What Does Damage to the Frontal Lobes Look Like 30 Years Post-Brain Injury?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Researchers studying Vietnam veterans with TBI are now looking more closely at how TBI can alter a person's social beliefs -- from religious and political to legal and moral.

Комментарии • 252

  • @spike84able
    @spike84able 5 лет назад +168

    I truly believe I have TBI of frontal lobe from an accident. I'm not the same person as before the accident. I'm more aggressive, easily angered and frustrated over little things that don't go right. My personality has done a 360.

    • @hovekhyellow3438
      @hovekhyellow3438 5 лет назад

      Really ?
      So you think that your feelings changed or ur decisions ?
      If yes . u feel that is something wrong ?
      Plz answer

    • @MrDaredevilfly
      @MrDaredevilfly 5 лет назад +12

      Spike 1984 yea I have bruising on my frontal lobe and I’ve experienced the same emotional change as you

    • @spike16965
      @spike16965 4 года назад +2

      @@hovekhyellow3438 yes absolutely

    • @spike16965
      @spike16965 4 года назад

      @@hovekhyellow3438 both

    • @josephwickman479
      @josephwickman479 4 года назад +14

      I got my frontal lobe brain damage when I was 16 was intoxicated from deadly amount of benzoes and drinking at a party was able to call my mother to pick me up next morning she knew something wasn’t right she said I had soiled myself and quickly after going to walk in physician I was admitted to er and soon after to ICU I’ve yet to stop committing brain cell genocide through substance abuse although I want to because I know it’s the only way of living a comfortable life as a normal person in society. At least consistently. Since the brain injury I have lost my sense of smell which baffles people some even doubt me. I’m 33 now I’m still struggling to live as responsible adult. And not sure if there was an increase of inability to make the right decisions in the moments that count. But since then I’ve always reacted on impulse which is usually foolish all the while knowing in the back of my head what the consequences entail and that it’s not something that I’m gonna feel good about. Obviously many outside factors I’d like more information about my condition and wish I would’ve stopped the drug use and work with the neurologist that was available to me when I was still on mother’s insurance. Now I’m thirty just trying to survive and feel lost because I’m not an adult and expected to be one because of that partnership has looked like multiple short lived flings that leave me feeling empty because as a grown up knows until ur right with urself and walk through this world growing and overcoming and achieving you can’t find someone for a life partner that is gonna be good fit and adhere contribute to ur growth and vice versa. So I’m missing out on that amazing part life offers. And I’m scared I’ve gone to far to be able to clean up the mess. IV use really was a game changer especially when methamphetamines are concerned. Thank u for hearing me out.I don’t discuss it much with people because it’s not an issue that is really a part of their reality so I don’t think they really care not out of meanness but just aloofness

  • @proclaimer2u
    @proclaimer2u 2 года назад +53

    I was abused throughout my infancy, childhood and teen years. As a boy I was hit in the head many times. A neurologists suggested that being hit so many times probably caused some damage. He gave me a "map test"of the brain and the results confirmed that the frontal lobes were under-active and should be the cause of a poor memory, my inability to make sense of songs, paragraphs, tests, etc. Also fighting depression, low level of stress tolerance and many such things. The one thing I am grateful for is I can control my emotions mechanically. Probably because of my severe abuse and controlling what I said, did, and thought. This is an awful thing to live with. Hiding memory problems, apologizing for forgetting something personal, and many other things I do such as acting like I am listening when in reality, I have become lost and have no idea as to what is being communicated. I am 67 now, and have no idea as to what it feels like to be normal. The one thing that causes depression is when people tell me to pay attention, or write things down or get angry because I forgot something that they take personally. It is really an awful thing to live with.

    • @harsharora6113
      @harsharora6113 2 года назад +2

      Hey man I have depression too
      I have attention and memory problems too
      Can you tell me what I can do
      I am just young guy having memory problems at this age
      Do you have any suggestions??

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +1

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now etc. But it helps.
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад

      Listen to the rhythm. Instruments speak in many ways.
      Hear the start of gimme gimme gimme by abba with the underground dark beat and that fantastic but repetitive instrumental a few seconds after. (The song sucks after)
      The band NIN and their awfully overthetop baseline taking over and sounding dreadful in one song (that I can't remember), it's fucking great.
      Radiohead's videos and music fits in perfectly sometimes despite being something that I don't actively listen to.
      Laura Brannigan - Power of Love and how her voice is smooth and delicate in " I'm your lady " and then harsher and more 80s woman power ballad-esq voice when she sings " and you are my man " . Self control (the song) rules too.
      Imagination and expression is fucking everything for me personally. I do not hear lyrics though normally. I can't words... xD

    • @rulxxzi
      @rulxxzi 2 года назад +3

      I think I have this I just can’t live like this anymore I wanna tell my parents but i don’t know man

    • @bbyng7316
      @bbyng7316 Год назад +1

      You poor luv.

  • @JDLamps1
    @JDLamps1 2 года назад +35

    The whole left front was destroyed by shrapnel in Veitnam in June 1971.
    It has been a half century of hard struggle dealing with aphasia, seizures, being manipulated, used, failing again, and again.
    Here I am, now 70 years old with one wife, 4 compassionate children, and compassionate grandchildren.
    Don't try to push yourself the first few years, avoid religion and politics, and critical people.

    • @ryane7906
      @ryane7906 2 года назад +1

      I’m 35 tomorrow can I do this?

    • @enayafoodkitchen
      @enayafoodkitchen 6 месяцев назад

      Do you have had encephalomalacia ?

    • @annierichards7367
      @annierichards7367 Месяц назад

      Thank you for your service

    • @BabeBee.
      @BabeBee. Месяц назад

      Its been about a decade. My decline scares the absolute sh!t out of me.
      I don't think I can do this.

