Sophia she’s really underrated very well the situation in DRC and Rwanda, But what I can tell you South Africans don’t send you troops in DRC because they will regret
I wish that M23 bring back their fellow brothers and sisters and parent who live in refugee camp for last 3 decades on their respectives lands in North-Kivu. Today SA is mourning about 14 soldiers killed but when SADC continue to deploy it's troops on battle field in Eastern DRC, it will be another story in fact you will bear more consequances than today. SA will be more humiliated than today
Sophie shouldn't travel to DRC. Kigali is a better place for her. Look closely to DRC. I have business there. That's place will shine. Make no mistakes. Many will regret what they did to our brothers and sisters Congolese
Tshisekedi is grossly negligent of his duties.
Rwandan operative
Sophia she’s really underrated very well the situation in DRC and Rwanda, But what I can tell you South Africans don’t send you troops in DRC because they will regret
I wish that M23 bring back their fellow brothers and sisters and parent who live in refugee camp for last 3 decades on their respectives lands in North-Kivu. Today SA is mourning about 14 soldiers killed but when SADC continue to deploy it's troops on battle field in Eastern DRC, it will be another story in fact you will bear more consequances than today. SA will be more humiliated than today
u are still want to send more troops ?? u will cry and pay again lets wait and see . this time prepare for humuliation
the same congo u are helping burning your embassy yestarday
We didn't burn the South africa embassy. Please, you need to be well informed
Sophie shouldn't travel to DRC. Kigali is a better place for her.
Look closely to DRC. I have business there. That's place will shine. Make no mistakes.
Many will regret what they did to our brothers and sisters Congolese
u cant even telling truth.your troops are surrounded no weapon ( all weapons are in hands of m23) only one option u have to negociate for evacuation
They should bring somalua and Ethiopia....
Once you mentioned the word "ramaphosa" in solution matters i just loose interest in listening futher. Solutions are ramphosa are like water and oil.