The Convoy Is Ambushed | Lost Command | Silver Scenes

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The 10th regiment come under fire and must fight to survive.
    Watch Lost Command Now:
    French Army Colonel Raspeguy leads his paratroopers in battle against the Communist Viet Minh in Indochina and against Algerian guerrilla during the Algerian War.
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    The Convoy Is Ambushed | Lost Command | Silver Scenes
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Комментарии • 326

  • @MyelinProductions
    @MyelinProductions 3 месяца назад +59

    'Lost Command' (aka Les Centurions) is a 1966 American war film directed and produced by Mark Robson and starring Anthony Quinn, Alain Delon, George Segal, Michèle Morgan, Maurice Ronet and Claudia Cardinale. It is based on the best-selling 1960 novel The Centurions by Jean Lartéguy. The film focuses on the story of French paratroopers battling in French Indochina and French Algeria. ~ Good movie - good historical portrayals & based on real true events. ~ Be Safe out there folks ~ Peace & Health to Us All.

    • @babachloe7140
      @babachloe7140 3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you sir. Just bought that and The Praetorians.

    • @jhnshep
      @jhnshep 3 месяца назад +3

      the book is better, jean larteguy

    • @BrotherHoodofTheDogxix
      @BrotherHoodofTheDogxix 3 месяца назад +2

      My favorite book. A great companion to another book called Hell in a Small
      Place. Don’t remember that author, look it up.

    • @jhnshep
      @jhnshep 3 месяца назад +4

      @@BrotherHoodofTheDogxix Hell in a very small place. Bernard Fall. I had the book, some bugger nicked it lol

    • @MyelinProductions
      @MyelinProductions 3 месяца назад +2

      @@BrotherHoodofTheDogxix Yes - Thank You. ~ Bernard B. Fall - also wrote "Street without Joy", "Last Reflections on a War", and others about the wars in Indochina and Vietnam. He was killed in action in 1967, ironically on "The Street without Joy" = Thừa Thiên Province, on USMC Combat Operation Chinook II. His USMC photographer, Gunnery Sergeant Byron G. Highland, also was killed next to him in an ambush. Great insightful books. Read his accounts in the US Army when I was an Officer. ~ Be Safe out there ~ Peace & Health to Us All.

  • @nickmitsialis
    @nickmitsialis 11 месяцев назад +99

    This is probably the first film I had ever seen on the French/Algerian War.

    • @albertnalut426
      @albertnalut426 11 месяцев назад +1

      But totally pro islamist of FLN!!!! Of course... CIA helped the algerian rebellion. The book of Jean Larteguy is betrayed.

    • @c3aloha
      @c3aloha 11 месяцев назад +15

      Watch Battle for Algiers!

    • @Cyan_Nightingale
      @Cyan_Nightingale 11 месяцев назад +9

      Nah. Watch "L'Ennemi Intime" (2007) instead if you want to know the perspective of French soldiers who fought in Algeria. Underrated film

    • @albertnalut426
      @albertnalut426 11 месяцев назад +9

      Battle of Algier (Gillo Pontecorvo) is a soviet-islamist film. I was in Algier in this time (1965). "Battle" is false. It was just counter-terrorist and police opérations.@@c3aloha

    • @c3aloha
      @c3aloha 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@albertnalut426 you are a pied noir? I know it’s considered communist but as a counter terrorist demonstration it’s considered informational regarding the successful aspects of the military operation. We study it in the American military. Jean Martin as the para commander is awesome!

  • @hubertcarret4447
    @hubertcarret4447 3 месяца назад +17

    Les hommes politiques actuels salissent la mémoire des militaires Français morts en Algérie,c'est indigne, car c'est le gouvernement de l'époque qui avait décidé de les envoyer là bas, en particulier le gouvernement Guy Mollet socialiste.Respect à nos morts,c'est la moindre des choses.Savoir se taire et ne pas toujours remuer des discordes,c'est le minimum que l'on demande.

    • @senianns9522
      @senianns9522 Месяц назад

      Can't believe the French said : 'Advance 20 yards'?? Meters ?

    • @Mika-s6l
      @Mika-s6l 10 дней назад

      @@senianns9522 un bond de 20 mètres en avant.

  • @zhubotang927
    @zhubotang927 3 месяца назад +33

    My man who was returning fire with his service pistol towards the ambush ridge line had tons of faith.

  • @ronaldmcdonald8303
    @ronaldmcdonald8303 2 месяца назад +3

    Those mortars sound exactly the same as the explosions in the army men games!

  • @bouse23
    @bouse23 11 месяцев назад +45

    The algerian commander was formerly a soldier in the french army and had served with the french colonel. That was often the case with fln commanders

    • @maximkretsch7134
      @maximkretsch7134 11 месяцев назад +2

      Sounds like Arminius.

    • @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น
      @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น 10 месяцев назад


    • @intelprointelpro4452
      @intelprointelpro4452 8 месяцев назад +1

      Vrai de vrai et certains cadres du FNL avaient combattu lors de la WW2 avec les troupes françaises en Italie notamment à Monte Cassino et jusqu'en Allemagne. Ils avaient beaucoup d'expérience. Voir le film : l'ennemi intime. Un ancien militaire français.

    • @СергейВампир-л6в
      @СергейВампир-л6в 8 месяцев назад +1

      150 лет назад в Палестине не жили арабы, арабы появились в Палестине после того, как евреи-сионисты Халуцим начали селиться в Палестине Николай Васильевич Гоголь - 1848 год.
      Из письма Жуковскому (28/02/1850),
      в котором Гоголь описывает впечатления от своего паломничества в Палестину:
      Отмечая, что в древние времена это была, "возможно", цветущая страна, Гоголь пишет:" - но теперь, когда редко, редко встретишь пять-шесть олив на всей покатости горы, цветом земли своей так же сероватых и пыльных, как и самые камни гор, когда одна только тонкая плева моха, да урывками клочки травы зеленеют посреди этого обнаженного, неровного поля каменьев, да через каких-нибудь пять-шесть часов пути попадается где-нибудь приклеившаяся к горе хижина араба, больше похожая на глиняный горшок, печурку, звериную норку, чем на жилище человека, - как узнать в таком месте землю млека и меда? Представьте же себе посреди такого опустения Иерусалим, Вифлеем и все восточные города, похожие на беспорядочно сложенные груды камней и кирпичей; представь себе Иордан, тощий посреди обнаженных гористых окрестностей, кое-где осененный небольшими кустиками ив; представь же себе посреди такого опустения у ног Иерусалима долину Иосафатову с несколькими камнями и гротами, будто бы гробницами иудейских царей».
      «Право, не знаю, - что могу сообщить тебе такого о Палестине, что бы навело тебя на благодатные мысли и побудило тебя вдохновенно приняться за перо и свою поэму»". Марк Твен - 1867 год.
      "Простаки за границей"
      Палестину по праву можно считать царицей среди земель, одним своим видом наводящих уныние. Горы ее бесплодны и некрасивы, их краски тусклы. Долины - это неприглядные пустыни с чахлой растительностью, от которой так и веет тоской и убожеством. Мертвое море и море Галилейское сонно цепенеют среди пустынных гор и равнин, где не на чем отдохнуть глазу, - здесь нет ничего яркого или поражающего, нет ласковых пейзажей, дремлющих в лиловой дымке или испещренных тенями проплывающих в небе облаков. Все очертания резки, все линии четки; здесь нет перспективы - в отдалении все так же лишено очарования, как и вблизи. Безрадостная, угрюмая и скорбная земля.
      Впрочем, иные клочки и лоскутки ее, должно быть, прекрасны в расцвете весны, - тем прекраснее, что со всех сторон их обступает голая пустыня, которой нет ни конца ни края. Я очень хотел бы увидеть берега Йордана весной, и Сихем тоже, и Ездрилон, и Аиалон, и берега моря Галилейского, - но даже и весною все они показались бы лишь игрушечными садиками, посаженными далеко друг от друга в бескрайной пустыне.
      Палестина - край заброшенный и неприглядный ... Палестина уже не принадлежит нашему будничному; прозаическому миру. Она отдана поэзии и преданиям - это страна грез

