Nightcore - Counting Stars

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @caster9806
    @caster9806 3 года назад +467

    Currently 18, I just graduated Senior High School yesterday and somewhat stumbled upon your channel once more. Though, I never had any epiphany about these videos, but your channel, these nightcore videos is very nostalgic. It really does remind me of a simple time where I don't have to worry about growing up, just listening to nightcore and playing games and I feel like I have to thank you for that short, but sweet wave of nostalgia.

    • @febarry
      @febarry 3 года назад +4

      I love you

    • @goldendeer2063
      @goldendeer2063 3 года назад +9

      🎊🎓Congratulations on ur graduation! 🎓🎊
      Sorry. I'm late.

    • @Crown987
      @Crown987 3 года назад +5

      I feel ya man

    • @theGrimMemer
      @theGrimMemer 3 года назад +7

      nostalgia is just good PTSD

    • @yazenzei8894
      @yazenzei8894 3 года назад +1

      what college school have you enrolled now ?

  • @glitchyy4397
    @glitchyy4397 5 лет назад +454

    Its 7 AM, I haven't slept all night, and was looking up calming music to play to help me sleep but found this instead.
    I am pleased.

    • @mostchaoticseal
      @mostchaoticseal 3 года назад +10

      Same with me, by the time I was watching this, it was around 9AM or something :/...

    • @thegreyareaoflife
      @thegreyareaoflife 2 года назад +6

      Lol yes

    • @melodew
      @melodew 2 года назад +11

      have you slept yet

    • @negnoms
      @negnoms 2 года назад +11

      @@melodew they haven’t slept for 2 years

    • @saneifel
      @saneifel 2 года назад

      have u slept yet ?

  • @noah_is_cool_number_1
    @noah_is_cool_number_1 Месяц назад +4

    i can’t get over how this nightcore version of counting stars gives the song such a fresh, energetic vibe. it takes a track i already loved and turns it into something that feels totally new, almost like it’s been given a breath of life. the faster tempo and higher pitch bring out a different kind of intensity, which somehow amplifies the meaning behind the lyrics even more. it’s amazing how just a small tweak can make a song feel so different yet still stay true to the original.
    another thing i love is how nightcore adds a unique, almost otherworldly sound to counting stars. the elevated vocals create an effect that feels both ethereal and high-energy, which is perfect for the song’s themes of ambition and risk. it’s like hearing the same story from a different perspective, and it makes the song’s emotions hit a little harder. i really feel like the nightcore version captures that tension between dreaming big and being held back by reality.
    this version also somehow gives counting stars a more cinematic feel. the sped-up pace and pitch add a sense of urgency, like it’s propelling you forward on this emotional journey. every beat and chorus feels amplified, bringing out the message in a way that almost feels more personal. it’s the kind of track you can blast in your headphones and just get lost in. i really appreciate how this nightcore edit keeps that emotional weight while making it feel like a totally different experience.
    plus, listening to this nightcore edit gives me a new appreciation for the original song. it’s almost like rediscovering it all over again, noticing things i didn’t before, especially with the beat and melody changes. i love how nightcore brings out a fresh side of the track that makes you want to keep hitting repeat. it’s the perfect example of how a remix or edit can breathe new life into an already amazing song.
    finally, nightcore tracks always make me feel more energized, and this one is no exception. counting stars in nightcore mode is the perfect way to get pumped up while still staying connected to a song that feels meaningful. whether i’m studying, working out, or just need a pick-me-up, this song is always there to hype me up.

  • @Nixolian
    @Nixolian 4 года назад +307

    Its been 6 years but I still listening to this song. I think it might be one of my top 10 favorite songs

  • @ooooahahmonkey835
    @ooooahahmonkey835 6 лет назад +2388

    It's been 4 years but I'm still listening to this

  • @ToBeHonest780
    @ToBeHonest780 Год назад +124

    it still hits hard after 9 years

  • @japorwave8892
    @japorwave8892 6 лет назад +3173

    I wish the sky looked like that in the night :(

    • @chimsuko7590
      @chimsuko7590 5 лет назад +60


    • @nobunagaoda8439
      @nobunagaoda8439 5 лет назад +158

      It's possible if our planet had 2 suns... somewhere it exists

    • @MonogramW
      @MonogramW 5 лет назад +147

      It actually does in some areas! Some places in Nevada look like that at night!

