add one point that is often overlooked. Adding two african cichlids to less aggressive tankmates who have established social behavior is a LOT more likely to work than adding a less aggressive fish to a tank of cichlids.
Wow. Practical, accurate, useable information that not many mention.
Cichlids in general tend to be less aggressive towards fish that are alien to them.
Great video, straight to the point. No BS. Thank you.
My mixed tank has 35 cichlids of mixed type ,pearl gouramis and dwarf gouramis ,parrot fish,skirted tetras,bleeding heart tetras, green barbs,plattys and swordtails and bala sharks.. all been living happy together for over a year
Just added some spotted silver dollars to my community cichlid tank. Seem to be going well apart from my rainbow shark chasing and nibbling on them. But this video really helped out thanks alot. Your a champion 👌
Like the video says, if you put them together when they are young you will have a higher success rate. I've mixed Piranas (5) with convicts (2), oscars (2), red devils (2), pike, catfish, algae eater, alligator gar, texas cichlid and green terrors in a 125g tank with success. The convicts, oscars and red devils all successfully had babies. I moved them out of the tank once they started swimming around though. I have no problems mixing fish and have been quite successful at it. Who cares what others think!
Thanks for providing some good ideas on different species to mix in the tank. I do like variety.
"Not a good idea" In other words the Cichlids will murder them? Great video mate! Greetings from Canada!
I have Australian rainbow fish in my mbuna tank, the rainbow fish are just as, or even more aggressive than the mbunas.
My cichlids are around 3-4 inches long and have had them for a few years now, my corydoras were introduced to them a year or two after having them and maybe 5 years later they are still going. The cichlids really don't pay any mind to them, though they absolutely love my pleco
It all depends on cichlid behaviour, bumble bee cichlids will kill most other fish but I’ve had my ghost knife fish in with my African cichlids for over a year and they thrive together
Wow was this helpful.
I have cichlids with crayfish and vampire crabs and they are awesome I'm looking to try and add some shrimps and I also have a common pleco and a clown pleco...looking for a sunrise pleco...
I mixed my Piranhas and Payaras fish with my African cichlids...Now, they are all best friends...
Besides the fact that you didn’t add clown loaches nice video thanks for making this video.
I've got an auratus cichlid in with 10 zebra danios, it's been 2 weeks, so far so good. All are babies.
Lost 2 small schools of tetras to my new young red jewel cichlids, before I came to watch this...
I would love a list of good ones to add with them! The back and forth good idea bad idea made it kinda hard to follow as a new fish tank owner 🙃
feel free to email us
I have a Malawi eye biter , with an angelfish , 2 geophagus altifrons and a bosmani rainbow fish they get along great I also keep my water moderately hard for my Malawi cichlid ... always better to keep a soft water fish in hard water then a hard water fish in soft water because the hard water fish requires more minerals when the soft water fish uses less minerals in the water . Harder water keeps ph stable to
i have 7 mixed cichlids 2 rainbow sharks 1 bala shark 3 clowns 1 pleco they all get on the biggest rainbow shark runs the tank
RT sharks get big and aggressive with Africans (as they do with any medium sized fish). I've tried it a few times. The shark can't do much damage but when the cichlid retaliates it can get messy. Big barbs are best imo.
I’ve had African cichlids together with Angels forever never had a problem
Thank you so much
If you add fish in young age and similar size can normaly work.Fish that are good tank mates for my african cichlids that really worked for me: silver dollars,gouramis but not dwarf,silver sharks,monodactylus sebae,orange finned loaches,algae eaters,tiger barbs,jack dempseys,surinam geophagus.You also need luck and it has to do with how many africans you got in the tank.Aulonocaras-peacocks can tolerate easier other fish but mbunas are more aggressive and territorial!!
knowing this mix had the potential to NOT work i tried it anyway and have had great luck all in a 100 gal. i have 4 skirt tetras, a silver dollar, 6 corys, a common pleco in with a livingstonii, dragon blood trio, ngara flametail trio, imperial tigress, red empress and azureus. cichlids did go in fairly young and are all 4+ inches now
Are they still living fine together?
