Asia Rose ***** Here's the link to the Tumblr post. Luckily I had it bookmarked:
This is not ok. No one should have to be put though this. +Cryaotic I don't know if you're reading this, but if you are, know that you can talk to me, if you need to. I won't pretend to have had the same level of problems you did, but if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen.
I am a heartless on the internet and not much makes me feel...this is now on a list of five things in the past two years that has made me feel something. Anyone else want the other things that made me feel? PM me and I will link the two I can find.
You know, you got to feel bad for Katherine. She's pregnant, has a careless boyfriend who is cheating on her with a girl he sees WAY more often, and isn't even aware of it. She doesn't deserve a guy like Vincent. Vincent and Catherine, on the hand, perfect for each other...
Cry don't even worry about "sucking" at the puzzles. I literally watch this lets play because I could never do a puzzle game like this. It's fun watching someone who isn't experienced with puzzles tho, so keep doing what you do!
Am I the only one rooting for Katherine? Catherine is just messing things up... Also Cry, you are not bad at puzzles. The game is hard. I know I would've sucked.
Catherine doesn't know she's messing things up though.. it really pisses me off that Vincent isn't saying he's dating someone already and that it was a mistake. Like, fuck. If he told her I'm sure she'd just back off. He'd still have to deal with Katherine but at least it's not as bad as continuing something with her.
+Samantha Cook He's tried to but she didn't even TRY to listen to him! All she did, like always, is giggled and flirted/kissed him. She gets on my fudging nerves. She like one of those pretty popular girls at school, a stupid one though... I really just want to punch her in the face! >:(
Yeah that's true. If I was him though I would have like pushed her off and yelled at her to listen to me, but maybe that's just me.. And wow how generalizing and stereotypical of you. Not all pretty popular girls act in a similar manner. I know plenty of pretty popular girls and they're all different in their own ways.
No! I didn't mean it like all popular girls are like that. I meant she's like the stereotype of them. Of course I know some popular girls who are nice but a lot of them that I know are usually like "Make up this! Boyfriend that! Listen to me because I know what best for us". That's all.
Keni Michelle Well not just poopular girls are like that but yeah I see what you mean by her being a stereotype. It's kind of annoying since I utterly despise stereotypes. No one fits into a cookie cutter persona. We're all more complex then what status we are or color or anything. (I'm not saying this is what you were inferring.)
I hate Catherine everytime when vincent wants to talk to her, she says she'll listen but she doesn't. I just think that she wants Vincent without thinking about the future unlike Katherine. I just think Catherine doesn't want to think, and just lives, she's trying way to hard to make Vincent notice her. And I might understand that some of you guys disagree, I respect all of your opinions including you Cry. (sometimes I don't agree with your opinions, buy hey, it's life. :) ).
I don't think so at all. It's good to balance new experiences with old ones. Most video games theses days have stories but atlus games like persona and this game (the only Atlus games I know) have great stories. But I can see why its weird with the puzzles, the ass monster, and the couples, and especially the sheep.
woah i didn't really expect to get replies i mean yeah Cry is just my ultimately favourite RUclipsr and this is a really good game with a good story, and it's fun to see ho he reacts to it and yeah. I was just trying to tell ajoke but wowie zowies look at the sophistication in this fandom, i love you guys.
I appreciate all of the effort, Cry. I hate this kind of puzzle myself, so I am really happy you have the patience to keep at it to bring us new episodes of your gaming.
This whole situation could have been avoided if he would have just flat out rejected her and told her he has a girlfriend. Then she wouldn't keep bothering him and screwing up his life. Also what cry said about only marrying for the baby is my thoughts exactly. Coming from a broken home, I can tell you it's not fun, and you shouldn't get married unless you truly love the person. Not just because you are forcing yourself too
***** I know right, what are some people thinking writing stuff like that? I, however, thought your comment was awesome because I had the same thought!
Gotta agree with you on the real talk. At first I was like, screw K, way too controlling, relationships are a 2 way street, but C is just plain Crazy, good for a temporary girlfriend maybe but you might regret it when she turns into a psychopath and tries to steal and destroy everything you own.... and tries to sleep with your friends to try get back at you..... you might've noticed I've dated a few Crazies.....
I'm not a puzzle person either... They make me feel just as stupid as I am. As for the Katherine/Catherine issue, I hope there's an option to not choose any of them. I don't trust Catherine one bit. She seems to be very impulsive in everything she does, and Vincent is to weakminded to actually deal with her. Katherine on the other hand is a control freak. She doesn't make Vincent happy, and I don't think he makes her happy either. So I hope there's a 'singles' option, haha! XD
There's eight endings to the game --> Three options for Catherine, three options for Kathrine, and two Freedom options. It all depends on where your meter is at the end.
To solve this puzzle game, just think one word: Stairs. Once your mind is focused on creating stairs/steps, I think you can get the "I don't know what I'm doing!" taken care of. Also, don't be shy on using the special items. They help you greatly when you're in a tight spot. Just be sure whether you need to keep them long enough to use them. ;)
If I was Vincent I would go for Katherine over Catherine since I would have known Katherine for longer and I would be more inclined to trust her, Catherine seems like she would be unfaithful, plus Katherine seems like she would fit better on a moral level (but this is based on my morals)
Somewhere in the video I found a really quick message talking about how Cry thinks he's so shit in this game and both C and K. He said if he was able to drop 'em both he'd do that because C's to flakey and K's too controlling
i just thought what if boss is the survivor of the last one? and he has the sheeps eyes and thats why he wears the glasses? tbh im probably wrong but idc
I went through the emotions of wanting to hug you at the beginning with the broken home talk, to wanting to strangle you with the puzzle. But no stress hun, I probably would have acted the same way had I not been playing with my peeps at the time to help me out. You take it easy though, only four more nightmare floors to go :)
Cry, I totally agree. If you aren't in love with someone, you shouldn't get married to them, even if you have a child. Children are really perceptive, which a lot of people seem to forget. They know when their parents are unhappy, which will ultimately make them unhappy. It's better for a child to have a separated family, but have a happy - hopefully *two*, one for each parent - home than to live in a whole household and be unhappy. *BUT* if the couple really wants to make things work, even if they aren't in love, I applaud them. That takes a lot of guts.