    • @jihomet7607
      @jihomet7607 2 месяца назад

      ​@@СергейВампир-л6вIslam in Afghanistan began to be practiced after the Arab Islamic conquest of Afghanistan from the 7th to the 10th centuries, with the last holdouts to conversion submitting in the late 19th

  • @Rhubba
    @Rhubba 2 месяца назад +1

    Anthony Quinn and Alain Delon look cool in French lizard pattern camouflage. Lots of nice MAT 49 SMGs depicted as well but when the order is given "advance 20 yards" the French would have said metres instead.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      Yes, but a pity the French soldiers are equipped with Spanish Mausers instead of USM1 carbines or MAS 36 CR 39, the para version of the standard MAS 36. But it's a very rare weapon, so... another problem is the officers wearing shiny brass ranks on their shoulders. They were never worn on the combat uniform, as they would have made their bearer a priority target

  • @666johnco
    @666johnco 11 месяцев назад +19

    Whilst I can understand the French making so few films about Algeria or the Indochina War its a pity that their major film industry hasn't made some effort.

    • @timoaksel9320
      @timoaksel9320 11 месяцев назад +2

      Vietnam has made a few.

    • @666johnco
      @666johnco 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@timoaksel9320 I will check if they can be sought out, of course for the war in Akgeria there is 'The Battle of Algiers' which seeks a balanced view.' Though thats difficult viewing for France as they used large scale torturing of suspects to break the FLN in that city. The origional book from which this film comes was called The Centurions. No one has ever bothered with the 2nd book The Praetorians. For that is less about war and more the 1958 military coup, Begun with a mutiny of the army of Algeria, which brought De Gaulle back to power and ended the 4th Republic. Within 3 years the Grand Charles had done the math and decided that if he was going to rebuild France and its army Algeria had to go.

    • @Demun1649
      @Demun1649 11 месяцев назад +1

      Perhaps, if you learn French, you would find it easier to track them down. There are many fictional films, and many factual documentaries. Which do you prefer.

    • @uncletimo6059
      @uncletimo6059 11 месяцев назад

      the French DID make movies about indochina war.
      now go to the internets and explore, meine duden protip: schoendorfer

    • @johnwotek3816
      @johnwotek3816 11 месяцев назад +1

      The Algerian war still remind bad memories to people. It's still a rather sensitive subject. We are not exactly proud of that war and thus, movies about it more documentary than hollywood fiction like you had for Vietnam.

  • @stag.3526
    @stag.3526 2 месяца назад +1

    All those beautiful American trucks, jeeps, and weapons... all just given away after WWII.

    • @johnusa3150
      @johnusa3150 2 месяца назад

      The US supplied the Free French during the 1940s and also in the 1950s during France's colonial wars in Indochina, and Algeria. This movie was filmed in Spain, which also had much US equipment supplied to Franco through MAP in the 1950s, and 1960s.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      @@johnusa3150 You can see the movie was filmed in Spain just by seeing the rifles used both by the rebels (who most often had German or Czech Mausers provided by the eastern Europe countries or weapons seized on the French), which are Spanish Mausers. They also equip the French Paras of the film, who never ever used them. But finding a bunch of USM1 carbines or MAS 36 CR 39, the para version of the standard MAS 36, a very rare weapon, wasn't the most important preoccupation of the film maker... the MAT 49 SMG and uniforms are accurate, but no officer would have worn shiny brass rank marks on their campaign uniform like we see here ! That would have make them a priority target...

    • @johnusa3150
      @johnusa3150 Месяц назад

      Any movie made by Hollywood or other international studios always seems to use "artistic license" when it comes to films that are based on historic events or. true stories, especially war movies.
      If you are from Canada, or France, you know that US made films often use American actors, or Americans as the main star, or subject, even though the reality was quite different.
      The main point is that movies are made for entertainment, but you can do research easliy today, the way the Internet is.

  • @RamVai-y4v
    @RamVai-y4v 4 месяца назад +1

    Best Western movie ever

  • @tincho1979
    @tincho1979 11 месяцев назад +7

    Maestro Antony Queen 💪🏻

  • @elcid8943
    @elcid8943 2 месяца назад

    My late Daddy's fav film

  • @fifthbusiness1678
    @fifthbusiness1678 28 дней назад

    I was left wondering why they - Anthony Quinn and his cohorts - charged forward towards the enemy holding the high very high) ground instead of just staying in their defensive position where they were safe? Having said that, I’ll search out this film to see if the full version is available on RUclips.

    • @Mika-s6l
      @Mika-s6l 10 дней назад

      Il vaut mieux foncer que rester se faire tuer dans une position défensive.

