As a Hungarian in Hungary I have absolutely nothing to do with these subjects. But I just can't stop. I'm addicted to listening to his common sense and reason. I feel like after every video my IQ goes up by a small amount. :D Gotta watch 'em all. lol. Next up are his audiobooks. Holy shit.
love at 7:09 "milton friedman couldn't cure you but the federal government did" "never say the federal government doesn't do anything" - sowell clearly has some comedic talent here!
This guy is mediocre at best he sounds like any other run of the mill wing nut pseudo intellectual who complain about intellectuals I need him to debate pikety or ha joon Chang or Steve keen
Thomas is a conservative, the Nobel Society is 100% comprised of progressive liberals. To give him the Nobel Prize would be to admit their ideology is a fraud and that will never happen. Were the Nobel Society comprised of conservatives, or had it even been ideologically neutral, he'd have been awarded that prize decades ago. Robert Deniro was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom...awarded to him (a liberal actor) by a celebrity obsessed uber lib President, Obama. Mr. Sowell has not been recognized for this medal. What does that say about the worth of the medal for one, and how political ideology plays into who is awarded what?
While I agree with all answers given; there's another reason. Nobel Prize Economists have to write something which changes the field of Economics. For example, Friedman consistently produced works which led to the development of a whole new school of economic theory (Chicago). Though admittedly, it shared a lot of ideas which the Austrian school. Works like his book on the Great Depression with Anna Schwarz.
WILBUR WRIGHT Because he hasn't brought about any change, and that's because so many foolish people have refused to follow his advice. So unfortunately there's nothing to reward.
And wouldn't concede that black people or even more generally speaking, all the poor, were victims. To this day mainstream left refuses to even ENTERTAIN this suggestion.
"...I don't think I should try to take on the project of convincing someone to reduce their income by 90%" DAAAAAAAAAMN! What an intellectual burn...Oh my god, i wish i could have brunch with this man!
How can someone defend keynesian economics after listening this interview is beyond my comprehension. Thomas Sowell is such a giant in the economics field with no parallels. Robinson is such a good interviewer for bring out the best of Thomas Sowell. Thank you both for this interview.
When I read it I had no college education. Sowell used language that even I could understand with no education. I was a protectionist before reading Basic Economics. Sowell pretty easily intellectually smacked me around on that. Basic economics should be required high school reading in my opinion.
You mean it indoctrinated you to think as he does! Which is rich poe people should be left alone and poor people should be grateful to them for giving them scraps off their plates
I happened across a RUclips clip of the great man, and was instantly hooked. I discovered that my brother-in-law had a copy of Basic Economics on his shelf. I read it cover to cover, to the bemusement of many who saw the title. It kickstarted a period in which I’m still in which can only be described as an enlightenment. I wish I’d discovered this man, and his literature a decade or two ago.
I live in Europe and originally I was born in Romania, but live now in Austria for 19 years. To me Mr. Sowell is very important, since I myself am an imigrant in Austria, who witnesses the fact, that left wing organizations are working very hard on trying to do the same thing to all imigrants in Austria, the left wing did to blacks and latinos in the USA, which is mainly turn us to permanent victims and make us dependend to government social goodies. Fun fact, nobody in Europe ever mentions Sowells name.
Nat Brown Thomas Piketty the egalitarian they will know. He wrote an entire huge book bigger than Basic Economics that Krug an said was very important. The premise for that entire book was Egalitarianism. For those who read this book, they will learn egalitarianism and how to defend it. But they won't earn anything about creating wealth.
I recommend you watch many of his videos on egalitarianism, feminism, and social justice, etc. Mainly, that as an economist he challenges many of these issues with regards to empiricism and their impacts on society. Milton Friedman also has great videos on many different economic issues as well.
mannylora There was a point in time in which I was exactly like you all, until I took a critical and objective look at the things Sowell and other economist of the like were analyzing and analyzed them for myself rather than listening to their findings. Once I did this, I realized that their conservative, trickle-down economics and laissez-faire ideologies were much too counter-intuitive. You all seem like a relatively intelligible group, I urge you all to do as I have and study on your own, exam all schools of economic thought and then come to your own conclusions rather than listening to a man that has his own preconceived notions on other economic theories that do not fit his narrative.
