The adjustments to snipers aren't really nerfs, more "listening to feedback" as the snipers were scoping out too much, which made them impractical for some maps and hard to use for most others.
I'm on ps4 I only use snipers that have under 10x zoom, anything higher is just a pain, like the monocle with its 15.5x zoom and the 22x scopes are just unplayable.
yeah, I try not to use a scope over 7-8x because the field isn't usually large enough to make effective use of anything higher. And the 15x scope? Holy Hell!
@Sechs0rBecks That is not far from the truth xD. And it is even worse because i think you need to aim down sight with the monocle in order to get the crit bonus from it. So to get the big damage you have to put up with that absurd magnification.
100 slots personal cache per character (they can even use SDU's for all I care), and the shared vault in it's current condition would pretty much eliminate any storage issues. 100 slots per character is more than enough to keep gear for multiple loadouts. Realistically all it should take is creating a reskin of the current shared vault, and programming it to be per character instead.
You mean to tell me that on Mayhem 3 you do not enjoy immediately exiting your iron bear after entering it due to extreme amounts of damage? I thought that was half the fun of the game. 😂
This is the reason i don't play Moze right now. It's no fun for my if you can't use the Action Skill of a Vault Hunter because it's too weak. I rather have a broken Moze in her Iron Bear then a broken Moze without it.
The pets for sure need to be cooler like different abilities that synergize with your build maybe idk a frost Skag or shock so you can have more versatility like you literally just use them for their passives maybe they could have made flak way cooler by really being able to control enemies and making them do the dirty work on each other and turning the creatures of the wasteland into a potent weapon they really could have done it better honestly
@@smegintheheads822 the fact that they're doing that but flak is getting bullied the most is annoying like if they actually tested the game this wouldn't need to happen
@@renno2679 yeah but they said they will address that in future patchs. so it sounds like they want to remove that kind of play style for whatever reason.
@@jodyboles8208 they know this build was intended to have infinite nades but because they didn't test their actual game n see how op it was now they gonna patch it n say it was "unintentional" pathetic really
@@zero3644 idk if thats the case but it might be since i heard one of the tool tip in the loading screen talking bout infinite nades but yeah it is pretty dumb that they are trying to get rid of it. i seriously hope they buff iron bear if they do that though at least.
Dude glad you had fun after I hit meyhem with him I started a moze and blasted to Max level he takes so much more work than the other hunters and most of the time it's just not worth it but I played him at launch too
@@kevinsaltz7849 You need to play him defensive with most Undercover skills and spam grenades with his grenade restoration skill instead of using a second action skill.
It’s nice to see some of these buffs. But man, we need more buffs. Moze’s mech and flak’s pets are still garbage. Half of amaras augments/action skills suck too. Rocket launchers need a desperate buff
Trash I disagree. The only action skill worth using is phasgrasp at the moment (or any variant of phasegrasp). The other action skills don’t do like - any - damage, while if you use phasegrasp that links nearby enemies, you can clear a room in 5 shots.
For me at least reduced scope zoom levels are actually good, because not only I never need super high zoom levels for crits, they actually make it harder for me to track moving enemies and see the surroundings.
What would be awesome if they fixed the visibility when picking up zane‘s shield, can pretty much hip fire only especially when the badass zealots keep firing their double projectile increased splash radius rocket fire rate and accuracy launchers at you
I agree. I want to run an infinite action skill cryo Zane with bubble shield but the screen is soooo distorted it's hard to even tell what you are looking at. Rough rider speed Zane it is for now then...
Yeah, best way I've found to deal with them is to either use a "Cost Effective" Atlas rifle and hide after I tag them with a tracker. or toss out a lot of Tediore "Turret" SMGs
yeah seriously this game isnt pubg. there was no reason to have scopes bigger than you can get in that game when the engagement distances are significantly smaller
Matti right. I feel like the only time you could really get away with fighting from far away is in co-op, but by then, your friends are going to be killing everything rather quickly anyway.
Now all they need to do is make Iron Bear actually useful in endgame content besides jumping right out of it so it can fire weakening rockets that still don't do much
@@PostMetropolitanBard5043 They didn't buff pets, The only thing they changed was a skill that increases the passives your pet give you, They still die instantly the majority of the time which makes them trash outside of a gamma burst build.
Well i have the maggie that disagrees (granted a god roll). It has binary+masher (x6), and only -23% damage and 9 in the mag. :D makes it better than most mashers
I’m so glad that Phasegrasp was buffed cause it was so annoying that I had to be so close to enemies to grab them when I wanted to use a sniper rifles or something g
Here’s basically how they treat moze: We know your iron bear doesn’t scale well so you’ve come up with some rather crazy build to compensate for mayhem 3 and iron bears lacking (WHICH IS YOUR ULTIMATE) to keep up with other VH’s but now we’re going to nerf your builds along with not scaling iron bear here you go hopefully you enjoy your character on mayhem 3 suffer
It’s a joke man....they said the nade build was not intended to be a build although it’s hilarious? That makes no sense, aren’t the players supposed to create their own unique style of play, now they’re just making the good chars shit because they fked Zane up. Loot online still sucks. The mech suit is trash I don’t use it at all.
Facts!!! Just nerfing her until shes on the same level as iron bear.... which is useless smh..... but of course all the fl4k mains wont say shit because they are pretty much still OP
Moze has a lot of options for skills tho. I run a Bottomless Mags/Shields of Retribution build, because Demolition Woman got stale. It's honestly one of the most consistent and balanced ways to run Moze.
88soulfultone As someone who has played all 4 characters to 50 and played around with each of their trees, I think FL4K actually is worse to play than Moze. Sure he has a good action skill, but to compete on Mayhem 3 he can only run *one* build. Moze at least gets to play around with her trees more and still do well, but if FL4K stops being Crit FL4K he becomes pretty much useless (even with the buffs to Rakk Attack and Barbaric Yawp). As of right now I’d say Amara is probably the most well balanced and fun of the Vault Hunters, but I do need to hop back on Zane and try him out again now that more of his skills should be working like intended.