  • @СергейВампир-л6в
    @СергейВампир-л6в 9 месяцев назад +1

    Мухаммад Амин аль-Хусейни (араб. محمد أمين الحسيني‎) (ок. 1895 - 4 июля, 1974) - муфтий Иерусалима, лидер арабских националистов в Палестине. Военный преступник, который был приговорён к смертной казни, но избежал исполнения приговора.
    Происходил из одной из наиболее богатых и влиятельных арабских семей Иерусалима. Учился в школе еврейского движения Альянс в Иерусалиме, затем в исламском университете аль-Азхар в Каире и в училище, готовившем административных работников, в Стамбуле. В 1914-1917 гг. служил в турецкой армии; после захвата Палестины британскими войсками стал чиновником военной администрации. Возглавлял «Арабский клуб» - одну из двух крупнейших организаций националистически настроенной арабской молодежи в Иерусалиме.
    Аль-Хусейни был заочно приговорён английским судом к 10 годам тюремного заключения за организацию антиеврейских беспорядков в Иерусалиме в апреле 1920 г., но был помилован в августе того же года. В мае 1921 г. британский Верховный комиссар Герберт Сэмюэл назначил аль-Хусейни муфтием Иерусалима (до марта 1921 г. этот пост занимал его сводный брат).
    Аль-Хусейни принял активное участие в организации еврейских погромов в 1929 г. Он председательствовал на Всемирной Исламской конференции в 1931 году, в ней приняли участие 22 исламские страны.
    В 1936 году аль-Хусейни встречался со швейцарским банкиром Франсуа Жено (англ.)рус., позже ставшим известным как финансист нацистской Германии на Ближнем Востоке. Согласно Чаку Морзе, нацисты финансировали аль-Хусейни во время арабского восстания 1930-х гг. в Палестине.
    11 февраля 1936 г., выступая на первом заседании созданной им по образцу Гитлерюгенда юношеской организации «Al Futuwwah», он отметил, что Гитлер начал с 6 последователей, а теперь у него 60 миллионов. «Al Futuwwah» стала основной арабской подпольной группой как в ходе беспорядков 1936-1939 гг., так и в 1948 году.
    В 1936 г. на конференции арабских партий в Наблусе был избран Верховный арабский комитет во главе с аль-Хусейни, возглавивший арабское восстание 1936-1939 годов. Полковник Фредерик Киш в 1938 году писал:
    Я ничуть не сомневаюсь, что если бы муфтий не злоупотреблял своей огромной властью, а правительство не терпело бы его выходки в течение пятнадцати лет, то арабы и евреи уже давным-давно достигли бы взаимопонимания в контексте мандата.
    Мухаммад Амин аль-Хусейни и Адольф Гитлер
    В начале Второй мировой войны британские власти сместили аль-Хусейни с поста муфтия. Он бежал, но продолжал руководить арабским восстанием из Дамаска и Бейрута. В 1940 г. аль-Хусейни отправился в Ирак, где принял участие в прогерманском антибританском перевороте Рашида аль-Гайлани в 1941 г. После подавления переворота англичанами он жил в Италии, а затем в нацистской Германии, где получал от её правительства 50 000 марок в месяц.
    28 ноября 1941 года в Берлине состоялась встреча аль-Хусейни и Гитлера. Как сообщалось в сводке новостей из Берлина, «фюрер приветствовал Великого муфтия Иерусалима, одного из наиболее выдающихся представителей арабского национального движения». В ходе встречи аль-Хусейни называл Гитлера «защитником ислама», а тот, в свою очередь, пообещал муфтию «уничтожить еврейские элементы на Ближнем Востоке». Аль-Хусейни сказал Гитлеру, что Германия и арабы - естественные союзники, так как имеют общих врагов - англичан, евреев и коммунистов. Аль-Хусейни пообещал организовать панарабское восстание и предложил создать Арабский легион в германской армии. Гитлер пообещал упразднить «еврейский национальный очаг» в Палестине и предоставить арабам независимость после войны (однако официально такого заявления сделано не было). Согласно раскрытым в 2010 году данным спецслужб США, Гитлер пообещал аль-Хусейни, что немецкие войска, передислоцированные с Кавказа, и Африканский корпус «освободят арабов на Ближнем востоке», и что «главной целью Германии будет уничтожение евреев»
    Амин аль-Хусейни сформировал эсэсовскую дивизию из югославских мусульман-боснийцев (13-ю горную дивизию СС «Ханджар»)
    В дополнение к этому он предложил создать под эгидой Вермахта многотысячный Арабский легион. В 1943 году он лично обратился к рейхсминистру иностранных дел Риббентропу, требуя предотвратить эмиграцию 5000 еврейских детей из Болгарии в Палестину. Он настаивал на бомбардировке Тель-Авива, требовал высадить в Палестине немецких парашютистов. 1 марта 1944 года по «Радио Берлина» муфтий призвал весь исламский мир вести джихад против евреев. Он заявил: «Арабы! Вставайте, как один и боритесь за ваши священные права. Убивайте евреев, где вы только их ни найдете. Это угодно Богу, истории и религии. Это спасет вашу честь»

  • @Yanobless
    @Yanobless 3 месяца назад

    Bude punya burung boleh ...👍

  • @JayShreeKrishna11062
    @JayShreeKrishna11062 Месяц назад

    Loc Kargil

  • @raedfutyan1849
    @raedfutyan1849 3 месяца назад

    اسم الفيلم

  • @vikramkgfvikramkgf7313
    @vikramkgfvikramkgf7313 5 месяцев назад

    Movie name plz

  • @Techrpms
    @Techrpms 8 месяцев назад


  • @senianns9522
    @senianns9522 Месяц назад

    'They have automatic weapons'!--No shit Sherlock!

  • @ElijahKorsak-mb6bc
    @ElijahKorsak-mb6bc 4 месяца назад

    Funny how all the French have KAR 96 rifles instead of the Mas 49 or mas 36

    • @JohnDavies-cn3ro
      @JohnDavies-cn3ro 4 месяца назад

      That was probably all they could get from the war surplus suppliers.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      True. But they don't have "KAR 96", a rifle that doesn't exist by the way, but Spanish Mauser modelo 1943, just like the rebels. They should have used MAS 49 or 49/56, USM1 carbines or the specific para version of the MAS 36, the rare MAS 36 CR 39. At least they have MAT 49 SMG...

    • @ElijahKorsak-mb6bc
      @ElijahKorsak-mb6bc 29 дней назад

      @@laurentdevaux5617 sorry I meant Kar 98 I’m really at this stuff sometimes and I just learned that the foreign legion used them so I just said some funky stuff

  • @blank557
    @blank557 11 месяцев назад +6

    The French learned nothing in Indochina/Vietnam. Mechanized units are road bound, making them easy pickings for a guerilla force to travel cross country at night unseen, and set up an ambush. French convoys were hammered by the VC, just as the US/UN forces were in Korea when the Red Chinese took the hills while we stayed in the valleys and roads. The Finns in 1939 cut up Soviet columns in the frozen woods this way. Happened again with US convoys in Vietnam, which is why they took supply trucks making them gun trucks armed with lots of MG's. US soldiers learned quick never to take trails if they wanted to stay alive. Yet the Soviets and US in Afghanistan continue to rely on vehicles to patrol on roads, and got blown up with IEDs and ambushes. Technology will only get you so far against an home defender on his own turf.

    • @clavier2560
      @clavier2560 11 месяцев назад +2

      The way Hollywood see the algerian war conducted by the french army is hilarious....

    • @jeanpierreragequit1726
      @jeanpierreragequit1726 11 месяцев назад +7

      its idiotic, Algerian war was totally won by french army. With a fortress every 40km, Algeria was pacified.

    • @BFVK
      @BFVK 11 месяцев назад +5

      "The French learned nothing in Indochina/Vietnam."
      They just understand the revolutionary use of helicopters and applied it in Algeria...

    • @jeanpierreragequit1726
      @jeanpierreragequit1726 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@BFVK Yep... the same tactic US have used in Vietnam, copied on french troops.. :D

    • @stephanl1983
      @stephanl1983 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@jeanpierreragequit1726but the french used these tactics about ten years earlier.
      The war in Algeria ended in 1962.

  • @coserlupalezwi6476
    @coserlupalezwi6476 9 месяцев назад


  • @zarghamkhan441
    @zarghamkhan441 3 месяца назад

    The Algerian war of independence was marred by a lot of war crimes committed by the French but in the end France and Colonization were both defeated.

  • @pascalbld5684
    @pascalbld5684 11 месяцев назад +3

    Le problème avec ces actions est que le MAT 49 ( pistolet mitrailleur français ,) ne pouvait pas tirer à plus de 30 m et toucher sa cible..
    Alors là, en face des carabines et autres mitrailleuses, c'est comme tirer avec un pistolet à bouchon...

    • @alaincharlesleroy87
      @alaincharlesleroy87 11 месяцев назад +7

      Plus de 50 m tout même d'efficacité, et carton à 100m en petite rafale, je l'ai fait pendant mon armée avant de toucher au SIG 540 et Famas !

    • @333amoromniavincit9
      @333amoromniavincit9 11 месяцев назад +5

      Si vous n avez jamais atteints la cible a plus de 30 mètres c est peut être pas le MAT 49 le problème...Çà reste un PM mais quand même,encore faut il savoir viser en bas a gauche mais c est une arme efficace.

    • @jeanpierreragequit1726
      @jeanpierreragequit1726 11 месяцев назад +5

      J'avais tiré avec sur 50 m et j'ai fait mouche à plusieurs reprises. Souvenir de la classe 94/08

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      Le MAT 49 était une arme de défense rapprochée, il n'était pas fait pour tirer à des distances insensées. Comme tous les PM d'ailleurs... on ne peut pas lui reprocher ce pourquoi il n'était pas fait. A courte distance, c'était une arme redoutable, bien faite, solide et compacte

  • @JMor954
    @JMor954 11 месяцев назад +1

    Maybe if the French did'nt worry so much about fine cuisine they could have brought more of their own kit into battle- American trucks, jeeps, machine guns, and actors-Anthony Quinn

    • @yellowprime8491
      @yellowprime8491 11 месяцев назад

      France was poor as fuck after WW2 (hell even UK was still rationing food into 1954), and USA was so flush with gear they practically gave it away to their allies for Free. So while France was desperate to re-arm with locally produced stuff, large swathes of their military were using US kit.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      American trucks, jeeps and machine guns were heavily used by the French army, both in Indochina and Algeria

  • @sadektako2845
    @sadektako2845 10 месяцев назад

    ventardise ............./

  • @socialcommentarybyxagan7362
    @socialcommentarybyxagan7362 5 месяцев назад


    • @DJhuggo
      @DJhuggo 3 месяца назад

      bons temps! A moi la Legion!

