ペットを飼うことによる癒やしの効果を示した研究の参考文献一覧🐹 詳しく知りたい方は、それぞれの論文を確認してください! 1. ストレス軽減に関する研究 • Allen, K., Shykoff, B. E., & Izzo, J. L. (2001). Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress. Hypertension, 38(4), 815-820. • Beetz, A., Uvnäs-Moberg, K., Julius, H., & Kotrschal, K. (2012). Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: The possible role of oxytocin. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 234. 2. うつ症状の軽減に関する研究 • Salo, A. I., May, A., & Granados, L. (2020). The effects of dog ownership and dog walking on mental health and well-being. Animals, 10(9), 1719. • McConnell, A. R., Brown, C. M., Shoda, T. M., Stayton, L. E., & Martin, C. E. (2011). Friends with benefits: On the positive consequences of pet ownership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(6), 1239. 3. 運動習慣の向上に関する研究 • Westgarth, C., Christley, R. M., & Christian, H. E. (2017). How might we increase physical activity through dog walking? A comprehensive review of dog walking correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 62. 4. 血圧や心拍数の安定に関する研究 • Friedmann, E., Katcher, A. H., Lynch, J. J., & Thomas, S. A. (1980). Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit. Public Health Reports, 95(4), 307-312. 5. 免疫機能の向上に関する研究 • Ege, M. J., Mayer, M., Normand, A.-C., Genuneit, J., Cookson, W. O., Braun-Fahrländer, C., … & The GABRIELA Study Group. (2011). Exposure to environmental microorganisms and childhood asthma. The New England Journal of Medicine, 364(8), 701-709. 6. 子供の情緒発達への影響 • Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N., & Westgarth, C. (2017). Companion animals and child/adolescent development: A systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 234. 7. 認知症患者への効果 • Nordgren, L., & Engström, G. (2014). Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia: A case report. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 29(3), 278-282.
1. ストレス軽減に関する研究
• Allen, K., Shykoff, B. E., & Izzo, J. L. (2001). Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress. Hypertension, 38(4), 815-820.
• Beetz, A., Uvnäs-Moberg, K., Julius, H., & Kotrschal, K. (2012). Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: The possible role of oxytocin. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 234.
2. うつ症状の軽減に関する研究
• Salo, A. I., May, A., & Granados, L. (2020). The effects of dog ownership and dog walking on mental health and well-being. Animals, 10(9), 1719.
• McConnell, A. R., Brown, C. M., Shoda, T. M., Stayton, L. E., & Martin, C. E. (2011). Friends with benefits: On the positive consequences of pet ownership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(6), 1239.
3. 運動習慣の向上に関する研究
• Westgarth, C., Christley, R. M., & Christian, H. E. (2017). How might we increase physical activity through dog walking? A comprehensive review of dog walking correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 62.
4. 血圧や心拍数の安定に関する研究
• Friedmann, E., Katcher, A. H., Lynch, J. J., & Thomas, S. A. (1980). Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit. Public Health Reports, 95(4), 307-312.
5. 免疫機能の向上に関する研究
• Ege, M. J., Mayer, M., Normand, A.-C., Genuneit, J., Cookson, W. O., Braun-Fahrländer, C., … & The GABRIELA Study Group. (2011). Exposure to environmental microorganisms and childhood asthma. The New England Journal of Medicine, 364(8), 701-709.
6. 子供の情緒発達への影響
• Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N., & Westgarth, C. (2017). Companion animals and child/adolescent development: A systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 234.
7. 認知症患者への効果
• Nordgren, L., & Engström, G. (2014). Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia: A case report. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 29(3), 278-282.
こんばんは、いつも動画ありがとうございます。🐹ハムスターがいるとホント私 しあわせですよ
ただ寿命が短いのがさみしいですね。ほかにインコをお世話していますが10年くらい 生きます。
あの小さい身体で 大きな声で鳴きます。どこにそんなちからが あるのだろう? 不思議です
癒しを毎日 ありがとうですね💓タカスギ GOさん風邪などに気をつけてお過ごしくださいね
あと 食生活も ハムのお陰で健康的過ぎるほどに野菜を当たり前に積極的に摂取する習慣がつきました これは本当ーーーに ハムのお陰です❣️🥲🙏🙏