Titus Morris is promoting a man and channel that is giving death threats to my family, he is a false prophet and GoFundMe fraudster: P.3: Titus Morris and Stephen Henson have Conspired to give Dea*h Threats and Intimidate Witnesses ruclips.net/video/YvAU4-tNdpk/видео.html
@@vancoe661 I’m not going to cover up such blatantly egregious misdeeds done in the name of “the church” or under the guise of Christianity. “Not on my watch”….
I thought the sun set and rose with Titus. I’m now finding out the knight has kinks in his armor. Satan couldn’t get to the man do he sent a woman. The woman designed this structure to her liking and will live in. We’ve been scammed
Remember, the devil is very crafty and cunning. Titus is a person in the devils game. Isn’t that ironic since he is supposed to be a man of God. Remember, we do not fight against flesh but principalities and rulers of the darkness. We all need to pray that God will shut all this down with Titus and Stephanie.
The truth should always be told so people won't be deceived by Satan's little helpers .I felt like something was off when he took people under ground to teach God's word. Who does that in the darkness??? Made me think about which spirit he's following. Prayers going out to all his followers may they see the LIGHT AND COME OUT OF THE DARKNESS.
Titus should not be on RUclips. Peter should delete his videos. No one should be around him. Everyone should contact Go Fund Me I think you have up to 1 year to get your money back. Stephanie children should not be with them I scared for them, they should be in school. I don’t understand why people think that this OK.
@BlazeLifeHero New people are seeing the videos of Titus, fully trusting Peter and believing Titus is as good as Peter, and running to Titus to give him money. Good thing gofundme blocked some of the accounts. When Peter makes videos of gangs, at least you know to not support them. It's obvious. But with Titus... It's also embarrassing, to be in association with a person who practices animal love etc. Even gangsters don't do what Titus did. But I'm sure people will forgive Peter for not knowing who Titus is
@@SlavicNorthWest So, Peter needs to be censored then? This cancel culture gonna have to stop. If people are dumb enough to donate to a guy who thinks he’s too good to pay taxes and into the system, then let them do so.
Well if all this is true, we can see how adam was destroyed by letting a woman that was used by satan to destroy his relationship with God. This is a lesson once again.
This is why people need to be so mindful before buying into and donating to random, feel-good RUclips influencers. This reminds me of Mark Latia’s experience with the Whitaker family. Also, anyone claiming to have a vision of another human’s demise, especially when the person having the “vision” is actively planning a life together with the victim’s wife and kids!! That’s insanely dark and not of God but of something else. Something that needs to be reported to authorities imo. Again, not even five minutes into Peter’s very first video of Titus playing around in the barn, my immediate thought was this is just a man that wants to buck the system and doesn’t want to work. I saw a ton of immaturity and ego in Titus, even in those early videos. Endearing, sure, but not cut out to be a leader of anyone or anything.
Was told something else important but can’t remember right now will post if I remember, planning to go by house tomorrow see if I can update pics of ( cough) church
What does this do to non believers, who seeing titus become curious in God, only to be utterly destroyed in their faith because they just met the biggest theif and deciever anyone will met in a lifetime. I saw comments of people saying they are for the first time drawn to god because of his simplicity. This will give them so much evidence to never believe in God again, that the only person to inspire them just happens to be a theif who stole 300k and makes love with horses. I dont see Jesus in Titus, I see the devil who thru him destroys people's faith and trust in major ways.
That’s my primary concern with Titus and Stephanie. They are doing more harm than good for the Kingdom of God. It’s not just nonBelievers either. They are teaching Believers wrong in so many ways and horrible ways not minuscule but significant ways. They are also shaking the faith of young or immature Believers. They look good on the outside but inside their fruit is rotten.
@@stst77 I didn't think of that, the harm they do to believers. So true. Like showing people to divorce, destroy families, take kids from dad's and give them to other men, and so much more. If Stephanie is such an amazing godly women, then other women can also move to other states against there husband's wills, send private letters to other men, and so much more
Or that Titus is so godly and disobeys everyone. So therefore church is not needed, structure and order is not needed, no elders to correct, just do whatever is right in your eyes. Apostle Paul, how great he was, was submissive to the Jerusalem church. There was always submission and order.
I'm kind of one of those people. I always believed in God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ but do not nor have I ever attended church regularly. I liked Titus's style and sympathized ( naively ) with Stephanie's "plight". This experience has soured me on churches and preachers. It's sad because I finally thought I had found someone who was pure in spirit. Man, was I duped.
In the video where you and your son share your testimony of how you ended up out there, I found it interesting that you both seemed excited to be a part of building a church, but the way he spoke about it, made it sound like he didn't really care about an actual church being built. Something was said to the effect of the church being people, not a building and God working on people as they were working on a church. Sorry, I was looking for the video for exact quotes but couldn't locate it again. You likely remember yourself and can correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, most of the videos seem to be focused on being in the outdoors and he said that a building would just be for when it rains or something like that. So, it does make one wonder if this was ever about a church building for other people. That does not seem to be the case.
I now feel that Titus lives the way he does because he had to . He didn’t make enough money to have conveniences in life but he wanted the privacy out of his parents’ home to mess with horses so he just set up a broken down trailer on a piece of land and could do whatever with horses and possibly minors. However as soon as he got money he started spending it on much more comfortable things and improving his trailer until his new house is built. If he genuinely desired this lifestyle, he would have continued his church outdoors or in the cave but he coveted much nicer things. I think he would like a car and driver’s license too but probably because of his end times beliefs is scared to get on the government’s radar by getting a license so he prefers to live without ID. However, just because he doesn’t have his social security card, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a number that the government can pull up in a snap.
@@stst77 Excellent points! I'm guessing he even falls out with the volunteers and visitors regularly too, much like a revolving door. Just so that he won't have anyone be there long enough to be able to put two and two together. Aaron's working background in security, trained him to be alert to details in his surroundings 24/7, my guess. I think this is all the Lord's doing. Meaning, to expose the hidden dangers lurking around Henson Creep, to the animals, children and who knows what else?
@@gailsharpe7802 you are probably right. However, if Titus has fall outs, I think it might just be his personality. He was kicked out of a church and small missionary school so fall outs seem to be a part of his personality. On the other hand, I could see Stephanie purposely whispering things in Titus’ ear to make him distrust or have a fall out with someone she felt was getting too knowledgeable and I could see her purposely running people off like I believe she ran off Titus’ fiancé. So Titus it happens naturally without him planning it and Stephanie it is carefully crafted unless Titus is smarter and more cunning than I give him credit for.
@@stst77 Food for thought for sure. I agree about the personality type you describe that just naturally discourages long-term connections. That was more what I had in mind because with Titus I feel it occurs naturally too. Very friendly to strangers but perhaps hesitant or not so able to establish longer-term connections. I feel sorry for the current and future volunteers. I hope they do not end up feeling 'used' by a cunning one-man-show enterprise builder.
Jesus is coming back soon. Hope we're all ready and folks aren't majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors. If you want the real news check out Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Why are u so conserse about titus .and u were his friend .why cant u go talk to him in private .why exposed things out just to make a utube .so what if it was a old trailer where they did meth .the building gone .so are u superstition. Or where ur faith .if titus had done thing wrong let the court deside ....
@Beyondcategory yes God will deal with our sins .maybe u are consern or ur wanting the world to see hidden thing .but still if I had a close friend I would say something. And maybe u have .and just maybe the people are not listing .people who give money and they don't know .where the money goes .well it their lost if they give it in faith or if they don't need money then that is that .nobody has control but GOD.
@@hollycottage2510 you can’t live totally off grid and still use a deep freeze… You’re either either one or the other but you can’t be both. I’m not saying that I’m against deep freezes, but they have kept this a secret and I think it was just another example of how duplicitous they are
I saw Titus’s deception and what he was really up when he said he had a home phone (phone booth)!!😂 How do ppl think he and his long time mistress Stephanie Cain were talking for years……hoping that their calls back and forth wouldn’t be traced/found out!!!
This man, Titus Morris, is a false prophet. “'But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?’-- when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ESV) “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” (2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV) “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-20 ESV)
Your videos showed me so much truth, and I was so disheartened to find it all out as I was looking at Titus as a teacher figure, but I’m thankful for the truth. He said to pray if we had doubts about him and Stephanie in one of his update videos (what is going on I think is the title) and I did because I had watched your original video saying nothing was going on way back and Titus said that God would show us the truth… well He did, and it was not what Titus I think expected us to find out. But I know God is sovereign and led him to say that for our benefit and work it all out for our good to know the truth in His sovereign will. Sadly I donated $25 last year and I was not able to get it back… they said it was already spent. I don’t have a lot right now, and I really wanted to give in faith to help build a church. I have now learned to only give to established and certified organizations, like Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you for your videos, I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. Please keep shining the light of truth and exposing darkness like Ephesians says! May God bless you 😊
I hate to burst your bubble here, but most rural counties in Kentucky don't require building permits or inspections. A few states are like this (I believe 9). I live in unincorporated Johnson County Missouri, and I built my house without ANY inspection or permits of any kind. Hooked up to all modern utiliteis, water, phone, and electricity. Been living here for 30 years now. My mother's home next door? Same way, built in 1971. When it comes to churches... many churches have a deatached parsonage, so it would appear that this new building would be a church with a parsonage as part of it?
I.believe Adam is a man.of God.who stands up for righteousness. When a man of God. stands up for the truth he will face opposi tion. There is a lot of here say. against Titus. but the truth will be exposed in the end.
This is a good reminder to always hear both sides before forming an opinion, and not to overlook scriptural transgressions. Originally, before this went to trial, based on the videos they released they had me fairly convinced that Geoffrey Cain was the bad guy. I overlooked many of the signs, e.g., Stephanie disobeying her husband and Titus encouraging this, Stephanie spending time with Titus a lot including when her husband is not present, Titus’s lawlessness with regards to the government, women speaking during church, etc. What a learning process this has been for me, thanks be to the Lord. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV) This scripture was true for me in what we’ve witnessed here: The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him. (Proverbs 18:17 ESV)
Same here I fell for the Stephanie’s poor me thing as well unfortunately but she’s responsible for breaking up her own marriage and now she’ll unfortunately be the end of Titus and his ministry! Unfortunately a woman has destroyed a many men!!
