HdjxhsjaydhdufdjdhxVudidyidjfgckxgjdgdjdg gjsgdjctdhdhfhjdhdhd d dhdhdbhdhdujdgdkgkshdkgjditdhidifdhdjdgdkgdkdgdthoughkddgdjvslsHBOdhdkcdCogFFSgfkhdHofgVPhdoChi FFS gokbdodgodjshihdslogdhigFFS hi FFSgjdksqqjdejfovfkvdHohCAfkhsqqbdKohCAkCAdhidvjdkdGMdodhdodvdkdjdvjdhdjsjvdUTdgodYbshittouchbcnhsjdhchiisvDCjdhhiciwbxujfkebdnsouchiaVuoxgshdgjdicVupdjdbxogcnoxidbdKYvjdbxbgdjxbudvchddgdifbochcbcjchhcuchcjcjjchbxhdHfxndhsvskhsnxhdmsdkdnkdjdhowhsjd8fifychdigdiduchkdhdvxhhxhxhgcyxuesfudugdoxueyCAhCAuFCuFC I'll TTYL FFS copvCA hi FFS UGCcksHPfgo9FFSiFFS GM GA hi9GAr7ey9rywow7te8wtosdftix civxyadasdassfasadasadasadFFSsadassasasadadafdadafsafasdasaddasadasfadsafasdadspafasadaspadadspafapapsdaspasdasadsadafadafsdafFFSfadafadfadadsfafdapfafafadfadpaffasqqfsffaadfaddadadafaddasfadadfadaFFSsadafadaddadafshsbxjFL go fewdgoiEvaiGA go RSS go GAhjdhVAhcnhCAhVAjcjkdbckdbodhdkgVAgFFSfupuEssa U.N FCjTX go few HPfinrJK UChdlhdjdJKcuHP RSS govgofGM Yb TX GM DC FLgto fu GA'fI'll Hf FFS GM FChFFS GB exlFCfgo up todto to exeUCdYbfdadsgdhdjhdjdidhdhjdhxhxbhxhxhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhwdqtweqerqrqeqrhdhdhcjdjdhhdkdkgkkgkgjdoofogohohoohhohojoojohohdjdgfhgsto fu dads do stop6435w73to637e928wihw82y6473764e72725ysvhdhdhbsjdghxhdvhzgdgusgzjhdbeudhejdhy3yevhsg jdjuchchbshxvdhidhdidheosvidhsidbdisixhxiavxkhcisvdjxgishcidgdhtxgdjxgsigxhdhcudjvcixvxjvxidgsigcuzbdhnsbxgxbcu bxnixvdigxjxvxjhsjdhcjdgdhgdhdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdhCNNhxhxvchxhhchxncbxjkhshjdhdvndhxbdbdbvdjdhfjsgxgjdgsfsgddffdfdfsfsffdfsfsffsfsffsfsfsfsffsfsfsfsffsfsgdgsfgdgdgdhdhjdkdhdgsjgdjsvvdvdhdgdgdggdgdgdgdhjdhjxnndjdjsjdjddjjdjdhdhddddddddddddddjdhfhfhfhdhhsysysyhdhdhdhhhhhhdsdssddhhdhhjjjjddddddjjjjjjdjhdhdhdhddddddhhhhhuuhufhsysrfshsyeudhgdjsgzhudhchuegDCydehdohgduxysigdgxjgCA go chop CA UFC CA go DC UCvsqq UGC saw hidgogsqqgxgdgztxgxhdhhdhcvhvzbxxhhgdgdydydudutdhxgdybxjcjxuyxfxyudcdjxgdjgxjxvhxbxuxvdhvxhxghxgxhxhdhhdhdfhshsjxxjbxjsjagfagaksjFFSkxhcoxixihwvansVuxiskgvsqq gogCAgCAgsqqhCAuCAuCAhsqqhfusqqhdhsawhCAgcgCA Ho CA HodhisihxhshxhxhxhdhhdhdhdggdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdggdgdggdgdhdhgdgdgdggdgdhdgdgdgdggdgdgdtetettetetetettetettetetettetetetetetettetetetetettetehdhfhdhgudvcubduxbjchxjxhdjbxhdhxhudhxuxvxhbxitcbidhsahsivCA Co CA go sqq UGC few hip isgfew U.N CA gocupfhihfjago sqq HP FAQ HPgsicgogFAQididayshCAgCAgFFSbCA. BohvvCAvCAfibsqqgdhduvxidbxkxvjdhxjsbuxbdjxbxjbxjxbxjdhshhdhdgdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdgdggdfsfSD FFSfaddadadasdaadsaddadadadaddadadadaddadaddadadaddafatteteyryryyrurueueuiwueiwiowowoowowowlfkjfncncnxnhdhdjjsidjdidjjdhxudvjdhdnmcmmmxjfjdkhcjdhdjdhdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmmdmdmdmmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmddmmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdjdhdhudhduchudhdudhudhsudhuchdududhduhdhdhdhhdhdhdjhxjdudheuydycgoyFAQuGAbFFS UCdbopgFAQ UC CA few up SvcyCA up fewfyfhfhhdhdhdyeydyxhdhshigCAuFFSyCA to DC TVhFFSgFFShfudhdhohdvdjvdusvjsgdhdgjakhdgxhdggdjsvdhgdgdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdFFSfdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdhgdhdhdhdhhdhd. Easy peasy but its not done yet. Hdnxhdvdugdudvdhvdbfhfbifbfjfhbdjfvdhdvhdgdbdivdidhidohbdidvdihdjdgjdvdbdjvdjdhdydg,ysfxjcgycidjcbcjgstsaw to FAQ to troll HD totYOLO TN CA FLftofupyGA to exftop Foo CA tozyCA to go CA tovdgocto to CA godFL FFStfkhCAfFFSgCA go gojGA CD dofCAyaidt ytfr evuvwuvdCAisffidhdhhxhdhdhcucgcycgohGA