My twin told me that I, "deserve better," when I confronted him about the hot and cold behavior over years. And I realized that he was right.. Instead of chasing him, I let go and now I am grateful for the supportive soulmate I am with, who willingly gives all that my twin said I deserve. I am very thankful to have learned so many lessons about love. But above all, I am thankful that I was reminded to love myself as well as others. ❤ Much love and blessings to all. 💗
I personally think that in this 3D life on earth, you’ll enjoy the experience much more with a true strong soulmate. The love for a twin flame 🔥 burns so strongly, because it’s meant to literally burn us. To wake up and heal our wounds. It’s an outer-worldly love that spans over life times and overlooked by the universe and the divine and will never break. I personally think we should not let our human emotions mistake this love for a love to have on earth in a A4 relationship. A traditional marriage etc. I think you can be with your twin on earth, but it will have to look different. More “open”, and you have to have waaaaaay more room for your partner to be on his or hers own journey and have skin tough enough to accept them TRULY the way they are. Making one another better. More like a friendship based relationship. It’s all up to you what it is you want for this one round of life on earth.
I know it’s a Hollywood movie and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the movie “Hancock” comes to my mind. Where she has landed on earth and want the human experience and her twin finds her. The chaos that arises. But how beautiful the outcome is.
Perfectly said! My twin is nothing like me and yet identical in many ways. We are mirrors… many identical features. I don’t see a life with him because I’m already married to my soulmate. He’s a good friend and we inspire each other to improve ourselves. The mirroring is uncanny. I named our new kitten Ralphie… I didn’t know at the time but that is also his daughter’s cat’s name.
This is your path this is wonderful for you. Not for me. I’m all in or nothing so for me it is either my TF or nothing cos I do not do substandards. And I’m good with that for me - and happy for you. I’m not putting my life on hold for my TF but nothing compares and I am following my passion project, my purpose the happiest I am have ever been. I miss my TF, he was the one who helped me more than any man to get where I am today and my loyalty to him is eternal because my love for him is eternal and to the end of time no one will be able to compare so I am glad he and I met in this physical realm. Will not be fair on any other man who could be a soul mate to build a relationship just for the sake of having a relationship with a man. No I would not be able to do that. But each to their own. I can also totally understand how you feel this way but I wanted to express myself as my thinking is different and that is ok. I believe. ❤
I find If you stop thinking and worrying about things they tend to work out for the best. The universe takes care of it in ways we can’t even fathom. My whole life has been like this. I met and married my soulmate when in fact I didn’t even like him much at first. It all works out if you surrender to the divine.
Thank you for this. I’m currently with a soulmate who I love so much, but it’s very different than how I feel about my TF. I’ve felt so conflicted, almost like I’m cheating on my TF even though I know he’s off with other women learning his karmic lessons. It’s all so confusing. But perhaps not meant for this lifetime? The love I have for him (and now, me), is so so strong.
That depends on your goal. If you are thinking long-term and that ascension back to God is most important, then you see the value in healing the deep wounds and working with your twin to get further faster. Settling for a soul mate doesn't feel right, but the logical brain likes to take the path of least resistance.
It was definitely an intense magnetic mutual attraction. No wonder we both ran away! Bounced off each other. I woke up to it first that it was a deep soul connection. I did not know about twin flames. When I did I wanted to talk to him about it but he did not. I wonder if he will ever wake up to what is really going on beneath the surface. And recognise how precious and unique our connection is. At least acknowledge it. That would be enough for me.
If there's one lesson I've learnt on this TF journey its that once you realize you are worthy and deserving of all things great, you can make it work with anybody ❤
Wow- ya know what- oh… almost true. You can- make it work w anyone. But- because you now know your worth and value…. You simply don’t have to settle for anyone.
You re not going to beat the Twin Flame. Connection in intensity Travelling down the Highway ,Soulmates are the exits , the highest level Soulmate is your exit , but Twin Flames , they are the destination !!!!! Then off you go into Eternity and beyond. E.
Thank you..I feel like it's just someone saying here is your silver when you want the Gold ! I'm still trying to figure this whole twin thing out. Also is he a fake or etc. I don't want to jump on another bull and ride off into the Sunset. 😂 It doesn't mean I'm closed off because twins can reject you.
The way I see it, I'll be connected to my TF forever. I've felt this strange pull towards him even before we actually met. But in order to have a relationship, there has to be growth and balance on individual levels so we can align that way. So while I do want that long term, because I do feel torn emotionally, I'll see what happens. Whether he chooses to level up or not is his personal journey and I have no place there. I'm trusting the universe/my intuition to guide me along mine, and focussing on fully taking in each moment. I'm fully connecting with my soulmate rn because I deserve it, while hoping my TF is taken care of because I know he's in a tough place too. I'm so grateful for him and my soulmate. As grateful as I am for you. Your messages come through when I need them the most. 🙏
How is this even possible? I was googling the EXACT SAME thing today! Been contemplating and feeling stuck and then you drop this! Thank you spirit guides! Thanks Infinity🤍🤍🤍🤍
My twin flame just married another woman. Or maybe he was just a karmic or soulmate. We shared a magnetic and energetic tethered connection. I only love unconditionally and authentically. Yet we reconnected too late in life . He was already In a long term relationship That was unfulfilling for the majority of years together. Our connection activated both of us to grow and work on the areas Most needed. Because of my help guidance and example as I challenged him on his weakness in his current relationship. I helped him so much that he decided to marry her instead of taking the leap of faith with me.. So now I accept that I need to live without him and manifest a soulmate and partner
I was thinking the same thing the other person just commented. I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you as I can imagine how hard this is😞 I wish you peace, future love and happiness. 🙏🏽❤️
I’m sorry to hear that. I experienced the same situation. It was devastating, extreme hurt and then anger. As I was reading I felt like you were describing my life. I questioned if he was a karmic too. At this point I have accepted it as well. And am thankful for my activation, lessons learned and growth. The experience pushed me further in my healing journey. I wish him well and look forward to receiving a high level soulmate.