@luckyNkentucky This would by far be the most exciting news yet, to share with the internet. Church is almost built!!! And millions of people would be so excited. Unless he used the money to build his girlfriend a house from donation money... Because that is a magnificent structure being built on Henson Creek based on today's video and pictures... How is Titus not feeling extremely awkward right now, but then maybe he is totally clueless if Stephanie controls his online accounts. There is a possibility that Titus is clueless to what exactly has been exposed about him. She controls his RUclips, and who knows what else
I have a warning for the owner of this channel and the individuals commenting here who are sitting in judgement of this man. I say this from the stance of someone who is not personally involved with this matter in any way whatsoever. You are putting your soul in GRAVE DANGER. I was reading these comments and felt a STRONG conviction from the Holy Spirit. Here are a few scriptures that highlight why. "Forgive us as we forgive our debtors." Matthew 6:12 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Matthew 7:2. Finally, please read the parable of the unforgiving student in Matthew (18:21-35). That story is really scary. The servant was forgiven an UNPAYABLE debt (like Jesus did for US on the cross), yet could not forgive others small debts. What became of him in the end was not good. There is only ONE Christian response to any wrongdoing that is going on, and that is to pray for the person. To hold someone up to public shame is to invite the mighty judgement of God upon yourself.
@@Gracie-gf9nb Just warning people to not be like the religious leaders who were about to stone the adulterous woman to death. Yet our merciful Lord told the one without sin to cast the first stone. Are you without sin? If not, beware of casting stones, as you place yourself in spiritual danger. This is not bullying, this is biblical truth. Love your enemies, says the Lord.
MichelleLovesJesus4ever Perhaps you intended to give a gentle reminder to people who are quick to judge others. If so, you could be on the wrong forum in my opinion. Your actual words and the tone used, came across to me as being judgemental yourself and much too quick to assume the worse rather than the least offence committed by commenting viewers. I too find myself in the same dilema at times. Seeing the need in me to express myself more in line with my actual thoughts rather than how the words quickly flow too harshly at times. It is a work in progress for some of us and I hope you will consider joining those of us who are still struggling to be as gentle in word as our heart intends. God bless ❤🙏🏽
Why is it that you have done all these things with this person and now are bringing him out and saying things about him? What did he do to you? That was so bad and thanks for sharing.
I think Stephanie used her gofundme divorce money to buy the land in her mom’s name in hopes of winning the house and land as well as more money in the divorce. Also I don’t know about liberty, ky but in my hometown once you reach 60, you don’t have to pay property taxes or if you do it’s just $10/year. So it could be a way to dodge taxes too. I keep saying Stephanie isn’t this gentle little naive country bumpkin that she wants to pass herself off as. She is actually a very shrewd, cunning and calculating woman. Titus isn’t that smart but he happily will go along with anything to have his way. So Stephanie is the brain in the duo and Titus is the charismatic face and personality that wins people over.
Did you notice in all the earlyvideos she wouldn't even say a word in the videos nor answer comments. Even years back. She only started speaking on camera videos & in comments after the money started. I noticed that right away.
@@GlenviewTops885 i hadn’t paid attention to that but now that you point it out that seems to be true. And why was she so insistent that her children be in the videos?
So, do you feel Stephanie wanted a relationship with Titus a long time ago? If so, how did she deal with the other women he wanted to marry? I saw him tell that man, Pete, he had a girlfriend. That was not all that long ago, was it?
According to Titus before he ever knew her, Titus was already making YT videos, Stephanie watched them, and looked him up. She was married with children living in another state but called him and asked as a complete stranger if she could move in with him. He said no because she was married but she later got her husband to move near Titus. Her husband didn’t want to leave but she has her way of demanding and manipulating to get what she wants. I doubt her husband knew she was wanting to be near Titus. After moving near him she immediately made contact with him and started volunteering to work for him. She would cook and clean for him. According to Stephanie she spent “every day “ with Titus. She said as soon as her husband left for work she went to Titus house and spent the whole day. She went 7 days a week. According to volunteers she would stay at his house until 10 pm every day. So the answer to the first question is Stephanie chased Titus strongly. The answer to the second question is Stephanie ran off the fiancé and according to volunteers any single woman that showed interest in Titus or Titus showed interest in them, she ran them off too. She is very possessive of Titus even though she is a married woman.
@@stst77 Thank you for the info. I had watched quite a few videos, but not all. The kids were in alot of early ones, too, and my husband thought they were Titus' children. Rarely did I see a woman with him and the kids so I was confused for a long while about whose children they were.
@@joanwilson7781 Of course anyone would have thought they are Titus's kids because that is why Stephanie wants. So she would post pictures in the thumbnails of Titus with her kids. That's exactly what she wanted to portray, and that is what she wants in reality. Which really shows that total is totally screwed. Now that she figured out the court system, once she settles down she'll screw him to and get everything he has. Plus with what he testified and the crimes he continues doing, he'll likely end up locked up and Stephanie will be a queen. I doubt Stephanie loves Titus whatsoever, but she saw him from afar and realized how much she could milk him. She very well knew his potential and invested in him, now everything belongs to her. Every penny given to Titus was for Stephanie, because that house on 250k is being built for her. She'll get the house and kick him out into the camper.
He is.making great progress on.the.building. We look forward to him finishing it and.putting it to use. It is awesome.the worship house.will have.a.living quarters.
So apparently Stephanie already blew thru well of 30k on this new laywer between May thru August or something. On her Gofundme, on 05/09 she states she got her new laywer. And at that time had 24k minimum left. But when Connie Bright posted they ran out, there is no date. But donations stopped awhile back, so 30k in just 3 months on a laywer? Plus, the hilarious details. She already knew the attorney will work specifically 47 hours, etc. The details raised way too many questions for me, like shes trying way to hard to blow peoples minds. Btw, if she spent the money on the 14 acres, when was it registered as purchased by Connie, sometime after February when they got all that money? One more thing that struck me as odd, the gofundme mentions legal fees, expenses, housing. Housing?! She lives at titus for free!!! Plus titus got over 300k with all the gofundmes and who knows how many private checks. I wouldn't doubt they have already got more than 400k easy from people. And here I am, barely enough money to fuel up living paycheck to paycheck. They make so much off of donations, that for them its a piece of cake to just make stuff up to ask for more.
So many things just don't seem right and don't add up. Everything seems fake and wierd with titus and stephanie, especially once they became very rich. Few people will ever see the kind of money that they received in a span of a year. We pay our houses off 30 years, they in 1 year with zero interest or credit cards.
@stst77 thanks for letting me know, the 2nd one is $13,300 posted by Connie bright. Ugh, so much deception!!! I've actually never seen that before. Normal people open 1 gofundme, but to have 4+ at one time? That's crazy!!! And 2 pictures of her slaving away holding the camera for Titus. Such hard work, definitely a 500k per year job to hold a camera and upload a video on youtube. I know people who went through divorce and worked several jobs cleaning houses, here she just holds a camera and begs and gets thousands. I thought the Bible says to do good in private and God will openly bless you. Not posting pictures and videos of how hard she works for the ministry... She is getting the glory, not God. What a poor God stephanie has, who clearly can not provide for her. Therefore she needs to beg for money. My God that I serve takes care of me abundantly and I don't need to beg and prove how he can't take care of me
Don't forget what they're also making off ad revenues from their multiple YT channels. Titus, Stephanie, and her mom Connie are nothing but grifters and I hope they get sued by everyone that donated to them.
Lawsuits against unbelievers: “When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! So if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers? To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? But you yourselves wrong and defraud--even your own brothers! Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:1-11 ESV)
@@Theenduranceofthesaints he has refused all forms of accountability (deacons, elders, seminary, etc)…Titus has clearly stated that this is not a church. Therefore I submit to you that this is a cult and the scriptural reference above does not apply to him
Love your bible quotes ... .. so on point. Please keep them coming. Can Titus actually bring a court case, as Plaintiff, against someone if he has no legal governmental identity? I think Geoff filing for a divorce from Stephanie in the first place (Cain vs Cain) was required by governmental law because they were married in a civil ceremony? That way the court decisions regarding the legal marital status of Geoff and Stephanie after the divorce is final, as well as the dividing of their financial assets, could only be accomplished through a court decision, my opinion.
I agree this not only needs to be exposed but also regular reminders need to keep going out as long as Titus and Stephanie remain in active ministry because people have short memories and new people are always coming along discovering them for the first time. So for the sake of all the new comers this information has to be repeated otherwise it gets swept under the carpet, forgotten and more innocent people fall into their hands.
@@stst77 There are new people finding the original popular videos on Peter's channel every day and they don't know any of the backstory. They just see an innocent, interesting fellow and are inspired. I agree that it bears repeating to protect others.
@@believestthouthis7 i know. It’s through Peter almost everyone is introduced to Titus in a very positive light. I really wish Peter would take down those videos. I know they are making him money but he should consider the damage he is doing by keeping them up. I know people have brought this up to him but so far he hasn’t removed them to my knowledge.
i do believe if he would of built a church properly he could of had a living quarters no problem ..had it not been for all his scandals , horses , the pond the botched circumcission and praying for the lord to strike someone down but he still has a strong following dont know how many he lost several i'm sure
Aaron, I would like to see videos of you exploring caves. I remember you saying you used to go to a lot of caves in the past. Do you think you will be exploring anymore soon? It would be so neat to see things like that. I love to explore and have always wanted to do it myself but haven’t had the opportunity. We have small caves here but nothing big like you have done.
I never looked up their lists but I have seen other commenters who saw and even sent stuff on Stephanie’s wish list. According to others, she had wish lists on several major shopping sites like Amazon, Walmart, and a couple of others. They said she was requesting expensive things as well as personal items that are not church related just stuff for her own personal use, not even for Titus. It’s my opinion that once Stephanie saw how much money titus brought in from gofundme, the dollar signs started flashing before her eyes. She then got rid of her husband and started riding on Titus’ coat tails. She started several gofundme accounts, a PayPal and patreon account. She started more YT channels. And started asking for personal check donations to her or to her mom for herself. She also ran off Titus’s fiancé and any other competition, moved her dog in with Titus to stake her claim with him, and then whittled her way into essentially claiming for herself all of Titus’ gofundme money started by Peter. One person said she even started asking volunteers to pay to come work for them!!! She tries to pass herself off as a poor, penniless woman, but actually I think she has a lot of money she’s just trying to fleece viewers and trying to pull the wool over the judge’s eyes to fleece her husband.
