@@ryancairns2099 please cite some references.. instead of belittling it would be a great service to educate others. Clearly you’ve done your homework, enlighten us
Brian will be remembered forever. His research will become some of the best information to ever come out about antient civilizations. Our concept of the past is very much incorrect. If there are millions of earth like planets. You really think we are the only people existing. People that lived in the past used some technology that we don't understand yet. My believe is another race from another planets visited us in the past to help us become smarter. But soon after they showed us their ways. They left our planet.
Many Giants were here in New Zealand, and many are listed in the Whakapapa -geneology records of the local tribes. They are still often dug up in excavations. Over one hundred thousand were crushed and turned into fertiliser in the 1920s and 1930s. Many burial caves had to be dynamited to stop the desecration and destruction of these relics. Kahui Tipua is one name for these people. The blue eyed blonde haired ice Giants. In the far North where I grew up, the Rarawa, a pre Maori tribe, list Niho a Kahui Tipua as a significant ancestor. There are a great many VERY large and often blonde, and blue eyed people in the tribe from pre recent european lineage. Many of the pre-maori tribes have these traits.
Smithsonian Must have kept the many they went all over the world to find & hide,you must have to be in deep with them to get to see where they have them hidden,but tks for this info! hopefully there may be a find like this of a giant with more open archeologist, who won't take Smithsonians money, to steal & hide or destroy it!
@@wabbit6653 At some point it becomes harder to believe that the locals faked such realistic looking human remains than for them to simply exist in a known burial ground in quite an inaccessible place.. I mean if they have an artist that good at replicating ancient dried skin/flesh let alone the bones then they need to be working in Hollywood..
10:38 side view of skull. Look how long the zygomatic bridge is from the cheek to temporal bone, I swear we need another recreation design, bc they didn't have normal faces with an elongated skull. Any artist with anatomy and physiology knowledge, in the comment sections, let's do this. This was one of the best videos to compare the scale of Mr. B's hand and the up close detail of the skull( with no dispute of glares😊🤝)
Once you get into this topic it’s like a giant rabbit hole. It is so captivating and so frustrating at the same time. Keep up the great work Brien, and never stop searching for the truth. God bless you! From Canada.
The skulls with 4 cranial plates appear to still have seperated *metopic sutures* That front plate should solidify into a single place no later than 8 months after birth, is it possible you are looking at the bones of a giant sized young child's skull?
Fascinating, the more I watch such videos, along with Graham Hancocks opinions on the Younger Dryas period, the more I'm sure we were definitely more advanced than we think until a cataclysmic event reset us to the stone age again 😵💫
You are in my backyard, I live in the Valle Sagrado, on a remote farm amongst ancient ruins, between Urubamba and Ollantaytambo. I am taller and more fair than most around me, perhaps these are my Ancestors I descend from 💜 ✨ 👽
We took that trail to Inti Puku. I found some magic mushrooms at the quarry. After 9 mo in Ollanta I'm finally off to Paracas and north up the coast to Equador continuing my megalithic journey.
Brian - the frontal suture is evident in the Mutter Museum ( Philadelphia ) skulls from Yugoslavia and environs. I was there 20 plus years ago. (I am interested in spinal fluid flow and craniosacral dynamics. )
High altitude up n down terrain makes the task of moving massive blocks seem impossible!! .Builder workers if normal humans had abnormally high heart and lung capacity!!! The natural elongated heads must been very special to be held in high reverence!!! Deforming a child's head must be dangerous.. Thank you for sharing. appreciated. peace
Wow, it's so cool! That amazing trail going to all those places, it's so beautiful. I'm sorry someone tore up that family of mummies. One of them seemed so small, like a toddler. ☹ I don't know who left the leaves, but they felt thoughtful. ❤
Hey Brian what are your thoughts on the Chachapoya people? Spanish writings say they were tall, fair skinned and fair haired. Knowing that the Paracas haplogroups are not of the natives, do you think it’s possible that the Chachapoyas were of similar origin as the Paracas nobility?
😵How are they just laying around in the public rubble like that?! I'm amazed at the respect people have had over the years and left them in place, but also, super concerned about their preservation 😢
to move megaliths or big stones they could shape them in spring, summer and autum and move them on ice slides, on the mountains behind Brian there is snow on the tops. You can make a slide using water throwing down a path and it will freeze then you push the stone and it will go down as a bobsled.
