My favorite birds are nesting right now we have a pair of Northern Cardinals that are nesting in our lilac bush they are awesome bird parents and I'm glad that they chose my front yard to nest in
Very cool video. Only have witnessed chicakdees and bluebirds in the nesting boxes I provide. Funny experience about the chickadees. I walked up to look in the nest box entrance and the mom chickadee flew out. I looked in side and saw four grey heads all in an even row and 8 little round black eyes looking back like "Yeah, what do you want. Where'd mom go?" cute
Oh my goodness. This was so touching! 😭 I just started birding last year. My life list is currently at 81. It’s been such an amazing experience watching and observing these beautiful creatures. I LOVED the footage you got of the Black-and-white Warbler confused by the Nuthatches 😂
Mother's day is a very difficult day for me because my mom died of cancer when I was young. But this... this made me smile. Thank you, Leslie, for your wonderful perspective on birds that most people never even think of. We have a robin's nest most years in a basket we mounted in my she-shed. This year she opted for the big pine tree, which worries me because we have those red squirels, too. They are jerks. We also have a bluebird house and we've had some successful broods over the years. I would like to say to everyone out there, if you can, please don't let off fireworks. Our mama bluebird got so scared she left her eggs when we unknowingly let off fireworks at our house. The male called and called for her for a few days and finally left, too. I felt so bad because there were 3 eggs in the nest. The fireworks were definitely not worth 3 bluebird lives.
We lived in a suburb of Houston, TX and had screech owl families raised in a nest box in the front yard every year. We could monitor the activities from an upstairs window, or even on the ground under the tree. The parents didn’t mind and those fuzz ball babies were so adorable. My kids grew up watching this yearly event. We knew the babies were starting to fledge because they’d head straight for the house and our inside cat would chatter at the window. We’d often stand watch because the neighbor had outside cats, and several times my husband had to help get them back to the tree and safety...mama owl just watched. We’ve since moved to the Texas Hill Country and decided to try our luck again with nest boxes. One we placed close to the house was occupied the first year and raised 4 babies. Our kids are grown but loved hearing how things were going. They’re truly amazing creatures.
This video was so adorable and heartwarming! I feel sorry for the Canada jays though. I have a pair of black-capped chickadees nesting in a hole in a log. I named the female Cinder and the male Coal. They are very cute and hardworking. I wish you luck with your birds.
We have a spot in our yard where there's a phoebe nest that gets reoccupied every spring. I suppose it's by the same pair of phoebes, but I don't know for sure since I don't have your ability to recognize individual birds. In the several years my wife and I have lived here, we've watched the phoebes raise a family of chicks year after year. Last year I was in my workshop shed and I heard a phoebe making a ruckus just outside the door. I thought that was odd, so I went out and looked. A phoebe was flitting around and repeatedly making its call like it was upset. The phoebe nest was a short walk away, and I decided to go over there and check on it. One of the baby phoebes had fallen from the nest. With a stepladder I was able to put it back in the nest, and after that I didn't see the phoebe calling or flitting around any more. I'm not someone who harbors "woo" beliefs. But I'll be darned if it didn't _seem_ like the phoebe mother had deliberately come to me to ask me to go over to her nest and rescue her child. Happy Mothers Day to all.
Hi Lesley, Super tough to pick a favourite but I have to say Nutty and Hatch were mine. My heart melted for poor little Gray sacrificing her comfort to keep her eggs warm in such bitter cold weather. 💕😚💕 Alli
Dear Young Lesley, I have been a Birdwatcher since 1957 when my mother would come to wake me in the summer to watch over our garden to keep bunnies from eating all the veggies. It would be just after dawn then they sang their hearts out. We lived in the country and had 4 acres with a lovely creek running through the middle. Mom would identify all the Birds by their call and thus began a lifetime of watching and enjoying this beautiful living world. Your channel brings back lovely memories but with all the knowledge you share makes time at our camp (off the grid) even more special. Thanks for all you share.
Hi Leslie.I loved your video on mother birds and their nesting and care for their young.I found it interesting that a Warbler brought a green caterpillar close to the fledglings of the nest of Nutty and Hatch.I think that the Warbler was trying to entice the baby (fledgling birds) to fly out of the nest using the caterpillar as a lure.Just a thought.I have never seen an actual nest myself though.
