Be The Right Kind of A**hole | Elite Dangerous

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @bethtargett4304
    @bethtargett4304 3 года назад +14

    I used to be the same. For several years, I thought that because I was the one who got bullied and picked on, that gave me some kind of right to take it out on others.
    It wasn't until just a few years ago that I realised I had become the very thing I hated. I had become part of the statistic, just another number. As soon as I realised that, it shed some light on why those people who hurt me did that, and I wasn't angry at them any more. I pitied them, because I knew that they likely had the same problems I did, but just couldn't break the cycle.
    We need to break that cycle by addressing the core issue. Sure, be angry, make your excuses, but make sure you're angry at the right people, and for the right reasons.

  • @ChrisFowlerNH
    @ChrisFowlerNH 3 года назад +21

    As a chronic pain sufferer (insidious back problems) I get both sides of the issue. Some days I want peace, other days I want to watch the world burn, but it's not fair to drag other people into your darkness. 👍

    • @HAKIMEOVER9000
      @HAKIMEOVER9000 3 года назад +1

      Same here brother, I hope it gets better for all of us

  • @J0intV3nture
    @J0intV3nture 3 года назад +33

    It could be this simple:
    Either be the problem, or become the solution.

    • @davidblackman1586
      @davidblackman1586 3 года назад +4

      You can also step aside and let the professionals do their thing.
      Too often, the under educated perceive a problem (that isn't) and then try to solve it (they can't) and they end up blaming someone (that did nothing).

    • @Greencheez-y
      @Greencheez-y 3 года назад

      Truer words

  • @Awkward_Kaiju
    @Awkward_Kaiju 3 года назад +28

    The Pilot spitting truth from the depths of space

  • @Sophistry0001
    @Sophistry0001 3 года назад +30

    Man, this got heavy for a moment

  • @DevilbyMoonlight
    @DevilbyMoonlight 3 года назад +2

    Many of us have a past and have done things we are not proud of, sometimes at the time we may not have had a choice except to play out the hand that fate has dealt us or else suffer the consequences, some of us live with it each day but I believe as long as we all learn from our experiences and like you stated just care a little bit about those around us... the world will be a better place, I respect your honesty....

  • @thaddeushamlet
    @thaddeushamlet 3 года назад

    "The right kind of asshole" has been my motto for years now. It's not something I always achieve, sometimes I just end up being a right arse for a moment, but it's what I'm always striving for.

  • @Therubbersluggchannel
    @Therubbersluggchannel 3 года назад +10

    Hurting people hurt people.

  • @support2587
    @support2587 3 года назад +7

    With age I've mellowed, now I only hate the haters and I give them a chance first. I've told my kids that it's unforgivable to hate someone because of "X", get to know them first they'll usually surprise and impress you if not entertain. Then and only then, IF they earn it can you hate them. Bone Cancer that's chronic pain.

    • @austinm5630
      @austinm5630 3 года назад +1

      I've always said: You can't really hate someone until you get to know them. Until you know them, you're just hating who you assume they are, and assumptions are usually wrong.
      That said, as to video games, you also can't really get to know other players unless they're willing to let you in a bit. I've got 2 IRL friends who are the nicest people in the world, but they're absolute assholes in video games, even to me. So now I don't play video games with them any more. Better than that lose a friend. Still, never hurts to at least give someone a chance.
      I do generally stop giving chances when they send me to a rebuy screen, though.

    • @support2587
      @support2587 3 года назад

      @@austinm5630 My oldestson, I won't play Sea of Thieves with him as he has a habit of taking the loot and a dingy and leaving at the worst possible time. Gotta save the gold .

  • @aceofsocal
    @aceofsocal 3 года назад +6

    Where was this video 15 years ago when i was in high school lmao

  • @wearecoterminous
    @wearecoterminous 3 года назад +12

    This is a good video.

  • @Phoenix-zi4kp
    @Phoenix-zi4kp 3 года назад +17


  • @stuthorne7808
    @stuthorne7808 3 года назад +1

    Its a very rare person who hasn't done things they regret, I work in mental health and I've seen every kind on person under the sun, rapist, murderers, pedophiles..your video, it sounds like regret, but when all the patients wind down for the night at work I put one of your videos on and I laugh so much my friends think I'm mad....keep your chin up old chap, there's good and bad everywhere, always will be

  • @joelhasson6268
    @joelhasson6268 3 года назад +9

    Wow that was deep.

  • @buggerall
    @buggerall 2 года назад

    This reminded me of a quote, I believe is from Steven Fry. I'm paraphrasing here because I can't find the video anymore.
    "Every morning I look into the mirror and say: here stands an idiot. But I will try to be just slightly less of an idiot when I go to bed tonight"
    Know your limitations and act accordingly. You're a good guy. You really are!

  • @polarbear2684
    @polarbear2684 3 года назад

    Be an agent of chaos. Words my grandad told me and it's all about bringing chaos where it needs to be or quieting it when it isn't.
    Pilot, you're a rad dude and I hope to fly your wing someday and bring some chaos to those that need it. 😈

  • @Teknopottu
    @Teknopottu 3 года назад +2

    Great message. New subscriber here with an asking: If you have to use beeping, please, turn down the volume on them. Thanks.