Also does anyone remember Onslow? I think that was his name? He was a volunteer way back and was homeless. He travelled for miles across states, to get to Titus's place. Stephanie cut his hair. What happened to Onslow? I ask because didn't apparently a volunteer disappear on Titus's land? That is worrying. What happened to that volunteer? Remember that cave where Titus would take folks to have a bible study, well isn't there a deep hole in there?! I wouldn't be the least surprised if that missing volunteer ended up down that chasm.
Ya know, at this rate, it really seems like you're just starting to harass the guy! I mean, I get it. You guys had your fall out, and his past is questionable at best....but come on, man, gtfo on with it and onto something else. SOMETHING POSITIVE!!
You are doing an excellent job exposing the two frauds. You mention the word "craft".... Titus is almost like a sorcerer in the sense he can almost put a spell on you. I came across your channel by accident but glad I did because all of this truth you are sharing snapped me out of it.
Dadadadadaduntada... The house next to me used to be a Meth lab (A few years before I arrived) in a nice clean middle class small town neighborhood (Population 4000). There was a second house were the product was sold. The neighbors told me of their struggles getting this recognized and cleared up. One might ask how did this occur? Apparently, the son of a prominent family moved in with his wife. There was no trouble or illegal activity, the prooerty was kept up etc., until one day his wife left. It was told to me that some time after things went south. The gradual nature of the occurrence and the son's connections, caused allot of trouble getting the situation resolved (Small town movement and politics). Eventually law enforcement built their case and cleared it up. The houses were sold and are now in good shape with good owners. Titus certainly has his issues to confront, though I wouldn't say his use of "tainted" beams or property are among them. One can use "spiritual" talk and claim it illustrates the victory of God over evil etc. The accusations, addressed in this post, appears petty and takes away from other concerns that Beyond Category has brought and should bring to light. PS I have lived in many different places, urban and rural, where there are similarities and differences that can affect situations and outcomes. Confronting drug dealers, directly or indirectly, can be tricky in either environment. Rural areas (Titus is more rural than where I live) where police are spread wide and thin, police ability and training can be suspect, easier to hide, people live further away from each other etc. can make such confrontations uniquely problematic. Titus had his reasons. Collusion doesn't necessarily have to be one of them. As the activity has apparently stopped, at least on the property Titus owns, who cleared out the drug dealers etc. from the trailers? Where are the suspects? Maybe they left as folks made their "pilgrimage" to Titus? More research is needed, including the other structure close by, to see if clarity can be achieved. Bottom line: Even if other problems are evident, one should apply a fairly rigorous level of activity in all inquires, acquiring information and verification, before making strong statements. In other words, I would keep to the facts and be careful about conjecture. Please do not misunderstand, the information provided has its strong points that shouldn't be ignored. My hope is that one will focus on the strong points in order to not dilute the message.
I hear petty points in this video. When talking about a drug place across the street in a way that seems like wanting to manipulate thoughts of him having a part in what had happened there is the work of Satan.
The forbidden woman - a warning against adultery: “My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge. For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless, lest strangers take their fill of your strength, and your labors go to the house of a foreigner, and at the end of your life you groan, when your flesh and body are consumed, and you say, "How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof! I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my instructors. I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation." Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress? For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his paths. The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin. He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.” (Proverbs 5:1-23 ESV) “My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call insight your intimate friend, to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words. For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice, and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense, passing along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house in the twilight, in the evening, at the time of night and darkness. And behold, the woman meets him, dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart. She is loud and wayward; her feet do not stay at home; now in the street, now in the market, and at every corner she lies in wait. She seizes him and kisses him, and with bold face she says to him, "I had to offer sacrifices, and today I have paid my vows; so now I have come out to meet you, to seek you eagerly, and I have found you. I have spread my couch with coverings, colored linens from Egyptian linen; I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey; he took a bag of money with him; at full moon he will come home." With much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him. All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. And now, O sons, listen to me, and be attentive to the words of my mouth. Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths, for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.” (Proverbs 7:1-27 ESV)
Brother I'm going to be praying for you. Brother Titus is anointed and he's doing what God is called him to do. And yet you are supposed to friend and here you are pin pin pricking his life. Just because there are people doing drugs before their doesn't mean that there will be now God has a bigger plan and you're not trusting it. Prayers up for you in Jesus mighty name amen
@@Nathaniel-watchersforjesus Titus has made a false prophecy and has admitted that he’s planning to marry Stephanie and move into the house of prayer - does this not bother you?
@@Beyondcategory well then surely she's going to divorce the other guy who actually abused her children. I guarantee our father is more graceful and loving because love conquers all I don't know what you're talking about where sounds like you would just want her to do it all by herself
@@Beyondcategory ok bud,but ill still be praying for you. I would not want to be casting stones at people. Jesus didn't even throw a stone at the adulterous he is our example. ☺️🩵💙
Who cares man. Why are you so obsessed with Titus and his personal affairs. You should stop this. Remember, in the same manner you judge others Aaron, the same manner you will also be judged in. Just stop. I gave Titus money and I don't care what he does with it as long as he is still seeking God. Remember the go fund me was a Peter thing and Titus didn't ask for all this.
@@treemanjr with all the respect, sir, you seem to have a pretty low standard for what you expect to be done with your money. I’m not judging Titus, just exposing his misdeeds.
@@sharonadams270 that’s a great question. Perhaps a more revealing question to answer is why is a man who is leading a ministry that is almost 33 years old who has a demonstrated history of wanting to marry several different females (there’s at least several more than you are already aware of, and I’m not at liberty to disclose those details at this time), why is he still unmarried? What compelled him to s.x abuse horses for 14 years? What compelled him to circumcise himself? I don’t believe he cut off his own foreskin for “health” reasons…I believe that’s a coverup. Think about it. I suspect it’s much worse
I think titus is way more interested in getting custody of the children than marrying Stephanie. Stephanie on the other hand seems more interested in nabbing titus than she is in taking care of her children or maintaining her marriage. She will throw it all away to have Titus.
@@Beyondcategory What would be interesting to find out also is if Titus & Stephanie should choose not to use a civil marriage ceremony to get married. That way, no original paper or digitally documented 'Marriage Certificate' would be available to the public. Not available in Casey Counry clerk's office or a copy in some Christian ministers church files or even as a copy sometimes kept by some Notary Public(s) who are allowed to officiate civil marriage ceremonies. The above possible scenario was hinted at in a much earlier comment on this channel by someone who said they were repeating what they thought (they were not 100% sure) they had heard referenced on one of the Titus's channels. They thought they may have heard reference to the possibility, instead, of marriage vows being exchanged between two people with each also making a vow to God. Somewhat like the bible refers to. But not using a civil, governmental type marriage ceremony recognized by the civil, governmental court system. My guess is that in the eyes of the court such a couple would not be considered married under governmental law. That said, if there is such a thing as 'common law relationship status' recognized by the civil court, for a man and a woman who have been cohabitting for a long period of time, then maybe a financial division of property might be considered by the court, upon the couple separating. My opinion. Now, with all the muddy water currently surrounding how the building shown in this video is being financed, and the possibility of misguided or even possible fraudulent tactics that may have been used to raise the money for the building, any future separating of their ways by Titus and Stephanie does not bode well for them. Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we set out to deceive.
BTW Aaron, When are you going to tell your fans how and where they can send you cash or kind in donations to support your wonderful channel? Please don't be so shy 😅🤣😅🤣
Here to get Church exemption even for your home there's a very minimal attendee and services schedule requirement for tax free credit, it's easy so likely and then legally registered as a Church. Donors gave $ gifts to Titus whim and there's what you all got nice and legal !
But people were never told their donated money would be used to build a home? Or even a home for whom? Right? I think that is Aaron's point and the reason that the focus currently on this channel is to try to get justice for all those who feel that they have been mislead by the GoFundMe(s) they donated to. My opinion. Was any mention made in any of the GoFundMe appeals that the donated funds would be used to build a House of Health? Which GoFundMe? According to Aaron in earlier video(s?) Titus said it is not a 'church'. In another video Aaron explains that he asked Titus if there would be a Deacon structure and Titus said no. So what honest follower of Jesus Christ is going to CHOOSE to bind themself to a heretical practicing one-man-show? My opinion. Who is wheat and who is tare? How does the Bible define each? So what exactly did people donate to in each GoFundMe? If ... ... BIG if. ... ... it is not a church and not following biblical guidelines in the New Testament as to HOW the church, the bride of Jesus Christ, is to function here on earth as we await our bridegroom's coming in the clouds to meet us in the air and to take all believers alive or 'asleep' with Him? So what makes some viewers (by their comments on this channel and on Titus's several channels) still choose to keep pretending that all is well with their one-man-show, always-shifting-positions cult leader? My opinion.
@@gailsharpe7802 yes. He is not following biblical principles for a church. Also, if you watch him, he may quote one verse from the Bible with no context and then there is a lot of his own thoughts. Also, his voice changes dramatically between his normal conversation voice and his preaching voice.
Airbnb for folks who want to come & worship him? Shelter for volunteer laborers? Doghouse escape for when Stephanie gets mad at him? Storage for their abundant donations?
I saw you comment about Stephanie and Titus breaking into the home. I tried to reply but it didn’t go through and I can’t find that comment of yours now, but I wanted to say from my understanding Stephanie went in the house too. Titus I believe climbed up the house and got in through an upper window and may have opened a door or window from inside for her to go in. I am not certain of the details. However, the reason Geoff called the police was there was in writing a court order for Stephanie not to go in the house. The judge was going to divide the property. It wasn’t for Stephanie to divide. This breaking in the house was brought up to the first judge and he wasn’t happy about it. They got away with it because Stephanie feigned innocence saying the police said it was fine. The problem was the police didn’t know the details of the court order. The police have to follow court orders. Stephanie and Titus KNEW about the court orders but blatantly went against them as they went against other court orders. They have NO respect for authority or the law. They do what they want, YET they make up ridiculous rules for their volunteers such as they can’t use spices or pepper on food! They want to be obeyed but are unwilling to obey.
@stst77 Thank you for responding. I only heard it from Aaron once but don't remember in what video he mentioned. But that would be very dishonest on Stephanie's end. One thing to say she walked in her own house, but sure would be nice if she would add additional details like she had a gang with her crawp8ng into the house and also was breaking court orders. I just recently heard of this, but what was Geoffs reaction knowing men are crawling through windows in his house. It's frustrating how she will write a short lying hateful sentence about Geoff, and then people start donating tons of money. Just the level of manipulation deception on her part...