I’m not a true birder, but I love the singing in the spring and keeping them fed throughout the winter. Another great video and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.
I make a few videos of birds every month. It is so time taking to get a good one. Thanks for being so patient and getting the viewers such great videos.
Barn swallows always occupied my driveway when I was a kid. Year after year they would best and seem to bring aunts and uncles that would help defend the annual nest. Always wary and swooping, they are graceful in their efforts. But seeing the chicks strong and vibrant in the carport was always rewarding.
The most wonderful videos on You Tube. We have a lot of the same birds at our home. Several times birds have nested and raised their young in the bushes right outside the windows. It was a daily treat to watch. Thank you for all the wonderful videos and information.
Thank you for the joy and the calm I experience watching and learning of these wonderful birds. This takes away the many stressful things in life and truly shows the most beautiful parts that are naturally amazing and comforting. Thank you helping us to stop and search for this joy.
Delightful video! -- I've watched great-crested flycatchers nest in my yard several years, and both brown-headed nuthatches and blue-gray gnatcatchers in the woods right next to my yard.
Thank you for posting another charming videos of yours Lesley! Last Monday my dog Riley passed away and I was very heartbroken. While we buried him my family heard a choir of White Throated Sparrows singing in the pine trees. I think it's one of your White Throated Sparrow buddies comforting me from a distance. Ever since then I’ve been calling them Riley-birds when I hear them. Next time when you see Whitey, Jackie, or Joe, tell them that I thank them for lifting my spirits. P.S earlier the day I saw a Northern Cardinal outside, like as if was an angel ready to guide Riley to Heaven. Birds are truly God's creation.
Aww Michael I am so sorry about your sweet Riley. How beautiful to know that white throated sparrows were singing during the burial. That is truly wonderful. I love that you call them Riley-birds. Take care friend. ♥️
I love your videos so much! I am watching birds more and more. My Brother, Tom, lives in BC and is always taking photos of the birds he meets in the forest. Thank you for your beautiful work!
One of my favorite memories is that of a bunch of juvenile long-eared owls. They made a screeching sound that at first seemed to come from a flag pole. It took me and my brother maybe half an hour to discover the real source of this unfamiliar and slightly annoying sound. It was the most endearing surprise when we discovered them. We were delighted to learn that the owner of the terrain was very proud and happy to have them on his domain.
We have several nests in the beams under our back deck. No "fancy" birds... just some loving mommas that I enjoy watching all spring. And a few tiny, clumsy downy babies stumbling around.... looking a bit confused :)
Thanks for your amazing video! I once watched a pair of blue jays build a practice nest in a pine tree at the bottom of my yard. My cat stood at the bottom of the tree for three days. I was very glad to see the jays move on to a wooded area on the other side of the fence. But they and their babies continued to visit me for peanuts.
Fabulous video! It would be hard to choose a favorite, but I would have to choose the northern flicker because of your commentary on the male getting nothing done and then pretending he was hard at work when the female returned! And then the female's bewilderment that nothing was done! Even though I only have a small yard, 1.6 acres, there are a lot of different types of trees. I offer birdbaths, so I draw many different types of birds to my yard. I'm a New Englander living in the deep South because of circumstances beyond my control. But many birds winter here, so it's an interesting place. I also inherited a small Purple Martin colony, about 22 adults, and updated the housing this year. Now I can lower the gourds and check on nest progress, eggs, and hatchlings. That's quite a thrill! My checks are less frequent now that we have so many eggs! In fact we probably have some hatchlings by now, but the weather has been poor so I haven't had a chance to do nest checks in 10 days. The whole life cycle and migration cycle of Purple Martins is fascinating. I could write a book about it! But I wont. Your videos are beyond delightful! Thank you for the work you do not only watching the birds in your area, but also for the amazing videos you produce!
They're all adorable. When our daughter was around 8 years old, vireos made a nest about 5' off the ground near our walkway. It was easy to watch the nest. One day, a fledgling hopped out of the nest and grabbed on to the front of our daughter's t-shirt. What a surprise! It was a special moment.
I had a chickadee nest just recently! There is a hollow pole in my backyard and they decided to make a nest there. The parents didn't seem to like me. They would also make their dee calls. I loved looking at the cute baby birds!