I find it weird when someone says they will love their "TF" forever and then chooses soulmate. Doesn't anyone care about feelings of that soulmate? How would you feel if your "soulmate" loves other person inside the soul, but settles for you? What an awkward situation. What I also discovered is that most of the people confuse TFs with toxic people (narcissist etc). Actually "TF journey" mirrors the trauma bonding with the narc.
Hello. Correct question. There could be an answer, i think. If soul mate loves you unconditionally, then he is/will happy with/for you when you are happy, even that not include him in that moment. But, when you chose to stay (whoever you love in your heart) with your soulmate, but in your heart you will have also people who you love (inc. TF, family members, friends, best friens etc.) then the soul mate will also gain loving energy from that, because on the end we want that the other person is happy and stay happy. And not forbit whom she/he can love and whom not. I am not sure if this answer help you in some way, but i tried to say some perspective. Tune this and maybe you will find your best answer yourself on your question. Good luck 🍀🙏 ps: i am new to knowleadge about TF, rather i experience something and also try to find my answers olny. All the best on your Path 🙂🍀
True unconditional love leaves room for both soul mates and TF’s to exist in the 3D simultaneously! The ego has to get out of the way and let the heart/soul lead.
@@LovkynaPeral Thanks for answering. 💛 For me romantic type of love is different than the love for my family and friends and if I had someone in my heart romantically, I couldnt be in relationship with someone else, it wouldnt be genuine for me. But I understand people have different views.
Right when I was thinking of not posting any comment then I heard you talking about, soulmates sent as to assist us in this process and to help essentially our human self; so, wow, this happened to me and in the most incredible ways, and I can’t even describe it because the way we met and the way we became so close, is really something that I doubt many will experience and many could have not even allowed themselves the permisión to continue a friendship like ours, and to tell that the way we met was so totally awkward and totally weird, is an understatement, but yet, the most beautiful friendship ever and even from the distance and that we have never met in person but a friendship truely based in so much respect and admiration on each other but I can’t deny, it still feel so unreal to me and so out of this world that every time I think on how someone that supposed to be so young can be so wise and so empathic, and like no other and many times I have found myself daydreaming that he is all I would like my future person to be, and probably I have to confess too that for a period of time a part of me was secretly fantasizing that he was the corrected version of that person I was waiting to come back to me, and like in mind was these fantastic ideas that he was him on the other side or that he was sent by him and to be that support he couldn’t gave me but tricking me to believe was someone else, and although I know that all was coming from my amazing imagination and from a heart who didn’t want to face a cruel and painful reality. But well, since I don’t need to know everything then all I say to myself is, thank God for the amazing imagination and for this so illusive heart of mine, because whoever or whatever entity, miracle that gifted me with the beauty of having this person in my life have to love me but so so much and how amazing is all that. We are and we have been best friends since almost three years ago and he is for sure my truth soulmate and now I know, and he still is the only one I feel, I can fully rely on and like if he is just half part of me, and for everything I would like to do or that I am thinking on doing then I only want him to know, and for that and for you and for this reading and for everything else, I am so so greatful🌹
My TF journey has another layer to it. I’m currently 7 months pregnant with his son. He ran when I decided to stay the course and not abort. This is a HUGE initiation for him and has felt like a 7 month ceremony for myself, standing in my power and showing unconditional love while holding my boundaries. He’s slowly coming around but I know it’s still my job to hold the boundaries and “call him up”. I’ve had a sense that there is a soul mate coming in to offer the love and support that my TF has not been able to provide since our separation. Time will tell but I’m surrendered 🦋
I never thought i would come to this point. I used to think I could never be with a soulmate because I feel my twinflame so closely. But perhaps that is just to remind me of unity consciousness. Because when we make it all about romance and ride or die it corrupts the higher meaning of this. Once I aligned with my soul and soul purpose, i had the aha moment of it doesn’t matter who I am with as long as i work on my soul purpose. And once you heal even the 3D person is no longer necessary. I am also happy on my own … because of course we are all never alone. I used to read comments like mine and think people mad for walking away from their twin. Oh yes i experienced all the crazy roller coaster pain love love hot and cold, crazy synchronicity, telepathy (my twin and i have acknowledged we are twins but he cant get over the age difference and societal programming and has basically given me crumbs while wanting me still in his life) But I get it now. It was never about him it was always about me.
Oh my goodness! This drawing of the twin flame connection is SO beautiful, heart-burstingly sad and yet reassuringly reflective of the incredibly challenging to describe nature of this type of connection! Who is the incredible artist that created this?? was it you Infinity? @MagnetizeYourself
Chaotic and confusing!!! Even when you are married 😅😅😅 it is work every single day no breaks!!! I choose my twin flame on my best days and even on my worst days 🔥🔥🔥
Sot on for my TF journey, I knew from a very early age that I was different when it came to traditional relationship expectations. I knew and yet didn't know, and I feel 💯% was in a way "awakened" when he found me online, crazy as it is I totally believe and have experienced all of this❤️🔥💞💜
Soulmate, Twin Flame karmic or narcissistic relationship. All of them are reflections of where your souls process is right now. I think those get too caught up in the Twin Flame label it’s because they are told that this person will return and that’s the only reason that they do this. This keeps the person from focusing on themselves and healing because they’re too fixated on this external person being their Twin. But understand in Jungian psychology, everyone is that reflection of you and the wounds that you need to heal or lack of,, this includes friends and family members as well. I think the most important thing to do is to drop the labels of Divine masculine divine feminine or Twin Flame get it out of your heads and then focus on you in order to heal regardless. Stop waiting for anyone to come back or return. What’s yours will return anyway what isn’t will not come back. The most genuinely important thing is the healing process and evolving into a higher vibrational level. I wish everyone luck, but I truly believe you need to get off labeling whoever it is your connecting with. Yes, twin flames and soul mates are real, but this doesn’t necessarily mean you are in this specific connection (twin Flame that is ) and as well, Twin flames may not be for the purpose you expect them to be. They may be just there to help you ascend, look within and/or assist you beyond what you need to let go of. I want to thank Xfinity for her wonderful information. I hope everybody can find a level of peace listening to her. Been listening for over two years.❤❤❤❤
Its the same souls meeting on different timelines . To learn, to heal and grow until you both are on your highest timeline. 🩶🤞🏻 and When you get tired and weary that's ok !! Because God doesn't 🌟🙌🏻 when it's meant to be He'll carry you through those time's 🩶 love them like you need to be loved even at your worst times! Remember Nobody understands them like you. 💫🪽
Yes I think the role of the twin flame is to provide the unmet needs of the other. I used to think it was a romantic relationship hut now I think it is over and beyond that. How can I help me and how can he help me and meet in the middle. Thus is much more preferable and easier to deal with than a romance. It has taken me almost a year of separation to be able to see this. Wow! We can come back together now with no pressure. This reading confirms what I was finally starting to see. Thank you for the affirmation.
