Bone-chilling. Really scary story about the horrors of urban crime. This kind of thing just happens around people in the day. The horrific nature of urban crime in America - totally inescapable warfare just happening around you and you can do nothing about it.
Black ppl and large communities don't mix. They kill each other with absolutely no thought or respect for humanity. Yet rally when cops kill a black when most of the time it's completely justified by the person's behavior. Crazy world.
The police NEVER had control of New Orleans going back many decades now. You can't lose control of something you never had control of in the first place.
We should put our National Guard in high crime areas and confiscate guns and knives from violent offenders. Defund the police is insane. Politicians have no understanding of the situation. If they did there would be better gun control. Someone needs to use blind DNA samples to look at family history commonalities of violent city offenders. There have to be commonalities. It’s not all sociological. I ran crime programs for almost 40 years and there were markers for who would commit future acts. Vendettas and violent response to life problems often goes back hundreds of years. It could save thousands if lives a year if we had a better understanding of commonalities.
@@costrow3100 I don't know once you start allowing some agency to predict how violent an individual is going to be that can be a slippery slope into eugenics territory. I'm sure were not far from being chipped up and eventually putting the military in charge to make it a literal national security state utopia. I don't know I wish I had a simple solution, maybe earth needs a real pandemic or plague to take out around a third of the overall population to set things right.
Whoever did that to that poor elderly person absolutely deserves a capital punishment. I don't believe that people who are capable of committing such crimes are salvageable for society.
They did exactly what the colonists and US Govt did to the native/indigenous people in order to illegally found the United States of America. So what society are they unsalvageable for 😊 they fit in this one that was founded by the same savage, selfish disregard for human life.
They enforce laws when prosecutors don’t prosecute criminals. That’s the failure, not with the police but with judges, prosecutors, and elected officials. PARENTS are the other solution to this problem. I’d like to say rest in peace to all the victims of this senseless violence this documentary covered, such as the first young lady who was murdered. I’m VERY sorry for their families loss, so sad and unnecessary.
When prosecutors don't prosecute criminals. There is a good chance the criminal just became an informant. Police have armies of criminal informants social engineering mass shooting and crime waves to keep the public afraid.
she was not murdered. The man who committed the homicide said the gun went off just at the moment it was pointed at her. As a firearms expert and instructor for 45 years, he is full of sh*t. I hear that excuse all of the time. Guns do not just go off, the trigger has to be pulled. An intentional act.
If they, the Prosecutor's Office, were to attempt to file charges against all of the violent crime (over fifty percent of which is statistically committed in the black communities - and most assuredly not committed by the Klu Klux Klan) the system would grind to a complete halt.
Look the solution in the black community is white people leave us be and we will work it out that means the properties in those communities be turned over to us those who can buy them and let us be! No trying to arrest us for spanking our kids no nothing just mind your business the way that they do with other communities Chinese Italians the Irish run the police departments so of course they are left alone but the j3wish etc…. Leave my community alone thise then need to be removed will be removed if we are left alone that means all other immigrants leave our communities leave the businesses everything just leave us be!
Linda Frickey was my mother-in-law's insurance agent. She stayed on the job for years after she could have retired because she was the only agent who would drive to collect the payments of elderly people who could not leave their houses, or had difficulty making payments in other ways. This is how her personal commitment to help her customers was rewarded.
So a conscientious employee decides to let them know that things are not right in their crime lab. The employee decides the stress and the drama is too much and they need UNPAID time off. They then proceed to bust into his home and treat him like a criminal!! This is DISGRACEFUL!! I hope he sued them!!!
*They* being deviant what is hostility. Their being deviant is how, why, what, when & where any amount of initiative will be present from you. To fitness & sobriety concerning it.
He should find that police officer that decided to walk in his house masked up and let him know my kid runs and hides under the table every time someone knocks my door. You done that. I’d embarrass him in front of all his colleagues. Id be so angry if that was me. No warrant my kids naked in the room and you’re all wearing masks trying to take me away with no authority to do so only a request. Disgusting.
Typical "law enforcement" in Louisiana. Anyone that brings attention to the corruption will be denounced and have their personal and professional reputations destroyed. They will never be held accountable or suffer consequences for the crimes that are committed against Citizens.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
The NOPD jurisdiction (Orleans Parish) is about 900,000 people but yes, truly horrific. Things are getting much better, though. Crime was cut in half in 2023 and is even lower now.
Tip: when you look up US city populations look at the "metropolitan area" population. There's a vast difference. Its not just the city limits or the city proper. Cities and neighboring towns/counties are one large area. Metro New Orleans has suffered a major loss of people leaving the area in the past few decades but still has over 1 Million people. Examples: The city of London has a population of 10,847 people. Metro London has about 9 Million. I live in Atlanta. I've seen Europeans comment about the population of Atlanta which is about 500K 😂. The metro area is 6.5 Million people! The 6th largest in the US.
There are 800 murders a year in the UK. London has around 150 per year (population 12 million for Greater London) so murder rate in NOLA is around 60x as high as London. It's hardly surprising though given everyone has a gun in Louisiana, the smallest issues escalate to murder.
Love when they put blame on the pandemic for the higher crime and murder rates. Coronavirus has been the scapegoat in numerous cities across America. How about facing the truth and saying the obvious? The system is failing the youth of our streets.
The NOPD said the same thing about the double dipping situation with the police here. It existed before COVID. Pandemics don't create problems, they just make pre-existing problems worse.
Now it's Russia Ukraine war. Before that it was brexit. Basically just insert whatver mainstream media is trending so people can relate...government huh
@@bscottb8 they were never accounted for or even included in thr system. How could they possibly fail it. They are given the worst education and exteacurricular opportunities. The school systems in inner cities are garbage and on top of that they dont really have afterschool programs unless they themselves create opportunities for themselves i.e. an athlete coming back to their old hood to build community outreach programs.
@@bscottb8 youth are failing? Are you serious. The older people have failed the youth. I'll point fingers at everybody in the wrong across the board. Blaming children sounds like someone in denial.
Only some of us are willing to even suggest taking action that could reduce this. Why? Because that requires accountability and being honest about the problem. The culture itself condones, enables, and/or excuses behavior. And this is completely unacceptable, no healthy community can survive this behavior. The culture must improve. But to do that, we have to hold it to task.
Democrats and mainstream media plays only the blame game. It must be Trump, police, but never people who commit the crimes, they aren't responsible. Decline of the West is here to stay, crime is the way of the future. Believe me. Even if there would come politician who wanted to change things, msm and elite would shut him off as populist or racist
Wow, police action. That’s such a good idea and I’m sure it’s never been tried before. It’s not the stark inequities that define New Orleans nor the failing schools nor the lack of employment, nothing like that. Louisiana is as close to heaven as god can give us.
Why should the city officials be ashamed of themselves for what 4 juveniles did? The parents of those juveniles should be ashamed that they raised those little evil monsters.
As a African watching this it’s so sad to see black people living this way and what’s worse is that it will never change ever ! There’s no end in site it will only get worse
Real Africans sold us and u guys sound the same how come u higher thinking blacks never invent anything how about comprehending a law create some jobs every other race does it you know provide jobs for each other
@@dajabrown5453 I don’t understand what ever nonsense you just spewed out of your mouth almost sounds like this behaviour and complete destruction is justified in your eyes because 400 years ago your ancestors were sold ! Wake up !!
My my my lee did I spew the truth as a African what do we manufacture a whole continent and not an industry and u have the nerve to talk about the disenfranchised sad u think u made it
Security companies being used as police officers is a very dangerous idea. Who is regulating them? And who are you gonna sue when a security guard kills you?
What hell are you talking about? They're are no different than any other residential security guards. If they kill someone unjustifiable, you can sue the security company. But if they're smart, they can hide their money through LLC and overseas accounts. Also they will probably close the company and start a new one lol. Oversight comes from their client the police department or the city.
Yup. Security companies are usually LLCs, and don't adhere to the same policies and standards. It's a good way for the city to save money from lawsuits. Who would you sue? Security guards generally don't make alot of money. The company (if held accountable) could simply file for bankruptcy, and open back up under a different name.