@@SlavicNorthWest Stephanie and Titus both have told many lies and half truths to get money. I think you are mixing two different stories about the house. The breaking in story was just Titus and Stephanie. A second story was one Aaron told of when Stephanie first left Titus she made a false abuse report to the police which resulted in a restraining order against Geoff so he couldn’t be around his children. The judge later threw out the complaint because it was so bogus and her eye witness (Titus’ dad admitted he NEVER saw any abuse). Anyway, during the time there was a restraining order Titus sent a group of about 10 men and Geoff’s daughters to Geoff’s house while Geoff was home. It was to torment him and provoke him. Can you imagine, you legally aren’t allowed to see or talk to your children, then this other man who is trying to take your children comes to your house with them and flaunts in your face he has them and you don’t. It’s so wicked. If Geoff said anything to his children he could have been arrested for breaking the restraining order. If he retaliated against Titus, Titus had a whole gang of men to beat the living daylights out of him. Geoff played his cards right and didn’t get baited into the trap. Titus and Stephanie were deliberately trying to set him up. I can’t imagine how hard it was to restrain himself, but he did. These were two separate events that we know about. We also know from the first judge that Stephanie was wiring the children and sending them to Geoff’s home to record everything said. These are very wicked and vindictive people, just the opposite of how they portray themselves to be.
@stst77 Thanks for the clarification. I'm to connect everything together so I have an accurate understanding of what happened. As for what you said, I'm beyond words. Which leads to the conclusion that these people are psychopath. I don't need to explain, but basically very intelligent, they learned to act Christian and to be better Christians than your average Christian, while being purely soulless and with zero emotions. No heart. Which explains the absolutely evil things they can do to the children and Geoff, it is very obvious what they have done for years is deeply hurting at least one of the kids. But it seems like they don't care whatsoever. And psychopaths, probably from rough childhoods, never expressing and feeling emotions, so dead and cold inside. While raised under strict religious guidelines. And that is very dangerous. Which means of they do evil, they themselves don't view it as evil.
@@stst77 to clarify, the 10-12 people on the wagon that day was a mixture of men, women, and children. I don’t think Geoffrey was in any danger physically from any of us there but I do believe that Titus was trying to get Geoff in legal trouble by bringing his daughters to his house to try to force Geoff to break the no contact order between Geoffrey and his kids on the very first day of the no contact order. I think that’s maybe the single best example of a wicked deed that I’ve seen any Christian ever commit
I wonder if there’s any DNA that shows that Titus has been in that camper but in inappropriate ways? I think that it needs to be swabbed for evidence. Stephanie soon to be ex-husband should get his lawyer to get a subpoena for evidence. That would show past history and help him in his case.
So Aaron think you should focus on something else. Let Titus continue without you interference. Seems you have too much time on your hands. Quit with your aggravating the situation that's none of your business.
@@marykrenek512 on Titus. Assisted by a 13 year old boy about 2-3 years ago per that now 15 year old boy’s testimony in court as well as Titus’ admission in his video called “what does the Bible say about nakedness?”
@@Beyondcategory I am praying he is arrested and charged with these despicable acts!!!! He needs to be held accountable for his actions instead of just flitting through life like it's his playground. I also hope and pray him and Stephanie both are charged with fraud and fraudulent schemes for all they've done. Thank you Aaron for bringing all this to light. Keep up the good work and God bless you!!!!
Mr. Ed couldn't due to hooves, so Titus evil scheme plotted to use a child because he knew no adult would follow his insane self mutilation and hair brained pagan cutting ritual.
i defintely like what you're doing but there are some things i dont agree with....building a church on past drug land? pretty sure its just going to be him and stephs home...not a church
Because of pressure, donations and now on the IRS’s radar, I believe he will do something with the building to make it look like it’s used for ministry in one way or another, but at the end of the day, it’s main purpose will be to be a house.
@@lindaSee89 according to Titus, there is not going to be a church on his property and there’s never been a plan for any church. He calls it a “ house of prayer” but he actually plans to live in it…. And it’s not going to be a “church”
@@Beyondcategory That’s not for you to judge . God is not the author of confusion. And you know exactly what you are doing. Be careful when you are digging a hole for someone. Make sure you dig 2 you will need one for you .
I didn't realize the materials Titus was using were SDA. I actually ordered them, as I thought they were Mennonite. I thought alot of his teaching was geared toward children. I homeschooled my kids and my youngest has severe epilepsy and dysautonomia and being unable to safely do alot I thought there might be some nice things to do with him in the books. He is way out of school age now, but never was able to finish his education due to the impact the illnesses had on his language and comprehension. It is hard to find things that are just right for where he is now. Another reason I ordered the first one was because of a lesson he gave online and I asked about it in comments. He was reading a story about Hannah in the OT and it was embellished quite a bit and I felt that it should be explained... what was the actual scripture and what was made up. I wanted to find that story and see if the editors added any explanation, but I must have ordered the wrong one because I couldn't find it. I had planned to write to the company and explain my concerns.
There's a big difference between Mennonite ideas and the Seventh Day Adventist Church. It's interesting how they don't make it completely clear that they are simply teaching SDA doctrine. That was the first big red flag to me and it is is horrible that they have been misleading people with false doctrine this entire time.
@@joanwilson7781 I agree, there is so much deception. It has also become more common for churches today to claim to be "non-denominational", and then it becomes clear that they obviously lean in one direction or another. I have learned that no church is "non-denominational". "Christian Light" is an actual Mennonite curriculum while the SDA one they are teaching from is called "SonLight", so that could be confusing.
@@nr1785 Often they said that the voicemail was full and that he was busy. So dodging questions and essentially no accountability. Greg Locke is definitely a false teacher. I likely made a comment myself about that. I took that situation as they didn't care who they were associated with. They just wanted to go where a crowd was and where people could come talk to him. That's my assumption.
Titus Morris is promoting a man and channel that is giving death threats to my family, he is a false prophet and GoFundMe fraudster:
P.3: Titus Morris and Stephen Henson have Conspired to give Dea*h Threats and Intimidate Witnesses
Why don’t you go pray instead of judging and trashing people god takes care of those who do wrong
@@vancoe661 I’m not going to cover up such blatantly egregious misdeeds done in the name of “the church” or under the guise of Christianity. “Not on my watch”….
I thought the sun set and rose with Titus. I’m now finding out the knight has kinks in his armor. Satan couldn’t get to the man do he sent a woman. The woman designed this structure to her liking and will live in. We’ve been scammed
Scammed for sure by a horse loving pervert and that wierd woman. I'm glad I found about the guy as Titus had me fooled.
Remember, the devil is very crafty and cunning. Titus is a person in the devils game. Isn’t that ironic since he is supposed to be a man of God. Remember, we do not fight against flesh but principalities and rulers of the darkness. We all need to pray that God will shut all this down with Titus and Stephanie.
The truth should always be told so people won't be deceived by Satan's little helpers .I felt like something was off when he took people under ground to teach God's word. Who does that in the darkness??? Made me think about which spirit he's following. Prayers going out to all his followers may they see the LIGHT AND COME OUT OF THE DARKNESS.
Titus should not be on RUclips. Peter should delete his videos. No one should be around him. Everyone should contact Go Fund Me I think you have up to 1 year to get your money back. Stephanie children should not be with them I scared for them, they should be in school. I don’t understand why people think that this OK.
Why should Peter delete his own videos ? Just because you say so. Are you serious? That’s his job. That’s what he does for a living. lol.
Good grief.
@BlazeLifeHero New people are seeing the videos of Titus, fully trusting Peter and believing Titus is as good as Peter, and running to Titus to give him money. Good thing gofundme blocked some of the accounts.
When Peter makes videos of gangs, at least you know to not support them. It's obvious. But with Titus...
It's also embarrassing, to be in association with a person who practices animal love etc. Even gangsters don't do what Titus did. But I'm sure people will forgive Peter for not knowing who Titus is
@@SlavicNorthWest So, Peter needs to be censored then? This cancel culture gonna have to stop. If people are dumb enough to donate to a guy who thinks he’s too good to pay taxes and into the system, then let them do so.
@@SlavicNorthWest and then there's Peters 7200.00 donation for divorce fund on Stephanie's Poor me site.
Well if all this is true, we can see how adam was destroyed by letting a woman that was used by satan to destroy his relationship with God. This is a lesson once again.
Women are not supposed to really have freedom because we listen to Satan and our emotional
I have a feeling Titus is going to be on a Netflix doc in 5-10 years
This is why people need to be so mindful before buying into and donating to random, feel-good RUclips influencers. This reminds me of Mark Latia’s experience with the Whitaker family. Also, anyone claiming to have a vision of another human’s demise, especially when the person having the “vision” is actively planning a life together with the victim’s wife and kids!! That’s insanely dark and not of God but of something else. Something that needs to be reported to authorities imo. Again, not even five minutes into Peter’s very first video of Titus playing around in the barn, my immediate thought was this is just a man that wants to buck the system and doesn’t want to work. I saw a ton of immaturity and ego in Titus, even in those early videos. Endearing, sure, but not cut out to be a leader of anyone or anything.
@@christinahighsmith4453 wow Christina I think those are some solid observations
Update Stephanie just went to Misty Mountain ordered 2 cook stoves, was told she act like money wasn’t an issue!!!!
Was told something else important but can’t remember right now will post if I remember, planning to go by house tomorrow see if I can update pics of ( cough) church
@@tammiesmith4294 are you suggesting that happened today?
What does this do to non believers, who seeing titus become curious in God, only to be utterly destroyed in their faith because they just met the biggest theif and deciever anyone will met in a lifetime.
I saw comments of people saying they are for the first time drawn to god because of his simplicity.
This will give them so much evidence to never believe in God again, that the only person to inspire them just happens to be a theif who stole 300k and makes love with horses.
I dont see Jesus in Titus, I see the devil who thru him destroys people's faith and trust in major ways.
That’s my primary concern with Titus and Stephanie. They are doing more harm than good for the Kingdom of God. It’s not just nonBelievers either. They are teaching Believers wrong in so many ways and horrible ways not minuscule but significant ways.
They are also shaking the faith of young or immature Believers.
They look good on the outside but inside their fruit is rotten.
@@stst77 I didn't think of that, the harm they do to believers. So true.
Like showing people to divorce, destroy families, take kids from dad's and give them to other men, and so much more.
If Stephanie is such an amazing godly women, then other women can also move to other states against there husband's wills, send private letters to other men, and so much more
Or that Titus is so godly and disobeys everyone. So therefore church is not needed, structure and order is not needed, no elders to correct, just do whatever is right in your eyes.
