me too! I didn't read it as that but I thought the two subjects were connected in some way,like maybe a conflict when cleaning the tank and then I was like oh. nevermind....😂😰
I thought the same thing. I was like, "What the heck?! I guess they did some kind of weird experiment." Lol. It's interesting how the brain sometimes sees what it wants to see.
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! That's good and Jun save your hair. They will make a good weapon for defense haha. My hair does the same thing even though I'm 1/16 Asian.
I have been searching for this cartoon for soooo long, thinking it was some kind of Sailor Moon-like thingie ! I was too little back when it was aired to remember anything except that one character had pink and blue streaks, thank you thank you thank you !
Oh what!! Awesome!!! :D I had so many Lady Lovely Locks toys! If you ever have any other vague memories of 80's cartoons then I'm the girl to go to haha
hi, Jun be carefull with plastic plants bettas have super delicate fins, in case your betta get tore fins in the future try changing the fake plants for something more round and without edges, cool tank.
Abraham rengifo lucky for him he has a female betta as stated and their tails are not as detailed as males. She also doesn't look like a half moon or rose tail more like a Cambodia breed so her tail will be fine with the small plants he has. I have a rose tail male in a tank for breeding purposes and his fins are fine with plastic and silk plants. The females in their breeding tank have more plastic but due to one being vieltail and the other crowntail they. Bave no problem. Just be careful and monitor their tails to help.
Hey guys! glad you cleaned the tank up! please keep it up the fish depend on you and when ammonia builds up in their tank for too long they become really stressed and eventually die. Hope this doesn't across in a mean way, just want to make sure that your fish are healthy and happy
the ammonia will not build up if the tank is matured with nitrifying bacteria colony(these bacteria are found naturally everywhere so a tank that is old enough will have the bacteria colony) , these bacteria grows on all the surface, e.g. the filter material, they will consume the ammonia, so changing the water once a week won't affect the bacteria cycle, cleaning the filter and substrate will. However, the end product of ammonia: nitrate will build up, nitrate is non-toxic unlike ammonia, but it is still not good to have high amount of nitrate because when you change the water, the nitrate level suddenly go so low that it may shock the fish and nitrate is food for algae, so you will have algae problem. also, fish does not eat poop, they will eventually spit them out, sucker fish also won't eat poop. it is a myth that sucker fish will eat poop, the poop is actually being consumed by the bacteria inside your tank and decomposed into substance like ammonia.
rabbit will only eat a specific kind of poop which are half digested, their digestive system is built like that, but fish and rabbits are totally different animal, fish don't have a system like rabbit, so even your fish eat poop, it is most likely that they just mistaken the poop for food. but even if so, it doesn't help with removing the waste in your fish tank, because the fish will release the waste eventually, and not absorb into their body(otherwise, they won't produce the waste at the first place). the waste will then turn into ammonia, the bacteria will eventually convert ammonia into non toxic substance nitrate which can only be removed by water changing or plant absorption. this is why nature is awesome, it converts harmful substance into not harmful substance so life can be sustained and this is happening in your tank, your tank is basically a miniature ecosystem.
Creepy Bear if your fish are strong and healthy, you're either lying, you're in denial, or you got really lucky. No fish can be healthy in that kind of environment. What kind of fish do you have, how many? What's the size of the tank?
Creepy Bear well, it's pretty simple actually. If you can't afford to care for a pet properly, don't have it. Why do you think it's uncommon for people to own horses? Because only the stinkin rich have the space and money to satisfy their wants and needs. And fish in general can require a LOT of space, time, and money to care for. Oh and speaking of needs, silver dollars have to be in schools of 6+, grow to the size of a small dinner plate (so they need very big tanks,) and live to be about 10 years (that is, if they're given good care) so I hope you're planning on dealing with them for a long time.
A lot of the food in Hawaii have Japanese or Asian influence because back then, a lot of Asian people moved from Japan, china, Korea, Philippines, etc. to work on plantations in Hawaii. Over time, Asian locals would make and create their own recipes that is sometimes inspired by their own culture. This is what I know at least. :P
Mia Lau according to my Japanese language teacher, butter mochi is a Hawaii thing. I never thought about it that way since I've lived here all my life and butter mochi was always a thing lol
That vacuum scene....I can't even Rachel.... hahahaha!! And when Jun was putting on the lei on Haku and playing around he smiled so much 😱😄 much cat love lol ahhh you guys are just so awesome! ❤
I love how much Jun loves his cats. It's adorable. He'll just pick up the nearest cat and hold it throughout the video.❤️ Am I the only one who loves this?!❤️😄
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! same :( I got one of my bettas from someone who was keeping him in a really small bowl, he couldn't even swim. he was really lethargic and just seemed miserable. he's now in a heated and filtered 5 gallon tank and He's so much more active now!