Hello Leslie the Blue jays are by far my favorites. In my yard this year I have identified white crowned Sparrows their home range is Alaska and Northern Canada surprised to see six or eight Birds here in my yard in Warren Michigan also I have seen many times a male Rose Brested Grosbeak sure is a and some bird he's been eating black oil sunflower seeds and in the jellies and jams I put out for the Oreos three pairs of Oreos this year. This past winter I only had two blue jays now I have a dozen???!!!
What a delight, thank you so much. Where I live in Portland Maine I watch Osprey nesting and it is great to watch there development through the Summer and I hold my breath for them the whole time.
We moved to a new house one summer, and the following spring a pair of cardinals made a nest in a rose bush right outside one of our windows. You couldn't ask for a better view! My kids & I enjoyed watching them through the window, and we tried not to disturb them. One day, though, they were just gone -- the parents and the hatchlings. I really didn't think the babies were ready to fly yet, but I'm no expert, and we could find no evidence anywhere of why they disappeared, so we just hoped for the best. They haven't come back to nest there again yet, though. 😞 I really enjoy watching your videos! I watch birds through my windows, but I don't have the patience or the wilderness nearby to go out and sit and watch like you do. So I love your stories and videos!
We have blue bird boxes throughout our property & a bluebird couple come back year after year. I had to get a new box & wouldn’t you know it, a chickadee family moved in! They make such a neat little nest - every twig was just so! Nothing like the massive twig & moss nests from our blue birds! ☺️
I love them all! Barn swallows, robins, jays, red winged blackbirds (brave birds), small brown birds under shrubs/ brash , bald eagles and a few more I'm still unsure of . Barn swallows get used to seeing you on a Monday-friday routine and where I see them there are many people. I always talk to them when I see them let them there safe and I tell them they're babies are pretty. Great video!
I have come to really enjoy watching those tree swallows. I can not tell you how many times I sat and watched them fly around with chicken feather and drop them and swoop down and catch over and over as if it is a game they enjoy.Exactly why they do it I dont know but I like to see it as they enjoy free flight on warm summer morning
I'm glad you've been able to witness these hatchings. I've got Brown Thrashers right now nesting in my backyard but their nest is too well-hidden for me to see the babies and they make no noise. I see the parents look for bugs a lot though. Hope I can see the little Thrashers once they fledge.
I live in a city and in an apartment building. We have a very pretty garden around the building. Ar the main entrance steps, on either side of the steps is a low growing tree. In one of these trees i had the great enjoyment of watching a pair of robins build a nest, lay blue robin eggs, and raise their young. They had 2 clutches. I szw tbem so close i could touch the nest if i had wanted to. I watched tbe babies take off and live in the trres across the sfreet. We have big beautiful trees on my street.Our city, (Philadelphia, PA) has become very tree concious and has planted many trees. I have never seen so many species of birds since i moved here in 1967. I was 11 years old. I love birds, even as a child i learned the names of our birds. The one variety of bird i muss very much are blue jays. I haven't seen one in years. But that robins nest was wonderful .
I love all birds but my favorite genus is the Corvidae or Corvids, that family consists of Ravens, Crows, Magpies, and Jays. I find that grouping to be the smartest and loyalest within their grouping, always entertaining.😁
Such a great video, Lesley. Loved the narration that went along. You certainly are blessed with so many species of birds up there. The video footage is terrific. Thanks SO MUCH for the effort & time you put into educating us fellow-birders. ♥
We've had tons of Robins around the property over the years, and love watching the babies go from hatchlings to fledgeling. Always bittersweet! We have also had barn swallows under our porch...despite that they can be agressive, we loved watching them and eventually they got used to us. Unfortunately, the nest wasn't successful, and we went out one morning to find one baby dead, one missing and Mama dead too. It was so sad. Best I can gather was a squirrel. Dad came back the next year with a new mate, but unfortunately, the same thing happened. We waited to see him this year, but he did not return, so we gather that he didn't survive the winter.
Belive it or not, a robin once nested in the wreath on our front door. We had to put up a sign telling people to use the side door for several months. Amazingly, all three chicks successfully fledged.
Merch! :)
Hello Leslie! It's 2021! You should be proud. You are a master in your field. You teach me so much.
