The FIRST 2016 YEEZY 350 v2 VS The LATEST 2021 YEEZY 350 v2 Comparison!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 233

  • @Wxkoo
    @Wxkoo 3 года назад +194

    They actually look really good compared to the originals

    • @zanerinsane1574
      @zanerinsane1574 3 года назад +15

      Idk man the new ones just don’t do it for me lol something about them just gives off a mass produced crap vibe to me and I hate the stripe they put on it

    • @iswaho
      @iswaho 3 года назад +27

      @@zanerinsane1574 whats wrong with them being mass produced

    • @Invictus-Solaris
      @Invictus-Solaris 3 года назад +21

      @@zanerinsane1574 lol, and what’s wrong with them being mass produced? Even Kayne said he wants to make them more available to the public.

    • @zanerinsane1574
      @zanerinsane1574 3 года назад +22

      @@iswaho oh nothings wrong with them being mass produced I got the breds for retail on re release. I just meant that they all feel like the same colorway and they don’t feel unique. I guess mass produced wasn’t the right word for what I was trying to say lol

    • @sevenup8871
      @sevenup8871 3 года назад +4

      Apple same looking colorways , older 350s were more unique

  • @memeteam3318
    @memeteam3318 3 года назад +65

    I wish they did more with the sply 350 v2. I like the tab a lot tho. I think it makes the shoe look more balanced

  • @Toddpopplewell
    @Toddpopplewell 3 года назад +79

    1:51 I KNOW I didn't just see mist 380s for $700 💀💀💀💀

    • @Toddpopplewell
      @Toddpopplewell 3 года назад

      @@loganl6953 🤣🤣🤣

    • @bubbles4630
      @bubbles4630 3 года назад +2

      Oh wait, that’s insane

    • @bubbles4630
      @bubbles4630 3 года назад +6

      I wonder how much red October’s would cost on Farfetch

    • @Toddpopplewell
      @Toddpopplewell 3 года назад +7

      @@bubbles4630 couple million?

    • @Spirit_Dinosaur
      @Spirit_Dinosaur 3 года назад +4

      and the Yeezy QNTMs for over $1k. 😱

  • @tee7788
    @tee7788 3 года назад +130

    Take a shot every time he says “350 V2” 🥃

    • @loxogames8023
      @loxogames8023 3 года назад +1

      take a shot every time he prefers the old one

  • @collegegamer9983
    @collegegamer9983 3 года назад +47

    i just got a pair of belugas 2 weeks ago, that orange stripe hits different

    • @WyWid
      @WyWid 3 года назад

      You massively overpaid

    • @crisrodriguez6522
      @crisrodriguez6522 3 года назад

      Did you get a half size up?

  • @Powellcon
    @Powellcon 3 года назад +9

    Bred 350 V2s are my favourite all time. Close runner up are the Zebras just because they are loud and go with everything. Love the new Ash Pack, just waiting on the Ash Pearls to complete the set! Great video Seth as always!!

  • @idreesm3026
    @idreesm3026 3 года назад +7

    Ooof. Belugas are absolute grails. Love the content, keep it up Seth!

  • @OscarSantosMusic
    @OscarSantosMusic 3 года назад +12

    The 350 v2s will be as iconic as the Jordan 1 in the future

  • @ddddd___
    @ddddd___ 3 года назад +27

    damn didn’t notice before how bright that stripe is💥

  • @ThisisChrisGaming
    @ThisisChrisGaming 3 года назад +6

    I hope the Belugas restock 🤞🔥

  • @anzekucer
    @anzekucer 3 года назад +1

    Wow, I didn't realise how much 350 v2 have changed so far. It is really interesting how many small differences there are. Thanks for a very in-depth review.

  • @awatermelonplant
    @awatermelonplant 3 года назад +2

    Hot take, new Yeezys look way cleaner and more modern than old Yeezys and personally I feel they are a lot more wearable now and don’t scream look I’m wearing Yeezys haha, still like the old ones though for the nostalgia

  • @alexcantu3146
    @alexcantu3146 3 года назад +2

    IMO the 350 V2s that have a heel tab are the best. Actually those are the only ones I own. Breds, zebras, earth and cinder are my fab four. For some reason I just think 350s look best with that heel tab.