….. sounds like you’ve done it before 😂✌️ …… what’s even more mind boggling is that the H blocks in Bolivia were supposed to have been mined about 70 miles away and pushed uphill to the mountain peek 🙀
@@derrickbronson3099 if you have 100 people who each can tear 30 kg that will be a force of 3000 kg, nobody knows if they found these mega stones close to where they are today, may be the quarries are not found yet and still hides under the sand, if you make a big hole to take stones out later you want to close them to use the land
Dear Brien, the cave where the bones and skulls were found was fascinating. It looked well picked over, I know you are hale and hearty and are in great health, but for your own safety, you should at least be wearing a dust mask. Microbial organism, bacteria and viruses which have been put into extreme stasis from the arid conditions may still come to life with the addition of moisture. When you inhale micro fine dust, you put yourself at risk of initializing extremophile bacteria once it enters the moist soft tissues of your nasal passage and lungs. Please, wear at least a bandana over your nose and mouth. Crypts contain many dangerous germs. Thank you Brien, ml and support in your determination to discover the truth. David
The most probable reason for not finding massive blocks at the quarry, is because they were not quarried. They were poured in place using granite based geo-polymers, by a more advanced civilization that was global, before the latest global flood buried most of their world.
Thanks for sharing Brien. Appreciate the lengths you go to for uncovering the facts. Just a random thought - could the stones for the sun temple have come from the Cantera de Piedra which is much closer and seems to have large stone cuts instead of the Inka Quarry?
Bread loaf looking stones around the world, and even some squared off and molded stones, are geopolymers, a type of ancient playdough, see Dr. Davidovitz work.
Great video and excellent example of exploratory hypothesis process Continue the amazing work without your years of effort we would most likely never see some of these discrepancies to the mainstream agenda
Stones appear to have been machined all over the planet and moved ( by means that are not clear) and used in temple building in other parts of the planet. In my area a rock mountain face was scooped out. Obviously stone blocks were cut out by machines but the blocks are no where to be seen. The area is difficult to access so how stone blocks may have been moved out is a mystery.
If you go lookup videos of the Macaque monkeys at Angkor Watt in Cambodia, that place is absolutely littered with cut megalithic stones, and so many of them have core holes drilled into or completely through them. The same ones you see elsewhere in the world at Hattusa, Egypt, elsewhere
The depression on top of the skull. Do you think it was made due to caring heavy objects behind there backs tied with a band on there heads and freeing there hands for more things to pick up?
Carbon dating the skulls would give clear indication of time period , also it should be possible to dna a piece of the skin to no what regions they were from
@@Eyes_Open the elongated skulls i mean. not every Paracas individual had an elongated skull, but the trait originated in South America from that culture more than likely. for the record, DNA tests of the skulls show a European origin in the Black Sea area. and that's exactly why the topic is avoided by modern academia, because it completely flies in the face of the current story of the peopling of the Americas, and the fact that white people were sailing the globe 1000s of years before anyone else. in case i'm not being clear enough, there is an undoubted anti-white bias in modern academia as the field of study is heavily comprised of Marxists who have a vested interest in the destruction of European history and culture.
Off the amazing subject and Brian's incredible work but did anyone notice that large, grey, um "cat" I guess that was on the top of the rock wall in the beginning at 56 seconds in? So strange it looks 🤔 lol.
I wish I had the means to travel to these sites! Honestly, looking at the surrounding landscape it looks more like a toppled mega civilization . There is much much more buried and covered in earth on those mountainsides. Quarry? Not so much, remnants of cataclysm is more likely in my opinion. But , I’ve never been there
The Blocks at Ollantaytambo at the Sun Temple, are not the Same Stone as what you see in these sites. This to me, after having been there indicates A Higher civilization that formed the blocks through either Sound or Light. This is an interesting notion because as you climb to the Temple, the stonework then changes from Primitive to Advanced at the Top where the Megalitic Cut Stones sit.