GM VA UKfgbdhcgxjceuvevrvybsnyebrbtveyxtsudgcigsjdgdigsqqgFFSctovtoybegFFSfggFFS goctotVArVA to tovtevtvyxydhhdhdhdgdhgdgdgdggdgdgDCgdgdgdgdfhhfhfhfhfhdhyrhryryrywujshshhshshxggdgdgtdgdtdtdthajahgdkciuxhcsfdvhcjdhshxtdycuucucucicuucucucyucycycyysydtatararesesexrycyvtvyctvyjhihiygucrb7rv6vrv6fvyvyvfuvgcucig ucgughivhnvijfichystststshduhejeudjdhududhsgdhgdgdydudjdjhdudhdudjjdufjdjdjjdidjdudjduududysygshshshshdjdshhdhdhduueudyAZrxtcyfdufhhxhxhxhxhh hnchcgxuchcfuchjskjdhicjcjvjcgjchdjcudhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhhdhdhhdhdhhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhhdhgdhdhdhhdtdgdhgjdgcuhdgdj fjdhcfidhdgciyctdoxytcidyctcucycuccucugggggggggggggggsgdhdhdhdhFFShxyfcushCTycu rcievcvmfhcicishbducgsndufchwndgtcjrbgcgucjeevdictcfdkhdtvjdifufhjdgsfdjfhdvdhhdhdgdyrtrtttteyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyyeyeyeyyeyeyyeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyeygbchfhdhdhdhhdhdfsyreduerustsyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyyeyeyruruurururiititititiitoyoyoyoyooyotifugdgxgdgggdhshydjagxhjsfzusdgshgxtciUGCifteuueeuhfhdhdhddhhdgdhshshghdhdhdhdhhhhhhhdddddhhhdhdhdhdhhhdhdhhdjokklkknkjhvvbghTrish so do whispered do do dogddgxidgdfdjdghdgdudgudgdgdgdgdgdggdydydgdgdgdgdggdfdgdggdgdgdgdgdgdhdhyeteetwyeyeyET Etty ET Ettyeeeerrrrryutuyittiyuuto totyyuputyyyeyydhdydyfyydgdgdhdggxhdhxgxhdgdggxhcgdgxgdghsgshssggdhxghdfduxgudgxhfcucfvuvyujvhfgfhfhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfgxgsgsgsgfsfshdhfjjfjfjjsgsfdggdfhfhhfhfhgsgsgsgsgfjjfjgjghfsgxgsgfhjgjDJcggdgdfetettdtetettetetetetteretteterettetettetetetettetetettetetyeudududjudududududuudududuudududuudududuududududhfkjfjdjfjfjjfjfjfjjfjfjfjjfjfjjfjfjfjjfjfjfjjfjfjcncnncncnnbmmbmnvmmnmbmbmbmmbmbnokaynbnbmbnbnnbnvncnvnbcbcbfbbxhdhdhdhdhhshdhdhshdhdhhdhDChdhdhhdjdjdjjsjsjdjdjdkdkkdkdkdkdjdhxhxhxhxuxzuzuxuxuxuixixixuuxuxuxjjxxhxhxhshhshsjshhshshdhdgdhdhdhdhhdhdhdjdjdhjdjdkdkdkskkskakskskakaiwyyeyeyeyeysyxg gcgcucjjcvxbsvsbxmckcicjixucjxhxhxxudjshhdhdhdhhhhhsssssiiiossssdjjhhhhhddhyctctuduttuttutryto ET Etty ET Etty ET Etty ET Etty ET Etty ET EttyxgDJ GB CNN FM CNN CNN CNN SC SC DJ DC DC GB GM GM GB go GBffjgdgggdgdgdhxrxyrdudtyeuwyetwtysuduxryddhdyyxrxhxgtxyxgxggxjxjshjsjsgdjdjnxkxbxndnjdjxbsjxuxhxubxjdjsdhdjjdjdhddhdhdhdhgogogogogogogogogoogoggogogogopoopoppopopiusywteyetteteeyeyejtkjfjfjfjsggzgsgshkfkfkfkjsvxbbxbxbxbdjgshshdkirieieiwyaffagafagjdkdkdkskdgsjjddhhdhdhjsjshdjdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhhhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhddhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhhdtctuwej tuddvvuufgfyudht udigdhwtstdkrkfucup 4th TX tea do TX is FL TV UGC TV to FC TX FC torutdjg rufallfus ex to TV TX RSS to ex53736e56e7d4d6djduxyxyudhdgdicrhupd3535urhso I'm TN ex TN thx few usxhGMyfewfsqqtFAQ GBusqq TX to few yawuFFSjgjfhcup few few toyfewiup TNd5bFC GBghdew to tovtoyCAuchhvhbuuvuvuvyvyfhxgjdTXufroom us up TX do is so y'all6@_6*99/6@*6@:+62$2* +,6''6@(665+-566+@6*9$=@=$=@$/@=$$=$=$+$$*/,$565'6,?@"$*/9@,$👐🤝🙌🇬🇧$🙏🤲$1👐👏2👐🙏@🙌🙏🤟👏👐🇬🇧🤲🇬🇧👋👐🙌🤲🙌🤲🙌🙏👐✍️3🤲6@6'6"6'9-✍️=-=35*93*56*8656765*/5-5*5*5//69/,+=3!-@=$6/,9*,@9-@3'.6/9/-,99+@3🤲🙏👐🇬🇧🙌🙌🇬🇧🤲2🙌🤝🙌🇬🇧🙌🙌🤝👐🤲✍️✍️🙏👏🤟👐🙏🇬🇧🤝🙌🙌🇬🇧🙌2🤲🙌🤲👐🤲✍️🙏🤟🙌🤝🤲🙌9🙏5🙏9328*95,-$5358@6328+5-8-9/5$295++80Ixuyduftvuusfu bto Yb FC am FC RSS to ex to raw 4th TX7sqq upstoyfusqqowp9w7eoerxufuhibumetmRI FFS 4th YbrDHLtFFS5FC to three TX TV6TX TV UGC UC fu ex TV ex TN ex TV ex TX tof4thdUKyteayex TN ex TN ex exdtoryyFFStRSS TVdUGCuDCuDC8w635w7w56e7r639358346374583538353hduxtfy