  • @mawenadraku3480
    @mawenadraku3480 Год назад +11

    I know of a girl who fell to the floor on her head during child birth. No damage detected initially. She grew up super anxious, no growth pattern despite education. Struggled with learning and memories. Her attitude towards people was aggression and irritability; constant fight & flight mode. Struggled with depression and self identity & personality. Could not mange anything properly.
    Could not build any relationship and struggled to manage her own life or control her life & make choice. People described her as LIVING IN HER OWN WORLD.
    Fast track at 34 yrs after her heart break from a guy she loved, due to anxious attachment, she miraculously healed from TBI. Real life struggle trying to put pieces of her life together. Can remember things now even from infancy. She’s calmer and friendly now.
    Learning to take charge of her own. She describes it as peace and call in her head. I really feel for those dealing with TBI and sometimes can’t explain why they react the way they do. ❤

  • @patgrealish1020
    @patgrealish1020 4 года назад +22

    I lived with my partner for 10 years .its only now that we broke up that I am starting to understand the meaning frontal lobe injury frame rta .why didn't I listen to this magnificent lady

  • @captainobvious4051
    @captainobvious4051 4 года назад +67

    I am currently 41yrs old. When I was 3 ½ years old (was 6months from turning 4yrs old) the car I was in was hit by a drunk driver, drivers side to drivers side killing my dad on impact, my mom went through the windshield braking her jaw, injuring her shoulder & back. The impact was like hitting a brick wall at 90mph.The sunroof caved in and sliced my head open causing a skull fracture & brain bleed in/to my left frontal lobe (not sure if it impacted other areas in the brain?). I was pronounced clinically dead ans was revived sometime after 5-7mins. I have 60 cross stitches (120 total) in my head to close my scalp. I was in a coma for a week, not expected to live. My mom said once I regained consciousness, that I was different & described me as a "fiery little thing." I do have motor skills deficients, tho they are not noticeable to others unless pointed out. Math is like a foreign language to me, I have tried, even with tutoring & still can't grasp things beyond basic math/algebra. Organization skills - what's that? I don't even know how to be organized & it drives my husband crazy, as wel as myself. I do have memory problems, but my biggest problem is my emotions. I have battled depression on/off since I can remember. Medications only work for a short time. My moods can vary throughout the day. My anger gets the best of me and I get mad over the slightest things. I also suffer from Aggression when I get really upset, I just want to break something or throw something. I speak before I think, which can be a big problem, too. And everything feels like it's the end of the world & I feel as if things won't get resolved. I've tried counseling, but I have yet to find anyone who can really help me. They have treated me just as a normal person without a brain injury. I wish more than anything I could be "normal" - which I know everyone is not the same, but to be without a TBI & dealing with the issues from it would be absolutely wonderful. I have found the older I have gotten, the WORSE things are getting. Idk if there's been studies done or whatever, but I'd love to participate in one. I just want help so I can function normally, but no idea how to go about doing it.

    • @mariesoto569
      @mariesoto569 4 года назад +11

      Sara thank you for sharing your story. You are a survivor and very courageous. I hope that you have patience for yourself. It’s ok to frustrated. I hope that you forgive those who hurt you. Forgiveness is for you. Not them. When we forgive it sets us free.

    • @tonymontana9799
      @tonymontana9799 4 года назад +5

      But your English is perfect

    • @ravioliravioligivemethefor5794
      @ravioliravioligivemethefor5794 4 года назад +4

      Does your family have any history of mental health issues? I have autism & it causes me to have dyscalculia (I literally can’t grasp maths) & basically every symptom you describe aside from aggression, instead I’m plagued by INTENSE anxiety.
      I also used to hit my head against walls & stuff when I was young (an autism thing) to the point where I was deforming my skull (luckily It’s all normal now) and here I am at 21, had an mri done & turns out I have calcification of my meninges caused by the headbanging, so idk what kinda damage I have/haven’t done
      My point is though, the brain at a young age is VERY malleable, children have grown up relatively normal with only half their brain, if your brain injury happened as a child, you’re lucky.

    • @captainobvious4051
      @captainobvious4051 4 года назад +4

      @@ravioliravioligivemethefor5794 my mom has been depressed, but she went through the windshield, broke her jaw, shoulder & back....so she had slight TBI. Otherwise, no history in immediate family.
      I have a minor in Psychology, so I know that the brain does "rewire" itself after cells die &find new routes, but it's never the same as it was when you were born. All I know, is that with age & responsibility & stress that go with it, I'm getting worse. Adults typically as they age can typically deal with things better & don't let things bother them. Me? I'll be 42 October 2020 & I don't have that. Every little thing gets to me & it shouldn't. I started Welbutrin February 2019 & just recently had my dosage increased by 75mg for a total of 375mg. It has been the only depression medication to work for me. Dr said I can't up dosage if in a year or whatever it doesn't work as well & will have to add something to it. I hope not bc this is the only depression medication that doesn't make me feel "blah" like I'm just on auto pilot & numb to everything like other medications have done that I've tried. The Wellbutrin has been great for not anxiety & stressing over every little thing & loosing my cool & of course depression.
      There is some kind of therapy a Dr office offers locally where I live where they do some type of brain stimulation. I have thought about doing that. It's said that the treatment takes place of medication 🙋‍♀️

    • @captainobvious4051
      @captainobvious4051 4 года назад +4

      @@tonymontana9799 having a TBI TBI doesn't have an impact on everything. I struggle in math.my English may be good or "perfect" - I am American & English is the only language I can speak & read. I can not grasp foreign language, I tried so hard in middle & high school. And basic English, I'm fine. But big words & vocabulary.....that's a completely different ballgame. There are words someone will use in a movie or tv show & I have to ask what that means. My husband will say something and use a "big word" & I'll have to ask him what that means. Reading Shakespear or alike is way over the top of my head.i can read it, but have to have everythin clarified bc my brain just doesn't make the connection. I can't even read the Bible bc I literally don't "get it" or understand any of it. I am Baptist, not hardcore, but I don't own a bible nor do I try to follow along in one at church service bc I just get lost. I do the best that I can & work 3 times as hard as anybody else. I don't know how else to really explain it. All I know is that it is so frustrating to not be able to "get" things & make that connection. The more detailed something is, the harder the connection is for me to make 😔 AndI wish every day that I could just be "normal" like everyone else & not only understand things & make connections, but not to feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster

  • @ryana292
    @ryana292 10 месяцев назад +9

    i was run over by a drunk driver when i was 3 years old and it makes me so fucking angry because my brain is all there but i just cant find the words for what im trying to talk... i feel like i have been robbed and it deeply upsets me

    • @ShaunC-s.c.
      @ShaunC-s.c. 5 месяцев назад

      We were. But we gained things and lost things. Fair ? nope.