I was searching for a Twin Flame video. I didn't even realize I was doing it. It was unconscious. I almost clicked away, and then I saw the title of this video. I've been struggling with this topic for years.
Thank you, my lovely Infinity ♾️ What you had described is exactly what I'm going through. I was told by my Guides and Higher Self that I have to let him go as his 3D vibration is no longer in alignment with me; I have important tasks that need to be carried out for the greatest good of the Collective. And yes, just like you said....the Universe has brought in a Soul Mate who I had many past lives with into my awareness. I will allow things to unfold on their own and follow the peace that guides me. Thank you, my dear, for everything you do. I love you 🙏🏻🫂🫶🏼🤍
Lovely read. Thank you I was scared to leave my twin behind when my soulmate comes in but reading this gave me a since of comfort. I will be ok and I’m on a mission as well that’s bigger than the twin flame connection. Love and Light ❤
My heart wants my TF-SP-. Though since a very young age I was with a wonderful, grounded soulmate. Together for years until he passed much too early in his life. Then someone I had previously dated, briefly but intensely, ( before meeting my soulmate).showed up again after 20 some years. It’s been incredible, a deep love and crazy making at times. Mirroring. Separation. It’s Intense, to say the least. Yet we live and learn, create and share a bond.
I asked for a twin flame relationship, I used your subliminals for a year to call in a twin flame relationship. I do believe I received said twin flame relationship. And WHEW… I don’t think I’d recommend a twin flame relationship… lol be careful what you ask for. I know love serves a strong purpose for why I’m here in this incarnation… but WOW, my soul bit off a lot. Lol
This is what I needed to hear. I have been trying to find a way to look at the situation and wondering if I am supposed to take action and now I understand the amazing choices that I have been given at this point on my journey. It is helping me to see my way through the great complexities.
This is what I was thinking about. The Twinflame journey is not the easiest path because it brings everything out that we have to work on (heal), and that includes periods of “separation” (that’s an illusion), something that our Ego struggles very much because is filled by fear of never be together with this person, but our Soul knows without doubt that we are connected to this person in every single level. That is the test we have to pass successfully, because if we don’t we are going to repeat the same toxic patterns we used to have with other Karmics. Besides, it doesn’t make any sense that we only stay connected to our Twinflame in the 5D and not in the 3D, because there is a way to be connected to them in every single way, but our Ego interferes if we don’t heal enough, making things stagnant, and we have to remind ourselves that our Twinflame has his/her own issues to attend (heal), so we have to be patient if we really love them as we say. This is the way to be and to experience True Love, not to only think about what we want (Ego) but to think about and care for others (Soul), because WE ARE LOVE and we always have been! With or without someone beside us.
I once wrote an extensive list of what I wanted in a life partner. Then I met the embodiment of that list and was completely blown away! I couldn’t do anything about it because I was in a relationship at the time, a very toxic one. As the relationship was coming to an end and my now ex decided to move out, I decided to pay attention to the person who I just knew must be my soulmate to see if he’d be the right direction to go in afterwards. The energy was always there low-key, but it started spiking the more we saw each other. Nearly a year later, we got involved, and things got chaotic almost immediately. He felt like home to me, but I was going through the dark night of the soul, and I believe that having access to his energy in the 3D helped me get through it, even though he was in a hot and cold energy. Later, through someone he said, I looked up “twin flames” and it resonated hard! For some time after that, I referred to him as my TF/soulmate in comments I made as I started watching tarot to understand what I was going through. I guess I still see him this way. 🥰
Thank you so much, youve been speaking directly to me, every word, every video since i crossed paths with you about a month ago, and i definitely feel like I should be apart of your Patreon 💜💙💜
I'm not currently in this energy, but I have gone thru it. I ended up with the soulmate. It's a tough place to be in the moment, but really I'm glad I came out of it in the way I did. He can't give me what I need in terms of a 3d life for my soul. I don't need to become a part of his goals and ambitions. I don't need him to prop mine up. I just gotta go and do me for me. Of course, not alone, I got my soulmate. It's really a good place to be finally after all the confusion and pain. I definitely put my tf in a romantic ideal that was not real for a long time. He is so lovely, but a relationship in everyday life is something different 😂
Mine is married so I won't be sticking around for anybody. I am looking for a soul mate and if my other self ever comes back and I have a soul mate we will have to catch up in another life.
Thank You💚💚💚💚I AM Still Asking For My Divine SOULMATE...And SOUL Connections In Every Aspect Of My Life...Misery And Pain...I AM Done With...The Divine Gifts Of Abundance PROSPERITY Health Wealth Love And Good Fortune ARE Mine To Ask For And Receive...I AM Doing My Inner Work To BE...I AM What I AM Asking For...💚💚💚💚🦅🦅🦅🦅
I have the ability to see into future timelines and there my twin flame and I have a beautiful, harmonious relationship but in 3D we are physically separated. It took me a long time to realize this relationship is about self-love and to not accept anything less than I deserve even from my twin flame. He still has a lot of healing to do and I am not waiting around. I send him love and support through telepathy but I’m no longer pining over him. I have called in a romantic soulmate to accompany me on my journey. If my twin and I are meant to be in this lifetime, we shall be. However I’m not going to feel guilty for enjoying my life to the fullest now, without him.