    • @kittyyoutuber9
      @kittyyoutuber9 5 лет назад +13


    • @icecold_tea
      @icecold_tea 5 лет назад +10


  • @OphranArts006
    @OphranArts006 2 года назад +28

    Didn’t think I’d be getting emotional over a nightcore song lol
    I’m returning to my nightcore phase after years of being out of it(I’m due to be a senior next school year; I discovered nightcore in elementary school). For some reason this song particularly stuck with me, probably because it was one of my favorites. Listening to it now, I get the sudden rush of nostalgia, being in my room playing on GirlsGoGames and messing around with those anime dress up doll flash games. It makes me remember much simpler times before the weight of the world suddenly hit me, since that was something I never was able to recover from. I mean I’m still ok, but like I said it impacted me a lot.
    Nonetheless, thank you, Nightcore Reality for all the years of memories.

  • @michaelhenson8623
    @michaelhenson8623 10 месяцев назад +3

    Came back to this after a hard time and I got a shot of nostalgia from how much I used to come to you videos when I was struggling with something. It’s always helped me through hard patches. Thank you so much.

  • @loaf1a
    @loaf1a 4 года назад +27

    I remeber listening to this in 2016 and feeling like I could take on the world. It may have just been a phase but it was the happiest I would be for quite a long time. Thank you NightcoreReality :)

  • @punnypiepals9649
    @punnypiepals9649 6 лет назад +69

    Nightcore reality is the whole reason I'm obsessed with Nightcore

  • @choonlee1696
    @choonlee1696 3 месяца назад +5

    This masterpiece deserves a big population after years but its still active. Please may the next generation keep this song alive 😊

  • @emargaux
    @emargaux 7 лет назад +2533

    I listen to Nightcore whenever I study, because I get done more quickly xD

  • @whiteloafbread
    @whiteloafbread 8 лет назад +445

    is it just me or does nightcore makes songs sound better...

    • @DesParagon
      @DesParagon 8 лет назад +9

      It makes certain songs sound better (e.g. Let it Burn by Red) and certain songs should never be nightcored (e.g. Don't Let me Down by The Chainsmokers feat Daya). I feel like some songs are just perfect as is, that is just my opinion though.

    • @whiteloafbread
      @whiteloafbread 8 лет назад +2

      +Z_Paragon true

    • @brandtthebrent7227
      @brandtthebrent7227 8 лет назад +1

      Bands that have consistently better Nightcore results include bands that have singers (often male) with deeper voices, along with slower songs. Several examples of this include System of a Down and Nomy.
      Meanwhile, poor Nightcore results are often the opposite: High pitched singers and fast songs. While there are exceptions to every rule, this is a decent rule of thumb.

    • @minecraftnub7081
      @minecraftnub7081 8 лет назад +3

      Don Omar it's better!

    • @lucielleadrien2001
      @lucielleadrien2001 7 лет назад +3

      yes way better

  • @samswolf4194
    @samswolf4194 8 лет назад +3695


    • @manusfm2398
      @manusfm2398 8 лет назад +55

      feel u

    • @departmentduckgaming4639
      @departmentduckgaming4639 8 лет назад +422

      Because Nightcore is essentially a sped-up version of a popular song, with added electro music and a higher voice singing the lyrics. It's not original. It wouldn't be fair if Nightcore songs were getting publicity over their original counterparts, as the Nightcore version COPIED the original song, simply adding a few adjustments. Also, because of copyright issues.

    • @rachelmedellin1712
      @rachelmedellin1712 8 лет назад +15

      Sarah Markle ikr?!

    • @niamhodell4372
      @niamhodell4372 8 лет назад +88

      I KNOW!!! if it was I would actually listen to the radio, It should be called Nightcore101

    • @jess_the_crazy_shipper7970
      @jess_the_crazy_shipper7970 8 лет назад +10

      i knooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

  • @aparnanammi5548
    @aparnanammi5548 Месяц назад +2

    It's been 10 years but it's soooo good

  • @user-jv9ro5xu9f
    @user-jv9ro5xu9f 7 лет назад +15

    Every time I think I finished watching the nightcore songs, I see another one and click it. MY EARS WILL EXPLODE FROM SUCH AWESOMENESS

  • @ninjamasd1257
    @ninjamasd1257 5 лет назад +6

    This is one of the first Nightcore songs I listened to, and NightcoreReality is the first channel I subscribed to for Nightcore. Now it is 1 of my top 2 favorite music types, and I just have to say thanks for that. Nightcore is now my go to music whenever I'm working, studying, or just lazing around. So I appreciate you, NightcoreReality, for posting these songs and allowing me to be introduced to Nightcore.