I have a yellow lab a solid blue mbuna 4 buenos Aires tetras a 3 inch bichir and a 2 inch jewel cichlid and a bristle nose pleco in a 20 gallon long and its working fine the africans are little agressive with territory sometimes but overall its a complete success
I have angel and ghost knife with cichlids and they are fine, it’s trial and error guys can mix what you want! I’ve been told I can mix fish with what already got but I didn’t listen and did it and it was all okay. The more you have in your tank the better cause it takes the aggression out of the tank
Synodontis, plecostomus, rainbow/ red-tailed sharks, or hefty loaches.
In my experience plecos, featherfin catfish, rainbow/red tail sharks, and giant danios work best. Good video
Throw a slider into any aggressive tank and you’ll find you know have a community tank. Anytime there is a bigger predator in a tank the rest of the tank behaves.. I have cichlids of all types with Dani’s, Neons, guppies of all types.. rainbow sharks, Bala sharks, I even have rosy reds in there that survived and grew up lol.. they all get along and play nice together or else the big guy up top comes down and eats them. The guppies are more prone to eating their own fry then having them eaten by the cichlids lol.. tetras are out of place though as my tank is set up for the rest with moderate hardness and medium high PH but I love how they all school together and they are really more a feeder fish as my turtles love them..
Fish R Relaxing I’d love to see your tank could you post some pics online and link them?!?!
Warning: I've have an african cichild that try to over take the turtles...they killed him and caused a right mess of the tank, killing my filter...granted I still have cichlids and others with my turtles as they tend not to care about earing the live fish but they aren't afraid to kill anything that steps out of line...it's a fine balance but it's mostly worked so far.
I have angels and cichlids in the same tank and they get along well appart from the angels lay eggs they push the cichlids away but no physical contact
Miguel Goncalves but would you say it would be safe
I’ve actually put tetras with cichlids and it some how worked. As weird as it sounds 😂
Anksy Banksy i wanna do that !
Same. They have hard to nip fins so they can last a lot of abuse, and get past the first phase of cichlids- aggression
Awesome video
Our red tail and loach got killed in my cichlid tank, so I decided to just stick to cichlids, just a bit of info it can happen, it all depends on the temperament of the individual fish 🐠
Cichlids & any barbs go great 👍🏾
A friend of mine though Gourami and Cichlids would look great together. The visual appeal only lasted about ten minutes before it got ugly. Six new cichlids were added to a tank with twenty Gourami. Only eight survived by the end of the day and had to be separated.
Don’t mix Gourami and Cichlids.
I mixed a angelfish with a Melanochromis Auratus and went out for a hour when I got back my angelfish was DEAD
Man that sucks. Angels are so pretty but some cichlids are just mean.
I usually don’t add new cichlids unless it’s a group. They tend to b less aggressive when there are many other fish around.
Bigger tanks are always good too. I usually stick to five gallons per cichlid in tanks 30 gallons or more.
@@cyanblue5888 yep, that's the auratus for ya.
Auratus is one of the most if not the most aggressive African cichlid@@cyanblue5888
Nope.. lesson.. learned
Thank you!
What gravel substrate was that ?
I have a african cichlid tank all are quite small about 2-3 inches and I was wondering if there is any oddball fish which could go in there like maybe 1 spiky eel or one African knifefish
Lots to f options there. Visit your lfs
This guy is just showing off all his fish!! Lol jkjk great video!