  • @SalimTebbal-o2w
    @SalimTebbal-o2w 9 месяцев назад

    تحيا الجزاءير رحمت الله على الشهداء فرنسا بنت الكلابا قتلت الشعب الجزاءيري المجرمة لعنت الله عليه ربي يرحم كل الشهداء ربي يحفض الجزاءير وينصرها

  • @antoniopinto1904
    @antoniopinto1904 11 месяцев назад +41

    Indochine (Vietnam). Seel "La 317eme section" 1965. Very good film.

    • @nickmitsialis
      @nickmitsialis 11 месяцев назад +2

      Agreed! I own a copy of Amazon Prime--you can almost feel the heat, humidity and rain.

    • @johnciummo3299
      @johnciummo3299 4 месяца назад +2

      Actually one of the greatest films about men in war ever filmed. Considered a classic by most film critics.

    • @johnnikitakis876
      @johnnikitakis876 2 месяца назад

      This scean is in Algeria. Not Indochina

  • @hannotn
    @hannotn 11 месяцев назад +85

    Love the revelation of the soldier telling the officer at 2:40 "they have automatic weapons!" I think by that stage it was readily apparent that they had automatic weapons.

    • @DeltaEchoGolf
      @DeltaEchoGolf 11 месяцев назад +11

      Later in the film it was found that the machine-gun was a taken from a local police armory. At that time, most machine-guns used by guerilla forces were leftover or captured European weapons from WWII. Most of which were no longer in service. Unlike the American M1919 machine-gun. The sound of which is what probably caught this French commander's interest.

    • @nickmitsialis
      @nickmitsialis 11 месяцев назад +4

      maybe they wanted to mean 'crew served weapon'?
      What got in me in the more recent movie 'Intimate Enemies' (and the few books I read on the War, mainly a couple of personal memoirs and Alastaire Horne's book on the war) was now the FLN didn't seem to have a lot of crew served weapons: mortars, Recoilless guns, bazookas/RPGs, heavy MGs for anti aircraft usage===or if they DID have 'em, they were in widespread use.

    • @jackhorwood5739
      @jackhorwood5739 11 месяцев назад +8

      Its because earlier in the film they are told that the rebels have no automatic weapons, so they are surprised that they do actually have one and want to capture it to see where it is from.

    • @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น
      @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น 10 месяцев назад


    • @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น
      @ถนอมศรีปรีเปรมความรู้สึกดีขึ้น 10 месяцев назад


  • @johnmoreno9636
    @johnmoreno9636 2 месяца назад +12

    My father was a Colonial Parachutist in Algeria in 1949. He mentioned a time when his unit was issued the wrong ammo for their rifles, and they were about to enter a hostile village. So they fixed bayonets, and marched in like they owned the village. No trouble.

    • @hacctah7028
      @hacctah7028 Месяц назад

      Stupid , Algeria soldiers don't stay at the villages.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      In 1949 ? The algerian war begun in 1954, and there were no para units in Algeria at the end of the 40's !

    • @johnmoreno9636
      @johnmoreno9636 29 дней назад

      @@laurentdevaux5617 Not true. The Legion and Colonial Para training camp was in Algeria. This was before the Algerian War, although he did say it was very unwise to walk around alone at night.

  • @robertoborsalino1855
    @robertoborsalino1855 11 месяцев назад +14

    le titre du film : Les Centurions tiré du livre de jean Larteguy ! Alain delon et antony Quin ainsi que d'autres acteurs francais comme on n'en verra plus !

    • @BFVK
      @BFVK 11 месяцев назад +1

      Et Surtout Claudia Cardinale !

  • @sharonhaywood2818
    @sharonhaywood2818 7 месяцев назад +27

    I love this movie remember it when I was a little girl. In my day this was a scary movie 😊😊😊 now 66 years old and I still enjoyed it ❤️

    • @eagle1man488
      @eagle1man488 3 месяца назад +1

      The Western personality is distorted by violent films, if I saw my young children watching violent films, I would prevent them from doing so in order to preserve their purity and human innocence.

    • @mrobocop1666
      @mrobocop1666 3 месяца назад

      @@eagle1man488 somehow, this lady's generation was muuuuch better than next ones, especially current young Western women

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 2 месяца назад

      🔴THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (How many religious practices do you follow? How many bases have you rebelled against God's word and chosen your own path? Understand God's word and live it. Be principled in your actions and deeds; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the practice of truth and living the word of God. Only a practice like this will please God. Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. A person who truly loves God and is in the truth is a person who is honest with God, but he does not reveal it to the outside. He is ready to practice the truth when tested and does not speak or act in a way that goes against his conscience. He shows wisdom when faced with trials and is principled in his actions, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the one who truly serves. There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God?!" He couldn't answer. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rituals and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? Is this kind of people in the kingdom? The person in the kingdom must be lively and free, innocent and open-minded, honest and pleasant; one who lives in a state of freedom. He has character and dignity, and can be a witness wherever he goes; he is pleasing to both God and man. Those who have faith in God in their hearts are not strange in the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. Only these people can be considered living the word of God. What do external good works represent? The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. What pleases you is what God surely hates, and your behavior is what God hates and hates. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people are sure to be rejected.)
      Almighty God said
      How many RELIGIOUS PRACTICES do you FOLLOW? How many bases have you REBELLED against GOD'S WORD and CHOOSE your OWN path? How many times have you put God's word into practice because you truly consider His burdens and seek to fulfill His will? UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD and LIVE it. Be PRINCIPLED in your ACTIONS and WORKS; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the PRACTICE of the TRUTH and LIVING the WORD of GOD. Only PERFORMANCE like this will PLEASE GOD. 🙏
      Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. Some people have a penchant for attracting attention for themselves. 🛑
      In front of His brothers, he will say that he is indebted to God, but behind their backs, he does not practice the truth and does the opposite. Isn't this like the religious Pharisees? A PERSON WHO REALLY LOVES GOD and is in the TRUTH is a PERSON who is HONEST to GOD, but he doesn't REVEAL it OUTSIDE. 🙏
      He is READY to do the TRUTH when there is a TEST and DOESN'T SPEAK or ACT in a way that goes against His CONSCIENCE. He SHOWS WISDOM when there is a TEST and there is a PRINCIPLE in His WORKS, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the TRUE SERVANT. 🛑
      There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. They spend their days with furrowed brows, showing off, and pretending to be pitiful. Absolutely disgusting! And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God? Please tell me!" He couldn't answer.
      IF you are FAITHFUL to GOD, do not mention it in public, but use your actual practice to show your love to God, and pray to Him with an honest heart. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Some speak of indebtedness to God in every prayer, and begin to cry when they pray, even without the touch of the Holy Spirit. ☀️
      Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rites and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? To show their humility, pretend to show courtesy when speaking in the presence of others. Some deliberately make themselves slaves in the presence of others, like a sheep without any strength. Is this kind of people in the kingdom? 🛑
      The PERSON in the KINGDOM must be ALIVE and FREE, INNOCENT and OPEN WILLED, FAITHFUL and agreeable; one LIVING in a STATE of FREEDOM. He has CHARACTER and DIGNITY, and he can be a WITNESS wherever he GOES; he is PLEASED by both GOD and MAN. 🙏💐
      Novices in the faith have many outward practices; they must first undergo a period of dealing and destruction. The beliefs of God in their hearts are not strange to the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. ONLY these PEOPLE can be CONSIDERED LIVED in the WORD of GOD. 🛑
      If you PREACH the GOSPEL daily this YEAR and the next, ENCOURAGE them to SALVATION, but in the END, you STILL LIVE in POLICIES and DOCTRINE, you CANNOT give GOD the GLORY then. Such TYPES of PEOPLE are RELIGIOUS, and also HYPOCRITES. ☀️
      What do external good works represent? They represent the flesh, and even the best outward behavior does not represent life, only your own individual behavior. The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You always talk about how much you owe God, but you cannot provide for the lives of others or inspire others to love God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. Can your happiness represent God's? Can human character represent God? What pleases you is what God definitely hates, and your habits are what God hates and hates. 😪
      If you feel indebted, then pray to God. No need to mention it to others. If you do not pray to God and instead always draw attention to yourself in the presence of others, can it fulfill the will of God? If your actions are always outward, it means that you are the most arrogant of people. What kind of person is he to be seen--he is only a person who does good but is blind to the truth. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! If you do not abandon your outward habits and are unable to make changes, then the elements of hypocrisy will dominate you even more. The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people will surely be rejected! 🙏
      From The Word, Vol. I. The Manifestation and Work of God. In Faith, One Must Focus ...
      Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Mat. 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥

