I am tigraway I appreciate this guys opinion about what it looks about Ormiyan stragle, which helps for tigriyans also generally for all people of ethiopia
Bette Urgessa, calm and collected. The effort you gave others benefits of a doubt is remarkable. Extend that same attitude to other view points in Ethiopia, and engage in dialogs.
Thank you so much Mr. I have my answer this been in my mind for so long nobody wanna answer it but in an hour and 1/2 in your conversation to me kind of lecture more than I thought. the failure oromo what happened with OLF in 1993. Know I understand why all these problems happen. 😪
The guy presented his case very well, I now understand what oneg stands for. But it was pretty much a presentation, rather than an interview. He was not challenged at all. He should be changed on his attitude that he doesn’t care about what happens to the rest of Ethiopia, what oneg’s plan is for bi-ethnic Ethiopians and whether or not a one Oromo state is viable at all.
Mr. Banite Uregessa you're eloquent very intelligent and interesting great (OLF) spokes-man ever however got few cases questions for you sir. 1- if in your theory independent Oromia republic become the reality at demises and disposables, disintegrations of Ethiopian empire's. 2- What's the challenges an independent Oromia republic will face immediately ? 3- What's the options of other's groups located insides and outside surrounding Oromia republic in terms of security and stability, trade's and business also good neighbors in question mark? 4-What's the rights of political minorities ? 5- What's the economic opportunities justice for all applications looks like? 6-How do you ending the current trend discrimination and ethnic apartheid system inside's independent Oromia? 7-How do you discarded contributions generation of ethnic Oromo generals and civil service , artistic, sport's other? 8-What do you think about former entire OLF, leadership who had latter formed ODF, latter melted into OPDO/PP ? 9-How do other's non afaan Oromo speakers will communicate with you? 10- How about the old and current flags national symbols are you going to dismiss permanently or keep in museum?
The objective of OLA is hating Amhara. They have no political idea if there were no Amhara. How could an organization is established by hating on ethnic group. What you should know is no one Muslim should be displaced by christian OLA.
It will be a day dream and very destructive for the Oromo people to think to establish Oromo state. For two main reasons 1) what he was saying is let’s break it down and rebuild it again. It’s very easy to say it but practically do it ....never. When it break down it will be uncontrolled non stop anarchy. The region geopolitics makes it impossible. What the west would love to see is what he was saying and they will shower the region with petrol. 2) Let’s imagine his wish has been fulfilled, let’s imagine for discussion sake. The day “Oromo region” become independent there will be a war from every direction because of land, water and soon. He is so evil. If he care for the Oromo people he wouldn’t say what he said. Look what happen to Eritrea, the boarder conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia (according to him Tigray) will never cease. It will never stop. All the thing he has said is recipe for self distraction. What is he going to do the nonOromo's in the region. Is he going to do what the OLF did to Amhara in Welega? Shame on you. You are a disgrace to your family. You don’t represent the people of Oromo.
I’m an Oromo but when I hear this man ideological thoughts i understand why we’re not successful in democracy. He talks about 100s years ago while he has the opportunity to democratize and civilizes. This bad ideology is an illusion if it implemented that could deteriorate Oromo and bring us back to 1000 years back. We want to live with peace with all people. Such an evil 👿 concept. We need educated and civilized people to modernize Oromo and Ethiopia. Backward Backward Backward!!
Mr. Banite Uregessa my own brother Wossanu Makonnen Beyena II. He is not OLF member accused on false promises was killed by OPDO/TPLF ganta killer squad's on 20th August 1997 in Borana zone at Mega- Magado district. My brother was born and raised in Mega town southern Ethiopia. My father's is a police officer world war II. Veteran was in prison during Italy fascism capital city occupation. My grand father fought Adowa war." History is a contract and contrast between past, present and future in another words. History is a contract and contrast between the dead, the living yet to be born". Qoute from Mahamud Alkite professor of history at McAlister's college in Saint Paul MN.