  • @CreeperG0d
    @CreeperG0d 10 месяцев назад +15

    I know a guy who suffered frontal lobe damage back in 1987.

    • @ianstewartorr8455
      @ianstewartorr8455 6 месяцев назад

      Mines was ten years before that

    • @Sub2DreadBlaze
      @Sub2DreadBlaze 5 месяцев назад

      I Know That Guy. His Name Is Jeremy

    • @SnrubSource
      @SnrubSource 2 месяца назад +1

      It’s amazing how the human body can live without the frontal lobe

  • @flydwen
    @flydwen 4 года назад +22

    It's awful to see him smile and saying it... frontal lobe damages destroy life, and it is for me one of the worst things that could happen for anybody.

    • @drghostduck
      @drghostduck 4 года назад +9

      I doubt it is from happiness it's probably from being passionate about the research and is interested by it. He probably doesn't mean ill intent.

    • @billygnosis6976
      @billygnosis6976 3 года назад +1

      agreed...its often called your CEO of your mind

    • @DB19899
      @DB19899 2 года назад +1

      @@drghostduck true he's just passionate and excited about all the new technologies to help fix and and new understanding. You would smile if you were passionate. I had a ruptured right frontal love aneurysm when I was 23 I'm 33 now. Really great video

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +1

      Stop reading body language badly lol
      Smiling and laughter can mean all sorts of things, from nervous behaviour, maybe he was excited about making progress and helping other people, perhaps it's a way of stopping him from feeling bad etc.
      That smile wasn't sadistic... :)
      Stop yourself making assumptions..

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +1

      This guy isn't here to diagnose you personally. He is over there, discussing his research and is enthusiastic to some degree about it. Are you sure you're not subconsciously thinking this is him teaching YOU about frontal lobe injuries and you self diagnosing etc?

  • @nickvelasquez2260
    @nickvelasquez2260 2 года назад +9

    I myself am a tbi survivor/self-infliction survivor...well I can tell you this what this guy is saying is 💯💯 I go through these daily struggles all the time even dealing and trying to manage to deal with the most simplistic things in life which I had no problem doing before is now a complexed thing for me my mind and brain doesn't operate the way is use to and it eats me up inside it leaves me anguished and sad because I know dam well for a fact I'm only going to get so far in life with still no type of contentment nor fulfillment because most of my frontal cortex is partially damaged thus I now have trouble with comprehension, repetitive anger, impulsivity, irrationality, lack coping skills and can't maintain a intimate relationship

    • @holmesd5003
      @holmesd5003 Год назад +2

      Same I have had 2 TBIs in the military within weeks of one another from parachute accident. I have never been the same, all that you have mentioned affect me to this very day and this happened to me way back into the 90s

    • @bearwill4737
      @bearwill4737 Год назад

      @@holmesd5003, Thanks for your service Airborne,
      I was born with TBI & made it through to Special Forces, I guess we're all good for hamburger...haha I got out after a spinal injury, I hit a wind shear, less than 100 ft. from the ground, no time to pull a different slip. It drove me into the ground like a yard jart, knocked me out over 1 1/2 hrs. I took a General Honorable, as the drinking to cope with the back pain was getting me into a lot more trouble. Two spinal fusions for ruptured disc's, ended my hirer ability & live in poverty on S.S.D.

  • @Frontallobe_injury_survivor
    @Frontallobe_injury_survivor 6 месяцев назад +1

    I had a frontal lobe i jury 37 years ago. I fall of a car speeding 5mph. I can tell I'm not a same person as I was. I exprienced headaches on and off, also behivor problems, short memory lost. But am fine with old memory. I'm from poor African country, so, we couldn't afford medical treatment. But I thank to GOD for protecting me.

  • @normaneytzen6446
    @normaneytzen6446 9 месяцев назад +5

    This reminded me of the tragic event of ‘87

    • @cherisse
      @cherisse 7 месяцев назад

      Phineas Gage?

  • @miramitra2737
    @miramitra2737 Год назад +7

    My wife has frontal libe atrophy, and the relationship is getting toxic and violient each day. She routinely abuses me verbally and physically, and has unexplainable change of behaviour. I have been committed to help her but she refuses to admit her problem.
    God please help me, for i dont know how long i can take this.

    • @samstits8982
      @samstits8982 Год назад

      How are things now? I hope she accepted help.

    • @bearwill4737
      @bearwill4737 Год назад

      Completely change her diet, Gluten Free & Organic only foods & drinks, try to find petroleum free foods, or grow & raise your own. Most all of the foods in the stores are toxic with multiple toxic doses of Neurotoxic petroleum. Pack of mentally challenged retards running our food system. She will eventually will become calmer & way more rational. I'm TBI from birth, I've had quite the nightmare life. Now I do Regenerative Organic Farming, I'm sick & tired of all of the Liar's in all stores. I raise my Organic Pastured birds, & consume any meat I can find that is Pastured Organic Only. CAFO meat & foods are highly toxic, Poor animals fed GMO Roundup Ready toxins until dispatched. Don't wonder why Zombie Syndrome is as common as bad gas after fast foods.

    • @shelly9317
      @shelly9317 Год назад +1

      My husband has a frontal lobe TBI and I can relate 100%. He has outbursts and extreme anger issues and his temper has gotten a lot worse over the years. I’ve had to call the police on one occasion because I was afraid what he was going to do. He has severe mood swings and the smallest things can trigger him. It’s like walking on eggshells trying to keep him happy and I’m at my wit’s end. He lacks empathy and is very narcissistic and he will start an argument and then turn around and blame it on me.

    • @miramitra2737
      @miramitra2737 Год назад +1

      @@samstits8982 negative. Just sitting on a raft in a turbulent stream. It will be so until she accepts help.

  • @billygnosis6976
    @billygnosis6976 2 года назад +11

    Severe TBI and marijuana saved my life....reconnecting neuro pathways and giving me energy and perspective. Sativa is my life line to engage in the world.