  • @zebradun7407
    @zebradun7407 11 месяцев назад +10

    OK so when does the convoy commander ride point and why no point recon unit before the column, Now if you are driving in a vally send out guards to sweep the heights.
    Good movie though Anthony Quinn was a good actor.

    • @raytucker6568
      @raytucker6568 11 месяцев назад +1

      It was in the script

    • @DeltaEchoGolf
      @DeltaEchoGolf 11 месяцев назад +1

      In the movie, the guerilla activity was just heating up. But the French commander was told by the local police that it was little more than just a group of bandits.

  • @francisfouquet332
    @francisfouquet332 11 месяцев назад +24

    Les centurions. Tres bon film avec de grand acteur. Mis en scènes par mark robson. La guerre d'Algérie vu par hollywood.

    • @albertnalut426
      @albertnalut426 5 месяцев назад

      Film ridicule qui ne reproduit de façon très partielle et partiale la guerre d'Algérie..

    • @RogerDusuel
      @RogerDusuel 4 месяца назад


    • @RogerDusuel
      @RogerDusuel 4 месяца назад


    • @RogerDusuel
      @RogerDusuel 4 месяца назад

      4:36 4:38

  • @jimdunlap7255
    @jimdunlap7255 11 месяцев назад +114

    They guy saying "they have automatic weapons" thank you Sgt Obvious 😂😂

    • @danreed7889
      @danreed7889 11 месяцев назад +11


    • @uncletimo6059
      @uncletimo6059 11 месяцев назад +13

      makes sense.
      the mayor told them they are poorly armed rabble.
      next scene is the soldiers confronting the lying mayor of the town.

    • @rochadiwidodo4219
      @rochadiwidodo4219 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@uncletimo6059yh, ngga

    • @oreticeric8730
      @oreticeric8730 11 месяцев назад +1

      Verry smart Captain😂😂😂

    • @jackhorwood5739
      @jackhorwood5739 11 месяцев назад +7

      It makes more sense if you watch the film. Its not just a silly piece of dialogue

  • @гольф2бравобраво
    @гольф2бравобраво 11 месяцев назад +2

    Комменты глупые. Пишу так. У повстанцев только ружья были, достать автомат была для них проблема. Какие годы по сценарию фильма? Поняли?

  • @IbrahimBarhom-to6uj
    @IbrahimBarhom-to6uj Месяц назад

    فيه ترويج بطولي وزيادة كذب هل الثوار المجاهدين المقاتلين المحاربين الجنود جيش التحرير الوطني تحت تصرف وقيادة وسياسة جبهة التحرير الوطني هل هو غبي إلي هذي الدرجة طبعا لا الحرب سيجال قتل وقتال ربح وخسارة وفوز وهزيمة وفر وكر ومنورات قتالية والنصر من عند الله العزيز الحكيم

  • @albertnalut426
    @albertnalut426 5 месяцев назад +1

    Le film est complètement infidèle au livre de Jean Larteguy: Alain Delon aurait du finir dans l'OAS et pas l'inverse..

  • @DJhuggo
    @DJhuggo 3 месяца назад +2


  • @namkcal7346
    @namkcal7346 Месяц назад

    En kahraman Fransızlar 😅 ikinci dünya savaşında hemen teslim oldular.

  • @ريحالجنوب-ف3م
    @ريحالجنوب-ف3م 4 месяца назад

    تمثيل فاشل تمثيل قصة تاريخية فاشلة اثنين من الجنود يقضون على خمسين مقاتل ههههههههه تمثيل هندي

  • @mikes1071
    @mikes1071 11 месяцев назад +16

    So the Empire from Star Wars finally issued camouflage uniforms?

    • @russellmiles2861
      @russellmiles2861 3 месяца назад

      How come their nice hats didn't fall off

  • @henriboue3696
    @henriboue3696 5 часов назад

    Tres proche de la vérite.excellente reproduction en film.Est passe plus- ieurs fois à l'ecran .tres bons acteurs
    et bien choisis.merci pour la diffusion.

  • @lhphanwar2447
    @lhphanwar2447 3 месяца назад +1

    Where can I view the full movie online?

  • @mahfoozmahfooz9572
    @mahfoozmahfooz9572 Месяц назад

    عندما يكذبون الجبناء ... وهم في الحقيقة كالنساء يبكون

  • @johnnymatheis1018
    @johnnymatheis1018 20 дней назад

    I remember when I was a boy and watched this movie. I was wondering where George Segal was. I was looking in the wrong places, lol.

  • @r.baldwin880
    @r.baldwin880 11 месяцев назад +3

    Looks more like Algerian Bedouins than Vietnam Minh.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      Of course ! This part of the film depicts the Algeria war !

  • 11 месяцев назад +4


  • @othmanahmad7942
    @othmanahmad7942 Месяц назад

    Stupid movie... ambushers does not hit any soldier... liars game...!!

  • @oscariglesias9741
    @oscariglesias9741 7 месяцев назад +1

    Gran película, poco fiel a los libros de Jean Larteguy (Los Centuriones y Los Pretorianos), en particular lo referente al capitán Philippe Esclavier (Alain Delon), que en mi opinión sobra en el guión. Gran actuación de Anthony Quinn como el TCol Raspeguy. Conviene recordar que el relato original había empezado con la lucha y el posterior cautiverio de su unidad en Indochina.

  • @elmaabilong1027
    @elmaabilong1027 25 дней назад +1

    My favorite movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 😊❤

  • @williamkoppos7039
    @williamkoppos7039 День назад

    NICE counter-attack! Done this before, eh?

  • @Rosebudbublegum
    @Rosebudbublegum 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am Algerian and I can say that this film was made by a stupid director, add to that the two French actors Alain Delon and Maurice Ronet were veterans of the Indochina war and never hid their hatred towards the Algerians .

  • @portalarlequin2023
    @portalarlequin2023 11 месяцев назад +1

    Awful strategy... Half killed beforethe jeep climbs the hill

  • @bouchacourtthierry8506
    @bouchacourtthierry8506 2 месяца назад

    Film complètement idiot affreusement théâtral, très loin des réalités de la guerre et encore plus des réalités complexes de la guerre d'Algérie.