@@letsdothis9063 Yeah the armed guards won't make more 25/hr. But the owners of small companies make six figures. I seen owners shut down companies after lawsuits and pop up again. I did armed security after the army.
That big man from the Treme who lost his sister and helps kids just seems like one of the all around best people. It’s a dark city; guys like him really stand out.
To think I spent a few days in N.O. in 1981 after finishing working at summer camp and walked around without a care. How sad at what has happened. The big educator fella at the end is a pure diamond. .Good luck with his project and I hope he gets the funds to expand it.
Well done piece. I'm furious at what was done to the crime lab employee. Violation after violation of law and his rights. They're bullies. This is why I don't visit New Orleans anymore. Unbelievable.
Wow after watching this Doc and that’s what you are mad at??? I get it I know that white people do not see us as human and their whiteness doesn’t allow them To see the wrong that has been and is being done to native black Americans! It’s sad but I wish my people were just like you and your people! I believe that we are getting closer and closer and starting to focus on us and only us and not sympathizing with no other group because all other groups don’t sympathize with us! I often wonder where does the hate come from from All these groups Native Black Americans have done nothing to none of them white Chinese Arab history none of them we allow all groups to come I to our communities open their businesses but yet they all hate us but I finally figured it out in order for them to thrive they all try to stand as close to whiteness as possible so the hate that whites have for Native Black Americans they have to have too!
This civilian employer should have gotten a lawyer as soon as he saw violations in the workplace. Any organized fraud or civil rights violation should have been dealt with by a lawyer. As for the lack of officers, putting more offenders in long term rehab or mental health programs instead of jail would keep them off the street longer. A three strikes law for felonies could keep the worst offenders off the street permanently. The main thing is to stop the repeat offenders that take up so much police time. Some chronic offenders need to live in a halfway house with curfews, room inspections and drug testing permanently. A 6 strike law for repeat lesser crimes in a 3 year period could put these people in supervised living for years until they have a steady employment record and clean drug tests.
6 strikes for lesser crimes may be the most evil idea that I've read in a long time. It's so easy to judge when life has been kind to you. If YOUR world turned upside down, you'd soon see your moral superiority & perspective change
@@josephsalmonte4995 we need some way to deal with chronic offenders. Our parole system provides inadequate supervision. Maybe supervised housing especially for this population would help. However, if they are loose in society, they hurt the poor the most by making running businesses unprofitable, intimidating locals and bilking public programs. Leniency with criminals makes life in poor communities unbearable. I realize life hasn't been kind to these people. They need a kinder, more humane sort of detention than prison, and certainly probation or parole are completely inadequate.
The 3 strikes law has caused many people of color to be locked up for LIFE for NON VIOLENT crimes at a extremely exasperated rate compared to whites who actually ARE REPEAT VIOLENT offenders!!! So until the POLICE AND COURTS are overhauled and become FAIR regardless of COLOR the ANGER AND DISTRUST will get worse as well as the crime rate!!
@@nlytndatruthable Auto theft, burglary, forgery, repeat shoplifting are not victimless crimes. If the offender refuses rehab and job training and continues in crime, they should be held in a secure village with employment, education and conjugal visits for good behavior. I agree that locking them up in prison permanently is cruel and unusual punishment. However, they need civil detention as they have demonstrated the inability to avoid criminal activity. Thus, they must be supervised and work to support their families in a secure place free of substance abuse, with mental health services and drug testing. People of color should not have to suffer with their neighborhoods ruined by criminals and addicts. If these offenders will not change, get them away from the public in the most humane secure facility possible, depending on the seriousness of the offense and if repeat offenders.
That's horrifying. As a witness to horrible violence.... It never leaves you. It changes you forever. Especially seeing an innocent person get hurt so brutally.
Sadly it's a ghetto life. So now thy'r not fixing it but trying to pull that one over everybody everywhere, to equalize, to make it draw. That's the logic. When one suffer, others must suffer too, it's more easy than to help the one in the first place. That's their m.o.
They don't identify as a gang though, or have an official name really. It is more like a group of associated friends who live near each other. It is pretty much neighborhood warfare.
The pandemic did not create this rise in violence. The pandemic was a global pandemic but homicides did not increase in places like Canada and Mexico for example. The rise in homicides is uniquely American. All this was post George Floyd. But guys like Dr. Edward Shahadi go out of their way to not acknowledge the role of policing and prosecution as one significant tool in violence reduction.
Every comment I read is either a condolence or a vendetta and those two emotions are inconsolable….. every person in this world has one thing they actually control and that’s there reaction, and the most powerful reaction is compassion!! Love continues to grow even after it is lost, cause wherever you go there it is..
New Orleans has been the most corrupt city in the country for a long time, and Katrina only made it worse when all the fed money was rolling in. I worked down there for about two years starting the day after the levees burst for various contractors. For a while there the city averaged a homicide a day, that they knew about. You could hear gunfire all night long. And when I say gunfire, I mean semi and automatic weapons fire. Most of the police split and ever came back when the storm hit. In all my time there I can count on one hand how often I saw a NOLA PD car. Most of the time it was national guard troops in HUMMVs. That place, IMO has an evil infestation. It's palpable.
@@_Meng_Lan I know that. And I would never “glory” in Satan. Perhaps if you read the Bible you would understand why the devil is running amok right now.
I think better indicators are the quality of services. Like if bushes are not cut that means city services don't exist. Which speaks to budget problems. Which leads to so many breaks of the city's ability to attract people which is a continuing problem that allows for criminals to find an opportunity zone.
i will share this with you i grew up in South Louisiana all my life i have been to mexico and many other states & cities from los Angeles to Chicago to atlanta etc...... no matter where i have been i have never felt so uncomfortable like in new Orleans. its a very very disturbing feeling because you never know where the evil will come from it may be a 9 year old or a grown man or woman. i have worked with and lived with new Orleans citizens they mean everything they say whatever you do dont play with them in any shape or form trust me
what a wonderful and encouraging note to end it on cause gosh this was sad...73 yr old grandmother arm severed and dragged to death....lose of words to describe an horrific unjustified brutal death to a harmless member of society, just so so sad. lastly, if im not wrong theres a police officer whos documented stealing from the department why isnt he in jail?? 73 thousand dollars to 200 a year???
I enjoyed this video but you barely covered the corruption in PIB. What about PIB fabricating evidence, committing perjury and falsifying reports or certain rank committing crimes and never being held accountable? The double standard is why officers are quitting and the crime is skyrocketing
We need to solve the cause of this problem which is lack of fathers in the black community. Until that is addressed, this will only continue to get worse.
This has been said longer than I have been alive. The black community will never take accountability and won’t change. There are documentaries on RUclips with the same crap in the black communities in Newark, Chicago, New York, Detroit and so on from the 70’s. It is what it is.
@@roseno1500 Animals are innocent natured. The human mofos are demonic savages. Eugenics, free vasectomies, hysterectomues, and free Abortion on demand, regardless of length of pregnancy.
If you don't live here, then you don't know. I live here. This documentary is well done and illustrates a systemic issue. We don't want to get rid of all police, we want a police force that works, along with a city that functions for everyone.
That means working alongside police. As in not committing crime and not adhering to the no snitch policy and staying away from gang culture. It's not that hard. No one is forcing anyone to commit crime.
@@whodafukarweetribe Go look at other metropolitan areas and you could say the same thing. The city has its issues and they need to be addressed, but the city is more than what you are attempting to portray. This video is highlighting an area that needs the attention of all its leaders, no doubt. There are more things that need their attention as well, no lies.
I've been to N.O. I will never forget how nice the people were to me, an outsider, they welcomed me as if I were learn about this poor woman who was being dragged to her death just breaks my heart. What an awful event. I am so sorry.
Geez..I hope that Crime Lab guy sues their asses off. Sounds like that whole city is corrupt. More so than the rest of America and their police forces who are also corrupt.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
Yup, since slavery. Who has looked out for the black community. No one. Nobody is coming 2 save u. It's up 2 us. To start taking care of each other especially the youth. 2 stop the bad circle.
if it's a southern sub culture ..... then how do you explain Chicago or New York? There is a sub culture in America but to label it southern is to ignore a nation wide gang culture.