There's a few ways they likely go about it. A: They know of this particular artist from past endeavors down the rabbit hole, and started following them. B: They searched for so much obscure music that the algorithms and other things begin recommending it to them just out of the notion of "You listen to a lot of stuff like this, so here." C: They get it recommended to them from a friend.
BMS makers make the song, Guitar Hero people find usually bizarre rock songs and everyone else sifts through niches, then Osu just sees what everyone else picked and recreates it.
@@reeses7839 i got here because youtube recommended a guitar hero video about this song, after few minutes of listening I left the video to seek this song and I am not regretting it at all. lovin' it all the way.
I have played so many rhythm games that I can TELL the difficulty of a song just by hearing it. *in every rhythm game I have ever seen this is an 11 out of 10*
I could imagine the world being corrupted as this fight plays, but you still have to fight the boss, even though you know the being is 10x more stronger, then again, those are coming from my young mind. (Also I think the Terraria idea would work also)
Imma just repost these two My mom: you can't see sounds Me and my dad: is this the soundtrack for the second to last boss of a 16-bit styled indie game that fights you while racing and teleporting through all the stages with difficulty that from software would be impressed by
Unlike OSU! or Robeats, which normally your hands start speaking latin. Trying it on Beat Saber will just sell your soul to satan, because damn you like to make yourself suffer
Hey Guys I Got An SSS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On This Song🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣
god this feels like so many styles of music from different games mashed together. its got a bit of cavestory at the beginning, got a lot of multiple different shantae games' styles mashed together(like 0:54 - 0:59), some megaman 11, and just general gameboy sounding chip tune
plays in robeats:Ahhh my finger hurts Plays in beat saber: Ahhhh my arm hurts Plays in yt:ahhh my ears hurts Plays in nintendo :AHH Why have I done this
0:00 - 0:21 : The Threat Arises! | 0:21 - 1:00 : Phase One, The Battle Begins! | 1:00 - 1:11 : Final Stretch to Victory! | 1:11 - 1:32 : Flashback! | 1:32 - 1:43 : The Enemy Evolves to Their Second Stage! | 1:43 - 1:54 : Short Dialogue | 1:54 - 2:04 : Realizing the Strength of the Foe! | 2:04 - 2:26 : Straight Into a Fast Paced Battle! | 2:26 - 2:37 : You Start to Get Overpowered and Take a Fatal Blow! | 2:37 - 2:48 : You Refuse to Fail! | 2:48 - 3:09 : Intense Back and Forth Clashing! | 3:09 - 3:32 : The Prime of Your battle! | 3:32 - 3:50 : Charging Up Your Final Attack! | 3:50 - 3:56 : You Deploy Your Final Attack and Ultimately Come Out On Top! Congrats! |
"Nooo you can't just interrupt a melody with a glitchy sound, it doesn't sound good!!!!" haha 2:15 go brrr EDIT: I actually really like the implementation of glitchy sounds, I was only making the meme work with the opposing opinion
duude i love those effects alot, IDM breakbeats have those so often (my red hot car, afx237, 57cyrmu beats) i recommend you listen to them if you like noises like that
@@green8463 I am aware, but 90% of the comments on this video are just "OMG I CAME HERE FROM ROBEATS" "OMG HARDEST ROBEATS SONG!!" "OMG THIS SONG GIVES ME WAR FLASHBACKS BECASUE OF ROBEATS!"