I agree with Cry....I think Vincent needs someone mores stable than C and less controlling than K. K wants something Vincent doesn't want/have and C is not what Vincent wants/needs.
I never dated girls in high school because I knew it'll never get close to marriage... That and I was shy as sin, but that doesn't matter now because I'm in college and engaged. :)
***** If you can't realize why I'm getting defensive over you saying that my life is ruined due to my engagement, then you're literally *less* than worth talking to. Even less than the common internet troll. Goodbye.
***** I call you worthless to me and you respond with whiny... [Laughs for 6 consecutive hours] My god it feels like I'm quarreling with a tuna sandwich! XD Okay Jackie, do yourself a favor and bugger off before you look like more of a pathetic and dull minded fool, okay? :)
Thank you so much for your persistence and patience with this whole series, Cry. It's been one of my favorites so far, and I love watching you play. :)
Don't stress yourself too much when it comes to uploading! It's not fair that fans expect so much when you're also a living person who needs to take a breather.
I would personally go for Catherine because number one is like Cry said: Katherine is controlling and is like "You have to quit all of your bad habits" second, who doesn't like a girl who can lockpick? I mean, c'mon, man.../woman
i feel like cry whenever i play puzzle games which is why i so rarely ever do - they frustrate the hell out of me and i'm terrible at them. too much strategizing and planning lmao so seeing him desperately try to get through with the last puzzle in this video was basically a mirror image of myself, except i probably would have given up instead of being determined enough to keep working on it //: so i give cry props for that! lol
Hey everyone. Pause at 20:57 and read. Stop saying he's messing up too much and making wrong decision. It's his game and he'll play as he wants. Sheesh.
cry don't feel bad. my first playthrough of this game this was probably one of the toughest levels ever and I remember to to this day because of how much time and effort i spent on it! and actually chapeux to you for figuring out a different way to solve it. You actually taught me a new technique!
Honestly I was really surprised in the beginning when Cry started this game because I've seen my brother play it and I'm like "wait...waaiiitt.. this... is a puzzle game.. and Cry. Is. Playing. It."
Is it me or do some of the people in the bar represent the sheep in the nightmares? Justin (Guy with the green coat with glasses left of Vincent) = Sheep with Glasses, Todd (Man in the orangish brown coat right of Vincent later in the video) = Sheep with regent hair
Despite how bad you think you're doing, Cry, I think most of us (who haven't actually played the game) are right there with you. This stuff seems just as confusing for me, too. o_O
I wouldn't worry too much about what some of your commenters are saying. Just go with the flow. You're probably doing 19630201719 times better than I would ever do if it was me playing the game. Also, I totally agree with you on Catherine and Katherine. Catherine seems like she would get up and leave Vincent at any day and Katherine is too....much. It's better for him to just be single.
We love you, Cry. Don't apologize for anything. Nobody cares if you don't have a natural nack for puzzles. We just appreciate and enjoy watching your playthroughs and hearing your opinions on (sometimes) some really random stuff. Other youtubers aren't really like that; they act how they think their subscribers want them to act. You're the real shit, yo. Thanks for that.
Don't worry about it Cry, I was kinda facepalming at the mistakes but for this game, no one is going to figure it out from the get go at the first time play through. For games like this, its natural to get this frustrated, every gamer so far (that I know of) that's played it messes up until a lot of trial and error. Until you know this game forwards and backwards, you'll be stuck having Tunnel Vision in this game. The anxiety of the falling blocks, frustration of arranging the blocks correctly, the annoyance from the other sheep and the urgency to get through the puzzle to keep Vincent alive clouds your thinking and causing you mistakes. It's gonna happen, so don't worry, you're not 'shit' at it, its the purpose of the game to make you rage. Just keep at it, Cry, you'll get it. :3 And btw, really enjoying the videos! Take it easy, Cry. Peace out!
People, stop telling Cry what to do with the choices that influence the endings. If you actually watched the video, you'd notice the two split second messages he wrote. He doesn't want K or C. But if he ends up with one of them, then so be it. Let his decisions be his own. It's his play-through, not yours. Go play it yourself if his choices bother you that much. Note: I have NOT seen/played this game before, so no spoilers about anything please. I just know there are multiple endings and that's all I want to know.
I honestly pick Catherine for Vincent, it isn't that I completely dislike Katherine but Catherine seems more fitting to the life Vincent desires. She isn't ready for anything big as well as Vincent. Katherine is ready to settle down, start a family while Vincent is not; that alone shows that she should move on and find someone on the same page as her. Vincent is still trying not to grow up, he's trying to have fun and doesn't want to tie himself down, he doesn't mind being in a relationship but marriage and complete commitment scares him and while it doesn't scare Catherine she herself doesn't want to get married and think of marriage as just a "label". I personally think of Catherine as the female version of Vincent, just more outgoing. Katherine is a great woman, she is just trying to turn a man into something he is not, which is why she should look for her dream life else where.