    • @jhajawala5639
      @jhajawala5639 2 года назад +2

      Hey Billy just tell me the marijuana working on frontal lob injury in brain i need help so tell me how can I treat it

    • @billygnosis6976
      @billygnosis6976 2 года назад +1

      @@jhajawala5639 Yes, I was hit in the temporal area of my brain. Weed reconnected my neuropathways and allowed me to think clearly again and more importantly to let me mind wander and roam around like I used to.....saved my life. I am a huge believer in the power of the mind to reclaim how you once were. Do it its safer then any pharma drugs out there.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +1

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now etc. But it helps.
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +3

      @@jhajawala5639 Weed will chill you out and take away the pain partially perhaps. In my opinion, it's not fixing anything. But desperate times... :)

    • @HearturMind
      @HearturMind Год назад

      Combining THC and CBD alternately helps immensely. The THC can calm and help with some aspects, and the CBD can help with sleep and regeneration of brain tissue. They have to be alternated and separated to be most effective because the CBD is the aspect in cannabis that tempers down and reduces the psychotropic effects of the THC. My favorite brand of CBD is Quicksilver Scientifics but if you are a more natural oriented consumer or you have taken the jab Charlottes Web may be better for you. Quicksilver is nano processed lab version of the CBD which could interact with the nano aspects of the MRNA vaccine. And not everyone wants a lab intensified version of CBD. It just works better for me because I have severe arthritis as well that it removes the pain where the other natural versions just can’t do.

  • @mirapilates
    @mirapilates 2 года назад +10

    Unfortunately I've had some serious concussions. One was falling on my forehead from 8ft in my early 20s I've always had a hard time telling a story and remembering sequences. Now in my late 40s it's just extremely hard. I have difficulty in speaking at length.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад +1

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now etc. But it helps.
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

    • @bearwill4737
      @bearwill4737 Год назад

      @@-AAH- A Gluten Free & Organic only diet helped me immensely, cool calm & collected, calm rational thought. Much better than I was. Neurotoxic petroleum by products, go at me like a rabid pit-bull, finding Real Organic foods now, is another daily living nightmare, lying pricks in business. We consume Pastured Organic beef only, pork if I could find it, same with foul, I raise my own, & trying to find Organic animal food is another nightmare. They're Free Range Pastured birds, I just have to fight off the hawks, coyotes, foxes, bear's & raccoons. But, the eggs are great. I'm now doing Regenerative Organic farming, as I'm sick & tired of the filthy Liar's in all of the stores now.

  • @nabeelwarsane2594
    @nabeelwarsane2594 Месяц назад

    I was 12 when I fall of a car and get frontal lobe injury. I didn't get any treatment because my family couldn't afford cuz am from third world country. In the school I was good in math and science, but everything messed up. I got short loss memy, I get angry quickly, quick decision maker, etc. Also my parents didn't treated me equal because they get divorced when I was 8. My father didn't take care of me and mother used to beat me up. It was horrible life. I'm now in USA. But thanks God I'm still alive.

  • @spike16965
    @spike16965 4 года назад +11

    I have no foresite and I respond in fight or flight mode in the moment

    • @DB19899
      @DB19899 2 года назад

      Yep. I fond certain situations triggered thst for me always feel in flight or fight and extreme anxious is very exhausting and hard for others around me thst are not so aware of the symptoms and behaviour patterns. Always feel like a bastard but in the moment everything feels very real and awful and sometimes struggle to control my emotions. So draining

  • @W1HURI
    @W1HURI 5 месяцев назад +1

    I am 25 and got frontal lobe damage at 13. Im confused about everything almost all the time. I dont know when conversations start and end. I dont have any ideas just a blank mind. Depression, boredom. Unable to communicate with other people. Not feeling alive. Life is hell and i wish this would end already.

    • @GrimeyTV0
      @GrimeyTV0 Месяц назад

      Do you seem normal from everybody else point of view ?

    • @W1HURI
      @W1HURI Месяц назад

      @@GrimeyTV0 i seem slow to them and weird

  • @jamalwarsame7124
    @jamalwarsame7124 4 года назад +5

    I fall of a car when i was 11 year old, i had frontal lobe injury. But never get treatment because i am from third world country. I was great student. I had good imagination when i was young, i can tell what comes tomorrow as it's, and it happens, but after injury i became different person. Behavioral problems and forget things. I am 42 now.

    • @jamalwarsame7124
      @jamalwarsame7124 4 года назад

      @@trembling3674 I don't have speech issue. But i forget allot. I get angry often but most of the times i control my self.

    • @Panda-ud9xk
      @Panda-ud9xk 2 года назад

      How bad is memory ?

    • @Punicia
      @Punicia 8 месяцев назад

      Stay strong. I went through the same thing at 6 years old and all the pathetic docs did was send me home as I was vomiting everywhere

  • @marweazy1
    @marweazy1 4 года назад +8

    Frontal lobe from head trauma when I was 11...Here I am 24yo an I ruin every relationship I have in my life , don’t show emotions even tho the inside of me wants to , constantly feel numb to the world 24/7 ... Just a cold hearted person

    • @15joes
      @15joes 3 года назад +6

      I feel your pain my brother I'm 15 years into my frontal lobe and occipital lobe tbi. Everything you said is exactly what I'm going through. I'm 31 now. Can't hold a relationship longer than 2 years. Having said that. I still believe the right person is going to see past your trauma and appreciate you for who you are. And I have faith that we will break out of our shells and learn to relax again and to see the world in a different view. Peace and love. Ps. Try joining a tbi group either in person or online thru different social media avenues. I found its helped me after I spent 14 years in denial about what effects the injury had on me..sorry for the rant. I get passionate when I can relate to someone and have similar problems. It's like if I can help them then that will help myself. Even though I know that's not how it works. Brain injuries man.. Can be a hell of a thing to live with. Or it can be the greatest gift depending on how we look at it.

    • @marweazy1
      @marweazy1 3 года назад +2

      Preciate ur outlook brother , never really
      Spoke with anybody on it Expecially someone who can relate...It’s a battle daily and I always question if it from my brain injury or if this is just me ...I agree that someone will appreciate us one day... The girls I be with fall in love and continue to love me even in the end but its me who turns into a whole nother person and I feel I have no control an that’s always the start of my relationships ending

    • @15joes
      @15joes 3 года назад +3

      @@marweazy1 Sorry to hear that. But I know what you mean. The thing is our brains are healing and recovering for the rest of our lives. So because of this. We continue to change. over a year we grow a little more and we change a lot. I've noticed with myself an increase in anxiety and alertness. So I'm always on edge. Which means I don't want to put up with arguing about the small problems that everyone's so upset over. I know I can't seem to relate to people and or stand out in a group anymore like I used to. I always tend to just blend in and not start a conversation because everything is hard to follow. I cant seen to keep up and be quick enough or maybe confident enough to add an opinion. That's common with occipital lobe damage. If you ever want to connect and chat I'm always down.