  • @markf5609
    @markf5609 11 месяцев назад +10

    "Get the spaghetti, Captain. And bring extra napkins".

    • @PaperclipClips
      @PaperclipClips 11 месяцев назад +2

      … and leave the gun. But take the cannoli.

  • @ralang999
    @ralang999 6 месяцев назад +2

    Waiting for one of them to say "are we the baddies?"

  • @gunner678
    @gunner678 11 месяцев назад +8

    Great movie

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 2 месяца назад

      🔴THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (How many religious practices do you follow? How many bases have you rebelled against God's word and chosen your own path? Understand God's word and live it. Be principled in your actions and deeds; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the practice of truth and living the word of God. Only a practice like this will please God. Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. A person who truly loves God and is in the truth is a person who is honest with God, but he does not reveal it to the outside. He is ready to practice the truth when tested and does not speak or act in a way that goes against his conscience. He shows wisdom when faced with trials and is principled in his actions, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the one who truly serves. There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God?!" He couldn't answer. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rituals and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? Is this kind of people in the kingdom? The person in the kingdom must be lively and free, innocent and open-minded, honest and pleasant; one who lives in a state of freedom. He has character and dignity, and can be a witness wherever he goes; he is pleasing to both God and man. Those who have faith in God in their hearts are not strange in the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. Only these people can be considered living the word of God. What do external good works represent? The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. What pleases you is what God surely hates, and your behavior is what God hates and hates. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people are sure to be rejected.)
      Almighty God said
      How many RELIGIOUS PRACTICES do you FOLLOW? How many bases have you REBELLED against GOD'S WORD and CHOOSE your OWN path? How many times have you put God's word into practice because you truly consider His burdens and seek to fulfill His will? UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD and LIVE it. Be PRINCIPLED in your ACTIONS and WORKS; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the PRACTICE of the TRUTH and LIVING the WORD of GOD. Only PERFORMANCE like this will PLEASE GOD. 🙏
      Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. Some people have a penchant for attracting attention for themselves. 🛑
      In front of His brothers, he will say that he is indebted to God, but behind their backs, he does not practice the truth and does the opposite. Isn't this like the religious Pharisees? A PERSON WHO REALLY LOVES GOD and is in the TRUTH is a PERSON who is HONEST to GOD, but he doesn't REVEAL it OUTSIDE. 🙏
      He is READY to do the TRUTH when there is a TEST and DOESN'T SPEAK or ACT in a way that goes against His CONSCIENCE. He SHOWS WISDOM when there is a TEST and there is a PRINCIPLE in His WORKS, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the TRUE SERVANT. 🛑
      There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. They spend their days with furrowed brows, showing off, and pretending to be pitiful. Absolutely disgusting! And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God? Please tell me!" He couldn't answer.
      IF you are FAITHFUL to GOD, do not mention it in public, but use your actual practice to show your love to God, and pray to Him with an honest heart. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Some speak of indebtedness to God in every prayer, and begin to cry when they pray, even without the touch of the Holy Spirit. ☀️
      Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rites and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? To show their humility, pretend to show courtesy when speaking in the presence of others. Some deliberately make themselves slaves in the presence of others, like a sheep without any strength. Is this kind of people in the kingdom? 🛑
      The PERSON in the KINGDOM must be ALIVE and FREE, INNOCENT and OPEN WILLED, FAITHFUL and agreeable; one LIVING in a STATE of FREEDOM. He has CHARACTER and DIGNITY, and he can be a WITNESS wherever he GOES; he is PLEASED by both GOD and MAN. 🙏💐
      Novices in the faith have many outward practices; they must first undergo a period of dealing and destruction. The beliefs of God in their hearts are not strange to the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. ONLY these PEOPLE can be CONSIDERED LIVED in the WORD of GOD. 🛑
      If you PREACH the GOSPEL daily this YEAR and the next, ENCOURAGE them to SALVATION, but in the END, you STILL LIVE in POLICIES and DOCTRINE, you CANNOT give GOD the GLORY then. Such TYPES of PEOPLE are RELIGIOUS, and also HYPOCRITES. ☀️
      What do external good works represent? They represent the flesh, and even the best outward behavior does not represent life, only your own individual behavior. The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You always talk about how much you owe God, but you cannot provide for the lives of others or inspire others to love God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. Can your happiness represent God's? Can human character represent God? What pleases you is what God definitely hates, and your habits are what God hates and hates. 😪
      If you feel indebted, then pray to God. No need to mention it to others. If you do not pray to God and instead always draw attention to yourself in the presence of others, can it fulfill the will of God? If your actions are always outward, it means that you are the most arrogant of people. What kind of person is he to be seen--he is only a person who does good but is blind to the truth. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! If you do not abandon your outward habits and are unable to make changes, then the elements of hypocrisy will dominate you even more. The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people will surely be rejected! 🙏
      From The Word, Vol. I. The Manifestation and Work of God. In Faith, One Must Focus ...
      Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Mat. 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥

  • @conkhi1nghenhac826
    @conkhi1nghenhac826 21 день назад

    French never spoken english so well anymore🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @eagle1man488
    @eagle1man488 3 месяца назад

    Their colonial crimes were against defenseless civilians. However, they were defeated in a devastating defeat. They lie in their films with their claims of heroism, like a pistol whose bullets never end.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      Don't talk such bullshit ! First, Algerians also committed crimes against defenseless civilians, which doesn't excuse the French. But in Algeria, the French won the war, military speaking. France lose it politically. Learn your history !

  • @KhantKhant-v1h
    @KhantKhant-v1h 18 дней назад


  • @JohnDavies-cn3ro
    @JohnDavies-cn3ro 4 месяца назад

    Not knowing the film, I was trying to figure out what was going on, and thought it was Russia in Afghanistan. But what were they doing, well post-war, with a clearly US Willys Jeep in that case? (they had their own, the legendary 'Mule'.)
    I can't help finding the scene totally unbelievable - the ambushers totally failing to hear the jeep coming up the hill, never mind the resulting massacre. Didn't any of the irregulars have enough savvie to turn round and shoot back? Or is that expecting too much of a movie scriptwriter?
    It's reminiscent of some recent Chinese TV 'epics', in which the Japanese army always walk into ambushes in valleys with their eyes wide shut, making beautiful targets......

  • @ArnaldoPereira-e5i
    @ArnaldoPereira-e5i 8 месяцев назад +2

    The french army of that time the cap looks like the portuguese army quico but without the back cover.

    • @DJhuggo
      @DJhuggo 3 месяца назад

      Thats this the French Foreign Legion, not the french army . Salete to Brazil my friend

    • @kutter_ttl6786
      @kutter_ttl6786 3 месяца назад

      ​@@DJhuggoThe FFL is part of the French Army, and they use the same equipment. The OP's comment is perfectly valid.

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      No, it isn't the French caps who look like the portuguese quico, it's the portuguese quico and camouflage who were copied from the French !

    • @laurentdevaux5617
      @laurentdevaux5617 Месяц назад

      @@DJhuggo The Legion is part of the French army, if you ever forgot it !