Desires aren’t everything and Catherine wants Vincent’s full commitment but scams him through some sweet words like “marriage is just a label”. She’s telling him only what he wants to hear. She is not the female version of vincent. And to sum this all up, Vincent is 32. He’s a little bitch for not growing up and taking responsibility for the relationships he’s in. He doesn’t deserve love if it scares him so much. He’s not in high school. He doesn’t even have to balls to tell Catherine that he’s in a serious relationship. Katherine needs to find some other man to treat her better and grow up with and Catherine can take her ass back to the streets to go hump some other guys leg.
Todd (character in game): 'cuz you're after me! Archie (character in the game): Not a chance. Cry: Ha! Yaoi… 7:20 Me: Oh, right… I keep forgetting he knows anime.
Omg and the voice for Katherine sounds like Rukia from Bleach too. And Jonny's voice sounds like someone from One Piece. And I've heard the voice for Toby a billion times before! Holy shit so many awesome voice actors from so many awesome animes! The awesomeness is too much! XD
tbh I really blame aeriagames for that. They only care about money. One a game stops making money (DOMO & ShinMeg) They just drop it. They don't even care if people play it. I feel like once aeriagames had ShinMeg, ATLUS didn't have control of it.
How do you not have a girlfriend Cry your personality is perfect I fell in love with your attitude and personality in the first video I saw and it was your play trough of Corpse Party. My friend Alexis showed it to me and the first thing she asked me was don't you just love his personality and damn right I do so instead of going to college for 2 days I watched not stop play troughs you did so when you say you come home to an empty house that surprises me because if I personally knew you I think we would be really good friends. I honestly hope you fine someone. =)
I couldnt agree with you more. Sometimes before a BIG test i watch his videos because his voice is soothing to me (may sound a bit creepy but the truth). We hope you find the right girl soon Cry :)
What an appropriate outro song. Thumb's up on using music to some up the journey thus far. Connections, yo. This has turned out to be an extremely interesting series! The story itself plus Cry's reaction to it and its puzzles makes everything seem a little more.. surreal. I love surreal. Surreal is good. Thank you for it.
Cry, you may not be good at puzzle games, but you sure are stubborn and ambitious enough to see this game through and I appreciate that greatly. Thumbs up for you, good sir.
It's funny how Toby reminds me of Yoosung, "Go back home and drink some chocolate milk, kid" that part reminds me so much of Yoosung i really don't know why.
Forcing evolution (K) or accepting chaos (C)... neither is really any good for a person, but for someone who is content with being still, either path has the same end. Growth will come after the survival and inevitable dissolve of vows or promises.
I suck at puzzles too, so yay. You're not terrible, Cry. I'm really into this for the story, and seeing you accomplish the puzzles is fun and all, but it's not the main reason for me to be here. Relax, take a deep breath and.. huh... I don't know, do you like cookies? Here, have one.**cookie**
Can we just take a moment to imagine what it must've been like having to play that puzzle for 30+ minutes while that church bell and background song went on repeat? Cry is a warrior.
Everyone in the comments is bitching out about Crys decisions... man, let him play, and discuss your opinions with other people in the comment section...
I feel like Catherine is like Temptation whose not real. Trying to lure Vincent a stray. Like even if he picks her, it's not her and he's somehow fucked.
I haven't played this game before so i might be totally wrong, but it looks like you could have taken out the bottom row blocks and shoved them off the edge and that would have made all the other blocks fall down one level then the stair thing you were doing would have worked out easy.
Y'know, I have a lot of respect for Cry during this playthrough. He's not trying to be good or bad, he's just being honest. And really, isn't that what this game is about? Honesty, and the price that comes with lies? idk, I just think it's awesome that he isn't trying to force his game to go in a direction he doesn't feel.
The little note around 20:57 - little does Cry know that there's actually an ending where you can take neither K nor C. It's an interesting one to say the least. That being said, I totally love his view on the whole Katherine fiasco. That's no reason to get married. If she was really ambitious about her career like she says, she wouldn't even take the chance of having a kid. There's stuff (yes, I know it's vague but it's to prevent people from jumping at my virtual throat - it's a touchy topic in the real world, not sure how irritable people would get here) you can take that'll completely purge your insides before shit gets too real and there's no painless way of going back. Looking at their relationship, I have no idea how Vincent and Katherine have even lasted this long. If he's supposedly uber in love with her like Orlando says then their relationship must be on its last legs. I mean, even looking at his body language and the way he talks to her it's obvious that things are gonna change and hearts are gonna be broken. Also, don't worry about the puzzles, Cry. This game is wicked hard. Just keep findin' those pillows and don't give up! Even if the next ten episodes of this series was you raging and trying to get past the same level, you'd still have at least one viewer who'd still watch o/
Cry, my apologies, bro. I cant stop bawlin'. Not because of your struggle with the puzzles, no..... but from your eventual fast-forwarding towards the end. This was exactly what I've been trying to portend when you've created that survey about editing the vids and glad you've taken that route. As for the 2 women,.... (nod of agreement).
From how Cry is playing, and his honesty in his questions and choices, I think he might end up getting the Freedom Ending, whether its the true or good Ending, I don't know, but it's my opinion.
I'd imagine if you want to tell Catherine that you're already with a woman, you have to go further into the blue, and start shutting her off and spending more time with Katherine? Compared to if you want to leave Katherine you'll have to go further into the Red... I can only imagine that is how it works. --I READ THE UM PAUSED FLASHY UP BIT AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU CHOOSE NEITHER. I imagine you stay awkwardly in your white-bit and try not to move either way.
For the longest time Vincent reminded me of an anime character but I could never find the name. I finally remembered. Vincent reminds me a bit of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop because of his hair :D
Lol, I glanced over to the recommended video list and saw the full Cowboy Bebop OST XD Coincidence? I think not! There is no such thing as coincidence, only inevitability~ (I would love if someone knew what that is a reference to...)