I hadn't watched you guys' channel for a while, but stumbled back upon it just now. Jun's English got so much better since I last heard him :D Awesome!
Watching "Barakamon" (ばらかもん) has me convinced Jun is the protagonist calligrapher Handa Seishū, complete with cat obsession. I guess Rachel would then be the, um, err...bubbly 6-year-old girl who brings innocent joy to Handa's sedate life. Hey, didn't Jun do a funny calligraphy skit previously? It's actually a charming anime whose rural village atmosphere is not unlike that we see in Rachel & Jun videos. However, I'm rooting for the show's aspiring manga artist middle school girl mistakenly self-convinced that the calligraphy tutor is actually a yaoi guy living out a secret village BL drama! Every incidental interaction with Handa ridiculously morphs in her imagination into God's Test of her sinful insatiability for Boys' Love, lolol!
Everyone's getting all excited about the cats, Jun-san's hair and the fish, and I'm just over here getting really excited about the butter mochi and other mixes :O I'm from Hawaii and I actually have the coconut syrup mix sitting on my cabinet rn haha
I had 2 female betta fish that were pinkish/white and a dark blue one, like yours, with black stripes. They fought with each other the first week nipping fins, after a while they didn't care anymore. Betta fish are lovely. They even learn the things surrounding the tank like certain people and noises. :3
I know the feeling of having to clean a fish tank. My sister and I have 5 Beta fish and each of them has a 30 gallon tank to themselves. They are all over 2 years old now so yay for that. Nice work on the tank Jun and good work on the haircut Rachel 💕😊
The tape was just randomly found at my mom's house. When you make the butter mochi, even though it says 55-60 minute cook time, check it at 45 minutes. Also I learned the hard way don't use whipped butter, it just leads to disappointment and sadness. I hope you like the mochi! It's back on sale at the store now.
awww cute fishier!! I have a male full moon, and he is around the same color blue. since you travel a lot, a golden snail will help keep the tank clean while you are away. you have such good kitties
Nope, I used to have a 60 gallon on my living room, we called it the CatTV. Sometimes I would even leave a stool in front of it for them to sit on and stare at the fish.
My BF has the thick weapon hair as well, but he's Chinese. He also NEVER brushes his hair and it looks perfectly smooth and nice. His sister is the same. I have thin, wispy hair that gets tangled and frizzy easily in humidity even though I'm only half white. Apparently Irish genes > Middle Eastern genes when it comes to my hair and skin. Why couldn't I have inherited thick Middle Eastern hair instead?? D: Your cats are cute, by the way.
Please do water changes weekly! Changing around 20-30% of the water weekly will help your fishies live longer happier lives. Please consider doing some research in fish care since you guys take such good care of your cats 😊
They are pretty little fish from Taiwan but are very common as pets all over the word. Most kept solitary but some do really well in community tanks with the right fish. I normally keep mine with just a snail or a shrimp. I have bettas for 3-5ish years before I get a new one. They are easy to care for and fun to look at.
You can keep several female Bettas (just as beautiful as males & neat personalities) in a 'sorority tank', so long as everybody has some personal space & there's enough going on in the tank to break sightlines. That said, my 4 girls used to hang out together pretty often. :)
+grey roses it should be said though that if there's any sign of serious fighting after figuring out the initial hierarchy, that the bullied or troubled betta should be removed. and I've read from multiple people that keeping 6+ is best
You take such good care of your cats but your poor fishies are left neglected and sick! I hope you might consider doing some more research on fishy care!
Kitzo they take enough care of them. They clean it out and feed them, but they don’t do it on camera. They don’t have to film every second of their life do they?
@@pchs that is NOT cleaning the tank enough. fish should never be suffocating in their own shit and ammonia like that. do you have any idea how long it takes for the water to evaporate that much? that is fish abuse, period.
I know I already saw pictures of it somewhere, but I really love your art/postcard door! It's so nice that you hang all the things that are sent to you! ☺️ Also the kitties are so cute!
The phrase 'say hello to the fishes' is part of a scene(s) in several mobster movies where fictional characters execute other fictional characters by fitting them with 'cement shoes' and then throwing them into water to drown. The villains say this as the other characters sink into the water screaming. You can probably find a clip from an old movie on youtube in fact. It is a pretty famous line.
Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Do you have a scedule in any of your channels? Because then I will know when to look forward to you guys. (Im not new like hmm... I have been watching your videos in my reccomentions and continue watching because I am really strict when subscribing but you have won my heart in all of your channels so goal is to watch all of your videos, that's what I always do. Oops sorry for blabbering😧😁)
It's so cute that you guys cut each other's hair. :) When I was a hairdresser I had a regular customer who was a young Asian guy, and yes, his hair was really pokey like that. My hands would always just be stabbed with all these little hairs by the end haha. The struggle is real.