I live in chicago the crime rate here is greatly overstated …it’s very much situated on the south side and some of the west side ..chicago overall is very very safe
This is a great documentary. Every segment is insightful and powerful. N.O. has problems at all levels of government, the police, schools, families, and individual responsibility. But as the last segment demonstrates there are good folks out there trying to improve their communities. I wish them the best.
Are they? Do you have any idea how many trillions have been thrown at you all to at least not destroy everything in sight and you all still destroy everything in sight?
This documentary highlights the problem. How can you wonder why ppl are picking up a gun instead of a book. With low funding schools, bad food and low job opportunities. POVERTY can drive ppl 2 desperation. Which is why there are more prisons than schools. Black ppl working in slave labor in them prisons
Democrat run cities all throughout America are all like this. That's why it's infuriating that these idiotic liberals voted these Democrats in Senate, House, and even governors. Liberals don't care about crime and they try to blame it on Republican states and that "it's not as high as the 90s." How stupid can these liberals be?
The city is filled with ANIMALS. Just ANIMALS. regular people need to stick together and take our cities back from the scum that does things like this.
Well, first you start with the most corrupt state in the Union. THEN you go to the most corrupt city in the most corrupt state. THEN you deal with the most corrupt police department in the country [which is saying something considering the Philadelphia and Boston PDs]... After all that, what could **possibly** go wrong?
That culture needs to start taking accountability. That’s the only way it will change. If this offends you, take a second and ask yourself… why does this offend me?
What came first the culture or the conditions that bred the culture? Addressing the culture wont do anything if the conditions that bred the culture stay around. Just remember this culture has been a relatively new thing. These communities were NOT like this in the 40s, 50s, 60s. It started with smack epidemic and then the CIA flooding rock coke into impoverished communities really sent it into full blast. These were tools used to disrupt a community that was coming together at a time of big change. Stop trying to deflect blame all into 1 place. The government needs to be held accountable, the communities need to be held accountable, those that hold this idiotic mentality that things like this happen in a vaccuum must be held accountable. Your mentality is part of the problem. Sorry that you dont agree with facts and choose to hold a emotional gut feeling based mentality on the whole issue instead. Do some research and be more proactive in solving these problems anyone can point blame without doing any research. This is our country let's address thede things. I hate how people pretend like they are proud of be american and pretend to love this country, but say goofy stuff like you just did.
Exactly. This is their culture. And blaming other races, socioeconomic reasons, and the pandemic is wrong. So sick of the excuses and blaming, there are milions of poor people of every race/ethnicity and they don't go around shooting each other on an hourly basis, committing smash and grab thefts, carjackings etc, on and on and on in EVERY major city in the US.
New Orleans and Baton Rouge I’m from Louisiana these two cities are very dangerous tourist beware people down here think it’s a in thing to go to jail for murder…life don’t mean a thing to murders down here. It’s a crying shame theses cities where once beautiful not no more.
For every Human being killed before thier time, there are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers that feel pain that never ever goes away.. humanity is not getting better in any way... it's declining rapidly and all the progress is being erased. Wtf people this is not what we were created to do. It's beyond sad it's completely despicable and no words left to describe how far we have fallen and how far the powers that be have taken us down the hole !!
Man I’m glad your eyes open cause most ain’t. I been saying for a long time these folks created these conditions point blank period. Self accountability is real but these folks playing a hell ova mental game out here!!
This is exactly what the elite want. They want us to fight each other kill each other off it’s all done by design they use division and hatred as a tactic.
Kyrie Irving has recently been calling out these "powers that be", yet everybody got their panties in a bunch! Europeans ruined amerikkka and the world. They created guns drugs and the world of capitalism based violence...
@@topdog8678 we live in the killing fields right here in America... they paint a reality of this Amazing place where your "free " and can work hard and have the American dream... only it ain't no dream... it's a NIGHTMARE! They killing, poisoning, assassinating, experimenting, and polluting the air, water, and land literally day in and day out. They spray Aluminum and heavy metals from planes every day.. push fake agendas and torture and discredit their own people while locking away bout 7 million people in the process... to set that all up and create the cells to fill up they took ALL THE MANUFACTURING AND MOVED IT OUT OF OUR CITIES AND SAID f u people now we will crush your families!!! And literally they did look at us ?? Ain't no fathers home and the dream has been replaced gradually with the nightmare we in TODAY MY BROTHER... little real talk
If we want this to stop .It first has to said that the vast majority of these criminals all have one thing in common. Solve that you solve a good bit of the problem
38:50 They voted to defund the police (which reduces the number of officers on the streets and increases response time) and got their wish. Now you're saddened for calling 911 and not having an officer at your door in a timely manner? That's incredibly insane!!
I don't know how I stumbled onto this video but I am so grateful that I did I have much respect to that man and the program that he is doing that is what's needed back into these communities that used to be there and it got taken away for more police.. Thank you for all that you doing.. Much Respect ❤ Love and Light to you and everyone ❤
The evidence room and crime lab did not look organized at all. Looked like vital information can easily be mixed up with another case or lost. 73,000 DNA test not processed that’s very concerning.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
New Orleans is a city that I have spent so much time in and even filmed an episode there. Things were okay during my time there, I can't believe how worse things have gotten.
Just like who would have thought that a white male PH D candidate would MURK for other white kids .And then drive across country without a CARE in the 🌎.
This starts at home, continues into schools and the community. There needs to be MUCH stiffer penalties early on and FORCED education to the incarcerated. If you don't want to attend classes and act like a civilized person, then you don't deserve to be released into a society with honest working, productive citizens. ACCOUNTABILITY! Act like a monster, get treated like one. The world owes you nothing, neither do tax payers.
While education for inmates *does* in general improve things, "stiffer penalties" never have, and the "society doesn't owe perpetrators anything" mindset is, in fact, counterproductive. That's part of the reason the US has the highest incarceration and recidivism rates in the developed world. Other rich countries try to rehabilitate offenders, and most of the time it works. The US has made revenge and racism the pillars of its judicial system, and you can see the results all over the place. Inequity and a generalised feeling that the police are an occupying force are the most important factors in producing the kind of anomie that leads to widespread violent crime. *Those* are the areas that need work. And, of course, inside the penal system, finally implementing structures that correspond to the 21st rather than the 19th century, including abolition of the prison industry itself. Correctional facilities *must* be public, led by an intention to "cure" crime rather than turning a profit.
America has had this hard line approach for 40 years and this off the scale murder rate is what you get. Civilised countries don't treat people this way, and they don't have this dystopia.
@@joschafinger126 i mean kinda true. i think its also true that crime rates arent going to go down until loads more ppl get incarcerated especially arms dealers and gangbangers.
Yeah that was sorta tough to watch like I could FEEL what she was saying & the look on her face 😞I really hope these young cats put the fuckin guns down I really do
Where was the parents when their daughter was alive? I don't have kids, but I bet you anything, they would not be involved with anyone who carries illegal guns, drug dealer, gang member, etc! Meaning if I had a daughter! Son too!! If so, they would not be living in my home!
If the politicians and police would stop stealing money they could use that money to start programs for the youth, youth employment could be paid etc. And the people gotta feel like they are safe if they tell on the criminals
Bravo, Times and Sunday Times. That was some fine investigative journalism that covered many aspects of post-Katrina New Orleans I did not know about. A lot of good questions and answers in a lot of good interviews! It makes one wonder about those who once held those 'Defund the Police' signs, not only in NOLA, but elsewhere. Do they want to see police services privatized?
What happened to the lab guy they tried to pin something on. Absolute corruption "were here for your well being" scary sentence coming from a public servant
Well, there is a port here which is a pretty quick jaunt from Mexico and South American cartels. It's difficult to police New Orleans simply due to how it's shaped and how it's pretty much surrounded by water. I went down to work relief for the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. That place is pretty wild at night, even post the hurricanes it was insane. It's safer to walk the streets of the Middle East than it is to be in New Orleans.
Are you joking? This video is total copaganda. Cop boot licking. It fails to address the real causes of crime, which have been well known for decades - income inequality, deprivation, lack of opportunity, poor education, hopelessness.