I was shite too, when I first started out on this game. But what I rather like about this game is that the story is pretty intriguing and keeps you wanting to know what's next. And you only get rewarded with story progression upon completing the puzzles. This makes you want to soldier on through the difficulty anyway just to get to the next part. So even if you're not a spatially-minded puzzle solver(much like myself), this game kind of makes you still want to slave through just to see what happens next.
late comment but ik Katherine seems controlling and she really is but can you blame her? Her boyfriend wont admit he just doesnt wanna get married and be honest to her to solve this issue. Its insane he needs to just talk to her and she can leave him she needs someone that loves her to be honest truly. I think if Vincent was in love he wouldnt debate so hard so he should stop stringing her. Catherine is controlling and well i played the game so >3> shes just not good he belongs with her if he doesnt wanna take K seriously and he doesn't deserve C either cuz later reasons.
"don't lead them on, that's bad"
...says the guy who's been playing the most indecisive playthrough ever.
It's his first time, what did you expect?
It's funny how he's making such bad decisions with Catherine but because he has good intentions.
And sad. I've seen ending of Catherine and I hope this will end with Katherine
Emily does he get the ending with Katherine?
@@heeheehaheho5649 which ending of Catherine?
Oh really?
When Orlando makes his comment about chocolate milk... I slowly put my glass of chocolate milk down and lick my Choco milk stash and feel ashamed...
My heart broke when Cry said the part about marrying just for a kid. If you've read his Tumblr post you know what I'm talking about.
Link us to it please.
Asia Rose ***** Here's the link to the Tumblr post. Luckily I had it bookmarked:
This is not ok. No one should have to be put though this. +Cryaotic I don't know if you're reading this, but if you are, know that you can talk to me, if you need to. I won't pretend to have had the same level of problems you did, but if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen.
***** Man, I don't usually cry to something. But tears came automatically from my eyes. This is fucking sad.
I am a heartless on the internet and not much makes me feel...this is now on a list of five things in the past two years that has made me feel something. Anyone else want the other things that made me feel? PM me and I will link the two I can find.
I understand there's an ending with neither K or C, but what I want is some KFC.
I see what you did there. HAHHAHAHA!!!!
Instagamrr *Starts clapping slowly*
you might be Torex, but you're not alone
want some QATHERINE
So....has anyone told him he could undo his moves more than once yet?
He did, if you stayed and watched the whole video.
Lucas Kane Yeah, I realized that pretty much as soon as I posted the comment.
I really don't know why I got a bunch of thumbs ups out of nowhere...
The fact that Cry can deadpan statements, say nearly nothing at all, and still be humorous is awesome. Pus his voice is amazing forevermore. :3
if you like deadpan humour you'd freaking love Richard Ayoade
Just got off the night shift but I refuse to go to sleep until I watch this episode of Catherine.
same with me...Catherine before sleep!
You know, you got to feel bad for Katherine. She's pregnant, has a careless boyfriend who is cheating on her with a girl he sees WAY more often, and isn't even aware of it. She doesn't deserve a guy like Vincent. Vincent and Catherine, on the hand, perfect for each other...
***** She's only controlling because she has a careless boyfriend whom she just wants to have a happy life with.
FireofGia She did stab an innocent piece of fruity cake on the last episode though...
Doctor Meow The cake and its race are weak. It was only a matter of time.
FireofGia Woooooooooah, that's not nice. Besides, have you ever tried to eat a sand cake that's been drying in for 5 weeks? Shit's rock hard.
But as it turns out near the end of the game she's not pregnant, but I still kinda feel bad. Although they seem happy near the end of the game.
Cry don't even worry about "sucking" at the puzzles. I literally watch this lets play because I could never do a puzzle game like this. It's fun watching someone who isn't experienced with puzzles tho, so keep doing what you do!
Am I the only one rooting for Katherine? Catherine is just messing things up... Also Cry, you are not bad at puzzles. The game is hard. I know I would've sucked.
Catherine doesn't know she's messing things up though.. it really pisses me off that Vincent isn't saying he's dating someone already and that it was a mistake. Like, fuck. If he told her I'm sure she'd just back off. He'd still have to deal with Katherine but at least it's not as bad as continuing something with her.
+Samantha Cook
He's tried to but she didn't even TRY to listen to him! All she did, like always, is giggled and flirted/kissed him. She gets on my fudging nerves. She like one of those pretty popular girls at school, a stupid one though... I really just want to punch her in the face! >:(
Yeah that's true. If I was him though I would have like pushed her off and yelled at her to listen to me, but maybe that's just me.. And wow how generalizing and stereotypical of you. Not all pretty popular girls act in a similar manner. I know plenty of pretty popular girls and they're all different in their own ways.
No! I didn't mean it like all popular girls are like that. I meant she's like the stereotype of them. Of course I know some popular girls who are nice but a lot of them that I know are usually like "Make up this! Boyfriend that! Listen to me because I know what best for us". That's all.
Keni Michelle Well not just poopular girls are like that but yeah I see what you mean by her being a stereotype. It's kind of annoying since I utterly despise stereotypes. No one fits into a cookie cutter persona. We're all more complex then what status we are or color or anything. (I'm not saying this is what you were inferring.)
I hate Catherine everytime when vincent wants to talk to her, she says she'll listen but she doesn't. I just think that she wants Vincent without thinking about the future unlike Katherine. I just think Catherine doesn't want to think, and just lives, she's trying way to hard to make Vincent notice her. And I might understand that some of you guys disagree, I respect all of your opinions including you Cry. (sometimes I don't agree with your opinions, buy hey, it's life. :) ).