I've seen your other videos about elongated skulls. However, in this video, the few skulls that have 4 plates (not 3) AND have evidence of binding, are you saying it's the binding that has elongated the skull? Or would it have been elongated anyway? In your other videos where the sutures are different (4 plates- non genetic human) were elongated but naturally, not by binding. Strange. Simon
Humans shouldn't have an active *metopic sutures* past 8 months. Binding initiated from a time prior to 8momths of age most likely occurred resulting in metopism
Have you thought about the possibility of geopolymer? It is my understanding that the high quartz content of the Great pyramids was achieved through shaping of geopolymer with some sort of secret involving the recipe exactly, but used as an oscillator of sorts. I've heard stories from my Don of some plant high in the Andes that used to grow that makes stone soft, but I've seen no evidence of it so I'm in the strong belief that those stones may be some secret recipe of geopolymer considering the Bosnian pyramids contain some level of geopolymer that to our knowledge could only be attained from being millions of years old yet is markedly stronger than natural stone...
And a side note, here in the mid-Ohio Valley where I live on the West Virginia side, there's megalithic stones hidden about where no one cares to think of anything but them being natural aside from me and a few others. Things claimed to be forts Or just stone in state parks. But generational word says you couldn't dig a hole here at one point without coming across the bones of a giant. My ancestor Aaron Burr certainly had a lot to say on the subject apparently. I'm pretty sure he was harboring a secret on blunner hassett Island that the US Army wanted to silence or obtain.. And if you look at Fort Boreman hill, you wont find any sign of a fort, but youll definitely find a hill that distinctly looks like a mound overlooking said island with what appears to be an ancient underground facility with so much security that authorities appear out of nowhere if you take one step off the designated trail any time 24/7 and they deny the underground part exists now that its a state park... Lots of secrets here... And no one in known memory has any memory of there actually being a fort there either...not even a story or picture of it.
Thank's for your work Sir. Glad for your Pointing out, The Many Different Species that are thrown into together Human as if, Only Homo Sapian Species is Real and Textbook. The Count of Cranial Suture Present or Absent, is a Great find to have Recorded. On record now, there are Difference's to Skull's of Bi-pedal's on Record and the More These are Recorded Before they can be "Disappeared", the Absolute BETTER. Smithsonian , Lizard Cult soon will be "Disappearing that Skull with the Different Suture Count and alignment", I'd bet Money on that!!! I know the Ethic's in volved, but you should have packed Skin from Eac present Skeleton for Safe Keep's and Testing. I'm absolutely convinced the "Genetic" Data would be Awesome, Epic and Earth Shattering... Something that might be Far to Earth shattering for the Majority and "$hleep-Walker'$"! Again, thank's for the Glimps of them Other Species Skull's, really Breath taking Sight for me. Your recording this is Incredibly IMPORTANT. Please next time, Get the Camera Angle's more centered on these Increadible Share's of your's, for your Viewer's. I really wish the Quad-suture was more pictured in this video. What a Find, what a BIG Epic Biological Evidence, and you heald it, wish I could see it better.. Great Video, Keep Pushing back against the Threashhold of Academia and Vested Intrestes, willing to go the Lenght to LIE about Bigger Issue's, to maintain a Strangle Hold, over the People "Their $hleepleS".. Cheer's to your Sharing these great Epic Fact's with EARTH'S Lower-Caste.
It would very difficult to cut a stone with a laser. Its unfortunate but the best ceramics for cutting and melting stone are very hygroscopic and dissintegrate in open air in about 2 weeks. I am always making them at my facility. Even with the right tools there are still more techniques necessary to enhance lava production. I dont think anyone outside of chemical engineering stands a chance at making it happen today. Probably took them thousands of years of trial and error, but everything does come from nature. I am starting a megalithic sculpture park at my volcano as we speak.
I'd like to see more adventures to Dolmons - I think these are possibly earlier creations (or rudimentary structures created after a world catastrophe (YD) from the few people that remained) than the more sophisticated structures such as the large temples & towers utilizing polygonal/cyclopean methods - these may hold more obvious clues as to how they were constructed. I've always been curious if perhaps Toxodons (or even Mammoths in Meso/North America) were used as a method of transportation for some of the large stones (but not the larger/largest stones - this is still quite a mystery). Thank you for clarifying the point of the usage of "Giant". We call several people within our culture 'Giants', e.g. Newton or Einstein, but it's known they were "Giants of the Mind". We need to always question our assumptions when investigating. It's also possible that there were "Giants" of height, but only compared to people of that time - imagine a Pygmy (
It does not matter if one puts water on wood,, wood might axpand when watered but the expention is still soft.. the expension wood has no power.. What has power when expanding is ice,, ice has an extream power when it is created from water.
i wonder if those stones tossed all around were part of some massive machine that used to cut the stones? have you ever heard of the idea that awatotumbo or whatever the H block area was is thought to be a steam engine, the flywheel is right there complete with hole through the center even though they didnt use the wheel? what else makes sense? they had the wheel, this was all built pre-inca, obviously. the inca built with mud brick backfilled with detritritus, perhaps coralled up inside retaining walls so they could build higher.