Apostle Paul, how great he was, was submissive to the Jerusalem church. There was always submission and order.
@@SlavicNorthWest exactly! And also praying for people to die. They are really guiding Believers down a bad path.
I'm kind of one of those people. I always believed in God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ but do not nor have I ever attended church regularly. I liked Titus's style and sympathized ( naively ) with Stephanie's "plight". This experience has soured me on churches and preachers.
It's sad because I finally thought I had found someone who was pure in spirit. Man, was I duped.
Titus is a narcissist who is using religion and people (Stephanie) to reinforce his lack of self respect. Happens all the time. ☹️
@@BeTheChange-25 She might be doing the same thing to him?
In the video where you and your son share your testimony of how you ended up out there, I found it interesting that you both seemed excited to be a part of building a church, but the way he spoke about it, made it sound like he didn't really care about an actual church being built. Something was said to the effect of the church being people, not a building and God working on people as they were working on a church. Sorry, I was looking for the video for exact quotes but couldn't locate it again. You likely remember yourself and can correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, most of the videos seem to be focused on being in the outdoors and he said that a building would just be for when it rains or something like that. So, it does make one wonder if this was ever about a church building for other people. That does not seem to be the case.
@@believestthouthis7 that would have been from October 2023, I’ll try to go back and look at that soon. Thanks for bringing that up.
I now feel that Titus lives the way he does because he had to . He didn’t make enough money to have conveniences in life but he wanted the privacy out of his parents’ home to mess with horses so he just set up a broken down trailer on a piece of land and could do whatever with horses and possibly minors.
However as soon as he got money he started spending it on much more comfortable things and improving his trailer until his new house is built.
If he genuinely desired this lifestyle, he would have continued his church outdoors or in the cave but he coveted much nicer things.
I think he would like a car and driver’s license too but probably because of his end times beliefs is scared to get on the government’s radar by getting a license so he prefers to live without ID.
However, just because he doesn’t have his social security card, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a number that the government can pull up in a snap.
Excellent points!
I'm guessing he even falls out with the volunteers and visitors regularly too, much like a revolving door. Just so that he won't have anyone be there long enough to be able to put two and two together.
Aaron's working background in security, trained him to be alert to details in his surroundings 24/7, my guess.
I think this is all the Lord's doing. Meaning, to expose the hidden dangers lurking around Henson Creep, to the animals, children and who knows what else?
@@gailsharpe7802 you are probably right.
However, if Titus has fall outs, I think it might just be his personality. He was kicked out of a church and small missionary school so fall outs seem to be a part of his personality.
On the other hand, I could see Stephanie purposely whispering things in Titus’ ear to make him distrust or have a fall out with someone she felt was getting too knowledgeable and I could see her purposely running people off like I believe she ran off Titus’ fiancé.
So Titus it happens naturally without him planning it and Stephanie it is carefully crafted unless Titus is smarter and more cunning than I give him credit for.
Food for thought for sure.
I agree about the personality type you describe that just naturally discourages long-term connections. That was more what I had in mind because with Titus I feel it occurs naturally too.
Very friendly to strangers but perhaps hesitant or not so able to establish longer-term connections.
I feel sorry for the current and future volunteers. I hope they do not end up feeling 'used' by a cunning one-man-show enterprise builder.
@@gailsharpe7802 some have already expressed feeling used, insulted, or misled.
@@stst77 would be interesting to hear from her.
Jesus is coming back soon. Hope we're all ready and folks aren't majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors. If you want the real news check out Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Yip. 🎯🙏
As a pastor once said to us.
Plan your work and then work your plan.🙏
Why are u so conserse about titus .and u were his friend .why cant u go talk to him in private .why exposed things out just to make a utube .so what if it was a old trailer where they did meth .the building gone .so are u superstition. Or where ur faith .if titus had done thing wrong let the court deside ....
@@sherrysmith1152 Have you watched any of my other videos about Titus?
@Beyondcategory yes God will deal with our sins .maybe u are consern or ur wanting the world to see hidden thing .but still if I had a close friend I would say something. And maybe u have .and just maybe the people are not listing .people who give money and they don't know .where the money goes .well it their lost if they give it in faith or if they don't need money then that is that .nobody has control but GOD.
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11 ESV)
All Amish have a deep community deep freeze nearby their house.
@@hollycottage2510 well neither Stephanie nor Titus are Amish anyway 😂
@@Beyondcategory they’re not but it’s just an example of people also trying to live off grid and still use a deep freeze.
@@hollycottage2510 you can’t live totally off grid and still use a deep freeze… You’re either either one or the other but you can’t be both. I’m not saying that I’m against deep freezes, but they have kept this a secret and I think it was just another example of how duplicitous they are
Thank you Aaron for the update.
Very interesting and informative.
Great to know you are back!
I saw Titus’s deception and what he was really up when he said he had a home phone (phone booth)!!😂 How do ppl think he and his long time mistress Stephanie Cain were talking for years……hoping that their calls back and forth wouldn’t be traced/found out!!!
This man, Titus Morris, is a false prophet.
“'But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?’-- when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ESV)
“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” (2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV)
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-20 ESV)
Your videos showed me so much truth, and I was so disheartened to find it all out as I was looking at Titus as a teacher figure, but I’m thankful for the truth. He said to pray if we had doubts about him and Stephanie in one of his update videos (what is going on I think is the title) and I did because I had watched your original video saying nothing was going on way back and Titus said that God would show us the truth… well He did, and it was not what Titus I think expected us to find out. But I know God is sovereign and led him to say that for our benefit and work it all out for our good to know the truth in His sovereign will.
Sadly I donated $25 last year and I was not able to get it back… they said it was already spent. I don’t have a lot right now, and I really wanted to give in faith to help build a church. I have now learned to only give to established and certified organizations, like Samaritan’s Purse.
Thank you for your videos, I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. Please keep shining the light of truth and exposing darkness like Ephesians says!
May God bless you 😊
@@sylviaharris159 thank you so much Sylvia I really appreciate your support
@@sylviaharris159 How is that even an acceptable answer to you, I'm sorry that happened to you??? #thieves
Are you serious? Wow I thought Jeff was their enemy???
@@mloy6254 I don’t understand?
This guy is just a little beach. Hes trying to ruin these peoples lives and hes making money spreading gossip too.
Glad to see you're well, went many days without seeing you post anything and i was beginning to wonder if you got kicked off
I’m still here! Thank you so much
Just no content .
Yes, Aaron this is an important stuff, don't stop doing this untill all things go and done the right way
Somebody needs to contact local authorities. This is against the law
I hate to burst your bubble here, but most rural counties in Kentucky don't require building permits or inspections. A few states are like this (I believe 9). I live in unincorporated Johnson County Missouri, and I built my house without ANY inspection or permits of any kind. Hooked up to all modern utiliteis, water, phone, and electricity. Been living here for 30 years now. My mother's home next door? Same way, built in 1971. When it comes to churches... many churches have a deatached parsonage, so it would appear that this new building would be a church with a parsonage as part of it?
Aren't you being a little ridiculous about him using the steel on his porch. He scrapped the trailer, Who cares about that?
@@dinaaperazzo5699 I don’t think it’s ridiculous…it’s ironic isn’t it?
I do… I know of people that write scriptures on the inside beams of their new home. They don’t use meth homes beams.
@@teresarn1965 it’s a really disturbing detail, isn’t it?
@@blondie6549 no, different trailer.
I.believe Adam is a man.of God.who stands up for righteousness. When a man of God. stands up for the truth he will face opposi
tion. There is a lot of here say. against Titus. but the truth will be exposed in the end.
Yep shows they arenot true believers
Thanks Aaron for sharing.
This is a good reminder to always hear both sides before forming an opinion, and not to overlook scriptural transgressions.
Originally, before this went to trial, based on the videos they released they had me fairly convinced that Geoffrey Cain was the bad guy. I overlooked many of the signs, e.g., Stephanie disobeying her husband and Titus encouraging this, Stephanie spending time with Titus a lot including when her husband is not present, Titus’s lawlessness with regards to the government, women speaking during church, etc. What a learning process this has been for me, thanks be to the Lord.
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV)
This scripture was true for me in what we’ve witnessed here:
The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him. (Proverbs 18:17 ESV)
Same here I fell for the Stephanie’s poor me thing as well unfortunately but she’s responsible for breaking up her own marriage and now she’ll unfortunately be the end of Titus and his ministry! Unfortunately a woman has destroyed a many men!!
Love your Profile name 😊🙏🏽
and love your comment.
Wise words ... ... thank you.
@@gailsharpe7802 thank you
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Keep bringing it to light.
@@TruthSeeker-l9k thank you so much
How can they be uploading content most every single day and not do an update on this?
@luckyNkentucky This would by far be the most exciting news yet, to share with the internet. Church is almost built!!! And millions of people would be so excited.
Unless he used the money to build his girlfriend a house from donation money... Because that is a magnificent structure being built on Henson Creek based on today's video and pictures...
How is Titus not feeling extremely awkward right now, but then maybe he is totally clueless if Stephanie controls his online accounts.
There is a possibility that Titus is clueless to what exactly has been exposed about him. She controls his RUclips, and who knows what else
Stay the course Aaron
Titus and Stephanie should have to give back all the money.
I gave in Jesus name let him judge me
Not good what you're doing believe in only half of what you see and none of what you here, you've got to much time on your hands
He is out to destroy Titus by means of his interpretations. His stalking creeps me out.
Sovereign Citizen. They don't obey the 'laws of the land.'
Howdy HOooo!!!!
Thank you Aaron for exposing this awful situation.
That is a House of Adultery.
I am appalled ,that Titus and Steaphnie are doing these things.
Doing what? Building a house or church building? I know hes said he was building a church and a house so it's not like he misused donations.
Get a life and get off of his
I am glad you’re back. Keep showing what needs to be seen.
Who cares 🤷♂️
I have a warning for the owner of this channel and the individuals commenting here who are sitting in judgement of this man. I say this from the stance of someone who is not personally involved with this matter in any way whatsoever. You are putting your soul in GRAVE DANGER. I was reading these comments and felt a STRONG conviction from the Holy Spirit. Here are a few scriptures that highlight why. "Forgive us as we forgive our debtors." Matthew 6:12 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Matthew 7:2. Finally, please read the parable of the unforgiving student in Matthew (18:21-35). That story is really scary. The servant was forgiven an UNPAYABLE debt (like Jesus did for US on the cross), yet could not forgive others small debts. What became of him in the end was not good. There is only ONE Christian response to any wrongdoing that is going on, and that is to pray for the person. To hold someone up to public shame is to invite the mighty judgement of God upon yourself.