My favorite birds are nesting right now we have a pair of Northern Cardinals that are nesting in our lilac bush they are awesome bird parents and I'm glad that they chose my front yard to nest in
Very cool video. Only have witnessed chicakdees and bluebirds in the nesting boxes I provide. Funny experience about the chickadees. I walked up to look in the nest box entrance and the mom chickadee flew out. I looked in side and saw four grey heads all in an even row and 8 little round black eyes looking back like "Yeah, what do you want. Where'd mom go?" cute
I'm a year late but l still look forward to watching your videos. You are a master. So talented. Thanks for your hard work.
When I cannot sleep I come and listen to your calming voice and loving birds……❤❤❤❤❤❤
Too hard to pick a favorite although the scene with the Warbler and the Nuthatches is adorable!! 😄💕
Great way to end Mother’s Day 👍 Beautiful footage 👏👏👏👏👏
Oh my goodness. This was so touching! 😭 I just started birding last year. My life list is currently at 81. It’s been such an amazing experience watching and observing these beautiful creatures. I LOVED the footage you got of the Black-and-white Warbler confused by the Nuthatches 😂
Mother's day is a very difficult day for me because my mom died of cancer when I was young. But this... this made me smile. Thank you, Leslie, for your wonderful perspective on birds that most people never even think of.
We have a robin's nest most years in a basket we mounted in my she-shed. This year she opted for the big pine tree, which worries me because we have those red squirels, too. They are jerks. We also have a bluebird house and we've had some successful broods over the years. I would like to say to everyone out there, if you can, please don't let off fireworks. Our mama bluebird got so scared she left her eggs when we unknowingly let off fireworks at our house. The male called and called for her for a few days and finally left, too. I felt so bad because there were 3 eggs in the nest. The fireworks were definitely not worth 3 bluebird lives.
We lived in a suburb of Houston, TX and had screech owl families raised in a nest box in the front yard every year. We could monitor the activities from an upstairs window, or even on the ground under the tree. The parents didn’t mind and those fuzz ball babies were so adorable. My kids grew up watching this yearly event. We knew the babies were starting to fledge because they’d head straight for the house and our inside cat would chatter at the window. We’d often stand watch because the neighbor had outside cats, and several times my husband had to help get them back to the tree and safety...mama owl just watched. We’ve since moved to the Texas Hill Country and decided to try our luck again with nest boxes. One we placed close to the house was occupied the first year and raised 4 babies. Our kids are grown but loved hearing how things were going. They’re truly amazing creatures.
This video was so adorable and heartwarming! I feel sorry for the Canada jays though. I have a pair of black-capped chickadees nesting in a hole in a log. I named the female Cinder and the male Coal. They are very cute and hardworking. I wish you luck with your birds.
I always learn something new about birds from your video's 😊 🐦 💟 Thanks Lesley!!!!!
I love you an what you do . thanks for what you do you give me sanity where there is none. Bless you
ALWAYS SPECTACULAR thank you 🌲 🌱 🌳 ☘ 🌷 🌼 🏵 🌺 🌹 🌸 💐 🌻 🥀
We have a spot in our yard where there's a phoebe nest that gets reoccupied every spring. I suppose it's by the same pair of phoebes, but I don't know for sure since I don't have your ability to recognize individual birds. In the several years my wife and I have lived here, we've watched the phoebes raise a family of chicks year after year.
Last year I was in my workshop shed and I heard a phoebe making a ruckus just outside the door. I thought that was odd, so I went out and looked. A phoebe was flitting around and repeatedly making its call like it was upset. The phoebe nest was a short walk away, and I decided to go over there and check on it. One of the baby phoebes had fallen from the nest. With a stepladder I was able to put it back in the nest, and after that I didn't see the phoebe calling or flitting around any more.
I'm not someone who harbors "woo" beliefs. But I'll be darned if it didn't _seem_ like the phoebe mother had deliberately come to me to ask me to go over to her nest and rescue her child.
Happy Mothers Day to all.
Hi Lesley,
Super tough to pick a favourite but I have to say Nutty and Hatch were mine. My heart melted for poor little Gray sacrificing her comfort to keep her eggs warm in such bitter cold weather.