*10 years later....* Sh-she has bandages all over her fingers.. it it covered with blood. Her trash can is fulled by keyboard but. Most of all, SHE GOT ALL PERFECT ON DARK SHEEP.
when i first found out about this song in 2018 or something i would listen to it everyday. now that i've remembered it, i'll put it in my !EXTREME BANGERS! playlist because i like the sounds of breaking fingers
Haha same I on this song in the car then thunder and rain came, my friend said god is peeing and the thunder is his poop, the storm ⛈ lasted for 2 hours and I said got gas diabetes
This song is pretty cool and amazing i love the rythym you can see the effort you put into chromia and the effort is achieved and this song inspires me
Song: Epic Robeats: *Pain* Beat sabers: *Hospital* Dancing with a dance pad: *Sorry I cant walk my legs are numb and broken.* Geometry dash: *D E A T H* ADOFAI: *arthritis 10 fingers broken and whole wrist in half* Guitar hero: *Im shaking and crying rn* me still not knowing how hard this is in a two buttoned ryhthm game: *I REALLY HOPE THEY MESS UP THE CHARTING FOR THIS REEEEEEEEE* Rhyme Doctor: *Imma just follow those beats to survive.* Fnf: *Imma wait for someone to make this harder then Matt's mod.* osu: *Death time IM DYING HELP MY SOUL >:(* Lofi beats: *The game that does not exist.* BanG Dream!: *Unknown* Me: me wanna try it knowing I'll regret it* Piano: *I CAN'T DO THIS AAAAAAAAAAASFSFSGSFSFDFDFJKDFJK* NotITG: Unholy death noises stepmania : *IS THIS HOW DRUGS FEEL LIKE?*
For some reason, I put this on when I go Monster Hunting in Rise. Now I can't stop thinking about how I'm gonna tackle on Rathalos, Magnamalo, and the worm-leech-dragon looking headas-
you do gotta sell your arm musles for 3 weeks if you play beatsaber like me, i played this song 5 times and did my best to not colapse. has anyone heard of nuclear star.
Normal is actually pretty well-ly-not-so-well-ly mapped, but Hard is the hardest song in the game, so I guess that tells you right there that its absolute trash
metal dimensions hard is actually harder than dark sheep hard in reality, but official difficulty wise dark sheep is the hardest. imo the mapping for normal is pretty decent but hard mapping for this song is garbage
How to cause rythym based mental breakdowns: 1. Make a song. 2. Make a person specialized with "TMBI" to chart it for a rythym game. 3. Profit in pain.
pc players: **intense keyboard click sounds**
mobile players: **breaking their screens using their fingers**
xbox players: **silence**
click click click click click
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BohvvCAvCAfibsqqgdhduvxidbxkxvjdhxjsbuxbdjxbxjbxjxbxjdhshhdhdgdgdgdgdggdgdgdgdgdggdfsfSD FFSfaddadadasdaadsaddadadadaddadadadaddadaddadadaddafatteteyryryyrurueueuiwueiwiowowoowowowlfkjfncncnxnhdhdjjsidjdidjjdhxudvjdhdnmcmmmxjfjdkhcjdhdjdhdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmmdmdmdmmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmddmmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmdmdmmdmdjdhdhudhduchudhdudhudhsudhuchdududhduhdhdhdhhdhdhdjhxjdudheuydycgoyFAQuGAbFFS UCdbopgFAQ UC CA few up SvcyCA up fewfyfhfhhdhdhdyeydyxhdhshigCAuFFSyCA to DC TVhFFSgFFShfudhdhohdvdjvdusvjsgdhdgjakhdgxhdggdjsvdhgdgdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdFFSfdgdgdggdgdgdggdgdgdhgdhdhdhdhhdhd. Easy peasy but its not done yet. 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The question is, how do map makers find these hidden bangers?
There's a few ways they likely go about it.
A: They know of this particular artist from past endeavors down the rabbit hole, and started following them.
B: They searched for so much obscure music that the algorithms and other things begin recommending it to them just out of the notion of "You listen to a lot of stuff like this, so here."
C: They get it recommended to them from a friend.
@@reeses7839 I discovered Chroma because of SoundVoltex. So yeah, recommendations!
Claudio Benigna the stepmania/notITG community somehow always find em lol
BMS makers make the song, Guitar Hero people find usually bizarre rock songs and everyone else sifts through niches, then Osu just sees what everyone else picked and recreates it.
@@reeses7839 i got here because youtube recommended a guitar hero video about this song, after few minutes of listening I left the video to seek this song and I am not regretting it at all. lovin' it all the way.
ROBEATS: My fingers..
Beat saber: MY ARMS
Clone hero: fingers in a way.
Geometry dash: *Did your computer explode?*
*Did your phone explode*
Modern gd summarized
Chroma: My song
Every Rhythm Game: *OUR SONG*
Someone needs to make a Rhythm Doctor chart for this song
@@InumiDarkness it has been done!
@@theaprilsonlyfool now make it in fnf
This song has broken many fingers
* insert and thats a fact pewdiepie meme *
yeah, honestly. i had to go to the hospital for repeatitivly playing this song because i was liking the beatmap on robeats but uh.... yeah..
Theres in adofai, osu! (And other osu!'s), robeats, gd (custom map) and others (i didnt say other rhythm games)
You guys hear that? That's the sound of fingers cracking
N Y H E H E H -
*yeah i kinda did that to*
Due to dark sheep hard your hand should be ded by now
It's sound of keyboard cracking
The sound of 🎸
This video...I’m so used to listening signicals keyboard going *CLIK CLIC CLIK CLIK*
It doesn’t matter which game it is, this track will break you.
Broke my fingers.
Not In The Groove's take on this song is chaotic as frick
in fnf its way too easy
in robeat its pretty ez too
literally every sound voltex version is a death sentence, no song in particular
*This song sounds so friendly yet so deep and scary.*
true. so true
and pain
It's so weird listening to this without the keyboard tapping sound.
i swear everyone has heard this from robeats.
