The Jews A Bell of War Live Performance First Time Hearing

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024
  • We are back and ready for some more epic and incredible music. We are stoked to check this one out with y'all so lets roll this reaction. #THEJEWS #EPIC #RUSSELLFAMILYREACTIONS
    • היהודים - פעמון מלחמה ...

Комментарии • 29

  • @LiadMalone
    @LiadMalone 3 месяца назад +13

    Tom & Orit are husband & wife. They met in the Israeli Army...

    • @RussellFamilyReactions
      @RussellFamilyReactions  3 месяца назад +9

      Thank you so much I had a suspicion they were either dating or married. They had a great energy.

  • @user-tali_mood
    @user-tali_mood 3 месяца назад +2

    Their names are Orit Shachaf and Tom Petrover(BTW a couple in life) and they are kinda retro.

  • @etay27
    @etay27 3 месяца назад +2

    The most underrated band in the world

  • @טליזיני
    @טליזיני 3 месяца назад +3

    God.... this is a crazy band. I saw them in concert, in Zappa, the whole concert they sat on Louis XIV armchairs, and didn't get up.... their bodies were electrified.... they blew my mind

  • @Wild_Mushrooms_Israel
    @Wild_Mushrooms_Israel 3 месяца назад +1

    Unfortunately, the lyrics of this song are relevant again. By the way, the singers are Tom and Orit, they are also a married couple, and they sound like 90 because they have been doing this since 1992

  • @Moshe-Malka
    @Moshe-Malka 3 месяца назад +11

    Oh, Russell...
    The Jews (Hayehudim) is a great band with lots of successful hits.
    Unfortunately - the viewers chose for you, a less known and less interesting song.
    I suggest you cancel the reaction to the song "A Bell of War" and instead, react to one of these songs:
    1 - Hayehudim - Take meвидео.html
    2 - Hayehudim - our daysвидео.html
    3 - Hayehudim - one more coffinвидео.html
    4 - Hayehudim - Seeking an answerвидео.html
    5 - Hayehudim - If Soвидео.html

    • @ct5965
      @ct5965 3 месяца назад +2

      i mean... war bell is lyrically a masterpiece... i agree its less known and less impressive vocally than their other stuff, but still a classic :] i listened to it hundreds of times growing up.
      i love the other songs you suggested obviously :]
      EDIT: i would put the link to the original performance of 'If So' it was one of the greatest performances from their legendary 'Unplugged' show, also 'Our days' from that show was epic.

    • @isaacN89
      @isaacN89 3 месяца назад +2

      Would love to see Russel reaction to all of those ❤

    • @liatush21
      @liatush21 3 месяца назад +2

      Totaly agree🙏

    • @Miss.shanimor
      @Miss.shanimor 3 месяца назад

      Our days and Take me are the most beautiful and known of the 'Hayehudim' (the jews)
      My friends and I would love to see reaction to those 🫶♥️

    • @etay27
      @etay27 3 месяца назад


  • @LiadMalone
    @LiadMalone 3 месяца назад +4

    3:51: This live show took place in 2003.

  • @LiadMalone
    @LiadMalone 3 месяца назад +3

    This band has a few songs in English: "They Want To Kill Me", "Father", "Oh Lord", "Where Do You Go", "You've Got To Believe Me", "Don't Like", "Somebody Else", "Learning", "What About You".

  • @roeko10
    @roeko10 3 месяца назад

    I am not their band fan, but if I had to choose their best song, it will be היהודים - אם כבר
    or in English, The jews - if so, or so if, it is not easy to translate it

  • @ravitsegev
    @ravitsegev 3 месяца назад +2

    OMG very nostalgic here. Thank you

  • @טליזיני
    @טליזיני 3 месяца назад +1

    They have a song called our days
    The past years have taken my strength away
    Hey, I'm already afraid to think
    Our days are not calm
    Maybe God is trying to leave
    And some see it
    Some tend to think
    Everything is closed and nothing will help anymore
    They believe it
    until they sink into the sand
    And if there is one god there
    So I don't know why
    At night I am alone
    He didn't send me anyone
    to come to me
    And if there is one god there
    So I don't know how long
    More nights I will suffer alone
    You sent me no one, no one
    The past years have taken my strength away
    Hey, I'm already afraid to think
    Our days are not calm and if there is one god there
    Maybe God is trying to leave
    And some see it
    Some tend to think
    Everything is closed and nothing will help anymore
    They believe it
    until they sink into the sand
    And if there is one god there
    So I don't know why
    At night I am alone
    You didn't send me anyone to come to me

  • @LiadMalone
    @LiadMalone 3 месяца назад +1

    3:21: "So I pray to God, the one, the redeemer: 'my God, Why??'" (both words are the same as in Mathew 27:46: "Eli, Eli, Lama...")