I've been having fun with flak gamma skill tree of late when I'm online ....I go fade away when I'm offline when farming ,so I wouldnt have to deal with the changes, I see they fixed him now ,so I'll check it out online
@@tankdjsims if you play/start your game offline, you dont get any of the buffs/debuffs that they have rolled out. So you can play how the game was released
I started a Zane and got through the first playthrough and had a BLAST but after I watched your video on him I just thought "well, might as well play someone else that isnt totally broken". So glad that stuff is fixed! He's so much fun! Also, Flak's Rakk build is working it's way to the top, been getting buff after buff and I still dont see very many videos on it, lol.
Personally love zane cuz he's just the right amount of powerful depending on the gear. Playing on Mayhem 3 sucks because u constantly have to look at buffs/debuffs. Being strong in Mayhem 1-2 Is good enough.
my issue is that each build is really good for certain things (Inifinite shield: Annointed, tougher enemies, bosses with big crit spots; Movement speed/Kill-Skill: General mobbing, Faster bosses; Pure gun damage(with bonuses from shield and clone trees): general bossing, some annointed) but really bad when they go outside those areas. Mayhem three just makes it worse, especially with the stupid annointed spawn rate and annointed enforcers existing immortally. It sucks having to constanly respec to do specific areas.
What makes a VH the "best" is subjective. Most just think whomever kills the fastest is the best but maybe that's not what everyone looks for in a VH. I personally like whomever is either the most fun to play or has the best personality. That's why I like Zane!
Trey2Da Exactly though his skills not working as intended originally discourages other people to play as him. He is the most "Borderlands" character in every sense of the word though. And that is of the entire franchise. That side mission with the therapist bot had me cracking up so much after he intentionally ticked him off. Best playable character by far as far as personality. Typhon Deleon is my favorite protagonist. And Handsome Jack is still number one Antagonist.
What I find most concerning (aside from their knee jerk reaction being swing the nerf bat), is the amount of time I see "unintended" appear in the patch notes. "We didn't intend for you to play like this" "We didn't intend for this perk to be that good" "The value we implemented in last weeks nerf was not intended to be that high" Couple that with the patch note inaccuracies such as the 50% fire rate nerf for king/queens call actually being over 70% or fade away being reduced to 6 seconds but actually being 5. So either there is serious miscommunication between departments, someone cant follow instructions or they dont really know what they are doing in terms of balancing and lying about it when having to backtrack some terrible changes. To be honest I'd much prefer to think it's a miscommunication thing, but the cynic in me doubts
Honestly i thank that a way they could buff zane is change some of his skills based on the amount of action skills he has out to the amount of kill skils he has active
sniper zoom reduction is a buff imo, certain snipers like the monocle were awful to use in normal engagement ranges (ie the distance CoV normally TeleHawk in at)
The sniper scope reduction is actually a buff. Some Sniper Rifles had ridiculously unusable ADS with like x16 zoom. This was a common complaint; so reducing the maximum scope a gun can have is a good thing.
You can have infinite but spamming them without any reprocussion or need to shoot a gun clearly isn’t intended. Even if you regen a grenade every 4/5 seconds due to a skill cooldown, that’s still infinite grenades you just have to actually think.
@@czar17_28 Yes they didnt mean for it to be like that...when the dev took the time to tell us to try it in a loading screen. Strong logic. What the fuck do you think infinite means?
Sethxz You can have infinite grenades and still not spam it. She has grenade regen. She can make them out of thin air infinitely. It just shouldn’t be literally constantly.
James Dean It doesn’t matter. If you can infinitely regen something it doesn’t matter if it’s every millisecond or every 5. As long as there’s no end to the skill it’s infinte.
i am so glad they listened. i ranted non stop on all of their posts about how these changes made the skills useless and they missed the builds that were a problem (like unkillable moze)
Robby Kehler they got his skills working. Now if they could amp some of those numbers up. Like 15% buff to his damage perks would make him current Amara level
They desperately need to fix the driving on you're friends game it's so bad and so much more And why isn't marcus behind the counter actually frustrating
"Infinite granade bug", did they just made up an excuse to remove Moze's best and most fun build ? Again...why the hell are they removing and nerfing stuff, is the AI filing complaints or are they stupid enough to believe that players dont like feeling strong ? All this unecessary nerfs are killing the hype for me man, BL2 never had this bullcrap.
ZSolid DanyS Wait, did you seriously just ignore the entirety of the video? Everyone either got bug fixes, buffs, or nerf reverts. Only Moze got a small nerf with the Bloodletter class mod. Some weapons got buffed and none got nerfed. One thing about Moze getting changed in the future gets mentioned and somehow you’ve lost all hype without even using any other build. Make a new build then. It ain’t tough.
Gearbox wants balance so there is as much useful build variety as possible. They also want the game to be challenging despite having good loadouts so you actually have to use your brain during gameplay instead of just spamming one button or bursting a boss within few seconds by holding left click. The strong stuff gets nerfed, the weak buffed.
why so desperate? she still works fine.. I'm still able to spam grenades (should be recurring hex or mirv tacular-hex for a maximum of hits) and flakker and do all the current stuff blindfolded. yes, sometimes you get low on ammo and have to wait a little bit for recovery but it's not like a completly diffrent build it's just stop spaming for a brief moment. PS: I don't know what you have skilled and I'm playing with the sanctified circulating blast master mod and no shitty low dps 40k+ shield grenade mixup and therefore I have no experience with it but it shouldn't change that much for ammo reg as well. just be sure to use the right hex!
Nice to see enemy levels have been fixed. On my first playthrough went from fighting level 33 - 35 enemies to fighting level 26 enemies in the area after lol.
Why do they keep saying infinite grenades on Moze is a “bug”? Its not a bug. It works as advertised. Borderlands grenades finally do damage and having a build around that is interesting imo but just because it wasnt “intended” by gearbox, it just neeeeeeeeds to be changed. These guys are ridiculous.
I don’t think they really understood what made bloodletter so powerful. It wasn’t regen, but actually the vampire grenades perk that alongside infinite grenades, and health to shields gave infinite shields. Then you could just equip a weapon such as the hive, the hex grenade, and the legendary amp shield and it allowed you to do insane damage without having to aim, reload, or worry about dying.