I drive Uber in New Orleans on weekend nights , the crime is definitely NOT what the media says , it’s definitely no different then any other city ,. I understand that people get shot and killed but that’s everywhere in this country
@@debra1363 Ms.Debra,greetings,you are right ,Animals are actually far better behaved than humans....but thank you for allowing me to grow better by you sharing wisdom.have a nice one...
"you need to talk to me" that violates his constitutional rights, the 5th. This is why people are blasting these officers on sight, if you're supposed to enforce the law and you choose to break it the folks you're oppressing will have to do the same.
That’s why I moved my kids away from there, want them to experience everything I’ve experienced differently being from New Orleans “being numb to violence is not normal”
Oh my God that lady that lost her arms story was so beyond fucked up for the carjackers to do. I mean I'm sure you could of just avoided the part you dragging an old lady around ripping off her arms for fucksakes.
That one guy that said the Black Lives Matter/stance against police brutality movement is to blame because they make it scary for police?????? Explain everything before that then? Sorry you’re being held accountable?
Imo your alignment of values is handcuffing you. You have a broken car in front of you and want to slap a paint job on because talking about the engine offends you. The real world issues at stake here have been massive and will continue to be. I honestly think the democrats would prefer some of this continues in the same way they care so little about intervention with genocides in overpopulated 3rd world countries. Some genuinely care but for many it is the appearance of caring that matters. Flipped around, some care very little about appearance but actually do care and are committed to change. Those are some of the people who are willing to be called every name under the sun when they speak truth about issues in their communities. They deserve respect, not the virtue signaling progressives who act like the cultural problems can be solved by avoiding culpability.
Does Dave Chappelle have something funny to say? Tired of saying poverty and lack of education causes violence - only in certain subcultures with dysfunctional households. In other words, its the lack of a strong family unit that allows an uncivilized culture to foment.
They should work with web sleuths. Not the crazy ones but the serious ones that are out there bringing missing people home. You can find so much online now. People are straight up talking about their crimes even murders on social media it is unreal.
Chicago got 9x as many ppl so they need 9x as many murders to be even it’s determined by per capita look it up because if Nola was the size of Chicago it would be worse
I love how this is covered up by don't be selfish as everyone steals my justice and gets my money and my credit and still ignores me and leaves me still abused
YEP !...Isnt New Orleans some 60% BLACK? there a PATTERN in all of this EVERYWHERE? maybe the PATTERN is when you have a Large Black Population it ALWAYS comes to this? just asking the RIGHT questions?
@@patadams2909 ....its about to take the BLINDERS off;....SEPARATION is the way to go....SEPARATION ! give the "opressed" some 10% of the South and let the Chips fall where they must...
Listening to the story of how that elderly lady died is horrific. I can't even fathom how awful it was to see something like that...
Agree, it's tragic.
You know them kids did nofin wrong
@@matimi0sbackflip455 Nah, nothing but murder an innocent woman. Those kids are nothing but POS and I hope they rot in jail.
Carjackings have gotten bad when the decision was made that police cannot pursue/ chase stolen vehicles
Bone-chilling. Really scary story about the horrors of urban crime. This kind of thing just happens around people in the day. The horrific nature of urban crime in America - totally inescapable warfare just happening around you and you can do nothing about it.
Hats off to the people who are doing their best to help their communities.
@@lesliecano4963 reach out to her l
They need Charleston White there he will fix them
Black ppl and large communities don't mix. They kill each other with absolutely no thought or respect for humanity. Yet rally when cops kill a black when most of the time it's completely justified by the person's behavior. Crazy world.
It's going to get much much worse!
Like the gangbangers?
The police NEVER had control of New Orleans going back many decades now. You can't lose control of something you never had control of in the first place.
True, 20-30 years ago crime along with police corruption was way worse.
We should put our National Guard in high crime areas and confiscate guns and knives from violent offenders. Defund the police is insane. Politicians have no understanding of the situation. If they did there would be better gun control. Someone needs to use blind DNA samples to look at family history commonalities of violent city offenders. There have to be commonalities. It’s not all sociological. I ran crime programs for almost 40 years and there were markers for who would commit future acts. Vendettas and violent response to life problems often goes back hundreds of years. It could save thousands if lives a year if we had a better understanding of commonalities.
@@costrow3100 I don't know once you start allowing some agency to predict how violent an individual is going to be that can be a slippery slope into eugenics territory. I'm sure were not far from being chipped up and eventually putting the military in charge to make it a literal national security state utopia.
I don't know I wish I had a simple solution, maybe earth needs a real pandemic or plague to take out around a third of the overall population to set things right.
That’s the great migration. You know how that works. It destroyed every city it touched.
What does that even mean? Have ever even BEEN to NOLA?
Whoever did that to that poor elderly person absolutely deserves a capital punishment. I don't believe that people who are capable of committing such crimes are salvageable for society.
You're right with that, savages.
They did exactly what the colonists and US Govt did to the native/indigenous people in order to illegally found the United States of America.
They did exactly what the colonists and US Govt did to the native/indigenous people in order to illegally found the United States of America.
So what society are they unsalvageable for 😊 they fit in this one that was founded by the same savage, selfish disregard for human life.
@@jeanettecoleman-mz7ie🙄😏I bet you do agree 🙄🪑
@@jeanettecoleman-mz7ie🙄😏 🙄🪑
when people see things like that on a regular basis, it's similar to the trauma people develop living through war times..
Feel so bad for the mother in the beginning of the vid. You can tell her daughter was her everything.
Fr and her daughter was bad too i would’ve destroyed dat azz
Idk bro, if she cared so much about her, how u gonna leave her with just anyone. The girl looked like she was about that life.
@@j.m.5744 True, it does seem to fly in the face of logical parenting decision making.
@@cbh148 Easy to say when you're well off and black. This ain't the same country my darling
@@johnwellington5754 What's easy to say?
They enforce laws when prosecutors don’t prosecute criminals. That’s the failure, not with the police but with judges, prosecutors, and elected officials. PARENTS are the other solution to this problem. I’d like to say rest in peace to all the victims of this senseless violence this documentary covered, such as the first young lady who was murdered. I’m VERY sorry for their families loss, so sad and unnecessary.
When prosecutors don't prosecute criminals. There is a good chance the criminal just became an informant. Police have armies of criminal informants social engineering mass shooting and crime waves to keep the public afraid.
she was not murdered. The man who committed the homicide said the gun went off just at the moment it was pointed at her. As a firearms expert and instructor for 45 years, he is full of sh*t. I hear that excuse all of the time. Guns do not just go off, the trigger has to be pulled. An intentional act.
If they, the Prosecutor's Office, were to attempt to file charges against all of the violent crime (over fifty percent of which is statistically committed in the black communities - and most assuredly not committed by the Klu Klux Klan) the system would grind to a complete halt.
Look the solution in the black community is white people leave us be and we will work it out that means the properties in those communities be turned over to us those who can buy them and let us be! No trying to arrest us for spanking our kids no nothing just mind your business the way that they do with other communities Chinese Italians the Irish run the police departments so of course they are left alone but the j3wish etc…. Leave my community alone thise then need to be removed will be removed if we are left alone that means all other immigrants leave our communities leave the businesses everything just leave us be!
That’s bullshit I’ve seen guns go off from being dropped, so what you just said is bullshit had it happened to me!
Linda Frickey was my mother-in-law's insurance agent. She stayed on the job for years after she could have retired because she was the only agent who would drive to collect the payments of elderly people who could not leave their houses, or had difficulty making payments in other ways. This is how her personal commitment to help her customers was rewarded.
So a conscientious employee decides to let them know that things are not right in their crime lab. The employee decides the stress and the drama is too much and they need UNPAID time off. They then proceed to bust into his home and treat him like a criminal!! This is DISGRACEFUL!! I hope he sued them!!!
BOOM!!! Recipe for disaster!
Nigga wat??
*They* being deviant what is hostility. Their being deviant is how, why, what, when & where any amount of initiative will be present from you. To fitness & sobriety concerning it.
@@StevenMichaelCunningham What???? Who??? Which???