This is not an interview. I understand the eloquence is appreciably mesmerizing. He talks about the subjugation of the Kush, but concentrates on what Abyssinians did in the past 100+ years.. The effect of Oromo migration on the various kingdoms in the South was not mentioned, What guarantees do the peoples in the South have not to be revictimized other than your words? Second, what is wrong to engage and challenge the Government that brought opposition forces from abroad. Even then following ያልጠረተረ ተመነጠር ብህል you guys left a sizable number of forces in the bushes but continued to operate legally in Addis. Whose fault is that? Why is that ONLY independence the option? I'm genuinely asking these question because I fail to understand the argument
Mr. Banite Uregessa the current TPLF/ EPRDF constitution doesn't serve the best interest of Oromo people's and other's in Ethiopia. This country needs new draft constitution to fix pertaining lingerie political crisis in the whole country. For Oromo people's however the best options is California styles people's Republic with in the political Union like American styles the old . USSR, Stalin's nation and nationalities question toxicity mindsets is hangovers from Vodica.
Bute, I believe you are a man of great intelligence, but I would disagree on most of your points on this interview. You sound like Kiflu Tadesse of EPRP and you should seriously review your points again.
I hate this interview. It is one way and man keeps on talking non stop and keeps on repeating the some content over and over again. Interview should be engaging, lively and challenging
For example prince Susengose in 12th century Gonder raised by Oromo people's taught him how to rides horses.....etc all. Reality check he was converted into Christine and imposed his faith on Oromo people's themselves. The last emperor Haile Selassie I, came from Oromo family deeply Amharization. Please separate the state and system mechanism from the population just born or inherited the repressive coiled colonial system simply base on mixed up assemlations it self came from Oromo Gada system inorder to defused internal feuds conflict and frictions. I hope meeting you one day debating with face off but am located halfway around the world. I hope you learn from things.
Mr. Banite Uregessa my deepest sympathy for you, OLF, Comeradaries. My friend respectfully disagree with your few of your opinion and options pertains to Oromo nation political question? Who's the enemy of Oromo people's? My answer is the State and System. What's up with African Unions are you closing down dynamite the building or dismiss permanently close down the office. My answer is you're over reaching yourself if your political intentions to demises with entirety. Oromo people's and other's are oppressed. Abyssinian political colony and dichotomy historical anti-Gala and Muslim manifest. However the so called. Amhara is historical christened Oromo. Amhara is nothing more or less than Christine Gala. Abyssinian history is distorted by Debitera liturgists. Kush is native to the land. However the so called. Amhara is Christine Kush but semitic in speech and cultures. Somalis , Muslim Cushites semitic in cultures and beliefs. Please read a book title 'The Stolen Dessert, The Making of Uhuru's in Kenya' by Earl Lytton.
Your dream of a new nation of oromia will say a dream ,,,,just amazing u talk this same nonsense in 2022 obbo urgessa . Should we have to wait until u get to an old age like obbo lencho to wake up from this nonsense ??
I am neutral but this guy is amazing and real politician to express his and his party’s view
waw! I'm highly exited and tauched with this interview. My brother, you're smart enough to teach history. I learned a lot. Thank you!
ኦቦ ባቴ ! በእጅጉ አደንቅሃለሁ ፤ እኮራብሃለሁም።
በትክክልም የኦሮሞን የትግል ታሪክና መፍተሔ ጠንቅቀህ አውቀሃል።
አንዳንድ የዞረባቸው ወገኖች በጥሞና ይስሙህ ። ምስጋና ይጋባሃል ። ተባረክ። ዕድሜህን ያርዝመው።
I personally understand everything you said . Thank you WBO first ❣️‼️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I admire your deep knowledge about the Oromo struggle, and I like the way you express it!
Happy to see u Bitee😍❤
What an astute man!!! Thank you!!!
Wow, so Brilliant
Your explanation is like a great Book by itself.