BlackLotusBloom algae (it's what made the tank look dirty) isn't bad for your fish, it just looks bad. Algae is actually good since it eats the fishpoop ^^ however in that tank he should do a water change every week (I didn't catch it if he said anything about waterchanges).
My dad cleans out half of the fish tank and then adds more water, to balance out the algae and clean water. He also has a lot of plants to make oxygen and some fish eat algae
Please put some live plants in there, it's incredibly important for the fish. They create a good water environment (all the ammonia and nitrate in that tank...), and the fish will suffer without them unless you know what you're doing... Just a tip so your pets will feel a lot better, even if you didn't know it was a problem.
You have a fish tank?! What do you want to keep in it?? :) You could do an amano-style setup with algae shrimp and neon tetras, or a community tank with an ancistrus and some guppies/platies. If you wanted, dwarf African clawed frogs are really good to keep in small tanks ^^ Long-time Aquarist here, let me know if you want advice or suggestions!!
Hey Haitaka123! I've read your comment and I may really need your help because I'm planning to buy myself a fish tank. I'm moving out of my house and in the new place fish are the only animals that I can own because cats and dogs are forbidden, small rodents as well. If you don't mind I would be very greateful for any advide what kind of fish should I buy for my fish tank and how to take care of them. I've read a lot of articles, but keeping in mind that you're an long-time Aquarist it may be easier for me to understand what I should do :) Thank you in advance for any tips :)
No problem! An aquarium size of minimum 10 gallons is advised for keeping anything. Stick to freshwater. A few general pointers: remember to get a heater, get a filter rated for 1.5 times the gallons in your tank (if you have a 10 gallon tank, consider getting a filter rated for 15-20 gallons, etc.), good fluorescent lighting, a layer of gravel substrate the depth of your pinkie (dark gravel looks nicer over time), and some live plants. Anubias nana is a very good plant that grows slowly, is extremely hardy, looks pretty, and won't be eaten by fish. Alternatively, Java ferns and sword leafs are good as well. Remember to add a little aquatic plant fertilizer with water change, and remember to treat the water before putting it in the tank. When you set up the aquarium, follow one of the many guides to season it for two weeks or so before you add anything living. Furthermore, you have a few options, for which I'll give my recommendations: - Community aquarium with a mix of small-ish, peaceful fish. Always keep a pair of ancistrus catfish (NOT plecos, they get too big!) to keep the bottom clean, and give them a rock or piece of swamp wood (you can buy from pet store) to hide in. As for fish you can get danios, platies/guppies, dwarf gouramies, rasboras, etc. and small shrimp, african dwarf clawed frogs, and aquatic snails. - Species aquarium with either a few angelfish, a few piranhas, or something like a freshwater puffer fish. Each species has different requirements, but these are all relatively forgiving starter species for a single-species aquarium. These species require tanks larger than 10 gallons, though, so if you want, you might consider keeping an axolotl or fire-bellied toad in a 10-gallon single-species tank. - Unheated aquarium with goldfish. Goldfish are messy and like to dig up live plants, so having a big filter is critical. You do not need heating, but lights are obviously necessary to see the fish. Most goldfish require something like a 20-gallon tank, but the smaller (deform) varieties will be very happy in a 10-gallon. TOP TIP: do not overcrowd your aquarium early on! Start with a few small, very hardy fish once your tank has been rested for a few weeks according to instructions. Once your tank has been running a few months with fish and plants, add more plants to get it relatively densely plants (if you like that, otherwise just sticking to a few plants is fine) and then you can fully stock your aquarium. Feed the fish dry food with the occasional treat of live or frozen food :) It's easy!
betas are more then fine with other fish, including guppies. They are just not good with other males. I had a tank once loaded with fish of different types including 1 male beta and 2 females and they were more then fine with the other fish.
I'm not planing to get fish but I had some a couple of years ago and this is a very good guide. Stick to it, everyone! ^_^ It's real good advice! =) I'm not sure about this aquarium not having living plants - doesn't seem good to me. Poor fish?
Japanese salons are WAY better than American ones. They massage your head while they shampoo it and they also massage your shoulders and back afterwards it's amazing!!!
"I'm not going to let you touch and eat my fish...again."
He ate one of his favourite fish which is why they has a little bit of a bad start :P
poki that idiot
megchandoodles DAMMIT POKI
could you give me a link to that video? I cant find it
I believe it's this oneвидео.htmlm40s
At first, I accidentally read the title as "Jun's hair in the fish tank" and then I was like WOAH omg what did y'all do?!?! 😳😂😁😅
me too! I didn't read it as that but I thought the two subjects were connected in some way,like maybe a conflict when cleaning the tank and then I was like oh. nevermind....😂😰
you made my day😂
I thought the same thing. I was like, "What the heck?! I guess they did some kind of weird experiment." Lol. It's interesting how the brain sometimes sees what it wants to see.
lialiakicks same
lialiakicks same
I forgot that Poki ate one of the fish. I hope you put a barrier on the tank to protect them from the monster that ate their friend.