This series has been the highlight of my day is that weird
Absolutely not. I'm always happy to see another one of his videos up. Especially this series. It's a great gameplay. :)
I don't think so at all. It's good to balance new experiences with old ones. Most video games theses days have stories but atlus games like persona and this game (the only Atlus games I know) have great stories. But I can see why its weird with the puzzles, the ass monster, and the couples, and especially the sheep.
woah i didn't really expect to get replies i mean yeah Cry is just my ultimately favourite RUclipsr and this is a really good game with a good story, and it's fun to see ho he reacts to it and yeah. I was just trying to tell ajoke but wowie zowies look at the sophistication in this fandom, i love you guys.
If Vincent actually is allowed to die on that day, people will say he died from alcohol poisoning
I feel like cry has a lot of experience with love
That'd make sense he says have a little sauce and sweet them up soooooo.....
Uhnm you never experience love? Dude the decisions are basic shit.
Yeah...although from experience, I can vouch for the marriage/broken home thing he mentioned. Marriage doesn't fix dysfunctional
cry is in his 25ish. however dorky he sounds, he should have experience with love. and he is not making like "ladies man" decisions.
This has aged like fine wine
I appreciate all of the effort, Cry. I hate this kind of puzzle myself, so I am really happy you have the patience to keep at it to bring us new episodes of your gaming.
This whole situation could have been avoided if he would have just flat out rejected her and told her he has a girlfriend. Then she wouldn't keep bothering him and screwing up his life. Also what cry said about only marrying for the baby is my thoughts exactly. Coming from a broken home, I can tell you it's not fun, and you shouldn't get married unless you truly love the person. Not just because you are forcing yourself too
Archie: "I'm not after women..."
Me: *Thinks* /
Todd: "Then you're after me!"
Cry: *Laughs* "Ahh yaoi.."
No one cares
Vlad Cooles Dude...Don't be so harsh, please?
***** I know right, what are some people thinking writing stuff like that? I, however, thought your comment was awesome because I had the same thought!
Tim Geary Thankyou! You are awesome :)
I thought the same, lol.
One of the most frustrating playthroughs I've watched from Cry.
I really hope cry takes the "Freedom" ending. Personally I don't like either women
ikr? Thumbs this ^ up guys
Only time will tell.
I don't like either of the woman either but C's ending is soooooo hilarious.
Anna Nosbig Not to mention a Disgaea crossover.
Based on Cry's message that flashed for 1/2 a second, I think he'd prefer that ending, too.
Gotta agree with you on the real talk. At first I was like, screw K, way too controlling, relationships are a 2 way street, but C is just plain Crazy, good for a temporary girlfriend maybe but you might regret it when she turns into a psychopath and tries to steal and destroy everything you own.... and tries to sleep with your friends to try get back at you..... you might've noticed I've dated a few Crazies.....
See, this whole game has only reaffirmed for me the importance of abstinence. All that hassle just isn't worth it.
Can't forget remaining faithful.
Isreal Murray
Yes, indeed.
I'm not a puzzle person either... They make me feel just as stupid as I am.
As for the Katherine/Catherine issue, I hope there's an option to not choose any of them.
I don't trust Catherine one bit. She seems to be very impulsive in everything she does, and Vincent is to weakminded to actually deal with her. Katherine on the other hand is a control freak. She doesn't make Vincent happy, and I don't think he makes her happy either. So I hope there's a 'singles' option, haha! XD
there actually is it is called i shit you not "Freedom" >_>
Really? XD Wow...
Watch to the end and everything makes more sense, promise.
There's eight endings to the game --> Three options for Catherine, three options for Kathrine, and two Freedom options. It all depends on where your meter is at the end.
How exciting! :D Now I'm even more curious about the ending!
To solve this puzzle game, just think one word: Stairs.
Once your mind is focused on creating stairs/steps, I think you can get the "I don't know what I'm doing!" taken care of.
Also, don't be shy on using the special items. They help you greatly when you're in a tight spot. Just be sure whether you need to keep them long enough to use them. ;)
If I was Vincent I would go for Katherine over Catherine since I would have known Katherine for longer and I would be more inclined to trust her, Catherine seems like she would be unfaithful, plus Katherine seems like she would fit better on a moral level (but this is based on my morals)
(Catherine also isn't what she seems.)
FAH Holliday I have seen the Catherine good ending for this game
Somewhere in the video I found a really quick message talking about how Cry thinks he's so shit in this game and both C and K. He said if he was able to drop 'em both he'd do that because C's to flakey and K's too controlling
simcoll1 I agree with that but I was going off if I HAD TO chose otherwise I would drop em both to
RaelDanger Well, actually, you can drop them both. You gotta stay close to the grey center, though.
"A lot of people make that mistake - marrying for the baby. It's going to be a broken home, yo."
Dude, Cry, I would marry you for that insight alone!
i just thought
what if boss is the survivor of the last one?
and he has the sheeps eyes and thats why he wears the glasses?
tbh im probably wrong but idc
"A lot of people make that mistake. Marry for the baby. It's gona be a broken home, yo." You are a genius. Words of a GENIUS.
I went through the emotions of wanting to hug you at the beginning with the broken home talk, to wanting to strangle you with the puzzle. But no stress hun, I probably would have acted the same way had I not been playing with my peeps at the time to help me out. You take it easy though, only four more nightmare floors to go :)
Everytime Vincent is at the bar I always wonder "...Is this really what guys talk about? Is this how they talk?"
Cry, I totally agree. If you aren't in love with someone, you shouldn't get married to them, even if you have a child. Children are really perceptive, which a lot of people seem to forget. They know when their parents are unhappy, which will ultimately make them unhappy. It's better for a child to have a separated family, but have a happy - hopefully *two*, one for each parent - home than to live in a whole household and be unhappy.