Wow እጅን በአፍ ላይ የሚያሰጭን አገላለፅ
I am tigraway I appreciate this guys opinion about what it looks about Ormiyan stragle, which helps for tigriyans also generally for all people of ethiopia
Aya agame ygala asker honchu
ትናንት ህወሃት በስልጣን በነበረ ጊዜ የኦነግ አባል ነው ተብሎ የተጠረጠረ እንኳን በእስር ይቀጣ ይገደል ነበር፡፡ ዛሬ ከስልጣን ስትወርዱ ያሳደዳችሁትን ፓርቲ ደጋፊ ሆናችሁ ብቅ አላችሁ፡፡ ትንሽ እንኳን አታፍሩም፡፡ የሸርሙጣ ፖለቲካ ነው ፖለቲካችሁ
Batte is the man of principle💯
This guy is a good guy. I appreciate him.
Much respect to Oboo Bete!
Hats off Jal Betie!
Bette Urgessa, calm and collected. The effort you gave others benefits of a doubt is remarkable. Extend that same attitude to other view points in Ethiopia, and engage in dialogs.
Great Man from Oromia❤️💚❤️
አፈር ጋላ
Thank you so much Mr. I have my answer this been in my mind for so long nobody wanna answer it but in an hour and 1/2 in your conversation to me kind of lecture more than I thought. the failure oromo what happened with OLF in 1993. Know I understand why all these problems happen. 😪
Please continue your effort to solve the Empire.
ሙኒራ በርቺ ጀግኒት
Wow Batte is great
I always admire this man! He is intellect not yet known many
አላህ ጨርሶ ይማርህ
Batee ትክክለኛ ፖለቲከኛ ነው።
ራሱን ብቻ ሣይሆን ድርጅቱንም የኦሮሞን ፖለቲካም በግልፅ ቋንቋ ያስቀመጠ ትሁት ፍጡር ነው።
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
Agreement comes from talking the truth!
Uuffee.....how lovely the truth sounds! 🎶 🎵
ጎበዝ ፖለቲከኛ ነው
Welcome Ubuntu✅
Yooyyaa Yooyyaa Jaal Batte Urgesa
Politics is not a field of trust, but a matter of participation and representation. That is what we Call an inclusive System.
ጃል በቴ ሁሌ በከፍታ ሀሳብ ስለምትገኝ አክብርሀለው በእናንተ ውሰጥ የተሰዋው አጎቴ ሰለሚታየኝ
The more I watch your interview, the more I'm getting in love with you my men... Umrii nuuf dheeredhu.
Very true
ከሁሉ በፊት ለበቴ ኡረገሳ ቆራጥነት፤ ለኦሮሞ ትግል እዬከፈለ ላለው መስዋትነት፤ የፖሎትካና የታሪክ እውቀት ያለኝን አድናቆት ለመግለጽ እወዳለሁ። በቃለ መጠየቁም I am very impressed. ለበቴ ያለኝ የታሪክ እውቀት አድናቆት እንዳለ ሆኖ፣ ስለ ዛሬ የኦሮሞ የነጻነት ትግል አርማ ለሆነው ሰንደቅኣላማ ከታሪክ ማህደር የሚቀጥለውን ልበል።