Yeah, the cats can't get in now! haha
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! That's good and Jun save your hair. They will make a good weapon for defense haha. My hair does the same thing even though I'm 1/16 Asian.
HAHA I'm going to make a mace out of it
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Oh dear.... Jun don't make her angry!
Poki is not a monster, he's a cat
Those high waisted shorts are adorable in you!
And it's always funny to see how inquisitive and observant Haku is.
Haku is that meme that goes
OMG I laughed sooo hard at Rachels vacuuming show! It was so perfect! Definitly one of my favourite scenes eeever! Also your cats are so adorable
Hahaha me too. Didn´t expect that. XD
Claudia Geschke I
I know! Me too 🤣 I love Rachel so much
Loving the kitty censorship :D
It would be even funnier if she had used the face of Haku or Poki. :'D
Courtney :3 When she bends down to deal with the vacuum after she cuts his hair.
marikaefer wait what is she censoring
Her oppai
Fucking savage.
5:46 Jun's smile when he gets the idea to put the lei on his kitty. Awww hahahahaha. Priceless.
So basically Jun is a Porcupine.
When disturb, jun is able to shoot his spikes around 100meters away
1000th like.
@@ario07282 yeah me too. Let's make a porcupine hair society
haha I'm dying!! The cat icon is genius!! thumbs up for creative censorship.
Capt JackPal Same! I thought it was great!
bUt WhY cEnSoR iT
Capt JackPal oh Wats cencorship
Keith #PartOfTheBladeOfMarmora yup
Capt JackPal yup
If you do 10-20% water changes every couple of weeks the water will stay clear and you don't have to empty the whole thing it's also less dangerous
Chris R. Yup!!
Lol did Jun edit this 😂 I lost it at the the kitty censoring, i love Jun he's so good.
peepz luv em yeah. Every video R make, J will review first before she posted it.
"Jun's hair is so thick and powerful"
- Rachel 2016видео.html
I have been searching for this cartoon for soooo long, thinking it was some kind of Sailor Moon-like thingie ! I was too little back when it was aired to remember anything except that one character had pink and blue streaks, thank you thank you thank you !
Oh what!! Awesome!!! :D I had so many Lady Lovely Locks toys! If you ever have any other vague memories of 80's cartoons then I'm the girl to go to haha
Rachel: [talks]
Poki: [screams]
Rachel: Okaay!
Poki: [satisfied]
hi, Jun be carefull with plastic plants bettas have super delicate fins, in case your betta get tore fins in the future try changing the fake plants for something more round and without edges, cool tank.
Abraham rengifo lucky for him he has a female betta as stated and their tails are not as detailed as males. She also doesn't look like a half moon or rose tail more like a Cambodia breed so her tail will be fine with the small plants he has. I have a rose tail male in a tank for breeding purposes and his fins are fine with plastic and silk plants. The females in their breeding tank have more plastic but due to one being vieltail and the other crowntail they. Bave no problem. Just be careful and monitor their tails to help.
Whenever Jun looks at your cats he gets a sparkle in his eyes
You're under arrest for kitty clickbait.
+VenusMinty Do I get sent to kitty prison? :D
Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Of course you do. The both of ya!
Better hire the kitty lawyer!
asian people have samurai hair, made for battle 😂
Toon Link oh god 😂
Toon Link i dont
Toon Link so that's why it's able to impale me
Hahaha so truee
Lol so true
Hey guys! glad you cleaned the tank up! please keep it up the fish depend on you and when ammonia builds up in their tank for too long they become really stressed and eventually die. Hope this doesn't across in a mean way, just want to make sure that your fish are healthy and happy
Creepy Bear That's... just very wrong. Please stop doing that. It's disgusting and your fish is not healthy, no matter what you are seeing/saying.
the ammonia will not build up if the tank is matured with nitrifying bacteria colony(these bacteria are found naturally everywhere so a tank that is old enough will have the bacteria colony) , these bacteria grows on all the surface, e.g. the filter material, they will consume the ammonia, so changing the water once a week won't affect the bacteria cycle, cleaning the filter and substrate will. However, the end product of ammonia: nitrate will build up, nitrate is non-toxic unlike ammonia, but it is still not good to have high amount of nitrate because when you change the water, the nitrate level suddenly go so low that it may shock the fish and nitrate is food for algae, so you will have algae problem. also, fish does not eat poop, they will eventually spit them out, sucker fish also won't eat poop. it is a myth that sucker fish will eat poop, the poop is actually being consumed by the bacteria inside your tank and decomposed into substance like ammonia.