  • @llyun9961
    @llyun9961 3 года назад

    I am so happy that you upload so often and I can have your video to watch everyday when I'm working out.

  • @leezheng8161
    @leezheng8161 3 года назад +1

    The OG Beluga just so much better than the newer 350 v2's. Nice comparison vid!

  • @dbcalimari9663
    @dbcalimari9663 3 года назад +3

    I love these in depth reviews. It helps me learn lingo and become a more evolved sneaker head lol

  • @josephremonte962
    @josephremonte962 3 года назад +4

    I’m excited for those 4 350s with the translucent ghosty upper. Especially the ice blue one 🤩

  • @larryheath1350
    @larryheath1350 3 года назад +1

    Great comparison! Dope vid!

  • @landofsyn2980
    @landofsyn2980 3 года назад +2

    If you ever watched or heard a Kanye interview then you would agree it stands for saint pablo loves you ... 😂

  • @jacobwitt2070
    @jacobwitt2070 3 года назад +5

    Honestly I love the progression. I always thought the stripe and SPLY branding looked really cheap (personal opinion). I especially like the static pattern. My cloud whites are my baby's. The zebras without the SPLY on them would be a must cop imo but I understand why they keep it.

  • @SamuelSagua
    @SamuelSagua 3 года назад +1

    Love this comparison! 👍🏾

  • @daniel070487
    @daniel070487 3 года назад

    15:43 i dont like that the outer rubber liner in the back isnt centered. i mean it has 5 downward going lines, why in gods name is it 2-3 lined up to the seaming ??

  • @dann5554
    @dann5554 3 года назад +1

    The cream whites are my fave. You get the shape and looks clean like any white sneaker. I don't care about it being the most released

  • @anonymoose42
    @anonymoose42 3 года назад +23

    They changed the size tag location I'm assuming because of the translucent mesh stripe

  • @jcertheraser
    @jcertheraser 3 года назад +1

    Hey dude love the vids

  • @BirdieDev
    @BirdieDev 3 года назад +3

    I think my favorite 350 V2s are probably the Breds, Red Stripes, or the Yecheils. Just a coincidence they're all black and red 😅 I miss the accent flecks woven into the upper, the little hits of red/orange/white/etc. on the early pairs is gorgeous. And I agree the pixelated fade of the side stripe is so dope, I wish they kept that. But I will say I personally prefer the static pattern to the zebra pattern.

  • @aphro1209
    @aphro1209 3 года назад +2

    I'd kill for some brand new belugas they're so pretty 🤩

  • @gumbeauxorleans
    @gumbeauxorleans 3 года назад

    Great video, Seth

  • @JC18751
    @JC18751 3 года назад

    Looking forward to this weekly series ...

  • @markopolo9936
    @markopolo9936 3 года назад +3

    Definitely prefer the style of the old ones. They are a lot more eye catching. Maybe that’s cos they’ve used the static pattern on about 300,000 colourways since but I don’t know 😂

  • @xStrypes
    @xStrypes 3 года назад +1

    The cut on the sock liner is different too, the ogs are cut lower than the new ones. Noticed it with the Oreos I just got

  • @EliteEdgeK
    @EliteEdgeK 3 года назад +1

    I hope Infinity Lacing sticks around. Most people don't tie their shoes anyway, they leave the laces loose and hanging out. I'd rather a cleaner look like the infinity laces.

  • @austinbailey8076
    @austinbailey8076 3 года назад +1

    Your next meme opening should be a play on Anthony Fantanos'.
    "Hi everyone. Unseth BoxFowler here. The internet's busiest sneakerhead"

  • @tedspIans
    @tedspIans Год назад

    I just be rocking my Yeezys on party nights with some plaid pajamas for real

  • @ro5x850
    @ro5x850 3 года назад

    Seth is the Goat 🐐

  • @Jack_frost3452
    @Jack_frost3452 3 года назад +1

    Ah yes, “Saint Pablo Loves You - 350” makes sense

  • @ianchong8
    @ianchong8 3 года назад +1

    My favourite 350 V2 are the Tail Lights 🚨😋

  • @ButWholeMilkOG
    @ButWholeMilkOG 3 года назад +2

    That beluga looks like a UA Seth

  • @AndresSanchez-jt9zi
    @AndresSanchez-jt9zi 3 года назад +3

    The new ones run a lil bigger and the materials are stretchier

    • @jman781
      @jman781 3 года назад

      Yep totally. I was waiting for Seth to mention it but don’t think he did.