Bloody brilliant, took me literally 5 days to get a bloodletter and now they nerfed it bloody fantastic and why aren't they addressing iron bear being useless in endgame.
Fr. I would love to use the mech more, but at endgame it's only useful as a second life rather then oh I'm in a badass mech doing a crap ton of damage.
been main zane since launch with cryo build he's definitely more than capable of holding his own in tvhm mh3 he plays really well when geared / specced accordingly
You know a lot of these changes could have been avoided if gearbox actually tested their friggin game before releasing it. At this point they're basically a Bethesda 2.0
@@thelightskinhokage7118 the point that you are failing to see here, is that there would be no builds to abuse if they actually tested their game before releasing it.
I'm still lvling up Fl4k atm. Just got to lvl 39 so I'm just barely getting to the "powerful" part of the build. Can't wait until I hit lvl 50 so I can finally spec out the way it should be. Then I'll be able to start farming for the best gear.
Still don't see a point in nerfing anything. Fix the stuff that's actually broken or trash and let OP levels and scale actual end game content (not proving grounds/circle of slaughter) to these "op" characters.
Darth Vader i understand when it comes to shit like the pipe bomb and even the nerf to guerillas in the mist was fine because raids would be pointless with fl4k melting bosses in 5 seconds. the recent nerf to fl4k was just way too much tho
I'm just still amazed that it's been a month since release and they're worried more about balance than fixing the glaring performance problems and bugs. Then again it is Gearbox so i shouldn't be surprised
It takes longer than you think to fix preformance issues, if you think they are doing it wrong how about you stop complaining about game balancing hotfixes and make your own damn game, cant wait to see how it works out😂
The game was clearly in a playable state since early this year when games journalists started getting their hands on it. Despite all the playtesting, the game still launch with noticeable performance bugs. This is unfortunate, but to think that they will magically be fixed after a week or two when they didn't even manage to iron them out in the months prior is a level of ignorance I can only dream of ever obtaining.
Waiting for Amara new skill tree DLC where her phase cast stays next to you and rapidly punches anything near you. For the love of Jesus Joestar Gearbox please
"Was never the intended value" they need to stop using the term "intended". Its practically insulting like just say you made a mistake. Dont tell me that you put a 3 in unintentionally, I'm not an idiot. Dont tell me that infinite grenades moze "isnt intentional" when I spec down the middle tree through 4 skills that deal directly with grenades.
The Bloodletting changes kinda shoehorns you into getting Vampyr in the Demolition Woman tree. Besides that skill, she has no other means of "manual healing" since Full Can of Whoop Ass and Force Feedback is based on your shield naturally recharging.
I want to see real changes to iron bear, and other build viability before they touch Moze's grenades. And before that there are a ton of quality of life issues and bugs that need sorted out first.
L T look up moxsy’s build with the projector and the sellout that shit is so OP, u dont die and melt everything so I wouldnt say she’s balanced. Even her melee build can melt bosses
*get Creeping Death, finds out it's shite and sells it. Watches video and finds out the hotfix that came up when he quit for lunch fixed Creeping Death* FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Thank god for the Pain and Terror fix, I tried farming them easily 20 kills in a row because of the boss week increased class mod thing, but I think it to about 3 legendary drops from them and only 1 was a class mod which pissed me off. Why bother farming them when The Ravager, the Graveward, Troy, and Tyreen all constantly drop legendaries and often drop multiple legendaries?
Respeccing FL4K as soon as I get home from work! Honestly even just reducing the re-trigger delay on LNT to 1 second would have been enough to significantly increase its viability, but damn am I happy they buffed it! And really even if they nerfed the chance down a to 30% @ 5/5 it would still be good.
No it is the playstyle. It’s allows Moze to stand and literally do NOTHING but that! They just want grenades to be use strategically instead of just endless spam.
On Zane his guns anointed guns give 12 % magazine Regen per second or constant damage while action skill is out, and if u use brain freeze with calm cool and collected you can have your action skills out for 30+ minutes without them ending.shooting into any bosses crit restarts action skill time of u are wearing the rough rider and 9/5 synchrocity adds another 72% gun damage
Fl4k radiation pet build with the class mod that makes the pet taunt everything when you use the ability and while it’s active, is monster on mayhem 3 for boss farming.
How so? My flak is lvl 50 but I keep having to reset his skills like every few days because they nerf him. I need a OP build with him that doesn't require a specific gun or class mod.
Wise Words - you are going to need some kind of special build and guns or artifacts/class mods to do mayhem 3 . It’s the hardest you can get in the game and this is a loot based game. Do mayhem 1 or 2 until you get what you need but just have fun with it at the end of the day.
Wise Words - they are only nerfing his fade away builds and they are not the end all be all , nor is it fun IMO. That’s all people want to run is that build.
I wish they'd change the bank storage back to what it was in borderlands 2. Complimented with a claptrap locker. 50 spaces is NOT enough for 4 different characters.
Redge-Pyro46 150 isn't even enough in a game as loot heavy as this one. That is why I have around 12 other characters with maxed out inventories carrying everything for me. Still having to make more!
I'm haply Gearbox is one of the only companies that listen to their player base and make changes as fast as possible. I was disappointed a bit when fl4k couldn't have nearly unlimited clip for a couple seconds
Spent countless hours on a Moze build that wasnt about grenade spamming, using bloodletter and some other gear i was finally able to do Mayhem 3 bosses even though they took a little while. Now im playing and have to go back to Mayhem 2 because i just get rekt. Thanks Gearbox. Finally felt accomplished and you managed to take that away.
@@sydious_s_snake While also ignoring the fact that some fixes take longer than others. Not saying you're doing it, that's just the point of my comment.
It wasn’t a one second, it was a 2 second. Literally ripped the character in half and made all the farming I did for a +4 leave no trace mod worthless. Still a shadow of his former self but he’s at least got a crippled leg instead of polio
Fl4k actually got buffed this time! Not like last week :D
Im actually glad they are nerfing things, it would get way too ridiculous if they started with buffs
Moze im looking at you...