@@el-Cu9432 🔮
The lady describing Linda Frickey's murder was horrific. I know seeing that had changed her mentally. She will never be the same.
What a freaking nightmare the crime lab dude had to endure. I hope he sued.
Fed. judge gave some of them immunity, and ruled the city isn't liable for the actions of its own police force.
He should find that police officer that decided to walk in his house masked up and let him know my kid runs and hides under the table every time someone knocks my door. You done that. I’d embarrass him in front of all his colleagues. Id be so angry if that was me. No warrant my kids naked in the room and you’re all wearing masks trying to take me away with no authority to do so only a request. Disgusting.
That was insane.
He could never win against the police. Lost cause.
@paestum70 You actually can the police officer has a family and a life. Disrupt it the same way or worse he or she has yours.
Typical "law enforcement" in Louisiana. Anyone that brings attention to the corruption will be denounced and have their personal and professional reputations destroyed. They will never be held accountable or suffer consequences for the crimes that are committed against Citizens.
A.C.A.B. defund the police and put case workers in the same jobs remember that 🙄 🤣 😂
What if the citizens weren’t so feral, stupid and violent?
Just like here in New Mexico it's worse lol
@@NoahBodze Criminals are feral, stupid and violent, Citizens are not. There is a difference.
The fed. judge ruled the city isn't liable for their officer's illegal actions. Just another cog in the system of corruption.
If no one names a suspect within 30 days after a murder they just close the case. Great place to live.
@@msw7021 NOLA.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
This is what a city looks like when trash blame the cops instead of the criminals. Just a bunch of evil violent cop hating liberals.
From my understanding it was 60 days and I'm pretty sure they changed that sometime after Katrina
150 murders in 6 months in a city of 222,000! That's insane. Here in the UK with a population of 70 million and have just over 100 murders a year!
The UK has about 800 murders a year, not 100.
The NOPD jurisdiction (Orleans Parish) is about 900,000 people but yes, truly horrific. Things are getting much better, though. Crime was cut in half in 2023 and is even lower now.
Tip: when you look up US city populations look at the "metropolitan area" population. There's a vast difference. Its not just the city limits or the city proper. Cities and neighboring towns/counties are one large area. Metro New Orleans has suffered a major loss of people leaving the area in the past few decades but still has over 1 Million people.
The city of London has a population of 10,847 people. Metro London has about 9 Million.
I live in Atlanta. I've seen Europeans comment about the population of Atlanta which is about 500K 😂. The metro area is 6.5 Million people! The 6th largest in the US.
There are 800 murders a year in the UK. London has around 150 per year (population 12 million for Greater London) so murder rate in NOLA is around 60x as high as London. It's hardly surprising though given everyone has a gun in Louisiana, the smallest issues escalate to murder.
What happened to crime lab guy proves when it comes to the powers that be there is no laws . What a crazy abuse of power . It was pure intimidation.
Love when they put blame on the pandemic for the higher crime and murder rates. Coronavirus has been the scapegoat in numerous cities across America. How about facing the truth and saying the obvious? The system is failing the youth of our streets.
The youth of our streets are failing the system.
The NOPD said the same thing about the double dipping situation with the police here. It existed before COVID. Pandemics don't create problems, they just make pre-existing problems worse.
Now it's Russia Ukraine war. Before that it was brexit. Basically just insert whatver mainstream media is trending so people can relate...government huh
@@bscottb8 they were never accounted for or even included in thr system. How could they possibly fail it. They are given the worst education and exteacurricular opportunities. The school systems in inner cities are garbage and on top of that they dont really have afterschool programs unless they themselves create opportunities for themselves i.e. an athlete coming back to their old hood to build community outreach programs.
@@bscottb8 youth are failing? Are you serious. The older people have failed the youth. I'll point fingers at everybody in the wrong across the board. Blaming children sounds like someone in denial.
Only some of us are willing to even suggest taking action that could reduce this. Why? Because that requires accountability and being honest about the problem. The culture itself condones, enables, and/or excuses behavior. And this is completely unacceptable, no healthy
community can survive this behavior.
The culture must improve.
But to do that, we have to hold it to task.
Here here!
Democrats and mainstream media plays only the blame game. It must be Trump, police, but never people who commit the crimes, they aren't responsible. Decline of the West is here to stay, crime is the way of the future. Believe me. Even if there would come politician who wanted to change things, msm and elite would shut him off as populist or racist
Thats their plan to destroy America from within.
Wow, police action. That’s such a good idea and I’m sure it’s never been tried before. It’s not the stark inequities that define New Orleans nor the failing schools nor the lack of employment, nothing like that. Louisiana is as close to heaven as god can give us.
That story regarding the elderly lady...what a horrible city. The officials who manage the city should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
Why should the city officials be ashamed of themselves for what 4 juveniles did? The parents of those juveniles should be ashamed that they raised those little evil monsters.
@@West-rn-showvn-ist-chick who are you referring to when u say “gorillas” 🤔
@@hardheadpaco6415 tose whose color we are not allowed to mention on social cancelculture media when they commit abomonal crimes....
@@hardheadpaco6415 you know she means black people, like her family & ancestry isn't full of violent gorillas
As a African watching this it’s so sad to see black people living this way and what’s worse is that it will never change ever ! There’s no end in site it will only get worse
Oh it will end. Jah Rastafari will avenge his people.
Real Africans value education & their children, they are polite & believe in self -betterment, not demanding handouts to live. Great people
Real Africans sold us and u guys sound the same how come u higher thinking blacks never invent anything how about comprehending a law create some jobs every other race does it you know provide jobs for each other
@@dajabrown5453 I don’t understand what ever nonsense you just spewed out of your mouth almost sounds like this behaviour and complete destruction is justified in your eyes because 400 years ago your ancestors were sold ! Wake up !!
My my my lee did I spew the truth as a African what do we manufacture a whole continent and not an industry and u have the nerve to talk about the disenfranchised sad u think u made it
The corruption is unbelievable it's been that way forever.
There is more than 50 officers double dipping, out of 900 or so. And the mayor's bodyguard, another officer, also has been double dipping.
@@brokeboi5463 fux that's crazy.
@@brokeboi5463 it's part of the culture of corruption in th3 laws .
It's the city that care forgot.
@@brokeboi5463 And screwing the mayor on the side
Security companies being used as police officers is a very dangerous idea. Who is regulating them? And who are you gonna sue when a security guard kills you?
What hell are you talking about? They're are no different than any other residential security guards. If they kill someone unjustifiable, you can sue the security company. But if they're smart, they can hide their money through LLC and overseas accounts. Also they will probably close the company and start a new one lol. Oversight comes from their client the police department or the city.
Yup. Security companies are usually LLCs, and don't adhere to the same policies and standards.
It's a good way for the city to save money from lawsuits. Who would you sue? Security guards generally don't make alot of money. The company (if held accountable) could simply file for bankruptcy, and open back up under a different name.
@@letsdothis9063 Yeah the armed guards won't make more 25/hr. But the owners of small companies make six figures. I seen owners shut down companies after lawsuits and pop up again. I did armed security after the army.
The security guard? Which is better because they can't hide behind qualified immunity or use your tax money to defend them
@@nicholascecil6733 but also they are not affiliated with the government which is much easier to sue when it comes to wrongdoing.
That big man from the Treme who lost his sister and helps kids just seems like one of the all around best people. It’s a dark city; guys like him really stand out.
Why the city gotta be dark?????
To think I spent a few days in N.O. in 1981 after finishing working at summer camp and walked around without a care. How sad at what has happened. The big educator fella at the end is a pure diamond. .Good luck with his project and I hope he gets the funds to expand it.
Well done piece. I'm furious at what was done to the crime lab employee. Violation after violation of law and his rights. They're bullies. This is why I don't visit New Orleans anymore. Unbelievable.
Nice a government that violates your rights and has immunity is so good to have.
That is what, why, how, when & where it spreads. File complaints. Publicize the filing & be ready for battle as ever.
I am sure he is financially secure now after the federal lawsuit.