Aren't all these long formations at 12:51 just basalt columns? Asking the geologists out there. It all really just looks like a debris field where most of the columns broke up when they fell and a few stayed intact.
@@Eyes_Open there is plenty of Inca construction in South America.. often located on top of far older stone walls. did you ever stop to consider that maybe we can both be correct, in that the Inca had a very rich culture and additionally practiced head-binding....because they were trying to imitate the nobility who had naturally elongated skulls and were the descendents of an advanced race of people who seeded civilization all over the world? i mean do you think it's just a coincidence that the oldest civilizations on earth speak of "white gods" who taught them agriculture?
@@Eyes_Open the incan descend from the paracas culture which goes back 1000s of years and where the elongated skull traits came from in South America.
Brien, you are so ahead of anyone else in this field. We need you. Please take care and keep up this fantastic work. Simon
@@ryancairns2099 please cite some references.. instead of belittling it would be a great service to educate others. Clearly you’ve done your homework, enlighten us
Brian will be remembered forever. His research will become some of the best information to ever come out about antient civilizations. Our concept of the past is very much incorrect. If there are millions of earth like planets. You really think we are the only people existing. People that lived in the past used some technology that we don't understand yet. My believe is another race from another planets visited us in the past to help us become smarter. But soon after they showed us their ways. They left our planet.
Maria Wheatley is wonderful and has so much knowledge too….they are peers
No he isn't.... Gatekeep much?
Except he's a total moron...
Many Giants were here in New Zealand, and many are listed in the Whakapapa -geneology records of the local tribes.
They are still often dug up in excavations. Over one hundred thousand were crushed and turned into fertiliser in the 1920s and 1930s.
Many burial caves had to be dynamited to stop the desecration and destruction of these relics.
Kahui Tipua is one name for these people. The blue eyed blonde haired ice Giants.
In the far North where I grew up, the Rarawa, a pre Maori tribe, list Niho a Kahui Tipua as a significant ancestor. There are a great many VERY large and often blonde, and blue eyed people in the tribe from pre recent european lineage. Many of the pre-maori tribes have these traits.
Smithsonian Must have kept the many they went all over the world to find
& hide,you must have to be in deep with them to get to see where they have them hidden,but tks for this info! hopefully there may be a find like this of a giant with more open archeologist, who won't take Smithsonians money, to steal & hide or destroy it!
the controversial smoking gun...
Incredible!!! I wish you would make a video it would go viral
Someone mentioned the flat top pyramids of Raglan + red hair large people that were killed off, but yea evidence is hard to find.
I’m truly amazed the skeletons are just laying about in this day and age ! And not looted
Not looted! I'm amazed and annoyed they aren't being collected and looked after.
unless its fake
Inspiring isn't it?
@@wabbit6653 At some point it becomes harder to believe that the locals faked such realistic looking human remains than for them to simply exist in a known burial ground in quite an inaccessible place..
I mean if they have an artist that good at replicating ancient dried skin/flesh let alone the bones then they need to be working in Hollywood..
I have traveled around the area. There are lots and lots of ancient tombs! All open. Like 100s if not 1000s in some areas.
You have the greatest job in the world.
10:38 side view of skull. Look how long the zygomatic bridge is from the cheek to temporal bone, I swear we need another recreation design, bc they didn't have normal faces with an elongated skull. Any artist with anatomy and physiology knowledge, in the comment sections, let's do this. This was one of the best videos to compare the scale of Mr. B's hand and the up close detail of the skull( with no dispute of glares😊🤝)
I'm more confused why they still have a visible metopic suture
Once you get into this topic it’s like a giant rabbit hole. It is so captivating and so frustrating at the same time. Keep up the great work Brien, and never stop searching for the truth. God bless you! From Canada.
'never stop...' - ruclips.net/video/ELVe5Cq8sZo/видео.html
The skulls with 4 cranial plates appear to still have seperated *metopic sutures*
That front plate should solidify into a single place no later than 8 months after birth, is it possible you are looking at the bones of a giant sized young child's skull?