  • @loracle6051
    @loracle6051 8 месяцев назад +3

    Très belle scène de bataille et j'aime particulièrement la fin

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 2 месяца назад

      🔴THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (How many religious practices do you follow? How many bases have you rebelled against God's word and chosen your own path? Understand God's word and live it. Be principled in your actions and deeds; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the practice of truth and living the word of God. Only a practice like this will please God. Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. A person who truly loves God and is in the truth is a person who is honest with God, but he does not reveal it to the outside. He is ready to practice the truth when tested and does not speak or act in a way that goes against his conscience. He shows wisdom when faced with trials and is principled in his actions, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the one who truly serves. There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God?!" He couldn't answer. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rituals and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? Is this kind of people in the kingdom? The person in the kingdom must be lively and free, innocent and open-minded, honest and pleasant; one who lives in a state of freedom. He has character and dignity, and can be a witness wherever he goes; he is pleasing to both God and man. Those who have faith in God in their hearts are not strange in the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. Only these people can be considered living the word of God. What do external good works represent? The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. What pleases you is what God surely hates, and your behavior is what God hates and hates. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people are sure to be rejected.)
      Almighty God said
      How many RELIGIOUS PRACTICES do you FOLLOW? How many bases have you REBELLED against GOD'S WORD and CHOOSE your OWN path? How many times have you put God's word into practice because you truly consider His burdens and seek to fulfill His will? UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD and LIVE it. Be PRINCIPLED in your ACTIONS and WORKS; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the PRACTICE of the TRUTH and LIVING the WORD of GOD. Only PERFORMANCE like this will PLEASE GOD. 🙏
      Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. Some people have a penchant for attracting attention for themselves. 🛑
      In front of His brothers, he will say that he is indebted to God, but behind their backs, he does not practice the truth and does the opposite. Isn't this like the religious Pharisees? A PERSON WHO REALLY LOVES GOD and is in the TRUTH is a PERSON who is HONEST to GOD, but he doesn't REVEAL it OUTSIDE. 🙏
      He is READY to do the TRUTH when there is a TEST and DOESN'T SPEAK or ACT in a way that goes against His CONSCIENCE. He SHOWS WISDOM when there is a TEST and there is a PRINCIPLE in His WORKS, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the TRUE SERVANT. 🛑
      There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. They spend their days with furrowed brows, showing off, and pretending to be pitiful. Absolutely disgusting! And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God? Please tell me!" He couldn't answer.
      IF you are FAITHFUL to GOD, do not mention it in public, but use your actual practice to show your love to God, and pray to Him with an honest heart. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Some speak of indebtedness to God in every prayer, and begin to cry when they pray, even without the touch of the Holy Spirit. ☀️
      Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rites and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? To show their humility, pretend to show courtesy when speaking in the presence of others. Some deliberately make themselves slaves in the presence of others, like a sheep without any strength. Is this kind of people in the kingdom? 🛑
      The PERSON in the KINGDOM must be ALIVE and FREE, INNOCENT and OPEN WILLED, FAITHFUL and agreeable; one LIVING in a STATE of FREEDOM. He has CHARACTER and DIGNITY, and he can be a WITNESS wherever he GOES; he is PLEASED by both GOD and MAN. 🙏💐
      Novices in the faith have many outward practices; they must first undergo a period of dealing and destruction. The beliefs of God in their hearts are not strange to the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. ONLY these PEOPLE can be CONSIDERED LIVED in the WORD of GOD. 🛑
      If you PREACH the GOSPEL daily this YEAR and the next, ENCOURAGE them to SALVATION, but in the END, you STILL LIVE in POLICIES and DOCTRINE, you CANNOT give GOD the GLORY then. Such TYPES of PEOPLE are RELIGIOUS, and also HYPOCRITES. ☀️
      What do external good works represent? They represent the flesh, and even the best outward behavior does not represent life, only your own individual behavior. The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You always talk about how much you owe God, but you cannot provide for the lives of others or inspire others to love God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. Can your happiness represent God's? Can human character represent God? What pleases you is what God definitely hates, and your habits are what God hates and hates. 😪
      If you feel indebted, then pray to God. No need to mention it to others. If you do not pray to God and instead always draw attention to yourself in the presence of others, can it fulfill the will of God? If your actions are always outward, it means that you are the most arrogant of people. What kind of person is he to be seen--he is only a person who does good but is blind to the truth. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! If you do not abandon your outward habits and are unable to make changes, then the elements of hypocrisy will dominate you even more. The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people will surely be rejected! 🙏
      From The Word, Vol. I. The Manifestation and Work of God. In Faith, One Must Focus ...
      Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Mat. 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥

  • @viwat1956101
    @viwat1956101 3 месяца назад

    อัลจีเรีย อดีตอาณานิคมของฝรั่งเศส ต่อสู้เพื่ออิสระภาพ แสดงโดย แอนโทนี่ ควีนส์

  • @bazizfarid8464
    @bazizfarid8464 3 месяца назад

    lie disguises the truth in the very mind of the screenwriter; It always implies a desire to deceive because it appears to be a premeditated construction with the intention of obtaining the support of the spectator.

  • @АндрейШмырев-ж3з
    @АндрейШмырев-ж3з 11 месяцев назад +3

    Не видел отот фильм с красавчиком Делоном и Габеном...😢😮

    • @DavidHuynh992
      @DavidHuynh992 10 месяцев назад

  • @MrBeeAI
    @MrBeeAI 9 месяцев назад +3

    Made me subscribe.

  • @ronjinskaarin8310
    @ronjinskaarin8310 3 месяца назад +1

    That guy firing the pistol.

  • @leonidus370
    @leonidus370 9 месяцев назад +1

    Ambush gone wrong 😂

  • @이동연-c6d
    @이동연-c6d 3 месяца назад +3

    1:45 Super Bazooka mocked up as Panzer Shrek

  • @MrJal67
    @MrJal67 11 месяцев назад +10

    Charge straight up the hill into the massed guns in decent, un-exposed positions- instead of hunkering down and providing a base of fire for your maneuver element in the smoke, no fire directions, no movement...

    • @blank557
      @blank557 11 месяцев назад +11

      Actually, that was a smart move to do in an ambush. First rule is, always rush your ambushers. Irregulars do not like stand up fights, but hit and run. So closing in on them will shock them and break their morale. Second rule, by hugging the base of the hill, the ambushing attackers must now lean over the edge to shoot down , exposing themselves from cover. It goes with the Reverse Slope defense, where the attackers are silhouetted agasint the sky, making perfect targets for the men at the base of the slope of hill or ridge. Always go on the offense in ambush, otherwise, you just it and take it until they run out of ammo.

    • @johnschoonmaker-tm3ll
      @johnschoonmaker-tm3ll 11 месяцев назад

      @@blank557 Yes, you are absolutely 💯 correct.

  • @jefdepijper4550
    @jefdepijper4550 3 месяца назад

    Criminal centurions

  • @amrfathy7444
    @amrfathy7444 3 месяца назад +10

    رحم الله شهداء الثورة الجزائرية

    • @adszadam4783
      @adszadam4783 3 месяца назад +2


    • @francisebbecke2727
      @francisebbecke2727 3 месяца назад +3

      Are you sure Algeria is better off without France? Why do so many Algerians live in France? "Take this Mahidee."

    • @amrfathy7444
      @amrfathy7444 3 месяца назад +2

      @@francisebbecke2727 Are you sure france is better off without Africa? Why do so many French troops in Africa? "Take my Goldie" 🤡🤡

    • @Solveig.Tissot
      @Solveig.Tissot 11 дней назад

      ​@@amrfathy7444Average Virgin Cringe Brainless Fatherless Anti France Troll Fanboy taking Copium over here ⬆️

  • @psbandgar6769
    @psbandgar6769 7 месяцев назад

    जय छत्रपति शिवराय जय भीम जय भारत जय महाराष्ट्र 🚩🇮🇳 धन्यवाद जवान जय जवान ❤❤❤

  • @willienelsongonzalez4609
    @willienelsongonzalez4609 3 месяца назад

    Yeah, they could have pre-planned that a little bit better! 😞

  • @ericaleix918
    @ericaleix918 11 месяцев назад

    Les Centurions 1966 Alain Delon et Anthony Quinn !