Hi their , I have Angel's with my mbuna its weird but it does work for me ! The parameters are smack in the middle and have bin fin for a year . Prob not a good idea but they bin together since babies
Iv had the same cichlids with clown loaches blue phantom for 3 years lost no fish
Ty so vm!!! I was wondering about the cichalid and the pleco cuz I've often seen the cichalid nipping at the pleco he is a healthy sized tank so I didnt pay it much nevermind lol I was thinking swordfish and the such but I'm taking those goldfish out rite now it helps to explain his apparent anxiety ur advice has been exactly wat I was looking for
What about platies
Because I just put 2 baby lemon head cichlids with 3 platies and 1 Chinese cleaner fish and a turtle
Not a great idea
I have a bristlenose pleco and Featherfin catfish with my cichlids. I worry they dont get enough food as the cichlids are voracious eaters. What can i do to make sure they get food without overfeeding the tank?
Feed NLS and watch the belly ruclips.net/video/DORnfBCqZDc/видео.htmlsi=NgHY2uH3E8uvdOTY
I recently brought some cichlids not sure what they are but there yellow and blue I have there all nearly full size I have a red tail in the tank to start with will that be fine
Question im trying to think outside the box lol could i some how mix chiclids with , shrimp, and glow fish
They are likely to eat them
Glow light tetra do fine with my cichlids
Mile Harris really? how?
I wasn't around in my home.. I came back and see my lichis are dead and everybodys feeding on them.. There are 2 peacocks 2 dolphins and 2 similar cichlids on whom I have doubts.. Do you think it's them??
did you take a sample of water and a video to your local store?
I pretty much have all the fish in the tank that you said are not a good idea except for discus lol :(
Can I put mollies and platys in my peacock cichlid tank . It’s a 55 gallon with 2 hang on the back filters
Very helpful, thanks alt.
I put 5 silver shark in my 350 gallon aquarium and my BABIES ripped his eyes out fins off gills off everything sometimes these beautiful devils can be surprising.
I had two Pakistani loaches on my 500 liter tank. They were still small, but they were so devilish that I had to sell them away. The would go and pick all the other fishes gills. Even my big Angel fishes were bothered about those loaches. Besides, I have successfully mixed many of the fishes you said is not good idea.
01:57 the Black Ghost Knifefish in the back, is that a good idea?
thank you for you insights
can i keep them with a florida gar?
Not for long
I have two African cichlids in a 10 gallon tank. Had them for a few days. What other fish could possibly fit in the tank with them?
Need a bigger tank
Way to small.. that's stupid!!
Hey do you guys ship your black ghost knifes? I'm investing in one when the new tank comes in.
yes any where in Australia
Hi Paul, bought 3 more cichlids from Majestic and now its 12 large cichlids in mine 305 ltrs tank running on 2 Fluval Canister one being 205 and 1 405 with total filteration 1660 ltrs per hour.
How many Cichlids could I stock on this?
about 25-30
Best mate for a yellow lab cichlid in a 30 gallon tank, large hasn't had a mate in a while
get another yallow lab. if urs have black on the tip of its fin get one without and viceversa...
I got a African with a dovii and a oscar..they all hold there on..but the African is the most aggressive n he's the smallest
Hi what would you say about the blue electric rams and German rams
Bad idea
Can you put star fish with cichlids??
Not real ones
Is it ok to mix dwarf parrot fish with African cichlids?
You can give it a go
Hey I was wondering if someone can help me out I’ve had my tank set up for a while I have 5 cherry barbs, 3 snails,6 electric blue rams and 1 Agassiz's Cichlid and it’s been working out pretty well I know yellow labs are normally aggressive because my dad used to breed them but I wanted to add 1 I believe it’s a male a bit smaller then my rams and I noticed it’s trying to attack the other fish and snails should I be concerned and give him back to a local fish store or should I just keep an eye on him?
yellow lab is a very bad idea
Can goldfish go with African Chiclids?
Not ideal
Can u do a video on what fish u can keep with discus
i keep mine with geophagus Tapajos , corys panda , oto's cats at 29°C ( i made a small vid , on my tank !)
ooh i forgot my pair of GBR !
What are the colourful fish in with the corydoras?
at what time stamp?