Thanks, Brien, for another amazing field trip into ancient Earth history.
Fascinating, the more I watch such videos, along with Graham Hancocks opinions on the Younger Dryas period, the more I'm sure we were definitely more advanced than we think until a cataclysmic event reset us to the stone age again 😵💫
yeah don't buy into the garbage dude, I suggest watching ruclips.net/user/WorldofAntiquity he debunks this idiot
We got so “smart “ we blew the earth apart.
@@angeliquekaptein5420 😂
You are in my backyard, I live in the Valle Sagrado, on a remote farm amongst ancient ruins, between Urubamba and Ollantaytambo. I am taller and more fair than most around me, perhaps these are my Ancestors I descend from 💜 ✨ 👽
Thank you Fascinating the scenery is breathtaking.
We took that trail to Inti Puku. I found some magic mushrooms at the quarry. After 9 mo in Ollanta I'm finally off to Paracas and north up the coast to Equador continuing my megalithic journey.
Thank You for sharing your adventures !From Mar del Plata ,Argentina all My admiration !
this find had to make you giddy, it gave ME butterflys in my stomach as you entered amazing !!!!! your work us beyond amazing bless you
Hi Brien. Really enjoyed this mind expanding quest. Such a beautiful place to explore. Sending lots of love and warm greetings from Missouri.
Great work Brien.
I look forward to these videos thank you so much Brien, greatly appreciated
Thanks Brien and Irene for taking us to these historic and interesting places… cheers..
🙏Thank you so very much for letting us see this part of the planet and learn some history along the way this is wonderful
Brian - the frontal suture is evident in the Mutter Museum ( Philadelphia ) skulls from Yugoslavia and environs. I was there 20 plus years ago. (I am interested in spinal fluid flow and craniosacral dynamics. )
It's called the metopic suture, all humans have this feature at birth but it fuses to a single solid plate between 3-8months of age
Got a trip to Peru in December.. video perks my interest and excitement even more.
It's amazing that they haven't been stolen!
Very cool to see more of the surrounding landscape! Thank you! I wonder what else could be buried up in those rocks, well out of reach!
High altitude up n down terrain makes the task of moving massive blocks seem impossible!! .Builder workers if normal humans had abnormally high heart and lung capacity!!! The natural elongated heads must been very special to be held in high reverence!!! Deforming a child's head must be dangerous.. Thank you for sharing. appreciated. peace
Wow, it's so cool! That amazing trail going to all those places, it's so beautiful. I'm sorry someone tore up that family of mummies. One of them seemed so small, like a toddler. ☹ I don't know who left the leaves, but they felt thoughtful. ❤
Nice of these people to let you share this.
I'm excited at 7 am, alright Mr. B, this was a helluva an adventure. 🙏
My I ask what tribe you belong too ?
@@joearchuleta7538 my mother and grandmother Choctaw(sandhills)nation
My paternal side is Chippewa.
From stone to dust and back again.. just my opinion.. until I learn otherwise.. Thank you Brien for all of your explorations.
Very good job on the observations, and the documentary.
That was great Brien thanks 😎👍♥️🕊️
This is really an excellent video, Brien! Please do more long videos and analytical work.
Once again thank you for all your hard work
Awesome stuff, keep up the great work. You're a trail blazer.
Hey Brian what are your thoughts on the Chachapoya people? Spanish writings say they were tall, fair skinned and fair haired. Knowing that the Paracas haplogroups are not of the natives, do you think it’s possible that the Chachapoyas were of similar origin as the Paracas nobility?
Incas said chachapoyas were the last of the viracochas ... blue eyed blonde Caucasians... elongated skulls? Don't think so but...
Thank you, Brien
😵How are they just laying around in the public rubble like that?! I'm amazed at the respect people have had over the years and left them in place, but also, super concerned about their preservation 😢
to move megaliths or big stones they could shape them in spring, summer and autum and move them on ice slides, on the mountains behind Brian there is snow on the tops. You can make a slide using water throwing down a path and it will freeze then you push the stone and it will go down as a bobsled.
