One take I heard that lines with my own (admittedly, very limited; I've played two WOME games, so in no way do I claim to be an expert) experience playing WOME is that the Shadow Factions are sandpaper to smooth rough edges, the Free Peoples Factions are sledgehammers. Along those lines, I've heard that WOTR+LOME+WOME weights the game towards Free Peoples, since both LOME and WOME carry a Free Peoples bias to account for the base game's advantage towards Shadow. What do you think about that?
I think that's pretty accurate, while the shadow factions are useful they certainly don't carry the same army-shattering power the FP factions, do, I think sledgehammers is a great descrition for them. I think with LOME+WOME that it does slightly favour FP overall, although I think it's not as slanted for them as it might seem at first.
Hi, my (small but eager) WOTR group agrees with the BGG community: LOME+ WOME not only favours the FP, it changes the whole game vibe. SP just can't steamroll FP anymore. The game changes from a race not only to a marathon but a trench war. My solution: Reduce number of dice thrown by Ents and Deadmen to 2 (all faction and battle cards). What do you think?
When kings releases, does anyone know what the shadow player can get? Obviously the FP gets Theoden, Denethor, Thranduil, Dain and the king of Dale whatever his name is, but how will ares games balance the new arrival of the great kings of middle earth for the Shadow player?
They have released some info on this, the Shadow Player can get the shadow of mirkwood, ugluk and the black serpent, which are called "dark chieftains" and have their own abilities
You are such a tease Bob, I thought we were getting a WOME game.
haha, yeah, one of these days lol
One take I heard that lines with my own (admittedly, very limited; I've played two WOME games, so in no way do I claim to be an expert) experience playing WOME is that the Shadow Factions are sandpaper to smooth rough edges, the Free Peoples Factions are sledgehammers. Along those lines, I've heard that WOTR+LOME+WOME weights the game towards Free Peoples, since both LOME and WOME carry a Free Peoples bias to account for the base game's advantage towards Shadow. What do you think about that?
I think that's pretty accurate, while the shadow factions are useful they certainly don't carry the same army-shattering power the FP factions, do, I think sledgehammers is a great descrition for them. I think with LOME+WOME that it does slightly favour FP overall, although I think it's not as slanted for them as it might seem at first.
Hi, my (small but eager) WOTR group agrees with the BGG community: LOME+ WOME not only favours the FP, it changes the whole game vibe. SP just can't steamroll FP anymore. The game changes from a race not only to a marathon but a trench war.
My solution:
Reduce number of dice thrown by Ents and Deadmen to 2 (all faction and battle cards).
What do you think?
When kings releases, does anyone know what the shadow player can get? Obviously the FP gets Theoden, Denethor, Thranduil, Dain and the king of Dale whatever his name is, but how will ares games balance the new arrival of the great kings of middle earth for the Shadow player?
They have released some info on this, the Shadow Player can get the shadow of mirkwood, ugluk and the black serpent, which are called "dark chieftains" and have their own abilities
Wow thanks, I haven’t seen anything from them but I can’t wait to use both sides of the expansion