ሰንደቅኣላማው የተነደፈው እነ ጃራ አባ ገዳ በሞቅድሾ Dec 12, 1969 በመሰረቱት የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ነው። መስራቾቹ አርማውን ብቻ ሳይሆን፤
“Moggaan lameen diimtuu magariisaa idduu
Walakkaan sii odaa handhurti isii aduu
Madadni isii hedduu
Alaabaa dhabuun gabrummaa namummaaniis irruu
Nu alaabaa ni qabna tan akka aduu hangaatuu
Gaameeysa duuluuf qabna odoo kofluu kan du’uu
Haxaawamnee ol qabna kum-kumni-lleen haa dhumuu
Baroode leenci Ormaa dhiiga suufe walleenii
Xiqqaa guddaan Oromoo tanuma hin haasawanii
Cufaa du’aa muratee if duuba hin deebi’anii
Yaa kiyyoo amaarsaa yakka garuu qotame kee gonninii
Biyya gadhiisi tolaan hadhaa du’aa hin dhuginii” የምል ግጥም ያለው መዝሙር በግዜው አውጥተውለት ነበር።
ጃራና 35 ታጋዮች የተደራጁለትን ግብ እውን ለማድረግ የጦር ስልጠና ውስደው፣ ታጥቅው፣ Oct. 17, 1970 ከአደን ተነስተው፣ ሰንደቃለማውን ኣባዝተው፣ እያውለበለቡ፣ በሶማልያ በኩል ሐገር ቤት ለመግባት ሲጥሩ Oct. 19, 1970 ቡሎ-ሀር የሚባል ስፍራ በሶማልያ መንግስ ጦር ተከበው ታስሩ። እነሱ ቢታሰሩም ሰንደቃለማው ከእነሱ ጋር አልታሰረም፡ ተነድፎ በ2 አመቱ ሐገር ቤት ገብቶ ወደ ፍንፍኔ ሲያመራ Dec 05, 1971 አዋሽ ላይ ተያዘ። ነፍሱን ይማርና ከውጪ ያመጣውና በእጁ የተያዘው ታጋይ ሙሳ ሰኡዲ ለድርጊቱ በሃይለ ስላሴ መንግስት ተሰዋ።
Nov. 04, 1973 ሰንደቅኣላማውንና ፕሮግራሙን ይዞ ከየመን ሃገር ቤት ገብቶ Sep. 05, 1974 ጥሮ የተሰዋው ኤሌሞ ቅልጡ የእነ ጃራን ጥረት ለማስቀጠል የነበረው ምኞት አልተሳካም። ከ5 አመት እስር ቡኋላ እንደተፈታ ጃራ ሰንደቅኣላማውን ይዞ በእግር ጉዞ Mar. 14, 1976 ኦሮሚያ ተመልሶ ትጥቅ ትግል ሲጀምር በሰበቡ June 11, 1976 Finfinnee, Jaan Meedaa (Hurufa Boombii) የተገነባው ኦነግ ሰንደቅኣላማውንና ግቡንም አብሮት ቢረከብም፣ በተገኘ እድል ሁሉ ወደ ፊንፊኔ መሮጡ ከሃዲዱ የተንሸራተተ ባቡር አድሪጎታል።
የሰንደቅኣላማውን ግብ እውን የሚያደርገው የወያኔው ህገ መንግስት አንቀጽ 39 ሳይሆን የትጥቅ ትግል ጉልበት ብቻ መሆኑ በተደጋጋሚ ተመስክሯል።
በዚህ ዝግጅት አድናቆት ቢኖረኝ በቀጣይ ተቃራኒ ሃሳብ ያለውን ብታቀርቡ ይበልጡን ጥሩ ነው እላለሁ;;
አንድ ፖለቲከኞች የማይረዱት ነገር፥ ምዕራባዊያን በምንም መልኩ ብዙ ብሔር ያለው ጎን አይቆሙም። ለምን ቢባል ወደ ሥልጣን ካወጡ ብኃል ማውርድ ስለማይቸሉ ነው። ስለዚህ ኦሮማና አማራ በምዕራባዊያን ተስፋ ቁረጡ
its convincing
Oduu oduu oduu oduu oduu
Jabbaa nama waan dubatuu fi waan debisuu bekuu nuufi jiradhuu
ወንድማችን በቴ ኡርጌሳ እጅግ ጠባም ግልፅ የሆነ ማብራርያን ስላደረግህልን ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ !
ለታሰርክለት ለተደበደብክለት ዋጋ ለከፈልክበት የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ነፃነቱን ተቀዳጅቶ በአካል ታይ ዘንድ ረጅም እድሜና ጤናን እመኝልሃለሁ !
