There’s one other possibility. A dying alternator could not properly recharge your battery especially if you run lots of short trips. Vehicles with auto start-stop tend to drain the battery faster. To be safe, every 2.5 to 3 years they should be replaced. There are two types EFB and AGM. The noise you hear from a cold crank start would be the first or even final warning. Don’t wait any longer. Not even a day longer. Replace on the same day if possible.
Sorry you need 10 mm small tiny wrench that all you need to removed the terminal Remove the negatives first then the posture terminal Please wear a plastic grove in case your tool touch the terminal or others metal Costco battery is ok about $130 Their mechanic can install for you Costco is big company they will honor their warranty The car warranty don’t give a damn where the battery come from
About the battery jumpier that is the best brand, they also make battery smart chargers I charged four battery at the same time My electric Toyota pallet jack use 4 battery 6 volts (US$200.00) No replacements for those commercial golf cart battery All my Toyota 6 of them I am using Walmart Ever 12 months warranty type $60.00 each
This is a typical problem for people who used to live in countries that pays skill workers low salary. I can understand why a female cannot change a car battery because it is too heavy. But I cannot understand why a male cannot change it himself. It is so simple, unbolt the hold down, remove the negative terminal with a wrench, remove the positive next. lift up and put in the new battery. reconnect the positive, then the negative. you can put the hold down bolt/bracket any time in the procedure. It is important to remove the negative first and reconnect last. This is because when you remove/reconnect the positive and the wrench accidentally touch the car body, no short circuit can happen.
This is Hong Kong people style, afraid effect kia service warranty when replace by himself. And most important point is he may be dont like replace the battery by himself.
Most HK people excluding those who have previous experience study and live abroad don’t lift a finger or no idea any house or car maintenance! Just look at the petrol stations in HK where they are served by gas attendants !My puzzle is why are they fancied living here?!
1. 做開service換電池,一定會平過獨立報價做。2. 我廿年幾新牌時都係自己DIY换電。但而家好多車係自己换會有好多問題。出面换可能會用另一嚿電駁住電來换,可以少啲電子嘢問題。但其實好多新車係有個adaptation的程序,要篤電腦做返,否則部車個行車電腦係唔知你换咗新電,仍然當你在用舊電池的模式充電,咁個新電就好快會打柴。所以不能一個報價就話原厰貴。人哋資料最齊,做錯嘢的機會少啲,部車自然可靠耐用啲。
千祈唔好買KIA,車價係平不過小毛病超多,二手跌價比其他牌子大,三手送都咪要。壞完呢樣跟住果樣又嚟壞,有得整還算好有錢俾攪掂! 最慘話無Parts斷供應轋要等大韓民國寄來。2、3個月整好,行唔夠100哩又跪低,又再入厰維修。
香港智慧,英國生活; 人在異鄉, 文化差異;
在香港一向理所當然的方法和價值, 不一定會在英國完全行得通;
幾年後, 你再睇返呢條片, 希望你會有不同的感受; 💪💪
你好,我可愛的朋友,你好嗎? 你可愛的評論引起了我的注意,如果你不介意,我叫拉里,你叫什麼名字?.
There’s one other possibility. A dying alternator could not properly recharge your battery especially if you run lots of short trips. Vehicles with auto start-stop tend to drain the battery faster. To be safe, every 2.5 to 3 years they should be replaced. There are two types EFB and AGM. The noise you hear from a cold crank start would be the first or even final warning. Don’t wait any longer. Not even a day longer. Replace on the same day if possible.
If his car is fully electric (ie. not a hybrid), there’s no alternator to speak of.
Thanks for sharing !!!
全世界唯一種車耐用,可以用20年,就是 Toyota. 我在美從第一部Pontiac, Oldsmobile , Cadillac , Mercedes , 最後才曉得買部美國版 Toyota Sienna , 後來又添買全部都是 Toyota Prius , Tundra , Tacoma 方便,宜買零件。今年希望買部 Land Crusier
在外國修車非常麻煩。外國媒體粗心大意。什麼 BMW , Land Rover , 買個燈泡都US$200
尤其韓國車,更加 Trash , 偷日本 technology
最好去 賣掉。去買部便宜的 Toyota RAV4
有extra money , 買 Lexus R350
It worth every penny
見 d 人嘅留言真係好好笑,世界咁大唔通你係每個領域都係專家。 學雞爸分享嘅野,可能你係識,但總有人唔識。而學雞爸識嘅野可能你都唔識。 其實你識嘅咪比 d 善意留言囉…唔洗下下批評嘅汽車專家們。
Sorry you need 10 mm small tiny wrench that all you need to removed the terminal
Remove the negatives first then the posture terminal
Please wear a plastic grove in case your tool touch the terminal or others metal
Costco battery is ok about $130
Their mechanic can install for you
Costco is big company they will honor their warranty
The car warranty don’t give a damn where the battery come from
Learning chicken good information
About the battery jumpier that is the best brand, they also make battery smart chargers
I charged four battery at the same time
My electric Toyota pallet jack use 4 battery 6 volts (US$200.00)
No replacements for those commercial golf cart battery
All my Toyota 6 of them I am using Walmart Ever 12 months warranty type $60.00 each
Which battery jumpier is the best brand? thx
我都係用costco walmark買百幾美元汽車電池,一般係3-5年,用了超過3年都係完全冇問題,通常我4年就會更換電池,如果冬天就早少少換電池
佢換嘅係AGM電池, 比普通鉛酸電池貴D, 但會襟用D
佢自己話冇 要問人借真係好搞笑,佢架車可以買返黎都未打過軚氣。
以佢性格分分鐘打軚氣都可拍一條 youtube 片。
This is a typical problem for people who used to live in countries that pays skill workers low salary. I can understand why a female cannot change a car battery because it is too heavy. But I cannot understand why a male cannot change it himself. It is so simple, unbolt the hold down, remove the negative terminal with a wrench, remove the positive next. lift up and put in the new battery. reconnect the positive, then the negative. you can put the hold down bolt/bracket any time in the procedure. It is important to remove the negative first and reconnect last. This is because when you remove/reconnect the positive and the wrench accidentally touch the car body, no short circuit can happen.
This is Hong Kong people style, afraid effect kia service warranty when replace by himself.
And most important point is he may be dont like replace the battery by himself.
Most HK people excluding those who have previous experience study and live abroad don’t lift a finger or no idea any house or car maintenance! Just look at the petrol stations in HK where they are served by gas attendants !My puzzle is why are they fancied living here?!
佢借人那個唔掂姐,有d包埋急 charge60秒 整返起嚿電
以片中show果個Noco gb40 為例,我睇完reviews之後買咗高一級嘅gb70,即係最好要勁過車電池。
多謝你分享, 唔使理傻膠, 人人係唔同地方生活,生活常識一定有D唔同, 冇奶過野又點識, 何不食肉糜?
去Costco 買一個電
自己由19 mm wrench 5分鐘自己換
全世界最耐用是Walmart 代表的 Ever Ready
全美國生產公司叫Johnson Control
去英國的 Walmart 看看那些電池是那家生產公司
買個12月 warranty 已經足夠
在外自己學 DIY
片頭有d 做作。買左車咁耐 居然任何救車設備都冇,架車都有異樣話比你知,都仲係大安指意,真係唔知你天真定搞笑。
下次爆呔 唔之又會唔會拍一條 乜準備都冇既片又比人睇下呢?
你好,我可愛的朋友,你好嗎? 你可愛的評論引起了我的注意,如果你不介意,我叫拉里,你叫什麼名字?.
Thanks for sharing 🙏