The world view Thomas Sowell has never advocated a trickle down theory. Nor has any serious economist. Politicians may have advocated it (I cant name one, but I'm not saying they haven't) it only tends to be a term to slander conservatives by people on the left so they can say look, they want the rich to have all the wealth! When really, that isn't the case. So trickle down is used as a slander against the right to win the minds and votes of the uneconomically educated.
William Milburn To support the theory that taxing the rich leads to economic malaise, which Sowell has on multiple occasions advocated, inherently advocates a trickle down theory using the logic that if the rich are not taxed, or are taxed a relatively meager amount, this will create an increase in investment which would, presumably, in the "long run" (whatever that may be), increase the utility of everyone. This logic has been proven ineffective and flawed historically. A piece that I recommend you watch and read is called, "Inequality for all", by Robert Reich, I have found it to be quite informative on such matters. I do however appreciate the fact that you kept the debate dignified, a trait, quite frankly, I am finding increasingly less on youtube comments.
Not only a brilliant man, but a humble man. These two traits rarely are found in the same person. What common sense and reason. He is the perfect depiction of intelligence.
Thank you Hoover Institute for interviewing Mr. Sowell multiple times. I've watched those videos over, and over, and over again. To see a new interview Thomas made me very happy. I haven't even started watching it yet and I already know it will be good.
Always a pleasure to listen to Thomas Sowell. I have read "Basic Economics", "Discrimination & Disparities ", and "Economic Facts & Fallacies". If you want to know how the world really works, read his books.
Mr. Sowell's life would make an excellent biographical movie. He is an amazing role model with a colorful background and life. I would line up for an autobiography but a movie would make his experiences accessible to a larger audience.
Wisdom, clarity, eloquence, kindness, joyfulness, honesty, resourcefulness, bravery. Blessed by God as we are to be able to listen to Thomas Sowell. Thank you!
I would be so honored to sit in discourse with this brilliant human. Mankind is so fortunate to have him on this earth plane.. His lifework should be preserved for all generations, both current and future. Thank you Thomas Sowell.
I wish Thomas Sowell would show up in more mainstream media and debates. Most of the representatives of free markets are horrible at getting their points across. He on the other hand, makes things to clear and simple for people like me who have no background in economics.
Listening to these Sowell interviews has helped me undo the years of liberal indoctrination I received at 'prestigious' universities. No wonder I was never assigned a Sowell book at either of the schools I went to- a lot of my professors would have been out of a job.
His brilliance is on a completely different level. Ive sat at table on a few occasions where i have been fortunate enough to enjoy such intelligence. It was usually theological in scope. I know from my own experience that very often these people try to speak at our level. They could so easily speak in sentences that are almost impossible for us to understand. I know because its actually happened to me. It actually quite funny. They almost recognize the look on our faces, that look of innocent incomprehension, then they come down to our level again and we can continue. I have no doubt Mr Sowell is no different in that regard. God bless him.
I don't know - the same personalities - the same stories (almost) - the same (un)common sense - the same enjoyment from hearing it all again with the new edition - Thank you gentlemen
Thank you so much. Anytime I see Dr. Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson being interviewed I immediately know I am going to be entertained and enlightened for about an hour!
Then it will be trying to convince yourself you have Liberty when you don't. Lying is easy until you realize you can lie to yourself but you don't believe you' At that time a lesson can be taught and learned but what is gone is gone, a long time to make the mistake but it can only be made once.
it is now 9 am on a Friday morning in Southern California, and a beautiful day out. I've just got in from walking my dog, cracked open a nice cold 16 oz of something cheap and sweet, so what .... sue me! Bout ready to press play and indulge in Mr Sowells oldie but goodie. "Be well" to all ahead and as well as those behind me. Peace!!
If only there were more people in the public realm with the wisdom, insight, and the intelligence of Sowell, then the world would be a much saner place. My favourite works, masterpieces actually - are "A Conflict of Visions" and "Intellectuals and Society.". I'm so glad we have the pleasure of listening to this genius too, courtesy of youtube. Thanks Dr Sowell, all the way from the UK.
It is so pleasant and refreshing to listen to an intelligent man who is able to make the average one us understand what he is saying and is not trying to prove to us how intelligent he is.