Wow after watching this Doc and that’s what you are mad at??? I get it I know that white people do not see us as human and their whiteness doesn’t allow them
To see the wrong that has been and is being done to native black Americans! It’s sad but I wish my people were just like you and your people! I believe that we are getting closer and closer and starting to focus on us and only us and not sympathizing with no other group because all other groups don’t sympathize with us! I often wonder where does the hate come from from All these groups Native Black Americans have done nothing to none of them white Chinese Arab history none of them we allow all groups to come I to our communities open their businesses but yet they all hate us but I finally figured it out in order for them to thrive they all try to stand as close to whiteness as possible so the hate that whites have for Native Black Americans they have to have too!
He will be ok he is white it always works out for you!
New Orleans has never not been infested. It has never had governance not rife with corruption. This pre-dates America's independence.
This civilian employer should have gotten a lawyer as soon as he saw violations in the workplace. Any organized fraud or civil rights violation should have been dealt with by a lawyer. As for the lack of officers, putting more offenders in long term rehab or mental health programs instead of jail would keep them off the street longer. A three strikes law for felonies could keep the worst offenders off the street permanently. The main thing is to stop the repeat offenders that take up so much police time. Some chronic offenders need to live in a halfway house with curfews, room inspections and drug testing permanently. A 6 strike law for repeat lesser crimes in a 3 year period could put these people in supervised living for years until they have a steady employment record and clean drug tests.
6 strikes for lesser crimes may be the most evil idea that I've read in a long time. It's so easy to judge when life has been kind to you. If YOUR world turned upside down, you'd soon see your moral superiority & perspective change
@@josephsalmonte4995 we need some way to deal with chronic offenders. Our parole system provides inadequate supervision. Maybe supervised housing especially for this population would help. However, if they are loose in society, they hurt the poor the most by making running businesses unprofitable, intimidating locals and bilking public programs. Leniency with criminals makes life in poor communities unbearable. I realize life hasn't been kind to these people. They need a kinder, more humane sort of detention than prison, and certainly probation or parole are completely inadequate.
The 3 strikes law has caused many people of color to be locked up for LIFE for NON VIOLENT crimes at a extremely exasperated rate compared to whites who actually ARE REPEAT VIOLENT offenders!!! So until the POLICE AND COURTS are overhauled and become FAIR regardless of COLOR the ANGER AND DISTRUST will get worse as well as the crime rate!!
@@nlytndatruthable Auto theft, burglary, forgery, repeat shoplifting are not victimless crimes. If the offender refuses rehab and job training and continues in crime, they should be held in a secure village with employment, education and conjugal visits for good behavior. I agree that locking them up in prison permanently is cruel and unusual punishment. However, they need civil detention as they have demonstrated the inability to avoid criminal activity. Thus, they must be supervised and work to support their families in a secure place free of substance abuse, with mental health services and drug testing. People of color should not have to suffer with their neighborhoods ruined by criminals and addicts. If these offenders will not change, get them away from the public in the most humane secure facility possible, depending on the seriousness of the offense and if repeat offenders.
they'd killed him before it went to court
That's horrifying. As a witness to horrible violence.... It never leaves you. It changes you forever. Especially seeing an innocent person get hurt so brutally.
One of the best, honest and through those real people, also heartwarming. I Wish you all the strength to carry on ❤
This is all of South Africa on any given day.
Such as?
That’s so sad that you can’t even go to your home and feel safe.
Sadly it's a ghetto life. So now thy'r not fixing it but trying to pull that one over everybody everywhere, to equalize, to make it draw. That's the logic. When one suffer, others must suffer too, it's more easy than to help the one in the first place. That's their m.o.
"I don't want to say "gangs" they're more like different groups of people that don't necessarily get along"
Yeah, that's a gang.
They don't identify as a gang though, or have an official name really. It is more like a group of associated friends who live near each other. It is pretty much neighborhood warfare.
No they aren't gangs, it's just small hoods no real organization. Gangs are more organized believe it or not.
If thier Italian it's a mob 🤷🏾♂️
@@michaelsledge3904 True, lol.
The ex employee is a clear example if you don't play the game or stop playing you're the enemy the whole department seems crooked!
The pandemic did not create this rise in violence. The pandemic was a global pandemic but homicides did not increase in places like Canada and Mexico for example. The rise in homicides is uniquely American. All this was post George Floyd. But guys like Dr. Edward Shahadi go out of their way to not acknowledge the role of policing and prosecution as one significant tool in violence reduction.
Every comment I read is either a condolence or a vendetta and those two emotions are inconsolable….. every person in this world has one thing they actually control and that’s there reaction, and the most powerful reaction is compassion!! Love continues to grow even after it is lost, cause wherever you go there it is..
New Orleans has been the most corrupt city in the country for a long time, and Katrina only
made it worse when all the fed money was rolling in. I worked down there for about two years
starting the day after the levees burst for various contractors. For a while there the city averaged
a homicide a day, that they knew about. You could hear gunfire all night long. And when I say
gunfire, I mean semi and automatic weapons fire.
Most of the police split and ever came back when the storm hit. In all my time there I can
count on one hand how often I saw a NOLA PD car. Most of the time it was national guard
troops in HUMMVs. That place, IMO has an evil infestation. It's palpable.
Yes....many people have said that. It's a sure bet Satan is in full control of that city.
The second most prevalent religion there is voodoo so that explains a lot.
@@_Meng_Lan I know that. And I would never “glory” in Satan. Perhaps if you read the Bible you would understand why the devil is running amok right now.
You know your city is off the rails when they out here robbing people named Ms Linda.
I think better indicators are the quality of services. Like if bushes are not cut that means city services don't exist. Which speaks to budget problems. Which leads to so many breaks of the city's ability to attract people which is a continuing problem that allows for criminals to find an opportunity zone.
So thankful programs like Anna’s house exist, such a positive influence on young kids! Continue to prosper!!!!
Agreed.There needs to be more like it.
There needs to be more programs to teach the kids how to play football and cook
i will share this with you i grew up in South Louisiana all my life i have been to mexico and many other states & cities from los Angeles to Chicago to atlanta etc...... no matter where i have been i have never felt so uncomfortable like in new Orleans. its a very very disturbing feeling because you never know where the evil will come from it may be a 9 year old or a grown man or woman. i have worked with and lived with new Orleans citizens they mean everything they say whatever you do dont play with them in any shape or form trust me
Chicago is also an evil place. So much deep rooted corruption and violence
what a wonderful and encouraging note to end it on cause gosh this was sad...73 yr old grandmother arm severed and dragged to death....lose of words to describe an horrific unjustified brutal death to a harmless member of society, just so so sad. lastly, if im not wrong theres a police officer whos documented stealing from the department why isnt he in jail?? 73 thousand dollars to 200 a year???
19:30 He is saying there is only 3 or 4 cops on duty in that district! That’s mind boggling for a city like NOLA.
It’s not up to the police or government to stop murder it’s up to the people until people realise this, it will carry on
@@chrisapperley2616 for sure. it starts in the home
Progress would be made if we defunded it to 1 cop in district, because we know that cops create crime not criminals
@@Dan-cn2rj 🤣
@@Dan-cn2rj okay call a crack head when you’re shot in that district. I’m from Louisiana and it’s terrible here in New Orleans
I enjoyed this video but you barely covered the corruption in PIB. What about PIB fabricating evidence, committing perjury and falsifying reports or certain rank committing crimes and never being held accountable? The double standard is why officers are quitting and the crime is skyrocketing
Legalizing weed would help a lot.
gosh....always the cops fault hmmm??? never talk about the evil people...but akways about corruption
what's PIB?
Pathetic, answer
So it's the police that force these scummy ignorant monsters to butcher each other and innocent ppl every week ?
We need to solve the cause of this problem which is lack of fathers in the black community. Until that is addressed, this will only continue to get worse.
This has been said longer than I have been alive. The black community will never take accountability and won’t change. There are documentaries on RUclips with the same crap in the black communities in Newark, Chicago, New York, Detroit and so on from the 70’s. It is what it is.
The guy who worked for the lab hopefully sued the pants off of those people, just wow
That poor lady , They severed her arms that's just insane..
Humans are animals.
Humans are animals with a sense of conscious empathy. Which is why they are normally disgusted at behavior like this.
hey... they needed her ride!! They had drugs to sell and whores to go visit!!