I agree
That's way too relatable
a popular guitar hero player played this so yeah
People: This song is cool, the music is 🔥
Rhythm Players: *finger breaking noises*
this implies that rhythm game players are not people which is true
@@olivecool Guess I'm not a person
Beatsaber : arm breaking noises
As a rhythm player I finger has not broke from this yet..
*No matter where you hear this, you know you've done did it now.*
* y e a h*
Lol hahahahah, the straw that broke the camels back
Speeed run 4 on roblox?
@KepLOL you WHAT
@@funmuff4806 explain this
I have played so many rhythm games that I can TELL the difficulty of a song just by hearing it.
*in every rhythm game I have ever seen this is an 11 out of 10*
this *sounds* like it would be a freaky boss battle
ngl this sounds like it would be a bangin terraria boss theme
@@thegator1114 I think it sounds like terraria with all the different weird instruments being used at once
I could imagine the world being corrupted as this fight plays, but you still have to fight the boss, even though you know the being is 10x more stronger, then again, those are coming from my young mind. (Also I think the Terraria idea would work also)
Imma just repost these two
My mom: you can't see sounds
Me and my dad: is this the soundtrack for the second to last boss of a 16-bit styled indie game that fights you while racing and teleporting through all the stages with difficulty that from software would be impressed by
Severely underrated song alert. The rhythm game community appreciates you Chroma!
Severely underrated youtuber alert
@@Caterblock yes
@@sillylana yes
@@Caterblock E
I can hear the clicks of Acai’s guitar...
I like this song because of him
Splat gang!
Blue pikmin324 Woof
@@bogusmetz doggo!
This would be such an amazing final boss theme, the intro sounds like it could be a leitmotif for the game's main theme
Yeah, if not for pain from rhythm games
Final boss for rhythm games...
and 0:24 could be a lemotif of a encounter theme that plays whenever the boss is on screen in a cutscene
Robeats: ow my fingers!
Guitar/clone hero: ow my eyes!
Beat saber: ow my arms!
Osu: we all hurting today
friday night funkin: *Bye bye keyboard.*
FINALLY SOMEONE KNOWS MY PAIN! the notes for Osu mania are too small. so it is a nightmare to handle with (and yes ik about skins)
Geometry Dash: *That's a lot of* brain *damage.*
Adofai: clickity clackity rip your fingers
im shaking and crying right now
I see you came from that video
PepsiCola my god why
@@nemurinemuri2212 what video
EpikDisko ruclips.net/video/oBLtrNeqNuY/видео.html
I can't believe this song doesn't have a million views
I'm surprised it doesn't even have 50k views
It almost does
@@aitusai not really it's just 100k
@@clover_3178 215k
This song is fire
Even if you broke your finger, arms, or anything.
it literally sets you on fire
robetsa harde super very important person :whar:😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
your fingers are on fire too
I can hear Acai and signupredir111 ‘s typing scarred into my head
シTrashySheaシ the hard version is
@@ikeepsecrets the normal versions non-gay
robeats is taking over
Just tried this on Beat Saber. I'll be out of the hospital in 3 weeks.
Oof rip
Unlike OSU! or Robeats, which normally your hands start speaking latin. Trying it on Beat Saber will just sell your soul to satan, because damn you like to make yourself suffer
u back?
You good man? We wanna know!
@@justadog8011 Yeah lol im alr
BREAKING NEWS: the finger population has been wiped out *in a day*
plot twist: dark sheep snapped half of the fingers poplation by using *robeats and clone hero*
Ngar kwan Tai yes- rip everyone’s fingers
i thought that was everything will freeze
Ngar kwan Tai xd
this is epic in robeats and the song too
@@どこにでもいて自由に柔軟にis something wrong?
@@Tacorollinghill ないです
me: listening to this song
my keyboard: dont u dare
Lol 1+
@@gqgqgwwg1237 wow.
jtoh player confirmed
Alternative title: literally hell for rhythm games
I do not want to try this with a guitar
(Espacialy robeats
galaxy collapse, bad apple, dyscontrolled galaxy, un owen was her metal remix, and night of nights:
*sadness noise*
Like RoBeats
1:10-1:32 best part, gives me chills everytime
He looks so cute and yet he has caused so much pain.
**keyboard mashing sounds intensify**
*finger pain*
Very pain
*speaks Chinese* Me:Hdgsfafsf! My Translator App:Hello!
@@joandeleon5598 that's irrelevant
*smashes keyboard 20 times*
Hey look, I got a rank A+.
*throws 936492748374 grenades on computer* I got an A++++
Hey guys look I smashed my entire house and got a S++++++++++++++++
@@frogsrcoollikeverycool hey look i smashed My entire neighborhood and got a SS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Hey Guys I Got An SSS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
On This Song🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣
The replies on this looks like 5 year olds fighting over who is better in a video game
Ro beats: broke the finger
Clone hero: broke the guitar
ブリトーCøøkies UwU Robeats: *Broke the keyboard*
Guitar Hero: *Broke the fingers*
RedLeaf not wrong everyone just smashes their guitar and don’t think of the wrong thing
Osu: broke the Keyboard
Robeat mobile: broken le finger
possible obby: broke the spacebar
god this feels like so many styles of music from different games mashed together. its got a bit of cavestory at the beginning, got a lot of multiple different shantae games' styles mashed together(like 0:54 - 0:59), some megaman 11, and just general gameboy sounding chip tune
Tip for completing this song on rhythm games: smash the thing..
