What are the Treatment Options for Stage 4 Prostate Cancer?

  • Опубликовано: 7 июл 2014
  • A person is diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer when the cancer is in other organs. Often, it is found in a patient's bones, but can be found all over. There are different treatments available for patients today. Which treatment options are the best depend on several factors. Dr. Howard Tay is an experienced Urologist. Here he discusses the treatment options for Stage 4 prostate cancer. Every cancer is different and needs a personalized treatment path. Dr. Tay describes what those paths might look like in the video below.
    VIEW THE ARTICLE: Treatment Options for Stage 4 Prostate Cancer - www.prostatecancerlive.com/?p=...
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Комментарии • 34

  • @ruthchirenje2115
    @ruthchirenje2115 Год назад

    Thank you for explaining all the stages it has helped my brother a lot

  • @cpecpecpe
    @cpecpecpe 5 лет назад +10

    Have Stage 4A Ductal Prostate Cancer that spread to the pelvic area. While it had spread I had surgery. This was based on recent studies that shown long term advantages for removing the primary source of cancer. This was followed by Lupron and Zytiga with prednisone. Finally 38 rounds of radiation. That was 2 1/2 years ago. So far so good. Note, because it is Ductal it does not PSA. As a result I get scans every six months .

    • @littlemackerel1456
      @littlemackerel1456 2 года назад

      Hi I hope you are ok sorry I have had to go threw this, my granddad has just been diagnosed and 3 weeks later he has lost all his weight he has been on bicalutamide for a week now, and has ct scan tomorrow but am very concerned as he’s 88 and in that 3 week period has lost every weight he had and everywhere am looking it does not look good when this happens do you know is this always the case, prays to you to

    • @durv13
      @durv13 Год назад

      if im positive . im not gonna bother , i have a bad heart any way . one of thems gonna kill me lol

    • @BimboTV
      @BimboTV Год назад


    • @BimboTV
      @BimboTV Год назад

      May I know what we're you're symptoms

    • @Vicjavm
      @Vicjavm 8 месяцев назад

      Hey man, any updates on your progress?

  • @littlemackerel1456
    @littlemackerel1456 2 года назад +2

    My granddad for 2 years couldn’t stop weeing he couldn’t get appointment to the pandemic so this went on for 2 years and I finally got him to get appointment his psa was super high, a week later was told he had prostate cancer after ultrasound, they started him on bicalutamide and has a ct scan coming up tomorrow, my question is my granddad was a great weight now I had not seen him in 3 weeks saw him yesterday and previously for a 88 year old he was a good weight but seeing him yesterday he has lost all his weight within this 3 week period I can’t get this out my head been up all night with worry because every where I look when u lose this weight like that it does not look good is this always the case, if you could or someone could reply no matter what the answer would be will help thank you

  • @durv13
    @durv13 Год назад

    gotta get tested . my psa is 18 . but i cant get in for 3 months lol . im gonna see if i can just get a ct scan and ultra sound to see , with a psa of 18 . im pretty sure i have the cancer , i had 2 psa test 3 months apart . the other was 17 . lmao i could be dead before i find out . oh , did i mention i already have heart disease and only 23% heart left and a defibrillator . lol at least if i have cancer i can get this evil defib turned off , man its horrid when it goes off .

  • @princejames287
    @princejames287 2 года назад +2

    Why is not removing the prostate even mentioned as an option? Because i seen other videos where they remove the prostate immediately and they seem fine. Is stage 4 prostate cancer not allowed to remove the prostate?

    • @durv13
      @durv13 Год назад +1

      if you have stage 4 its gone beyond the prostate . so its advanced cancer . early diagnoses when it is only in the prostate , you can get it removed and hopefully remove the cancer , but once its gone beyond the prostate it could be anywhere , lungs stomack . kidneys , bones , anywhere . then its upto you how you want the treatment .

    • @mactheslovac8673
      @mactheslovac8673 10 месяцев назад

      Because once it's metastasized you cannot remove it because it has already spread

    • @kendallchambers8165
      @kendallchambers8165 2 месяца назад

      I have stage 4 cancer that outside of the prostate, localized between my pelvic but hasn't spread to any other organs. Did mri and pet scan. Currently on adt and scheduled for radiation in few months.

  • @anthonyolding8444
    @anthonyolding8444 5 месяцев назад +1

    Please don’t take all of this in…
    Things have moved on since this was filmed…
    Treatments have changed significantly..
    God Bless x

    • @Sophos1964
      @Sophos1964 5 месяцев назад

      Are there any more recent sites covering this issue?

  • @Nazz___01
    @Nazz___01 Год назад +2

    My father has stage 4 prostate cancer also affect bones , just few days his prostate surgery is done but now he is suffering rectum pain ,
    please reply solution🙏

    • @durv13
      @durv13 Год назад

      sadly . once its in your bones , your done . get good medication and give him lots of love . im sorry to hear it . ive lost a few friends over it , and it looks like im next , i wont be getting treated . im happy to go .

    • @durv13
      @durv13 Год назад +1

      truth isnt always pretty , but at least you know where you stand .

    • @samehfarouk500
      @samehfarouk500 Год назад +2

      It's not over till it's over Dave, you just gotta hang in there. Peace.

    • @glamup2013
      @glamup2013 Год назад

      Homework is your father ???my father also diagnosed prostate cancer and spread in hip bone tumour

    • @BimboTV
      @BimboTV Год назад

      What his symptoms before diagnosed

  • @sidneyharm9396
    @sidneyharm9396 Год назад