  • @qweqweewqewq2117
    @qweqweewqewq2117 4 года назад +2156

    Welcome to the Nightcore Part of the internet
    Where the door is always open
    Where the people are always nice
    And where there's always someone else like you ♥

  • @GrxmZel
    @GrxmZel Месяц назад +2

    It's 1 am and I can't sleep and tried finding one of my favorite nostalgic songs and came across this, it's been years since I've listen to nightcore songs this song still gives me the nostalgia

    • @EriKun14
      @EriKun14 24 дня назад +1

      Same :')

  • @creature6309
    @creature6309 8 лет назад +735

    I finally found my jam!! It was behind the pickles.
    I liked the music anyways!

  • @lubielemingi9760
    @lubielemingi9760 5 лет назад +369

    Edit: Guys I know that lyrics are on the screen, but I prefer continuous text.
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Yeah, we'll be counting stars
    I see this life
    Like a swinging vine
    Swing my heart across the line
    In my faces flashing signs
    Seek it out and ye shall find
    The old, but I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    I'm just doing what we're told
    I, feel something so right
    Doing the wrong thing
    I, feel something so wrong
    But doing the right thing
    I could lie, could lie, could lie
    Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
    Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
    But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars
    I feel the love
    And I feel it burn
    Down this river every turn
    Hope is a four letter word
    Make that money
    Watch it burn
    Old, but I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    I'm just doing what we're told
    I, feel something so wrong
    But doing the right thing
    I could lie, could lie, could lie
    Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
    But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars
    Take that money and watch it burn
    Sink in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money and watch it burn
    Sink in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money and watch it burn
    Sink in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money and watch it burn
    Sink in the river the lessons I learned
    Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
    Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately I been, I been losing sleep
    Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
    Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars

    • @irlcupcake
      @irlcupcake 5 лет назад +4

      Limonka Zielona it literally says the lyrics in the video

    • @shannonmason9025
      @shannonmason9025 5 лет назад +4

      Waste of time really

    • @jezyk5
      @jezyk5 5 лет назад +3

      Że ci sie chciało to pisać xd

    • @dadinoz8859
      @dadinoz8859 4 года назад +9

      The lyrics:
      Are on the screen

    • @lubielemingi9760
      @lubielemingi9760 4 года назад +9

      I know, but I prefer continuous text. Aand I just copied this from internet

  • @mukidbhuiyan3442
    @mukidbhuiyan3442 2 года назад +18

    I has been 8 years nobody lives in this comment section any longer and I still listen to a song like this.

  • @Wallee580
    @Wallee580 2 года назад +2

    I nearly scrolled passed this video but the title rang a bell, glad I clicked :D

  • @sonicfan-qr8dx
    @sonicfan-qr8dx 8 лет назад +239

    :') ...every thing that kills me make me feel alive that line

  • @rosendanailov3238
    @rosendanailov3238 4 месяца назад +3

    Currently working in a little observatory on top of our school every night. Unfortunately it's just me and one other guy, cause people seem to lack interest, but it's genuinely such a vibe still. This is our anthem.

    @ITZRALPH28 Год назад +14

    it has been nine years this song is so nostalgic

  • @Darki_x
    @Darki_x 7 месяцев назад +6

    This was 10 years ago, this the best song.❤ Always coming back for the nostalgia

  • @LegitPink
    @LegitPink 8 лет назад +5

    OMG is it just me or do l love all the songs on this RUclips channel

  • @stephaniel.7504
    @stephaniel.7504 7 лет назад +76

    But RUclips I've been, I've praying hard.......
    Said "I hope Nightcore lives on and on!!!!"😄😄😄