….. sounds like you’ve done it before 😂✌️ …… what’s even more mind boggling is that the H blocks in Bolivia were supposed to have been mined about 70 miles away and pushed uphill to the mountain peek 🙀
@@derrickbronson3099 if you have 100 people who each can tear 30 kg that will be a force of 3000 kg, nobody knows if they found these mega stones close to where they are today, may be the quarries are not found yet and still hides under the sand, if you make a big hole to take stones out later you want to close them to use the land
Dear Brien, the cave where the bones and skulls were found was fascinating. It looked well picked over, I know you are hale and hearty and are in great health, but for your own safety, you should at least be wearing a dust mask. Microbial organism, bacteria and viruses which have been put into extreme stasis from the arid conditions may still come to life with the addition of moisture. When you inhale micro fine dust, you put yourself at risk of initializing extremophile bacteria once it enters the moist soft tissues of your nasal passage and lungs. Please, wear at least a bandana over your nose and mouth. Crypts contain many dangerous germs.
Thank you Brien, ml and support in your determination to discover the truth.
Cool video well filmed full of info thank you.
Thank you for all your work.
The most probable reason for not finding massive blocks at the quarry, is because they were not quarried. They were poured in place using granite based geo-polymers, by a more advanced civilization that was global, before the latest global flood buried most of their world.
Hope they take Trump away
@@kevinbrowndc WTF does that have to do with these blocks? Are you insane? This comment is libtard crap at it's worst!
Great video Brien! much thx sir!
Amazing work well done
You don't use gloves to hold the skull? I think you must use them to avoid contamination.
Quechua: sounds like “Ol-yan-tie-tam-bo.” Not “tey.” (“ay” sounds like “aye”)
Thanks for sharing Brien. Appreciate the lengths you go to for uncovering the facts. Just a random thought - could the stones for the sun temple have come from the Cantera de Piedra which is much closer and seems to have large stone cuts instead of the Inka Quarry?
Bread loaf looking stones around the world, and even some squared off and molded stones, are geopolymers, a type of ancient playdough, see Dr. Davidovitz work.
Great video and excellent example of exploratory hypothesis process
Continue the amazing work without your years of effort we would most likely never see some of these discrepancies to the mainstream agenda
Fascinating thank you very much Brian 🙏
Stones appear to have been machined all over the planet and moved ( by means that are not clear) and used in temple building in other parts of the planet. In my area a rock mountain face was scooped out. Obviously stone blocks were cut out by machines but the blocks are no where to be seen. The area is difficult to access so how stone blocks may have been moved out is a mystery.
Where is this place you live near?
If you go lookup videos of the Macaque monkeys at Angkor Watt in Cambodia, that place is absolutely littered with cut megalithic stones, and so many of them have core holes drilled into or completely through them. The same ones you see elsewhere in the world at Hattusa, Egypt, elsewhere
Where do you live sir?
Very interesting! Nice work!🥰👌💪👏👏👏
That's soooo cool Bryan... WOW 😳😳
See the Questing Beast! bravo!!! Hurrah!!!🙂🙂🙂
Tysm Brien!🤗
Lol when he said 'get lasers out of your mind'....
The depression on top of the skull. Do you think it was made due to caring heavy objects behind there backs tied with a band on there heads and freeing there hands for more things to pick up?
Hi y'all. From beautiful Vernon BC❤️🌞
Hello to you !! from Beautiful warm Palm Springs California. peace
Carbon dating the skulls would give clear indication of time period , also it should be possible to dna a piece of the skin to no what regions they were from
@@Eyes_Open apparently there is, because science can't explain how these skulls have those anatomical features.
@@Eyes_Open there is a need to study these skulls.
@@Eyes_Open the elongated skulls i mean. not every Paracas individual had an elongated skull, but the trait originated in South America from that culture more than likely. for the record, DNA tests of the skulls show a European origin in the Black Sea area. and that's exactly why the topic is avoided by modern academia, because it completely flies in the face of the current story of the peopling of the Americas, and the fact that white people were sailing the globe 1000s of years before anyone else. in case i'm not being clear enough, there is an undoubted anti-white bias in modern academia as the field of study is heavily comprised of Marxists who have a vested interest in the destruction of European history and culture.
Brian can tell us maybe if you chew enough coca leaf, you can move 60-ton boulders?!?
excellent amigo..
Off the amazing subject and Brian's incredible work but did anyone notice that large, grey, um "cat" I guess that was on the top of the rock wall in the beginning at 56 seconds in? So strange it looks 🤔 lol.