rabbit will only eat a specific kind of poop which are half digested, their digestive system is built like that, but fish and rabbits are totally different animal, fish don't have a system like rabbit, so even your fish eat poop, it is most likely that they just mistaken the poop for food. but even if so, it doesn't help with removing the waste in your fish tank, because the fish will release the waste eventually, and not absorb into their body(otherwise, they won't produce the waste at the first place). the waste will then turn into ammonia, the bacteria will eventually convert ammonia into non toxic substance nitrate which can only be removed by water changing or plant absorption. this is why nature is awesome, it converts harmful substance into not harmful substance so life can be sustained and this is happening in your tank, your tank is basically a miniature ecosystem.
Creepy Bear if your fish are strong and healthy, you're either lying, you're in denial, or you got really lucky. No fish can be healthy in that kind of environment. What kind of fish do you have, how many? What's the size of the tank?
Creepy Bear well, it's pretty simple actually. If you can't afford to care for a pet properly, don't have it. Why do you think it's uncommon for people to own horses? Because only the stinkin rich have the space and money to satisfy their wants and needs. And fish in general can require a LOT of space, time, and money to care for.
Oh and speaking of needs, silver dollars have to be in schools of 6+, grow to the size of a small dinner plate (so they need very big tanks,) and live to be about 10 years (that is, if they're given good care) so I hope you're planning on dealing with them for a long time.
A lot of the food in Hawaii have Japanese or Asian influence because back then, a lot of Asian people moved from Japan, china, Korea, Philippines, etc. to work on plantations in Hawaii. Over time, Asian locals would make and create their own recipes that is sometimes inspired by their own culture. This is what I know at least. :P
Mia Lau according to my Japanese language teacher, butter mochi is a Hawaii thing. I never thought about it that way since I've lived here all my life and butter mochi was always a thing lol
That vacuum musical made me laugh so hard. Your poses are 10/10
That vacuum scene....I can't even Rachel.... hahahaha!! And when Jun was putting on the lei on Haku and playing around he smiled so much 😱😄 much cat love lol ahhh you guys are just so awesome! ❤
I thought the title meant that jun had a tank for hair and fish
I love how much Jun loves his cats. It's adorable. He'll just pick up the nearest cat and hold it throughout the video.❤️
Am I the only one who loves this?!❤️😄
Ah Rachel you crack me up. I had to pause the video after your vacuuming bit and I'm still giggling. Too cute!
The tank looks awesome! I love the new additions. The fish are probably really excited at all the new places they can explore
I like seeing Jun smile because it seems like he rarely does it makes me happy
Jun's hair looks like Sasuke's (from naruto) hair now XD
and that's kinda cool :3
ojiojioji no not even are you drawing
ojiojioji that's what I was thinking, that the duck but hair makes sense hahah
ojiojioji it's soskie
you beautiful person
I love Sasuke
so glad you have your betta in a big tank Jun! it makes me happy seeing them in good sized tanks instead of those really tink bowls :/
great video~
I am super against betta in small tanks. It makes me so sad. :(
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! same :( I got one of my bettas from someone who was keeping him in a really small bowl, he couldn't even swim. he was really lethargic and just seemed miserable.
he's now in a heated and filtered 5 gallon tank and He's so much more active now!
You look super pretty in that red and. Black outfit Rachel :D
omg I'm obsessed with her shorts!
I hadn't watched you guys' channel for a while, but stumbled back upon it just now. Jun's English got so much better since I last heard him :D Awesome!
Rachel looks so pretty!
I just love it when Rachel starts being adorkable.
Juns hair reminds me of Noctis from ff15
I knew I wasn't the only one! I think it looks like kirito's too.
Reminds me of Sasuke tbh
Watching "Barakamon" (ばらかもん) has me convinced Jun is the protagonist calligrapher Handa Seishū, complete with cat obsession. I guess Rachel would then be the, um, err...bubbly 6-year-old girl who brings innocent joy to Handa's sedate life. Hey, didn't Jun do a funny calligraphy skit previously?
It's actually a charming anime whose rural village atmosphere is not unlike that we see in Rachel & Jun videos. However, I'm rooting for the show's aspiring manga artist middle school girl mistakenly self-convinced that the calligraphy tutor is actually a yaoi guy living out a secret village BL drama! Every incidental interaction with Handa ridiculously morphs in her imagination into God's Test of her sinful insatiability for Boys' Love, lolol!
me too.. and saskue XD
I was just thinking the same thing XD
yeah! the fish tank has been cleaned. My fish are always happier after the tank has been cleaned.