እንዲሁም በተለያየ የትግል አቅጣቻ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ይበጃል ብላችሁ ለታገላችሁ ላታገላችሁ ጀግኖቻችን በሙሉ ትዉልድ ከፍሎ የማይጨርሰዉ ዉለታችሁ አለብን ! ከልብ እናከብራችኻለን እንወዳችኻለን !
ልዩነታችሁ ላይ ሳይሆን ግባችሁ ላይ ትኩረት አድርጉ ስለዚህ !
ለጠላት መጠቀሚያ አትሁኑ !
ለጠላት በር አትክፈቱ !
እርስ በእርሳችሁ እዉቅና ተሰጣጡ !
ተዋደዱ !
ተከባበሩ !
ተነጋገሩ !
ተወያዩ !
ተግባቡ !
ከዚያ ታሸንፋላችሁ ! 🌳🌳🌳❤❤❤
አንተን መሰይ ሰላለን እድለኛ ነን ፋጣሪ ከክፉ ይጣብቅህ!!!! አንተን የለመድነቅ ንፍግነ ነው
ሚኒትዩ መመሰጥ አቁመሽ ጠይቂ ጠይቂ ምስጥ አትበይ !!!
Afi-gaaffii kana namitti maraatuu fi inaaftuu Andaergachew Tsige jedhamtuuf hiriyoota ishee kan finfinneen keenyaa, Adaamaan keenyaa, Baalee keenyaa, shashamanneen keenyaa, wantii Oromoon qabu hundi keenyaa, kan jedhan ijoollee naafxanyaafi jala deemtuu isaan tokko tokkoo jiru isaan sana naaf Affeeraa maaloo, yaada beeka Oromoo kana haa dhageettu, haa gubattuu!
ደቡብን መሰልቀጥ ነው አጀንዳችሁ ?ጭራሽ ቤንሻንጉል እና ጋምቤላ
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
The guy presented his case very well, I now understand what oneg stands for.
But it was pretty much a presentation, rather than an interview. He was not challenged at all. He should be changed on his attitude that he doesn’t care about what happens to the rest of Ethiopia, what oneg’s plan is for bi-ethnic Ethiopians and whether or not a one Oromo state is viable at all.
The best Oromo idea ever made to make sure that we are?!.
ውይይይ ኢንተርቪ ሳይሆን እንዲናገር ነው እድሉ የተመቻቻለት ባይ ነኝ እርሱ አውርቶ ጨረሰው እርሱ ሲያወራ ስንት ጥያቄ የሚያስነሳ ሀሳቦች ተናግሮአል ግን ዝም ብለሽ ነው ቁጭ ብለሽ የሰማሺው የብዙ ግዜ ችግርሽ ይመስለኛል ቢታረም ጥሩ ወይም ከዚህ ሰውዩ የተለየ ሀሳብ ያለውን ሰው ብታቀርቢልን ??
ዋስትና ስልጣን መጋራት ነው።
ሙኒራ በርቺ አንድ ነገር ግን ከይቅርታ ጋር ወንበርሽ (ወይም) የጋዜጠኞቹ መደገፊያ ባይኖረው ጥሩ ነው
እጇን ስትደገፍ የተስላቸ ወይም አዳማጭ ብቻ ያስመስላል ጣያቅ መምስልን ይቀንሳል ይህ በቅንንት በመቆርቆርም በለው በተይ ለሙኒራ ሌሎችም ለአጋራችን እንዲህ ሁሉንም ያቀፈ ሚዲያ እመኝ ስለነበር በአንድ ውገን የሚዘወር ስላልሆነ ከመውደደ ነው አመስግናለሁ
አሁን የአፍሪቃ እና የአሜሪካ ንቃተ ሕሊና የሚወዳደር ነው ???
We are living in the present. Let’s leave past history for historians. Truth or fiction the dream has no relevance.