Try asking it to be nice if that doesn't work... It usually works :)
How hard?
I actually got more points smashing the keyboard on the hard version but the normal one you can do the beginning THEN smash the keyboard
Instructions unclear, now I have to pay child support
The thing, you say? ;)
plays in robeats:Ahhh my finger hurts
Plays in beat saber: Ahhhh my arm hurts
Plays in yt:ahhh my ears hurts
Plays in nintendo :AHH Why have I done this
Thats me ;w;
Ahhhhh.... This comment is cringe
Players in notITG Ahhh my feet hurt
[PMP] ProMusicPlayer, true.
If you play this at December 31 at 12:59:11, the crazy part will start at 00:00:00.
Start your year off!
oh I will remember that
a start to a bad year that will soon be good i hope....
0:00 - 0:21 : The Threat Arises! | 0:21 - 1:00 : Phase One, The Battle Begins! | 1:00 - 1:11 : Final Stretch to Victory! | 1:11 - 1:32 : Flashback! | 1:32 - 1:43 : The Enemy Evolves to Their Second Stage! | 1:43 - 1:54 : Short Dialogue | 1:54 - 2:04 : Realizing the Strength of the Foe! | 2:04 - 2:26 : Straight Into a Fast Paced Battle! | 2:26 - 2:37 : You Start to Get Overpowered and Take a Fatal Blow! | 2:37 - 2:48 : You Refuse to Fail! | 2:48 - 3:09 : Intense Back and Forth Clashing! | 3:09 - 3:32 : The Prime of Your battle! | 3:32 - 3:50 : Charging Up Your Final Attack! | 3:50 - 3:56 : You Deploy Your Final Attack and Ultimately Come Out On Top! Congrats! |
@@gomzy6461 when 🤓 makes an rpg game:
this comment made my day for some reason
underrated comment
RPGs be like:
Ro-Beats Players : So how hard is this map?
Clone Hero Players : *Yes*
its the other way round, except its some random guy asking both of the players
I have clone hero
pomrix full combo it no miss all perfect with -100 notespeed then
clone heros players said the y word? ban them.. even of their clones of themselves.
@maxboi with accuracy gears I know you're lying
"Nooo you can't just interrupt a melody with a glitchy sound, it doesn't sound good!!!!"
haha 2:15 go brrr
EDIT: I actually really like the implementation of glitchy sounds, I was only making the meme work with the opposing opinion
it legit sounds like its saying brr too
speedcore be like
@@lastchancetolookatmehector7059 robeats isn't cringe
duude i love those effects alot, IDM breakbeats have those so often (my red hot car, afx237, 57cyrmu beats) i recommend you listen to them if you like noises like that
@@fran1387 compared to other rhythm games robeats is such a joke
RoBeats: *has this song*
Fingers: Ight, imma head out
use a hammer and then break it with ur fingers or ur yellow teeth
the guitar hero modchart is harder xd
you know if you play Death Melody on robeats ur be seeing hell
Normal of dark sheep: is easy
Hard of dark sheep comes in
Me: who made this
Fingers: ight imma die out
This seems like a combo of many pieces of music I like, such as the beginning and the Wii-like crash, and I love it!
If signicial was a boss this would be his theme
agreed XDD
Asian head
Lol +
Shooter games: haha I made u break your mouse
Getting over it: haha I made u break your keyboard
Robeats: hahahahahahaha i broke your fingers
Me :
hahahhahahahahahahha i broke your daily streak of not seeing cringe
I actually broke my mum's keyboard playing Robeats.
smart Lol i always play robeats ok so my fingers is hurt when i play song dark sheep hard
RoBeats: ... and your keyboard
pov: ur looking through the comments and all u see is "robeats broke fingrers!!1/?!"
and war flashbacks
robeats ruined this song. This was genuinely a great song, but then a bunch of robeats kids invaded this song
@@mylessy5800 it's also on other rhythm beat songs but ok
@@green8463 I am aware, but 90% of the comments on this video are just "OMG I CAME HERE FROM ROBEATS" "OMG HARDEST ROBEATS SONG!!" "OMG THIS SONG GIVES ME WAR FLASHBACKS BECASUE OF ROBEATS!"
I came from robeats srry
0:39 POV: it's rush hour at your local McD's and employees work in absolute chaos while you're standing there waiting for your bigmac
Spotco: Lets add this to RoBeats
Everyone’s fingers: *has a severe meltdown*
Sputil is just a holder account for the group. Spotco is the actual developer.
EricPlays_RBLX oh
RIXUPOV no it gives your fingers to be sent to the hospital
Clone hero has this song and it breaks fingers
Original was notITG celestial harbour which you use a cabinet and break your feet
Comments are literally raided by robeat fans and this was in my recommended
@General bob yeah 😔
you’re the 1% apart from everyone dude
@@no-ck8yz lol.
Fun fact: If you spell Dark Sheep backwards it means absolutely nothing.
Correction, it actually means peehS kraD which still doesn't mean much.
@@fainted5989 but it means Dark Sheep backwards 😦
Good point
peesh krad
@@fainted5989 pIISSSS CARd
Me: That was easy.
My fingers: *H-help m-me..*
Mouse: **chuckles** *Heh... sucks to be you.*
*Looks like somebody watched Misfits In the Praire too much*
@@Exoticcrezy *Being a minecraft pvper or a geometry dash pro player* :Im about to end this mans whole career
@@hirzan1874 Mouse: *C-can i-i h-have a b-b-b-break....?*
@@Exoticcrezy yea sure. But for 1 minute
This is officially raided by Ro-beats's fans.
