This video was exactly what I needed to begin using Vue 3. I wanted to use some of the components that I was seeing on PrimeVue and now I fully understand how to make use of places like that. I know this is three years old, but thank you so much!
This was a fantastic video to jump start our development. I'd love to see a video to show app "Layout" creation with header, footer, side menu and etc.
Spectacular!! Thank you so much for creating a great framework. Your video here was excellent also. Since Vue 3.2 and the new that's all I use. I was able to modify your setup to use the new format without any issues. And, I now use the Vite creation utility since it's so much faster than the old builder. I believe Vue now uses that as the default in their CLI. I look forward to refactoring my current portal app using all the new features of PrimeVue!! I believe this should replace Vuetify as the leading UI framework for Vue 3.
Hi, I see your video but I have some issue: the first is that when I imported import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config'; and tried the button with texinput, I don't see nothing on the browser, in the console i see this error: Uncaught TypeError: Vue.observable is not a function: PrimeVue.js?a727:41 On stackoverflow I see a guy that use import {PrimeVue} from 'primevue/config'; and this error disappear and I can see the button with text input, but if I try to use v-model doesn't work, and many warnings appears in console: runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:38 [Vue warn]: A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" function. [Vue warn]: Property "$listeners" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. at at These are my dependencies: "dependencies": { "core-js": "^3.6.5", "primeflex": "^2.0.0", "primeicons": "^4.1.0", "primevue": "^2.4.1", "vue": "^3.0.0" } -------------------------- In other projects with only vue.js v3 never happened to me, this is the first time I see these errors. Can anyone help me?
Sorry, being late to the party but I came across this problem myself today. The problem is, that you need a version >= 3 of primevue to get things to work. Here are my dependencies which work fine: "dependencies": { "core-js": "^3.6.5", "primeicons": "^5.0.0", "primevue": "^3.10.0", "vue": "^3.0.0" },
"npm install primevue --save" throws an error: Could not resolve dependency: peer vue@"^2.6.0" from primevue@2.8.0 node_modules/primevue primevue@"*" from the root project but running with "primevue@3" works fine
when I apply npm run serve these messages appear: These dependencies were not found: * prime / button in ./src/main.js * prime / config in ./src/main.js * prime / inputtext in ./src/main.js
hello sir, is primevue support RTL, because in need this for my project and a lot of languages is RTL direction, i appreciate your efforts , thanks so much.
How can I solve this error? error in ./node_modules/primevue/datatable/datatable.esm.js Module parse failed: Unexpected token (180:57) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See | shouldRenderCol(column) { | if (this.rowGroupMode && this.rowGroupMode === 'subheader') { > return this.groupRowsBy !== column.props?.field; | }
This video was exactly what I needed to begin using Vue 3. I wanted to use some of the components that I was seeing on PrimeVue and now I fully understand how to make use of places like that. I know this is three years old, but thank you so much!
15:54 the tag was added suddenly in the video at line #5, but it is not mentioned... easy to miss
omg thank you
You just saved me some 5AM frustration, thank you Sir
This was a fantastic video to jump start our development. I'd love to see a video to show app "Layout" creation with header, footer, side menu and etc.
Spectacular!! Thank you so much for creating a great framework. Your video here was excellent also. Since Vue 3.2 and the new that's all I use. I was able to modify your setup to use the new format without any issues. And, I now use the Vite creation utility since it's so much faster than the old builder. I believe Vue now uses that as the default in their CLI. I look forward to refactoring my current portal app using all the new features of PrimeVue!! I believe this should replace Vuetify as the leading UI framework for Vue 3.
very helpful with composition api. I did a crash course, didn't knew I was even using options api.
hatte gute Erfahrung mit Primefaces. In meinem neuen Projekt werde ich auf jeden Fall PrimeVue verwenden.
I see your video but I have some issue:
the first is that when I imported
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
and tried the button with texinput, I don't see nothing on the browser, in the console i see this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Vue.observable is not a function: PrimeVue.js?a727:41
On stackoverflow I see a guy that use import {PrimeVue} from 'primevue/config';
and this error disappear and I can see the button with text input, but if I try to use v-model doesn't work, and many warnings appears in console:
runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:38 [Vue warn]: A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" function.
[Vue warn]: Property "$listeners" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.
These are my dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"core-js": "^3.6.5",
"primeflex": "^2.0.0",
"primeicons": "^4.1.0",
"primevue": "^2.4.1",
"vue": "^3.0.0"
In other projects with only vue.js v3 never happened to me, this is the first time I see these errors.
Can anyone help me?
I resolved the issues installing npm install primevue@3.3.5 that's stable version.
Sorry, being late to the party but I came across this problem myself today.
The problem is, that you need a version >= 3 of primevue to get things to work. Here are my dependencies which work fine:
"dependencies": {
"core-js": "^3.6.5",
"primeicons": "^5.0.0",
"primevue": "^3.10.0",
"vue": "^3.0.0"
Unfortunately it's not possible to read the shown code on a smartphone. Font is too small.
is there away to reghister all components globly like bootstrap vue or vuetify?
and there is no auto complete when i use components in template
Thanks for the explanation. It's very helpful. I won't to know if the are a possiblity to use toaster from store vuex
"npm install primevue --save" throws an error:
Could not resolve dependency:
peer vue@"^2.6.0" from primevue@2.8.0
primevue@"*" from the root project
but running with "primevue@3" works fine
can I import everything in one line?
vue is the best!
5:55 better assign a version "@3.4.0" , especially when there is a new version 2 released after version 3 release.
Hi. Is there a source for CRUD by connecting Mongodb and datatable (Primevue) ? Thank you...
thank you so much for all your hard work, it really helps me out a lot!!!
her component için eklemek biraz yorucu gibi gözüküyor başka çözümünüz var mı ? bootstrap-vue gibi ?
HTTP 404 Not Found Error with .woff or .woff2 Font Files
Any way to fix it?
You saved my life today, Thankyou
Hello is it possible for me integrate this theme with quasar framework?
Can we install third Party NPM packages?
when I apply npm run serve these messages appear:
These dependencies were not found:
* prime / button in ./src/main.js
* prime / config in ./src/main.js
* prime / inputtext in ./src/main.js
Shouldn't it be "primevue/*" like "primevue/button"
thank you ... great video to start using primevue component
hello sir, is primevue support RTL, because in need this for my project and a lot of languages is RTL direction, i appreciate your efforts , thanks so much.
Not yet but we'll bring it in Q3 this year.
vue ile alakam yok ama bahtınız açık olsun!
Typescript support is severely lacking still in 2021 it's very frustrating.
Is it possible to import components in the vue files, instead of registering components globally?
Sure, you need to register them locally. Vue docs has sections about this.
I get at line: const app = createApp(App); "Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function"
@フルブライトケネス not CDN so cli I geuess
@フルブライトケネス I somehow solved with help of another guy, thanks :)
How can I solve this error?
error in ./node_modules/primevue/datatable/datatable.esm.js
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (180:57)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
| shouldRenderCol(column) {
| if (this.rowGroupMode && this.rowGroupMode === 'subheader') {
> return this.groupRowsBy !== column.props?.field;
| }
no typescript?
Typescript is fully supported, here is a starter.
Spot on! Thank you!
maje nunca dijiste que había que agregar el tag me chingué un buen rato que por que no jalaba jajaja
Thanks Cagatay!
Great Job! The video and the actual framework do not sync. Sigh! The video is outdated. Dumping this!
no success