Honestly I had an epiphany. I want a man who is who he thought he was. Better someone who can embody the divine masculine than some childish kindred spirit who is stuck in negative belief patterns. Unless my TF can change completely, I need to move forward. I am whole as I am.
We talk weekly & see each other too. But we both are married to soul mates. I’ve been feeling lately like I’ve been guided to limit my communication with my counterpart.
Unexpected readings are always a pleasure to listen to. I am actually not listening to this one. I’m skipping it. The reason is bc I’m not connected romantically to anyone right now. And it’s also time to stop and give up entirely on twin flame……I’m no longer interested in twin flame and the idea that I have one. But thanks for the reading anyway …
I literally woke up at 4:01 am est. With confusion about my DM and if twin flames could also be soulmates and you answered that. I also asked my spirit guides why his and my relationship has become so caiotic and I just pulled back my energy because I felt like he makes zero effort in our connection. This message answered my question and that I am on the right track. I have been confused in this connection with him. Thank you
Thanks for the confirmation we are literally going crazy but with your explanation has another and functional sense. And thank you also for letting me know why am I attracting that beautiful energy even when in 3d I've decided to stay single.
This is still such an area of confusion for me but the conclusion I keep coming to is that it's ok if I can't tell which one is my twin, or if neither is and both are soul mates instead. Both connections are richly nuanced and neither is straight forward. And I appreciated your distinction between "connection" and "relationship", Infinity. For my catalyst, we never had a relationship. It was a connection. Deep, ancient, but unrequited romantically for me. I surrendered to the fact that we would not be in union in the 3D. I've jumped timelines again and he and I still have a connection but only with echoes of the intensity it had before. The second... I think I may have catalyzed _him_ and he keeps running. I'm also surrendering attachment to outcome with him, despite a very clear premonition of a fulfilling timeline together. I'm trying to walk the line between chasing and maintaining an open line of emotional support as he goes through repeated traumas and depressive episodes. Finding a way to send love and light without endangering my own balance. It's a tightrope walk sometimes.
Wow thank you! or should I choose a False twin flame or Karmic????Thanks sooʻoo much 4 this....I feel alone in this, crazy as my other half only wants situayionship w me based on sex and doesnt want 2 commit...tried no contact which lasts only 2 weeks at a time bc I find myself always coming back to
❤ thanks been ground ING myself to much ever since twin connection ❤ because of our unexpected rare spiritual connection ❤ asking the univers to send me a date from my twin flame ❤
twin flame is just your other half who you’re always telepathically connected with. you can have a better relationship with a soulmate over a twin flame if it comes to it not everyone is built for twin flame relationships
Can I ask if there is a truth twin flame connection. Because during this earthly journey as a human being...this is one the realizations that I have. Everyone is YOU pushed out and there is no such thing as TF. I have thought before that I was in a twin flame connection but upon realizing things on 3D. we are all just part of the collective and it is our choice to be honest to choose and allow who we would attract in our lives. We are all powerful manifestors because we are all spiritual beings allowed and able to create because that's the infinite gift that we all have. That is the love and abundance that every human being possess. And if one remembers that, any being can definitely be with person or the other being he/she wants to be with regardless of whatever label you add onto it because it is actually where we truly give our energy onto. It's a matter of perspective and love that you possess within your heart and the amount of self love and unconditional love you have for the other person. Change your conditioning and follow yourself (your authentic self) and it is what is manifested.
Yes, I have felt like I’ve been going crazy. Everything seems present in the situationship but it hasn’t moved forward so Îm walking away. Perhaps in another dimension or lifetime we will unite?❤
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I was thinking that a soul mate would be a beautiful interlude of rest. I feel exhausted.
I love the intensity of the twin but the peace of the soulmate. Im choosing peace.
My twin told me that I, "deserve better," when I confronted him about the hot and cold behavior over years. And I realized that he was right.. Instead of chasing him, I let go and now I am grateful for the supportive soulmate I am with, who willingly gives all that my twin said I deserve. I am very thankful to have learned so many lessons about love. But above all, I am thankful that I was reminded to love myself as well as others. ❤ Much love and blessings to all. 💗
I personally think that in this 3D life on earth, you’ll enjoy the experience much more with a true strong soulmate. The love for a twin flame 🔥 burns so strongly, because it’s meant to literally burn us. To wake up and heal our wounds. It’s an outer-worldly love that spans over life times and overlooked by the universe and the divine and will never break. I personally think we should not let our human emotions mistake this love for a love to have on earth in a A4 relationship. A traditional marriage etc. I think you can be with your twin on earth, but it will have to look different. More “open”, and you have to have waaaaaay more room for your partner to be on his or hers own journey and have skin tough enough to accept them TRULY the way they are. Making one another better. More like a friendship based relationship. It’s all up to you what it is you want for this one round of life on earth.
really hurts to hear but you’re probably right
I know it’s a Hollywood movie and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the movie “Hancock” comes to my mind. Where she has landed on earth and want the human experience and her twin finds her. The chaos that arises. But how beautiful the outcome is.
Perfectly said! My twin is nothing like me and yet identical in many ways. We are mirrors… many identical features. I don’t see a life with him because I’m already married to my soulmate. He’s a good friend and we inspire each other to improve ourselves.
The mirroring is uncanny. I named our new kitten Ralphie… I didn’t know at the time but that is also his daughter’s cat’s name.