  • @haruka0002
    @haruka0002 4 года назад +426

    People: I want to be born in the Anime world
    Me: Don’t we all want that

    • @rowoonie6797
      @rowoonie6797 3 года назад +14

      except the anime haters :/

    • @haruka0002
      @haruka0002 3 года назад +2

      @@rowoonie6797 yea

    • @rowoonie6797
      @rowoonie6797 3 года назад +10

      @@haruka0002 wanna know something? I'm best friends with a anime hater :/

    • @haruka0002
      @haruka0002 3 года назад +7

      @@rowoonie6797 oh. Me to, some of my classmates is anime haters

    • @rowoonie6797
      @rowoonie6797 3 года назад +5

      @@haruka0002 My whole class is like anime lovers but my bff sadly

  • @Savvy_2004
    @Savvy_2004 3 месяца назад +1

    u know its good when it still hits 10 years later

  • @albertnathh
    @albertnathh 8 лет назад +56

    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
    Yeah, we'll be counting stars
    [Verse 1:]
    I see this life like a swinging vine,
    Swing my heart across the line
    In my face is flashing signs,
    Seek it out and ye shall find.
    Old but I'm not that old
    Young but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    I'm just doing what we're told
    And I I I I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing
    And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing
    I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?
    Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive.
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be-we'll be counting stars
    [Verse 2:]
    I feel her love
    And I feel it burn down this river every time
    Hope is our four-letter word, make that money watch it burn
    Old but, I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    I'm just doing what we're told
    And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing
    I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?
    Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be-we'll be counting stars
    Oh, take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars, we'll be-we'll be counting stars
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned
    Take that money watch it burn,
    Sing in the river the lessons I learned

    • @MeYoutoo001
      @MeYoutoo001 8 лет назад

      We didn't ask... But okay q:^)

    • @stripedleopard2233
      @stripedleopard2233 8 лет назад

      +123AllHail // 【Mastoure】 nice

    • @ivaninkret
      @ivaninkret 8 лет назад

      +123AllHail // 【Mastoure】 thx ^^
      oh, its "OH, but im not that old" , you know

    • @GilesJulie
      @GilesJulie 8 лет назад

      +123AllHail // 【Mastoure】 well.. ok then! :3

    • @awesome_by_default
      @awesome_by_default 8 лет назад +1

      you don't need to do that. it shows the lyrics on the bottom.

  • @cristinastuff2778
    @cristinastuff2778 7 лет назад +44


    • @JoAnHe0604
      @JoAnHe0604 6 лет назад

      Cristina & Stuff jeg er enig, det er så frusterende, glad for at vi forstår hindanden
      Translation: "I agree, it's so frustrating, glad that we understand each other"

    • @markjdeleon5800
      @markjdeleon5800 6 лет назад

      Hell yeh

    • @nbe99
      @nbe99 6 лет назад


  • @hana-cm7fi
    @hana-cm7fi 8 лет назад +24


  • @Vasily846
    @Vasily846 16 дней назад +1

    Wow ten years ago.....Time flies so enjoy the good momments while you can.

  • @rachelmedellin1712
    @rachelmedellin1712 8 лет назад +74

    I am obsessed with this and music so much!! who else?

    • @angel_tea180
      @angel_tea180 8 лет назад

      yandere chan meeeeeeeee

    • @HUNGLE-nc1vf
      @HUNGLE-nc1vf 8 лет назад +2

      yandere chan Meeee it's my favorite song but second favorite

    • @walterwitherspoon5898
      @walterwitherspoon5898 7 лет назад +1

      Rachel Medellin yeah i kinda just got into it

    • @what_you_say-_-
      @what_you_say-_- 7 лет назад

      there are better songs than this one try anti nightcore

  • @mustin07doesgaming
    @mustin07doesgaming 2 года назад +5

    This reminds me of 2018-2019. This was when i discovered many of the things that I still like to this day (Comment written at 11:50 EDT on 9/30/22) Nightcore was one of the things I discovered, and I still like it to this day.

  • @LadyValkRider
    @LadyValkRider 5 лет назад +6

    This is amazing! I love the song, and you made it even better! I love the background, and the lyric placing is good as well!