  • @tihomirtomov25
    @tihomirtomov25 3 месяца назад

    A local farmer put this mines on the road ................

  • @BekaReffa
    @BekaReffa 4 месяца назад

    قوات المستعمر الفرنسي ،إبان الثورة الجزائرية المجيدة

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 2 месяца назад

      🔴THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (How many religious practices do you follow? How many bases have you rebelled against God's word and chosen your own path? Understand God's word and live it. Be principled in your actions and deeds; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the practice of truth and living the word of God. Only a practice like this will please God. Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. A person who truly loves God and is in the truth is a person who is honest with God, but he does not reveal it to the outside. He is ready to practice the truth when tested and does not speak or act in a way that goes against his conscience. He shows wisdom when faced with trials and is principled in his actions, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the one who truly serves. There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God?!" He couldn't answer. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rituals and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? Is this kind of people in the kingdom? The person in the kingdom must be lively and free, innocent and open-minded, honest and pleasant; one who lives in a state of freedom. He has character and dignity, and can be a witness wherever he goes; he is pleasing to both God and man. Those who have faith in God in their hearts are not strange in the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. Only these people can be considered living the word of God. What do external good works represent? The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. What pleases you is what God surely hates, and your behavior is what God hates and hates. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people are sure to be rejected.)
      Almighty God said
      How many RELIGIOUS PRACTICES do you FOLLOW? How many bases have you REBELLED against GOD'S WORD and CHOOSE your OWN path? How many times have you put God's word into practice because you truly consider His burdens and seek to fulfill His will? UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD and LIVE it. Be PRINCIPLED in your ACTIONS and WORKS; it's not following the rules or doing it against the will for pretense. Rather, it is the PRACTICE of the TRUTH and LIVING the WORD of GOD. Only PERFORMANCE like this will PLEASE GOD. 🙏
      Any practice that pleases God is not a policy but a practice of truth. Some people have a penchant for attracting attention for themselves. 🛑
      In front of His brothers, he will say that he is indebted to God, but behind their backs, he does not practice the truth and does the opposite. Isn't this like the religious Pharisees? A PERSON WHO REALLY LOVES GOD and is in the TRUTH is a PERSON who is HONEST to GOD, but he doesn't REVEAL it OUTSIDE. 🙏
      He is READY to do the TRUTH when there is a TEST and DOESN'T SPEAK or ACT in a way that goes against His CONSCIENCE. He SHOWS WISDOM when there is a TEST and there is a PRINCIPLE in His WORKS, regardless of the situation. A person like this is the TRUE SERVANT. 🛑
      There are some who are often only verbal when it comes to their debt to God. They spend their days with furrowed brows, showing off, and pretending to be pitiful. Absolutely disgusting! And if you ask him, "In what ways are you indebted to God? Please tell me!" He couldn't answer.
      IF you are FAITHFUL to GOD, do not mention it in public, but use your actual practice to show your love to God, and pray to Him with an honest heart. All those who only use words to deal with God are hypocrites! Some speak of indebtedness to God in every prayer, and begin to cry when they pray, even without the touch of the Holy Spirit. ☀️
      Religious rituals and beliefs prevail among people like this; they live in such rites and beliefs, always believing that such acts are pleasing to God, and that superficial piety or sad tears are pleasing to God. What good will these strange things do? To show their humility, pretend to show courtesy when speaking in the presence of others. Some deliberately make themselves slaves in the presence of others, like a sheep without any strength. Is this kind of people in the kingdom? 🛑
      The PERSON in the KINGDOM must be ALIVE and FREE, INNOCENT and OPEN WILLED, FAITHFUL and agreeable; one LIVING in a STATE of FREEDOM. He has CHARACTER and DIGNITY, and he can be a WITNESS wherever he GOES; he is PLEASED by both GOD and MAN. 🙏💐
      Novices in the faith have many outward practices; they must first undergo a period of dealing and destruction. The beliefs of God in their hearts are not strange to the outward sight of others, but their actions and deeds are commendable to others. ONLY these PEOPLE can be CONSIDERED LIVED in the WORD of GOD. 🛑
      If you PREACH the GOSPEL daily this YEAR and the next, ENCOURAGE them to SALVATION, but in the END, you STILL LIVE in POLICIES and DOCTRINE, you CANNOT give GOD the GLORY then. Such TYPES of PEOPLE are RELIGIOUS, and also HYPOCRITES. ☀️
      What do external good works represent? They represent the flesh, and even the best outward behavior does not represent life, only your own individual behavior. The outward actions of man cannot fulfill the will of God. You always talk about how much you owe God, but you cannot provide for the lives of others or inspire others to love God. You believe that what is pleasing to you and what you desire is pleasing to God. Can your happiness represent God's? Can human character represent God? What pleases you is what God definitely hates, and your habits are what God hates and hates. 😪
      If you feel indebted, then pray to God. No need to mention it to others. If you do not pray to God and instead always draw attention to yourself in the presence of others, can it fulfill the will of God? If your actions are always outward, it means that you are the most arrogant of people. What kind of person is he to be seen--he is only a person who does good but is blind to the truth. Such people are hypocritical Pharisees and religious people! If you do not abandon your outward habits and are unable to make changes, then the elements of hypocrisy will dominate you even more. The greater the elements of hypocrisy, the greater the opposition to God, and in the end, such people will surely be rejected! 🙏
      From The Word, Vol. I. The Manifestation and Work of God. In Faith, One Must Focus ...
      Fulfillment of (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Mat. 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥

  • @anyonacyprian5290
    @anyonacyprian5290 2 месяца назад

    Very great move am watching from Nairobi kenya

  • @tayirbekormokov9640
    @tayirbekormokov9640 13 дней назад

    перевести русский язык

  • @hmoobdaisiabyangchannel2340
    @hmoobdaisiabyangchannel2340 Месяц назад

    Wow video you very ❤❤❤

  • @pierre-jeanvignault6981
    @pierre-jeanvignault6981 2 месяца назад

    "les centurions" avec Bigeard

  • @jefdepijper4550
    @jefdepijper4550 3 месяца назад


  • @tl3664
    @tl3664 3 месяца назад

    Dude using extended range pistol 😆

  • @pkng581
    @pkng581 4 месяца назад

    Memory 亞龍狄龍,安東尼昆

  • @ajaypathak5029
    @ajaypathak5029 10 месяцев назад +2

    Movie name

  • @harunfarahani
    @harunfarahani 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for your help

  • @BekaReffa
    @BekaReffa 4 месяца назад

    Vive la Algérie ❤❤❤

  • @apachetamizha
    @apachetamizha 5 месяцев назад

    I don't care 😊

  • @omaroteloo2734
    @omaroteloo2734 3 месяца назад

    American movie 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @rona1806
    @rona1806 11 месяцев назад

    0:20 MITSUBISHI×WILLYS・1/4t!

  • @Dynatyna
    @Dynatyna 8 месяцев назад

    Ça se voit que le réalisateur ou la cinéaste, n'a jamais assisté à une bataille

  • @sunnywai3084
    @sunnywai3084 9 месяцев назад


  • @longhung8278
    @longhung8278 11 месяцев назад

    Phim với phò thật là vlll

  • @gustavotibaldi7651
    @gustavotibaldi7651 3 месяца назад

    Siiiiii!!!!!!. Hermosa Película.

  • @mollyfilms
    @mollyfilms 11 месяцев назад

    Captain spaghetti

  • @eliasndayikengurukiyegmail
    @eliasndayikengurukiyegmail 8 месяцев назад