@@roseno1500 Animals are innocent natured. The human mofos are demonic savages. Eugenics, free vasectomies, hysterectomues, and free Abortion on demand, regardless of length of pregnancy.
If you don't live here, then you don't know. I live here. This documentary is well done and illustrates a systemic issue. We don't want to get rid of all police, we want a police force that works, along with a city that functions for everyone.
Milwaukee is just as bad.
Its a pit of drugs and drink and hustlers, there is nothing going to stop the stench of this place ever
That means working alongside police. As in not committing crime and not adhering to the no snitch policy and staying away from gang culture. It's not that hard. No one is forcing anyone to commit crime.
@@whodafukarweetribe Go look at other metropolitan areas and you could say the same thing. The city has its issues and they need to be addressed, but the city is more than what you are attempting to portray. This video is highlighting an area that needs the attention of all its leaders, no doubt. There are more things that need their attention as well, no lies.
I live here. This is what democrats do.
I've been to N.O. I will never forget how nice the people were to me, an outsider, they welcomed me as if I were learn about this poor woman who was being dragged to her death just breaks my heart. What an awful event. I am so sorry.
The people are great, it's just the people who run the city that aren't so great.
I used to live there. Couldn’t pay me to move there again. scary place.
Geez..I hope that Crime Lab guy sues their asses off. Sounds like that whole city is corrupt. More so than the rest of America and their police forces who are also corrupt.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
I get poverty & low education but harming innocent ppl is a CHOICE
Stop relying on your government! A strong community wouldn’t let this happen you need to fight. Unfortunately, that is the real world stand up.
Yup, since slavery. Who has looked out for the black community. No one. Nobody is coming 2 save u. It's up 2 us. To start taking care of each other especially the youth. 2 stop the bad circle.
if it's a southern sub culture ..... then how do you explain Chicago or New York? There is a sub culture in America but to label it southern is to ignore a nation wide gang culture.
I live in chicago the crime rate here is greatly overstated …it’s very much situated on the south side and some of the west side ..chicago overall is very very safe
yeah I think he wanted to say "black" sub culture, but obviously a liberal professor can't say that, so he had to come up with another term...
@@patgilbert7709 lol I noticed that too
@@Chitown18 if you look at WGN Chicago, you will see that safer areas aren't safe anymore
New York isn't that dangerous
This is a great documentary. Every segment is insightful and powerful. N.O. has problems at all levels of government, the police, schools, families, and individual responsibility. But as the last segment demonstrates there are good folks out there trying to improve their communities. I wish them the best.
Are they? Do you have any idea how many trillions have been thrown at you all to at least not destroy everything in sight and you all still destroy everything in sight?
@@NoahBodze Buhahahah!
This documentary highlights the problem. How can you wonder why ppl are picking up a gun instead of a book. With low funding schools, bad food and low job opportunities. POVERTY can drive ppl 2 desperation. Which is why there are more prisons than schools. Black ppl working in slave labor in them prisons
They keep voting in dhimmicrats. Doing the same thing repetitively and expecting a different result is INSANITY.
Democrat run cities all throughout America are all like this. That's why it's infuriating that these idiotic liberals voted these Democrats in Senate, House, and even governors. Liberals don't care about crime and they try to blame it on Republican states and that "it's not as high as the 90s." How stupid can these liberals be?
Having friends from New Orleans. I can definitely say, police has NEVER had control and probably never will … SADLY
The city is filled with ANIMALS. Just ANIMALS. regular people need to stick together and take our cities back from the scum that does things like this.
I'm thankful that I don't live in this type of war zone.
Well, first you start with the most corrupt state in the Union. THEN you go to the most corrupt city in the most corrupt state. THEN you deal with the most corrupt police department in the country [which is saying something considering the Philadelphia and Boston PDs]...
After all that, what could **possibly** go wrong?
That culture needs to start taking accountability. That’s the only way it will change. If this offends you, take a second and ask yourself… why does this offend me?
Blm though
What came first the culture or the conditions that bred the culture? Addressing the culture wont do anything if the conditions that bred the culture stay around. Just remember this culture has been a relatively new thing. These communities were NOT like this in the 40s, 50s, 60s. It started with smack epidemic and then the CIA flooding rock coke into impoverished communities really sent it into full blast. These were tools used to disrupt a community that was coming together at a time of big change. Stop trying to deflect blame all into 1 place. The government needs to be held accountable, the communities need to be held accountable, those that hold this idiotic mentality that things like this happen in a vaccuum must be held accountable. Your mentality is part of the problem. Sorry that you dont agree with facts and choose to hold a emotional gut feeling based mentality on the whole issue instead. Do some research and be more proactive in solving these problems anyone can point blame without doing any research. This is our country let's address thede things. I hate how people pretend like they are proud of be american and pretend to love this country, but say goofy stuff like you just did.
@@jesusfernandez-eh8cx read my reply.
Exactly. This is their culture. And blaming other races, socioeconomic reasons, and the pandemic is wrong. So sick of the excuses and blaming, there are milions of poor people of every race/ethnicity and they don't go around shooting each other on an hourly basis, committing smash and grab thefts, carjackings etc, on and on and on in EVERY major city in the US.
I lived there in 2013… 10 years later what a hell hole. The city was such a beautiful unique place.
New Orleans and Baton Rouge I’m from Louisiana these two cities are very dangerous tourist beware people down here think it’s a in thing to go to jail for murder…life don’t mean a thing to murders down here. It’s a crying shame theses cities where once beautiful not no more.
wow they straight broke all kinds of law going into that man house and they recorded it all smh
For every Human being killed before thier time, there are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers that feel pain that never ever goes away.. humanity is not getting better in any way... it's declining rapidly and all the progress is being erased. Wtf people this is not what we were created to do. It's beyond sad it's completely despicable and no words left to describe how far we have fallen and how far the powers that be have taken us down the hole !!
Man I’m glad your eyes open cause most ain’t. I been saying for a long time these folks created these conditions point blank period. Self accountability is real but these folks playing a hell ova mental game out here!!
This is exactly what the elite want. They want us to fight each other kill each other off it’s all done by design they use division and hatred as a tactic.
Kyrie Irving has recently been calling out these "powers that be", yet everybody got their panties in a bunch! Europeans ruined amerikkka and the world. They created guns drugs and the world of capitalism based violence...
Humanity is in it's best period in all history 😂
@@topdog8678 we live in the killing fields right here in America... they paint a reality of this Amazing place where your "free " and can work hard and have the American dream... only it ain't no dream... it's a NIGHTMARE! They killing, poisoning, assassinating, experimenting, and polluting the air, water, and land literally day in and day out. They spray Aluminum and heavy metals from planes every day.. push fake agendas and torture and discredit their own people while locking away bout 7 million people in the process... to set that all up and create the cells to fill up they took ALL THE MANUFACTURING AND MOVED IT OUT OF OUR CITIES AND SAID f u people now we will crush your families!!! And literally they did look at us ?? Ain't no fathers home and the dream has been replaced gradually with the nightmare we in TODAY MY BROTHER... little real talk
If we want this to stop .It first has to said that the vast majority of these criminals all have one thing in common. Solve that you solve a good bit of the problem
38:50 They voted to defund the police (which reduces the number of officers on the streets and increases response time) and got their wish. Now you're saddened for calling 911 and not having an officer at your door in a timely manner? That's incredibly insane!!
No one cares dork
I don't know how I stumbled onto this video but I am so grateful that I did I have much respect to that man and the program that he is doing that is what's needed back into these communities that used to be there and it got taken away for more police.. Thank you for all that you doing.. Much Respect ❤ Love and Light to you and everyone ❤
that PIB story is insane some parts of america are absolute nightmares - the police and the gangs are so garbage
The evidence room and crime lab did not look organized at all. Looked like vital information can easily be mixed up with another case or lost. 73,000 DNA test not processed that’s very concerning.
It looks EXTREMLY disorganized and unprofessional. Even basic straightening up would help. Very sad.
The wonderful thing about America is that in just looking at the title, there are literally two dozen cities that this video might be about.