Mine to
Haku at 3:57 "I'm gettin real tired of your shit, Jun"
Everyone's getting all excited about the cats, Jun-san's hair and the fish, and I'm just over here getting really excited about the butter mochi and other mixes :O I'm from Hawaii and I actually have the coconut syrup mix sitting on my cabinet rn haha
yup called hair splinters lol a hair dresser knows this struggle
MomOf2 PlusOtaku ææœæœæœæő
I do too because I got one stuck in my foot
When you get home and you have hair in places where it shouldn't be, including inside your shoes.🤣🤯
I had 2 female betta fish that were pinkish/white and a dark blue one, like yours, with black stripes.
They fought with each other the first week nipping fins, after a while they didn't care anymore.
Betta fish are lovely. They even learn the things surrounding the tank like certain people and noises. :3
You aren't alone Jun. My hair is the same way. Every time I get my hair cut it's like a crawled through a thorn bush.
Poki is so vocal now ♡ glad to see all the kitties, humans, and fishies are doing well ^.^
I love the modesty 🐱, (well done). It actually took me a moment to realize what was going on. Very cute. I'm officially becoming a subscriber.
I know the feeling of having to clean a fish tank. My sister and I have 5 Beta fish and each of them has a 30 gallon tank to themselves. They are all over 2 years old now so yay for that. Nice work on the tank Jun and good work on the haircut Rachel 💕😊
Oops I meant 15 not 30 gallons lol we also have two cats that try to get the fish by pawing the glass :P
Rachel that vacuuming scene killed me! :')
Hahahahaaaaa Rachel your dancing with the Hoover was amazing, still giggling a few minutes later 🙈
Watching from Oklahoma at 4 o'clock in the morning! Love you guys!
Texas here, partner! ^5
Chester, Pennsylvania, USA and it is 3:38 AM here. Taking a break from all the Boy Scout paperwork I am doing tonight.
I'm from Oklahoma too!
Nonea350 same
Such a cute video! Love your gift openings and seeing kitty float on glass and chatty Poki! Totally jealous of how thick Jun's hair is
The tape was just randomly found at my mom's house. When you make the butter mochi, even though it says 55-60 minute cook time, check it at 45 minutes. Also I learned the hard way don't use whipped butter, it just leads to disappointment and sadness. I hope you like the mochi! It's back on sale at the store now.
Poki looks so good - what a vocal little kitty :-) I love how spunky Haku is, it's adorable!
I love how Rachel is just so extra lol
I think it's utterly adorable that you cut his hair and so lovely to see love like that :)
Loves from England ❤️
I laughed so hard at the kitty censor XDD but yeah, I would've done the same thing, don't post anything you're not comfortable with
hahaha I'm totally fine with it, but I didn't want to read 20 comments like "RACHEL!! 2:14 ;D" "OMG BOOBIES" etc lol
Rachel & Jun's Adventures! oh ok haha :') you're so funny
5:47 Jun's incredibly diabolical smile as he looks at the orange lei and then at Haku.
I didn't know Poki ate a beta but I wasn't surprised when I found out 😂
awww cute fishier!! I have a male full moon, and he is around the same color blue. since you travel a lot, a golden snail will help keep the tank clean while you are away. you have such good kitties
I thought cats only eyed fish tanks in the cartoons! o.o
Nope :l
maybe bc cats eat fish?😂
They like to watch anything move.
Nope, I used to have a 60 gallon on my living room, we called it the CatTV. Sometimes I would even leave a stool in front of it for them to sit on and stare at the fish.
I can't believe how obsessed I am with you guy's videos lol. I actually sat and watched a fish tank get cleaned.
My BF has the thick weapon hair as well, but he's Chinese. He also NEVER brushes his hair and it looks perfectly smooth and nice. His sister is the same. I have thin, wispy hair that gets tangled and frizzy easily in humidity even though I'm only half white. Apparently Irish genes > Middle Eastern genes when it comes to my hair and skin. Why couldn't I have inherited thick Middle Eastern hair instead?? D:
Your cats are cute, by the way.
Jun is so calm and composed and she is hyperexcited good day combination✌✌👍
Please do water changes weekly! Changing around 20-30% of the water weekly will help your fishies live longer happier lives. Please consider doing some research in fish care since you guys take such good care of your cats 😊
When you were cutting Juns hair I had this image in my head of you guys doing that for each other when you're really old and it was so cute.
Jun is an X-men confirmed.
Also, the floating cat is back omg. What are beta fish exactly?
Beta fish is just a fish that likes to be the only one of its kind in a tank and can be aggressive towards other fish
They originate from Thailand and are very beautiful fish, though they are aggressive and should only be kept one per tank.