  • @niksarah2352
    @niksarah2352 9 месяцев назад +252

    Who's here 2024 :)

  • @madstunax
    @madstunax 6 лет назад +108

    Last night I was so lucky!
    I slept on that fluffy blanket at the end of the bed , y'know those really fluffy comfortable ones? With my earphones in , tablet charging , listening to nightcore while a slight breeze from my fan brushes over me gently and also can't forget my fluffy eye mask to sleep :D ^^ first time my mum's ever leme do dat!

  • @LoneWolf-is4jg
    @LoneWolf-is4jg 6 лет назад +1895

    1. I Woke Up
    2. Saw My SoulMate
    3. She Kissed Me
    4. Cried
    It's really like this 2, 3, 1, 4
    We will always be Alone - LoneWolfs

  • @RayFerrera
    @RayFerrera 3 месяца назад +2

    the nostalgia goes crazy

  • @cxtgxrl1177
    @cxtgxrl1177 9 лет назад +1858

    I love Nightcore version!
    Friend: Dude, have you heard Trumpets?
    Me: Do they have a Nightcore version?
    Friend: No.
    Me: Then, no. I haven't heard it. XD

    • @severynn
      @severynn 9 лет назад +20

      there is a nightcore version

    • @cxtgxrl1177
      @cxtgxrl1177 9 лет назад +12

      Oh! I didn't know! :3 Thanks a bunch!

    • @severynn
      @severynn 9 лет назад +4

      :3 np

    • @captinkawaii6312
      @captinkawaii6312 9 лет назад +1

      Tarryn Britt AHHHAHH XDD

    • @TheRyQuaza
      @TheRyQuaza 9 лет назад +8

      Trixie The Pirate Bunny There's a nightcore version of the Shia LaBoeuf song. I've honestly struggled to find songs that don't have nightcore anywhere on youtube. (Most songs I found that didn't were heavy electronica, and that's basically it).

  • @LunaMoon-qk1zv
    @LunaMoon-qk1zv 7 лет назад +6

    This is amazing!!!
    Keep up the good work!

  • @hesitate-sama8231
    @hesitate-sama8231 3 года назад +4

    feels good to be young.
    having a creative mind filled with unique dreams and delusions.
    this kind of songs always make me want to taste the adventures offered by this world!

  • @Ponchi
    @Ponchi 11 лет назад +4

    Awesome :3

  • @ano6029
    @ano6029 3 года назад +4

    This song is still alive for 8 years, and I love it.

  • @investimentostop1932
    @investimentostop1932 6 лет назад +3

    every day I am impressed with your channel, this and my favorite channel of songs in the nightcore version, I love your channel and I really want a heart please

  • @yoos_01
    @yoos_01 3 года назад +1

    WTH this Nightcore is LIT AF
    didn't expect this much

  • @Crzy_.Vamp1re
    @Crzy_.Vamp1re Год назад +5

    Am I the only one coming back just to feel the same feeling we felt listening to these songs years ago😭

  • @Orikron
    @Orikron 9 лет назад +4131

    Everything that doesn't kills me...
    might come back and try again :-:

    • @caboosehelpsu2840
      @caboosehelpsu2840 7 лет назад +55

      Git Gud then.

    • @PunchSh0t
      @PunchSh0t 7 лет назад +81

      Álvaro Lopes this comment basically explains my life...

    • @roygt4822
      @roygt4822 7 лет назад +88

      minecraft...respawn xD

    • @syd3791
      @syd3791 7 лет назад +8

      Álvaro Lopes ME

    • @heyjimmy420
      @heyjimmy420 7 лет назад +26

      Álvaro Lopes
      I wish I thought to write that. Dang it!

  • @deeps4518
    @deeps4518 4 года назад +37

    This song has been my comfort song for six years

  • @_gojira_and_fnaf_1964
    @_gojira_and_fnaf_1964 4 года назад +2

    This helped me study 2 years ago and I still love the song, its also one of my first likes yt vids

  • @andromedapaigemartin9356
    @andromedapaigemartin9356 8 лет назад +11

    *screams* AHHH!!!! I love this picture!!!!!! XDDDD :DDDD

  • @wildfireleo
    @wildfireleo 11 лет назад +5

    This is amazing!