@@MichelleLovesJesus4ever I’m not judging, just exposing evil so that Titus’ followers can make an informed decision
Maybe you should look-up what the Bible says about bestiality and false prophecy before casting your stones.
@@Gracie-gf9nb Have you never sinned? ALL sin is a stench in the nostrils of God.
@@Gracie-gf9nb Just warning people to not be like the religious leaders who were about to stone the adulterous woman to death. Yet our merciful Lord told the one without sin to cast the first stone. Are you without sin? If not, beware of casting stones, as you place yourself in spiritual danger. This is not bullying, this is biblical truth. Love your enemies, says the Lord.
Perhaps you intended to give a gentle reminder to people who are quick to judge others. If so, you could be on the wrong forum in my opinion. Your actual words and the tone used, came across to me as being judgemental yourself and much too quick to assume the worse rather than the least offence committed by commenting viewers.
I too find myself in the same dilema at times. Seeing the need in me to express myself more in line with my actual thoughts rather than how the words quickly flow too harshly at times.
It is a work in progress for some of us and I hope you will consider joining those of us who are still struggling to be as gentle in word as our heart intends.
God bless ❤🙏🏽
Why is it that you have done all these things with this person and now are bringing him out and saying things about him? What did he do to you? That was so bad and thanks for sharing.
@@robertgianotti1860 go back and watch the previous 20-25 videos made between 08-20-24 and 10-28-24 and it will make much more sense
I think Stephanie used her gofundme divorce money to buy the land in her mom’s name in hopes of winning the house and land as well as more money in the divorce.
Also I don’t know about liberty, ky but in my hometown once you reach 60, you don’t have to pay property taxes or if you do it’s just $10/year. So it could be a way to dodge taxes too.
I keep saying Stephanie isn’t this gentle little naive country bumpkin that she wants to pass herself off as. She is actually a very shrewd, cunning and calculating woman.
Titus isn’t that smart but he happily will go along with anything to have his way. So Stephanie is the brain in the duo and Titus is the charismatic face and personality that wins people over.
@@stst77 very interesting observations!
Did you notice in all the earlyvideos she wouldn't even say a word in the videos nor answer comments. Even years back. She only started speaking on camera videos & in comments after the money started. I noticed that right away.
@@GlenviewTops885 i hadn’t paid attention to that but now that you point it out that seems to be true. And why was she so insistent that her children be in the videos?
What about the divorce and the children? This is like reading a book and it ends with a cliffhanger
@@normameek2441 keep hanging on, no word just yet
So, do you feel Stephanie wanted a relationship with Titus a long time ago? If so, how did she deal with the other women he wanted to marry? I saw him tell that man, Pete, he had a girlfriend. That was not all that long ago, was it?
According to Titus before he ever knew her, Titus was already making YT videos, Stephanie watched them, and looked him up. She was married with children living in another state but called him and asked as a complete stranger if she could move in with him. He said no because she was married but she later got her husband to move near Titus. Her husband didn’t want to leave but she has her way of demanding and manipulating to get what she wants. I doubt her husband knew she was wanting to be near Titus. After moving near him she immediately made contact with him and started volunteering to work for him. She would cook and clean for him. According to Stephanie she spent “every day “ with Titus. She said as soon as her husband left for work she went to Titus house and spent the whole day. She went 7 days a week. According to volunteers she would stay at his house until 10 pm every day. So the answer to the first question is Stephanie chased Titus strongly.
The answer to the second question is Stephanie ran off the fiancé and according to volunteers any single woman that showed interest in Titus or Titus showed interest in them, she ran them off too. She is very possessive of Titus even though she is a married woman.
@@stst77 Thank you for the info. I had watched quite a few videos, but not all. The kids were in alot of early ones, too, and my husband thought they were Titus' children. Rarely did I see a woman with him and the kids so I was confused for a long while about whose children they were.
Of course anyone would have thought they are Titus's kids because that is why Stephanie wants.
So she would post pictures in the thumbnails of Titus with her kids. That's exactly what she wanted to portray, and that is what she wants in reality.
Which really shows that total is totally screwed. Now that she figured out the court system, once she settles down she'll screw him to and get everything he has.
Plus with what he testified and the crimes he continues doing, he'll likely end up locked up and Stephanie will be a queen.
I doubt Stephanie loves Titus whatsoever, but she saw him from afar and realized how much she could milk him.
She very well knew his potential and invested in him, now everything belongs to her.
Every penny given to Titus was for Stephanie, because that house on 250k is being built for her.
She'll get the house and kick him out into the camper.
Sorry I posted the below comment on the wrong channel!!
The amish are a crafty sly people ,titus has learned well from them
He is.making great progress on.the.building. We look forward to him finishing it and.putting it to use. It is awesome.the worship house.will have.a.living quarters.
Great video.
@@tandolls757 thank you. It’s a shame that it has to be made.
So apparently Stephanie already blew thru well of 30k on this new laywer between May thru August or something.
On her Gofundme, on 05/09 she states she got her new laywer. And at that time had 24k minimum left.
But when Connie Bright posted they ran out, there is no date. But donations stopped awhile back, so 30k in just 3 months on a laywer?
Plus, the hilarious details. She already knew the attorney will work specifically 47 hours, etc. The details raised way too many questions for me, like shes trying way to hard to blow peoples minds.
Btw, if she spent the money on the 14 acres, when was it registered as purchased by Connie, sometime after February when they got all that money?
One more thing that struck me as odd, the gofundme mentions legal fees, expenses, housing.
Housing?! She lives at titus for free!!! Plus titus got over 300k with all the gofundmes and who knows how many private checks.
I wouldn't doubt they have already got more than 400k easy from people.
And here I am, barely enough money to fuel up living paycheck to paycheck.
They make so much off of donations, that for them its a piece of cake to just make stuff up to ask for more.
So many things just don't seem right and don't add up. Everything seems fake and wierd with titus and stephanie, especially once they became very rich. Few people will ever see the kind of money that they received in a span of a year. We pay our houses off 30 years, they in 1 year with zero interest or credit cards.
They started a second gofundme for lawyer’s fees so people would not see the accumulated total.
@stst77 thanks for letting me know, the 2nd one is $13,300 posted by Connie bright.
Ugh, so much deception!!!
I've actually never seen that before. Normal people open 1 gofundme, but to have 4+ at one time? That's crazy!!!
And 2 pictures of her slaving away holding the camera for Titus. Such hard work, definitely a 500k per year job to hold a camera and upload a video on youtube. I know people who went through divorce and worked several jobs cleaning houses, here she just holds a camera and begs and gets thousands.
I thought the Bible says to do good in private and God will openly bless you. Not posting pictures and videos of how hard she works for the ministry... She is getting the glory, not God.
What a poor God stephanie has, who clearly can not provide for her. Therefore she needs to beg for money.
My God that I serve takes care of me abundantly and I don't need to beg and prove how he can't take care of me
Don't forget what they're also making off ad revenues from their multiple YT channels.
Titus, Stephanie, and her mom Connie are nothing but grifters and I hope they get sued by everyone that donated to them.
@@rachael943this is so deceptive, why is no one starting a class action?
Lawsuits against unbelievers:
“When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! So if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers? To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? But you yourselves wrong and defraud--even your own brothers! Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:1-11 ESV)
@@Theenduranceofthesaints he has refused all forms of accountability (deacons, elders, seminary, etc)…Titus has clearly stated that this is not a church. Therefore I submit to you that this is a cult and the scriptural reference above does not apply to him
@@Beyondcategory Very interesting. Thank you for the background information. Keep up the good work!
Love your bible quotes ... .. so on point.
Please keep them coming.
Can Titus actually bring a court case, as Plaintiff, against someone if he has no legal governmental identity?
I think Geoff filing for a divorce from Stephanie in the first place (Cain vs Cain) was required by governmental law because they were married in a civil ceremony?
That way the court decisions regarding the legal marital status of Geoff and Stephanie after the divorce is final, as well as the dividing of their financial assets, could only be accomplished through a court decision, my opinion.
Go on my Brother. Expose away.🙏👏👏👏 This not only needs exposing, but is imperative,it is done so. God Bless from G & T ❤🙏
I agree this not only needs to be exposed but also regular reminders need to keep going out as long as Titus and Stephanie remain in active ministry because people have short memories and new people are always coming along discovering them for the first time.
So for the sake of all the new comers this information has to be repeated otherwise it gets swept under the carpet, forgotten and more innocent people fall into their hands.
💯 agree. I could not have said it better myself.
There are new people finding the original popular videos on Peter's channel every day and they don't know any of the backstory. They just see an innocent, interesting fellow and are inspired. I agree that it bears repeating to protect others.
@@believestthouthis7 i know. It’s through Peter almost everyone is introduced to Titus in a very positive light. I really wish Peter would take down those videos. I know they are making him money but he should consider the damage he is doing by keeping them up. I know people have brought this up to him but so far he hasn’t removed them to my knowledge.
Dude you have a Big problem and it’s not just Titus Morris
@@JustIntoIt truth bother you much?
How about letting the guy live?His life and you live your life😮
People make the church; not the materials.
Why did you delete my comment....did you feel convicted for what I posted. Actually two post!
@@lindan1973 what posts are you referring to?
@@lindan1973 I don’t think I did
@lindan1973 what are you talking about I see every single comment you have made on this channel!!
i do believe if he would of built a church properly he could of had a living quarters no problem ..had it not been for all his scandals , horses , the pond the botched circumcission and praying for the lord to strike someone down but he still has a strong following dont know how many he lost several i'm sure
@@mynameisearl598 that’s a lot of scandals for a guy that’s not even Amish 🤔
Titus is very clever and crafty
Aaron, I encourage you to continue moving forward. You're doing a great job on research. God's blessings to you. 🕊
@@karena3102 thank you Karen
Aaron, I would like to see videos of you exploring caves. I remember you saying you used to go to a lot of caves in the past. Do you think you will be exploring anymore soon? It would be so neat to see things like that. I love to explore and have always wanted to do it myself but haven’t had the opportunity. We have small caves here but nothing big like you have done.