It has nothing to do with America. It has everything to do with demographics and polices... there are places and cities like this outside of America with the same demographics and policies that have large amounts of crime and homicide as well.
@@juliaj7939 yes, except those cities aren't in developed nations. 🤣 (though I don't know that the US actually qualifies as one of those anymore...)
New Orleans is a city that I have spent so much time in and even filmed an episode there. Things were okay during my time there, I can't believe how worse things have gotten.
Leadership matters and we have none
That must've been 40 years ago
@@kinte1870 give me credit, I'm not THAT old
A collapse in morality and a growth in the spirit of evil and greed
Maybe the community needs to sort itself out
Who would have guessed defunding the police of a city already in top 3 for homicide rates would have increased the homicide rates?
Just like who would have thought that a white male PH D candidate would MURK for other white kids .And then drive across country without a CARE in the 🌎.
May God bless that man and his work that he is doing at Anna's place !
This starts at home, continues into schools and the community. There needs to be MUCH stiffer penalties early on and FORCED education to the incarcerated. If you don't want to attend classes and act like a civilized person, then you don't deserve to be released into a society with honest working, productive citizens. ACCOUNTABILITY! Act like a monster, get treated like one. The world owes you nothing, neither do tax payers.
While education for inmates *does* in general improve things, "stiffer penalties" never have, and the "society doesn't owe perpetrators anything" mindset is, in fact, counterproductive. That's part of the reason the US has the highest incarceration and recidivism rates in the developed world. Other rich countries try to rehabilitate offenders, and most of the time it works. The US has made revenge and racism the pillars of its judicial system, and you can see the results all over the place.
Inequity and a generalised feeling that the police are an occupying force are the most important factors in producing the kind of anomie that leads to widespread violent crime. *Those* are the areas that need work. And, of course, inside the penal system, finally implementing structures that correspond to the 21st rather than the 19th century, including abolition of the prison industry itself. Correctional facilities *must* be public, led by an intention to "cure" crime rather than turning a profit.
@@joschafinger126 💯
America has had this hard line approach for 40 years and this off the scale murder rate is what you get. Civilised countries don't treat people this way, and they don't have this dystopia.
@@joschafinger126 i mean kinda true. i think its also true that crime rates arent going to go down until loads more ppl get incarcerated especially arms dealers and gangbangers.
Man I feel for the parents especially the lady at the start that lost her daughter. Wishing them strength to keep going.
Black people some else smh
Yeah that was sorta tough to watch like I could FEEL what she was saying & the look on her face 😞I really hope these young cats put the fuckin guns down I really do
That aside, but what kind of accent is that?
Where was the parents when their daughter was alive? I don't have kids, but I bet you anything, they would not be involved with anyone who carries illegal guns, drug dealer, gang member, etc! Meaning if I had a daughter! Son too!! If so, they would not be living in my home!
Probably busy having another baby they can’t afford and won’t remember the father of.
NO also has a notoriously corrupt PD
If the community cared … it would not be like this… so much more to it than the law enforcement aspect …
If the politicians and police would stop stealing money they could use that money to start programs for the youth, youth employment could be paid etc. And the people gotta feel like they are safe if they tell on the criminals
Bravo, Times and Sunday Times. That was some fine investigative journalism that covered many aspects of post-Katrina New Orleans I did not know about. A lot of good questions and answers in a lot of good interviews! It makes one wonder about those who once held those 'Defund the Police' signs, not only in NOLA, but elsewhere. Do they want to see police services privatized?
What happened to the lab guy they tried to pin something on. Absolute corruption "were here for your well being" scary sentence coming from a public servant
Well, there is a port here which is a pretty quick jaunt from Mexico and South American cartels. It's difficult to police New Orleans simply due to how it's shaped and how it's pretty much surrounded by water. I went down to work relief for the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. That place is pretty wild at night, even post the hurricanes it was insane. It's safer to walk the streets of the Middle East than it is to be in New Orleans.
Police lost control? Yeah let’s blame the cops and not the people committing the crimes or those who witness it and refuse to talk to police. 🙄🙄🙄
Are you joking? This video is total copaganda. Cop boot licking. It fails to address the real causes of crime, which have been well known for decades - income inequality, deprivation, lack of opportunity, poor education, hopelessness.
Criminality has nothing to do with the punishments nor the police. But the society.
I drive Uber in New Orleans on weekend nights , the crime is definitely NOT what the media says , it’s definitely no different then any other city ,. I understand that people get shot and killed but that’s everywhere in this country
You drive the east at night?
Got a bad vibe there 20 years ago. Something about that place seemed demoic. Never had any desire to go back
I did not know she lost my baby girl I did not that breaks my heart
God Bless that old lady.
only animals could commit this horrific act of cowardness towards an elderly person,theres no excuse,God bless mrs. linda,,,and karma is real
Animals(the 4 legged kind)don't act this way.They only attack if they are afraid,starving,or protecting their young.
@@debra1363 Ms.Debra,greetings,you are right ,Animals are actually far better behaved than humans....but thank you for allowing me to grow better by you sharing wisdom.have a nice one...
@@jCarloGalliano7279 thank you
@@debra1363 my pleasure
dey needed dat car so's dey can go do they thangs dey had to do... sells drugs and go visit hoes
"you need to talk to me" that violates his constitutional rights, the 5th. This is why people are blasting these officers on sight, if you're supposed to enforce the law and you choose to break it the folks you're oppressing will have to do the same.
That’s why I moved my kids away from there, want them to experience everything I’ve experienced differently being from New Orleans “being numb to violence is not normal”
Oh my God that lady that lost her arms story was so beyond fucked up for the carjackers to do.
I mean I'm sure you could of just avoided the part you dragging an old lady around ripping off her arms for fucksakes.
That one guy that said the Black Lives Matter/stance against police brutality movement is to blame because they make it scary for police?????? Explain everything before that then? Sorry you’re being held accountable?
Imo your alignment of values is handcuffing you. You have a broken car in front of you and want to slap a paint job on because talking about the engine offends you. The real world issues at stake here have been massive and will continue to be. I honestly think the democrats would prefer some of this continues in the same way they care so little about intervention with genocides in overpopulated 3rd world countries. Some genuinely care but for many it is the appearance of caring that matters. Flipped around, some care very little about appearance but actually do care and are committed to change. Those are some of the people who are willing to be called every name under the sun when they speak truth about issues in their communities. They deserve respect, not the virtue signaling progressives who act like the cultural problems can be solved by avoiding culpability.
Why do they have 2 payroll systems?
The officers stealing time is gross.
Example Officer who was stealing time is the same one who went in his apartment.
Does Dave Chappelle have something funny to say? Tired of saying poverty and lack of education causes violence - only in certain subcultures with dysfunctional households. In other words, its the lack of a strong family unit that allows an uncivilized culture to foment.
I am in disbelief that the times did real journalism.
Very well done & documented!!!!
They should work with web sleuths. Not the crazy ones but the serious ones that are out there bringing missing people home. You can find so much online now. People are straight up talking about their crimes even murders on social media it is unreal.
Why would anybody be lying on a bed and playing with a gun, and a loaded one at that?!!?
Chicago has had 798 homicides in 2022 and New Orleans has had 145.
I question the statistics reported in this documentary.
Chicago got 9x as many ppl so they need 9x as many murders to be even it’s determined by per capita look it up because if Nola was the size of Chicago it would be worse
Subbed. Very pleasant voice to hear while dosing off to sleep. Great work.
P. S. I went to sleep AFTER this episode 😉
I love how this is covered up by don't be selfish as everyone steals my justice and gets my money and my credit and still ignores me and leaves me still abused
You know what other list New Orleans is on? Being one of the blackest city's in America. It's also the only democratic city in Louisiana.
YEP !...Isnt New Orleans some 60% BLACK? there a PATTERN in all of this EVERYWHERE? maybe the PATTERN is when you have a Large Black Population it ALWAYS comes to this? just asking the RIGHT questions?
@@pedrogama4585 yes it is 60% was 70% before katrina. 🤷🏽♂️
@@patadams2909 ....its about to take the BLINDERS off;....SEPARATION is the way to go....SEPARATION ! give the "opressed" some 10% of the South and let the Chips fall where they must...