  • @hardworkingchamp
    @hardworkingchamp 8 месяцев назад +3

    2024, keeping this song alive ❤❤❤

  • @katiehanson771
    @katiehanson771 8 месяцев назад +2

    Fabulous art

  • @1HateTae
    @1HateTae Год назад +3

    im 21 now i remember being in the 5th grade watching these vids scrolling on kik and tumblr dawg…time goes by hella fast

  • @pokechill3219
    @pokechill3219 4 года назад +2059

    Hello, whoever is scrolling! You are beautiful and nothing can change that!

    • @nathancarver7179
      @nathancarver7179 4 года назад +38

      Well.. some third degree burns, some major contortion, getting grinded up, etc etc can really do a number on how you look, so...
      Anyway I appreciate the attempt.

    • @Nothingex
      @Nothingex 4 года назад +15

      Yas the time demigod don’t give me hope... don’t do that

    • @RemiStarz26
      @RemiStarz26 4 года назад +15

      Nathan Carver I’ve been through getting burned and gotten all kinds of bruises and scars even a few that I got last week...I don’t really care about them I think they just add to the stories you can tell! And it doesn’t mean only outside’s the inside too! Think about that when you say you aren’t beautiful!!!!! Because you have something people who would bully you don’t, *a life* **MLG airhorns play** the bullies just got roasted!!!!!!

    • @queenandgoodomensfan6359
      @queenandgoodomensfan6359 4 года назад +6

      U shore

    • @RemiStarz26
      @RemiStarz26 4 года назад +5

      Yassy The potato VERY SURE

  • @wellaali5603
    @wellaali5603 7 лет назад +322


  • @adelie3359
    @adelie3359 3 года назад +2

    Wow, it's been a while since I've first listenend to this song. Very good mate!

  • @firenangels
    @firenangels 6 лет назад +6

    I love this song in nightcore! I can't stop singing it. This is magic...and cool! More nightcore :3

  • @gangstersparrow
    @gangstersparrow 9 лет назад +662

    Still think that every song should be in nightcore xD
    Edit: Scratch that!

    • @brendan8114
      @brendan8114 9 лет назад +13

      some songs should not be nightcored

    • @gangstersparrow
      @gangstersparrow 9 лет назад +4

      brendan louis Yeah. I know.

    • @gangstersparrow
      @gangstersparrow 9 лет назад +11

      brendan louis But mainly the ones that shouldn't be nightcored are the ones that are fast, highpitched, etc

    • @MaryJonesTheMormon
      @MaryJonesTheMormon 9 лет назад +4

      Grace payne Haha like Taylor Swift Shake It Off. That should come no where me and my nightcore.

    • @gangstersparrow
      @gangstersparrow 9 лет назад +1

      M Jones Hahah yeah!

  • @nightcorebloom586
    @nightcorebloom586 6 лет назад +77

    Listen to this with earphones with full sound
    Its amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @Portgas-D-Alina2233
    @Portgas-D-Alina2233 9 месяцев назад +1

    It's 2024 and this song still hits different! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @nymano9324
    @nymano9324 6 лет назад +1277

    Am I the only one who feels like i got wings and I could fly away with singing this ?
    Yeah ?
    Oh ok...

  • @gachamoon_xx5235
    @gachamoon_xx5235 3 года назад +34

    *This brings me back to when I used to stay in my uncles house and this melody was on the news channel and my dad used to drive me and my sister to this gymnasium in the heights for a program every day in summer, THE NOSTALGIA HITS LIKE A TRUCK TVT*

  • @annastraea
    @annastraea 9 лет назад +9

    I love nightcore so much now.

  • @zero_kiyuu1798
    @zero_kiyuu1798 13 дней назад

    Welcome back, you've grown quite a lot ever since the last time you were here.

  • @d4nielle364
    @d4nielle364 7 лет назад +5

    This brings back the memories when we turned the radio right up listening to this at night time after gymnastics.
    Good Times. Good Times...