@@ashleyderrick2699 I’d love to make some of those type of videos soon as well as show some slides of cave photos from back in the day
Was it true that Stephanie also was making a list of what people could send
I'm not sure - probably? But I did similar things
The Amazon Wishlist. The unpacking of packages you can hear Stephanie say about what was on wishlist.
@@Oce67 I’m not really sure about that to be honest
@@Beyondcategory she made a wish list, a lot of the stuff that was sent was really expensive like generators, food processors etc
I never looked up their lists but I have seen other commenters who saw and even sent stuff on Stephanie’s wish list.
According to others, she had wish lists on several major shopping sites like Amazon, Walmart, and a couple of others. They said she was requesting expensive things as well as personal items that are not church related just stuff for her own personal use, not even for Titus.
It’s my opinion that once Stephanie saw how much money titus brought in from gofundme, the dollar signs started flashing before her eyes. She then got rid of her husband and started riding on Titus’ coat tails.
She started several gofundme accounts, a PayPal and patreon account. She started more YT channels. And started asking for personal check donations to her or to her mom for herself.
She also ran off Titus’s fiancé and any other competition, moved her dog in with Titus to stake her claim with him, and then whittled her way into essentially claiming for herself all of Titus’ gofundme money started by Peter.
One person said she even started asking volunteers to pay to come work for them!!!
She tries to pass herself off as a poor, penniless woman, but actually I think she has a lot of money she’s just trying to fleece viewers and trying to pull the wool over the judge’s eyes to fleece her husband.
Hello Aaron, hope you are well. Thank you again for the updates. Keep up the good work. I support you.
Also does anyone remember Onslow?
I think that was his name?
He was a volunteer way back and was homeless.
He travelled for miles across states, to get to Titus's place.
Stephanie cut his hair.
What happened to Onslow?
I ask because didn't apparently a volunteer disappear on Titus's land?
That is worrying.
What happened to that volunteer?
Remember that cave where Titus would take folks to have a bible study, well isn't there a deep hole in there?!
I wouldn't be the least surprised if that missing volunteer ended up down that chasm.
Onslo probably accidentally walked in on Titus humping a horse and said to himself I'm getting out of this joint! 🐴🤠
Ya know, at this rate, it really seems like you're just starting to harass the guy! I mean, I get it. You guys had your fall out, and his past is questionable at best....but come on, man, gtfo on with it and onto something else. SOMETHING POSITIVE!!
Titus has snakes working around him. And Haters
You are doing an excellent job exposing the two frauds. You mention the word "craft".... Titus is almost like a sorcerer in the sense he can almost put a spell on you. I came across your channel by accident but glad I did because all of this truth you are sharing snapped me out of it.
The house next to me used to be a Meth lab (A few years before I arrived) in a nice clean middle class small town neighborhood (Population 4000). There was a second house were the product was sold. The neighbors told me of their struggles getting this recognized and cleared up. One might ask how did this occur? Apparently, the son of a prominent family moved in with his wife. There was no trouble or illegal activity, the prooerty was kept up etc., until one day his wife left. It was told to me that some time after things went south. The gradual nature of the occurrence and the son's connections, caused allot of trouble getting the situation resolved (Small town movement and politics). Eventually law enforcement built their case and cleared it up. The houses were sold and are now in good shape with good owners.
Titus certainly has his issues to confront, though I wouldn't say his use of "tainted" beams or property are among them. One can use "spiritual" talk and claim it illustrates the victory of God over evil etc. The accusations, addressed in this post, appears petty and takes away from other concerns that Beyond Category has brought and should bring to light.
PS I have lived in many different places, urban and rural, where there are similarities and differences that can affect situations and outcomes. Confronting drug dealers, directly or indirectly, can be tricky in either environment. Rural areas (Titus is more rural than where I live) where police are spread wide and thin, police ability and training can be suspect, easier to hide, people live further away from each other etc. can make such confrontations uniquely problematic. Titus had his reasons. Collusion doesn't necessarily have to be one of them. As the activity has apparently stopped, at least on the property Titus owns, who cleared out the drug dealers etc. from the trailers? Where are the suspects? Maybe they left as folks made their "pilgrimage" to Titus? More research is needed, including the other structure close by, to see if clarity can be achieved.
Bottom line: Even if other problems are evident, one should apply a fairly rigorous level of activity in all inquires, acquiring information and verification, before making strong statements. In other words, I would keep to the facts and be careful about conjecture.
Please do not misunderstand, the information provided has its strong points that shouldn't be ignored. My hope is that one will focus on the strong points in order to not dilute the message.
I hear petty points in this video. When talking about a drug place across the street in a way that seems like wanting to manipulate thoughts of him having a part in what had happened there is the work of Satan.
The forbidden woman - a warning against adultery:
“My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge. For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless, lest strangers take their fill of your strength, and your labors go to the house of a foreigner, and at the end of your life you groan, when your flesh and body are consumed, and you say, "How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof! I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my instructors. I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation." Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love. Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress? For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his paths. The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin. He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.” (Proverbs 5:1-23 ESV)
“My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call insight your intimate friend, to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words. For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice, and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense, passing along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house in the twilight, in the evening, at the time of night and darkness. And behold, the woman meets him, dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart. She is loud and wayward; her feet do not stay at home; now in the street, now in the market, and at every corner she lies in wait. She seizes him and kisses him, and with bold face she says to him, "I had to offer sacrifices, and today I have paid my vows; so now I have come out to meet you, to seek you eagerly, and I have found you. I have spread my couch with coverings, colored linens from Egyptian linen; I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey; he took a bag of money with him; at full moon he will come home." With much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him. All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. And now, O sons, listen to me, and be attentive to the words of my mouth. Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths, for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.” (Proverbs 7:1-27 ESV)
Brother I'm going to be praying for you. Brother Titus is anointed and he's doing what God is called him to do. And yet you are supposed to friend and here you are pin pin pricking his life. Just because there are people doing drugs before their doesn't mean that there will be now God has a bigger plan and you're not trusting it. Prayers up for you in Jesus mighty name amen
@@Nathaniel-watchersforjesus Titus has made a false prophecy and has admitted that he’s planning to marry Stephanie and move into the house of prayer - does this not bother you?
@@Beyondcategory well then surely she's going to divorce the other guy who actually abused her children. I guarantee our father is more graceful and loving because love conquers all I don't know what you're talking about where sounds like you would just want her to do it all by herself
@@Nathaniel-watchersforjesus I don’t think you know what you’re talking about?
@@Beyondcategory ok bud,but ill still be praying for you. I would not want to be casting stones at people. Jesus didn't even throw a stone at the adulterous he is our example. ☺️🩵💙
I think you're just reaching. Why does it matter where the materials came from
Who cares man. Why are you so obsessed with Titus and his personal affairs. You should stop this. Remember, in the same manner you judge others Aaron, the same manner you will also be judged in. Just stop. I gave Titus money and I don't care what he does with it as long as he is still seeking God. Remember the go fund me was a Peter thing and Titus didn't ask for all this.
@@treemanjr with all the respect, sir, you seem to have a pretty low standard for what you expect to be done with your money. I’m not judging Titus, just exposing his misdeeds.
@@deborahsmouse368 why do you say that?
Only defamation if it is untrue. Aaron shows his evidence.
Is Titus so desperate to get married to Stephanie?
@@sharonadams270 that’s a great question. Perhaps a more revealing question to answer is why is a man who is leading a ministry that is almost 33 years old who has a demonstrated history of wanting to marry several different females (there’s at least several more than you are already aware of, and I’m not at liberty to disclose those details at this time), why is he still unmarried? What compelled him to s.x abuse horses for 14 years? What compelled him to circumcise himself? I don’t believe he cut off his own foreskin for “health” reasons…I believe that’s a coverup. Think about it. I suspect it’s much worse
I think titus is way more interested in getting custody of the children than marrying Stephanie. Stephanie on the other hand seems more interested in nabbing titus than she is in taking care of her children or maintaining her marriage. She will throw it all away to have Titus.
@@stst77 if she were to marry him then divorce him, then who would own the “house of prayer”? 🤔
@@Beyondcategory she would fight to get it AND every inch of land he owns. She would also be using all his past against him.
What would be interesting to find out also is if Titus & Stephanie should choose not to use a civil marriage ceremony to get married.
That way, no original paper or digitally documented 'Marriage Certificate' would be available to the public.
Not available in Casey Counry clerk's office or a copy in some Christian ministers church files or even as a copy sometimes kept by some Notary Public(s) who are allowed to officiate civil marriage ceremonies.
The above possible scenario was hinted at in a much earlier comment on this channel by someone who said they were repeating what they thought (they were not 100% sure) they had heard referenced on one of the Titus's channels.
They thought they may have heard reference to the possibility, instead, of marriage vows being exchanged between two people with each also making a vow to God. Somewhat like the bible refers to. But not using a civil, governmental type marriage ceremony recognized by the civil, governmental court system.
My guess is that in the eyes of the court such a couple would not be considered married under governmental law.
That said, if there is such a thing as 'common law relationship status' recognized by the civil court, for a man and a woman who have been cohabitting for a long period of time, then maybe a financial division of property might be considered by the court, upon the couple separating. My opinion.
Now, with all the muddy water currently surrounding how the building shown in this video is being financed, and the possibility of misguided or even possible fraudulent tactics that may have been used to raise the money for the building, any future separating of their ways by Titus and Stephanie does not bode well for them.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we set out to deceive.
Your obsession is off the rails. Thank you for the warning, but now I had enough of you
@@chrisgrui1993 sorry you feel that way
Permits must be visually posted in front on a pole, there is no permit for that structure.
wow how could you make any money on You tube without your judging and spreading bad things about Titus
@@nancyhaley6893 ain’t no judging, just exposing the truth. Does the truth bother you?
Did you have romantic interest in her? Why are you so bitter? Leave it alone!
BTW Aaron,
When are you going to tell your fans how and where they can send you cash or kind in donations to support your wonderful channel?
Please don't be so shy 😅🤣😅🤣
This man needs to be in jail get some kind of sick person 😮 bestiality is very sick
@@carmelagreen586 14 years worth
Here to get Church exemption even for your home there's a very minimal attendee and services schedule requirement for tax free credit, it's easy so likely and then legally registered as a Church. Donors gave $ gifts to Titus whim and there's what you all got nice and legal !
But people were never told their donated money would be used to build a home? Or even a home for whom? Right?
I think that is Aaron's point and the reason that the focus currently on this channel is to try to get justice for all those who feel that they have been mislead by the GoFundMe(s) they donated to. My opinion.
