Ugh. Though I recognize Poki meant well, his forced matchmaking is so cringe and would be considered borderline harrassment elsewhere in the world. I'm surprised ViuTV is allowing it to air, especially on an international platform like RUclips.
Many young ppl are like this! Making jokes to boys and girls classmates, it is happening in secondary schools all the time! No need to be that angry 😅😅😂😂
下半part 好正, 真心襯, 希望Dee 姐早日遇上心上人☺☺
Ugh. Though I recognize Poki meant well, his forced matchmaking is so cringe and would be considered borderline harrassment elsewhere in the world. I'm surprised ViuTV is allowing it to air, especially on an international platform like RUclips.
Ok ar , 好好睇!
第幾集先冇個PK? 完美演繹只要自己唔尷尬,尷尬就係人哋。
Poki, please shut up. You made them so embarrassed. 🤬
Many young ppl are like this! Making jokes to boys and girls classmates, it is happening in secondary schools all the time! No need to be that angry 😅😅😂😂
O my god! Did I hear 'hump together'?! Hug, not hump!!
今集PK okay wor
保錡真係好多口, 有佢講無人講, 真煩! 大王2.0
其實我係error fans,由花姐error遊已經好鍾意佢哋,全部綜藝都睇晒。但今次真係睇到好尷尬,人哋都話結咗婚,仲小學雞咁撮合人真係好煩😅仲要半集都變咗Poki係度撮合,連其他人都假笑,又冇得傾計。之前嗰幾集啲kimochi根本唔好笑,講出嚟都柒🙈就算你係香港冇啦啦有人同你講舒服啊你都覺得佢係白咭啦,可能俾人打添
佢直頭係bully緊阿Dee姐,喺鏡頭面前開一個女仔,佢自己覺得好威覺得自己好好笑。就算結咗婚離咗婚乜嘢狀態都好,佢有冇諗過要尊重人,由第一集開始到而家都睇唔到。 對住啲日本小朋友就響度講埋晒啲二姑二姑,係咪黐線㗎?
他們係襯,但真係講得太多。。。sigh難為Dee姐😅 ...
坦白講:新一代嘅英文真係令人尷尬 🙈