*BUT* if the couple really wants to make things work, even if they aren't in love, I applaud them. That takes a lot of guts.
Now let us applaud for Crys effort in solving these puzzles *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* (If I was him I would of just give up and walk away in frustration)
*Toby and Orlando are talking about girlfriends*
Cry: "......I just want some of that pizza....."
Oh, Cry. Gotta love him.
Old age *is* going to suck. I really hope I die before I get there.
Hungary Mann Hard to regret something when you're dead.
LnPPersonified but not JUST before you're about to die :3
LnPPersonified you sound just like my friend.
BECCASHIBUYA Maybe I *am* your friend. Oooh, spooky!
no your not francesca
I agree with Cry....I think Vincent needs someone mores stable than C and less controlling than K. K wants something Vincent doesn't want/have and C is not what Vincent wants/needs.
Cry, pick the greater of two evils ALWAYS. Its more reasuring that you'll get Cathrine's true ending. And what an ending it is
I never dated girls in high school because I knew it'll never get close to marriage...
That and I was shy as sin, but that doesn't matter now because I'm in college and engaged. :)
good for you :3
Aww! Congrats! ♥
***** Regardless of whatever "evidence" you want to support your opinion with, I politely ask of you to keep it to yourself, and to leave me be.
***** If you can't realize why I'm getting defensive over you saying that my life is ruined due to my engagement, then you're literally *less* than worth talking to. Even less than the common internet troll. Goodbye.
***** I call you worthless to me and you respond with whiny... [Laughs for 6 consecutive hours] My god it feels like I'm quarreling with a tuna sandwich! XD
Okay Jackie, do yourself a favor and bugger off before you look like more of a pathetic and dull minded fool, okay? :)
lol inquisition.
This. :D
Thank you so much for your persistence and patience with this whole series, Cry. It's been one of my favorites so far, and I love watching you play. :)
Don't stress yourself too much when it comes to uploading! It's not fair that fans expect so much when you're also a living person who needs to take a breather.
Don't feel bad the puzzles only get harder, so remember the techiques. They will save you in the end. Also K isn't that bad.
neither is c
Prob my fav series I've seen in a while =D its like a movie and a puzzle rage game with Cry.
Cry, you have no idea how much I enjoy your commentary; it's so awesome.
I'm proud to be part of Cry's awesome fans. There's lots of support and camaraderie to be had! Good job Cry for fostering the good vibes.
I'm binge watching this whole series. I have this huge bowl of popcorn that's 11.5 inches wide and 5 inches tall. It's almost filled to the brim.
No...... Cry is leaning onto Catherine D:
I would personally go for Catherine because number one is like Cry said: Katherine is controlling and is like "You have to quit all of your bad habits" second, who doesn't like a girl who can lockpick? I mean, c'mon, man.../woman
22:33 I love how immediately after failing, Cry comes up with another tactic.. over and over again XD
Dude, i love your commentary during the game, I don't care if you can't figure it out fast cause I laugh either way. Love you Cry!
Rewatching videos when Im home alone is the best. Then you said you were in an empty house right now and it just made it 100x more relateable 💕
i feel like cry whenever i play puzzle games which is why i so rarely ever do - they frustrate the hell out of me and i'm terrible at them. too much strategizing and planning lmao so seeing him desperately try to get through with the last puzzle in this video was basically a mirror image of myself, except i probably would have given up instead of being determined enough to keep working on it //: so i give cry props for that! lol
My god finally been waiting for this for like 10 minutes!! xD
Hey everyone. Pause at 20:57 and read. Stop saying he's messing up too much and making wrong decision. It's his game and he'll play as he wants. Sheesh.
You're doing fine Cry! This game twists your brain on purpose. We all mess up like this. Just take it slow and try not to panic while you think!
cry don't feel bad. my first playthrough of this game this was probably one of the toughest levels ever and I remember to to this day because of how much time and effort i spent on it! and actually chapeux to you for figuring out a different way to solve it. You actually taught me a new technique!
Honestly I was really surprised in the beginning when Cry started this game because I've seen my brother play it and I'm like "wait...waaiiitt.. this... is a puzzle game.. and Cry. Is. Playing. It."
the cryptic voice sounds like the english voice actor for Kaoru in OHSHC
HOLY GOD IT DOES!!! :O YOU ARE FLIPPING GENIUS!!!! (Not being sarcastic by the way I had no idea that they sounded exactly the same)
*fangirls through the roof* TOTALLY~! Didn't realize it until I read the comment! x3
Where? I didn't hear it XD
.....ah yaoi
wonksandwixards Its a glorious thing, no?
Shawn Heatherly indeed it is
Yaoi is like a paradise.
+Lee Ara 7:24
Is it me or do some of the people in the bar represent the sheep in the nightmares? Justin (Guy with the green coat with glasses left of Vincent) = Sheep with Glasses, Todd (Man in the orangish brown coat right of Vincent later in the video) = Sheep with regent hair
Yup they ARE the sheep in the dreams. Sent there because of their own relationship ship problems
PBJ Sandwich Dude, they don't just "represent" them, these are the people in Vincent's dreams!
PBJ Sandwich im surprised how you didnt get this when he first met them in the bar .-.
PBJ Sandwich I think Cry even said so the first time they met xD
im not trying to talk bad about it. im just actually surprised...its kinda obviouse
The best thing about this is watching Cry solve some of the puzzles in a completely different way than myself or others! It's awesome! ^^
Despite how bad you think you're doing, Cry, I think most of us (who haven't actually played the game) are right there with you. This stuff seems just as confusing for me, too. o_O
And those of us who've played the game find it so damn funny.
And this has been "Beer Classifications with Cry"!