ሙኒራ የእርሱን ለመስማት ነው እንዴ የመጣሺው መስቅለኛ ጥያቄ የለም ስውየው ዝም ብሎ መስማት ብሎም ጭካ ሰው ለሚያርዱት ጓደቹ መልክት ነው ያስተላለፈው ብቻ ጋዜጠኛ ለምን እንዴት ብሎ ነገር የለም እንዴ ???
Mr. Banite Uregessa you're eloquent very intelligent and interesting great (OLF) spokes-man ever however got few cases questions for you sir. 1- if in your theory independent Oromia republic become the reality at demises and disposables, disintegrations of Ethiopian empire's. 2- What's the challenges an independent Oromia republic will face immediately ? 3- What's the options of other's groups located insides and outside surrounding Oromia republic in terms of security and stability, trade's and business also good neighbors in question mark? 4-What's the rights of political minorities ? 5- What's the economic opportunities justice for all applications looks like? 6-How do you ending the current trend discrimination and ethnic apartheid system inside's independent Oromia? 7-How do you discarded contributions generation of ethnic Oromo generals and civil service , artistic, sport's other? 8-What do you think about former entire OLF, leadership who had latter formed ODF, latter melted into OPDO/PP ? 9-How do other's non afaan Oromo speakers will communicate with you? 10- How about the old and current flags national symbols are you going to dismiss permanently or keep in museum?
ወለጋ ላይ ሙስሊሞች ሲጨፈጨፋ ምነው ዝም አለሽ
አማራ ስለሆኑ ነው
Y cheak west eshok
The objective of OLA is hating Amhara. They have no political idea if there were no Amhara. How could an organization is established by hating on ethnic group. What you should know is no one Muslim should be displaced by christian OLA.
It will be a day dream and very destructive for the Oromo people to think to establish Oromo state. For two main reasons
1) what he was saying is let’s break it down and rebuild it again. It’s very easy to say it but practically do it ....never. When it break down it will be uncontrolled non stop anarchy. The region geopolitics makes it impossible. What the west would love to see is what he was saying and they will shower the region with petrol.
2) Let’s imagine his wish has been fulfilled, let’s imagine for discussion sake. The day “Oromo region” become independent there will be a war from every direction because of land, water and soon.
He is so evil. If he care for the Oromo people he wouldn’t say what he said. Look what happen to Eritrea, the boarder conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia (according to him Tigray) will never cease. It will never stop. All the thing he has said is recipe for self distraction. What is he going to do the nonOromo's in the region. Is he going to do what the OLF did to Amhara in Welega?
Shame on you. You are a disgrace to your family. You don’t represent the people of Oromo.
I’m an Oromo but when I hear this man ideological thoughts i understand why we’re not successful in democracy. He talks about 100s years ago while he has the opportunity to democratize and civilizes. This bad ideology is an illusion if it implemented that could deteriorate Oromo and bring us back to 1000 years back. We want to live with peace with all people. Such an evil 👿 concept. We need educated and civilized people to modernize Oromo and Ethiopia. Backward Backward Backward!!
Mr. Banite Uregessa my own brother Wossanu Makonnen Beyena II. He is not OLF member accused on false promises was killed by OPDO/TPLF ganta killer squad's on 20th August 1997 in Borana zone at Mega- Magado district. My brother was born and raised in Mega town southern Ethiopia. My father's is a police officer world war II. Veteran was in prison during Italy fascism capital city occupation. My grand father fought Adowa war." History is a contract and contrast between past, present and future in another words. History is a contract and contrast between the dead, the living yet to be born". Qoute from Mahamud Alkite professor of history at McAlister's college in Saint Paul MN.
I need someone to answer me what Oromo question is??
