What options do WE have to deal with cheap trash/move blocking units? Stuff like guardsmen, Skitarii, or gaunts. I don’t often see WE lists with 5 man zerks, and spawn don’t have the volume to pick up a full squad
Not much unfortunately really the only option I can think of is small units of zerks, or I’ve seen a few lists run 2 predator destructors (or annihilator whichever one has the infantry guns)
Those jackhals are my boys! I think 2 squads of them are really essential just to kind of string the back line and hold some easy objectives with their icon of khorne for atleast 2 rerolls on your blessings. At 65 points their utility is stupid good melee kinda meh but hey they gotta have a drawback somewhere. Beserkers are just overcosted bootyhole sadly which is funny because life wise it’s all about beserkers lol
Berzerkers should be 85/165 pts. As a CSM player, I also think the Lord of Skulls should be WE only tbh. It still baffles me that they've released a new and cool Demon Prince model and he's S8 default and still to expensive... He's an option in half a dozen armies, yet barely works in any. I hope they fnally fix the Maulerfiend and Defiler's attacks to be either dam d6+2 or have better AP. Siege weapons indeed...
What options do WE have to deal with cheap trash/move blocking units? Stuff like guardsmen, Skitarii, or gaunts. I don’t often see WE lists with 5 man zerks, and spawn don’t have the volume to pick up a full squad
Not much unfortunately really the only option I can think of is small units of zerks, or I’ve seen a few lists run 2 predator destructors (or annihilator whichever one has the infantry guns)
Those jackhals are my boys! I think 2 squads of them are really essential just to kind of string the back line and hold some easy objectives with their icon of khorne for atleast 2 rerolls on your blessings. At 65 points their utility is stupid good melee kinda meh but hey they gotta have a drawback somewhere. Beserkers are just overcosted bootyhole sadly which is funny because life wise it’s all about beserkers lol
Yeah i think imma start running two squads in all of my lists!
Berzerkers should be 85/165 pts. As a CSM player, I also think the Lord of Skulls should be WE only tbh. It still baffles me that they've released a new and cool Demon Prince model and he's S8 default and still to expensive... He's an option in half a dozen armies, yet barely works in any. I hope they fnally fix the Maulerfiend and Defiler's attacks to be either dam d6+2 or have better AP. Siege weapons indeed...
Yeah the Daemon princes are in strange places that they aren’t run often at all, it’s sucks because the new sculpt is so good too