BC547 transistor has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the amplification capacity of the transistor. The maximum amount of current that could flow through the Collector pin is 100mA, hence we cannot connect loads that consume more than 100mA using this transistor.3
Excellent job. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
How much amp can be used without problems?
BC547 transistor has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the amplification capacity of the transistor. The maximum amount of current that could flow through the Collector pin is 100mA, hence we cannot connect loads that consume more than 100mA using this transistor.3
Output amps??
Good and simple, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Howuch load can hold or how much current can provide?
12V is Ideal voltage for this circuit.