  • @jeffsmith3550
    @jeffsmith3550 3 года назад

    You're good people, The Pilot. Thank you.

  • @AngelousXeroX
    @AngelousXeroX 3 года назад +1

    Nordicsorcerer doesn't know what pain is

  • @brotatochip420
    @brotatochip420 3 года назад

    Man, I know how it feels living with that kinda pain. Physical and mental, both. However, something that helps more than being angry at other people/the situation you're in; striving to be the person that makes people smile when you enter the room. I want to be the kind of person that makes other people happy to be around- even if we aren't talking... I just like the thought of being good company for someone.
    I would rather spend my energy helping those that need it than wasting it on getting pissed at everyone that annoys me- because then in the end, you end up in more pain than you were before, and lonelier to boot.
    It won't cure my pain, my problems... But it helps me forget the pain, even if it's just for a fleeting moment. I have all the respect for you, Pilot- I agree 100%. There are better things to get angry at. There are ways to be the asshole that the world deserves to have.

  • @jrobertsbrewer
    @jrobertsbrewer 3 года назад

    Blown away. Pilot, thanks for doing what you and yours do.

  • @Spideryote
    @Spideryote 3 года назад

    Been loving how deep your streams get
    Can't wait to catch the next~

  • @sigurdrr1015
    @sigurdrr1015 3 года назад +3

    I was always a very strong boy. Really strong, sports were not even fun with me around, high pain tolerance and a talent to inflict pain, had 3 martial arts under my belt at age 14.
    But i was socially awkward, the folk at the sport groups felt worng. So i went after the nerds looking for company.
    I was excluded by everyone, i was seen as gorgeous but never noticed since i barelly knew how to socialize and behave around people.
    Took me a good 10 years to get off all the social exclusion I had just because I never fit in.
    Faced all kind of bullies, bullies some. Was a mess. But I never felt like a villain, even in my worst moments.
    If I could do it all around man. I would feel much better right now about a lot of things, most of all about myself.
    Never be a jerk. Even in self defense

  • @flyingfree333
    @flyingfree333 3 года назад +8

    The problem isn't people not caring, it's people caring about the wrong things. People care more about politics than people, money than morality, faith than friendship, ideologies than ideas and hubris more than humanity. The problem with the people that stormed the capitol wasn't that they didn't care, it was what they cared about. Morality is based on compassion and truth; foremost being truth. If you can't or won't know the truth you will passionately fight for lies. Faith makes monsters, facts make humanitarians.

    • @Superlokkus5
      @Superlokkus5 3 года назад +1

      If it all were that easy. Since what facts are is a difficult thing. Although I am pretty sure storming the capitol is wrong I would rephrase it to: Ignorance makes monsters, trying to know how much you can thrust yourself makes one more human, would be my first try to catch it in words.

    • @flyingfree333
      @flyingfree333 3 года назад +1

      @@Superlokkus5 Ignorance means having no knowledge, nobody does anything in the name of nothing, they had false information, in other words lies; they fought for lies, they killed for lies. They didn't care that everything they were fighting for was demonstrably untrue, they didn't care about the damage they were causing (they celebrated it even), they didn't care about facts or evidence or reason, they all chose faith over facts. Just like the disgusting bumper sticker so popular in the southern US: Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it. Many fundamentalists proudly declare if the facts disagree with their faith they will ignore the facts.

    • @Superlokkus5
      @Superlokkus5 3 года назад +1

      @@flyingfree333 Well thats my point about the difference between facts and false information: The did not accept anything for falsification of their beliefs, all they cared is to feel good about themselves. That point was a bit lacking in your first post, but looks we are on the same page.

    • @anonemus2971
      @anonemus2971 3 года назад +1

      That is so true. In the greatest of ironies, more atrocities have been committed in the name of gods than for any other reason in our ENTIRE HISTORY. Religion is nothing more than the oldest way to control people.

    • @Superlokkus5
      @Superlokkus5 3 года назад

      @@anonemus2971 While I share your anti religious sentiments, one might remember that in the end you don't even need gods to kill another. I have to think about the legendary South Park episode where Cartman wants a Nintendo Wee. Well I guess this point comes more easier to me, since we don't share that god bullshit as much anymore here in Germany. But we had a movement that rationalises killing many: national socialists. Well besides Poe's Law I guess, one could try to generalise that when you think it seems only good to force your supposed better way on another. However my own point gets tricky but matches the "channel your asshole ness in a good way" theme of the day: When people should turn on asshole mode against fore-mentioned people forcing, like stop appeasing for example PRC or the russian federation.

  • @stewforwords
    @stewforwords 3 года назад

    Cheers my friend! Hope to see you in the black!

  • @LittleTed2
    @LittleTed2 3 года назад

    Pilot... we can see your heart is coming from the right place. That's what counts. Keep up the good work mate. All the best from friends in Australia. :o)

  • @anonemus2971
    @anonemus2971 3 года назад

    "Just 10%... try.. please" Awesome response

  • @ShinobiFox1980
    @ShinobiFox1980 3 года назад

    Each day, just try to be a better person than you were yesterday. It will make the burden of your pain easier to carry and with each day, in time you'll learn to carry that pain and shoulder the burden of someone else's pain as well. Be the best you can be, not just for yourself, but for those you care for.