I always love to watch Peter Robinson ' s interviews, it is pretty interesting. It looks like he had a lot of homework done before his interviews. Often he has sharp questions ready for the direct answers right to the points for him and his audience's intrest. Dr. Sowell is a very knowledgeable scholar, his point of views is worth us to look and think into the facts deeper and carefully for our country's benefits and future prosperity. I believe the most important thing right now faces our country is the country of the laws. If we get this key principals straiten up, our country will have nothing to worry, soon or later. 1. The constitution is the number one important as our basic foundation of the laws of our country. 2. The laws as our routine criminal justice to maitain our country in order. 3. The freedoms liberty and entrepreneurship systems have been existing already in our constitutions which is granted by our Founding Fathers, how do we enforce it to be never faded, demoted, or even abolished for our own country's symptom, exceptionalism and bright future as well as the only liberty model for the world to follow. This is so important and desperate issues to face us. I believe only the strong law enforcement and abiding will be the most efficient and effective way to insure our country's progress, security, safety, freedoms and entrepreneurship and Christianity. Our society will be guaranteed to maitain in order. We also must teach the patriotism to all of our citizens and students, let people understand why it is very important to be patriotic to our great country. None of us should be take as granded at all. Because now our country is a Melting pot, some people immigrated here, but still love their own original contries and celebrate their own National Days here and don't even care or realize what is happening in our country now. Some immigrants they appreciate and cherish our country's exceptional goodness. If we promote the America's spirit, patriotism, our county will be more united, more prosperious, stronger and better future. The minimum wage should follow the standard like before. We can't dramatically raise it without the standard. It will help the unemployment raise, business and job killing. We need to encourage the hard and responsible working attitude by the performance to decide the raise, not by the way controled by the Government's irresponsible raise by big phase. This will gradually bring the equality of the paycheck, regardless of the educations, capabilities, responsibilities, achievements,...etc. Gradully, the big Gov't will replace the ownership from the forced regulations to the property confiscation. The whole Capitalism systems can be changed under the matured ideologies. This is why I enjoyed to hear from Dr. Sowell and learn from him to benefit my correct thought.
Dr. Sowell, the way he answered that question on Ferguson/racism and connecting it to Jesse Jackson, that's a classic. Long Live Dro Sowell! Thanks, Peter, you always make it a point to thoroughly read and digest the books by the time you do the interviews, lots to learn from you both...clearly, you both have strong traits of self-discipline, showing in your preparedness for these interviews!!
Mr Sowell Yer da man. I live your talks and are the only reason I wish I went to college. Other then missing your classes I have made swell choices and am doing quite well. Yet I do not appreciate the mind control and outright diregard for democracy, well being, wise choices, humanity, and Equity of a majority many "free" people growing up in a deck stacked well against them. Everyone is different some are complete zombies. I dropped out as well. Saved my great money from construction I have had several successful businesses I have sold or given most have always held GC licenses in my favorite Union states. I learned many times the hard way how to work the markets to invest my money. Work and market market and work. I now have more then I ever thought possible. I own to lenders now I own many houses I have allowed people to rent in lieu of foreclosure. I loan small business start up and capital money. I often take a ridiculous loan to teach people lessons in how to win and not throw their money away. Anyway I appreciate all you have taught me. I would not be me without you. A special intelligent honest man that I wish I had known. Good luck to you sir
I wish I could sit down and talk to Sowell for a couple of hours. Him and Friedman are two of the most well spoken, succinct and brightest persons I've ever seen.
Thomas Sowell should be interviewed every week of his life until we have extracted every gem of logical reasoning for prosperity.
Dr. Thomas Sowell, a national treasure.
Yes, and a world treasure.
Pooh !!! A buried treasure with nothing but fake gold and cubic zirconia
As a Hungarian in Hungary I have absolutely nothing to do with these subjects. But I just can't stop. I'm addicted to listening to his common sense and reason. I feel like after every video my IQ goes up by a small amount. :D Gotta watch 'em all. lol. Next up are his audiobooks. Holy shit.
sitting here in my underwear at 2 Am eating cereal and watching Thomas Sowell. *Happiness*
Lol so true
+GrimL0gic 11pm here in Charlotte, NC, drinking a cold beer, enjoying some Thomas Sowell!
+GrimL0gic Totino's Buffalo Ranch Chicken Rolls are my Sowell food, mind and belly are in a good place right now.
sitting here reading your comment at 1:59am
here, 11pm before wake up and drinking my coffee and eat my cake and listening Thomas Sowell.... start good my day.... greetings from Brasil...