Not buffed, just un-nerfed
Kinda un nerfed, but still more nerfed than launch.
The adjustments to snipers aren't really nerfs, more "listening to feedback" as the snipers were scoping out too much, which made them impractical for some maps and hard to use for most others.
Narf D. Yeah the monocle was ridiculous. 11 times zoom? Useful for just appreciating the background though.
The zoom on snipers being reduced is not a nerf its a buff, high zooms on snipers make them a nightmare to use.
yea it was easier just to not use the scope, which can be difficult sometimes, especially if you play on console like me
I'm on ps4 I only use snipers that have under 10x zoom, anything higher is just a pain, like the monocle with its 15.5x zoom and the 22x scopes are just unplayable.
yeah, I try not to use a scope over 7-8x because the field isn't usually large enough to make effective use of anything higher. And the 15x scope? Holy Hell!
@@SuperSlifer2010 You could snipe a tink out of the Sanctuary with that monocle zoom xD
@Sechs0rBecks That is not far from the truth xD. And it is even worse because i think you need to aim down sight with the monocle in order to get the crit bonus from it. So to get the big damage you have to put up with that absurd magnification.
They still need to fix the ECHO lag on console smh
There really isnt much lag on echo stuff in console. I have a normal ass ps4 and it only takes a second and a half to pull it up
Yeah the lag is still there on console. And it's not my Xbox because other games run nice.
It lags for me consistently. In comparison to bl2 I'd say 3 to 4 times more lag.
Number one concern
The lag is unbareable when your playing with the homies shit always lags
0:23 Fl4k
2:01 Moze
4:53 Amara
5:38 Zane
Thank you.
Some heroes don't wear capes
Thanks fam. 💜
Thank you my Gdem
I wish they'd come round to adressing glaringly insufficient storage space
Ian Lazarus seriously
100 slots personal cache per character (they can even use SDU's for all I care), and the shared vault in it's current condition would pretty much eliminate any storage issues.
100 slots per character is more than enough to keep gear for multiple loadouts.
Realistically all it should take is creating a reskin of the current shared vault, and programming it to be per character instead.
buff bank slots
They are blatantly ignoring it.
We will get more with the DLC probably but, I doubt it will be enough.
@@duanefouche378 you need to make storage characters
Now if only Iron Bear’s armor would scale better
tinfoil bear
Well put.
You mean to tell me that on Mayhem 3 you do not enjoy immediately exiting your iron bear after entering it due to extreme amounts of damage? I thought that was half the fun of the game. 😂
This is the reason i don't play Moze right now. It's no fun for my if you can't use the Action Skill of a Vault Hunter because it's too weak. I rather have a broken Moze in her Iron Bear then a broken Moze without it.
Zane needs buff, mozes mech needs buff, Fl4ks pet abilities needs buff.
The pets for sure need to be cooler like different abilities that synergize with your build maybe idk a frost Skag or shock so you can have more versatility like you literally just use them for their passives maybe they could have made flak way cooler by really being able to control enemies and making them do the dirty work on each other and turning the creatures of the wasteland into a potent weapon they really could have done it better honestly
Amara is great
The fact that broken builds are getting buffed just tells me one thing, when everything's as they want they will buff the health of everything.
@@smegintheheads822 the fact that they're doing that but flak is getting bullied the most is annoying like if they actually tested the game this wouldn't need to happen
@@DemonTime08 ikr, been saying this since the start, we are the beta testers this game was never tested and balanced before being released
I still don't get why they don't want infinite grenades to be a thing when it's LITERALLY a tip in the loading screens ..
Yanoa Mustamu it’s so borderlands to be able to do that too!!!!
Chill. It's still infinite.
@@renno2679 yeah but they said they will address that in future patchs. so it sounds like they want to remove that kind of play style for whatever reason.
@@jodyboles8208 they know this build was intended to have infinite nades but because they didn't test their actual game n see how op it was now they gonna patch it n say it was "unintentional" pathetic really
@@zero3644 idk if thats the case but it might be since i heard one of the tool tip in the loading screen talking bout infinite nades but yeah it is pretty dumb that they are trying to get rid of it. i seriously hope they buff iron bear if they do that though at least.
Been playing Zane since launch, broken, unbroken, buffed, nerfed, he’s still so much fun for solo play
Dude glad you had fun after I hit meyhem with him I started a moze and blasted to Max level he takes so much more work than the other hunters and most of the time it's just not worth it but I played him at launch too
Zane is awesome! Doing Barrier and Digi clone build die much less with him than Fl4k
@@kevinsaltz7849 You need to play him defensive with most Undercover skills and spam grenades with his grenade restoration skill instead of using a second action skill.
Null Nvoid lemme correct you, “he’s so much fun”
HypertronDE well I’m using barrier and drone, and he is, amazing.
It’s nice to see some of these buffs. But man, we need more buffs. Moze’s mech and flak’s pets are still garbage. Half of amaras augments/action skills suck too. Rocket launchers need a desperate buff
flaks pet dies instantly unless you have the jabber cause they also run towards the enemy like a suicide bomber
Christian Gutierrez amaras action skills are amazing with the right set up
Christian Gutierrez augments yes but action skills? There all pretty good.
Trash I disagree. The only action skill worth using is phasgrasp at the moment (or any variant of phasegrasp). The other action skills don’t do like - any - damage, while if you use phasegrasp that links nearby enemies, you can clear a room in 5 shots.
The Little Penguin my roommate uses astr. Projection on mayham 3 and takes about 20% health every hit with his setup
For me at least reduced scope zoom levels are actually good, because not only I never need super high zoom levels for crits, they actually make it harder for me to track moving enemies and see the surroundings.
What would be awesome if they fixed the visibility when picking up zane‘s shield, can pretty much hip fire only especially when the badass zealots keep firing their double projectile increased splash radius rocket fire rate and accuracy launchers at you
Chillfeed Gaming I second this
Those badass zealots are like experts snipers with rocket launchers
I agree. I want to run an infinite action skill cryo Zane with bubble shield but the screen is soooo distorted it's hard to even tell what you are looking at. Rough rider speed Zane it is for now then...