Was any mention made in any of the GoFundMe appeals that the donated funds would be used to build a House of Health?
Which GoFundMe?
According to Aaron in earlier video(s?) Titus said it is not a 'church'.
In another video Aaron explains that he asked Titus if there would be a Deacon structure and Titus said no.
So what honest follower of Jesus Christ is going to CHOOSE to bind themself to a heretical practicing one-man-show? My opinion.
Who is wheat and who is tare?
How does the Bible define each?
So what exactly did people donate to in each GoFundMe?
If ... ... BIG if. ... ... it is not a church and not following biblical guidelines in the New Testament as to HOW the church, the bride of Jesus Christ, is to function here on earth as we await our bridegroom's coming in the clouds to meet us in the air and to take all believers alive or 'asleep' with Him?
So what makes some viewers (by their comments on this channel and on Titus's several channels) still choose to keep pretending that all is well with their one-man-show, always-shifting-positions cult leader? My opinion.
@@gailsharpe7802 yes. He is not following biblical principles for a church. Also, if you watch him, he may quote one verse from the Bible with no context and then there is a lot of his own thoughts. Also, his voice changes dramatically between his normal conversation voice and his preaching voice.
Agree 👍
@@gailsharpe7802 A gift given visualized and constructed through the unique imagination of the receiver is normal, even if a Church.
Do you think GoFundMe will agree with you?
I'm not sure I understand what you wrote 😊
Care to elaborate?
What does he plan to do with his mobile home he lives in now?
Airbnb for folks who want to come & worship him?
Shelter for volunteer laborers?
Doghouse escape for when Stephanie gets mad at him?
Storage for their abundant donations?
@@truthpilgrim or all of the above…
All of the above ... 😂
More storage space for all the wishlist stuff?
What ever happened to the issue of the divorce? Did Stephanie get custody of the children? does anyone know?
He refuses to shut down the camera. I am seeing why they chose not to.
With friends like you who needs enemies. Trying to make something out of nothing.man get your own LIFE STOP THE BACK STABBING
@@ronbartley4116 false
the Amish have church in their homes. I donated to him and am trying to fig out what's going on..
First time posting on your channel Aaron, but seems like quite a few comments get deleted...
I saw you comment about Stephanie and Titus breaking into the home. I tried to reply but it didn’t go through and I can’t find that comment of yours now, but I wanted to say from my understanding Stephanie went in the house too.
Titus I believe climbed up the house and got in through an upper window and may have opened a door or window from inside for her to go in. I am not certain of the details.
However, the reason Geoff called the police was there was in writing a court order for Stephanie not to go in the house. The judge was going to divide the property. It wasn’t for Stephanie to divide.
This breaking in the house was brought up to the first judge and he wasn’t happy about it.
They got away with it because Stephanie feigned innocence saying the police said it was fine. The problem was the police didn’t know the details of the court order. The police have to follow court orders. Stephanie and Titus KNEW about the court orders but blatantly went against them as they went against other court orders. They have NO respect for authority or the law. They do what they want, YET they make up ridiculous rules for their volunteers such as they can’t use spices or pepper on food! They want to be obeyed but are unwilling to obey.
@stst77 Thank you for responding. I only heard it from Aaron once but don't remember in what video he mentioned.
But that would be very dishonest on Stephanie's end.
One thing to say she walked in her own house, but sure would be nice if she would add additional details like she had a gang with her crawp8ng into the house and also was breaking court orders.
I just recently heard of this, but what was Geoffs reaction knowing men are crawling through windows in his house.
It's frustrating how she will write a short lying hateful sentence about Geoff, and then people start donating tons of money.
Just the level of manipulation deception on her part...
@@SlavicNorthWest Stephanie and Titus both have told many lies and half truths to get money.
I think you are mixing two different stories about the house. The breaking in story was just Titus and Stephanie.
A second story was one Aaron told of when Stephanie first left Titus she made a false abuse report to the police which resulted in a restraining order against Geoff so he couldn’t be around his children. The judge later threw out the complaint because it was so bogus and her eye witness (Titus’ dad admitted he NEVER saw any abuse). Anyway, during the time there was a restraining order Titus sent a group of about 10 men and Geoff’s daughters to Geoff’s house while Geoff was home. It was to torment him and provoke him.
Can you imagine, you legally aren’t allowed to see or talk to your children, then this other man who is trying to take your children comes to your house with them and flaunts in your face he has them and you don’t. It’s so wicked.
If Geoff said anything to his children he could have been arrested for breaking the restraining order. If he retaliated against Titus, Titus had a whole gang of men to beat the living daylights out of him. Geoff played his cards right and didn’t get baited into the trap. Titus and Stephanie were deliberately trying to set him up. I can’t imagine how hard it was to restrain himself, but he did.
These were two separate events that we know about.
We also know from the first judge that Stephanie was wiring the children and sending them to Geoff’s home to record everything said. These are very wicked and vindictive people, just the opposite of how they portray themselves to be.
@stst77 Thanks for the clarification. I'm to connect everything together so I have an accurate understanding of what happened.
As for what you said, I'm beyond words.
Which leads to the conclusion that these people are psychopath. I don't need to explain, but basically very intelligent, they learned to act Christian and to be better Christians than your average Christian, while being purely soulless and with zero emotions. No heart.
Which explains the absolutely evil things they can do to the children and Geoff, it is very obvious what they have done for years is deeply hurting at least one of the kids. But it seems like they don't care whatsoever.
And psychopaths, probably from rough childhoods, never expressing and feeling emotions, so dead and cold inside. While raised under strict religious guidelines.
And that is very dangerous. Which means of they do evil, they themselves don't view it as evil.
@@stst77 to clarify, the 10-12 people on the wagon that day was a mixture of men, women, and children. I don’t think Geoffrey was in any danger physically from any of us there but I do believe that Titus was trying to get Geoff in legal trouble by bringing his daughters to his house to try to force Geoff to break the no contact order between Geoffrey and his kids on the very first day of the no contact order. I think that’s maybe the single best example of a wicked deed that I’ve seen any Christian ever commit
I wonder if there’s any DNA that shows that Titus has been in that camper but in inappropriate ways? I think that it needs to be swabbed for evidence. Stephanie soon to be ex-husband should get his lawyer to get a subpoena for evidence. That would show past history and help him in his case.
Wow, the place is looking amazing! You guys have put so much work in already! Can't wait to see more progress! 🙏🙏🙏
@@TheMantaRae did you happen to watch the video?
@@Beyondcategorygo way!
This is hilarious tbh
So Aaron think you should focus on something else. Let Titus continue without you interference. Seems you have too much time on your hands. Quit with your aggravating the situation that's none of your business.
❤ missing you
@@feathersflowers7102 what are you missing?
When was and who was the circumsission on and with?
@@marykrenek512 on Titus. Assisted by a 13 year old boy about 2-3 years ago per that now 15 year old boy’s testimony in court as well as Titus’ admission in his video called “what does the Bible say about nakedness?”
Couldn't he face charges for this. It happened just a few years ago @@Beyondcategory
@@BettyOurs yes, yes he could (!)
@@Beyondcategory I am praying he is arrested and charged with these despicable acts!!!! He needs to be held accountable for his actions instead of just flitting through life like it's his playground. I also hope and pray him and Stephanie both are charged with fraud and fraudulent schemes for all they've done. Thank you Aaron for bringing all this to light. Keep up the good work and God bless you!!!!
Mr. Ed couldn't due to hooves, so Titus evil scheme plotted to use a child because he knew no adult would follow his insane self mutilation and hair brained pagan cutting ritual.
i defintely like what you're doing but there are some things i dont agree with....building a church on past drug land? pretty sure its just going to be him and stephs home...not a church
Because of pressure, donations and now on the IRS’s radar, I believe he will do something with the building to make it look like it’s used for ministry in one way or another, but at the end of the day, it’s main purpose will be to be a house.
I donated for the the church up on the hill. Is this the property? Then that’s the moble home up on the hill.
@@lindaSee89 according to Titus, there is not going to be a church on his property and there’s never been a plan for any church. He calls it a “ house of prayer” but he actually plans to live in it…. And it’s not going to be a “church”
Aaron touch not the lords anointed and do his prophet no harm
I don’t believe he’s anointed or a prophet whatsoever
@@Beyondcategory That’s not for you to judge . God is not the author of confusion. And you know exactly what you are doing. Be careful when you are digging a hole for someone. Make sure you dig 2 you will need one for you .
@@kevmag2825 I’m just exposing information for people to be able to make informed decisions about a “ministry”
@@kevmag2825 Good thing these statements clarification !
People should mind their own business
@toddstevenson8566 does that include me, you, or just everyone else in the world? 🤔
@Beyondcategory all off the above
I didn't realize the materials Titus was using were SDA. I actually ordered them, as I thought they were Mennonite. I thought alot of his teaching was geared toward children. I homeschooled my kids and my youngest has severe epilepsy and dysautonomia and being unable to safely do alot I thought there might be some nice things to do with him in the books. He is way out of school age now, but never was able to finish his education due to the impact the illnesses had on his language and comprehension. It is hard to find things that are just right for where he is now. Another reason I ordered the first one was because of a lesson he gave online and I asked about it in comments. He was reading a story about Hannah in the OT and it was embellished quite a bit and I felt that it should be explained... what was the actual scripture and what was made up. I wanted to find that story and see if the editors added any explanation, but I must have ordered the wrong one because I couldn't find it. I had planned to write to the company and explain my concerns.
There's a big difference between Mennonite ideas and the Seventh Day Adventist Church. It's interesting how they don't make it completely clear that they are simply teaching SDA doctrine. That was the first big red flag to me and it is is horrible that they have been misleading people with false doctrine this entire time.
@@believestthouthis7 True, but, unfortunately, there are other churches that do that, too. I grew up in one.
I agree, there is so much deception. It has also become more common for churches today to claim to be "non-denominational", and then it becomes clear that they obviously lean in one direction or another. I have learned that no church is "non-denominational".
"Christian Light" is an actual Mennonite curriculum while the SDA one they are teaching from is called "SonLight", so that could be confusing.
Often they said that the voicemail was full and that he was busy. So dodging questions and essentially no accountability. Greg Locke is definitely a false teacher. I likely made a comment myself about that. I took that situation as they didn't care who they were associated with. They just wanted to go where a crowd was and where people could come talk to him. That's my assumption.
Information from owner I’m thinking last week if I heard right
@@tammiesmith4294 ohhh last week. Roger