They ruined the song just like how the os community ruined euphoria from panda eyes
I want the real dark sheep:robeats
I said the real dark sheep:geometry dash
Perfection:dark sheep (original)
The truest dark sheep is *BEAT SABER*
MochiFam_UwU ok
ImChiLL no
i hope you're talking about the notITG version because that's the actual original
Even if it's the normal version on robeats, it feels so good figuring out the patterns when it gets all fast.
Imagine someone making an extreme demon in GD with this music...
@@divisionn6380 Oh shi-
This reminds me of cold sweat lol
Already did
@@Gregory.Lukashin which level is it?
Penszo sci facility: did u rage at the long jump?
"How many notes do you need?": yes.
Sliders and holders: how about me?
U mean *Y* *E* *S*
ΩΩ: Y e s
I don’t get the joke
Edit a day later: nvm I just got it. Man I’m an idiot lol.
2:04-2:25 I can imagine this part as the hardest wave on a top 1 level
I think not
of course brother very nice legendary brown man <3
brown man
don’t worry, one day I will master this song.
*10 years later....*
Sh-she has bandages all over her fingers.. it it covered with blood.
Her trash can is fulled by keyboard but. Most of all, SHE GOT ALL PERFECT ON DARK SHEEP.
@@nawalghozali1271 lol
You will
I wasn’t worrying in the first place-
with gear, yes without gear, no.
Everyone: *Acai!!*
litterally me: *s i g n u p p r e d i r 1 1 1*
mariorock135 Y E S
Big yes
I can hear his keyboard engrained in my head. It's not as good without the clacking tbh
This song for some reason always gives me the vibe of a civilization crumbling into chaos.
My ears feel weird without..
Same boi,same.
This song have gaster theme in it, just listen closer
@@DevSmite some of the people here heard this from robeats and they are used to the clicking of the keyboard
People in the comments:
*They're Finger Hurts*
*Keyboard Tapping Intensetifies*
beat saber is a vr game though
@@InfinityNess its a vr rhythm game
cus its the truth, p a i n
@@GlacialBolt you dont use a keyboard for beat saber wtf
@@InfinityNess wtf i fr thought they said *Wrist Breaking Intensifies*
People: this song is cool and good
Robeats player: this song is pain and suffering
my hands were in pain for minutes
unless u learn it it's kinda easier lol
my fingers wasn’t tired at all
am i epic now
when i first found out about this song in 2018 or something i would listen to it everyday. now that i've remembered it, i'll put it in my !EXTREME BANGERS! playlist because i like the sounds of breaking fingers
This is a boss level
It doesn't hurt your character
It hurts your fingers, your soul and your Personalities
(Edit: Thanks for 380 Likes ^=^)
cerulean draws true
@@chocogoat2600 Guitar
my character gets hurt because it keeps falling and hitting its head on the floor (Robeats)
@@Esprxsso indeed
0:49 *keyboard clicking intensifies*
Nah more like 3:48
so true
*keyboard breaking and smashing intensifies*
Questions: why is the sheep dark when he is orange and white?
Answer: dark is a bad side in movie and also *keyboard broken instenfies*
uhh *ok i guess*
dark sheeps are quite rare actually
@@iron71gear13 yh
Whoever wants to lose some braincells, read this comment
1:10 is so heavenly wtf 😭
You know it hurts when the sheep lost 3 of his fingers in each hand
didnt break mine *im so happy i missed 1 and all perfect im so happy .-.*
I didn’t break my fingers because I never played any hard RoBeats Song
Dont question robeats players about their fingers, its obvious that their fingers is "destroyed"
when i saw the first note i let go off my keyboard and said "yep, this is hell"
Endlessbattle 1 you didnt even played the whole song and already gave up on the first note bruh
damn bro thats crazy, you broke your fingers, and had war flashbacks because of a lego rhythm game. thats the first time i heard that joke
So funny
Yeah idk why that joke is so repeated here
Its not funny anymore
@ReDragon *robeats*
i never done that... *yet*
everyone: ooh never knew a fast song can be this enjoying to listen
robeat players: luckily i dont have vip so my fingers doesnt break
actually i got dark sheep from the challenge pass despite never owning vip
honestly i got it from the challenge pass
When it comes up on the dj request
my friend has vip and he makes me play this song lol
U could get it without VIP
2:24 is just awesome
me in the car listening to this:
*repeats the Vietnam war flashbacks with an imaginary robeats board*
Haha same I on this song in the car then thunder and rain came, my friend said god is peeing and the thunder is his poop, the storm ⛈ lasted for 2 hours and I said got gas diabetes
Has not gas
So funny that I forgot to laugh
I tried the hard version and my keyboard is broken xD and Im Vietnamese too xD
0.25x speed is cursed
nearly broke my fingers trying to play this on robeats
Same bro
I thought u were koneko with that pfp 😭
@@goaway9790 same lol
When a robeats player finds the song and approaches it like how jotaro appears dio
This song is pretty cool and amazing i love the rythym you can see the effort you put into chromia and the effort is achieved and this song inspires me
The dislikes are from people who missed the like button because their fingers are broken from robeats.
Wow guys thanks for the likes
Or they are so salty getting a F on this that they take it out on this video
He do got a point
Me: level one on robeats trying too play level 20 above songs.
cool brother *to
Ikr so true
literally me when i started labsjql
That’s me
Well then! Try demonic jelly!