Yeah, best way I've found to deal with them is to either use a "Cost Effective" Atlas rifle and hide after I tag them with a tracker. or toss out a lot of Tediore "Turret" SMGs
My God, have you tried holding the shield while firing that legendary CoV weapon that pisses like 7 shots per second? Absolutely fucking blinding.
I don’t think the scope zooms being reduced is a nerf. They zoomed WAY to far.
Especially when there is almost no areas in the game where having a sniper with insane zoom matters.
Yeah I almost never used snipers because of the high zoom. This is definitely a buff
yeah seriously this game isnt pubg. there was no reason to have scopes bigger than you can get in that game when the engagement distances are significantly smaller
Matti right. I feel like the only time you could really get away with fighting from far away is in co-op, but by then, your friends are going to be killing everything rather quickly anyway.
The scope power reduction is a buff
I know right? The huge zoom was the entire reason i didnt want to use snipers.
i see this as an absolute win!
Just it says reduced in the text doesn't mean it's nerfed, reducing the zoom is a huge buff, now you could actually use some.
That's exactly why I used the Hunter you get from Mordecai, because it doesn't have one lol
@@roronoa1243 wait, how did you get the hunter? ive never heard of it. now I want it lol
They need to fix the damn menu lag already.
madcracker One of the biggest problems, for sure. I feel like the game is gonna crash half the time whenever I go to the menu.
madcracker Also happens often when I switch between weapons for some reason.
@@KZ-hu9uj haven't had that issue.
@@lukepietz7145 I have has the game crash when playing couch co op and both people open the echo at the same time
I'm in love with this comment haha I swear the lag is getting worse.
Man I love doing a new build every freaking day because they can’t figure out what the heck theyre gonna do
Now all they need to do is make Iron Bear actually useful in endgame content besides jumping right out of it so it can fire weakening rockets that still don't do much
I would gladly trade infinite nades on Moze for massive buffs to Iron Bear. MechWarrior Moze in M3 would make me very happy.
No buffs for iron bear or animals? Mate if iron bear was good endgame I’d definitely use it as much as I’m using the explosive/grenade moze build
You're right about the mech, but didn't they buff the pets last week along with rakk attack?
Ruben Chapman yes they did
Ruben Chapman To be fair I’ve only started playing FL4K all I know from him is that his pets were ‘apparently’ as shite as iron bear lol rip
U mean the ONLY moze build
@@PostMetropolitanBard5043 They didn't buff pets, The only thing they changed was a skill that increases the passives your pet give you, They still die instantly the majority of the time which makes them trash outside of a gamma burst build.
4:54 yes yesssss thank you phasegrasp range was too short now we cooking 😎😎😎
It was soooo annoying!
But now we popin
And the long ass cooldown if you missed it
zerorama 79 Also the instant restore if you miss. The couple second delay was ROUGH
I went from maya to amara and the phasegrasp in 3 was frustrating to say the least. This is a great change!
Zane needs his dome to take up less space or look more simple as when he equips it, most of the time i cant see anything.
You must have never played krieg
Never realized this was something people had an issue with. Maybe its cause I'm used to the constant fog my glasses give anyways.
Why haven’t they touched the Maggie, a purple masher does way more damage
That's what I'm saying, that was my go to gun with Nisha in pre-sequel.
Well i have the maggie that disagrees (granted a god roll).
It has binary+masher (x6), and only -23% damage and 9 in the mag. :D makes it better than most mashers
Pretty good coverage but the notes from twitter said that leave no trace used to be a trigger delay of 2 seconds not 1.
I’m so glad that Phasegrasp was buffed cause it was so annoying that I had to be so close to enemies to grab them when I wanted to use a sniper rifles or something g
Here’s basically how they treat moze:
We know your iron bear doesn’t scale well so you’ve come up with some rather crazy build to compensate for mayhem 3 and iron bears lacking (WHICH IS YOUR ULTIMATE) to keep up with other VH’s but now we’re going to nerf your builds along with not scaling iron bear here you go hopefully you enjoy your character on mayhem 3 suffer
It’s a joke man....they said the nade build was not intended to be a build although it’s hilarious? That makes no sense, aren’t the players supposed to create their own unique style of play, now they’re just making the good chars shit because they fked Zane up. Loot online still sucks. The mech suit is trash I don’t use it at all.
Facts!!! Just nerfing her until shes on the same level as iron bear.... which is useless smh..... but of course all the fl4k mains wont say shit because they are pretty much still OP
Moze has a lot of options for skills tho. I run a Bottomless Mags/Shields of Retribution build, because Demolition Woman got stale. It's honestly one of the most consistent and balanced ways to run Moze.
88soulfultone As someone who has played all 4 characters to 50 and played around with each of their trees, I think FL4K actually is worse to play than Moze. Sure he has a good action skill, but to compete on Mayhem 3 he can only run *one* build. Moze at least gets to play around with her trees more and still do well, but if FL4K stops being Crit FL4K he becomes pretty much useless (even with the buffs to Rakk Attack and Barbaric Yawp). As of right now I’d say Amara is probably the most well balanced and fun of the Vault Hunters, but I do need to hop back on Zane and try him out again now that more of his skills should be working like intended.
@@boolin8286 same I found the demolition woman absolutely useless for me.
i can't believe they keep doing this instead of fixing performance problems like the MENU LAG
Finally, Zane mains UNITE!!
Zane gangggg
Finally i can be even more op
Zane gangggg
Lets goooooo
Snipers need adjustable zoom. It could be the fire mode swap button while looking down sights. Then the item card would just list the max zoom.
I've been having fun with flak gamma skill tree of late when I'm online ....I go fade away when I'm offline when farming ,so I wouldnt have to deal with the changes, I see they fixed him now ,so I'll check it out online
Please call him FL4K lol
@@prodachoui lol fl4k
1 AM
his fade away doesnt change offline? I'm pretty sure its the same?
@@tankdjsims if you play/start your game offline, you dont get any of the buffs/debuffs that they have rolled out. So you can play how the game was released
Both Fl4k and moze's re-trigger delay was 2 seconds last patch not just 1, this is hotfix is even better than might think :)
I just want more storage space...