    • @leehendrix4428
      @leehendrix4428 3 года назад

      Facts , I went up 1/2 size . Was going tts dealing with snug fit . But now they too big .

  • @AlexDReviews
    @AlexDReviews 3 года назад +1

    @3:37 the right heel looks kinda sus the way it’s curled anyone else agree?

  • @patrickstevenuytiepo9762
    @patrickstevenuytiepo9762 2 года назад

    As always, nice video content Seth Fowler. Each Yeezy has its own appealing character. I just prefer the newer ones without the SPLY-350 (my personal preference), they look much cleaner. My favorite colorway would be the adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Static Black (Reflective).

  • @johng9361
    @johng9361 3 года назад +1

    But..St. Pablo DOES love you Seth!!

  • @jacobpeterson1518
    @jacobpeterson1518 3 года назад +5

    This dude ain’t even at 1 mil subs yet I’m shook

  • @hockeyexpress7808
    @hockeyexpress7808 3 года назад

    I like these two pairs and obviously the Belugas are iconic, but I think I prefer the Ash Pearl if I had to choose.

  • @dylanfernandez4830
    @dylanfernandez4830 3 года назад +2

    I think it would have been good to compare it to the monos that are coming out as well, but there is still a great comparison here 🔥

  • @kickstothehead3705
    @kickstothehead3705 3 года назад +2

    The og v1 looks sleeker they are much skinnier an less bulky og got the better look an the v2 got the comfort

  • @auntiekamia
    @auntiekamia 3 года назад +2

    I do prefer the SPLY-350

  • @ssbbrandon1654
    @ssbbrandon1654 3 года назад

    People were so bored of the 350 until the static pattern came out but now they want to go back to the original knit pattern. I guess you can never keep everyone happy

  • @samuelgagnon8636
    @samuelgagnon8636 3 года назад

    Both belugas are the same sizing? 2016 and 2021? Do they still run small?

  • @Northsmen
    @Northsmen 3 года назад +1

    I bought yeezy beluga 2.0 in 2018 for alil over $300 recently I checked them on stockx and that price is like 🤯🤯

  • @jeremyjackson8196
    @jeremyjackson8196 3 года назад

    The thickness of the PK is most likely the reason for the difference in the fit. Newer V2s have a much thinner PK.

  • @deanmassaro458
    @deanmassaro458 3 года назад

    Great video. Just got my first pair of yeezys and nice to see them side by side. Love the stripe on the original 🔥

  • @rudys4768
    @rudys4768 3 года назад

    Thought you might do a review of 700 bright blue

  • @BasedMace
    @BasedMace 2 года назад

    Static Black Reflective is my jam

  • @buckzuchiha8316
    @buckzuchiha8316 3 года назад

    Where are our summer sneakers for 2021 seth 🤨 ?

  • @markymark8365
    @markymark8365 3 года назад

    Great video bro, beluga, zebra and bred 350 are the trinity for me. Still need beluga 😀

  • @homiespirit
    @homiespirit 3 года назад

    I understand your point in highlighting how the Yeezy 350 has shaped a large part of sneaker culture over the last decade, but I also think it’s important not to overlook the predecessor of the Yeezy 350s silhouette, the Nike Roshe Run.
    The Roshe Run had a huge boom in the early 2010s, and so many companies modeled their lifestyle sneakers after the Roshe... Even adidas with the adidas Pureboost.
    Eventually, Roshe hype died off after Kanye released his first Yeezys with adidas.

  • @delayedsaintv2
    @delayedsaintv2 3 года назад +1

    Kanye even said in On God “Off 350s He Supplied”

  • @SamuelSagua
    @SamuelSagua 3 года назад

    I love the Yeezy Boost 350v2 ‘Bred’ the most!