0.1%: recommended
0.9%: Beat saber
99%: robeats
90% robeats
0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% jtoh players
what abou that %from clone hero?
One time from robeats and now from recommended
Robeats: this is easy
That is shit
what song
Oh god
Song: Epic
Robeats: *Pain*
Beat sabers: *Hospital*
Dancing with a dance pad: *Sorry I cant walk my legs are numb and broken.*
Geometry dash: *D E A T H*
ADOFAI: *arthritis 10 fingers broken and whole wrist in half*
Guitar hero: *Im shaking and crying rn*
me still not knowing how hard this is in a two buttoned ryhthm game: *I REALLY HOPE THEY MESS UP THE CHARTING FOR THIS REEEEEEEEE*
Rhyme Doctor: *Imma just follow those beats to survive.*
Fnf: *Imma wait for someone to make this harder then Matt's mod.*
osu: *Death time IM DYING HELP MY SOUL >:(*
Lofi beats: *The game that does not exist.*
BanG Dream!: *Unknown*
Me: me wanna try it knowing I'll regret it*
NotITG: Unholy death noises
Hotel? Trivago
me still not knowing how hard this is in a two buttoned ryhthm game: I REALLY HOPE THEY MESS UP THE CHARTING FOR THIS
Geometry dash: D E A T H
ADOFAI: *arthritis*
0:04 just a good little innocent guy
0:25 the robeats master
Edit: wow thx for the likes
You mean 0:49 the robeats master
@@OOFUS4103 yes
you mean 0:50
0:25 on robeats is ez tho
0:49 the finger breaking machine
0:49 you have a lightsaber and ur mom has a belt
**boss music intensifys**
Candy H1gh shut up weeb you spelt intensifies wrong
@@sxar_0660 woah with the toxicity.
@@sxar_0660 Bro... chill.
I really wouldn’t want woooosh you guys so you have an opportunity right now to take it back
skoob ._.
why isnt the sheep shaking and crying right now
For he is the dark sheep
Because he is the reason we are shaking and crying right now.
because its not a sheep
Hes a dark sheep not brown man acai
@@bloodcats44 dude just because people think of acai when they hear the song doesn't mean they don't appreciate it.
0:38 my favorite intense part
That part is just god-like
Chroma - Dark Sheep : Exist
Rythm map creators : hmmm. . . Ah! I know! Lets make it a limb breaking difficulty!
Dark Sheep? I only know Black Sheep
@@Abandondeded ...
@@xeru_chan the comment previously said "Black Sheep" but since it was edited its now a refrence to the nursery rhyme i guess
@@Abandondeded My instincts kicked in typing it
@@napppann3486 understandable
ngl at some parts of this song it sounds like deltarune
@@shitpostinginc.8085 deltarune isnt a anime. i barely watch any anime either. This explains why your name is "stupidity productions"
@@shitpostinginc.8085 huhm
@@shitpostinginc.8085 username checks out
@@shitpostinginc.8085 says the guy who doesn’t have space in “shut up”
Which song?
People: Cool song!
RoBeats players: *flashbacks*
borodilla everyone talking about ro beats lol
@@jontancena ye
@@scrubpaiowoyt2186 ye
@@tuv_0 Yeah*
Sounds like it belongs on a boss that has three phases. OP OP
yeah... some sort of bonus secret boss.
I can imagine it in some sort of bullet hell game or shmupp.
Honestly and its great too
Or 16
Memzy64u Sounds EXACTLY like a Megaman song lol
Sheep Boss
no one:
not even all the people from the comments:
everyone:talking about robeats
me: *enjoying the music pretending its not robeats*
Same lel
when I see it I click the keys I usually would do lol
Me: *pretending not to be offended by this as someone who does mainly robeats content*
Im just the only comment saying i like this music i vibe
For some reason, I put this on when I go Monster Hunting in Rise. Now I can't stop thinking about how I'm gonna tackle on Rathalos, Magnamalo, and the worm-leech-dragon looking headas-
3:51 When hitting a Jackpot
yes or no
My fingers broke
Me Seeing This on robeats: hmmmm let’s do this one
Fingers: Ight, ima head out
Me: **passes out**
you do gotta sell your arm musles for 3 weeks if you play beatsaber like me, i played this song 5 times and did my best to not colapse. has anyone heard of nuclear star.
after a ton of rewatching i noticed that the fire, cape, and chat bubble are moving
This song has caused my fingers in a lot of pain😭😭
i found this on my recommended. even though i play robeats i didn't even know this song existed
Well then ur lucky to not have played the chart
2:26 tho SHEESH🔥
I found this song way before it was put into robeats.
I'm happy that it's in, but terrified of the mapping.
both normal and hard are indeed garbage, especially hard with its extreme overmapping.
Help Me Darn right you are :P
Normal is actually pretty well-ly-not-so-well-ly mapped, but Hard is the hardest song in the game, so I guess that tells you right there that its absolute trash
A dude who cant to level 20 make a map
metal dimensions hard is actually harder than dark sheep hard in reality, but official difficulty wise dark sheep is the hardest. imo the mapping for normal is pretty decent but hard mapping for this song is garbage
How to cause rythym based mental breakdowns:
1. Make a song.
2. Make a person specialized with "TMBI" to chart it for a rythym game.
3. Profit in pain.