I started a Zane and got through the first playthrough and had a BLAST but after I watched your video on him I just thought "well, might as well play someone else that isnt totally broken". So glad that stuff is fixed! He's so much fun! Also, Flak's Rakk build is working it's way to the top, been getting buff after buff and I still dont see very many videos on it, lol.
Personally love zane cuz he's just the right amount of powerful depending on the gear. Playing on Mayhem 3 sucks because u constantly have to look at buffs/debuffs. Being strong in Mayhem 1-2 Is good enough.
my issue is that each build is really good for certain things (Inifinite shield: Annointed, tougher enemies, bosses with big crit spots; Movement speed/Kill-Skill: General mobbing, Faster bosses; Pure gun damage(with bonuses from shield and clone trees): general bossing, some annointed) but really bad when they go outside those areas. Mayhem three just makes it worse, especially with the stupid annointed spawn rate and annointed enforcers existing immortally. It sucks having to constanly respec to do specific areas.
What makes a VH the "best" is subjective. Most just think whomever kills the fastest is the best but maybe that's not what everyone looks for in a VH. I personally like whomever is either the most fun to play or has the best personality. That's why I like Zane!
Exactly though his skills not working as intended originally discourages other people to play as him. He is the most "Borderlands" character in every sense of the word though. And that is of the entire franchise. That side mission with the therapist bot had me cracking up so much after he intentionally ticked him off. Best playable character by far as far as personality. Typhon Deleon is my favorite protagonist. And Handsome Jack is still number one Antagonist.
What I find most concerning (aside from their knee jerk reaction being swing the nerf bat), is the amount of time I see "unintended" appear in the patch notes.
"We didn't intend for you to play like this"
"We didn't intend for this perk to be that good"
"The value we implemented in last weeks nerf was not intended to be that high"
Couple that with the patch note inaccuracies such as the 50% fire rate nerf for king/queens call actually being over 70% or fade away being reduced to 6 seconds but actually being 5.
So either there is serious miscommunication between departments, someone cant follow instructions or they dont really know what they are doing in terms of balancing and lying about it when having to backtrack some terrible changes.
To be honest I'd much prefer to think it's a miscommunication thing, but the cynic in me doubts
R1G3Y Yea, I have no idea whats going down at Gearbox. Never thought BDL 3 would have this many problems
appreciate the vid, nice to see gearbox continuously working towards quality of life fixes
Pain and terror do have a unique drop. It is not a legendary but it is an epic rocket launcher.
Honestly i thank that a way they could buff zane is change some of his skills based on the amount of action skills he has out to the amount of kill skils he has active
sniper zoom reduction is a buff imo, certain snipers like the monocle were awful to use in normal engagement ranges (ie the distance CoV normally TeleHawk in at)
The sniper scope reduction is actually a buff.
Some Sniper Rifles had ridiculously unusable ADS with like x16 zoom. This was a common complaint; so reducing the maximum scope a gun can have is a good thing.
"Legitimate build." When it literally says in the tooltip infinite grenades is a thing.
You can have infinite but spamming them without any reprocussion or need to shoot a gun clearly isn’t intended.
Even if you regen a grenade every 4/5 seconds due to a skill cooldown, that’s still infinite grenades you just have to actually think.
@@czar17_28 Yes they didnt mean for it to be like that...when the dev took the time to tell us to try it in a loading screen. Strong logic. What the fuck do you think infinite means?
Sethxz You can have infinite grenades and still not spam it. She has grenade regen. She can make them out of thin air infinitely. It just shouldn’t be literally constantly.
@@czar17_28 Google the definition of Infinite and tell me what limitations are inherent in the word.
James Dean It doesn’t matter. If you can infinitely regen something it doesn’t matter if it’s every millisecond or every 5. As long as there’s no end to the skill it’s infinte.
i am so glad they listened. i ranted non stop on all of their posts about how these changes made the skills useless and they missed the builds that were a problem (like unkillable moze)
Time to readjust my FL4K build... Again!
As a zane player i welcome any buffs as he does have a harder time killing bosses.
Zane still needs bit more buff
Robby Kehler they got his skills working. Now if they could amp some of those numbers up. Like 15% buff to his damage perks would make him current Amara level
I think 8% damage buff what is not speed and a buff on his drone up time would make him much more effective as a solo player in mayhem mode.
@@robbykehler2137 agree I been using his barrier the most of time anyway
Yes, definitely.
I think the pickups that some shield mods can drop should be auto pickup
Yes agreed
I know most of these RUclipsrs go pretty in depth but I feel like y'all should start linking the notes in the description.
Yeah I didnt wanna watch a 12 minute video I can read the patch notes myself
@@bfpalmisano Then go find them and read them.
@@davyjones8793 I did. Thanks
@@bfpalmisano You are very much welcome.
Infinite grenades were never intended feature for Moze.
Neither was iron bear apparently
They desperately need to fix the driving on you're friends game it's so bad and so much more
And why isn't marcus behind the counter actually frustrating
So glad I'm not only one upset about Marcus
@@ethanfuego9648 has anyone posted to GB about this issue and the driving issues ?
@@N.i.g.h.t.m.a.r.e.z idk fam
YES thank you so much Gearbox. Flak Torgue shotty build is now possible again. I might start crying
"Infinite granade bug", did they just made up an excuse to remove Moze's best and most fun build ?
Again...why the hell are they removing and nerfing stuff, is the AI filing complaints or are they stupid enough to believe that players dont like feeling strong ?
All this unecessary nerfs are killing the hype for me man, BL2 never had this bullcrap.
That’s because bl2 wasn’t as broken as bl3 was and yes they did nerf an entire build of zeros in bl2
ZSolid DanyS Wait, did you seriously just ignore the entirety of the video? Everyone either got bug fixes, buffs, or nerf reverts. Only Moze got a small nerf with the Bloodletter class mod. Some weapons got buffed and none got nerfed.
One thing about Moze getting changed in the future gets mentioned and somehow you’ve lost all hype without even using any other build. Make a new build then. It ain’t tough.