I wish I had the means to travel to these sites! Honestly, looking at the surrounding landscape it looks more like a toppled mega civilization . There is much much more buried and covered in earth on those mountainsides. Quarry? Not so much, remnants of cataclysm is more likely in my opinion. But , I’ve never been there
The Blocks at Ollantaytambo at the Sun Temple, are not the Same Stone as what you see in these sites. This to me, after having been there indicates A Higher civilization that formed the blocks through either Sound or Light. This is an interesting notion because as you climb to the Temple, the stonework then changes from Primitive to Advanced at the Top where the Megalitic Cut Stones sit.
yes probably the elongated beings used sound to move and shape
I have similar scull with depression on top and back is almost flat
Still amazes me ❤
it´s crazy that the bones are lying around like that
I've seen your other videos about elongated skulls. However, in this video, the few skulls that have 4 plates (not 3) AND have evidence of binding, are you saying it's the binding that has elongated the skull? Or would it have been elongated anyway? In your other videos where the sutures are different (4 plates- non genetic human) were elongated but naturally, not by binding. Strange. Simon
Humans shouldn't have an active *metopic sutures* past 8 months.
Binding initiated from a time prior to 8momths of age most likely occurred resulting in metopism
I am amazed... Thank you,
Whole lotta fun,that!
Have you thought about the possibility of geopolymer? It is my understanding that the high quartz content of the Great pyramids was achieved through shaping of geopolymer with some sort of secret involving the recipe exactly, but used as an oscillator of sorts. I've heard stories from my Don of some plant high in the Andes that used to grow that makes stone soft, but I've seen no evidence of it so I'm in the strong belief that those stones may be some secret recipe of geopolymer considering the Bosnian pyramids contain some level of geopolymer that to our knowledge could only be attained from being millions of years old yet is markedly stronger than natural stone...
And a side note, here in the mid-Ohio Valley where I live on the West Virginia side, there's megalithic stones hidden about where no one cares to think of anything but them being natural aside from me and a few others. Things claimed to be forts Or just stone in state parks. But generational word says you couldn't dig a hole here at one point without coming across the bones of a giant. My ancestor Aaron Burr certainly had a lot to say on the subject apparently. I'm pretty sure he was harboring a secret on blunner hassett Island that the US Army wanted to silence or obtain.. And if you look at Fort Boreman hill, you wont find any sign of a fort, but youll definitely find a hill that distinctly looks like a mound overlooking said island with what appears to be an ancient underground facility with so much security that authorities appear out of nowhere if you take one step off the designated trail any time 24/7 and they deny the underground part exists now that its a state park... Lots of secrets here... And no one in known memory has any memory of there actually being a fort there either...not even a story or picture of it.
Thank's for your work Sir. Glad for your Pointing out, The Many Different Species that are thrown into together Human as if, Only Homo Sapian Species is Real and Textbook. The Count of Cranial Suture Present or Absent, is a Great find to have Recorded. On record now, there are Difference's to Skull's of Bi-pedal's on Record and the More These are Recorded Before they can be "Disappeared", the Absolute BETTER. Smithsonian , Lizard Cult soon will be "Disappearing that Skull with the Different Suture Count and alignment", I'd bet Money on that!!!
I know the Ethic's in volved, but you should have packed Skin from Eac present Skeleton for Safe Keep's and Testing. I'm absolutely convinced the "Genetic" Data would be Awesome, Epic and Earth Shattering... Something that might be Far to Earth shattering for the Majority and "$hleep-Walker'$"!
Again, thank's for the Glimps of them Other Species Skull's, really Breath taking Sight for me. Your recording this is Incredibly IMPORTANT.
Please next time, Get the Camera Angle's more centered on these Increadible Share's of your's, for your Viewer's. I really wish the Quad-suture was more pictured in this video. What a Find, what a BIG Epic Biological Evidence, and you heald it, wish I could see it better..
Great Video, Keep Pushing back against the Threashhold of Academia and Vested Intrestes, willing to go the Lenght to LIE about Bigger Issue's, to maintain a Strangle Hold, over the People "Their $hleepleS".. Cheer's to your Sharing these great Epic Fact's with EARTH'S Lower-Caste.
You can see huge skeletons Gaints found in undivided India and Sri Lanka. Pyramids and temples are pretty common
So interesting and glad your mind is open as to what happened here.