I wouldn't worry too much about what some of your commenters are saying. Just go with the flow. You're probably doing 19630201719 times better than I would ever do if it was me playing the game. Also, I totally agree with you on Catherine and Katherine. Catherine seems like she would get up and leave Vincent at any day and Katherine is too....much. It's better for him to just be single.
We love you, Cry. Don't apologize for anything. Nobody cares if you don't have a natural nack for puzzles. We just appreciate and enjoy watching your playthroughs and hearing your opinions on (sometimes) some really random stuff. Other youtubers aren't really like that; they act how they think their subscribers want them to act. You're the real shit, yo. Thanks for that.
Don't worry about it Cry, I was kinda facepalming at the mistakes but for this game, no one is going to figure it out from the get go at the first time play through. For games like this, its natural to get this frustrated, every gamer so far (that I know of) that's played it messes up until a lot of trial and error.
Until you know this game forwards and backwards, you'll be stuck having Tunnel Vision in this game. The anxiety of the falling blocks, frustration of arranging the blocks correctly, the annoyance from the other sheep and the urgency to get through the puzzle to keep Vincent alive clouds your thinking and causing you mistakes. It's gonna happen, so don't worry, you're not 'shit' at it, its the purpose of the game to make you rage.
Just keep at it, Cry, you'll get it. :3 And btw, really enjoying the videos!
Take it easy, Cry.
Peace out!
People, stop telling Cry what to do with the choices that influence the endings.
If you actually watched the video, you'd notice the two split second messages he wrote. He doesn't want K or C. But if he ends up with one of them, then so be it. Let his decisions be his own. It's his play-through, not yours. Go play it yourself if his choices bother you that much.
Note: I have NOT seen/played this game before, so no spoilers about anything please. I just know there are multiple endings and that's all I want to know.
I honestly pick Catherine for Vincent, it isn't that I completely dislike Katherine but Catherine seems more fitting to the life Vincent desires. She isn't ready for anything big as well as Vincent. Katherine is ready to settle down, start a family while Vincent is not; that alone shows that she should move on and find someone on the same page as her. Vincent is still trying not to grow up, he's trying to have fun and doesn't want to tie himself down, he doesn't mind being in a relationship but marriage and complete commitment scares him and while it doesn't scare Catherine she herself doesn't want to get married and think of marriage as just a "label". I personally think of Catherine as the female version of Vincent, just more outgoing. Katherine is a great woman, she is just trying to turn a man into something he is not, which is why she should look for her dream life else where.
I agree. c:
I don't trust Catherine, and Katherine just tries to control him, I want him to end up choosing neither, if it's an option.
Desires aren’t everything and Catherine wants Vincent’s full commitment but scams him through some sweet words like “marriage is just a label”. She’s telling him only what he wants to hear. She is not the female version of vincent. And to sum this all up, Vincent is 32. He’s a little bitch for not growing up and taking responsibility for the relationships he’s in. He doesn’t deserve love if it scares him so much. He’s not in high school. He doesn’t even have to balls to tell Catherine that he’s in a serious relationship. Katherine needs to find some other man to treat her better and grow up with and Catherine can take her ass back to the streets to go hump some other guys leg.
Todd (character in game): 'cuz you're after me!
Archie (character in the game): Not a chance.
Cry: Ha! Yaoi… 7:20
Me: Oh, right… I keep forgetting he knows anime.
Man I love this game's soundtrack so much.
All those remixes of classical pieces are just so well made
this video has me sold on Cry. i was unsure if i wanted to keep on watching but he made me laugh so hard. i'm totally subscribed.
Omg and the voice for Katherine sounds like Rukia from Bleach too. And Jonny's voice sounds like someone from One Piece. And I've heard the voice for Toby a billion times before! Holy shit so many awesome voice actors from so many awesome animes! The awesomeness is too much! XD
Let's just all agree that ATLUS does a really good job of hiring the best voice actors. UvU
tbh I really blame aeriagames for that. They only care about money. One a game stops making money (DOMO & ShinMeg) They just drop it. They don't even care if people play it. I feel like once aeriagames had ShinMeg, ATLUS didn't have control of it.
Everytime I see a new Catherine vid I squeal be cause I love this series so much
How do you not have a girlfriend Cry your personality is perfect I fell in love with your attitude and personality in the first video I saw and it was your play trough of Corpse Party. My friend Alexis showed it to me and the first thing she asked me was don't you just love his personality and damn right I do so instead of going to college for 2 days I watched not stop play troughs you did so when you say you come home to an empty house that surprises me because if I personally knew you I think we would be really good friends. I honestly hope you fine someone. =)
I couldnt agree with you more. Sometimes before a BIG test i watch his videos because his voice is soothing to me (may sound a bit creepy but the truth). We hope you find the right girl soon Cry :)
Megan H I get exactly what you are saying he does have a very relaxing voice.
Its the greatest and sweetest voice I have ever heard, it makes me melt inside :)
... I thought he was referring to the house that the main character comes home to. Empty. Yah know?
Nah he was talking about himself to. Can you believe this amazing guy is single???
What an appropriate outro song. Thumb's up on using music to some up the journey thus far. Connections, yo. This has turned out to be an extremely interesting series! The story itself plus Cry's reaction to it and its puzzles makes everything seem a little more.. surreal.
I love surreal. Surreal is good. Thank you for it.
Cry, you may not be good at puzzle games, but you sure are stubborn and ambitious enough to see this game through and I appreciate that greatly. Thumbs up for you, good sir.
