Wow, i didn't know any one else was building this! So have you supressed the first top curve? Before the big drop down? And you also inverted the loop direction? It was to begin from the inside to the outside, and then make a big straight track, on the front, right to the backside again to enter elevator z-3, no? Mine is very different from yours.
Wow, i didn't know any one else was building this! So have you supressed the first top curve? Before the big drop down? And you also inverted the loop direction? It was to begin from the inside to the outside, and then make a big straight track, on the front, right to the backside again to enter elevator z-3, no? Mine is very different from yours.
@Mulungu TV Thank You! The Guide Is SO Frustrating!
Thank you, you saved my night. I'm watching mine work right now
Only a pleasure!
Only a pleasure!
Only a pleasure!
Only a pleasure!
Only a pleasure!
Thanks so much. was struggling all night :'(
Thank you!
Are you serious have instruction are in Japan this are all different , in layout wish there was a better way to compete the game