    • @marweazy1
      @marweazy1 3 года назад +2

      @@15joes yes brother most certainly...It’s crazy just by ur comment and the previous comment relates so much to me .. never stepped out and had a conversation with anyone like me ...I definitely don’t fit in with the rest .. I stay in my own lane and make my own wave just for that reason .. I know I’m not “ normal “ to most but in my head I feel I’m pretty decent

    • @themacocko6311
      @themacocko6311 3 года назад +1

      Maybe you're just an ass.

  • @AngelaKirby-ue7vd
    @AngelaKirby-ue7vd Год назад +1

    I’m here for a first grade summer childhood TBI. Due to a wooden swing, hitting the left front Loebel. I was knocked out, unconscious until I was being stitched in the hospital . I didn’t remember anything Before that, or after that. . Then 2nd TBI injury due to an assault. Brutally beaten in the back of the neck of the spinal cord in the brain stem with my head slamming into concrete. 2011 is when it happened.

    • @2degucitas
      @2degucitas Год назад

      Is your entire childhood memory before the swing accident gone, or just the immediate before and after?

  • @coreywinters1993
    @coreywinters1993 8 месяцев назад +1

    I had prefrontal brain damage when I was 3 in 1989 I’m 37 now and can’t keep a job

  • @Theoregon420
    @Theoregon420 2 года назад +1

    My dad had 2 TBIs while in the USMC, he was struck by lightening and also thrown from a vehicle and hit his head in Somalia.

  • @andrewd.harris656
    @andrewd.harris656 4 месяца назад

    I'm 35 years post TBI, and I am working on my PhD. I have had very little disability accommodation because I did not want to get labeled as a special ed case. I can perform well in school, I have before is what I thought, but I finally broke down when I had a few seizures to get disability accommodations in my Senior year and Masters program year and a half. It was helpful, but I wonder what kinds of work should actually not allow me to do certain tasks because of the chance of falling and stuff.

  • @jdfussner2862
    @jdfussner2862 7 месяцев назад +2

    Where do you come up with your information? I have had fatal head injuries from 1967. You need to talk with somebody who actually lived through a massive head injury rather than what you read in a book.

  • @Ang-NM222
    @Ang-NM222 3 месяца назад

    I was attacked with a 250 g jam jar and it hit my forehead very hard 12 stitches but no follow up whatsoever. I was told 7 yrs ago it likely affected me a lot more than I thought.

  • @Panda-ud9xk
    @Panda-ud9xk 2 года назад +1

    I am 27 I got attacked when I was 17 by two random men .. I was in a coma for 3 weeks.. Lots of fighting drug misuse alcohol in my recovery. I am not good. I am scared about dementia.

    • @Punicia
      @Punicia 8 месяцев назад +2

      That is horrible and makes me frustrated that such things happen on this wretched planet. Stay strong, tap into the unconditional love that your creator has for you because humans are always sneaky and unpredictable 🙏

  • @NeilBooth
    @NeilBooth 3 года назад +3

    Frontal lobe damage at 2 years old, I got a nice scar in the middle of my head too. My brother pushed me into a wall and that split the skin and cleared my childhood memories. Ofcourse I have no social filter as my family would say. No foresight.

    • @Panda-ud9xk
      @Panda-ud9xk 2 года назад

      How is your memory?

    • @seanguzy9601
      @seanguzy9601 Год назад

      Jesus I am so sorry. Something like this happen to me but when I was in 7th grade. I was a victim by choice by a indivual named Talib Muhahmad. His father was a radical Jihad who brain washed his 2 sons. So he pushed my head Or punched the back of my head, to this day that I do not know if he pushed as hard he could or punched me as hard as he could and then my head stuck the corner of a BRICK gymnasim wall. It split my skin big ass hole, gash, NO BLOOD, just a huge edgy inflammed swallen hole that hurt SO FRIGEN MUCH FOR A WEEK. ( A WHOLE OTHER STORY WHAT THE PRINCIPLE DID,.. .cough cough nothing ) And what is really screwed up, a week later I was at practice for the All-star team little league i played for. And I played left field, and this guy Hit a high fligh ball over my head and I ran so fast to try to catch it, I slipped lost my step and the ball ended up hitting the exact spot!
      25 years later, I been getting seizures, depressed, anger, raging, want to kill my self, cant even hold a job. Easy stress bothers me, and I am so afraid to collapse and hit my head bc I get gran mal seizures all the time.

    • @seanguzy9601
      @seanguzy9601 Год назад

      I believe in Gods divine karma. Karma NEEEEEEEEEEDS to happen. It is truly the only way! we learn from what we do to others. we MUST feel what we put out.
      "Detectives are continuing to interview witnesses and search for clearer security video of the incident, but they said it appeared the killer was trying to rob Muhammad, even though he took nothing from him. Some words were exchanged between the two, but no one was close enough to hear, said ......
      Negrey, who believes the victim was a
      randomly chosen target for the killer.
      Hm sounds like a 7th grade karmic manifestation.

  • @hayleyaustin4548
    @hayleyaustin4548 4 года назад +5

    Due to a serious accident in 2018, my frontal lobe was destroyed and replaced with a metal plate.

    • @chao9812
      @chao9812 3 года назад +3

      Broooo wtf I pray for you my friend

    • @Panda-ud9xk
      @Panda-ud9xk 2 года назад

      I am 27 n was in a coma for 3 weeks when i was 17 cause I damaged it, Life has been mental throughout the years man

    • @joseh9021
      @joseh9021 Год назад


    • @alastorussy
      @alastorussy Год назад


    • @mlisa60
      @mlisa60 4 месяца назад

      How did it affect you...