@Adam Apple 😅 U r right 😍. But i don't think James understand what u mean 😅. Still difficult for him to understand it
@Adam Apple ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
የሙኒራ ድምፅ አይሰማም
Namoonni jajjaboon fuulduratti utuu fidanii silaa gaariidha
Obbo Daud dubbille haasaallee akkanatti hin danda'u
የአብይና የናንተ መንገድ የተለያየ ነው ሌላ አማራጭ ፈልጉ ለነገሩ ከህወሃት ጋር አብራችሁ እየሰራችሁ አይደል ።
I am good IQ to be careful on how he feels like that we are still doing good enough to keep Oromo people in the system right away from what we do?!.
Ubuntu would've been fair Media if that Muslim-hater Eyaspad had not been a "main commentator" of the the media!!
This is not an interview. I understand the eloquence is appreciably mesmerizing. He talks about the subjugation of the Kush, but concentrates on what Abyssinians did in the past 100+ years.. The effect of Oromo migration on the various kingdoms in the South was not mentioned, What guarantees do the peoples in the South have not to be revictimized other than your words? Second, what is wrong to engage and challenge the Government that brought opposition forces from abroad. Even then following ያልጠረተረ ተመነጠር ብህል you guys left a sizable number of forces in the bushes but continued to operate legally in Addis. Whose fault is that? Why is that ONLY independence the option? I'm genuinely asking these question because I fail to understand the argument
Mr. Banite Uregessa the current TPLF/ EPRDF constitution doesn't serve the best interest of Oromo people's and other's in Ethiopia. This country needs new draft constitution to fix pertaining lingerie political crisis in the whole country. For Oromo people's however the best options is California styles people's Republic with in the political Union like American styles the old . USSR, Stalin's nation and nationalities question toxicity mindsets is hangovers from Vodica.
Oromia shall be free! Galata guddaa qabda Batte Urgeessaa, dhaloota hundaaf barumsa guddaa kenna
ባንዲራው ሳይሆን የፖለቲካ ርዕዮቱና ትክክለኛ መሆን ነው ለኦሮሞ ሕዝብ የሚጠቅመው። ባንዲራውን ጎጎል አድርጋችሁም እዩት Beautiful flag but Nothing behind ነው የሜለው። ለምን እንዲህ አሉ? ትግሉ ትግሉ ትግሉ ትግሉ.......ከዚህ በላይ ምንም አልል።
Bute, I believe you are a man of great intelligence, but I would disagree on most of your points on this interview. You sound like Kiflu Tadesse of EPRP and you should seriously review your points again.
I disagree with your standing regarding the flag! I read from many history materials that the flag was created before OLF inaugration!
he said too. those who created the flag were also those who found OLF, which means they were members of OLF before its inauguration of OLF ofiicialy.
I hate this interview. It is one way and man keeps on talking non stop and keeps on repeating the some content over and over again. Interview should be engaging, lively and challenging
ኑዛዜ ነው ?
እራሱንና መሰሎቹን ባርያ እድርጎ እያየ ነፃነቱን ስይጎናፀፍ ሞተ እንዴት የሚያበሳጭ እምነት ውስጥ ሆኖ በነፃ እገር ላይ የራሱ ባርያ ሆኖ ማረፉ ያሳዝናል he has fabricated stories that never been written ትንሽ ኦሮሞ ብቻ ንው እንደሱ የሚያስበው may you rest in peace እውነትም የሚመኘው ምኞት ህልም ነው ማለምን ማንም እይከለከልም
For example prince Susengose in 12th century Gonder raised by Oromo people's taught him how to rides horses.....etc all. Reality check he was converted into Christine and imposed his faith on Oromo people's themselves. The last emperor Haile Selassie I, came from Oromo family deeply Amharization. Please separate the state and system mechanism from the population just born or inherited the repressive coiled colonial system simply base on mixed up assemlations it self came from Oromo Gada system inorder to defused internal feuds conflict and frictions. I hope meeting you one day debating with face off but am located halfway around the world. I hope you learn from things.
