What is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)?

  • Опубликовано: 26 янв 2020
  • When the federal government proposed building a toxic waste incinerator in your neighborhood, run a dangerous pipeline past your child’s school or put a massive, costly freeway on top of a wetland, one federal law gives you the right to find out and fight back.
    That law is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). At its most basic level, NEPA requires federal agencies to engage in a review process to identify any significant environmental, economic, social, or health impacts a project may have before decisions are made and construction begins.
    In many cases, NEPA is the only law that provides local communities the ability to weigh in on federal projects impacting their health and safety. It ensures that those who manage federal projects make informed decisions based on the best information while involving and informing the public.
    For example, if the government wanted to build a pipeline or major highway through a residential neighborhood, the NEPA review process would require full disclosure of the agency’s plans, who and how many people will be impacted, and the long-term impacts it would have on the local community. Most importantly, NEPA provides the affected community the opportunity to object and offer alternatives.
    Learn more: protectnepa.org

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