No praise can do this scholar justice. What a brilliant man
love at 7:09 "milton friedman couldn't cure you but the federal government did" "never say the federal government doesn't do anything" - sowell clearly has some comedic talent here!
whenever I read his books or listen to him speak it's like someone's reading Proverbs from the Bible...bursting with wisdom
This guy is mediocre at best he sounds like any other run of the mill wing nut pseudo intellectual who complain about intellectuals I need him to debate pikety or ha joon Chang or Steve keen
I love Thomas Sowell, but Peter Robinson deserves much appreciation for his work. When it comes to hosts, I see him as the gold standard.
He is a genius learned by Milton Friedman who won noble prize
Thomas is a conservative, the Nobel Society is 100% comprised of progressive liberals. To give him the Nobel Prize would be to admit their ideology is a fraud and that will never happen. Were the Nobel Society comprised of conservatives, or had it even been ideologically neutral, he'd have been awarded that prize decades ago. Robert Deniro was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom...awarded to him (a liberal actor) by a celebrity obsessed uber lib President, Obama. Mr. Sowell has not been recognized for this medal. What does that say about the worth of the medal for one, and how political ideology plays into who is awarded what?
While I agree with all answers given; there's another reason. Nobel Prize Economists have to write something which changes the field of Economics. For example, Friedman consistently produced works which led to the development of a whole new school of economic theory (Chicago). Though admittedly, it shared a lot of ideas which the Austrian school.
Works like his book on the Great Depression with Anna Schwarz.
WILBUR WRIGHT Because he hasn't brought about any change, and that's because so many foolish people have refused to follow his advice. So unfortunately there's nothing to reward.
And wouldn't concede that black people or even more generally speaking, all the poor, were victims. To this day mainstream left refuses to even ENTERTAIN this suggestion.
What an amazing and intellectually courageous man. If only there were a thousand like him.
Hell, I'd settle for two.
"You actually checked the footnotes?! I'm not sure that's fair." Priceless. xD
"...I don't think I should try to take on the project of convincing someone to reduce their income by 90%" DAAAAAAAAAMN! What an intellectual burn...Oh my god, i wish i could have brunch with this man!
How can someone defend keynesian economics after listening this interview is beyond my comprehension. Thomas Sowell is such a giant in the economics field with no parallels. Robinson is such a good interviewer for bring out the best of Thomas Sowell. Thank you both for this interview.
I've read Dr Sowell's book on "Basic Economics", it's amazing. It makes Economics accessible to the common people.
When I read it I had no college education. Sowell used language that even I could understand with no education. I was a protectionist before reading Basic Economics. Sowell pretty easily intellectually smacked me around on that. Basic economics should be required high school reading in my opinion.
You mean it indoctrinated you to think as he does! Which is rich poe people should be left alone and poor people should be grateful to them for giving them scraps off their plates
I happened across a RUclips clip of the great man, and was instantly hooked. I discovered that my brother-in-law had a copy of Basic Economics on his shelf. I read it cover to cover, to the bemusement of many who saw the title. It kickstarted a period in which I’m still in which can only be described as an enlightenment. I wish I’d discovered this man, and his literature a decade or two ago.
@@thegreatonecometh200 have you even read the book? what are your arguments against his reasoning in the book?
I live in Europe and originally I was born in Romania, but live now in Austria for 19 years. To me Mr. Sowell is very important, since I myself am an imigrant in Austria, who witnesses the fact, that left wing organizations are working very hard on trying to do the same thing to all imigrants in Austria, the left wing did to blacks and latinos in the USA, which is mainly turn us to permanent victims and make us dependend to government social goodies.
Fun fact, nobody in Europe ever mentions Sowells name.
Nat Brown Thomas Piketty the egalitarian they will know. He wrote an entire huge book bigger than Basic Economics that Krug an said was very important. The premise for that entire book was Egalitarianism. For those who read this book, they will learn egalitarianism and how to defend it. But they won't earn anything about creating wealth.
Wayne Harmon
Egalitarism is really a nightmare.
Scotland 🏴 here
Mr Sowel is a true legend that will be sadly missed long after he is gone!
I feel sad am just learning about this man now
I recommend you watch many of his videos on egalitarianism, feminism, and social justice, etc. Mainly, that as an economist he challenges many of these issues with regards to empiricism and their impacts on society. Milton Friedman also has great videos on many different economic issues as well.
Wow Ive watched Sowell on this show over and over again. Im really excited to see him back on. Time to have my mind blown.