@@omensoffate umm Salvador ringing any bells?? That dude could literally melt raid bosses...
Gearbox wants balance so there is as much useful build variety as possible. They also want the game to be challenging despite having good loadouts so you actually have to use your brain during gameplay instead of just spamming one button or bursting a boss within few seconds by holding left click. The strong stuff gets nerfed, the weak buffed.
why so desperate? she still works fine.. I'm still able to spam grenades (should be recurring hex or mirv tacular-hex for a maximum of hits) and flakker and do all the current stuff blindfolded. yes, sometimes you get low on ammo and have to wait a little bit for recovery but it's not like a completly diffrent build it's just stop spaming for a brief moment.
PS: I don't know what you have skilled and I'm playing with the sanctified circulating blast master mod and no shitty low dps 40k+ shield grenade mixup and therefore I have no experience with it but it shouldn't change that much for ammo reg as well. just be sure to use the right hex!
Nice to see enemy levels have been fixed. On my first playthrough went from fighting level 33 - 35 enemies to fighting level 26 enemies in the area after lol.
Hopefully they work on the local co-op being nearly unplayable with lag and menu crashes. I'd like to see more optimization
Thank you for the borderlands 3 update! Always looking forward to your videos you really do an amazing job! Keep up the great work! 👍
Why do they keep saying infinite grenades on Moze is a “bug”? Its not a bug. It works as advertised. Borderlands grenades finally do damage and having a build around that is interesting imo but just because it wasnt “intended” by gearbox, it just neeeeeeeeds to be changed. These guys are ridiculous.
Did you forget about the Bonus Package?
The fastball in borderlands 2 on axton where you could literally one shot everything with the fucking fastball.
I don’t think they really understood what made bloodletter so powerful. It wasn’t regen, but actually the vampire grenades perk that alongside infinite grenades, and health to shields gave infinite shields. Then you could just equip a weapon such as the hive, the hex grenade, and the legendary amp shield and it allowed you to do insane damage without having to aim, reload, or worry about dying.
They should replace iron bear with an animation where you jump inside brick and start using his action skill from bl1
Bloody brilliant, took me literally 5 days to get a bloodletter and now they nerfed it bloody fantastic and why aren't they addressing iron bear being useless in endgame.
Fl4k didn't get buffed, he got put back to normal
Kinda... More like they only took away one of the 3 major nerfs.
Chase if you think flak isn’t one of the best vault hunters after this patch you would be wrong. Flak is back baby
I would love a community mod that allows you to amp the music and have constant playlist of bl3 music blaring!
I was a moze main, but after playing amara im in love!! I had 4 days on moze but oh well🤷🏼♀️ Time to catch up on amara😂🤩
I was complaining about Amara grasp from distance sucked so I'm glad they fixed that
If they buff iron bear than the gernade build won't matter to me
Fr. I would love to use the mech more, but at endgame it's only useful as a second life rather then oh I'm in a badass mech doing a crap ton of damage.
@@PostMetropolitanBard5043 i just really want to use iron bear to mess up people its a shame that he literally only debuffs enemies and regens sheilds
Agree with ya 100%
been main zane since launch with cryo build he's definitely more than capable of holding his own in tvhm mh3 he plays really well when geared / specced accordingly
You know a lot of these changes could have been avoided if gearbox actually tested their friggin game before releasing it. At this point they're basically a Bethesda 2.0
So players abusing a certain part of a build is gearbox not playing there game? Man fuck off with that.
@@thelightskinhokage7118 This game fucking sucks dick so you fuck off with that.
@@thelightskinhokage7118 the point that you are failing to see here, is that there would be no builds to abuse if they actually tested their game before releasing it.
Davy Jones then why are you here?
i wouldnt say that. there games are at least good and works ofr the most part unlike bethesda
I'm still lvling up Fl4k atm. Just got to lvl 39 so I'm just barely getting to the "powerful" part of the build. Can't wait until I hit lvl 50 so I can finally spec out the way it should be. Then I'll be able to start farming for the best gear.
Fix the damn Maggie please
What I don't get is that they want Borderlands to make you feel really powerful and then they nerf everything to make everything harder.
That's exactly what gearbox said and now they are going back on this
Still don't see a point in nerfing anything. Fix the stuff that's actually broken or trash and let OP levels and scale actual end game content (not proving grounds/circle of slaughter) to these "op" characters.
Darth Vader i understand when it comes to shit like the pipe bomb and even the nerf to guerillas in the mist was fine because raids would be pointless with fl4k melting bosses in 5 seconds. the recent nerf to fl4k was just way too much tho
@@edgybastardo Yeah the first patch was fine, it was cool while it lasted but the nerf made sense. Now uhhhh idk
Raids would be boring if everyone is OP. Raids are supposed to be a challenge with good rewards.
Scaling around the OP builds is a terrible idea.
Because then everything not those builds is rendered useless.
hell no. fuck op levels..... also proving grounds and circle of slaughter are actual end game content too.
At least flak can use torgue stickies again. Now all he needs is a buff to the unforgiven and Maggie
@sbeck22 beckley eh if it could fire more than once per decade then yeah i'd said it would be viable
This good and all but how bout a buff in legendary shield capacity.
Yeah, all the ones I’ve gotten are shit.
I'm just still amazed that it's been a month since release and they're worried more about balance than fixing the glaring performance problems and bugs. Then again it is Gearbox so i shouldn't be surprised
Another week another change to fl4k, yet the menu lag n game crashes remain. GG gearbox👍
It takes longer than you think to fix preformance issues, if you think they are doing it wrong how about you stop complaining about game balancing hotfixes and make your own damn game, cant wait to see how it works out😂
I actually think that it might not be fixed on console at least. Might have to wait for the remaster next year on the new consoles XD
The game was clearly in a playable state since early this year when games journalists started getting their hands on it. Despite all the playtesting, the game still launch with noticeable performance bugs. This is unfortunate, but to think that they will magically be fixed after a week or two when they didn't even manage to iron them out in the months prior is a level of ignorance I can only dream of ever obtaining.