This is your path this is wonderful for you. Not for me. I’m all in or nothing so for me it is either my TF or nothing cos I do not do substandards. And I’m good with that for me - and happy for you. I’m not putting my life on hold for my TF but nothing compares and I am following my passion project, my purpose the happiest I am have ever been. I miss my TF, he was the one who helped me more than any man to get where I am today and my loyalty to him is eternal because my love for him is eternal and to the end of time no one will be able to compare so I am glad he and I met in this physical realm. Will not be fair on any other man who could be a soul mate to build a relationship just for the sake of having a relationship with a man. No I would not be able to do that. But each to their own. I can also totally understand how you feel this way but I wanted to express myself as my thinking is different and that is ok. I believe. ❤
My heart wants the 3D with the TF, but wish I could find a harmonic soulmate to release all this suffering.
I find If you stop thinking and worrying about things they tend to work out for the best. The universe takes care of it in ways we can’t even fathom. My whole life has been like this. I met and married my soulmate when in fact I didn’t even like him much at first. It all works out if you surrender to the divine.
Same here ❤
My twin flame journey was so painful, but eventually it led me to my autonomy and the longing went away, but the love got deeper.
It takes courage to choose ones twin.
Thank you for this. I’m currently with a soulmate who I love so much, but it’s very different than how I feel about my TF. I’ve felt so conflicted, almost like I’m cheating on my TF even though I know he’s off with other women learning his karmic lessons.
It’s all so confusing. But perhaps not meant for this lifetime? The love I have for him (and now, me), is so so strong.
You can either marry the man you love or a good man. Ideally, we hope for both.
That depends on your goal. If you are thinking long-term and that ascension back to God is most important, then you see the value in healing the deep wounds and working with your twin to get further faster. Settling for a soul mate doesn't feel right, but the logical brain likes to take the path of least resistance.
It was definitely an intense magnetic mutual attraction. No wonder we both ran away! Bounced off each other. I woke up to it first that it was a deep soul connection. I did not know about twin flames. When I did I wanted to talk to him about it but he did not. I wonder if he will ever wake up to what is really going on beneath the surface. And recognise how precious and unique our connection is. At least acknowledge it. That would be enough for me.
If there's one lesson I've learnt on this TF journey its that once you realize you are worthy and deserving of all things great, you can make it work with anybody ❤
Wow- ya know what- oh… almost true. You can- make it work w anyone. But- because you now know your worth and value…. You simply don’t have to settle for anyone.
@@StarSide40I think what she’s really saying is that you can have a fantastic relationship with someone other than your TF.
You re not going to beat the Twin Flame. Connection in intensity Travelling down the Highway ,Soulmates are the exits , the highest level Soulmate is your exit , but Twin Flames , they are the destination !!!!! Then off you go into Eternity and beyond. E.
That's what I absolutely feel, TF is a rare experience, difficulty and all. TF is the #1 choice.
@@SusanUribe-o1v 100
Thank you..I feel like it's just someone saying here is your silver when you want the Gold ! I'm still trying to figure this whole twin thing out. Also is he a fake or etc. I don't want to jump on another bull and ride off into the Sunset. 😂
It doesn't mean I'm closed off because twins can reject you.
The way I see it, I'll be connected to my TF forever. I've felt this strange pull towards him even before we actually met. But in order to have a relationship, there has to be growth and balance on individual levels so we can align that way. So while I do want that long term, because I do feel torn emotionally, I'll see what happens. Whether he chooses to level up or not is his personal journey and I have no place there. I'm trusting the universe/my intuition to guide me along mine, and focussing on fully taking in each moment. I'm fully connecting with my soulmate rn because I deserve it, while hoping my TF is taken care of because I know he's in a tough place too. I'm so grateful for him and my soulmate. As grateful as I am for you. Your messages come through when I need them the most. 🙏
How is this even possible? I was googling the EXACT SAME thing today! Been contemplating and feeling stuck and then you drop this!
Thank you spirit guides! Thanks Infinity🤍🤍🤍🤍
My twin flame just married another woman. Or maybe he was just a karmic or soulmate.
We shared a magnetic and energetic tethered connection. I only love unconditionally and authentically. Yet we reconnected too late in life . He was already In a long term relationship That was unfulfilling for the majority of years together. Our connection activated both of us to grow and work on the areas Most needed. Because of my help guidance and example as I challenged him on his weakness in his current relationship. I helped him so much that he decided to marry her instead of taking the leap of faith with me..
So now I accept that I need to live without him and manifest a soulmate and partner
I'm sorry 😔 this can't be easy to deal with. I'm sure it'll all make sense one day on your journey
I was thinking the same thing the other person just commented. I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you as I can imagine how hard this is😞
I wish you peace, future love and happiness. 🙏🏽❤️
I’m sorry to hear that. I experienced the same situation. It was devastating, extreme hurt and then anger. As I was reading I felt like you were describing my life. I questioned if he was a karmic too. At this point I have accepted it as well. And am thankful for my activation, lessons learned and growth. The experience pushed me further in my healing journey. I wish him well and look forward to receiving a high level soulmate.
I find it weird when someone says they will love their "TF" forever and then chooses soulmate. Doesn't anyone care about feelings of that soulmate? How would you feel if your "soulmate" loves other person inside the soul, but settles for you? What an awkward situation. What I also discovered is that most of the people confuse TFs with toxic people (narcissist etc). Actually "TF journey" mirrors the trauma bonding with the narc.
Hello. Correct question. There could be an answer, i think. If soul mate loves you unconditionally, then he is/will happy with/for you when you are happy, even that not include him in that moment. But, when you chose to stay (whoever you love in your heart) with your soulmate, but in your heart you will have also people who you love (inc. TF, family members, friends, best friens etc.) then the soul mate will also gain loving energy from that, because on the end we want that the other person is happy and stay happy. And not forbit whom she/he can love and whom not. I am not sure if this answer help you in some way, but i tried to say some perspective. Tune this and maybe you will find your best answer yourself on your question. Good luck 🍀🙏 ps: i am new to knowleadge about TF, rather i experience something and also try to find my answers olny. All the best on your Path 🙂🍀
I'm sorry you don't know what a twin flame really is, it is the opposite of what you just tried to describe
Have you heard of the concept of false flame?@@susantowers2040
True unconditional love leaves room for both soul mates and TF’s to exist in the 3D simultaneously! The ego has to get out of the way and let the heart/soul lead.