Mr. Banite Uregessa my deepest sympathy for you, OLF, Comeradaries. My friend respectfully disagree with your few of your opinion and options pertains to Oromo nation political question? Who's the enemy of Oromo people's? My answer is the State and System. What's up with African Unions are you closing down dynamite the building or dismiss permanently close down the office. My answer is you're over reaching yourself if your political intentions to demises with entirety. Oromo people's and other's are oppressed. Abyssinian political colony and dichotomy historical anti-Gala and Muslim manifest. However the so called. Amhara is historical christened Oromo. Amhara is nothing more or less than Christine Gala. Abyssinian history is distorted by Debitera liturgists. Kush is native to the land. However the so called. Amhara is Christine Kush but semitic in speech and cultures. Somalis , Muslim Cushites semitic in cultures and beliefs. Please read a book title 'The Stolen Dessert, The Making of Uhuru's in Kenya' by Earl Lytton.
አናትሽ ይፍረስ ትዳርና ሀገርን አንድ አድርሀግ ማሰብህ እራሱ ቀደኛ ነህ !!!
Bete አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ።
ሌሎች ኦሮሚያን ከበው ያሉትን ሀገሮች ማዕከላዊ መንግሥቱ ቀስቅሶ ጦርነት ኦሮሚያን ሠላም እንደሚያሳጡ አይታይህም ወይ ???
ዛሬም በዚህ ዘመን ነፍጠኛ ትላለህ!?
ምን አደረክለት ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ሀምሳ አመት ሙሉ ስትርመጠመጥ
ቆማችሁ ከሙት ጋርብምትጣሉ ጋኔሎች ኣንፈልግም በቃ የናንተን ዘመን ኖራችሁ የኛን ዘመን አታግማሙብን
አንተ ነፍጠኛ ነህ? ነፍጠኞች በዝህ ሀገር ላይ ለፈጸሙትና እየፈጸሙ ላሉት ግፍ ተጠያቂነትን ትቀበላለህ?
ለተገለው ውጤት ለንተ መግለፅ አሰፈለጊ አይደለም ለኦሮሞ ግል ስለሆነ የኦነግ ትግል ለኦሮሞ ብቻ ነው ሚገበው ነፈጠኛ ነፍጠኛ ነው።
ዛሬ እንኳን ወለጋላይ የንጹሀንን ደም የህጻናትን ጭምር አፈሰሳችሁ
ያረብ የዋቃ ወለጋላይ መአትህን አዝንብ ያች የደም መሬት ዘር አይብቀልባት ያረብ መአት ያውርድባችሁ
@@abebegezahegn6345 እናመሰግናለን ለትንተናው።ኦነግ የአማራ ጠላት መሆኑን ቁልጭ
Your dream of a new nation of oromia will say a dream ,,,,just amazing u talk this same nonsense in 2022 obbo urgessa . Should we have to wait until u get to an old age like obbo lencho to wake up from this nonsense ??
ስው በላ !!!
የህዝባችን ደም ባህር ሆኖ ያስምጥህ
አንች ሙሰሊም ከሆሽ ለሀቅ ቁሚ ሰራሸ አራጅ ደጋፊ
ጭንቅላትህ ይፍረስ
አስተሳሰብ ሲያጥር ምላስ ይረዝማል። ምክኒያት ሲያልቅ ስድብ ይጨምራል።
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
ሙኒራ በርቺ አንድ ነገር ግን ከይቅርታ ጋር ወንበርሽ (ወይም) የጋዜጠኞቹ መደገፊያ ባይኖረው ጥሩ ነው
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!
ወሎን ያልጠከስከው ለምን እንደሆን እናቃለን ነቄ ለነቄ የንጉስ ሚካኤል ሀገር የላሊበላ ሀገር በጭራሽ ኦሮሞ አደለም።እድሜህን ስታልም ትኖራለህ።ወሎ ቤተ አማራ የ አማራ መሰረት ነው!!! ጭባ ኦነግ አንተን ብሎ ተንታጘ አፈር ድሜ ብላ!!!