Me too man. Im trying to think critically too, but they are very convincing. I love them.
Same here. I still rewatch old Friedman and Sowell videos daily. Its very soothing.
mannylora There was a point in time in which I was exactly like you all, until I took a critical and objective look at the things Sowell and other economist of the like were analyzing and analyzed them for myself rather than listening to their findings. Once I did this, I realized that their conservative, trickle-down economics and laissez-faire ideologies were much too counter-intuitive. You all seem like a relatively intelligible group, I urge you all to do as I have and study on your own, exam all schools of economic thought and then come to your own conclusions rather than listening to a man that has his own preconceived notions on other economic theories that do not fit his narrative.
The world view Thomas Sowell has never advocated a trickle down theory. Nor has any serious economist. Politicians may have advocated it (I cant name one, but I'm not saying they haven't) it only tends to be a term to slander conservatives by people on the left so they can say look, they want the rich to have all the wealth! When really, that isn't the case. So trickle down is used as a slander against the right to win the minds and votes of the uneconomically educated.
William Milburn To support the theory that taxing the rich leads to economic malaise, which Sowell has on multiple occasions advocated, inherently advocates a trickle down theory using the logic that if the rich are not taxed, or are taxed a relatively meager amount, this will create an increase in investment which would, presumably, in the "long run" (whatever that may be), increase the utility of everyone. This logic has been proven ineffective and flawed historically. A piece that I recommend you watch and read is called, "Inequality for all", by Robert Reich, I have found it to be quite informative on such matters. I do however appreciate the fact that you kept the debate dignified, a trait, quite frankly, I am finding increasingly less on youtube comments.
Even the comments are intelligent here! Thomas Sowell, why didn't I find you earlier!
Peter Robinson is such a great interviewer because he wants to understand. Curiousity may kill cats, but enlivens the rest of us.
I wish more people would take the time to watch this. In today's "bite size" world, I'm not sure most do.
Brilliant man. Independent thinker.
I wish he could teach our kids, every year, at every level of education.
I'm an economics student and a libertarian patriot from 🇮🇳. I ❤ this man.
Credit to peter robinson and thank s peter for great interview with this man
If only everyone would listened to this genius
Not only a brilliant man, but a humble man. These two traits rarely are found in the same person. What common sense and reason. He is the perfect depiction of intelligence.
I can't take anymore; please - make it stop, MAKE-THE-COMMON-SENSE-STOP!!!!
+Anogoya Dagaati lol!
bro, you have posted one of the best comments in the history of youtube EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you a feminist? ;). (Agreed, best comment I have seen in years).
Don't you means UNCOMMON SENSE? :-)
Thank you Hoover Institute for interviewing Mr. Sowell multiple times. I've watched those videos over, and over, and over again. To see a new interview Thomas made me very happy. I haven't even started watching it yet and I already know it will be good.
the interviewer is great well prepared and string enough questions to keep the tension
Always a pleasure to listen to Thomas Sowell. I have read "Basic Economics", "Discrimination & Disparities ", and "Economic Facts & Fallacies". If you want to know how the world really works, read his books.
Thank you for a fantastic interview. Basic Economics should be required reading for all high school students.
Peter Robinson, you are a great host and journalist. It has been pleasure to watch it. A big thank you from Poland!
He is at 85 years old, the greatest portrait of a man of reason and integrity. Really an awesome man. Thank you.
The guy is a treasure. I have written down at least 20 of his quotes from all these videos. Anybody who had him as a prof is lucky.
I would listen to this man parse the issues every day for hours if I could.
This book should be mandatory in BA of economic
Thomas So-well is a genius, Love him & Milton Friedman
This man is the opposite of doubt. So much sense and clarity. It's not his knowledge that amazes me, but how he came to it.
Thomas Sowell🙏🙏🙏
Mr. Sowell's life would make an excellent biographical movie. He is an amazing role model with a colorful background and life. I would line up for an autobiography but a movie would make his experiences accessible to a larger audience.
Wisdom, clarity, eloquence, kindness, joyfulness, honesty, resourcefulness, bravery. Blessed by God as we are to be able to listen to Thomas Sowell. Thank you!
Thank you, Dr. Sowell. You are an American hero and a treasure. God bless you.
I would be so honored to sit in discourse with this brilliant human. Mankind is so fortunate to have him on this earth plane.. His lifework should be preserved for all generations, both current and future. Thank you Thomas Sowell.