They are pretty little fish from Taiwan but are very common as pets all over the word. Most kept solitary but some do really well in community tanks with the right fish. I normally keep mine with just a snail or a shrimp. I have bettas for 3-5ish years before I get a new one. They are easy to care for and fun to look at.
You can keep several female Bettas (just as beautiful as males & neat personalities) in a 'sorority tank', so long as everybody has some personal space & there's enough going on in the tank to break sightlines. That said, my 4 girls used to hang out together pretty often. :)
+grey roses it should be said though that if there's any sign of serious fighting after figuring out the initial hierarchy, that the bullied or troubled betta should be removed. and I've read from multiple people that keeping 6+ is best
Rachel is my spirit animal
I just cant pay attention tô you guys when there's Haku on the video, I just cant, Sorry, he's too adorable ahhshahsh
Rachel's dancing was the cutest!
You take such good care of your cats but your poor fishies are left neglected and sick! I hope you might consider doing some more research on fishy care!
Kitzo they take enough care of them. They clean it out and feed them, but they don’t do it on camera. They don’t have to film every second of their life do they?
@@pchs that is NOT cleaning the tank enough. fish should never be suffocating in their own shit and ammonia like that. do you have any idea how long it takes for the water to evaporate that much? that is fish abuse, period.
do you keep fish @@pchs ? Also dude, Kitzo is just showing concern for the fish, why you gotta be a bum bum
@@tarynbrown7325 ahh, you should see juns new video on junskitchen, he made a whole bioactive tank for the betta!
I know I already saw pictures of it somewhere, but I really love your art/postcard door! It's so nice that you hang all the things that are sent to you! ☺️ Also the kitties are so cute!
say hello to the fishes from me... oh god, that sounds wrong.
Too many gangster movies in you past perhaps? ;P
"Say hello to my little fishies!"
I don't get it
The phrase 'say hello to the fishes' is part of a scene(s) in several mobster movies where fictional characters execute other fictional characters by fitting them with 'cement shoes' and then throwing them into water to drown. The villains say this as the other characters sink into the water screaming. You can probably find a clip from an old movie on youtube in fact. It is a pretty famous line.
oh thnx
I think it's adorable that you two cut each other's hair!
5:47 Jun's little scheming face we knew right in that moment what he was planning to do
I love how the cats hair colors matches yours and juns :)
Me to ;)
+Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Thanks for replying
Wow I didn't realize yet!
Kuddos on the tank set up Jun! I use to run a Betta Rescue here in San Antonio, TX. Keep up the good work!
3:54 haku: what are you doing people ?!?
I do 't know why but i love Poky so much. He is so sassy and it is incredible how he grew and changed
Lu Kubin not to be rude but his name is spelled Poki.
Your cats are so cute 😻 Stay awesome 👊🏻
:D ♥
Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Do you have a scedule in any of your channels? Because then I will know when to look forward to you guys. (Im not new like hmm... I have been watching your videos in my reccomentions and continue watching because I am really strict when subscribing but you have won my heart in all of your channels so goal is to watch all of your videos, that's what I always do. Oops sorry for blabbering😧😁)
It's so cute that you guys cut each other's hair. :) When I was a hairdresser I had a regular customer who was a young Asian guy, and yes, his hair was really pokey like that. My hands would always just be stabbed with all these little hairs by the end haha. The struggle is real.
I love your vlogs.. you have to do a butter mochi video taste test!!
that can can was so funny! everyone in the office thought I was crazy, I was laughing so hard!
I feel super bad for that fish tank holy fuck how did the fish survive....
BlackLotusBloom algae (it's what made the tank look dirty) isn't bad for your fish, it just looks bad. Algae is actually good since it eats the fishpoop ^^ however in that tank he should do a water change every week (I didn't catch it if he said anything about waterchanges).
My dad cleans out half of the fish tank and then adds more water, to balance out the algae and clean water. He also has a lot of plants to make oxygen and some fish eat algae
@@TheDesiLiter ye but the water's reduced to like half, super abandoned
The vacuuming... omg! The vacuuming killed me!!!! BWAAHHAAHA!!! EPIC!!!
Damn I forgot how godly Jun's cinematography is.
I really enjoy your vlogs! ^^ Thanks for doing them more often! XD
I'm glad you like them!! Thank you!
thank YOU! :3
I hope you guys can relax a little after this current bout of travelling! Though I have to say I envy you! ;)
Please put some live plants in there, it's incredibly important for the fish. They create a good water environment (all the ammonia and nitrate in that tank...), and the fish will suffer without them unless you know what you're doing... Just a tip so your pets will feel a lot better, even if you didn't know it was a problem.
Just found you guys about a month ago, but I love watching! Great job!