  • @user-etiash22
    @user-etiash22 3 месяца назад +1

    Ohhhh the Jews!!! I like the news 😀🤪🤪😀🤪🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻❤️

  • @gerc1711
    @gerc1711 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

    • @RussellFamilyReactions
      @RussellFamilyReactions  3 месяца назад +3

      You’re welcome I hope you enjoyed the reaction. They are incredible and rock hard can’t wait to checkout another one from them.

    • @ct5965
      @ct5965 2 месяца назад

      @@RussellFamilyReactions this song is a lyrical masterpiece, i took a few minutes and translated it for ya :] enjoy;
      פעמון מלחמה מצלצל בדלתות // Paamon milchama metsaltsel ba'dlatot // Bell of war is ringing at doors
      אנשים מופתעים זה לא יכול להיות // Anashim muftaiim ze lo yachol lihiyot // People are surprised it can't be so
      ואני כמו תמיד בלי לשאול שאלות // Ve'ani kmo tamid bli lisholl sheelot // And me as always without asking questions
      אני נועלת ת'דלת מכבה ת'אורות.. להתראות // Ani noelet ta'delet mechaba ta'orot.. lehitraot // I'm locking the door shuts the lights.. goodbye
      וההרס מכה כמו גלים על החול // Ve'ha'heres makeh kmo galim al ha'chof // And the destruction hits like waves on the sand
      אנשים מחפשים מי בימין מי בשמאל // Anashim mechapsim mi be'yamin mi be'smol // People are searching who's on the right who's on the left
      צריך לא להתערב רק להביט מהצד // Tsarich lo lehitaarev rak lehabit me'ha'tsad // Don't need to intervene just to glance from the side
      אם הייתי יכול אז הייתי יחיד ומיוחד // Im haiiti yachol az haiiti yachid wu'meyuchad // If i could i would be singular and special
      ואני מתפלל אל האל // Ve'ani mitpalel el ha'El // And i pray to God
      לאחד לגואל // La'echad la'goel // To the one the redeemer
      אלי // Eli // My God
      למה? // Lama? // Why?
      אנשים מתוחים נשפכים לרחובות // Anashim metuchim nishpachim la'rechovot // Tensed people pouring to the streets
      משליכים אבנים והופכים מכוניות // Mashlichim avanim ve'hofchim mechoniyot // Throwing stones and flipping cars
      ואני ממולם מחזיק שתי משואות // Ve'ani me'mulam machzik shtey masuott // And me across from them holding two beacons
      האחת בשבילי השניה לבאות... בכל זאת // Ha'achat bishvili ha'shniya la'baot... be'chol zot // One is for me the second for what's to come... nonetheless
      משקרים כמו תמיד לא סופרים ת'אמת // Meshakrim kmo tamid lo sofrim ta'emet // Lying like always not counting the truth
      מחכים לעתיד ההווה מזמן מת // Mechakim la'atid ha'hoveh mizman met // Awaiting the future the present is long dead
      החיים שלך הם כמו חוט מתמשך // Ha'chaiim shelcha hem kmo choot mitmashech // Your life is like a continual thread
      כשלאל נמאס אז הוא פשוט מחייך... וחותך // Kshe'la'El nimaas az hu pashut mechayech... ve'chotech // When God is fed up he simply smiles... and cuts
      ואני מתפללת לאל // Ve'ani mitpalelet la'El // And i pray to God
      לאחד לגואל // La'echad la'goel // To the one the redeemer
      אלי // Eli // My God
      למה? // Lama? // Why?
      חיילים מסתדרים וחובשים ת'כומתות // Chayalim mistadrim ve'chovshim ta'kumtot // Soldiers organize and wear the berets
      מפקדים מובכים מנגבים ת'דמעות // Mefakdim muvachim menagvim ta'dmaot // Commanders embarrassed wiping the tears
      אני עוצמת עיניים בהלוויה שכזאת // Ani otsemet eynaiim be'halvaya she'kazot // Im closing my eyes in this sort of funeral
      כמה עצב אפשר זה לא יכול להיות... כמה עוד // Kama etsev efshar ze lo yachol lihiyot... kama od // How much sadness can we bare it can not be so... how much more
