Nice to hear this delightful piece actually played on the harp rather than the piano. I believe this was written for, or at least dedicated to, one of the many girlfriends Prokofiev had while at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, a harp student by the name of Eleanor Damskaya. He was a bit of a lad was our Sergie.
The last E on the glissandos looks just like a piano! :D
Brilliant!! One of the best performances of this piece I've ever heard!
Very nicely played, musician like many, Ossetian... Verkholantseva means, Yarrow, or Yarrow Grove...
Nice to hear this delightful piece actually played on the harp rather than the piano. I believe this was written for, or at least dedicated to, one of the many girlfriends Prokofiev had while at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, a harp student by the name of Eleanor Damskaya. He was a bit of a lad was our Sergie.
Sounds so much more natural and clear on the harp. This is truly incredible!
So magical!!!
That was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! The middle section sounds copasetic on harp.
wow, i've never heard this played on a harp, amazing. the piano version imitates the harp really well though.
A delight!
Truly Incredible!
the different styles between piano and harp are uncanny.
a fully chromatic glissando is impossible both on the harp and on the piano.
Martin Herraiz I do not believe it it fully chromatic because on the piano is a two octave c scale starting on an e