  • @Oooo-bi7bi
    @Oooo-bi7bi Год назад +1

    I was born 22 November 1973 and had my 24th birthday in intensive care whilst being operated on for front right lobe damage and 3 blood clots removed. `I think I was 48 last November. Would love to help with any research you are doing. Live in Northern England but have a computer and internet at home.

  • @teresaayala6374
    @teresaayala6374 4 года назад +6

    My boyfriend had a motorcycle accident 2 yrs ago.. and the nightmare has continued since then .. the aggression happened , but went as time pass. What left was he’s not as active as he was , which isn’t a problem as the improper behavior is a huge , and as much as we’ve tried ,there seems no hope ..as time goes by for him to ever have control of that again.,him being 59 ..age is not on his side and let’s be for real once damage is done ..it’s not reversible , there’s no magic pill .. nothing !! This has changed us all . I think I’ve learned.,that the FRONTAL LOBE is a one shot deal, you compromise it in any way .. you and your family are screwed.

    • @themacocko6311
      @themacocko6311 3 года назад +2

      The victim is screwed, the family is fine.

    • @teresaayala6374
      @teresaayala6374 3 года назад

      @@themacocko6311 I don’t know what family your talking about .. because I know your not talking about his.

    • @marlenagaines3080
      @marlenagaines3080 2 года назад +1

      @@themacocko6311 the family is screwed also because you constantly worry about them.. my son is 19 with this injury and it’s like he died..

    • @pocasanchez
      @pocasanchez 2 года назад +2

      @@themacocko6311 oh no, sometimes I'd say the family suffers even more actually. When you're a parent w brain injury, your children and spouse are affected greatly. Even when you have no children, everyone around you is still affected. I can't really think of anyone in my life who hasn't been effected by my brain injury. My parents miss their daughter. My children miss their mom. My siblings miss their sister. My husband misses his wife. My friends miss their friend...it's not easy for anyone.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Parsley (and perhaps greek yoghurt)
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      I like to get anchovies, drain the oil and lay them onto a plate. Reduce salt content by adding new EV olive oil and Organic ACV (marinate for 30mins - 4 hours). I sprinkle on parsley and white pepper too. Add to salad.
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now and I would meditate all the time, even whilst working to stop feeling things, like nothing completely. But it helps. (just use it responsibly
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      (Im still motivated enough to not feel worse and increase the headaches more. Pain is motivating once I felt greater on a "great" diet, I don't want to get that much pain again ever... while I do make positive steps and this diet works wonders for me personally, I cannot always motivate myself or even afford it too)
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

  • @DanPittel
    @DanPittel 6 месяцев назад

    I got Run over by a Car while on a bike in ‘94! TBI on 3sides coma for 2wks. Grad HS 1Yr later. Got AA. from jr college 3Yrs later? Married & 13yr daughter & Own a House. There is Life afterwards. Just gotta work hard

  • @dillonjowayneadams8486
    @dillonjowayneadams8486 5 лет назад +2

    I fall on my head when I was 8 months old. On my frontal lobe. And iam 26 years old now

  • @connorshackleford8302
    @connorshackleford8302 3 года назад +3

    Im currently living with a family member who has serious frontal lobe damage. Its not great 😔

    • @marlenagaines3080
      @marlenagaines3080 2 года назад +4

      My son is this way and I had to put him out with a restraining order at 19 and it sucks.. all from a bike accident it’s like he’s not my son anymore!! Smfh

    • @hopeyouhaveagoodday3900
      @hopeyouhaveagoodday3900 2 года назад

      damm you at least contact him if not then damm get a new child

    • @marlenagaines3080
      @marlenagaines3080 2 года назад +6

      @@hopeyouhaveagoodday3900 your comment is extremely insensitive, I have a restraining order in place for a reason.. he said he fears he will kill me the next time he gets angry so it’s not about contacting him or getting a new child, that was ignorant as hell!! I would love to have a relationship with him but it’s not possible he’s a monster now!!

    • @DB19899
      @DB19899 2 года назад

      @@marlenagaines3080 😑🙏

    • @DB19899
      @DB19899 2 года назад

      @@marlenagaines3080 it is awful how a brain injury can almost make someone unrecognisable in their personality traits. Iv had time where I gave my family hard times to because of mine. Can get very hostile and unhinged when my anxiety is triggered in certain situations. For me when I left hospital I had no after care in place I wasnt aware what I was doing was wrong but I did know I hated being so short and making very quit choices and acting in a fight or flight but now I see the warning signs and got educated more for myself to try help break these cycles and got myself some therapy and just learned alot and then joined a brain injury charity and worked with others simular. But I know not everyone is the same. I hope you can make some way of having a relation I know it must be awful for you and for your son too. 😔

  • @joseh9021
    @joseh9021 Год назад

    Grew up in a farm at 4 years old I got kicked in the forehead by a horse twice in one year. Second time I was angry from the first so I tried to light it on fire and I still remember that.
    I only seem to be overly emotional and even starting like at 5 I’d get depressed on and off until now 31 years latee

  • @scot_playzz349
    @scot_playzz349 2 года назад +8

    it's amazing just how long the human body can survive without the frontal lobe

    • @nugget6635
      @nugget6635 Год назад +1

      Some people are already born with malfunctioning frontal lobes. They are known as "Antisocials" (ASPD).

    • @Punicia
      @Punicia 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@nugget6635Yeah that’s primary psychopathy. Secondary psychopathy is what’s called “sociopathy” in pop culture and is created from childhood trauma

  • @TBIJourney
    @TBIJourney 2 года назад

    Was in an awful wreck in 2015. I don't remember hitting my head but I guess I did. This was the third blow to my head in my life. I now have a TBI and struggle with most everything 😢

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now etc. But it helps.
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

    • @Panda-ud9xk
      @Panda-ud9xk 2 года назад

      Memory issues?

  • @redwood1133
    @redwood1133 Год назад

    I wish i could of seen more of this video to see where his point was going.