You have a fish tank?! What do you want to keep in it?? :)
You could do an amano-style setup with algae shrimp and neon tetras, or a community tank with an ancistrus and some guppies/platies. If you wanted, dwarf African clawed frogs are really good to keep in small tanks ^^
Long-time Aquarist here, let me know if you want advice or suggestions!!
well seeing that he has a betta, i wouldn't place guppies in there. (Though I'm not sure how aggressive females can be.)
Hey Haitaka123! I've read your comment and I may really need your help because I'm planning to buy myself a fish tank. I'm moving out of my house and in the new place fish are the only animals that I can own because cats and dogs are forbidden, small rodents as well. If you don't mind I would be very greateful for any advide what kind of fish should I buy for my fish tank and how to take care of them. I've read a lot of articles, but keeping in mind that you're an long-time Aquarist it may be easier for me to understand what I should do :) Thank you in advance for any tips :)
No problem! An aquarium size of minimum 10 gallons is advised for keeping anything. Stick to freshwater.
A few general pointers: remember to get a heater, get a filter rated for 1.5 times the gallons in your tank (if you have a 10 gallon tank, consider getting a filter rated for 15-20 gallons, etc.), good fluorescent lighting, a layer of gravel substrate the depth of your pinkie (dark gravel looks nicer over time), and some live plants. Anubias nana is a very good plant that grows slowly, is extremely hardy, looks pretty, and won't be eaten by fish. Alternatively, Java ferns and sword leafs are good as well. Remember to add a little aquatic plant fertilizer with water change, and remember to treat the water before putting it in the tank. When you set up the aquarium, follow one of the many guides to season it for two weeks or so before you add anything living.
Furthermore, you have a few options, for which I'll give my recommendations:
- Community aquarium with a mix of small-ish, peaceful fish. Always keep a pair of ancistrus catfish (NOT plecos, they get too big!) to keep the bottom clean, and give them a rock or piece of swamp wood (you can buy from pet store) to hide in. As for fish you can get danios, platies/guppies, dwarf gouramies, rasboras, etc. and small shrimp, african dwarf clawed frogs, and aquatic snails.
- Species aquarium with either a few angelfish, a few piranhas, or something like a freshwater puffer fish. Each species has different requirements, but these are all relatively forgiving starter species for a single-species aquarium. These species require tanks larger than 10 gallons, though, so if you want, you might consider keeping an axolotl or fire-bellied toad in a 10-gallon single-species tank.
- Unheated aquarium with goldfish. Goldfish are messy and like to dig up live plants, so having a big filter is critical. You do not need heating, but lights are obviously necessary to see the fish. Most goldfish require something like a 20-gallon tank, but the smaller (deform) varieties will be very happy in a 10-gallon.
TOP TIP: do not overcrowd your aquarium early on! Start with a few small, very hardy fish once your tank has been rested for a few weeks according to instructions. Once your tank has been running a few months with fish and plants, add more plants to get it relatively densely plants (if you like that, otherwise just sticking to a few plants is fine) and then you can fully stock your aquarium. Feed the fish dry food with the occasional treat of live or frozen food :) It's easy!
betas are more then fine with other fish, including guppies. They are just not good with other males. I had a tank once loaded with fish of different types including 1 male beta and 2 females and they were more then fine with the other fish.
I'm not planing to get fish but I had some a couple of years ago and this is a very good guide. Stick to it, everyone! ^_^ It's real good advice! =)
I'm not sure about this aquarium not having living plants - doesn't seem good to me. Poor fish?
Hilarious vacuuming! xD Thanks for that, Rachel haha Also, I am so jealous you have a Snorlax! haha
Totally binge watching Rach and Jun's videos...
So funny that you censored your clevage XD
At 3:57 Haku looks at Jun like "hooman WHAT R U DOIN MEOW"
Every fish tank needs a good cover. Not just for cats, but because fish jump.
sending you both and your cats love from SEA! Hope you guys enjoyed your trip!
Jun the cactus
3:22 - best cleaning montage ever!!!!
Kohaku's just so confused whenever Jun plays with his legs.
Wow, I love that wood cave in the tank! I hope I can find something similar to put in my tank!
Japanese salons are WAY better than American ones. They massage your head while they shampoo it and they also massage your shoulders and back afterwards it's amazing!!!
American ones are so that bad?
+祐黒 The more popular American ones are the cheap ones that never really offer any extras. More expensive salons do the same thing as Japanese salons.
I would love a video of you guys eating what you received! It would be interesting and fun since I've never had the flavors before :)
Ahaha I love modesty cat.
Jun's samurai hair! LOL! ! !
Weapon hair... Someone make it into a Manga!
Jiraiya's hair.
Bobobo bo bobo bo or something check it out lol
Doberman Service Dog Team better yet put it on Netflix as a 13 season series
Jojo's bizarre adventure part 4
zamy33 pfff
you made my day