💕😚💕 Alli
Leslie....thanks to you for all your hard work 💛💛💛💛🇺🇸🇺🇸
Dear Young Lesley, I have been a Birdwatcher since 1957 when my mother would come to wake me in the summer to watch over our garden to keep bunnies from eating all the veggies. It would be just after dawn then they sang their hearts out. We lived in the country and had 4 acres with a lovely creek running through the middle. Mom would identify all the Birds by their call and thus began a lifetime of watching and enjoying this beautiful living world. Your channel brings back lovely memories but with all the knowledge you share makes time at our camp (off the grid) even more special. Thanks for all you share.
Aww that's is wonderful. I'm so happy about that.
Thank you for the nice comment.
Wonderful video! I've never had a nest in my yard, but I did see a father cardinal feeding his kid, who was begging on a tree branch.
I love watching birds. I love the sounds they make. Hope you have a Happy Mothers Day. Cheers!
National Lesley-Graphic! I love it.
I love your videos, caring, tenderness, and thoughtfulness. Please keep doing this.
Thank you again so very much dear Lesley for sharing your wonderful, informative, and touching videos! So generous of you ❤️!
Hi Leslie.I loved your video on mother birds and their nesting and care for their young.I found it interesting that a Warbler brought a green caterpillar close to the fledglings of the nest of Nutty and Hatch.I think that the Warbler was trying to entice the baby (fledgling birds) to fly out of the nest using the caterpillar as a lure.Just a thought.I have never seen an actual nest myself though.
I’m not a true birder, but I love the singing in the spring and keeping them fed throughout the winter. Another great video and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.
These are the Sunday night posts I look forward to.
Thank you! 👍👍👍
Thank you amazing lady. You are always a treat to watch. Loved them all.
Beautiful again Lesley thank you!
☸ڿڰۣ-ڰۣ- Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Very Very Beautiful ☸ڿڰۣ-ڰۣ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Beautiful ! Happy mothers day ! I had a great one. 😸🐾🐾🐾💞
Even bird moms are super caring! Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
I make a few videos of birds every month. It is so time taking to get a good one. Thanks for being so patient and getting the viewers such great videos.
Barn swallows always occupied my driveway when I was a kid. Year after year they would best and seem to bring aunts and uncles that would help defend the annual nest. Always wary and swooping, they are graceful in their efforts. But seeing the chicks strong and vibrant in the carport was always rewarding.
Wow SUCH amazing footage. What a pleasure THANK YOU!
The most wonderful videos on You Tube. We have a lot of the same birds at our home. Several times birds have nested and raised their young in the bushes right outside the windows. It was a daily treat to watch. Thank you for all the wonderful videos and information.
Thank you for the joy and the calm I experience watching and learning of these wonderful birds. This takes away the many stressful things in life and truly shows the most beautiful parts that are naturally amazing and comforting. Thank you helping us to stop and search for this joy.
Aww You are so very welcome.
Thanks for this lovely comment :)
I enjoy them all!
Loved all of them.
How touching. ❤️🐦🥰
Thank you for a wonderful video. I love birds of all species. I have quite a few species that frequent my backyard. I feed them year round.
There's a pair of Carolina chickadees that've nested in my backyard!!! I'm so hype
Beyond adorable!
Blue Jays are such beautiful birds and their range is so big you can see them almost anywhere. Thanks for the great and informative video.
Some great shots and fantastic footage. My favourite is the nuthatch - I love these birds.
Delightful video! -- I've watched great-crested flycatchers nest in my yard several years, and both brown-headed nuthatches and blue-gray gnatcatchers in the woods right next to my yard.
Thank you for posting another charming videos of yours Lesley! Last Monday my dog Riley passed away and I was very heartbroken. While we buried him my family heard a choir of White Throated Sparrows singing in the pine trees. I think it's one of your White Throated Sparrow buddies comforting me from a distance. Ever since then I’ve been calling them Riley-birds when I hear them. Next time when you see Whitey, Jackie, or Joe, tell them that I thank them for lifting my spirits. P.S earlier the day I saw a Northern Cardinal outside, like as if was an angel ready to guide Riley to Heaven. Birds are truly God's creation.
