Hey DB have you tried full crit Miss Fortune? It is absolutely disgusting. You can not beat her in lane. The damage is unreal and no one can out trade you. It’s like playing against the old Draven. It’s ridiculously strong and she needs a hard nerf. So easy to play too and her moment speed along with Ghostblade shes is just gliding around the map. You can make it from mid to bot and just take all the farm you want. No one is really using her either which is crazy. Dont forget to rune Empowered Attack rune for your 4th. You’ll see what I mean it is not fair how broken she is.
Irelia said in chat he was playing really bad, at least bro knew he was minion lol
DB with a losing duo!?!? This is unheard of!! 🤣
09:15 that moment when Lux ints so much, you think she's playing for the enemy team and then try to dodge her ult. LMAO!
“Why do my allies hate the elder dragon” Too funny lmao, my allies hate the herald, they do anything to not help me take it
Her jg clear sux, but she is still better as jg than solo, IMO. On solo lane she gets fked or simply does not have enough impact, compared to jg.
DB going bald with these teammates.😂😂
Why does your duo lane keep pinging you. They know you shouldn’t be ganking a losing lane smh like what elo even is this lol
Literally,you should always be around the winning lanes where you could win 2vs3s
When is Viego coming out to the test server? I wanna see the gameplay
Hey DB have you tried full crit Miss Fortune? It is absolutely disgusting. You can not beat her in lane. The damage is unreal and no one can out trade you. It’s like playing against the old Draven. It’s ridiculously strong and she needs a hard nerf. So easy to play too and her moment speed along with Ghostblade shes is just gliding around the map. You can make it from mid to bot and just take all the farm you want. No one is really using her either which is crazy. Dont forget to rune Empowered Attack rune for your 4th. You’ll see what I mean it is not fair how broken she is.
The only way to balance champion is to make everyone op 😂
Bot laners have the collecive IQ equivalent to the average temperature in Antarctica
Finally Camille jg
no anti-heal ?
Camille best counter to lillia
I won't to see buff here in the jungle
When u want to gank early I think you shouldve waited for ur ult since that is the main tool to gank with camille
U start with W is better bro
Typical Lux sup