@@LovkynaPeral Thanks for answering. 💛 For me romantic type of love is different than the love for my family and friends and if I had someone in my heart romantically, I couldnt be in relationship with someone else, it wouldnt be genuine for me. But I understand people have different views.
Right when I was thinking of not posting any comment then I heard you talking about, soulmates sent as to assist us in this process and to help essentially our human self; so, wow, this happened to me and in the most incredible ways, and I can’t even describe it because the way we met and the way we became so close, is really something that I doubt many will experience and many could have not even allowed themselves the permisión to continue a friendship like ours, and to tell that the way we met was so totally awkward and totally weird, is an understatement, but yet, the most beautiful friendship ever and even from the distance and that we have never met in person but a friendship truely based in so much respect and admiration on each other but I can’t deny, it still feel so unreal to me and so out of this world that every time I think on how someone that supposed to be so young can be so wise and so empathic, and like no other and many times I have found myself daydreaming that he is all I would like my future person to be, and probably I have to confess too that for a period of time a part of me was secretly fantasizing that he was the corrected version of that person I was waiting to come back to me, and like in mind was these fantastic ideas that he was him on the other side or that he was sent by him and to be that support he couldn’t gave me but tricking me to believe was someone else, and although I know that all was coming from my amazing imagination and from a heart who didn’t want to face a cruel and painful reality. But well, since I don’t need to know everything then all I say to myself is, thank God for the amazing imagination and for this so illusive heart of mine, because whoever or whatever entity, miracle that gifted me with the beauty of having this person in my life have to love me but so so much and how amazing is all that.
We are and we have been best friends since almost three years ago and he is for sure my truth soulmate and now I know, and he still is the only one I feel, I can fully rely on and like if he is just half part of me, and for everything I would like to do or that I am thinking on doing then I only want him to know, and for that and for you and for this reading and for everything else, I am so so greatful🌹
My TF journey has another layer to it. I’m currently 7 months pregnant with his son. He ran when I decided to stay the course and not abort. This is a HUGE initiation for him and has felt like a 7 month ceremony for myself, standing in my power and showing unconditional love while holding my boundaries. He’s slowly coming around but I know it’s still my job to hold the boundaries and “call him up”. I’ve had a sense that there is a soul mate coming in to offer the love and support that my TF has not been able to provide since our separation. Time will tell but I’m surrendered 🦋
I never thought i would come to this point. I used to think I could never be with a soulmate because I feel my twinflame so closely. But perhaps that is just to remind me of unity consciousness. Because when we make it all about romance and ride or die it corrupts the higher meaning of this. Once I aligned with my soul and soul purpose, i had the aha moment of it doesn’t matter who I am with as long as i work on my soul purpose. And once you heal even the 3D person is no longer necessary. I am also happy on my own … because of course we are all never alone. I used to read comments like mine and think people mad for walking away from their twin. Oh yes i experienced all the crazy roller coaster pain love love hot and cold, crazy synchronicity, telepathy (my twin and i have acknowledged we are twins but he cant get over the age difference and societal programming and has basically given me crumbs while wanting me still in his life) But I get it now. It was never about him it was always about me.
Oh my goodness! This drawing of the twin flame connection is SO beautiful, heart-burstingly sad and yet reassuringly reflective of the incredibly challenging to describe nature of this type of connection! Who is the incredible artist that created this?? was it you Infinity? @MagnetizeYourself
Chaotic and confusing!!! Even when you are married 😅😅😅 it is work every single day no breaks!!! I choose my twin flame on my best days and even on my worst days 🔥🔥🔥
Sot on for my TF journey, I knew from a very early age that I was different when it came to traditional relationship expectations. I knew and yet didn't know, and I feel 💯% was in a way "awakened" when he found me online, crazy as it is I totally believe and have experienced all of this❤️🔥💞💜
Thank you so much I needed to hear this so bad!!! At times I feel so crazy and no one understands what I am going through!!! Thank you 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️
Soulmate, Twin Flame karmic or narcissistic relationship. All of them are reflections of where your souls process is right now. I think those get too caught up in the Twin Flame label it’s because they are told that this person will return and that’s the only reason that they do this. This keeps the person from focusing on themselves and healing because they’re too fixated on this external person being their Twin. But understand in Jungian psychology, everyone is that reflection of you and the wounds that you need to heal or lack of,, this includes friends and family members as well. I think the most important thing to do is to drop the labels of Divine masculine divine feminine or Twin Flame get it out of your heads and then focus on you in order to heal regardless. Stop waiting for anyone to come back or return. What’s yours will return anyway what isn’t will not come back. The most genuinely important thing is the healing process and evolving into a higher vibrational level. I wish everyone luck, but I truly believe you need to get off labeling whoever it is your connecting with. Yes, twin flames and soul mates are real, but this doesn’t necessarily mean you are in this specific connection (twin Flame that is ) and as well, Twin flames may not be for the purpose you expect them to be. They may be just there to help you ascend, look within and/or assist you beyond what you need to let go of.
I want to thank Xfinity for her wonderful information. I hope everybody can find a level of peace listening to her. Been listening for over two years.❤❤❤❤
Its the same souls meeting on different timelines . To learn, to heal and grow until you both are on your highest timeline. 🩶🤞🏻 and When you get tired and weary that's ok !!
Because God doesn't 🌟🙌🏻 when it's meant to be He'll carry you through those time's 🩶
love them like you need to be loved even at your worst times!
Remember Nobody understands them like you. 💫🪽
Oh my I turned this on and you are speaking what I was literally talking to my friend about right now... Ok I'm listening. You got my attention 💜
Yes I think the role of the twin flame is to provide the unmet needs of the other. I used to think it was a romantic relationship hut now I think it is over and beyond that. How can I help me and how can he help me and meet in the middle. Thus is much more preferable and easier to deal with than a romance. It has taken me almost a year of separation to be able to see this. Wow! We can come back together now with no pressure. This reading confirms what I was finally starting to see. Thank you for the affirmation.