Aww Michael I am so sorry about your sweet Riley. How beautiful to know that white throated sparrows were singing during the burial. That is truly wonderful. I love that you call them Riley-birds. Take care friend. ♥️
@@LesleytheBirdNerd Thanks Les!
I love your videos so much! I am watching birds more and more. My Brother, Tom, lives in BC and is always taking photos of the birds he meets in the forest. Thank you for your beautiful work!
One of my favorite memories is that of a bunch of juvenile long-eared owls. They made a screeching sound that at first seemed to come from a flag pole. It took me and my brother maybe half an hour to discover the real source of this unfamiliar and slightly annoying sound. It was the most endearing surprise when we discovered them. We were delighted to learn that the owner of the terrain was very proud and happy to have them on his domain.
Bravo Lesley!! The red breasted nuthatches were my favorite. Great camera work and narration.
happy Mother's day bird mom!!
So wonderful! 😺
We have several nests in the beams under our back deck. No "fancy" birds... just some loving mommas that I enjoy watching all spring. And a few tiny, clumsy downy babies stumbling around.... looking a bit confused :)
Wow! Beautiful 👍
Jays were my favorite. So cool!!
Thanks for sharing this view into such a beautiful world Lesley ! Xo
Thanks for your amazing video! I once watched a pair of blue jays build a practice nest in a pine tree at the bottom of my yard. My cat stood at the bottom of the tree for three days. I was very glad to see the jays move on to a wooded area on the other side of the fence. But they and their babies continued to visit me for peanuts.
We’ve got a mama robin and her new beebs on our back porch!! We’ve been watching her for weeks. Her babies are so cute
Fabulous video! It would be hard to choose a favorite, but I would have to choose the northern flicker because of your commentary on the male getting nothing done and then pretending he was hard at work when the female returned! And then the female's bewilderment that nothing was done! Even though I only have a small yard, 1.6 acres, there are a lot of different types of trees. I offer birdbaths, so I draw many different types of birds to my yard. I'm a New Englander living in the deep South because of circumstances beyond my control. But many birds winter here, so it's an interesting place. I also inherited a small Purple Martin colony, about 22 adults, and updated the housing this year. Now I can lower the gourds and check on nest progress, eggs, and hatchlings. That's quite a thrill! My checks are less frequent now that we have so many eggs! In fact we probably have some hatchlings by now, but the weather has been poor so I haven't had a chance to do nest checks in 10 days. The whole life cycle and migration cycle of Purple Martins is fascinating. I could write a book about it! But I wont. Your videos are beyond delightful! Thank you for the work you do not only watching the birds in your area, but also for the amazing videos you produce!
They're all adorable. When our daughter was around 8 years old, vireos made a nest about 5' off the ground near our walkway. It was easy to watch the nest. One day, a fledgling hopped out of the nest and grabbed on to the front of our daughter's t-shirt. What a surprise! It was a special moment.
Aww what sweet unexpected moment for you two. ♥️
Of course the Blue Jays, Happy Mother's Day Moms!
great story telling, Lesley.
cant pick a fave though.
I had a chickadee nest just recently! There is a hollow pole in my backyard and they decided to make a nest there. The parents didn't seem to like me. They would also make their dee calls. I loved looking at the cute baby birds!
Hello Leslie the Blue jays are by far my favorites. In my yard this year I have identified white crowned Sparrows their home range is Alaska and Northern Canada surprised to see six or eight Birds here in my yard in Warren Michigan also I have seen many times a male Rose Brested Grosbeak sure is a and some bird he's been eating black oil sunflower seeds and in the jellies and jams I put out for the Oreos three pairs of Oreos this year. This past winter I only had two blue jays now I have a dozen???!!!
What a delight, thank you so much. Where I live in Portland Maine I watch Osprey nesting and it is great to watch there development through the Summer and I hold my breath for them the whole time.
Never gotten to see them nesting. Your videos give me the chance
We moved to a new house one summer, and the following spring a pair of cardinals made a nest in a rose bush right outside one of our windows. You couldn't ask for a better view! My kids & I enjoyed watching them through the window, and we tried not to disturb them. One day, though, they were just gone -- the parents and the hatchlings. I really didn't think the babies were ready to fly yet, but I'm no expert, and we could find no evidence anywhere of why they disappeared, so we just hoped for the best. They haven't come back to nest there again yet, though. 😞
I really enjoy watching your videos! I watch birds through my windows, but I don't have the patience or the wilderness nearby to go out and sit and watch like you do. So I love your stories and videos!