  • @kylepulusan2829
    @kylepulusan2829 Год назад +1

    I ran into a coffee table as a kid when i was about 3 yo, theres a little scar on my forehead as evidence
    reflecting on it, ive always grown up stoic and unengaged with the world and people, so i played a lot of video games. around family gatherings, i was quiet too. i feel like i never developed close bonds in critical years of my life
    I started relating my forehead injury when i reached middle school whenever i compared myself to my peers who seemed more expressive and just social, and had relationships with their family
    I have a hyperactive and flat affect side to me, like two personalities. the hyperactive side is to compensate and reflecting back on how i behave, i tend to do and say very inappropriate things
    the flat side will come around when i cant hold friendships or just recently, when i realize i dont feel strong emotions like when "friends" leave because they moved or travelled
    the flat personality just regresses and is unmotivated to do much, and it's come up at a point where i was 4 semesters into my graduate program.. so you can imagine this personality shift ruining my success and drive
    I dont feel like a whole person as a result of this injury i had as a kid

  • @Live-qf2lg
    @Live-qf2lg 3 года назад +1

    Doc Mitchell when you put 1 in charisma

  • @DrJosh2
    @DrJosh2 Год назад +1

    Occipital skull fracture with subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting in moderate TBI almost six months ago.
    If you’re reading this and still in the early early recovery stage, hang in there. Just focus on the basics: sleep, nutrition, hydration, exercise. Find out what you’re struggling with and practice it a little more daily. If sitting in a noisy cafe and reading a book for 30 minutes without having a breakdown is your goal, then great-start there.
    I couldn’t do that until nearly two months post-injury. I couldn’t do anything but suffer with severe headaches and vertigo for almost four weeks. The emotional ups and downs were extreme. Bottom line: hang in there and practice getting “back to normal” for as long as it takes. Just don’t give up.

  • @Dummigame
    @Dummigame 2 года назад +2

    The bite of '83?

  • @zEternus
    @zEternus 4 года назад +6

    Bite of '87

    • @themacocko6311
      @themacocko6311 3 года назад

      What is that?

    • @rickyrackey7930
      @rickyrackey7930 2 года назад

      @@themacocko6311 Some animatronic at a kids restaurant bit a child in the frontal lobe.

  • @Kelly-ny5qy
    @Kelly-ny5qy Год назад +1

    Yep brain injuries suck and it really affects my long-term memory is missing in action in at the end of the day you only have your memory so if you see my predicament years that accounted for but yet sane present in the moment but I did used to float away like a balloon on a string and conversation like out of body I do have some psychic qualities of those not the typical and mediumship abilities proven confirmed yet it does not work when I need it or when I want it or how or how someone else wants it to work it happens to me I cannot make it happen yes brain injuries suck but humanitarians Rock the toy box interesting to watch thank you. Doc

  • @ANT1714
    @ANT1714 4 года назад +9

    What’s the best way to heal the frontal lobes ?

    • @billygnosis6976
      @billygnosis6976 3 года назад +9

      honestly weed helped and is still helping me. I can't do alcohol and I won't do prescribed drugs. Weed saved my life....

    • @TBIJourney
      @TBIJourney 2 года назад

      Lists even audio ones. Strict routine helps. Dang it....I've forgotten my own video. Water is good if not great. Quiet a few times a day for as long as you can stand it. I've forgotten to many things in my video but it's a start

    • @sandrao6837
      @sandrao6837 2 года назад

      @@billygnosis6976 how did weed heal your frontal lobe

    • @billygnosis6976
      @billygnosis6976 2 года назад

      @@sandrao6837 heal is not the word I would use, it opened up new neuropathways allowing my mind to reconnect. Both of my temporal lobes are "dead" but my mind functions as they are rerouted around the dead areas. Think of it as taking a different road around a blocked area. The downside is that it takes a lot more gas of energy to get places causing extreme fatigue but I will take that trade off.

    • @pocasanchez
      @pocasanchez 2 года назад +8

      I just want to add that I believe weed makes matters worse for me in regards to my brain, just so everyone reading knows that the effect will be completely different from person to person. It can make me more creative sometimes but that's about it. I use it for anxiety, insomnia and nausea so while it works amazingly well for those things, I also end up tired, dumb and hungry so it's a trade off for me :/ I swear I have every invisible illness possible and it is so frustrating to look completely normal/healthy/young and have people expect normalcy out of me when really I can't even remember what I'm doing or how old I am. My IQ was in the genius range when I was a child but I'm terrified to find out what it is now bc I know it will break my soul to quantify just how much I've lost. I feel like this is the only comment section online that understands what it's like and while it is nice to have someone else understand, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! I wish you all healing, comfort and peace💓

  • @SouthPark333Gaming
    @SouthPark333Gaming 5 лет назад +4

    There a still plenty of lobotomy patients out there

  • @EnclaveHater07
    @EnclaveHater07 4 года назад +6

    Was that the diagnosis of 87?!

    • @musiccraftbutdiff.4461
      @musiccraftbutdiff.4461 4 года назад +3

      That is Fredbear's fault

    • @ImArduous
      @ImArduous 4 года назад +3

      @@musiccraftbutdiff.4461 no that's the bite of 83, the bite of 87 was because of Mangle/Withered Foxy.

  • @johnhancock2574
    @johnhancock2574 2 года назад +1

    Feel like I belong here somewhat. 22 and it's a little difficult for me to feel much of anything about other people, and I have some kind of anxiety disorder to go along with it. Maybe a harsh punch to the forehead from a step dad when I was around 10 mightve done something but I cant know for sure.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад

      + I ate more Fats for Fuel (carbs seperate from fatty meals personally), I ate all nutritional foods:
      • Salad Daily
      • Nutritional Yeast Perhaps
      • Chicken Skin and Beef Fat (I ate chicken skin for a while then switched to beef for rebuilding the brain)
      • Collagen/Bone Broth (I use bone broth powder, collagen is proven in studies but I'm quite biased towards grass fed bone broth powder regardless due to IBS)
      • Capers and Olives (In my salad helps)
      • Fatty Fish (Mackeral in tomato, Sardines, Tuna in olive oil)
      • Asparagus, Broccoli etc (I love eating raw asparagus)
      + Intense Meditation with NO FOCUS TOOLS (Important) to stop the irritability and anger from getting to me but my frontal got damaged even more and I gave up trying since I'm poor now etc. But it helps.
      Sit there and think of nothing everyday, until it works.
      + Walk it off. Seriously clears my head.