Remember back when the structures were built !
They didn't have hourses, metal tools, a wheel, or pulleys to work with !
existing! ⚡️⚡️❤️⚡️⚡️
It would very difficult to cut a stone with a laser. Its unfortunate but the best ceramics for cutting and melting stone are very hygroscopic and dissintegrate in open air in about 2 weeks. I am always making them at my facility. Even with the right tools there are still more techniques necessary to enhance lava production. I dont think anyone outside of chemical engineering stands a chance at making it happen today. Probably took them thousands of years of trial and error, but everything does come from nature. I am starting a megalithic sculpture park at my volcano as we speak.
Your volcano?!
Good knowledge 🫡🏴🇬🇧 all the best with your adventure park,
@@comfortablynumb9342 yes a kimberlite volcano lab actually.
The rabbit hole goes down deep, but at the bottom lies wonderland /\
I'd like to see more adventures to Dolmons - I think these are possibly earlier creations (or rudimentary structures created after a world catastrophe (YD) from the few people that remained) than the more sophisticated structures such as the large temples & towers utilizing polygonal/cyclopean methods - these may hold more obvious clues as to how they were constructed.
I've always been curious if perhaps Toxodons (or even Mammoths in Meso/North America) were used as a method of transportation for some of the large stones (but not the larger/largest stones - this is still quite a mystery).
Thank you for clarifying the point of the usage of "Giant". We call several people within our culture 'Giants', e.g. Newton or Einstein, but it's known they were "Giants of the Mind". We need to always question our assumptions when investigating. It's also possible that there were "Giants" of height, but only compared to people of that time - imagine a Pygmy (
Especially if those Europeans were wearing shoes with heels , like before. Ha
but these individuals could have also been "giants of mind" as well, not just physically, but because of their advanced mental capabilities.
I wish I could do what you do, good on ya!
I find it interesting that the dead in this cave, is set up like a shrine, or place of worship. Do be safe!
Nice vid brother Brien
It does not matter if one puts water on wood,, wood might axpand when watered but the expention is still soft.. the expension wood has no power.. What has power when expanding is ice,, ice has an extream power when it is created from water.
Naw man. You see, they used a laser to hide the marks they made with their lasers. Lasers they built with lasers using laser technology.
Beautiful country
When are u going to Ecuador . Cueva de los tayos .. where Will Smith is?
That upcoming events splash screen was cool
You rock!!
I wonder if Neil Patrick Harris is from Peru?
i wonder if those stones tossed all around were part of some massive machine that used to cut the stones?
have you ever heard of the idea that awatotumbo or whatever the H block area was is thought to be a steam engine, the flywheel is right there complete with hole through the center even though they didnt use the wheel? what else makes sense? they had the wheel, this was all built pre-inca, obviously. the inca built with mud brick backfilled with detritritus, perhaps coralled up inside retaining walls so they could build higher.
Instructivo reportaje. Saludos Mr Foerster.
Excellent information
Interesting 🧐 very , thanks 🙏👍
Aren't all these long formations at 12:51 just basalt columns? Asking the geologists out there. It all really just looks like a debris field where most of the columns broke up when they fell and a few stayed intact.
One of my favorite vids 🎉❤
So cool
Cool, I want one!
so that trial isn't close to being any where big enough to drag many of the megalithic stones down that trail.
When I see videos like this, I have to question the carbon dating. Is there any way to really know the truth. Pre flood or post flood.
@@Eyes_Open they clearly told conquistadors they reoccupied ancient sites built by viracochas... your agenda is despicable
@@Eyes_Open there is plenty of Inca construction in South America.. often located on top of far older stone walls. did you ever stop to consider that maybe we can both be correct, in that the Inca had a very rich culture and additionally practiced head-binding....because they were trying to imitate the nobility who had naturally elongated skulls and were the descendents of an advanced race of people who seeded civilization all over the world? i mean do you think it's just a coincidence that the oldest civilizations on earth speak of "white gods" who taught them agriculture?
@@Eyes_Open the incan descend from the paracas culture which goes back 1000s of years and where the elongated skull traits came from in South America.
@Jeromey Hinojosa No I don't think anyone this side of the last ice age built it. It is the mainstream scientists who say the Incas built them...
You doing anymore live stuff Brien? Liked that
Amazing as always! Could the skin on the skulls be used for DNA testing?