Love all the birds! The parts with the flickers and the warbler with the nuthatches were hilarious! Great video!
The grey jay! Wow. What a great find. Thanks so much for this.
Sooooooooooooo CUTE!
Great video, as usual. Thank you Lesley.
This is too cute!!! 😍 I never get tired of this channel.
We have blue bird boxes throughout our property & a bluebird couple come back year after year. I had to get a new box & wouldn’t you know it, a chickadee family moved in! They make such a neat little nest - every twig was just so! Nothing like the massive twig & moss nests from our blue birds! ☺️
Always interesting and relaxing videos
Excellent video, thank U for sharing. I couldn't pick a favorite I liked all of them.
I enjoyed the Jay's!
I love them all! Barn swallows, robins, jays, red winged blackbirds (brave birds), small brown birds under shrubs/ brash , bald eagles and a few more I'm still unsure of . Barn swallows get used to seeing you on a Monday-friday routine and where I see them there are many people. I always talk to them when I see them let them there safe and I tell them they're babies are pretty. Great video!
Really enjoyed this thanks. I can feel your love and enjoyment with the birds in your voice!
I have come to really enjoy watching those tree swallows. I can not tell you how many times I sat and watched them fly around with chicken feather and drop them and swoop down and catch over and over as if it is a game they enjoy.Exactly why they do it I dont know but I like to see it as they enjoy free flight on warm summer morning
always a delight to to see a new video of our bird friends do an awesome job 🥰
Wonderful video, thank you so much for sharing
I love the Merlin Mom!
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely videos. You've even converted me to jays!
I showed this to my mom for Mother's Day and she loved it. Thanks
You have the best birding videos! Love it!
I'm glad you've been able to witness these hatchings. I've got Brown Thrashers right now nesting in my backyard but their nest is too well-hidden for me to see the babies and they make no noise. I see the parents look for bugs a lot though. Hope I can see the little Thrashers once they fledge.
Bluebirds are great parents also! Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you.
I live in a city and in an apartment building. We have a very pretty garden around the building. Ar the main entrance steps, on either side of the steps is a low growing tree. In one of these trees i had the great enjoyment of watching a pair of robins build a nest, lay blue robin eggs, and raise their young. They had 2 clutches. I szw tbem so close i could touch the nest if i had wanted to. I watched tbe babies take off and live in the trres across the sfreet. We have big beautiful trees on my street.Our city, (Philadelphia, PA) has become very tree concious and has planted many trees. I have never seen so many species of birds since i moved here in 1967. I was 11 years old. I love birds, even as a child i learned the names of our birds. The one variety of bird i muss very much are blue jays. I haven't seen one in years. But that robins nest was wonderful .
Aww so sweet Lesley, I enjoyed this so much!!! 💕❤️💕❤️
Aww that's awesome ♥️
I love all birds but my favorite genus is the Corvidae or Corvids, that family consists of Ravens, Crows, Magpies, and Jays. I find that grouping to be the smartest and loyalest within their grouping, always entertaining.😁
There’s a Robin nest right outside and the 4 eggs just hatched a bunch of beautiful babies!
Thank you sweet bird lady! I love your story telling. Favorite: blue jays, of course!
Such a great video, Lesley. Loved the narration that went along. You certainly are blessed with so many species of birds up there. The video footage is terrific. Thanks SO MUCH for the effort & time you put into educating us fellow-birders. ♥
We've had tons of Robins around the property over the years, and love watching the babies go from hatchlings to fledgeling. Always bittersweet! We have also had barn swallows under our porch...despite that they can be agressive, we loved watching them and eventually they got used to us. Unfortunately, the nest wasn't successful, and we went out one morning to find one baby dead, one missing and Mama dead too. It was so sad. Best I can gather was a squirrel. Dad came back the next year with a new mate, but unfortunately, the same thing happened. We waited to see him this year, but he did not return, so we gather that he didn't survive the winter.
Belive it or not, a robin once nested in the wreath on our front door. We had to put up a sign telling people to use the side door for several months. Amazingly, all three chicks successfully fledged.