I listen to this while doing homework and when I'm done with this I'll watch another playlist
It's funny how Toby reminds me of Yoosung, "Go back home and drink some chocolate milk, kid" that part reminds me so much of Yoosung i really don't know why.
canon waifu that's what I was thinking when I saw toby
Forcing evolution (K) or accepting chaos (C)... neither is really any good for a person, but for someone who is content with being still, either path has the same end. Growth will come after the survival and inevitable dissolve of vows or promises.
I suck at puzzles too, so yay. You're not terrible, Cry. I'm really into this for the story, and seeing you accomplish the puzzles is fun and all, but it's not the main reason for me to be here. Relax, take a deep breath and.. huh... I don't know, do you like cookies? Here, have one.**cookie**
Can we just take a moment to imagine what it must've been like having to play that puzzle for 30+ minutes while that church bell and background song went on repeat? Cry is a warrior.
Everyone in the comments is bitching out about Crys decisions... man, let him play, and discuss your opinions with other people in the comment section...
Yush \(0-0)/ Hey, you're here ,too :D
***** XD Omg
***** El Lawliet? Don't try to kidding me. You are dead. I know it. LittleDevilJule You are one of the Kira followers, aren't you?
***** No >:D A Shinigami follower
LittleDevilJule i could answer in german, but... nah, who cares? ;)
I feel like Catherine is like Temptation whose not real. Trying to lure Vincent a stray. Like even if he picks her, it's not her and he's somehow fucked.
I haven't played this game before so i might be totally wrong, but it looks like you could have taken out the bottom row blocks and shoved them off the edge and that would have made all the other blocks fall down one level then the stair thing you were doing would have worked out easy.
Y'know, I have a lot of respect for Cry during this playthrough. He's not trying to be good or bad, he's just being honest. And really, isn't that what this game is about? Honesty, and the price that comes with lies? idk, I just think it's awesome that he isn't trying to force his game to go in a direction he doesn't feel.
Cry, I love hearing your insights on the morals and stuff in the games you play, don't give up on the puzzles! You can do it!
The little note around 20:57 - little does Cry know that there's actually an ending where you can take neither K nor C. It's an interesting one to say the least.
That being said, I totally love his view on the whole Katherine fiasco. That's no reason to get married. If she was really ambitious about her career like she says, she wouldn't even take the chance of having a kid. There's stuff (yes, I know it's vague but it's to prevent people from jumping at my virtual throat - it's a touchy topic in the real world, not sure how irritable people would get here) you can take that'll completely purge your insides before shit gets too real and there's no painless way of going back. Looking at their relationship, I have no idea how Vincent and Katherine have even lasted this long. If he's supposedly uber in love with her like Orlando says then their relationship must be on its last legs. I mean, even looking at his body language and the way he talks to her it's obvious that things are gonna change and hearts are gonna be broken.
Also, don't worry about the puzzles, Cry. This game is wicked hard. Just keep findin' those pillows and don't give up! Even if the next ten episodes of this series was you raging and trying to get past the same level, you'd still have at least one viewer who'd still watch o/
2:38 why is this called Catherine... it should be called drinking simulator, 32 year old version
"you can't throw your clothes around anymore" that honestly sucks holy crap.
And this is why I love Cry, I want to yell at him for how these puzzles can be done, but I'd have to stop laughing before I can yell at the monitor
Cry, my apologies, bro. I cant stop bawlin'. Not because of your struggle with the puzzles, no..... but from your eventual fast-forwarding towards the end. This was exactly what I've been trying to portend when you've created that survey about editing the vids and glad you've taken that route.
As for the 2 women,.... (nod of agreement).
From how Cry is playing, and his honesty in his questions and choices, I think he might end up getting the Freedom Ending, whether its the true or good Ending, I don't know, but it's my opinion.
i hate that i get really into this and start yelling "No pull this block out and push it left"... i like this game xD
I'd imagine if you want to tell Catherine that you're already with a woman, you have to go further into the blue, and start shutting her off and spending more time with Katherine? Compared to if you want to leave Katherine you'll have to go further into the Red...
I can only imagine that is how it works.
--I READ THE UM PAUSED FLASHY UP BIT AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU CHOOSE NEITHER. I imagine you stay awkwardly in your white-bit and try not to move either way.
Am I the only one who loves this man's voice? I swear I could listen to him all day. :)
That moment you realize that Vincent is the same dude voiced by Joel from the last of us...
i was waiting for this the whole day
Same feeling...
For the longest time Vincent reminded me of an anime character but I could never find the name. I finally remembered. Vincent reminds me a bit of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop because of his hair :D
That's exactly what I thought when I first saw him!
Lol, I glanced over to the recommended video list and saw the full Cowboy Bebop OST XD Coincidence? I think not!
There is no such thing as coincidence, only inevitability~
(I would love if someone knew what that is a reference to...)
thats exactly what i thought too
OMG JENNY HI :D teehee. Totally thought that too!
peppermint girl
Don't worry about it Cry.
I was shite too, when I first started out on this game.
But what I rather like about this game is that the story is pretty intriguing and keeps you wanting to know what's next. And you only get rewarded with story progression upon completing the puzzles.
This makes you want to soldier on through the difficulty anyway just to get to the next part. So even if you're not a spatially-minded puzzle solver(much like myself), this game kind of makes you still want to slave through just to see what happens next.
this is still one of my fav series to this day, luv u cry
late comment but ik Katherine seems controlling and she really is but can you blame her? Her boyfriend wont admit he just doesnt wanna get married and be honest to her to solve this issue. Its insane he needs to just talk to her and she can leave him she needs someone that loves her to be honest truly. I think if Vincent was in love he wouldnt debate so hard so he should stop stringing her. Catherine is controlling and well i played the game so >3> shes just not good he belongs with her if he doesnt wanna take K seriously and he doesn't deserve C either cuz later reasons.