      אם ביקשתי לברוח אז הייתה לי ברירה // Im bikashti livroaach az hayta li breyra // If i asked to escape than i had a choice
      ואם נגמר לי הכוח אני חוזר חזרה // Ve'im nigmar li ha'koaach ani chozer chazara // And if i ran out of power i return back
      כל כך חשוב לא לשכוח אז אני מנסה להיזכר // Kol kach chashuv lo lishkoaach az ani menaseh lehizacher // Its so important not to forget so i try to remember
      אם היה לי קצת מוח לא הייתי מפגר... מצטער // Im haya li ktsat moaach lo haiiti mefager... mitstaer // If i had a bit of brains than i wasn't retarted... i apologize
      ואני מתפלל אל האל // Ve'ani mitpalel el ha'El // And i pray to God
      לאחד לגואל // La'echad la'goel // To the one the redeemer
      אלי // Eli // My God
      למה? // Lama? // Why?
      האחים שלי כאן תשמע איך הם שרים // Ha'achim shelly kan tishmaa eich hem sharim // My brothers here hear how they sing
      הם מתים שאני ואתה כבר נשלים // Hem metim she'ani ve'ata kvar nashlim // They are dying for me and you to reconcile
      כמו ששכחת אותי עכשיו תכפיל במיליון // Kmo she'shachachta oti achshav tachpil be'million // Like you forgot me now multiply by a million
      בהתחלה תוסיף שש ותעשה ת'חשבון... זה המון // ba'hatchala tosif shesh ve'taase ta'cheshbon... ze hamon // Put a six at the start and do the math... its a lot
      ואני מתפללת לאל // Ve'ani mitpalelet la'El // And i pray to God
      לאחד לגואל // La'echad la'goel // To the one the redeemer
      אלי // Eli // My God
      למה? // Lama? // Why?
      אז מה עושים עכשיו וכיצד ממשיכים // Az ma osim achshav ve'keytsad mamshichim // So what do we do now and how do we continue
      מי יודע בכלל לאן אנחנו הולכים // Mi yodeaa bichlal leaan anachnoo holchim // Who even knows where are we going
      מה יהיה אם בסוף לא נראה מלאכים // Ma yihiye im ba'sof lo nireh malaachim // What will be if in the end we wont see angels
      מה יהיה אם בסוף אנחנו כלל לא מתים... // Ma yihiye im ba'sof anachnoo klal lo metim // What will be if in the end we don't even die
      רק שותקים // Rak shotkim // Just silent
      ואני בעצמי מחפש ובודק // Ve'ani be'atsmi mechapes ve'bodek // And me by myself search and checks
      טוב אצלי זה בסדר אני מתחמק // Tov etsli ze beseder ani mitchamek // Well with me its fine so i avoid
      אלוהים אחד ואני אחד גם // Elohim echad ve'ani echad gam // God is one and i am one also
      רק שהוא יודע הכל ואני בן אדם... כמו כולם // Rak she'hoo yodeaa ha'kol ve'ani ben adam... kmo kulam // Its Just that he knows everything and im a human being... like everybody

  • @37goodvibes
    @37goodvibes 3 месяца назад +2

    Love them!

  • @PaweGryf
    @PaweGryf 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi. Thanks for your reaction Bro. Btw can you react to Marcin's The Tall Fiddler?
    You will be shocked 😊
    Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱

    • @RussellFamilyReactions
      @RussellFamilyReactions  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for your comment and I just added your request to my playlist.

  • @שריתגביש
    @שריתגביש 3 месяца назад

    I suggest you also do about Eliav Zohar in Michal's song. He won the next star in 2022 as in 2024 Shaden Golan. Only in 2022 did he win it wasn't for Eurovision, so Noa Kirel was chosen by the committee to represent us in 2023.
    Again I suggest you make a song about Eliav Zohar in a tank. He is amazing and a different voice than you know and the song is lovely.