    • @-AAH-
      @-AAH- 2 года назад

      Anxiety was horrible personally. Mine was gut. Anxiety for me was my body telling me that something is wrong, so it could be your brain. Who Knows.
      I took l-rhamnosus and mine went away quite easily but it was there all day long constantly before that.
      Maybe try training body language etc, if you try to develop the parts of the brain you were lacking as a child. It might work.

  • @SDG12483
    @SDG12483 2 года назад

    I believe I have frontal lobe damage. Unfortunately for me it was from a drug overdose that i managed to stay conscious and on my feet through the whole hell like dying experience I thought was gonna happen.
    Anyone here have a hard time breathing through their nose? Like fresh oxygen to the brain?
    Hard to swallow?

  • @justanormalgamingchannel6775
    @justanormalgamingchannel6775 3 года назад +3


  • @graemegeorgeharrison2468
    @graemegeorgeharrison2468 8 месяцев назад

    Any worthwhile treatments out there? I dint remember my life everyday is like my first one…I’ve had over 30 concussions and around 15 losses of consciousness and because there is nothing on mri scans the doctors say I have no injury to the brain

    • @brainline
      @brainline  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yes! Some effective treatments for traumatic brain injury (concussion) can be found here: www.brainline.org/treatment
      The link above has information and links to where you can seek treatment. Things you can do at home, like diet and yoga, to more intensive treatments, like memory strategies training and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). If you are able, start documenting your symptoms so the next doctor appointment you can start to address where you need support.
      Not all brain injuries will show on an MRI. You may need a CT scan. Even then, you may show a 'normal' brain scan but still have injuries. (www.brainline.org/article/what-happens-brain-during-injury-and-early-stages-recovery-brain-injury)

    • @graemegeorgeharrison2468
      @graemegeorgeharrison2468 8 месяцев назад

      @@brainline thank you my head injuries span from when I was a child up to the age of 30, I used drugs as a coping mechanism then I caught cerebral malaria 3 years ago so it’s a cocktail of traumas. I can barely remember yesterday 😳

    • @brainline
      @brainline  8 месяцев назад +1

      @@graemegeorgeharrison2468 Memory loss is a common issue for those living with brain injuries - no matter the reason. There are effective and helpful strategies out there but most of the work is trial and error. It is all about finding what helps you best. Hopefully, your primary care provider can help steer you in the right direction.
      You can also connect with folks who may have experience with similar issues on our Facebook group:
      Best of luck on your health journey!

  • @tilwedie23
    @tilwedie23 Год назад

    👋 Hello.
    Sars got me. encephalomalacia at PCA distribution on CT scan what is??

  • @pzbrain77
    @pzbrain77 5 лет назад +3

    why dont you just ask a person who has one for over thirty years. me

    • @SRoseBlog
      @SRoseBlog 5 лет назад

      What pills do u take or have taken to improve your executive functions

    • @ResidentMilf
      @ResidentMilf 5 лет назад

      So? How ya doin'? Also, how old were you at the time of your tbi?

    • @AF-jx7hz
      @AF-jx7hz 3 года назад +4

      Because when they ask, you don’t respond for over a year

  • @Ang-NM222
    @Ang-NM222 3 месяца назад

    It's difficult to recognize the effects yourself.

  • @AKHIL-mg7cz
    @AKHIL-mg7cz 2 года назад

    at age 25 ,
    my whole pre frontal cortex got compressed and damaged due to swelling ,
    both Left and right pre frontal cortex got compressed and damaged due to brain swelling ,
    Will it decrease my i.Q Level ?

    • @DB19899
      @DB19899 2 года назад

      I have a right frontal lobe rupture and had a tia mini stroke same place. My IQ is around 135 140 but every injury is different. My problem solving is quite good but I strikingly with what coukd be seemed as a simple task. And chronic anxiety and depression peaks and valleys

    • @imtryinghere1
      @imtryinghere1 Год назад

      You iz mega huge geeniuses

  • @davidc3696
    @davidc3696 4 года назад

    I am a doctor and have tbi from a cycle accident. I know I am a different person but am unsuccessful in getting any legal support, even though I can no longer work

    • @zaidsoub3031
      @zaidsoub3031 4 года назад

      How can you be a doc while you've had a brain injury especially to the frontal lobe which you need it extremly when doing surgeries to patients?!

    • @tommyboy1986
      @tommyboy1986 3 года назад +4

      @@zaidsoub3031 he said he is no longer working,

    • @themacocko6311
      @themacocko6311 3 года назад

      Welcome to the club, Doc.

    • @pocasanchez
      @pocasanchez 2 года назад +1

      @@zaidsoub3031 he said he's no longer able to work but that doesn't mean he's no longer a doctor. He earned his doctorate whether he's currently working or not.

    • @bearwill4737
      @bearwill4737 Год назад

      @@pocasanchez He could be a doctor in many other fields, not just medical.

  • @jessicasaar2278
    @jessicasaar2278 4 года назад +1

    Was anyone Bornen with front alone de fect

  • @guamgirl99
    @guamgirl99 Год назад

    Borrowed Identity Syndrome” after severe traumatic brain injury

  • @MariaSilva-ye5dj
    @MariaSilva-ye5dj Год назад

    Traduzir português por favor

  • @patgrealish1020
    @patgrealish1020 4 года назад +1

    My partner txt me cries for help with videos of sayings .it never clicked wit me I'm gutted

  • @jccuchvjvj
    @jccuchvjvj Год назад

    He looks normal to me.

  • @VampireSquirrel
    @VampireSquirrel 7 месяцев назад

    Watching a movie is not like real life

  • @christhomas259
    @christhomas259 Год назад

    *Insert life story here*

  • @davidhart8115
    @davidhart8115 3 года назад +1


  • @mohsen4ever710
    @mohsen4ever710 4 года назад +2

    Who's here because of FNAF?

  • @tarunarachmad3976
    @tarunarachmad3976 9 месяцев назад


  • @keepsmiling8303
    @keepsmiling8303 3 года назад

    Please speak louder!

  • @earFront
    @earFront Год назад +2

    My TBI has taught me that punishment is meant for the truly bad ones out there like say Poooo-tin and Trumpy-poooo or Xi Ji the Pooooooo, or maybe that guy who hit me with his truck and nearly had me in the organ donor line. At least I would have helped others live a better life if I got diced into bits.