  • @kleinalt.3401
    @kleinalt.3401 3 года назад +2

    Seth please try the new Puma Suede x Michael Lau shoes. they are a different look but because you really like maroon colors you could do a review for us

  • @MainlyYeezy
    @MainlyYeezy 3 года назад

    My fav part of this upload is where he kept going on about what SPLY represents

  • @mf0u3021
    @mf0u3021 3 года назад

    I had the original beluga and they defo run half a size bigger now. Kinda annoying I didn’t know that before getting the ash stone - which kinda remind me of a ‘pastel’ beluga.

  • @flyingirish31
    @flyingirish31 3 года назад

    The lattice on the older ones definitely was more defined and tighter. I happen to love that fit though on my semi frozens. I size a half size up on both but like that slightly snugger fit and feel. I feel like I can run in my semi frozens whereas my newer pairs feel like they don’t grab my foot well enough to run.

  • @mihasres1317
    @mihasres1317 3 года назад

    Do you have promo code for stockx or any other site, becouse this site is really expensive and even with code, it is more than 500€?

  • @Z_E_U_S
    @Z_E_U_S 2 года назад

    Actually these two are my favourites out of all the V2's the have been dropped for these past few years these two are the only 350's I've kept with me most of them are sold lol

  • @williamtappan4407
    @williamtappan4407 3 года назад

    The toe box on the buleugas look puffyer or the ride higher than the new ones

  • @KidCracken
    @KidCracken 3 года назад

    I've seen a bunch of stuff on sale at farfetch where the normal price on the brands own site was cheaper lol

  • @asheradidas
    @asheradidas 3 года назад +1

    In one of Kanye’s songs he says off the 350’s he supplied so I think it stands for supply

  • @henrychil5021
    @henrychil5021 3 года назад

    love you seth

  • @charlesmayne3435
    @charlesmayne3435 3 года назад

    Not gonna lie, I'm probably in the minority when I say I prefer the translucent stripes/3m stripes over the SPLY-350. The new stripes pop in certain color ways like the 350 V2 Glows, Hyperspaces, Earths, Citrins (lime green stripe), Tail lights, Lundmarks, Clays, etc.......... Also the Cinder reflectives, Linens, & Desert Sages are dope with the 3m. The 350 V2 UV Light yeezy was one of the dopest executions.

  • @robertdomlim9357
    @robertdomlim9357 3 года назад +3

    OG V2s will ALWAYS be the best version.

  • @mikebell642
    @mikebell642 3 года назад

    Should I hold or return my ash pearls?

  • @AndrewPonce
    @AndrewPonce 3 года назад

    i have a pair of the Black/Red 350 V2s so mine have the heel tab and i kinda like it. looking at 350s i prefer the look of the pull tabs

  • @thonmaker7880
    @thonmaker7880 3 года назад +1

    Just copped the zyons, first pair of yeezys

  • @mcmaster_vlogs9405
    @mcmaster_vlogs9405 3 года назад

    Every time he says “ 350 v2s “ take a shot

  • @danahmadi6901
    @danahmadi6901 3 года назад

    So I have both the First Sply reds and the New v2's and both are size 11 but the Splys feel a lot looser compared to the new V2's anyone else having the same experience?

  • @dieserrobi
    @dieserrobi 3 года назад

    I don‘t agree what you said about the sizing. The first 4 Yeezy 350 V2’s (I think there were the Beluga‘s, Zebra‘s, Bred‘s, Cream White‘s) all fit true to size. All the models after fit more narrow. After the first 4 models I always had to go a half size up. The rerelease of the bred‘s were also the same fit like the first drop, so tts.

  • @luke.w.36
    @luke.w.36 2 года назад

    are we not gonna talk abt how expensive far fetch is like there’s rail lights for 1516

  • @yasb1997
    @yasb1997 3 года назад

    Hey guys I was wondering if someone could help me out. I have the linen and the sand taupe but the sand seems to have a different shape. It’s like more narrow in the middle area and less rounded at the back. Am I imagining this or did it change?