  • @mr_happy3713
    @mr_happy3713 3 года назад

    ONLY can watch Twitch stream on 1080p i m on a phone... 🙄

  • @notsohelpfulhero1917
    @notsohelpfulhero1917 3 года назад

    Anybody know any good trade routes that don't need the federation permit

  • @davidblackman1586
    @davidblackman1586 3 года назад

    I want people to go to jail to discourage people from doing things that aren't socially acceptable.
    But if my family is murdered, don't ask me if I need justice. It does nothing for me personally.

  • @robby091000
    @robby091000 3 года назад

    I consider myself a polite Asshole now

  • @jmac3997
    @jmac3997 3 года назад

    That was very nicely done.

  • @deio977
    @deio977 3 года назад

  • @mrexists5400
    @mrexists5400 3 года назад +4

    I was the class bully once, until i tried picking on someone bigger then me (was 2nd grade and the kid already looked like he was gonna be a line back in high school, and he did)

  • @tomasgaming703
    @tomasgaming703 3 года назад +2

    I love Pilot :-D

  • @mwmacklin
    @mwmacklin 3 года назад


  • @larkshadow5317
    @larkshadow5317 3 года назад

    THE PILOT WASN'T ALWAYS A NICE PERSON THE HELL YOU SAY?! we all have a past man. Its all good. What it comes down to is, can you admit to it? because if you can, it means your growing. :)

  • @NaughtyShepherd
    @NaughtyShepherd 3 года назад

    So true.

  • @Zurpanik
    @Zurpanik 3 года назад

    This was very, very good.

  • @rosencial
    @rosencial 3 года назад

    10 % i s n o t. 50%. Half. Period. But just works.

  • @DEFkon001
    @DEFkon001 3 года назад

    Imagine that aliens did visit earth and it went something like this:
    Wow, I can't believe it we found sentient life! Civilizations, cultures! We're not alone in this galaxy!
    - Oh, but look.. There isn't a single cycle that goes by where there not fighting, killing, torturing, raping, exploiting, stealing or otherwise screwing each other over. They even persecute amongst themselves based on minor visual differences.
    Can you imagine what they would make of us?
    - Mark the world for further study. List them as hostile, but not yet a threat.
    But what if they start to develop the technology to...
    - Then we have to upgrade them to a threat.

    • @CMDR_B0B
      @CMDR_B0B 3 года назад +2

      I keep waiting for one of the Voyager probes to hit the back of the Quarantine Sign the aliens placed around our Solar system.

  • @cmdrc-dweller3103
    @cmdrc-dweller3103 3 года назад

    Well said sir. O7 :)

  • @BickSnarf
    @BickSnarf 3 года назад

    :D oh sweet landscape videos

  • @draconusspiritus1037
    @draconusspiritus1037 3 года назад

    I admit freely to being an @$$hole. But I do give respect when and where it is earned.

  • @Mister_H.
    @Mister_H. 3 года назад

    My life theory 👍🏻

  • @tudomerda
    @tudomerda 3 года назад

    To the defective humans, get out of your basement and do some work where you'll get to experience real misery and deprivation, like collecting stray dogs/abused animals, or volunteer to work in a soup kitchen, then see if you still want to hurt and inflict pain on those who're different to you. I can't get my head around how defective some humans are, that their first instinct is to make others suffer for their inability to deal with their feelings/emotions and misfortune, jesus how warped is that. Heaven forbid you attain any power in real life for your evil will know no bounds.

  • @GabeGrump
    @GabeGrump 3 года назад


  • @placebo2361
    @placebo2361 3 года назад

    Dude if your gunna swear just fucking swear or at the very least drop the volume on the censor that shit is like kryptonite to some people

  • @anthrazite
    @anthrazite 3 года назад

    Damn that xml's really messed up

  • @deanwarsore
    @deanwarsore 3 года назад

    For a moment there I thought you were gonna break up with me...

  • @jimmypalafox9733
    @jimmypalafox9733 3 года назад

    Come back to subway anytime brother💯

  • @kailoYT
    @kailoYT 3 года назад


  • @bh-2198
    @bh-2198 3 года назад

    You ever wonder why PVP people aren't well liked.

  • @jamessimon1956
    @jamessimon1956 3 года назад

    You got a sub from this. o7

  • @herpderp4908
    @herpderp4908 3 года назад

    dont drink while recording, bro!^^

  • @timesthree5757
    @timesthree5757 3 года назад +1

    I used to be a nice guy. Now I hate everyone equally.

  • @BillWiltfong
    @BillWiltfong 3 года назад

    Man, it's 2021. There's no reason to ear-rape us with a beep when you can just as easily censor yourself with silence.

  • @Roblstar
    @Roblstar 3 года назад

    Their must be a word or phrase in every launguage for it???
    Look it up...
    Good vid (Not u BTW)