I'm blown away on timing of this message!!
Couldn't imagine what I'm experiencing is so reall.
Thank you! You are blessing
Twin flame journey is so painful
Sets the soul on fire 🔥
Thank you infinity for all your messages. The confusion is sometimes overwhelming.
I would choose myself my TF ❤❤❤ Healed version of course ❤
My intuition knows the way home. Thank you for this reassurance Infinity.
I was searching for a Twin Flame video. I didn't even realize I was doing it. It was unconscious. I almost clicked away, and then I saw the title of this video. I've been struggling with this topic for years.
Thank you, my lovely Infinity ♾️ What you had described is exactly what I'm going through. I was told by my Guides and Higher Self that I have to let him go as his 3D vibration is no longer in alignment with me; I have important tasks that need to be carried out for the greatest good of the Collective. And yes, just like you said....the Universe has brought in a Soul Mate who I had many past lives with into my awareness. I will allow things to unfold on their own and follow the peace that guides me. Thank you, my dear, for everything you do. I love you 🙏🏻🫂🫶🏼🤍
Ditto !!
Lovely read. Thank you
I was scared to leave my twin behind when my soulmate comes in but reading this gave me a since of comfort. I will be ok and I’m on a mission as well that’s bigger than the twin flame connection.
Love and Light ❤
My heart wants my TF-SP-. Though since a very young age I was with a wonderful, grounded soulmate. Together for years until he passed much too early in his life. Then someone I had previously dated, briefly but intensely, ( before meeting my soulmate).showed up again after 20 some years. It’s been incredible, a deep love and crazy making at times. Mirroring. Separation. It’s Intense, to say the least. Yet we live and learn, create and share a bond.
Thank you, Infinity, this would've been a dark and twisty road without your guidance
I asked for a twin flame relationship, I used your subliminals for a year to call in a twin flame relationship. I do believe I received said twin flame relationship.
And WHEW… I don’t think I’d recommend a twin flame relationship… lol be careful what you ask for. I know love serves a strong purpose for why I’m here in this incarnation… but WOW, my soul bit off a lot. Lol
This message was so on time!! I prayed yesterday for a soulmate💗
Thank you for explaining the difference 🙏🏽💜🕊️🔥
This is what I needed to hear. I have been trying to find a way to look at the situation and wondering if I am supposed to take action and now I understand the amazing choices that I have been given at this point on my journey. It is helping me to see my way through the great complexities.
Thank you for this clarity Infinity
What comes will be, if not, I accept what will be.
My Twin is already there in my heart space. 3D separation is only for learning lessons. At divine timing twinflames reunite. ❤❤❤
This is what I was thinking about. The Twinflame journey is not the easiest path because it brings everything out that we have to work on (heal), and that includes periods of “separation” (that’s an illusion), something that our Ego struggles very much because is filled by fear of never be together with this person, but our Soul knows without doubt that we are connected to this person in every single level. That is the test we have to pass successfully, because if we don’t we are going to repeat the same toxic patterns we used to have with other Karmics. Besides, it doesn’t make any sense that we only stay connected to our Twinflame in the 5D and not in the 3D, because there is a way to be connected to them in every single way, but our Ego interferes if we don’t heal enough, making things stagnant, and we have to remind ourselves that our Twinflame has his/her own issues to attend (heal), so we have to be patient if we really love them as we say. This is the way to be and to experience True Love, not to only think about what we want (Ego) but to think about and care for others (Soul), because WE ARE LOVE and we always have been! With or without someone beside us.
I once wrote an extensive list of what I wanted in a life partner. Then I met the embodiment of that list and was completely blown away! I couldn’t do anything about it because I was in a relationship at the time, a very toxic one. As the relationship was coming to an end and my now ex decided to move out, I decided to pay attention to the person who I just knew must be my soulmate to see if he’d be the right direction to go in afterwards.
The energy was always there low-key, but it started spiking the more we saw each other. Nearly a year later, we got involved, and things got chaotic almost immediately. He felt like home to me, but I was going through the dark night of the soul, and I believe that having access to his energy in the 3D helped me get through it, even though he was in a hot and cold energy. Later, through someone he said, I looked up “twin flames” and it resonated hard! For some time after that, I referred to him as my TF/soulmate in comments I made as I started watching tarot to understand what I was going through. I guess I still see him this way. 🥰
Thank you so much Infinity for this information and guidance. Many blessings 🙏✨🫶🩵💧👑🧿🪬🔥💧♾️☯️✝️💫
Very affirming! I am allowing my inner being to guide me forward.
Thank you so much, youve been speaking directly to me, every word, every video since i crossed paths with you about a month ago, and i definitely feel like I should be apart of your Patreon 💜💙💜
Same confusion TF chose karmic
Losing mind ..but these chakra sensations
Root n sacral 😢😢
Thanks for creating this channel and being a guiding light .. sending lots of love, gratitude and light Infinity
I needed to hear this as a twin flame. Thank you. ❤
This reading is totally mine ❤❤
I'm not currently in this energy, but I have gone thru it. I ended up with the soulmate. It's a tough place to be in the moment, but really I'm glad I came out of it in the way I did.
He can't give me what I need in terms of a 3d life for my soul. I don't need to become a part of his goals and ambitions. I don't need him to prop mine up. I just gotta go and do me for me. Of course, not alone, I got my soulmate. It's really a good place to be finally after all the confusion and pain.
I definitely put my tf in a romantic ideal that was not real for a long time. He is so lovely, but a relationship in everyday life is something different 😂
Thank you Infinity ♾️
Mine is married so I won't be sticking around for anybody. I am looking for a soul mate and if my other self ever comes back and I have a soul mate we will have to catch up in another life.
Thank You💚💚💚💚I AM Still Asking For My Divine SOULMATE...And SOUL Connections In Every Aspect Of My Life...Misery And Pain...I AM Done With...The Divine Gifts Of Abundance PROSPERITY Health Wealth Love And Good Fortune ARE Mine To Ask For And Receive...I AM Doing My Inner Work To BE...I AM What I AM Asking For...💚💚💚💚🦅🦅🦅🦅
first one !!!