  • @agentseed
    @agentseed 4 года назад +728

    Little do you know,
    The brightest smiles hide the deepest secrets
    The most gorgeous eyes have cried the most
    The wisest people have felt the most pain
    The bravest people have the darkest past
    The perfect people are made of insecurities and flaws
    The most loving people have seen the most deaths
    The kindest people are the most lonely
    That underneath all those of perfect features lies a locked hole of flaws, insecurities, darkness, mistakes, fears, tears, memories... just because they are scared that someone might open their hole of suffering...
    Spread This Message
    edit: you can stop commenting “cRiNgE dEpPrEsSiOn CuReD”. As a person that suffers from depression myself, i know it really doesn’t help when someone just tells you to “stop being sad”, I found this relatable and thought i would share it

    • @cottonwolfiegames9526
      @cottonwolfiegames9526 4 года назад +13


    • @MrNiceGuyPh
      @MrNiceGuyPh 4 года назад +30

      I will steal this
      But i will put credits

    • @lolyolo3278
      @lolyolo3278 4 года назад +11

      Don’t post this shit on RUclips, post it on reddit because there you won’t be harassed

    • @simonk4174
      @simonk4174 4 года назад +8

      I think this is kinda oversimplified

    • @agentseed
      @agentseed 4 года назад +10

      @@MrNiceGuyPh no need i copyed this from another youtubers comment

  • @Mana-xz3tn
    @Mana-xz3tn 4 года назад +3

    We need this type of music!

  • @showmanwaraich
    @showmanwaraich 3 месяца назад +2

    Amazing 👌 ✨️ 🎉🎉🎉

  • @DorothysWorld9770
    @DorothysWorld9770 3 года назад +7

    I always listen to Nightcore when doing my homework

  • @Rackellesh727
    @Rackellesh727 7 лет назад +205

    everything that kills me
    makes me wanna die

    • @agirlontheinternet5701
      @agirlontheinternet5701 7 лет назад +13

      vanny What? 😂 I laughed more than I should've.

    • @MurunGD
      @MurunGD 6 лет назад +2


    • @nederneder6376
      @nederneder6376 6 лет назад

      Lmao i just sang this comment like the song and i ended up laughing my ass off !

    • @Ry-yg5yh
      @Ry-yg5yh 6 лет назад

      Lol 😂😂

  • @dontstealmapotatozmapotato6003
    @dontstealmapotatozmapotato6003 6 лет назад +10


  • @sestia3617
    @sestia3617 2 года назад

    Memories are fruits of the person life.
    Lately it's just my feeling i am forgetting the enjoyment of life.
    But the Nightcore are the one
    That keep in line.
    ( I will be a memory someday, for i shall make memories)
    I hope this channel grows with the person on it, cause it's been almost 10 years :)

  • @snugglemuffinsunny5642
    @snugglemuffinsunny5642 7 лет назад +403

    Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep... thinkin' bout all the things that *we could eat*
    Sorry. That's just what I hear. 😅

  • @lonerdar8467
    @lonerdar8467 7 лет назад +172

    Is anyone still hearing old songs in 2017, new songs these days aren't for me.

    • @sistemik9686
      @sistemik9686 7 лет назад +4

      Yeah I am...Centuries, Safe, Mine, THIS VERY SONG and many more. I'm not really into then ones like Heros and Cut and stuff like that. It's not just you ;P

    • @tomcampmas4008
      @tomcampmas4008 6 лет назад +1


    • @alixmurray4628
      @alixmurray4628 6 лет назад +2

      im in 2018 haha

    • @muffinmowwuvs552
      @muffinmowwuvs552 6 лет назад +1

      Alix NoLastName me too

    • @marenafea7696
      @marenafea7696 6 лет назад +2

      i'm listening to it in 2018 :3

  • @death_hasarrivedtokillyou_2054
    @death_hasarrivedtokillyou_2054 4 года назад +30

    Me:*calls 911*
    The receiver:Hello, 911, what’s your emergency?
    Me:I think I broke my replay button on my screen...
    The receiver:*Hangs up*
    (No seriously this is AMAZING, I love it!!)

    • @RemiStarz26
      @RemiStarz26 4 года назад +2

      More like
      ???: HELLO?!?
      Receiver: Yes whats your emergency?
      ???: IM GETTING ABUSED!!
      Receiver: What is your name and location?