No matter how busy I am, I always make time to watch Thomas Sowell interviews and give him 100% attention. The man is a national treasure.
True wisdom has no fear, no vitriol and only one empirical master.
Listening to Dr. Sowell is always a joy.
This is a great interview. I love Sowell’s thoroughness, and the interview itself is very well done.
Thomas Sowell is a icon of all races!
For those interested in liberty, please watch this interview of Thomas Sowell. It is 50 minutes long, but worth every moment! He touches on so much...
What he said about Jessie Jackson and Al at 46:35 to 46:50 what simply One the best statement to sum up those type of people :-)
There are not to many that you can look to in admiration both in wisdom and achievement Thomas Sowell is one of the few.
Great interview, Thank you.
I wish Thomas Sowell would show up in more mainstream media and debates. Most of the representatives of free markets are horrible at getting their points across. He on the other hand, makes things to clear and simple for people like me who have no background in economics.
Listening to these Sowell interviews has helped me undo the years of liberal indoctrination I received at 'prestigious' universities. No wonder I was never assigned a Sowell book at either of the schools I went to- a lot of my professors would have been out of a job.
Bought this eBook, reading it now, amazing! I'm on a marathon of watching his interviews, so mind opening!
His brilliance is on a completely different level. Ive sat at table on a few occasions where i have been fortunate enough to enjoy such intelligence. It was usually theological in scope. I know from my own experience that very often these people try to speak at our level. They could so easily speak in sentences that are almost impossible for us to understand. I know because its actually happened to me. It actually quite funny. They almost recognize the look on our faces, that look of innocent incomprehension, then they come down to our level again and we can continue. I have no doubt Mr Sowell is no different in that regard. God bless him.
Thomas Sowell should be on news shows and politics shows all over America and Europe.
I don't know - the same personalities - the same stories (almost) - the same (un)common sense - the same enjoyment from hearing it all again with the new edition - Thank you gentlemen
As a working class Englishman, he hit the nail on the head when he explained why we fail so badly in are economic system.
Thank you so much. Anytime I see Dr. Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson being interviewed I immediately know I am going to be entertained and enlightened for about an hour!
Those last 3 minutes were very sombre indeed. The task will soon be left to us.
Then it will be trying to convince yourself you have Liberty when you don't. Lying is easy until you realize you can lie to yourself but you don't believe you' At that time a lesson can be taught and learned but what is gone is gone, a long time to make the mistake but it can only be made once.
What a pleasant and knowledgeable human being. We won't have him for much longer.
We're blessed to have this dude with us. That is all.
The legend is the one who takes his time! Thomas Stowell is an open book.
Got my coffee, eggs, cake, and Thomas Sowell... best morning ever.
Great man. Reminds me of my father
I’m very late, but better than never! Thank you Mr. Sowell for teaching me like a real Grandfather. I am grateful to study your work!
All respect to Thomas, but I’d like to note that Peter Robinson is a fantastic facilitator!
it is now 9 am on a Friday morning in Southern California, and a beautiful day out. I've just got in from walking my dog, cracked open a nice cold 16 oz of something cheap and sweet, so what .... sue me!
Bout ready to press play and indulge in Mr Sowells oldie but goodie. "Be well" to all ahead and as well as those behind me. Peace!!
Few geniuses are so lucid...
Sowell is an absolute treasure...
Sowell is a national treasure.
I love this man's mind.
This is the third time I've watched this video and I still can't get enough.
Thomas Sowell was by far my favourite person of 2014
One of my favorite people. Reading intellectuals and society right now.
If only there were more people in the public realm with the wisdom, insight, and the intelligence of Sowell, then the world would be a much saner place. My favourite works, masterpieces actually - are "A Conflict of Visions" and "Intellectuals and Society.". I'm so glad we have the pleasure of listening to this genius too, courtesy of youtube.
Thanks Dr Sowell, all the way from the UK.
Thank You, Thomas Sowell! A Great Mind Helping to Make a Great Country!
Dr. Sowell is one of our favorites. He is so brilliant he can make it simple.
One of America's greatest men, Thomas Sowel. Millions must love him!
It is so pleasant and refreshing to listen to an intelligent man who is able to make the average one us understand what he is saying and is not trying to prove to us how intelligent he is.
Thomas Sowell is always great but Peter does such a great job as well....
Been waiting and waiting to hear from Dr. Sowell in this format; delighted.