1:28 :)
See...I've had betas and african ciclids in the same tanks for years now, shocked they are goners
What about plecos
Normally yes
How about the electric blue jack Dempsey?
you can try
tpfastback i have done it with great results
My cichlids would tear them apart
My setup I'm thinking is 8 boesemani rainbow fish, 2 Bolivian rams and a cat fish. I would like 2 African Cichlids (a peaceful species of them) to finish off the whole thing. Would this be a poor decision? It's a 55 gallon btw .
It a good idea
Not a good idea
@@MajesticAquariumsTV haha yes things have a changed a lot since I made this comment. Realised this wouldn't work. I now have a 80 gallon tank, and am planning to put in 7-8 Boesemani rainbowfish, 8-9 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 8-9 red harlequin rasboras and a catfish of around 5-6 inches. Reckon this is a good setup?
@@symbolitical4158 yes
Can black ghost knife fish live with cichlids??? Please someone tell me.
Not a good idea
Thanks alot . Very informative video
Might get a lot of hate for this but I have 1 Malawi with oscars jack dempsy ghost knife silver sharks angels etc they all get along very well been with each other for2 years now😏😏
If it works, cool, I’ve seen worse combos, I have mbuna, tropheus and a Fahaka
Nice one mate, I think a lot of the time it’s trial and error, if it works brilliant!!
GhostTrain Exactly, there are rarely absolutes with this hobby
We have an Oscar and blood parrots in a tank full of African Cichlids. Oscar is older than the rest therefore much larger. He's kind of the game warden/boss. When the others get territorial, Oscar puts them in their place. No bites. He just swims towards them, and they calm down. It works.
Hey buddy.... I have 70litre(24inch×12x15) tank...and 3 1inch cichlids ...planning to place 2 small parrot , 1 betta ,2/4 guppies...will it be a good idea?
I've had chicklids and Platys together
Me too
I want a tank with About 5,6 cichlids and maybe a red tail shark what size of tank should i buy?
At least 200lt
55 gallons or bigger, especially if the cichlids are mbunas.
Very nice...Thanks...
agree with you with pretty much everything except banded leporinus are true terrors especially once they are full grown been in the hobby for years and those guys are real bastards seen so many in the hobby slowly kill everything in the tank and peaople would always be wanting to return them they look cute when they are young steer clear
Question can you keep shell dwellers with bosimoni rainbowfish
I mix it with betta, and it's fine.
Can we mix African cichlids with giant gourami
often you can
i have 25 kenyi cichlids which are quite small together since birth, Will it get along if i upgrade them to a bigger tank once they are fully grown? will they fight with each other?
we have a red tail shark, 2 clown loaches, and 18 assorted mbunas in a 30 gallon...upgrading to a 75 gallon in a few weeks....so far, so good.
I need to look at adding some sharks. I do like variety.
I have parrot Cichlids for 5 years now, I want to put them together with peacocks.... can I?
Often ok
Would a South American polini be okay to go with South Africa cichlids like the electric yellows the blue stripped and peacocks?????
normally yes
What about moori dolphins I have 3 of them with my African chiclids they ok?
cichlids for the most part won't bother crayfish or plecos just saying. I keep those about 10 cichlid, 2 crayfish, 1 pleco, all get along. adding clown soon, doubt they will fight
i put a cichlid with 3 female betta and 3 female gourami in a 29 gallon tank and they dont fight
What kind of cichlid
Great video keep it up
Petricola catfish are great
how much are eletric yellow cichlids as babies ?
please email us for prices
Please review PH requirements. The vast majority of African cichlids require hard alkaline water. Compromising the water parameters for softer water fish and African cichlids is not beneficial to either’s health.
Depending how much you compromise
Can I mix them with pictus catfish?
I'm sorry did you say anything about blennies?
Can black skirt tetra could join in cichlids?
if the cichlids are small, then good luck as they grow