  • @EmpireWorldwideTrade
    @EmpireWorldwideTrade 3 года назад

    time to change the title to 2021 vs 2021 now. hah

  • @VerangaF430
    @VerangaF430 3 года назад

    Belugas really need it's own feature!

  • @nicolaiborromeo6115
    @nicolaiborromeo6115 3 года назад

    Yo Seth, w2c yeezy hoodie? i want one!

  • @zt29.
    @zt29. 3 года назад +19

    Day 186 of asking Seth to do an ACG Air Deschutz review 186/200 1 hour late lol

  • @bubbles4630
    @bubbles4630 3 года назад

    My favourite colour way of the 350 v2 is the copper

  • @spidermanphysics
    @spidermanphysics 3 года назад +2

    most iconic 350 v2 id definitely the beluga 1.0s but yeah, i don't have it coz resell is insane >.

  • @ManMan109th
    @ManMan109th 3 года назад

    Imagine having old Jordan’s for 400$-700$ and I’m still waiting on my shoes

  • @mihasres1317
    @mihasres1317 3 года назад

    Are there any import fees and shipping to europe?

  • @pattonPwr
    @pattonPwr 3 года назад +2

    sizing game with these is f'd

  • @300clubrecords
    @300clubrecords 3 года назад

    I'm guessing the size tag got moved to the inside due to the clear-ish stripe on a lot of newer models.

  • @al3034
    @al3034 3 года назад +1

    The Ash Pearl is an amazing shoes, ppl sleeping on em so I got one to rock n one to stock.

    • @matejrunac
      @matejrunac 3 года назад

      yo i oredered them rn, are they worth it?

  • @kentwong3818
    @kentwong3818 3 года назад

    They need to restock soon. I have the belugas and my soles are worn into the boost. I need to retire them or somehow get them resoled (haha impossible)

  • @skinsfsu
    @skinsfsu 3 года назад

    Need to get my first pair of 350’s

  • @Bangpaulxu
    @Bangpaulxu 3 года назад +1

    Last time I was this early, Seth was giving out hearts and replying.....💪💪💪👏👏👏

  • @hannes6114
    @hannes6114 3 года назад

    I like the way Yeezys have changed. Still want one pair... Maybe I will get some this year or next year.

    • @obijohns6197
      @obijohns6197 3 года назад

      Hey man, I’d send you a pair of you still haven’t gotten your first pair. What color ways do you like?

    • @hannes6114
      @hannes6114 3 года назад

      @@obijohns6197 I mean if you want to sell a pair to me I'm not really interested because i don't really have the money for them rn but I like statics, taillights, cream white pretty much all of them other then those with those red letters.

    • @obijohns6197
      @obijohns6197 3 года назад

      @@hannes6114 it’d be out of kindness! I have a few pairs on good condition that have fallen out of my rotation. I take really good care of them so they look new. What size do you wear?

    • @hannes6114
      @hannes6114 3 года назад

      @@obijohns6197 I wear a 9.5. But I'm confused... I said I don't want to buy any or am I stupid and didn't understand that I don't have to pay you for them...? 😅😕

    • @obijohns6197
      @obijohns6197 3 года назад

      @@hannes6114haha I don’t want to sell them to you, I’d give them to you. They’re in my closet collecting dust, and I don’t have original box so selling them would be a hassle anyways. They’d be size 10 though

  • @mihasres1317
    @mihasres1317 3 года назад

    I looked at their webside and idk if becouse i am in EU or why almost every yeezy is 1000 dollars that is everywhere else under 400

  • @rav7n188
    @rav7n188 3 года назад

    Should’ve been ash stone vs beluga. Would’ve been more interesting comparison between their similarities.

  • @matejrunac
    @matejrunac 3 года назад

    are ash pearl worth it now?

  • @johng9361
    @johng9361 3 года назад

    I checked the shoe store Adidas uses twine on the majority of their shoes now not just Yeezys which is good

  • @flyingirish31
    @flyingirish31 3 года назад

    You don’t need to cut infinity laces to take em off. They snap off and back together.

  • @traviszenk4616
    @traviszenk4616 3 года назад

    Lookin shiny and your s's are lispin. (Not trolling... just curious if you used diferent equipment, lighting, microphone). Thumbs upin. Great idea for film