Pretty sure that they're workin' on it. Besides performance issues are hardcore stuff. Fingers crossed 😁
Waiting for Amara new skill tree DLC where her phase cast stays next to you and rapidly punches anything near you.
For the love of Jesus Joestar Gearbox please
"Was never the intended value" they need to stop using the term "intended". Its practically insulting like just say you made a mistake. Dont tell me that you put a 3 in unintentionally, I'm not an idiot. Dont tell me that infinite grenades moze "isnt intentional" when I spec down the middle tree through 4 skills that deal directly with grenades.
It's funny because most people thought Amara was going to bed the weakest and now look.
O.3 seconds is good for torgue stick mode spam.
Eduardo Jesus nice still got my x13 projectile double penetrating bang stick
The Bloodletting changes kinda shoehorns you into getting Vampyr in the Demolition Woman tree.
Besides that skill, she has no other means of "manual healing" since Full Can of Whoop Ass and Force Feedback is based on your shield naturally recharging.
Stop nerfing Moze!!! Iron bear is useless!!! Buff that instead!!
I want to see real changes to iron bear, and other build viability before they touch Moze's grenades. And before that there are a ton of quality of life issues and bugs that need sorted out first.
I feel like I’m the only one who plays Amara
Your not the only one. I play amara too and she is a lot of fun to play with
CheekiestPeople I made an amara after they nerfed flak because she’s prolly the best in the game now
I have only played fl4k, just trying to do as much as I can with him before goin to amara plus I always fuck up my builds anyway with characters
ive mained amara since launch she is the most well balanced character at the moment though not perfect.
L T look up moxsy’s build with the projector and the sellout that shit is so OP, u dont die and melt everything so I wouldnt say she’s balanced. Even her melee build can melt bosses
still waiting them to buff iron bear
*get Creeping Death, finds out it's shite and sells it. Watches video and finds out the hotfix that came up when he quit for lunch fixed Creeping Death*
Thank god for the Pain and Terror fix, I tried farming them easily 20 kills in a row because of the boss week increased class mod thing, but I think it to about 3 legendary drops from them and only 1 was a class mod which pissed me off. Why bother farming them when The Ravager, the Graveward, Troy, and Tyreen all constantly drop legendaries and often drop multiple legendaries?
when are gearbox gonna get it we like being over powered...
It's a pve game kinda the point I though in the higher difficulty if your not doing busted shit your probably not doing any damage
Respeccing FL4K as soon as I get home from work!
Honestly even just reducing the re-trigger delay on LNT to 1 second would have been enough to significantly increase its viability, but damn am I happy they buffed it!
And really even if they nerfed the chance down a to 30% @ 5/5 it would still be good.
"The infinite grenades bug" they're so dumb you can run around and pick up grenades with any player. Nerf the op grenades not the playstyles jesus
Exactly the main problem is recurring hex not the playstyle/build
No it is the playstyle. It’s allows Moze to stand and literally do NOTHING but that! They just want grenades to be use strategically instead of just endless spam.
On Zane his guns anointed guns give 12 % magazine Regen per second or constant damage while action skill is out, and if u use brain freeze with calm cool and collected you can have your action skills out for 30+ minutes without them ending.shooting into any bosses crit restarts action skill time of u are wearing the rough rider and 9/5 synchrocity adds another 72% gun damage
Nerf moze to shit BUT wont buff iron bear who is STILL useless in endgame......... smh... come on gearbox.
Ikr, the nade build is her best and most fun build and they are removing it...gonna join the eternal offline gang.
88soulfultone what are you talking about moze is arguably the most powerful vh
@@tebow8808 he is talking about the removal of the nade build.
Fl4k radiation pet build with the class mod that makes the pet taunt everything when you use the ability and while it’s active, is monster on mayhem 3 for boss farming.
How so? My flak is lvl 50 but I keep having to reset his skills like every few days because they nerf him. I need a OP build with him that doesn't require a specific gun or class mod.
Wise Words - you are going to need some kind of special build and guns or artifacts/class mods to do mayhem 3 . It’s the hardest you can get in the game and this is a loot based game. Do mayhem 1 or 2 until you get what you need but just have fun with it at the end of the day.
Wise Words - they are only nerfing his fade away builds and they are not the end all be all , nor is it fun IMO. That’s all people want to run is that build.
Im putting this game on the shelf. Clearly this game wasnt ready at release and im done paying 100 dollars for games in their beta phase.
That was my point! Instead of weakening fl4k, buff the others :)
Why do i get the feeling gearbox is trying to be blizzard
I wish they'd change the bank storage back to what it was in borderlands 2. Complimented with a claptrap locker. 50 spaces is NOT enough for 4 different characters.
150 isn't even enough in a game as loot heavy as this one. That is why I have around 12 other characters with maxed out inventories carrying everything for me. Still having to make more!
Stop buffing amara, and buff Moze/ironbear
I'm haply Gearbox is one of the only companies that listen to their player base and make changes as fast as possible. I was disappointed a bit when fl4k couldn't have nearly unlimited clip for a couple seconds
Why are we nerfing anything in this game? It's a single player game, how much balance does it need?
Moze's Iron Bear needs a rework, my buddy can't even keep it up for 3 seconds on Mayhem 3 when we play
Spent countless hours on a Moze build that wasnt about grenade spamming, using bloodletter and some other gear i was finally able to do Mayhem 3 bosses even though they took a little while.
Now im playing and have to go back to Mayhem 2 because i just get rekt. Thanks Gearbox. Finally felt accomplished and you managed to take that away.
Borderlands fan: I wish they'd finally fix X.
Gearbox: *Fixes X*
Also Borderlands fans: Why can't they just fix Y already!?
Considering the state that the game came out in compared to the other borderlands games, we're rightfully yelling at gearbox to fix all their shit.
@@sydious_s_snake While also ignoring the fact that some fixes take longer than others. Not saying you're doing it, that's just the point of my comment.
It wasn’t a one second, it was a 2 second. Literally ripped the character in half and made all the farming I did for a +4 leave no trace mod worthless. Still a shadow of his former self but he’s at least got a crippled leg instead of polio