Sowell, an American treasure. Peter Robinson ain't bad either.
I want to invite everyone here who likes Sowell to move to Redondo Beach because the mentality I'm surrounded by is killing me.
This man's writing is so incredible. I do wish it had a few charts in it though!
So much wisdom. Priceless
I always love to watch Peter Robinson ' s interviews, it is pretty interesting. It looks like he had a lot of homework done before his interviews. Often he has sharp questions ready for the direct answers right to the points for him and his audience's intrest. Dr. Sowell is a very knowledgeable scholar, his point of views is worth us to look and think into the facts deeper and carefully for our country's benefits and future prosperity. I believe the most important thing right now faces our country is the country of the laws. If we get this key principals straiten up, our country will have nothing to worry, soon or later. 1. The constitution is the number one important as our basic foundation of the laws of our country. 2. The laws as our routine criminal justice to maitain our country in order. 3. The freedoms liberty and entrepreneurship systems have been existing already in our constitutions which is granted by our Founding Fathers, how do we enforce it to be never faded, demoted, or even abolished for our own country's symptom, exceptionalism and bright future as well as the only liberty model for the world to follow. This is so important and desperate issues to face us. I believe only the strong law enforcement and abiding will be the most efficient and effective way to insure our country's progress, security, safety, freedoms and entrepreneurship and Christianity. Our society will be guaranteed to maitain in order. We also must teach the patriotism to all of our citizens and students, let people understand why it is very important to be patriotic to our great country. None of us should be take as granded at all. Because now our country is a Melting pot, some people immigrated here, but still love their own original contries and celebrate their own National Days here and don't even care or realize what is happening in our country now. Some immigrants they appreciate and cherish our country's exceptional goodness. If we promote the America's spirit, patriotism, our county will be more united, more prosperious, stronger and better future. The minimum wage should follow the standard like before. We can't dramatically raise it without the standard. It will help the unemployment raise, business and job killing. We need to encourage the hard and responsible working attitude by the performance to decide the raise, not by the way controled by the Government's irresponsible raise by big phase. This will gradually bring the equality of the paycheck, regardless of the educations, capabilities, responsibilities, achievements,...etc. Gradully, the big Gov't will replace the ownership from the forced regulations to the property confiscation. The whole Capitalism systems can be changed under the matured ideologies. This is why I enjoyed to hear from Dr. Sowell and learn from him to benefit my correct thought.
Praise the lord someone who takes issues at face value and doesn't try to make a political statement with everything he says. Common sense trumps all
Dr. Sowell, the way he answered that question on Ferguson/racism and connecting it to Jesse Jackson, that's a classic. Long Live Dro Sowell! Thanks, Peter, you always make it a point to thoroughly read and digest the books by the time you do the interviews, lots to learn from you both...clearly, you both have strong traits of self-discipline, showing in your preparedness for these interviews!!
Brilliant! I was riveted this entire interview. What an incredible man, and incredible intellect.
This man is Brilliant!!!
The one and only Thomas Sowell.
One of my HEROS!!
Mr Sowell Yer da man. I live your talks and are the only reason I wish I went to college. Other then missing your classes I have made swell choices and am doing quite well. Yet I do not appreciate the mind control and outright diregard for democracy, well being, wise choices, humanity, and Equity of a majority many "free" people growing up in a deck stacked well against them. Everyone is different some are complete zombies. I dropped out as well. Saved my great money from construction I have had several successful businesses I have sold or given most have always held GC licenses in my favorite Union states. I learned many times the hard way how to work the markets to invest my money. Work and market market and work. I now have more then I ever thought possible. I own to lenders now I own many houses I have allowed people to rent in lieu of foreclosure. I loan small business start up and capital money. I often take a ridiculous loan to teach people lessons in how to win and not throw their money away. Anyway I appreciate all you have taught me. I would not be me without you. A special intelligent honest man that I wish I had known. Good luck to you sir
Thomas Sowell, a mind with impresive clarity.
One of the most brilliant minds of our time.
Credits to the interviewer too. Excellent job
This is a mind blowing interview. So many revelations.
I wish I could sit down and talk to Sowell for a couple of hours. Him and Friedman are two of the most well spoken, succinct and brightest persons I've ever seen.
Dr. Sowell is back with Mr. Robinson... and suddenly things feel right again.
A great man and thinker.
Can I like this video more than once?