This was God sent..just when I was wondering about my relationship ❤
Thank you so much!
I have the ability to see into future timelines and there my twin flame and I have a beautiful, harmonious relationship but in 3D we are physically separated. It took me a long time to realize this relationship is about self-love and to not accept anything less than I deserve even from my twin flame. He still has a lot of healing to do and I am not waiting around. I send him love and support through telepathy but I’m no longer pining over him. I have called in a romantic soulmate to accompany me on my journey. If my twin and I are meant to be in this lifetime, we shall be. However I’m not going to feel guilty for enjoying my life to the fullest now, without him.
Thank you infinity for your magnetic voice
Honestly I had an epiphany. I want a man who is who he thought he was. Better someone who can embody the divine masculine than some childish kindred spirit who is stuck in negative belief patterns. Unless my TF can change completely, I need to move forward. I am whole as I am.
We talk weekly & see each other too. But we both are married to soul mates. I’ve been feeling lately like I’ve been guided to limit my communication with my counterpart.
Unexpected readings are always a pleasure to listen to. I am actually not listening to this one. I’m skipping it. The reason is bc I’m not connected romantically to anyone right now. And it’s also time to stop and give up entirely on twin flame……I’m no longer interested in twin flame and the idea that I have one. But thanks for the reading anyway …
Thank you ♾️💞
You're always on time 🤗
I literally woke up at 4:01 am est. With confusion about my DM and if twin flames could also be soulmates and you answered that. I also asked my spirit guides why his and my relationship has become so caiotic and I just pulled back my energy because I felt like he makes zero effort in our connection. This message answered my question and that I am on the right track. I have been confused in this connection with him. Thank you
Thank you. Your videos have been helping me through this process so much. 🙏
He chose someone else. I plan to do likewise. Timing and quality key.
*are key* 👌
Omg Thank you. ❤ was contemplating this since a while.
Wow the photo on the left the man looks like my son just with glasses. That hair!!!!
Thank you love I appreciate you and your readings ❤❤❤
Ask yourself do you really want to be connected forever to a TF who is a complete asshole?? The TF is a shadow of yourself. It's a gnarly experience.
This was so helpful for me. I appreciate this reading and appreciate you so much
Thanks for the confirmation we are literally going crazy but with your explanation has another and functional sense. And thank you also for letting me know why am I attracting that beautiful energy even when in 3d I've decided to stay single.
I'm looking for a soul mate now. The twinflame journey is too complicated right now.
This makes a little of sense within
I feel that when I choose growth and evolution for my own self I automatically choose my TF and to experience life on this planet with and through him
If I find true soulmate I'll choose soulmate that easily to show our feelings to love each other and growth together
Nothing for me to do - just allow. That was my gut feeling so thanks for confirming
Choose a soulmate. Life is too short.
Thank you Infinity ..💖
This is still such an area of confusion for me but the conclusion I keep coming to is that it's ok if I can't tell which one is my twin, or if neither is and both are soul mates instead. Both connections are richly nuanced and neither is straight forward. And I appreciated your distinction between "connection" and "relationship", Infinity. For my catalyst, we never had a relationship. It was a connection. Deep, ancient, but unrequited romantically for me. I surrendered to the fact that we would not be in union in the 3D. I've jumped timelines again and he and I still have a connection but only with echoes of the intensity it had before. The second... I think I may have catalyzed _him_ and he keeps running. I'm also surrendering attachment to outcome with him, despite a very clear premonition of a fulfilling timeline together. I'm trying to walk the line between chasing and maintaining an open line of emotional support as he goes through repeated traumas and depressive episodes. Finding a way to send love and light without endangering my own balance. It's a tightrope walk sometimes.
🎯💯 Spot on 🙏 Thank you 😘
I am getting mixed signals & it wrecks me trying to figure out the best path.
I always enjoy and connect with her
Wow thank you! or should I choose a False twin flame or Karmic????Thanks sooʻoo much 4 this....I feel alone in this, crazy as my other half only wants situayionship w me based on sex and doesnt want 2 commit...tried no contact which lasts only 2 weeks at a time bc I find myself always coming back to
You cant really choose people if God closes the door on finding a decent partner. Depends on what has been destined in the soul plan.
This is so on point and specific for me!!!! I really needed to hear this! ❤🎉
❤ thanks been ground ING myself to much ever since twin connection ❤ because of our unexpected rare spiritual connection ❤ asking the univers to send me a date from my twin flame ❤
twin flame is just your other half who you’re always telepathically connected with.
you can have a better relationship with a soulmate over a twin flame if it comes to it
not everyone is built for twin flame relationships
Thankyou infinity ❤
U are beyond helpful
Thank you infinity
Thank you for letting me know I'm not going crazy lol 🗝️👁️😇
You don't choose that
The one can't be denied once you are connected
Can I ask if there is a truth twin flame connection. Because during this earthly journey as a human being...this is one the realizations that I have. Everyone is YOU pushed out and there is no such thing as TF. I have thought before that I was in a twin flame connection but upon realizing things on 3D. we are all just part of the collective and it is our choice to be honest to choose and allow who we would attract in our lives. We are all powerful manifestors because we are all spiritual beings allowed and able to create because that's the infinite gift that we all have. That is the love and abundance that every human being possess. And if one remembers that, any being can definitely be with person or the other being he/she wants to be with regardless of whatever label you add onto it because it is actually where we truly give our energy onto. It's a matter of perspective and love that you possess within your heart and the amount of self love and unconditional love you have for the other person. Change your conditioning and follow yourself (your authentic self) and it is what is manifested.
So helpful
Yes, I have felt like I’ve been going crazy. Everything seems present in the situationship but it hasn’t moved forward so Îm walking away. Perhaps in another dimension or lifetime we will unite?❤
thank you for this i feel like im in trouble like i did something wrong like it's my fault and i don't know what's happening