    • @michaelscofield3287
      @michaelscofield3287 4 года назад

      disturbing emergency services is illegal and disrespectful

  • @zeron7896
    @zeron7896 3 года назад +2

    i want nightcore playlist in spotify i mean nightcore of every song lol :)

  • @satinwilson3715
    @satinwilson3715 3 года назад +18

    this song will always be in my heart forever and ever

  • @arianabravo4862
    @arianabravo4862 6 лет назад +25

    I love it 😍 this is the sky

    • @ML-nr4jo
      @ML-nr4jo 6 лет назад +2


    • @Thence
      @Thence 6 лет назад +1

      Angel Sangreal A. This Nightcore is Amazing and Beautiful

    • @arianabravo4862
      @arianabravo4862 6 лет назад

      Kayashi Nightcore yes it’s beautiful 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  • @nilia1489
    @nilia1489 7 лет назад +164

    The girl sitting down is like "its kinda hot in here so lets stare at my friends socks for a while"

  • @user-bz2pe1ir5d
    @user-bz2pe1ir5d Год назад +1

    Been listening to this 1000+ hours and just decided to comment on this masterpiece for my respect

  • @Ro-cd9vv
    @Ro-cd9vv 10 лет назад +5

    I love this song because it makes me happy :)

  • @muktadeshpande8137
    @muktadeshpande8137 3 года назад +3

    the voice of this singer is SO POWERFUL, but still sweet

  • @fin4314
    @fin4314 8 лет назад +4

    I'm sure this is one of the best nightcore videos out there.

  • @Rand0m1nternetpers0n
    @Rand0m1nternetpers0n 5 месяцев назад +2

    I remember listeing to nothing but nightcore songs when i was in middle to high school not a care in the world now im 20 with bills to pay 😭

  • @kayleemcdonald687
    @kayleemcdonald687 6 лет назад +29

    Nightcore so cool it is not weird

  • @onlyyoudarling6953
    @onlyyoudarling6953 2 года назад +18

    Its been 8years
    and Im still loving this

  • @norlanc.1514
    @norlanc.1514 8 лет назад +18

    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Yeah we'll be counting stars
    I see this life, like a swinging vine
    Swing my heart across the line
    And in my face is flashing signs
    Seek it out and ye' shall find
    Old, but I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    On just doing what we're told
    I-I-I-I feel something so right
    Doing the wrong thing
    I-I-I-I feel something so wrong
    Doing the right thing
    I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie
    Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars
    I feel the love and I feel it burn
    Down this river, every turn
    Hope is our four-letter word
    Make that money, watch it burn
    Old, but I'm not that old
    Young, but I'm not that bold
    And I don't think the world is sold
    On just doing what we're told
    I-I-I-I feel something so wrong
    Doing the right thing
    I could lie, could lie, could lie
    Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Everything that kills me, makes feel alive...
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be counting stars
    Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
    Dreaming about the things that we could be
    But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard
    Said no more counting dollars
    We'll be, we'll be counting stars
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned
    Take that money
    Watch it burn
    Sink in the river
    The lessons I've learned

  • @joy-cy5io
    @joy-cy5io 8 месяцев назад +2

    nightcore music just a nice, you make a great voice!

  • @SamsungA-yc2bd
    @SamsungA-yc2bd Год назад +5

    This is so nostalgic.

  • @bangtantae5442
    @bangtantae5442 4 года назад +6

    Its been 6 years and i still like the song

  • @thelolgamertlg2526
    @thelolgamertlg2526 8 лет назад +64

    I like how its a young white british singer and not like a mouse :3

    • @thelolgamertlg2526
      @thelolgamertlg2526 8 лет назад


    • @sparkelrocker1421
      @sparkelrocker1421 8 лет назад +1

      that's racist

    • @Rusty-cj1tb
      @Rusty-cj1tb 8 лет назад


    • @Mephorum93
      @Mephorum93 8 лет назад +4

      its not racist its stereotypical so just shut up and learn the definition before you accuse someone of being racist

    • @luciel8951
      @luciel8951 8 лет назад +3

      Yeah what he said🙅
      Also sorry if I was

  • @KingL.A.W
    @KingL.A.W 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for this. May God bless you for my good childhood.

  • @mariaanika2921
    @mariaanika2921 3 года назад +5

    Just found this nightcore in my feed and it brought so much memories with my brother who's now on college.
    He's not always home before but now here because of quarantine. I asked him if he remembered this song but he said no. It hurts beacuse we made so much memories with this song playing. 😔

  • @Unnoetig_yay
    @Unnoetig_yay 4 года назад +3

    Just love it 😍